Giant & Tiny Cars vs Broken Bridge in GTA 5

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Alright, we're checking out the only game where the only thing bridges do is connect pain to my brain, it's GTA. We wanted to find out which vehicles in GTA could deal with the most ridiculous bridges. Alex is at it again with another incredible challenge. Alex has put together a ton of bridge challenges, each one more ridiculous than the next. He's given me all these different vehicles to do it with. He says I have to test them all because only one can complete every single challenge. Let's do this. Welcome to the shipping bridge. Alex gave me a metric ton of cars ranging from the biggest to the smallest. We're just going to go for the extremes first. Biggest truck I could get. I really don't know exactly how he can torture me with a bridge, but I can already see it is literally just raining meteorological shipping containers. Oh, it's not a bridge. It's part of a bridge. It's like a bridge lit. It is a bridge that never grew up. I guess I have to make it from one side of these bridges to the other. How am I supposed to get past all the shipping containers? Not going to lie, I get the feeling I've chosen the wrong vehicle. Is that a person inside of a shipping container? All right, going to get this one out of the way. Anything is possible if you believe. I feel like I lied to myself. Look, I just went for the biggest car, so why not? Oh yes. Oh, this is fast. You know what? We're just go. We're just going to go right about here. I don't know how I didn't-- Is he holding a rocket in his arms? "Sir, why are you just chilling out there with a rocket launcher?" Oh my God. His hand has melted into his rocket launcher. I hate it when that happens. I got a little problem here. I feel like I was supposed to maintain this momentum, but instead I ended up getting stopped by this guy's calves. Don't get me wrong. I'm going to try, but I don't think I can make this jump and you do. Boy. What's up? I know it seems really hard, but I feel like I can get this, because I just need to stay to the left of the shipping container. The speed on this thing is perfect. Watch this right off the left side and then the other jump. Beautiful. Almost rips it backwards. Perfect landing first bridge is complete. Under a ton bridge. Under a ton of what? Oh, these are breakaway boards. You need a car that weighs under a to-- what is this? Why is there a plane sitting in the side of a mountain? Oh, so the plane came down, crashed into the bridge, and now we have to jump off the tail of the plane, I guess. Are you ready? Oh yes. The tail of the plane is not a very good ramp. I just want to try this one more time because I feel so much like I want this RC cart to make it all the way to the end. I cannot make it without the tail. Come on. How about if I bank it off the side? No. I'm just down here drowning because I want to tell you we're going to use a different car. I said I was going to go big, small, big, small. This is probably too much weight for that bridge, but if nothing else, it'll be awesome if I can actually make it there. The big issue I'm trying to figure out is how am I going to make it over the shipping cart, but I have an idea. Woohoo. That was almost really bad. I was going to say with the sheer speed, this thing has easy jump. No problem. Now is the bridge going to break apart? Yes, but again, we have a ton of speed. Just drive. It's fine. I'm not even looking at it. I'm not looking at it. Oh, I almost made it. I was right there. No joke. This truck might be better than any other vehicle. Oh, this bridge did not regenerate when I went back. You know what? It's fine. We'll go on the side. Yes. No. [laughter]. I love Amazon right off the top. The bridge has regenerated this time. That's nice, but it's fine. We're so fast that we can just blast through the bridge off the top. Big jump. Super twists. It's really hard to re-land this thing. Speed and I have a fantastic-- Have a fantastic relationship. I just got judo chopped by some random shipping container. The left side is still broken. That's all right. Probably on a timer or something. We've still got the right side. The right side is looking good over the tail. Oh, no. I want to stick that landing so bad. This is not the right car for this. Before I give up using that big vehicle, I have an idea. I wanted to see if this thing was dynamic and it is, so you can destroy it. Now I can get rid of the tail. We're getting this thing across this bridge. I don't care what it takes. Are you ready? Aim it up. Stay in the middle. Big jump. Little bit of a slow. Keep going. Keep going, keep going before the floor falls out. Yes. Oh, I wanted to get this thing across that bridge so much. Under a ton you say, Alex. Intersection. Intersection bridge. What am I supposed to do on the wall? There's a guy on the tracks. The train comes through. He gets murdered. Oh, the wall is attached to the guy. Eight, eight what? All right, I just need to see if I can make this. It's okay though. It doesn't seem that hard. Basically, what you do is you're waiting for the train, the train murders the guy. Oh, all right, what I was trying to say before I took a free ticket to the underworld. Get across. Thank you. What I was trying to say is it's fine. We'll wait for the bridge to murder the guy. Then I still don't know what the eight means, but it really doesn't matter. The dudes like, "I have one job to die." That moves and now we're going to go ahead and jump this. Then I just got sideswiped by a train. Oh, what the-- Did even more of the bridge just move. Oh, yes, only on the GrayStillPlays channel can you go whitewater rafting inside of a vehicle. Listen, it's been a while. I need to try these other vehicles and this thing is freakishly fast. I don't know why. It is pretty insane. It's a go-cart but yeat. Perfect jump off the backboard. Nothing but net. Now this thing is light enough that it should get over this bridge easy. There is the tail of the plane, but I'm pretty sure I can just make it. Oh, maybe I can't. I said I can make it. Oh, my God, oh. After almost having that and getting my dreams crushed, I'm not giving up until this works. Come on. I don't care how many times it takes. Now it's me versus the bridge. The bridge will not win. The bridge is winning. The thing that's really concerning me is this is the second bridge. I'm having this many problems with the second bridge. My favorite flavor of ice cream is pain [chuckles]. Wow, I tasted the flavor of death and it tastes like chocolate chip mint. I told you I was going to get this thing across the bridge. I don't care what it was going to take. All right, so the train is coming. One young sacrifice is there to die and then I can't make it across because, oh, I need to go through the one part of the train that's an opening. You have to time this perfectly. If you don't, the other part of the bridge moves, and now you can't make this jump. If we're testing cars versus bridges, I can't not test the Liberator. Again, I'm hoping this just bounces off of the shipping container because there ain't no way it's going in the middle. It bounced. It just bounced backward. I'm not giving up on this. This can work. See. I was going to just use two wheels and flip it, but you know what? That's even better. Can't stop America. Can't stop America. America, oh, wow. America weighs a little bit more than I thought. Big jump, nice bounce, full back flip because-- All right, never mind backflip is completely negated and I just landed back where I was. This is why you need to get plenty of exercise. See, look at what happens. You start overeating, the ground starts explo-- Oh, my God, I made the whole jump. This thing made it across. This is why I test these other cars because you don't think it would make it. It's totally going to make it. Now we need to jump this right as the explosive train carts go by. Big jump, bounce, and beautiful. No, it keeps moving even after I landed. No, this thing floats really well. Nothing like a fresh breath of seawater. Trust me this is going to be worth it. I had thought that Alex maybe put a little extra power in this thing. He didn't. It's awful. Oh, yes, oh my gosh, I can't believe it made it. Oh, the braking is trash. I think what's really sick is-- There's no way I can jump this, right? Yes. Look, I at least wanted to give it its fair shake. All right, big truck jump off the shipping container, almost rolls, keeps the paint job looking good. No big deal. Leave a little bit of rubber behind. It's like signing your signature on the bridge. Back forward, big speed. Is the floor going to explode? Of course it is, but that's what we do here. No big deal. Never mind. Floor's not going anywhere. I'm a liar. Never mind, the floor is totally exploding, and it's going to send me straight to my death. Aah, big jump. Do it. I'm screwed. Across the breakaway bridge. No big deal. This is what happens when you don't look both ways. Oh, I got a big area to jump. Hold on. Get there. No. So the inside of my truck is flooding, and I'm going to die now, but this is a great opportunity for me to try a different car. We're running out of ridiculous cars. We've got supercars and a big truck left. Oh, yes. Speed, agility, violence. Just trust me. That is a part of every car in this series. What does it say? Slick. That sounds like a good adjective. What is this? Michael Bay. That is fantastic. I thought I was going to die. Whatever. We're just going to keep going. Over the breakaway bridge. No problem, because this car doesn't weigh a lot. Then I do what I do best, which is kill myself. Alex said slick, and I screwed up. Nice jump. Oh, that was perfect. Now I just have to get the timing of this train down. All right. Train comes through. I can't get the first one, but I can get this second opening right here. Ready? Big jump. Oh, wow. That was so specifically perfectly timed. I almost had the rug pulled out from under me, except if the rug got pulled out from under me. I fall to my death. It's less of a cool trick and more of a treacherous rainbow bridge. I like colors. Is that a water spout in the middle? That's the worst that can happen. On the plus side, we've got a fast car that's also really good, and-- Whoa. What was that? Is this a missing floor? Yeap, it's fake. I'm assuming pink is missing. Oh, and this is rear-wheel drive. I totally forgot about that. It was embarrassing. I'm going to die now. This bridge is a lot wetter than when I left it behind. Don't hit any of the pink because it's fake. This is a really big jump, and I have to not get hit by the water spout. All right, so the issue is I need to approach this, see these are all fake. These are all fake. I have to approach this jump getting as much speed as possible, but the problem is, he's put pink slots all over the place, so I have to do this in a weird-- Look, they're everywhere. I have to do this in a weird roundabout, and I need to make-- Maybe I can bounce it off the water spout. You know what? I'm just going to jump the problems. There we go. Big jump. Go. Go. Go. Yes. Oh, no. I flipped the car to the one area where there was no floor. Are you going to help me, or are you going to take pictures? You're going to run away? You're watching me die underneath my own car. Thanks. I'll remember this. Leave it to the people of Los Santos to always make you understand just how valuable humanity is. All right, shipping containers. Boom. First try, break the floor out. It looks pretty good. Just lean it back a little bit. Oh, no. I felt like I could have had that one all-in-one run. The problem is, when this thing lands, that's when the floor breaks out. Oh, my God. If there's one thing I love doing, it's playing hacky sack with expensive vehicles in GTA. This vehicle's four-wheel drive, but that just gives me four reasons why I picked the wrong truck. We're going to make it. We're going to make it. We're making. We're making it. You know what? Whatever. Okay. So, hold on, because I wasn't in the truck. It didn't break through the plyboard. Is that-- You're calling me fat? All right, train takes out the guy. Jump over the train. Totally landed. That was probably my most perfect timing of that bridge I've done yet. Oh, yes. Redwood for life. Redwood cigarettes. They will murder you. They will kill you. Don't smoke, kids. It's terrible for you. Now I'm going to drown to death. Running out of cars, Alex. Running out of cars, man. There's like too low. Oh, yes. Nothing like getting RKO'd by a shipping container about 10 seconds into the challenge. That's my personal favorite. This isn't going to have a problem. Watch this. Big jump. Lands it flat. This thing is like a frisbee. It's like a vehicular frisbee. Are you ready for this? Also, I think I found out what the eight is. I think he means you have eight seconds to make a choice of where you're going to jump the train at. This, we're just going to go straight. Big jump, perfect. No. I can fix this, I can fix this, I can fix this, I can't fix this. The rainbow bridge is a lot harder than I originally thought because the problem is, not only do you have to get around the rainbow here, but when you jump it and you land it, you can't land back on the pink. The issue is, he's put the pink tiles everywhere so there's no-- [groans] This is your fault. I know you're like, "What are you doing, Gray?" I'm learning exactly where I need to land this thing. I wish I could say that skill played any part of this. I know where I wanna land it, but a lot of it is-- Oh, thank you. I was going to say, a lot of it is just luck. Here's the plan. We're going to start at the very tip of blue. We're going to get speed. We're going to dodge a few of these. We're going to jump this right in the-- Oh my God. Screw it, I'm not stopping. Oh, I get it. Just keep going, just keep it going. We're just going to keep all of our speed. Big jump. It can't make it even with all the speed. I'm not giving up. I feel like this can do it. Oh, my God. I know it can. There we go. There there. Right here, right in the middle. Right there, though. Yes. Yes. God. I know. Alex is like, "God can't help you now, Gray." I almost put this thing right through the floor and ruined my entire career. What else do you-- What is this? Wavy ramp. Where? Wavy ramp. Is it a ramp, like a ramp bridge? How far is the jump? Oh. Oh, the whole thing is just wavy. Okay. It seems like a break. Seems like an opportunity for me to relax a little bit, finally. Oh. There's a giant lie. There is a massive mountain just cutting straight through this thing. We're going to be fine. The answer is always speed. And when the answer isn't speed, the answer is pain. Big jump. You know what, for a while, I thought the license place said "Becky." It says "bulky." Big jump. Perfect. Whoa. Perfect landing. I can see another jump is coming up, so we're just going to keep our momentum. Wow. How in the-- I wasn't even close to making that. Okay, I have been trying a lot with the previous car. It cannot make that jump. That means that this vehicle has to be the one because there's literally nothing else. Now, you can see it's got the speed. I can just go across the shipping container. This right here? Boom. One shot. I don't even have to aim it. Oh, wow, this is a really good train. There's no train cars. It's just all flat. There we go. Sure. Now, we're just going to push it. Straight through the rainbow bridge, baby. Over to the left. Then kind of the middle. Then the right. Big jump. Land it on the blue. Land it on the blue. I really wanted to keep all my momentum there. Let me get as much speed as possible. Tip of the blue. Give it a little slap there. Just on the tip. Going to move up to the front. We're going to jump from-- Right. Over to the right. Oh, no. All right. No joke, you have to do the rainbow bridge in one take. You cannot bounce. You just need as much speed as possible. Oh, my God, no, yes, and hen you can make it. Now. Wavy bridge. I have a plan. What we're going to do is we're going to try and keep our tread on the bridge instead of jumping it the whole way. I think that should give us a-- Okay, good speed. Stick to the ground. Big jump. That's how you do it. You need all of the-- Oh, my God. You need all-- What did I say? What I was going to say is, you need all of your traction in order to make that World War II bridge. We have tanks and stuff. All right. Pushing through, and what is this? It's like a condemned-- Oh, the-- What the-- The bridge takes damage? Oh, wow. Oh. Whoa. Whoa, [?] Oh. Oh. Oh. This is bad. The quick fix. Yes, I don't know how I'm going to fix this. Well, I know one way to fix it, which is die. I have been wiggling this thing forever. Look at what I've managed to do. Oh, whoa. Get off the bridge. Back to the beginning. That's fine, though. Yeetus, controlled yeet. Very controlled. Watch this. Yeetus, perfect yeet. Oh, that sticks the landing. I planned to do that. I wanted to have all of the blood in my brain go down to my feet because I'm not using it anyway. All right, so just go. Oh, it's not a boost. There's a slowdown stick right there, so you can't even power through this with speed. You have to hit it and you have to just, I don't know, juggle your way across this mess. Can you do it? I can slide the back of the car over. Get out of the way. Oh, you can shoot it. You can break the wall by shooting it. That's incredible. This bridge is a perfect allegory for some of the roadways down here in Florida. We don't have potholes. We have murder holes. You know what? We're going to do it in the middle. It's fine, it's fine, it's fine. That right there we call the windmill of regret. All right, just don't stop. Just go, go, go, go. Just stay in the middle, Gray. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. Then there's this one little jumpy thing over here on the left. I don't care. I'm hitting it. Yes, oh, my God, it's the checkpoint. [laughs] Yes. Also, does that say volcano bridge? What? Oh, my God, I didn't test this, but theoretically, it should be possible. I love how Alex-- This isn't a bridge, Alex. There's no such thing as a volcano bridge. Oh, my God, he actually made a volcano. It'll be fine. What are the chances that I get hit with a piece of smoldering rock as I try and make this? Oh, wow, I wasn't even close. I'm not saying he's wrong or anything, but there's no way to make that jump. Come on, no. I've tried this a dozen times. You can't even get halfway. I got closer that time. We just need to lift this at just the right time. Oh, are you supposed to get hit by the volcano rock? I don't know if that's what you're supposed to do, but that almost worked. I have a plan at least now. It's not so much a plan. I have a way to smash my head against the problem until I figure it out. I don't care how many times it takes. Is there any way to time this? You have no idea how long I've been doing this. I've jumped this volcano probably about 70 times just hoping, it is luck. I can tell where the rocks are going to go. Right in the middle, but getting them to hit the perfect bottom of the car is its own ridiculous impossibility. Alex, oh my God. Hold on, I need to land this. I need to land this. I can land this. I can land this. I can land this. I can land this. No, go, go, go. No, no, no, no. Yes, and we have a winner. Oh, I love the ground. Alex built bridges and all it did was connect the island of pain to the mainland of insanity. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of GTA. Till next time. See you folks, so much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,602,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, gameplay, funny, gaming, game, games, comedy, challenge, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, GTA but, mods, best mod gta v, grand theft auto v, crazy cars in gta 5, testing cars, testing cars in gta 5, in gta 5, giant & tiny, giant cars, tiny cars, broken bridge, broken bridge in gta 5, tiny cars vs broken bridge, giant cars vs broken bridge
Id: GLazM38e44M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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