Teaching a NOOB How to Escape the Flood in BeamNG Drive Mods!

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So today we're back in flood escape this time with the noob we're gonna be playing with Khan gaming he's never experienced this before and we're gonna try to show him the ropes do you guys think we're gonna Escape stay tuned until the end and let's jump in all right kinda are you excited for today and what I've invited you here to do this is a drift package I see we've got a a drift package yeah yeah we're we're drifting today we're not doing anything else I mean don't worry okay sounds sounds good I'm just warming up my tires oh yeah yeah you might want to make sure your tires are extra uh extra grippy right now I'm totally not typing in something on the command bar down here um okay so you might want to you might wanna it says oh God it's fast okay let's go oh my God I already get a water log um so our escape the flood has lasted a total of what was that five seconds that's not that that I think the reaction time's off the line were a little too slow I think we might have to I think it you know what I think if we actually get started maybe like a split second before this will work right okay but that water cleared up great yeah I'm the commander of the flood here oh my engine's still screwed yeah you might want to you might want to reset your car real quick and get you a new engine all right Khan so obviously that went swell uh how about we take off first and then I'll hit the uh the start the flood button no that sounds good I don't have a mini map is there a mini map at all or am I just guessing I mean there is a map uh there's not gonna be a mini map but you could set a waypoint so the safest point on the map is going to be the old uh Watchtower uh down in the bottom left uh so you can click that point left click it and it'll give you kind of a general direction of where to go yeah yeah okay I see it let me let me set that way yeah when you say that you'll at least see an arrow indicator as you're driving around as to where to go it will recalculate depending on where you're at so I always follow it no I'm going up the hill first that's that's the first first thing okay so let's see if we have this set right you ready to go yeah I'm good all right three two one go all right start moving and there is a flood now I'm not really enthusiastic about the drift package I'm going left uh oh I mean okay no I'm not apparently I can't get a little more uh sweet here I'm gonna turn left here we're good yeah we're going straight okay drift package might be a little too good at tourney how's it how's it feel it's not bad uh it's not it's not the worst no I don't like the factory oh that it does not like taking sharp Corners though yeah you're making is use a little handbrake yeah I think I think my handbrake got rebound oh that's not the right button oh my uh my Hamber break is uh right bumper on the remote oh yeah okay yeah yeah that's what it is that's it we're not gonna make it the flood is uh the flood's definitely already here oh no oh no no no dude my car floats like well I mean it is kind of I think it's uh the Dodge Charger they are both I feel like you let us astray here I think this is a bad route there's clearly there's clearly oh no there's not really much about so what you think there's a bed to be fair I was kind of looking back looking at where you were to try to help maybe that was a mistake you know I'm gonna let you lead on the next one I I will follow you I think for the sake of uh making it you want to go ahead and turn and aim that way yeah I feel like I feel like we'll make it though I'm gonna let you lead on this one so here I'm gonna actually I just want I want to get to that ramp and then I'm gonna let the gyps take me wherever it's gonna take me you know all right well I'm ready to go you ready yeah uh let me just let me just reset that position all right we're good okay here we go three two one go okay is that reverse okay there you go that was I needed to find the gear don't worry about it we're good uh flood should be starting uh wait I did not type it in right I might have misspelled how do I misspell something like that oh don't sorry I I definitely didn't just completely destroy my car oh are you coming back up here I'm gonna let you pass and then it's fine we're good okay yes blood has started it was the Fast and the concrete barriers yeah yeah uh at least it's got more grip right oh this is great yeah this is grip I think we go here and then we go up this on ramp right and then yes uh watch your uh watch your curbs and stuff this card does not like them yeah I noticed dude look at this look at the speed the speed this is how we get away from the flood right here the only problem I see is that we're not on the main Highway well actually technically we are watch the toll booth yeah I see that do we gotta we gotta take a turn here at some point yeah yeah go through the toe booth and don't don't hit the toe Booth uh then take a left did you uh did you perish are you good I might have clipped I might have clipped but told me a little bit I don't have time to wait so I'm gonna oh my goodness oh god dude I I clipped the curb I did the thing okay so oh my back left wheel is gone do you have the ability to drive yeah yeah no I'm good I know where we're going now so there's gonna be a dirt road on the right side here it will lead up to the tower I lost my wing Komodo I lost my wing oh I lost my back bumper too uh I don't have eyes on the flood he really pulls my car I oh no okay totally uh already going up the hill here there's a road to your right coming up I should probably not pay attention to what you're doing and pay attention like it's fine it's fine oh dude I'll do it okay by my back left Rim is shot we've got axle damage I I think we uh at least we found a good car combination I mean I don't know how good it has to be I see the waters they're way back there we're fine yeah see now we could probably start speeding it up if we make it here what happens if flood is faster well don't have any accidents on the way over here and you'll be fine this car is is actually kind of amazing even with a broken back wheel oh that's a lot of grip on it I gotta see where's your progress uh have you made it up oh hey you have a ton of damage there's a little bit of damage well I'll get some Flex tape later it'll be fine we'll fix it all right up it'll be it'll be look at my back left Rim man it's it's just it's not having a good day okay con so we're using your route except for I'm going to lead since you murdered yourself up on the toll booth uh last time don't do what I did that's that was bad so I've sped the flood up a little bit so it should be good you ready yeah are you smoking right now or um is your car it seemed like I was didn't it like my engine your car is like full-blown smoke screening on my side you know there's there's some my engine might be overheating a bit you might want to reset your car maybe check the engine before you uh do this you know you would not want to explode on the way over there I reset it I don't know I think maybe I was just burning the clutch yeah probably that's probably all it was ready yeah I'm good three two one go and flood is oh it started oh it's faster it is a lot faster see this gives us a nice ramp oh it's already at the bottom of the highway okay you can speed up diamond watch out hard break here hard break we're gonna be yeah whipping it to the right oh I clipped a bit oh I clipped oh I lost my rear bumper it was just slowing me down anyway though yeah yeah it's just drag you don't want that oh I'm pulling to the right now though so I have some sort of damage that's not good oh it's gonna be on the highway here there's no oh I can't turn right enough oh there's no way there's no way oh well well how about one notch down I feel like one notch down from where we were there oh dude I hit the water and like I skipped Like a Rock right off the water so okay here's the question do we go with a faster car or do we slow the the flood down to I feel like we can't make that right turn I would I would try it one more with this car and then let's go to a faster car all right let's try not to die flood's a tad bit slower you ready to go yeah I I don't is your route better okay well we're going this route well I was going with your route again yeah I feel like it's good it's just that Highway dips down a lot so it's I don't know if we can we could go to the left in oh oh I have I definitely have some damage did you already hit something uh yeah like big time or are you uh you done yeah I'm just gonna I'm just gonna don't worry I patched my car up real quick it's fine I clipped that little that little barrier that sticks out from the highway oh yeah yeah I lost my rear bumper again already but that's fine it's not it's not healthy oh I got tons of time the flood's actually really slow look it's like oh no it's up in the canal now oh my goodness I can't believe yeah so this car like understeers uh okay I'm gonna take my I'm gonna take my YouTuber reset there uh yeah no that's what I did too We're not gonna make it turn around turn around we're gonna make it oh what are you talking about the road dips down here no no no no we gotta go just just go that way just go that way up the uh you could probably well actually I don't think you can make it I'll go this way this goes up this goes up it goes up but there's not a road to make it to the tower but I just go up the hill uh if you want to try it you go right ahead watch out it is closing in on the other side I can't believe it I understood and went right into the barrier and blew myself are you are you dead oh I'm dead did the flood got me oh oh this might don't look to your left uh yeah no I I'm I'm oh no up the hill no I'm just trying to get up okay you know I still have I still have Drive I still have no no no no no no and there's no dag it yeah if I could have gotten up that little Hill man yeah basically if neither one of us would have used a reset I think the timing was right we would have made it up I think you're right I think I think we got to do it again all right con we've upgraded our cars uh I don't know if that's a good or bad thing because we're probably gonna have problems holding on to these yeah the the under steers a bit or the oversteer is a bit real but it's okay yeah just be careful on the throttle all right you ready yeah okay uh let's go ahead and start and just ease up don't feel any pressure yet I haven't started the flood I'll let you know when I'm gonna hit enter go ahead and just I don't want to clip you here okay okay flood has uh oh still hasn't started and there it goes okay I I feel like we're fine though you started it late enough though chances of us not dying oh oh oh oh the oversteer we're doing that see yeah the oversteer is a bit real okay so the objective now is to use the highway to rock it across the oh geez the flood is it's already up at those oil tanks that's probably concerning all right here we go oh yeah don't look down in the city right now yeah that's what I mean it's it's I don't know if we're gonna make it dude we could take the bridge here I don't know where the bridge we gotta get up we're gonna go down here I don't know oh it's gonna be cool probably should take that bridge yeah that was there's no so are you telling me we had the optimal path at the beginning I don't we might that's this was a bad path we didn't swap paths this this goes down too much or maybe take that that off ramp like you said yeah the problem with the off ramp like you can take it but it's gonna well actually it would throw you on the back side let's do that let's take the off ramp next time all right so we know the path that we need to make uh or take so ready yeah yeah let's just go and start to move uh should I let you go ahead and Lead no no you lead I don't I don't trust myself to lead man okay uh flood I'm gonna start about the same time okay oh having problems with the enter button and I'm gonna crash here nope I I saved it okay flood's coming right left no left but take the off ramp yeah we're gonna take that ramp we passed by because that'll send us on the highway that climbs on the other side so I think that's a good good thing to do oh come on turn turn dude okay I'm gonna use okay I don't think I don't think oh it's just the front hood just the Frog you know that that front truck yeah you don't have to worry about the front uh you want to hit the brakes before you get to the ramp because it is I mean it's pretty oh my God goodness it's right there oh go go go go go go go go go go go go there's no hitting the Bros no dude we could have made that we could have made you had that crashed we could have made that I think we found the route with this car okay I'm gonna take my time I'm not gonna hit enter until I'm past this corner because this is where I keep wiping out because I'm trying to hit the enter key okay and flood is started all right don't crash this time well I mean I've already made it a little oh my goodness I clipped a curve but it's good okay I'm gonna slow down really it really just it goes fast straight but turning is not its strong suit it's good okay-ish grip okay here we go 180. oh oh okay hello all right we're just gonna I'm just gonna spin here no big deal a little little wheel spin it's fine okay so I don't see the flood yet oh it's in the city streets oh okay actually it's oh it's already into the lower Highway okay we got this I'm gonna slow down a little bit here I Gotta Get Grip okay come on oh no it's losing grip it's understeering oh okay I just lost the mirror but I'm good how are you back there oh yeah tons of tons of time tons of time floods nowhere close bro okay we're gonna take her all right watch out I'm hitting the brakes really hard here it's a 40 mile an hour corner at least with the street vehicle it is oh yeah it is definitely we're good though we're still climbing we're still climbing okay there's the tower up ahead of us we've got to get on the other side of it oh I should have taken it right there okay whipping it around oh oh oh oh okay oh we're gonna be getting screwed over here oh I'm I set it on a curb that's not good okay you know what I I'm gonna I'm I don't have a choice I'm gonna take The Road Less Traveled oh my goodness the okay it's right here uh I might be able to talk back I can't get up a bush hold on a minute here so you can no longer get up the hill now uh if I wouldn't have missed the corner we would have made it for sure uh yeah I'm uh I'm fine I mean you're kind of doing the thing right there I'm fine I'm fine go go go go come on come on racing slicks is not good for off-road the bushes have Collision too which is a problem yeah just start taking the left here wait you might still somewhat make it I mean you made it to a tower I yeah I don't think I could get to the other one can I what you might no it's gonna it's gonna be flooded by the time you get to that road come on come on come on honestly that was rather impressive on your end what keep on yeah I don't want to die here oh oh yeah I can't get I can't well you can see the towers oh I'm sliding but if I would have missed the right hand there and paid attention to the GPS I would have made it because I made it to the dirt road right when the flood got there and that's after we had to whip the 180. okay we're rolling remember I'm not gonna hit the flood start until after I clear the corner here that way I don't die so just be careful I'm gonna let off a little bit here and I'll let you know when we're starting you lost something something flew off your car there ah it's fine I don't need it all right flood started okay don't hit the curb this time there we go you know I think we just Panic we have the time here to actually do this it's just the pan I think we missed the right turn is is really it's not I don't know if that was panicking that too yeah I mean I kind of missed it but I was also panicking at the moment so I mean it's fine okay here we go we got it I would enjoy track racing in this car would be cool this car feels like a nice track car you know in track car yes flood Escape car uh questionable but yeah the grip on turns is tough but okay I'm breaking here because this is where I clipped my mirror last time just kind of taking it easy you already lost that mirror though so you're good oh you can uh you can go in blame blame me and take take it out on me there that was uh definitely dang it though I see you going up uh you gotta make a right turn make that right turn that's right turns right here okay breaks oh you got to go down though I don't know man it was close last time I mean the spinning might not have I don't know it's already coming up it's close it's like there's gonna be at that road you gotta turn get on there before the road oh man oh you just got away from me oh no I bought him down it's right there that's right there hold on I'm still standing oh my God you're locked well yeah I have uh you are actually so close to that uh to be fair I I failed your viewers as well because I uh kind of got you caught up in my mess there but I I kind of swerved a bit and you can't swerve with this car so yeah I mean I guess that's what we can take away what we learned here don't use your Supercar to escape the apocalypse yeah just leave it home leave it in the garage
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 260,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: escape the flood, beamng drive noob, beamng, beamng drive, beamng police crashes, beamng drive car crashes, beamng flooded map, beamng drive crashes, beamng drive mods, beamng funny moments, car crash, video game, police chase, beamng drive flood mod, beamng flood escape, beamng flood mod, camodo gaming, beamng drive flood escape, random parts, beamng drive random parts, police chases, beamng high speed, beamng drive flood escape multiplayer, flood escape
Id: tAkpqZISCA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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