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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Lopsided_Database_73 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
so like like dude like you're like rolling around like a roller coaster i know and uh there's no we're like stuck right now like in this giant cube it's cardboard cardboard cardboard cardboard all cardboard and it's very solid it's card and i'm bored so here's the deal the only way to get out of this cardboard is to break through 100 layers of cardboard just run through it yeah go for it yeah i think we might have to beat it up yeah that's not the best idea that bad i'm good i'm good i'm good all right let's beat it up okay just we shouldn't run into it that's very painful shoulder we have arms yeah cool [Music] all right you ready i was born ready hopefully this works whoa wait that's actually kind of nice it kind of worked you like did some damage are bleeding yeah three-inch punch you're doing it wrong well it's like two and a half inches come on now okay oh wow dude this thing is solid it's like a brick wall i went through one layer let me just grab the power from the earth it didn't work we're gonna need some actual tools oh my [Applause] excuse me hello hey dude it is you you came back from the nether bro i've been in here for like three weeks i wonder why it smells like b.o in here whoa whoa beautiful dude i've been stuck in here for three weeks that's not my problem is that a paper shredder oh oh use the paper shredder to get through the wall man that's genius why didn't i just use a paper shredder this is why you didn't use a paper shredder you're using it wrong you're supposed to twirl it is that far all layered let me try it let me try let me try it pick this wall wait hold on it's unplugged it's unplugged oh yeah you got to plug it in it doesn't work oh yeah plug it back in it's not going to work yeah right okay let's plug it in wait let me move out of the way what about like not working yo but dude how you doing i've been here for 21 days i got a great idea we're in a box cardboard box cutter that's what will get us out it's the biggest weakness of the cardboard i got an alligator saw bobber i don't know what this is dude i have one too it's effective epic yeah we can like yeah we can like duel it out yeah okay let's let's uh that working wait try and cut out like a hole yeah try why are you trying to spell something cause that's trying to spell subscribe so you guys can please subscribe so we can get out of this cardboard box i just want some actual food i've been eating cardboard wait you've been doing this stuff bro look at this look at nutrition yo this thing sucks oh i broke it oh this is going to take forever literally this one look at this i haven't even made it through one layer yet i broke it yeah we're just breaking everything hold on i got this ready one laser look at that we got one layer is this how we're going to get rid of all the layers oh is it plugged in did you turn it on i think we broke it it's broken yo it's actually kind of working can i just put that back in there yo i got through like three layers nathan what left behind that piece is there a secret message what is it from the nether it's a triangle dude i got through like four layers right now hold on i just gotta keep it up wow dude yo what are you doing he's becoming one with the wall all right let's beat up that wall you gotta become one with the world yeah yeah yeah i got one layer wait hold on hold on hold on leave this boys one more nice second layer boom a third layer okay can you do four yeah it's trying to have two five fours [Applause] fourth layer we're gonna need some better tools that's layer four out of like a hundred all right boys why don't we just beat up cardboard with cardboard like fighting fire with fire right or we could just use a hatchet or a ninja star or a ninja star go ahead give it a throw give it a toss give it a give it a gander give it that was kind of lame yeah that was kind of lame you know how the ninja i watched your jedi skills whoa dude that is like epic like it looks like how many layers do you think this can go through three yeah one three one three two three it can go through three layers all right that might be four four and a half i can't count but that's pretty deep all right boys i'm gonna keep working on my hole here i'll get this side it's actually doing quite a bit of damage you hold my my tool real quick oh you're gonna wrap the tool oh look at this look at that i got two one two three four letters that's nice my tool has cool looks to it probably got a custom skin oh i got four layers i got a new tool for it has extra grip wait we have other ones here we go this one has like grip of 16. yo we're like it's kind of nice splitter from what cardboard would the problem is is with this i'm just beating it in the cardboard it's not really doing much damage i made a smiley face it's pretty bad honestly yeah that don't work yeah you got some big brands but that don't work it's my face oh is that a smiley face oh nice too oh nice epic it has a zit now that's a big exit it's like that episode of spongebob everything's like i get stung by the jellyfish everything's like that episode of spongebob that's what everything is so are we like in that box where it's like they're imaginating everything imaginating i imagine that's getting to the other side of this wall run into it nine and three quarters run into it right into it full speed i'll give you guys like the three two one oh yeah the the drag flap yeah the drive all right drop ready all right so i'm gonna like put my left shoulder into it okay i'll put my right so we can like stare at each other all right are you ready are you ready yeah yeah i want to move kind of go okay wait you said we were gonna look at each other you said that was awkward it's just ridiculous it's like a cardboard right there i i think i made it through one layer i just want to this is what i made it through so all i'm saying is is i didn't realize how strong cardboard was this is kind of ridiculous this isn't gonna work this is not gonna work i just figured something out this isn't gonna work yeah yeah that's that's what that's where i can hear that from this right here is our new furry friend look at this needs to be a happy camper happy camper should you give it a nose um yep two legs eyebrows two big nostrils give us some like tongue twisters front teeth freckles more freckles whiskers yeah we're good all right there it is it looks like spongebob yeah it kind of does this is the battering ram we're just gonna just all right okay ready oh no it's supposed to let me see it i thought it was supposed to like give you leverage so you could go into it oh yeah yeah oh it's kind of nice [Music] those are like those are like perfect circles it's not doing anything wow what if you did it backwards that's really big now you can like smile at him while he smiles at you it's really heavy here give it a try uh the boy all right watch out boys i'm just gonna throw it nope wait wait wait wait wait watch out watch out watch out watch out okay what if we break through the bottle it's probably where we gonna go there's floor underneath yeah concrete and stuff that's not the best idea sorry yeah that seems much harder than the other oh someone's at the front door someone just oh oh hello pizza delivery i can't hear anything it's really quiet my finger hurts you made the perfect noise for it yeah it was like dead all right so uh we have a chainsaw i'll be in this corner 45 centimeters 18 inch blade that should make it halfway through halfway halfway just kind of big giant doorway trap door like that wow did he break it oh i feel like i got your superpower oh there's so many particles in here those are molecules huh come on why is it going up it goes that way wait what if i try the other way oh no he's gonna go down yo this is scary here you take this have fun buddy okay um i'll just hey hey hey hey huh there's already a hole why don't you just well you forgot your safety glasses then oh thanks safety first i didn't even get safety glasses so you cut this way i cut that way okay you can go do the top or you can go up yeah i'm gonna go smells like burning [Music] cardboard we can take turns you can do the next cut before there you go how do you even work one of these uh there's a he has bite right idea that's how you're supposed to do it we're doing it wrong yeah i couldn't stay in the hole i see that but i mean we could probably like cut right here give me the chainsaw oh yeah yeah yeah oh yeah maybe that's what we're supposed to do what are you talking about oh yeah oh yeah did you uh did you do the top uh i went diagonal okay oh oh wow yeah [Laughter] yeah you're like covered in dust yeah that is oh it's like a german habitat all right let's assess the damage all right pull it out ripped nice epic that's like four layers what else we got in there oh that's like probably six layers no that's me right there bro i did that all right that's like another six layers i got more out epic dude cool you got like another six layers yeah look how deep this is yo it's like a picture frame oh my gosh there's still more he'll destroy yeah it's kind of hard to pull out yo use the box cutter wait it's like dusty in there dog you know that might be easier if we had a crowbar yeah i think that's the end of it so we made it through probably like 20 layers no we went through more layers we just can't pull how many layers is this oh i found this under cardboard epic you want me to try this one yeah epic it's like changing bro i really didn't think it'd be this hard to break through only a hundred layers there's only 100. on this video we should do a part two and we'll do a thousand layers we will just grabbing too many at once we'll probably have to get a car and drive it through it say my phone symmetra spikes yes snow plows snowplow not gonna happen james i'm sorry no so i think we're about not even halfway through that yeah i don't know bro that's not bad are you what i thought you were painting water oh it's a water gun you have a water gun yes think about it cardboard water destruction dude it's literally not doing anything see if that makes it weaker hit it with the axe oh okay no no the axe yo this ain't gonna work look you gotta get creative with it yeah there you go exactly yeah do that do that oh it's oh man that's not working oh no what do you expect it's the top of the hammer big brains yeah big brains big brains it's actually doing something there you go now it's stuck yeah it just didn't want to hit it it's actually doing quite a bit of damage since the cardboard is wet hold on stick it in there it's not sticking get it stuck it's not sticking yeah it's just not really hit with the ram yeah five bucks just says he hits the cardboard i don't have five bucks but yeah we're in a room of cardboard go for it go for it go for it all right i owe you five bucks we tried that it didn't work yeah now turn it on all right now go for it it's wireless now it's bluetooth the entire floor we're stuck in here boys just admit it yeah we've been stuck in here yeah [Applause] i think you're losing your pride we're going on a trip in my favorite cardboard ship going to the wall look at my saw hey why don't you continue the hole we've already started yet noob it's not really doing anything to be honest it broke in half the cardboard broke the beyblade that's how i cut my burritos in half i got one of those hey that's pretty good it bent the blade it's sideways yeah i wouldn't use that anymore that probably isn't safe yeah i'm gonna say it now i can see the light where i don't see it i can't see the light all right yeah this thing's gotta retire yeah you got cardboard you won't believe this to find more cardboard more cardboard that way more cardboard no way cardboard no way yeah cardboard cardboard what are you doing hey hang on boys we're getting through some layers here yeah i literally just cut it with a saw home slice forget the saw forget the battery ham forget the paper cutter we got one of these roller yeah look at all that debris coming out holy mackerel did you try turning it on and off again no do it oh the whole chainsaw is gone it's stuck we're getting out of here today did you break it did you plug it did we break to get out of here so how are we gonna fit through that hole i'll just push you through okay and then you can like unlock it yeah once you're on the other side how deep does this go all right well what'd you do it's really warm look how dude we have how deep we are now we have to be how deep this is bro we have to be at least halfway through dude look at this look at all the shavings we still have to go deeper yeah we still haven't sideways we're good probably like two feet in the wall right now now it's voldemort now it's scarface now we have a harpoon gun this is very scary it's meant for underwater and big fishes it's also not made to be shot out of water and or at cardboard go for it no that's all you know whoa oh what what whoa be careful where you point that thing dog what are you talking about yo chill man all right all right look how close it is i know right it's like as big as the room all right i'm ready three two one my gosh we caught ourselves a cardboard wall it's not wanting to come out it's not when you come out oh oh i got it wait okay see the outside oh i see light really i see light okay this is how long the harpoon is right it's literally as tall as me it went all the way to here oh there's the hole bro we got a lot of cutting to do we can do this where's the chainsaw go go go stop stop stop stop stop stop no i said stop oh it sounded like stop stop stop yeah i'll keep going i think i see the light like legit on the right side oh i see it keep going keep going we're literally [Music] we there sell mac and cheese with our faces like the little frog no flipping way watch out watch out for no hamster bedding i'll pull it out my guy oh my it looks like granola or stuffing from thanksgiving ah don't eat it though all right there's uh two two layers nice good cut job yeah i like your cut jeez we should have made a circle yeah that would have been nice or a bigger hole so you can fit through it yeah i don't know how any of us are gonna even like go through this but we'll try right i think i'll fit ah yeah dude keep going with it yo wait wait watch out watch out with you watch out dude nice i would clap but i have a chainsaw yeah don't do that all right put them down turn it off dude i cut this part a little bit i think it's dusty in there it's dusty in there oh it's real dusty in there all right we got like four layers there right dude all i'm saying is this is tough this is more than a hundred layers i think we miscalculated why don't we create a tool that grabs cardboard like in this situation yeah almost oh yeah because how many people you know get stuck in a cardboard box other than youtubers four right oh yeah four of us yeah right okay well see i'll create it and i'll sell it for a thousand bucks so i'll make three grand off you guys and then uh we'll get out yeah yeah let's just move a little bit and we just enter hey oh yo that worked yeah oh i got like five yo that was more than five that's yeah one two three five six seven eight nine nine layers right there oh are you through no no way i see the light boys go go go go go go grab those lights oh i see it i see it we did it but not here there's still one more layer and we fit through it technically making me a box cutter do you want one with a blade in it oh there it is there you are so you don't need this anymore no i'm good okay oh why is it wet sorry okay so how are we supposed to fit through it i'll push you through yeah you said you could fit you got it hold on this is what you were [Music] [Applause] born y'all you're almost there yeah he might get it i can't quit okay yeah pick me up [Laughter] do you want us to push more yeah keep pushing okay okay okay okay oh keep pushing i'm almost out come on bro hey hey whoa stop stop stop stop you're messing up the car bro get out you're messing around just come there's been a back door the whole time i was in this place for like 21 days cool cool yeah back door yeah didn't think about that you didn't like check back door you didn't like bang on all the walls like the whole back door thickness yes that's really cool yeah it's small check this door click the like button to subscribe and the share button and we'll do this again with a hundred layers of slime and jello i like the jello backdoor huh great bro i've been in here for like three weeks
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 27,067,698
Rating: 4.8313808 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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