Testing Thin vs Thic Cars in GTA 5

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Alright, we're checking out the only game where when cars lose weight, I lose my mind. It's GTA. We wanted to put thick cars versus thin cars. And so Alex has created a brand new challenge. These aren't just normal GTA cars. Modders have made them specifically to be the biggest, widest and also smallest and thinnest cars possible. Then the concoction of sadness gets worse because I have Alex creating the board that I'm gonna have to use these vehicles on and try and complete. Some of the cars are stupidly thin, some of the cars are stupidly wide. But Alex said in order to get past some of the challenges, I'm gonna need to use the most ridiculous cars there are. I've been given these hideous beings to try and get this pain to end. So let's do this. I don't even know what to is. This is awful. Oh my God. It's still going. There's not really a choice here because they're all terrible. I'm not going to lie. I need to know, so is this car always sideways? Is it always drunk? Is it like. Driving a motorcycle. I could barely fit inside. My knees are sticking out of the side of the vehicle. This is a control panel. I get. It's not even a steering wheel. It's basically you have to be this wide to jump thingy. Okay. It's not even a steering wheel. It's like a jelly bean that kind of turns the car. Here we go. Oh, God. Oh. It is like a motorcycle. It's like a motor recycle that's just learning how to walk. What are you supposed to do with this? We're going for it. We're absolutely going for it. Before I throw this thing at the bottom of the well, I need to at least do one ramp. Ow. This is literally like driving a slight of whole wheat bread. Imagine just taking a slice of Swiss cheese and strapping an engine on it. I cannot believe. I managed to ramp this thing. We're not using this ever again. Ow, my spine. I don't even know what just happened. I just got murdered by this thing. Yep. Might as well go from one extreme to the other. What kind of license do I technically need to drive this thing? Oh, my God. Oh, boy. Oh, no. It's awful. I can't even describe what it's like to drive this. I could fit, like, 250 passengers in this thing. All of southwest Florida could chill out inside of my passenger seat. I'm gonna go ahead and protect my skull. Obviously, that matters. Okay, so basically, the wheels, they just have minds of their own. Trying to keep this thing straight is almost impossible. So I have to use the widest ramps in order to ramp this thing. Ready? My bumper fell off, but my bumper is, like, 800ft long. Probably just killed, like, 60 people. Come on, you ugly. Duckling. I'm sure you can make this. Oh, this is good. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Oh, that's big speed. Got it. Fixed the landing. Now the only problem is I can't waggle this thing sideways. So how do I recover? Oh, here we go. Oh, yeah. Oh, this is totally normal. Just gotta just got to possess it like the devil. Rise up, rise up. This is like the Blair Witch Project of cars. Look at this. You need to start performing some rituals in order to get the demons out of this thing. When you see this I legitimately don't know how to put this thing back on its tires, though. Also, say hello to American Cheese Gaps. Okay, new plan. Whatever you do, do not land on the hood or the roof, because the thing like a turtle. Oh, God. Oh, wait. Hold on. Booyah. Oh, I'm sliding off. Well, half of me is off. Well, the other half is on. I mean, can I save? Whoa. Okay, that is not how physics works. Oh, God. Oh, God. This thing's like a turtle. If you if it ends up on its back, it's completely useless. I love how physics has absolutely no sway over this car. Almost murdered a bird on my way down. I hate to say it, but I'm kind of getting used to driving this. Look at that. It glides to American cheese gaps. I've I've I'm learning the pattern for driving this thing. Oh, it is. The cheese is exactly as wide as the car. I get no leeway. God, I have to jump these. What could possibly go wrong? I love American cheese. Oh, no. Oh, boy. Okay. Don't know what happened there. Well, this is awkward. Half of the car made it, and half of the car did. I don't know if I get the rest of the car on the platform, though. This is a nightmare. It's a nightmare to drive this thing. All right, one time. One time. Go. It almost chassis slides across the cheese. I really want to get across this cheese with this thing. The problem is it's just too wide. It's like a giant windshield wiper of death. Getting past the ramps, no problem. Going down the drain here between two sea slices. Getting between the area that you need to jump with the ramps is fine. Trying to do anything else in this is awful. Let's try a new car. Okay, here's the plan. Let's use something that's not insanely wide lol but is just pretty wide. Oh yeah. Oh, this is way better. It's not very fast though. That's the problem also. What am I supposed to jump? Nothing is. I guess I could chassis slide this. See this car? You can only fit twelve of your friends in it's like a limo. But it's wide instead of long. This is the new evolution of party vehicles. Are you ready? And lift off. The flight pattern not too good on this. I mean, it's got some speed to it. It just doesn't get oh, it doesn't get any height. All right, I'm going to try one of the ramps with a lot more height like this. Here we go. Oh, here we go. Here we go. Oh, it's right there. I think this thing can legitimately do it. I think it could do it. It's going to do it. It yes. Oh, the ugly duckling has turned into a swan, baby. Okay, now, getting across the cheese shouldn't be that bad because oh, yeah. One try right there. This is the Ram 98,000. We're way past rookie numbers, so now we have the spinny thingy. It was called. So all you have to do is follow this and you have to do it at just the right speed. I know how this works. Oh, yeah, we'll. Kind of wobbles a little bit. There we go. Oh, yeah. Oh, this is oh, God, no. Let me get a little bit closer to the to the no. All right. Getting to this point has become very easy, so now it's just a matter of achieving the right speed to get through this. Okay, so we're gonna start with forward motion in. There we go. Okay, now yeah, this feels good. This feels really good. We're right in the middle. Speed is holding. Kind of stay in the center. No big deal. And land. Yeah. I'm not going to lie. At first I was really scared, but this isn't that bad so far. Popping gap stingy. Oh. Oh. Okay. We want a good amount of speed, actually, we need as much speed as possible. Here we go. Here we go. This is perfect. This is perfect. And big jump. Okay. I think I just need. Little bit more speed. Here we go. This is the run. Oh, man. It barely can't get there. All right, check it out. This is a thin car, but it doesn't seem that bad. It's only like, half thin, right? It's not like a sheet of eight by eleven and a half paper like the dump truck. So should be okay. It doesn't drive that bad. Can definitely fit on am. Oh, yeah. Oh, this is great. This is the center of gravity. Is a little wild. Oh, God. This is the closest thing to a real car I've driven yet. Okay. With the spinning thing. As long as I line this up and we get some forward motion. I screwed that up. Watching this thing go across. This is truly one of nature's great blessings, watching a baby elephant be born or something. So forward motion, good amount of speed. Right about here. Wow. I need to go even faster. All right. I'm going to get, like, as much. Distance is possible for this one. I'm going to overshoot it this time because I can slow down easy. I hadn't really thought about how easy it is to pop a wheelie in this. God, it feels like someone just strapped a giant engine to a lawn chair. Here we go. Yeah, that's good. That's good. Here we go. Perfect. Oh, yeah. Oh, that's sweet. Oh, that's smooth. Supple succulent. Oh, no. I do want to drown myself after that. You know what? Let's try a different car. Oh, this thing's got the power. Oh, yeah. Oh, it is probably even worse to drive than any other car so far, but it's got a lot of pick me up, and it fits rare in the green ramps. Say hello to my 285,000 CC engine. Oh, it's like a UFO. You know what? Just go. Just go. Go. Oh, the speed. Oh, the speed is incredible. Full spin. No big deal. Now I'm the windmill. I hate to say it. It doesn't drive that bad. I mean, it does, but compared to the the really wide one, it's not that bad. And it's way faster than the truck, so that's good. So we should be able to keep up with this. Oh, yeah. Here we go. That feels perfect. Keeping speed in this thing's a lot easier, too. It is a little shaky and wobbly. Once you start picking up speed, you better get ready to Yiddish the deeds. The cheese has been bested by my blade. Literally bested by my blade. It kind of looks like I'm actually it looks like I'm driving a stick of ram. Perfect speed. Look at that right there. Now, this should get tons of distance in order to get past the poppy things. Okay. Oh, yeah. Look at that. Right there. We're gonna roll through it. We're gonna roll through it. The second one what is this? What is this? It's like some sort of like some sort of dragon. Maw shouldn't have slowed down. Four eyes in guard. Oh, God. The problem is, is that oh, there's, like, a stop down a stopstick down here. I'm, like, caught what in the oh, I got caught. I'm caught inside the contraption. I could probably use this as a raft in order to survive the water. Yeah. Getting through all this, I can do it in one shot. Now, a few seconds later don't you do it, karma. Don't you do this to me. Karma. Thank you. I can do this pretty much in one shot now. Now it's just a matter of timing it because you can't slow down when you start this. There's no way. There's basically no brakes on these things. It doesn't work. So jump. And I just got to hope. Yeah. All right. Go, go. Go. Go through the maw. Yes. What is this double wide stalking windmill thingy? No. Not with the cars like that. Whoa. Full flip. Sticks the landing. Not with the cars like this. All right. Let's just line up, and we're going to roll. It is not you that stalks me, it is I that stalk you. Yeah, there we go. Oh, no. Hold on. Angel landis. Angelanis. Angelanis. Nice and flat. No. Are you kidding me? I was there. Oh, yeah. Okay, I shouldn't have say anything. Oh, wow. Oh. This is a new height record. And bounce it. Roll it. Stick to landing. Beautiful. Well, that worked out fairly well. Thin versus thick. Height rope thingy. This has been the chosen car so far. Oh, God. I have to chassis slide this I don't really know how it feels to chassis slide something this wide. Ow. I mean, I guess it would be okay. I just need to pick a side because you can't go in the middle. There's no way. It's not wide enough. All right, can you stop, please? We're going to pick, right. Terrible decision making. Go. Oh, there's a stop stick. You put a slowdown stick there. What are you supposed to do? Don't mind me. I'm just door surfing. Okay, rich AF. See, this one isn't that wide at all. It's a little wide. It's like a double wide, I would say this is kind of the best of all the worlds, right? Because it's not freakishly wide. It's got some speed to it, it's got decent bank, so it should go right over the my money didn't save me there. Don't make me regret this limo. Don't make me regret this limo. You're making me regret this. I'm gonna give this one more try. I cannot believe that a car that looks like a real car did this badly. It's our only motorcycle for it's more like a tricycle, because the saddlebags are just laying on the ground, providing sort of, like, training wheels. I love that. The handlebars are 65ft wide. Oh, it's not that bad. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Look at that. Okay. Oh, this is glorious. This thing's amazing. This is possibly it's not the best motorcycle I've driven, but it is in the grand scheme of things, its 35 inch front tire is not that bad at all. A big jump. Ow. It. Oh, God. It's gone. Okay, let's jump that with a little less authority. Whoa. That was way too close. For comfort. Okay, over the cheese. Great job on the suspension of this thing. All right, now can it get around the spinny thingy? Oh, it's really fast. Okay, a little bit less little less forceful on the accelerator. There we go. Yeah, this is good. This is good. This feels good. Here we go. Here we go. And then a nice exit. It perfect. Getting through the poppers is going to be great because it's not crazy thick. It's only got, like, two C's instead of 30. Oh, I made it. But the motorcycle did. I hate to say this. It's possible that I need more surface area to glide. Yeah, it can't make it. It can't make it across. What have you done to my supercar? What is this? I mean, it's ink, which is awesome. If I get in on this side, I don't even love how the spoiler is a normal side. Ah. What I was gonna say is I love how the spoiler is a normal size. Whoa. Oh, this thing this thing is real jerky. Oh, God. Okay. And whoa. Little helicopter spin through the cheese. Oh, God. Oh, yeah. Oh, it's fine. This is totally under control. Wow. Okay. I'm not gonna lie. The spinner might the agony. Oh, God. Oh, no. Don't you do it. Come on, tire. Work with me here. No. You're betraying me. The tires are insane on this car. They've almost got, like, too much horsepower. This is a good run so far. You've got to really watch your input of the acceleration, because it will right there. It'll cause the there we go. It'll cause the tires to just. Start skidding out. Okay. You gigantic good and plenty. Yeah, I'm just going through it. Okay. Speed, dedication. Okay, I think I got the timing down. Oh, I got the timing down. Yeah. Right now. Can it fit through the Monsters incorporated mouth over here? Wow. Like, perfect. And now I'm about to get just ruthlessly slaughtered by the windmills. I think it broke my engine. It broke my engine. I actually hit one of the balloons there. I still made it, though. Okay, stalking windmill. I need you guys to help her brother out one time. There you go. Perfect. Yeah. Oh, no, no. Don't you do it. Ow. Oh, this is bad. Okay. Yes. Just put me back up. Put me right side up. Thank you. You did it. You're the chosen. Never mind. I hate you. With a burning passion I believe I could fly I believe I'm gonna die alex. Crushes my soul every night and day oh, yes. Yeah. Got it. No. Oh, music was my downfall. Doing great. Doing great. Okay. Things got really bad really quick. I got to tell you, man. I am oh, here we go. Here we go. This is good. Yeah. Okay, so you can't oh, God, I hate myself. It doesn't fit. You can't double wheel this. Maybe you can tightrope it. Oh, the wheels are just absurd. I've got an idea. Once we get to the chassis slide, we're. Going to just pick a side and I'm going to try and balance this thing over the chassis slide. Okay, I thought about this. Oh, my God. Oh, God. Okay, it can fit. I was thinking about just chassis sliding it picking aside and going but I think we can tightrope this. Look at this. Look at it. I just have to have infinite patience with which to do this. Bird, do not fly into my car while I'm trying to make this happen. It's like performing surgery. This is basically like playing Operation, because if you touch the sidewalls of the guy and it buzzes your hand, it's the exact same thing. Here. If I go even slightly too hard on one side oh, here we go. Oh, my God. Oh, it's going to happen. Oh, it's going to happen. Yeah. Oh, my God. I can't believe it. What else you got for me? Oh, no. Oh, it's a real jazzy slide. Oh, there's the end. I can't even tightrope this. I have to legitimately jazzy slide this. This is ridiculous. Okay, just go. Just go gray. It's gonna be fine. Big jump. That was oh, that is it's. It's, it's it's al this thing's so wide, it's impossible to balance. I am very flustered right now because while I can get to this point, it's happening. No, it stopped. No, it stopped. No, keep going. Keep going. This is amazing that you can kind of balance it. As long as I keep the beam in the middle oh, God. In the middle of the spoiler. Ah, I got a feel for it. I'm getting a feel for it. We're just going to go for it. We're going to go for it. Big jump. Nice landing. Oh, no. Come on, baby. This. Good. Oh, you start to lose. It. Okay. I'm centered. Good lip. Hold on. I believe. I believe. I don't believe. Not gonna lie, Alex, your challenge is the devil. Oh, that's good. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Here. Oh, just get to the end. No, I can get so close. I can taste it. That's a good jump. Oh, that's a good jump. Oh, do I have enough momentum? Out of momentum, but it doesn't matter. I made it. We made it to the bottom. Yes. Oh, my God. Do not put your cars on diets, because we have a winner. Well, I piloted a thick car, and now I have a thick headache. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoy this episode of GTA. Till next time, stay boxy. Much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,027,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lrdbDVzpDOo
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Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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