Everytime I crash chaos happens in GTA 5

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all right we're checking out the only game where every time I crash the chaos just keeps multiplying its GTA Alex wanted to upgrade his bachelor's degree to a doctorate in torturing and so he's created a brand new challenge I have to reach four different checkpoints across the entire map and I can use any means necessary but there's a catch each checkpoint has a permanent chaos item that will stack on top of each other on top of a growing pool of random chaos things that happen every time I crash the more checkpoints I get the more the permanent chaos items stack the deeper the bucket of random chaos stuff gets and the longer the chaos lasts every time I crash Alex wants to see if I can complete the challenge before I uninstall the game so let's do this welcome to level one permanent chaos 5 star wanted level number of chaos items 40 and then the chaos lasts for 10 seconds each time I crash that's the arrow we need to get to First there's four of those now Alex was nice enough to get me a car but he did mention that I can use any means necessary ready to try and beat this challenge because of how stupid it is I do love the Boosty car though because this means that hopefully I can just get through a lot of problems by just jumping them so the way it works is by Landing it does not count as a crash getting shot also doesn't count as a crash a crash is a classic crash the the vehicle hits another car it hits a human being hits a road sign here let me show you we'll line up hit the Boost hit this rock that is a classic crash and we get clone player okay now Alex said each time there's a crash he's giving me like a window so that the crashes don't just like infinitely stack and immediately crash the game I just don't know how long the window is it's usually about like three to four seconds let me test all right so there's a human being right there now I have the bees all right I've messed around it looks like right about five seconds let's do this all right so fortunately after all the torture I've been through with Alex I'm pretty good at dodging traffic and problems look at this watch this roadblocks no problem Alex has put so many different roadblocks into me I this is oh this is like a day in the park this is like a vacation seriously all right so I've already managed to stack two of them right now which is drunk and then times 10 engine speed and then I immediately hit a pole which brought me into blind pets okay I can quickly see now how this can get out of hand especially as we start to get more checkpoints oh my life well that didn't take too long so um obviously if you can tell I hit a police car uh I have delayed camera now and I can tell you that delayed cameras probably one of the absolute worst items you could get when you're trying to avoid dying times 10 engines speed let's do this oh yeah oh we're getting there all I want is to see if I can even make it no all I want is to see if I can even make it through the very first checkpoint and I'm very curious at that point what he gives to me as my permanent chaos don't hit anything I must have hit a cone or something explosive zombies fantastic as long as I have a car that can fly over stuff like this I'm pretty sure oh I'm so screwed right now so the the zombies are still oh we got secondary exploding zombies what are the chances of pulling from a bucket of stuff and getting some explosive zombies 30 hours speed limit oh oh even the Boost can't go above 30. this is awful the Dodge cars oh whoa whatever what happened why what is this a cut scene what was the what was this Rand what happened I'm a little bit closer to the arrow at least I got greedy trying to go for a faster car it did not work out well all right run is going good so far obviously I love how one of the items was fling player like I don't have enough problems stopping from hitting everything around me to begin with oh no I just hit a fence the worst part about being drunk is I'm trying to avoid stuff driving the car what oh no the console experience everyone is a ghost the worst part is there is just no way to avoid hitting stuff while you're drunk because a car just does whatever it wants oh there you go oh and there goes the fence and there goes another fence all right so we're still rolling on the console experience and everyone is a ghost these are okay I get I mean they're not okay but they're not immediately murdering me air strike probably not the best one I could have managed to pull out of a hat oh that guy just got murdered I the air strike didn't even dude do you realize what happens if you run into my car we're going off-road oh oh it's distance baby so oh no six The Landing my car's dead I guess joke's on you Alex I can't crash and cause chaos if I don't have a vehicle to crash in however I'm also getting shot in the gray giblets by a helicopter stop it stop gambles fell on top of me okay now I'm kind of surrounded ah yeah I had no idea I had no idea that just getting the first checkpoint would be this brutal oh there's almost a deer in the road come on oh it's a fake teleport oh I've been on foot for a while after back to the beginning oh no you know well I might have swoled one let me let me let me aim this up I was gonna say I might as well use the Boost since I already got fling through the atmosphere there goes 30 percent of my car bouncy vehicles oh oh boy okay that's not it's not that bad oh I haven't hit anything in probably a good 30 seconds well so much for that the tiniest pylon is what I hit break doors of every vehicle oh the ground is just littered with doors it's a chaos that makes my job a thousand times more difficult no oh boy now I get to see my own regret in super slow motion whoa no train no trainer oh this has got to be it this has gotta be it you gotta say we have a check boy so finally the stupendous permanent chaos chaos traffic magnet seriously I'm trying to describe this to the audience traffic magnet I think it said the number of cast items is now up to 50 and then the chaos lasts for 20 seconds and this is the car he's given us so traffic magnet for those of you who don't know means that all of the various cars in this game yep like that right there just a random pedestrian are now going to intentionally try and crash into me now just every normal person like Mom and her minivan over here is gonna try and go through my windshield there's the bees okay so the next Arrow is straight ahead over the mountain range now I'm gonna run into this rock foreign I love that one of the items is like a legitimate crash here's the helicopters not trying to run into me well I was gonna go on to the other side of it I did earthquake oh no how am I supposed to dodge any of this I literally just saw like 20 cops spawn on the ridge over here one dude just launched all the side of the net no Wendy just launched off the side of the mountain he was like I've had enough of being inside of a gray stone plays chaos episode look at the end random human when flying out of the door look at the bodies the game is lit oh my God no not the bees after channeling my inner Nicholas Cage I have overcome the bees without any additional problems so it looks like if my wheels run over stuff like small rocks and things it doesn't count so maybe it's like frame on frame that's gonna count 100 percent yep everyone exits their vehicles less not bad oh my vehicle's running my life in here I legit lost 50 of my soul oh my God not the Cinematic camera fifty percent of my soul back when I when my own car betrayed me and ran myself over hope you're all enjoying the Cinematic vehicle cam because it's not helping me at all the sad part is I already lost 50 of my assault for the first checkpoint so I'm down to like 25. I'm down to half of a half I swear to God I think this helicopter is legit trying to crash into me he's gotten 10 feet from me like passing over me and the big jump sticks The Landing no problem like when you eventually stack the third permanent Chaos on top of all of the whoa on top of all of the other random chaoses that can happen I can quickly see like if I can evolve as my pain tolerance quick enough I'm just crashed into one another that's what you get if I can evolve my pain tolerance quick enough I can probably do it without too much of a problem all right check it out we are doing great now somewhere right over to the right of me is the arrow right there now my problem is coming down this mountain we're probably going to end up hitting a ton of things and truck and triggering a lot of oh God I can't tell where I'm supposed to go I can't see anything I just want to roll down this mountain fortunate well I should say now all the houses are lapsing for 20 SEC oh my God Follow My Dead Body out when this pain ends all right here's the plan We're Not Gonna Take a car down this thing because I've tried this a few times now the problem is you start going down this hill don't you dare you start going down this hill and the car just hits every single thing on the way down there it is okay we're gonna jump this yeah I need more speed any more forward speed there we go there we go there we go I had to I had to stop like mid yeat yell to kind of just making sure nothing's behind me going to shoot me to change my trajectory here this was my best idea I I don't know why I kept trying to come down that mountain in a car that was stupid but instead all we have to do is get right about here and then we have a checkpoint level three permanent chaos meteor shower on top of all the other stuff now there's 60 potential chaos items and each chaos oh my God each scale wow each cast lasts for 30 seconds we're just getting rolled over oh no [Music] no gravity oh my god oh Burning Alive how am I still alive this is incredible the damage that I have taken like I'm being protected by my own gravity field right now this is amazing it's a rock uh it's like being hugged by the the silky arms of Mother Nature herself in case you're wondering I didn't make it out in the end I laughed in a long time though all right on the motorcycle doing okay I do like the fact that I can't get shot the problem is if I get shot too many times I'll die that way but the fact that there's a nice thin item there's not a lot of space for me to hit stuff means I could did I just get sniped did you just snipe me in the kidneys I was using those I love kidneys oh god oh oh I hit something that counted my w Can't Stop [Music] oh this is a great run this is like one of the best runs that [Music] so interesting turn of events if Jesus crashes it doesn't count the problem is he can't drive like he just keeps running into this car look at this look at this just more and more meteorite stacking up all around us man drive with some urgency Jesus okay or you could just yeah just ramp right over the vehicle why not sure this is a thing that's happening right now this is a real thing that's happening okay legit getting Jesus as your as your Uber driver is [Music] simultaneously one of the most amazing and terrible things that can oh my God that could happen oh no well that could have what happened thanks a lot wait thanks a lot am I allowed to have a tank 100 I'm common during this tank if chaos is giving me a tank it's mine it counts get out of the way all right chaos mod what do you got now [Laughter] I'm Invincible I'm in a tank what could chaos possibly the only problem is I'm moving at like 10 miles an hour I can't necessarily Dodge things are you kidding me right now doomsday is this the one thing they couldn't beat in the tank and I triggered it my tank is on fire my tank is burning like and it doesn't this doesn't look good I don't know if I can survive this or not but I don't want to leave it because of my ah come on pretty normal day for gray W keys stuck driving a motorcycle don't want to hit anything otherwise my life will get twice as worse you know what twice of infinity is I made it through the W key being stuck without hitting a single thing and then my groin got shoved through the top of my spine and I died what is that car doing carved now poor boy all right I've got a police car I thought maybe it would work like camouflage Need for Speed minimum oh my God I need to go 40 miles an hour I blow up no I hate you all what is with the jet just t-boning into the ground in the distance I saw the shadow of a meteorite oh we're almost there hold on this is happening this is happening right now okay I just oh my God no no mercenaries it could have been a lot worse oh come on [Music] I hate everything I've got a fast car I've got a good run I've got a lot of people trying to run into me there's an old motorcycle that betrayed me oh no oh it's very low gravity ah you know what we haven't seen very low gravity yet this is perfect here's the plan as usual we're gonna fly through the air when the gravity finally returns back to normal we're going to jump out and hopefully oh my God and hopefully I have enough height that we can just parachute into the next checkpoint that is if I don't get murdered by a meteorite because uh as you can see they're still just spawning all around me this is not enough height this isn't enough we're gonna have to keep driving out also fortunately it didn't go deep enough into the water where it would flood the engine but we're on the we're on oh my God what are you doing I'm on the sand and there's not a lot of things for me to crash into right now plus I can see all of the incoming problems from like way far away this is working oh this is 100 working I have to get inside of the base I think that the arrows inside the base I got good news and I got balls right there okay oh it's whale rain oh the whales I love whales they're adorable and I also love jackpots we are so close to this being over permanent chaos is now drunk the number of chaos items is 69 of course is Alex and the chaos lasts for 40 seconds let me tell you how bad it is to have permanent drunkenness when the entire challenge aspect of beating the board is not running into anything oh no it wasn't long oh oh just the all the water dried up that's not a big deal Vehicles shoot Rockets I have to I have to correct every couple of seconds because the vehicle just drifts everywhere right now so the waters decided to repopulate uh when I was in the ocean because I couldn't actually steer away from that area and uh oh my God this is a terrible position to be in let me tell you someone give me a call no all right so far so good trying to stick close to the to the sand over here because again it's just there's a lot of open area for me not to hit things which is nice as long as I don't bury the wastelander inside the water and flooded out uh can they make it through here oh yeah this guy's got plenty of height whoa whoa oh you gotta be kidding me Spawn of Ferris wheel why [Laughter] no point five game speed no the chain of pain has started like this is this is the point where you just start hitting things and you keep hitting things and then the chaos just continues to stack on top of one another so it's super slow-mo I'm drunk right now so trying to drive this thing is ridiculous there's meteorites falling everywhere getting shot at don't ask me how but I oh my god when the meteorites hit the helicopter and owned it that helicopter just got rko'd out of nowhere by space I think the best thing about 0.5 game speed is I get to ignore all of the police's orders in super slow motion that oh spinning camera why not my car got repossessed I got thrown into the ocean and I just got shot in the in the in the butt I just got shot in the butt with full automatic weapons all right this is the Run well I say the run this is more like a stumble because I'm drunk wow starting it off right away huh insane gravity eh so now all the meteorites are gonna come down super fast jumpy props oh my God all right we are still alive not by much but I'm still here I still have my vehicle it is smoking and on fire that means I need to get out of here before before that happens I have a plan just trust me on this here's what we're gonna do I can't get through this without crashing into something whatever I'll take my crash fortunately the crash just spawned fireworks oh I have an idea I have an idea give me the tank give me your attack get out attack now out you go I need this it's the only dancing to keep me alive okay the tank is actually not my end goal here I need this tank so we can get a plane and then I'm gonna drive the plane and get the get the final checkpoint see drunk tank driving that's okay I can get another tank you don't even Wanna Know you don't even want to know it is totally possible where is there a good plane that's not on fire it is totally possible that I chose the worst idea to try and complete this challenge in the entire universe but I got it we're here we're at the point where I can grab a plane now unfortunately I am bleeding oil out of my rectum and I am running insanely slow as funny as my drunk running is allowing me to dodge all the bullets all right inside the plane everyone out of the way I don't care no I don't have time explosive ammunition excuse me we're taking off okay so I will say I was gonna say driving drunk the plane is not easy um and now the best part is you all get to enjoy the amazing cinematic footage of me having to dodge all the meteorites in the sky because it's the helicopter cam we are still alive I am missing part of my plane I have been having to I've been in dog fights with meteorites now forever here's the plan we're almost there I can see the pink ramp at the bottom we're gonna jump and we're gonna what do I need to do this I'm probably gonna need like a vehicle or something I'm gonna try and kind of oh my God I still have to dodge all these meteorites too I'm gonna see if I can find anything just some vehicle that I can grab so that we can finish this off we're gonna pull you know what I'll take whatever I can get this is fine oh this is fine what could pot oh this thing is so slow I had no idea this is stupid this is so ridiculous and I'm driving this while the character is drunk so it's just awful trying to maneuver this thing around oh give me any other car here we go here we go here we go all right I get my pick of cars we're taking this we're gonna take this one I need something with Speed and Agility not like that matters when I'm drunk I just got rolled over by a meteorite and I'm in portrait mode now no okay this could have been a lot worse we're fine we're fine there's the ramp all I have to do is get to the ramp and all of my nightmares are over portrait mode doesn't even matter can't stop me meteorites epic Dodge all day long oh yeah we're gonna line it up ready we're gonna light it up we're gonna go over the ramp why is everyone trying to get in my way oh they forgot the traffic magnet all of the little like terminal vehicles are still trying to traffic magnet me but the ramp is jumping the ramp has jumpy props I'm still drunk on top of all this so I can't drive in a straight line oh the I get it let me have this just just let me have this here we go here we go here we go no God look at my car the axle's broken like there's two of the front wheels are on rims at this point okay I had to pick up a plane I'm running out of ideas I'm literally right there I can do this all I have to do is take off and then we're just gonna fly the plane okay I've got another plane it's the same plane sadly enough so I still have trauma about what just happened what this plane just did to me when a meteorite came out of nowhere but we oh we have a winner yes it's over I know black hole why well I dealt with chaos and Chaos literally sucked my soul out like a straw anyways until next time stay foxy and much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 953,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, strongest man gta 5, kwebblekop gta 5, gameplay, funny, gaming, game, moments, games, walkthrough, comedy, challenge, playthrough, fun, entertainment, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, GTA but, chaos mod, gta 5 chaos mod, mods, chaos, best mod gta v, gta 5 chaos, gta v chaos mod, chaos happens, gta but, everytime i crash
Id: -1r6-2q2jfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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