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[Music] hi i'm stephanie and this is my home the 16th century chateau de la land la land was owned for hundreds of years by a family of marquis who were at the heart of french royal life one of them even had the honor of being sent by king louis xv to greet marie antoinette on her arrival in france but far from being a stuffy museum this chateau is a living home i live here all the time and i'm regularly joined by my mother my family my friends and wonderful volunteers from all over the world who helped me to lovingly restore this historic home welcome to la land a chateau filled with life love and laughter now not much gets me out of my bed at the moment but this does sorry about my outfit for this but i could not see this it's too exciting that being is actually basically hanging it's not attached to anything so we'll see what we discover we'll see what we'll see well what's going to happen stephanie i've got one with me did i tell you about the fact that ian said that all the black stripes on the hook that was from the fire so this is the old plaster which obviously it holds faster but it had this very strange uh stone first turn when we started to peel this back we've got to find the wall support we realize there's another layer behind oh wow much much older you can see how it's been glued on completely different format and as you pull that off you can see the original pigment of the paint that's quite nice you can see the lines that are transferred across and where this have had a very similar styling right in white and in blue any little tiny pieces unfortunately wow so that's the oh that's obviously the old style of plastering yeah three but i would imagine pre the fire and then this new stuff is more of a fibre board it's nothing i've ever seen in the uk but this must be a very early version of plasterboard i imagine right you know yeah like 1800s and that would have been added onto the top you can really see the square on the back of it as well in white you can see the pigment lines of the old paint can you see the square so i think they've actually mirror imaged if they've copied what was there before i mean if it didn't broke again and if you look here for example that's definitely a burn mark oh okay so i think that when this caught fire this front and this was rebuilt obviously these floors may have been added up because of some damage beneath yeah this room wasn't touched hence just these two spaces have that slightly lower floor right i think that too because on the other side yeah uh you can see that there's a window bricked up and the stair a bit there's a window that's half bricked up that would have never been built that way no no so that's pretty much what's happening so yeah we lost this front facade yeah but somehow this survived so we'll be on the burn mark to prove it and then these two different types of plots are made completely different ages completely different ages super cool yeah here we are we are time team in keeping with what we thought because all the back windows are still the original ones and the front ones are 19th century yeah so we think that this was the side most affected by the fire but we're not we do we can't prove it philip told me this is what you discovered while i was away this is a new board yes look at that that's just old yeah you've actually got the hair and everything yeah yeah yeah that's made as a board very interesting and steph notes that the same pattern is on the beam behind you and you can even see yes so here you see you can see that there was a dado and painted a different color below and then painted with the sort of fake stone patterning above okay we're going to leave the men cutting the jeans out uh next time i come through from my room i can see a big difference then we can start discovering also what the situation is with the floor very exciting well as also sounds weird but it's really nice lying in bed there and hearing all this happening i feel like even if i'm lying in bed things like things are getting done i brought you a cup of tea thank you why is it that whenever i walk in here i never see you resting or reading what you're talking about i can see the external hard drive i'm just very enjoying this book right now yes is it an excellent book yes it is i'm thoroughly enjoying it i was just looking at a tiny bit of footage i like doing it i know but you should be resting it makes me happy i feel very look i couldn't be more rested tea makes you happy too yeah it does makes me really happy um ian just came down and he told me the wall is gone already this flats so just in there i know so do i have a look yes great oh that's the bread arriving nice i love that sound that's the dulce sound of the bread delivery woman i love living here let's go okay okay this was so quick it's literally been like half an hour how did you do it so fast big saw oh wow that's the easy bit now we have to cut through here with this big timber yeah there's a whole length of your dressing room as well yes so we've got to come we're going to cut this down here now yes one of these guys hanging on to this end because this will flow a little bit then we've got to get this pretty much into the center right here's going to have a ladder up that end and then slowly going to lift off the acros and see what else is going on and does the entire ceiling collapse with it i'm afraid you've got to be trapped in here like before we close that door off and he imports his ladder up there it looks like there's a tile up there as well down here yeah these are the bricks oh right well hopefully you'll find treasure we're always hoping wow everyone's gotta roll except for me do you need hard hats for this hey are you happy for me to take this away okay that side's out quite a lot of bits falling which is worrying wow there's a whole terracotta floor above it which is really bizarre because there isn't a terracotta floor upstairs this is [Music] weird anyway the good news is that the ceiling is the same height on both sides which we once well looking at that ceiling i'm very happy that there's a plaster in the room i got a copy of the original what maybe it's a very beautiful one yeah we could have that one it's in three sections yeah it's quite a lovely one the original coving is that doable ian the impossible we do today miracles take a bit longer i don't know we can take we can take it we can actually take our molding off the molding yeah it's fantastic absolutely i love it they're going to be taking those out so yeah yeah wow beautiful so porcelain in ammo is my happy place but bread is yours the thought of bread gave me strength to get dressed and come downstairs so i'm feeling pretty trust because it's time for today's enforced walk are we going to look at the at the herbs again we're going to go and see if that's around is it is it time for it well i miss you i'm really excited because i'm going to have a ham and mayonnaise sandwich this is the mayonnaise you've been going on about yes because the french mayonnaise is terrible delicious it's delicious and you always say can i try yes you can i want to see what the difference is in color is it already like [Applause] that's not mayonnaise that is that's salad cream that's my least favorite thing in the world that is mayonnaise i don't believe that it's called mayonnaise look at the front it's got sugar in it phillip what it's got sugar in what are you talking about it's like salad cream [Music] dutch mayonnaise that's lovely you're literally poking fun at the dutch house excellent okay now i take it back this is also got a lot of things and i'm going to do a taste comparison you're going to like the french home best because you're using yeah that's because what i'm used to they're different they're very different but just keep on trying at each one because it's so much better it really is agree to disagree it is time for the enforced walk we're looking for dan that sounds like it is i leclair this might be down i hear a tractor i don't see a tractor i see peacocks oh i see a tractor and i don't see that that is not damn that is that's why we're definitely not down where are they let's go on a hunt where could he be i mean dan's van is still here yeah he's gonna be here somewhere let's go for a little wander you look stunning honestly this is like a movie i feel as though i'm in the set of some disney movie and you're the princess in disguise as a florist in the village yes keeping warm just stunning look at the orchids yeah you see um i had to use them and i'm not very fond of exotic plants but i find them beautiful yeah it's not really my style but i know someone who loves them in this house and uh so i'm making a bouquet for nattie bernatti that is just spectacular oh thank you i love them i think those orchids are glorious thank you i really like the orange pop of color yes so yeah i hope she likes it i know these beautiful flowers from alice again yeah a little bit from alice and the little bits that i've ordered myself no dan buttermai that's something right i feel that we found something exciting hello excuse the mess oh come on it's laughably pretty oh thank you you have to come and stand here okay right that's where it's yeah i've just planned to be looked at from yeah it looks so stunning well i've taken away the candles because i only had candles for photos not for actual but imagine it for warmth as you stand by a single candle not yet no it's getting better and better every day now yeah it is so i've got some beautiful um flowers um for this week and then i've got some beautiful flowers from alice um they are stunning and the dried flowers okay and some roses so and there's flowers everywhere to be honest absolutely yeah everywhere everywhere and oh i've ordered these hello boris ah oh yes you had some at christmas as well didn't you white ones yeah and the the pedal is so absolutely stunning i love it so much so yeah i feel like i'm in heaven everywhere i look yes absolutely i'm more down there hiding yeah this is just just just a few more lilies just a little bit oh look behind me this is the easter spring section oh well because we have themed sections easter spring section i tried to color coordinate a little bit so that it is my favorite yeah gorgeous i love visiting mahi it just it's magical in there isn't it i prefer this studio over at the studio in this table she prefers it too good i mean it looks so much better it's just a gorgeous backdrop with all the flowers i love it i just love it it makes me really happy yeah and now look at this you hadn't seen this how do you fill up these trees all down isn't it amazing so this happened last week and i filmed it all we've got the footage and we're going to show you that now this one you'll see what what i mean with dead trees it's going to fell right if it's just wow oh you see that is how dangerous it is and like the size of that right next to the chapel and it was completely rotten inside and that's the bottom bit of yeah and it's just but it just disintegrated and that's what stopped showing me about the redwood you think that might happen there the split seems to it's nearly down to the floor and i've seen these go and i've seen them collapse oh at least three down this afternoon including that one leaning towards the chapel yeah there's one two this dead one here yeah the one i'm behind pine behind it the chestnut's going up that way yeah which then will make it a lot clearer to get those two down and these three and then the chapel will be safe everything's clear from the chapel oh my goodness i've just wandered back to see what's going on and nick is halfway up a tree with a chainsaw oh wow it looks as though he's gonna try and climb really high up he's just clearing the branches in the way whilst he climbs up [Music] i'm just going to remind you all of how high off the ground he is isn't this amazing yeah yeah here by the chapel i figure he's not going to want to hit the chapel so we're probably in the safest spot here i was just wandering around i haven't seen him do this i think i've seen the trees coming down i've been cutting down the grape vines on the other side a lot smaller oh he's so high up so how does he did you see him sort of get up there yeah he's got a rope that's not that high you're used to higher yeah that's incredibly high to me it [Music] so he is off the branches yeah he takes off the branches and he uses his rope to pull himself higher so where is the rope then it's around the trunk and he's wearing it as a harness oh i see but it's not there you go see there he's moving the rope up that's it that it's just his weight against yeah against that rope oh i wouldn't fancy that how straight is that trunk it's unbelievable yeah look it's basically tarzan yeah there's dismantling it because of the lean and the other trees around it right plus of the beautiful chapel that's next to it which way will the tree go when it's going down the track right it's not cool nothing will be coming out the woods this way right everything's going back that is amazing that's the reason why some have got to be pieced down rather than just right so is this one coming down in sections yes it is how tall would you say that tree is uh the moment is using a 40 meter rope so you're looking at about 20 meters where he's going to right right because you've got to make sure you've got enough rope to get back down right yeah that would be a bit of a he's got to dig his big rope out for the big redwood yeah when is the redwood coming down that could be a couple of weeks yeah a week after next week to proper clear the track out and everything right so it's got a straight line for it right yeah the red wood could possibly just explode on impact oh really because if you're looking from this angle you can see the split that's already coming developing in it really high it actually comes lower than what we thought it comes all the way down right and if you look at the second half of the tree yeah is where the side stem is actually oh yeah on top of that one oh yeah see it now is in this one i could see it you see this one here uh the left hand one yeah left hand one yeah see the branch sticking it's not meant to be in the right hand side one oh it's yeah that's the top of the left hand one what on earth is it doing in there snapped out because the left on one's dead yeah you can just see the bottom of it sticking at a diagonal well that complicates things yeah it'll come out in a yeah i minute you're higher than the chapel sorry you're higher than the chapel well i am either you move oh my goodness you're higher than the chateau french don't tend to climb as much they'll prefer to bring a cherry picker or a crane or something the french tree surgeon yes [Music] that's quite some father you have yep wherever you think i should stand down here is taking the top out and it should go down should okay great let's go as far back as possible i've not only missed where he wants to put him unless the wind picks up yeah [Music] wow perfect well swinging around up there well done the most dangerous part about this job is the tree because we know that our harnesses our ropes and everything are up to standard yeah the only thing we cannot tell what's happening is inside of the tree if it's rotten at the core right it's like there's stunts that show the other one yeah the same thing can happen with the redwood yeah um it is it's literally the tree is the most unsafest thing that we've got to use yeah because it's like looking at something you can't see through looking through a brick wall yeah so now this is a coming down in section yeah now we'll just meter it down safely bring it down in meters great i'm looking at the big one it's amazing that one's going next week nice this is just going to be a huge job like split somehow yeah it's terrible that's why it has to go for them but now finally it's clear around the chapel and these two are going as well yeah that's much really start clearing all the way down here because that's quite close to the champions you know how it's leaning yes i have seen that very scary well we haven't found done yet doesn't it look better on this side you can actually see everything it looks so much bigger yeah that's amazing it makes the garden feel bigger because you suddenly realize there's a whole other bit of garden after remote that carries on and you want to make this into like a very formal party garden one day which all of the guest bedrooms look down onto that sounds like a wonderful idea it's beautiful i love that so many exciting things happening at the moment but where's dan i don't know thank goodness his van is still there after all the exploring i know earlier i was looking out the window and i kept seeing him busy doing things what are you working on just tidying up really bits and bats i just keep hoping for the flame brown yeah i need to get some gas okay next week yes i might help a little bit with that pack some weeds okay good good okay well you carry on doing whatever you were doing with those planks yeah just looking busy i couldn't find the clipboard so see you later all right well we've walked around the entire property i think that counts as a walk doesn't it yes i think this will suffice two major advancements have been made first is that i got dressed for the first time since leaving hospital and the second is that we're investigating under and somebody's actually made up a new flooring that sits under there which may again relate back to that fire all those years ago yeah it's possible and maybe that's why they raised a little bit because they were getting the pipes underneath i don't think so i think maybe actually these joists have stopped and stopped short to actually just allow that piping to go through there no treasure yet none well copper [Applause] scrap copper well um so not good news on the floor front we are going to need a new floor yes and try and keep this one to reuse elsewhere because it's too beautiful well this i mean this is a much bigger space than in there but because of the way it's put together if i could save enough of this i can do that room that's going to be stunning that could be lovely yeah maybe you could do a little entrance bit too between the two doors that way but again because we've got to change the flooring haven't we at that point at that point but then we could keep that flooring there well we could but we have two floors here can we not have a mix just inside the doorway we go for these wipes right come to the stove man with a little bit of a bit of um parchment as well how strange it's all happening [Music] and then to this kind of short plank system and there's harry potter in the dressing room yeah but it used to be a bathroom there was a bathroom yes and i think that uh the terracotta is not really working for the dressing room yeah we can transfer that into it into here and this anti-room space good idea that way we keep the history we keep the floor we use it in the two areas that don't have a good floor which is great then we need to get a new floor for this entire space and i think well we'll take it through that doorway as well because actually the container of this is more in keeping yes with the really old part of the chassis and i'm not that happy anyway with this um there's more modern fireplace that was added in the 19th century onto an older chimney breast that is much bigger than the fireplace the floor was done at the same time so the half is small the path is to fit this fire yeah for that question and because this constant movement is going to cause this to crack as well yes so he wants to come back out to here and he wants to be more of a ladies this isn't really what you would want a loaded boot while the colours were wrong the style's completely wrong anyway for the width of the chimney so that one can come out good good i think we can utilize this marble that's it we have some that are broken and that they they need uh fixing and that can do that and if you have enough parquet this one left maybe the bit between your bedroom and this room there as well because it's got a terracotta there as well oh yes oh yes i forgot about that yes yes well again it just depends on how it comes apart right it might just go together like a jigsaw possibly very easy or it sways of it we just have to yeah that could be good in there just that little bit is terracotta wow very very exciting it's all happening here this room is going to be so beautiful total transformation you just won't recognize it already absolutely fantastic and now the thing that most of you have been asking for some of you have been dreading as i've taken over editing for this week this will be the first installment of philips woodland watch because we've got some hidden cameras in the forest and they picked up some beautiful wooden animals this week we'll have a look at bernard the badger oh look at how cute he is honestly [Applause] [Music] and our dear dear friend hendrika [Music] hedgehog [Music] look at the little paws and tail just melts my heart i'm so sorry everyone once you saw the woodland cam footage that was it and the awful thing is there's so much more to go i know we've got debra dear i think that woodland watch might uh creep into a few more vlogs from now on phillips very enthusiastic a huge thank you to all of our patrons at la land who are making this vlog possible especially our duffer and dauphine of la land yael and ether dan banda whaling banshee brian barnard brandon and john michael cecilia begum denise behrens jill bidwell candice blackburn candace and edward koski clara butcher paulina calabro chloe chalakhani steven dennis saying dixon jackie allison nicholas w fairfax tracy ferrari caroline first abigail grant fifi greenberg crystal hardy brenda harris delaine holbrook kim hasselhoff david and tong henderson jacqueline holmes priscilla hubler brian kelsey and phil burnt jimmy kemp nadia kennedy lisa laforge dave and summer land morgan lawley victoria lepin janet hoff lombard marina frank martin meredith robert miller kathy nuri jc award maureen palmer teresa sloan frank broposki and james snow tomorrow price armin rahman tonya renee rjb bettina rojack hanny ross mary ryan elizabeth scanlon sven schreiber lisa schultz jennifer shanks patty sue who susan stevens and the leaf house sarah thornton colleen troyer renee vilelli victoria jessica walker brandy walton laura watkins lucas wallen james whalen cheryl whitaker christine wilson winnie de la cockapoo greg with david young ludovico's oranazzo and thank you to all of you you
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 99,457
Rating: 4.9688191 out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, chateau de la lande, the chateau diaries, restoration, diy, transformations, chateau tour, tree surgery, floristry, renovations
Id: EOZjg8OzU_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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