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[Music] hi i'm stephanie and this is my home the 16th century chateau de la land la land was owned for hundreds of years by a family of marquis who were at the heart of french royal life one of them even had the honor of being sent by king louis xv to greet marie antoinette on her arrival in france but far from being a stuffy museum this chateau is a living home i live here all the time and i'm regularly joined by my mother my family my friends and wonderful volunteers from all over the world who helped me to lovingly restore this historic home welcome to la land a chateau filled with life love and laughter today i have the most exciting news for you all i can barely contain myself i couldn't say anything until i had told my patrons about it and i told them yesterday so today i can tell you what we are going to do to the grand salon this room when i bought it still had these little extra 19th century walls put in so we had those removed one of the first things i ever did when i got to the chateau making one big beautiful space and starting to create an amphilad all the way down because remove these walls as well so it's all straight all the way down and then we had to redo all the flooring we put the underfloor heating in and beautiful terracotta flooring then we had the doors onto the terrace double glazed then things stopped and we just kept it you know as nicely decorated as we can knowing that there will be something else in the future that day has arrived because thanks to my patrons we have been able to buy louis the 15th 18th century paneling which has been taken from an hotel party coulee on the ile san luis in paris and it arrived at the chateau so now we're going to go back in time to last week and you can see just how excited we were as it was being unpacked oh my goodness i think this might be it i think this might be the paneling this is very important and all the little extra bits that have fallen off as well so there's very long bits and then there's lots of shorter little bits like this and he's thinking you could put these to one side and then get the longest exactly there's lots of little bits at the end i recognize all the different pieces that's the one from below the mirror oh what is being unpacked behind me is actually 18th century louis the 15th paneling from an hotel particular little private mansion on the ulsan wheat in paris it was being removed and unbelievably because of our patrons here at the land we've been able to purchase it and it's going to be installed in the car salon this is an absolute dream it was there from before the french revolution and now it's coming here to live in the grand salon to completely transform leiland because la land has lost all of its interior paneling it's lost everything in the fire and to be able to put historic paneling like this back it's incredible and it's all because of our patrons this is the sort of thing i've been driven off ever since buying the chateau i think i better help carry stuff actually i'm worldly excited but things need to be moved what do you think nattie it is amazing it's so beautiful yeah it's a mind blower it's so beautiful i will help with the small things it's all hands on deck today so many pieces and it's my cousin emery who's actually been seen on the vlog before once when i was in london and once when he was here at a singles do uh he is a carpenter really amazing carpenter he's actually going to come and stay here at la land and fit all of this so emery you've got a puzzle ahead of you because how you doing hope all's well i received the photos of the paneling and my god does it look stunning and i cannot wait to start fitting it i'll be there sooner than you think due to covid you know but i will be there anyway speak to you soon bye and now we have to be very careful how we store it until he gets here oh my goodness the bit you're holding wow steve yeah it's gorgeous so gorgeous stunning work to think that that was carved in the 1700s this is insane we'll be storing it here for a while we're trying to keep it as damp free as possible this room actually isn't too bad and gets very aired regularly everything's so wonderful oh my goodness everything just seems more and more beautiful so emery will have a lot of repairs too for example just looking at this you can see this is the shape that we're supposed to have here and here it's missing the i know that some of the missing pieces are actually in the envelope i was given but some will have to be remade and once we know exactly when emery can start one month before he starts we need to move all of this into the car cellar and it there so that it can get used to the humidity level in its final room before it gets fitted that's a fake door oh it may well be yes i think it is it is a little hole where the handle goes that's the invisible door wow andy you're strong we're in lying you are waiting just another day of carrying 18th century paneling hey steve justin tuesday well that's the inside of the cupboards look with the different areas that you can put the shelving and there's a shelf yes and another shelf there is an incredible one coming in now wow it's beautiful is going to be transformed i can't get over this this is a dream i feel as though i've just woken up in a dream how is this happening [Laughter] oh is that is that the mirror oh my god this is the bit that scares me the most so where do you want this that's a very old mirror this is scary oh i'm terrified this is the really scary bit for me oh so we oh my we think that this is the safest option because at the moment nick can't get here no one's using this apartment when he comes back we can move it but a lot of people use the maintenance frame and we're just scared that it will get knocked i will put the coffee machine for them yes they have been amazing these delivery men they haven't stopped wow two absolutely giant pieces left wow yes two backs of cupboards that's right uh two bookshelves yeah yeah i couldn't understand what those big bits were that didn't have any gold on them but that's it exactly i think we've been pouring over these plans for so long and we've got each bits individually yes but i think we can recognize them on site we know exactly what fits to what someone's going to put it back together yeah what a jigsaw puzzle i can't get over the size of these pieces so we will have a bookshelf at the back of the car salon which will be wonderful with a big mirror in the middle i'll show you all the pictures of the room that was taken from to give you an idea this is it the last two shelves and that's it that's the delivery done i hope you enjoyed seeing that arrive at the chateau as much as we did we're still on a complete high about it i can't wait for the summer because amri will be here and i mean i just love being with my cousin we actually grew up very very closely he's more like a brother to me because my aunt and uncle lived with my parents so we're super close and i'm so excited that he'll be able to come here and do that and i wanted to show you the goodies that we found in this envelope that came with it firstly and rather importantly we do have the missing bits do you remember when we were looking at them as they arrived there was one that had the base off it and it was in the envelope so i'm really pleased about that and a couple of other little pieces [Applause] and the keys for the doors and philip noticed something amazing i don't know if you remember the vlog that we did at the mystery chateau belonging to mark's sister of mark and amy from the chateau de jose their sister has the most amazing chateau that he grew up in and he had keys with numbers on and philip thinks that this is a one and a two i'm pretty sure actually it's not as clear as on that keys but i think you might be right i think i'm right too yeah so i was saying that's amazing i've never seen that i would love that one day and i think we've got that now totally unexpectedly with the paneling this is very exciting and here are the rooms uh there's all the photo of the room which is just yeah these ones i've already showed you but really incredible doors and this is the plan that my cousin will be using it will have to be cut down it is 25 centimeters taller than our room that is the lowest paneling that i could find actually this is why it's taken me so long to source paneling because if you cut down paneling that's a meter higher than the room you want to put it in all of the proportions of the patterning get lost so we couldn't possibly do that but this one was pretty close and my cousin is very used to doing this work i sent him everything before buying it and he said yes he can do it and he can make any additional pieces so we have a very exciting year ahead of us it will be weeks if not months of work and it will be starting in the summer i can't wait to be on this journey with all of you this year all of this excitement is only possible because of the patrons of the chateau diary so it's just a huge thank you to all of our patrons for making this possible for us and for all of the viewers to enjoy watching as well so i think until lunchtime i'm going to get on with writing patron cards which i've got quite a big pile there just a couple yeah i like it good luck how many hours before lunch couple good luck it's my favorite time of the day the bread delivery lady just came she leaves them out here so we've got one huge pound this is absolutely enormous the baguettes for sarah and steve i'll steve your baguette is here and two okay i feel a bit let down today philip i'll be honest where's the tray where's the asparagus the crab mayonnaise on the most delicious bread it's not bad i'm gonna quickly finish this and then let's go and see how matt's getting on the new china pantry matt i'm really pleased to see you here andy's done a great job of clearing the room wow yes just obviously get rid of the freezer quickly yeah right so natalie showed me some tiles that you've got yeah over there natalie was saying she wants this floor absolutely perfect which is not a problem yeah but remember you're using old old tiles they're probably a hundred years old and they're all chipped they're all um yeah but she means as perfect you know i'll get it absolutely they can't suddenly be unchipped no exactly when you were saying about all these i thought these were like pristine tiles coming from the other side of the world and then she gives me a lump of concrete that's what we're going to be using yeah yeah okay which is not a problem with an old building like this you've got to keep it yeah kind of hold it absolutely i'm totally fine for it to look as though they've always been here you know let's make it look as though the floor was always in here that's cool then that's fine so we'll get the concrete down yeah then we'll prep all the walls lovely at least another coat on yeah okay and then the tiles will do the last job we've come out to look at the tiles yeah i mean they're not new no i can see here there's all the cracking on the edge and as i was saying you've got all the old adhesive that's still on one picked up the other day plenty of poo loads on that i mean you think how long it's gonna take to get all that off yeah and do you think that's uh not lyme you think that's let me your finger now natalie to give it a scrape i've got one here [Music] yeah it will come off okay that's for every single tile every single tile that's what i said we wish to actually put them all on the floor and try it with the pressure wash first yeah you might get quite a bit off with that it and it will clean them good so that's not as bad as we feared no no no but i'm just saying you're probably looking at five or six minutes at all yeah so it's probably you can see how many there's gonna be we're gonna need yeah there's a couple of days work there yeah and a horrible job it really is a horrible job i mean everyone's like oh look that needs doing so yeah we're too busy aren't we matty would love to she meant it she loved it sadly she's too busy she said she wanted to be involved yeah as in a supervisory role no that wasn't that wasn't [Laughter] and then you've got all the little ones as well which are also it's going to be so pretty though is that yeah but with all the chips and oh you look at these well i think that's not the best one you've picked out no it was just the first didn't have much coupons yeah i am he's a very fastidious man are these the same color no let's hope so it doesn't look like it does it actually when it's cleaned it may well be they never noticed that that we might have two different colors on those oh they're just upside down i think they're quite good but they obviously yeah i think you just you started with a dud there the others are great look at that perfect until we get them all out yeah they're going to be so beautiful like ye of little face that's a pretty gorgeous french floor isn't it i think go to brick and get some new ones don't be silly nice square one we're gonna prove this to you when it's down it'll be shock and awe so do you want me to get someone over here yes please to do that to clean all these up yeah because as far as workings it's either cleaning tiles or making videos well we can make the videos and we can watch you do it i think everyone would actually really enjoy this faster camera you know yeah matt the roller digger does a takeover of the shuttle diaries i can do it let's get that floor up wow what a job this is a good system [Music] this is a really difficult job he's trying to loosen all of the tiles so they can then just come in and lift them it's so hard don't mind me bringing the dumper in the house do you you always give dylan the best jobs i'm sorting the dumper out you don't mind if we bring it inside yeah i don't mind i believe you've got big news for everybody i finished the compost yes the compost bin is done it was quite a project because i started and then i went to the loo and then i stopped to lose so back came back to the compost and the weather is very good in a couple of weeks so uh finally you could finish it it's beautiful summer uh do we usually need a chair for compost bin oh it's for the demonstration oh excellent thank you very much this journey's a little bit of welding so this is one thank you very much two and three so we're starting one yes so then dan is coming with his uh stuff okay i see the wheelbarrow we have a problem here oh how do we get it in oh no then get them out [Music] oh this is amazing it's like what's behind door number one bachelor number one well look at that so the wheelbarrow can go straight in i think you put it in i can practice smell the vegetables stay for for a while yes and at some point you can move it to to here compost pin number two and it's electrician that's why it's so nice if you can take this out that it's much easier to get in a second because else yeah but you fart it will be too high but no no no i was wrong it's really cool that's not really my own design there were some ideas of dan or davey and somebody should send me an email so i put it all here yes and then you get this came up with something uniquely and the fact that it's also got the hedges on either side i think it will be really pretty and there is also this is more in the line of this it's excellent which bachelor do we have behind compost bin number three so we're going to do some tree and it's summer okay ladies which one are you going to choose so it's wonderful yeah i never thought i'd want to sit staring at a compost bin but i do i really like it should we move your desk over here no i know i couldn't like it i could write the patreon here so yeah of course you can have a party here so we're still doing the party i spoke to matty we want to get dressed up one evening or one afternoon bring a bottle of champagne and put the first banana peel in sort of symbolic offering to the compost bin okay next week yeah we'll get everyone together proper compost point opening you should name it as well i think yeah i want to ask danforth to make a nice plate because it's very good yeah i don't know all right you've got time to think about it but you need to come up with a name they are beautiful it's a lot of work you see that is from one tree yes and then there is one tree that's an oak i really like yeah yeah uh it's super cool yeah everyone's going to watch them well they can hold it click the link below for 10 percent before we leave the garden look what i've just spotted our new thornless blackberries they're all shooting yeah look at that is that what it is yes that's all the little shoots coming out yes we're gonna have blackberry selma i love flavories yeah me too what's happened everything is out are you serious they managed to do landed well oh look at this oh wow yeah right oh yes that was so quick unbelievable really quick super city pizza [Music] wow just huge actually on the way in i just want to show everyone that ian's got much further with this the walls are all tanked the insulation is down and we're just waiting for the concrete to arrive so now let's go back in time and you can see when i was here with ian and natty and we were asking her how she'd like the layout of the room to be big change again nasty so the insulation is in insulation is in yeah so we've taken the membrane all the way through the walls behind the additional um king's pen great good that way we don't get any water penetration up through the yeah base of the pier fantastic these will have the concrete in for the two pillars let's just hear pillows it's going to be my favorite yeah so that the ceiling doesn't fall on you oh that's how you do it thank you yes thank you first it is amazing it's so much bigger than i than it feels before you know yeah it does feel way bigger so how big is this space literally water wall with 48 square meters i can't believe it i can't believe it honestly my flat in london is just over 50 and that's got two bedrooms two bathrooms and we're standing in here and i'm thinking well is there space for a little bathroom and a bed because i think we lose all sight of um proportion at la land of course yeah but it's good that's amazing there's so there's so many choices with those drawings we've done we can just keep moving it i don't know what you what you would like my thought had been that it would be nice to have like your bed and sitting over there by the double doors onto the garden yeah and then maybe the bathroom just behind me with that window in it so that you have a little window in the bathroom yeah and then this area could be your desk or you can carry on working in the salon whatever you prefer you could keep this as just a living space yeah um and it would mean that you can still keep an eye on people coming and going and keep the work stuff somewhere else or have it here i don't mind yeah i think with the season when the better breakfast is in yes i need to be there because you can see people want around the house and they can see me and then they don't have to look at me yeah for me anywhere you know so that's something for you to think about if that's going to be the batter we could wrap the kitchen space that you need you need a lot of kitchen space but we could wrap that on that on this side of it as well yeah and then i could keep all the drainage together yeah i think that's a good idea though i can't imagine you needing a big kitchen no not the kitchen please yeah that's amazing it's beautiful yeah that's beautiful how do you feel about having a nice log fire in a beautiful you like that yeah i love it maybe if we put you a log burner there yeah we'll put an air ducting system that will actually bring the hot air back down over the side as well so it'll just help yeah okay that's nice especially as you're literally next door to the wood store here yeah somebody can cut you work the way i can even bring wood in for you i will have i will have to have someone to cut my foot then i think you will yeah we'll need some hot lumberjack just for natty's wood isn't very dense very dense because this is an outside wall there and there yes so for safety in this wall as well we'll start off with 50 millimeters of this then when we bring our stud board out we'll have an additional hundred millimeters of uh rockable good so we'll have a lot of insulation good i think the biggest difference to this room is going to be the light from having those windows lowered yeah and the doors whatever the roof is going to be like that or you're planning to we're going to obviously we're going to have to insulate this and sound proof it as well okay yeah so you'll see the beams yes but just a little bit and you won't see any of the slats in between beautiful okay i've really got a rush now it's been a fantastic day but i've been a little bit nervous because tonight i've got a live zoom talk with the french heritage society uh they're based in america and they're amazing they do a lot of grants for listed buildings in france we're not listed here so this is not for any kind of grant funding but they've asked me to give a talk about how we're funding everything at la land with the youtube ad revenue with the patreon revenue so i'm super nervous because there's going to be a lot of people watching and i hope that what i'm going to be saying will help other chateaus and other places that that need to restore in this way so i'm just a bit nervous i want to want to get dressed i don't know what to wear maybe philip you can help me sure it's been an absolute pleasure thank you so much i never know how to end zooms then i'm always worried that it's definitely off that i'm talking and i don't realize everyone's still listening to me i think it went really well you're amazing thank you that was so lovely it was really nice it's actually lovely to look at the slide shows and remember all of the renovation things that we've been through it was incredible i think i'm feeling quite on a high actually i feel like i need a party and the other still downstairs yeah okay let's go let's go and see everyone i'm i'm still i'm actually in a bit of a daze today because we've told everybody about the paneling which is a dream and my cousin's coming to stay and that was a really great chat and i feel really good about the future of la land but what i need is a glass of wine because i'm still like just shaking from the adrenaline of having spoken to lots and lots of people live it feels really nice though it's silly because i make videos all the time so why would it feel any different doesn't make any sense it worked really well oh my gosh you didn't even told us look at me i always look like this for dinner as if today couldn't get any better it is jacket potato night maddie i love you hello always the answer someone looks for when telling someone they love them a huge thank you to all of our patrons at la land who are making this vlog possible especially our duffer and dauphine of la land yayland ether alice allen dan bander whaling banshee brian barnard brandon and john michael cecilia begum denise behrens jill bidwell candice blackburn candice nedborkovsky lindsey c cheltenham stephen sarah cole zoe dork sakura dennis saying dixon jackie ellison nicholas w fairfax tracy ferrari caroline first abigail grant fifi greenberg crystal hardy brenda harris delane holbrook kim hasselhoff dave and tong henderson jacqueline holmes priscilla hubler brian kelsey and phil burnt jimmy kemp nadia kennedy lisa laforge david samalaland morgan lawley victoria lepin janet huff lombard marina frank martin meredith robert miller joanne morton cathy nuri jc award maureen palmer theresa sloane frank poposki and james snow tomorrow price armin rahman tonya renee rjb bettina rojack hanny ross mary ryan elizabeth scandans french schreiber lisa schultz jennifer shanks laurie c but patty suhu susan stephens and the leaf house sarah thornton colleen troyer renee valelli victoria jessica walker brandi walton laura watkins lucas wallen james whalen cheryl whittaker linda beast christine wilson winnie de la cockapoo greg with david young lodovicos oranatsu and thank you to all of you [Music] you
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 139,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, chateau de la lande, the chateau diaries, restoration, diy, transformations, chateau tour, castle life, building, renovation, gardening, vlogging, boiseries, paneling, panelling
Id: nJIJuaBPUz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 26sec (1886 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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