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[Music] hi i'm stephanie and this is my home the 16th century chateau de la land la land was owned for hundreds of years by a family of marquis who were at the heart of french royal life one of them even had the honor of being sent by king louis xv to greet marie antoinette on her arrival in france but far from being a stuffy museum this chateau is a living home i live here all the time and i'm regularly joined by my mother my family my friends and wonderful volunteers from all over the world who helped me to lovingly restore this historic home welcome to la land a chateau filled with life love and laughter hello and welcome to the 200th chateau diary vlog this is a moment i've been looking forward to for quite some time and this isn't how i imagined it i thought i'd be outside la land really excitedly talking about the 200th episode of this vlog that's transformed the future of the chateau and certainly my life and the life of everyone who lives with me at la land but sadly i was rushed into hospital last night luckily i had got lots of footage already i've been filming up until yesterday today it is thursday it's the day of the vlog itself um but i haven't filmed my intro yet uh so i'm doing that from here don't worry it is it is not covered it is not cancer it is not something serious but i have to be kept in for um observation for a few days so i'll be here for a little while i don't yet know whether i'll be able to make a vlog on tuesday or not but i'm hoping i will be able to by then certainly by next thursday things should be back to normal and the great news is that sunday's vlog is already made so whilst i get on with the business of getting better here i'm going to show you footage of what's been happening the last couple of days at la land and it has been incredibly exciting and that's because of all of you on this 200th vlog i want to thank all of you for your support it's you who are making the renovations at the chateau possible the viewers and the patrons you've been amazing and even at times like this i am made so happy by the support that you've shown to us you have no idea just how it lifts me up especially at a moment like this as do mahi's flowers aren't they beautiful i feel at home with them so here's a footage from earlier this week how are you getting on with the uh haven't started yet but i am on it now i am a demon cleaner that's what i'm gonna go and i'm going to blitz the entire dressing room i don't need to bring the skip in the morning then nothing is going in a skipper yeah and are you mad just take care of the paperwork right i'm off i'm going to get on with that see you later bye this is it philip and i have come up to the boudoir which honestly is a sight that would make anyone booed it is a very very sulky making site because we have got to entirely clear it out other than the big bits of furniture which ian will move tomorrow now it has been used as a dumping ground for years and every time it gets vaguely usable occasionally i have had to sleep in here when we didn't have enough space during workshops and it's fine for them the second is not being used again and it's not properly furnished everyone if they've got anything that they don't know what to do with they dump it in here remember when we wanted to do christmas corner in here and we cleared half the room yes yes what you did by clearing the bed out of here to make christmas corner is that you created a vacuum and this rumor bores a vacuum like nature and the minute there's a vacuum people put stuff in it yes yes why is there a furby there oh no no don't question furby that's my furby from when i was a child so why is he there uh honestly that's because furby stresses me a lot because he's always going furby hungry furby lonely so i like put furby in a box in the attic so that i couldn't be freaked out by furby and then my friend thomas who's also dutch uh found furby and then started hiding it in places that would spring to life so for example once i opened the fridge and furby was in the fridge i get into bed and february in my bed okay hello [Laughter] his batteries have run out now thankfully so he he's not going to stress me but did you take the batteries out as well or are they i don't know what they're doing if you start toying with the furby it might spring back to life and no one wants that to happen but you do realize if petries are in there that are like positive they could stop bleeding and then you can never use for a vegan why would i ever want to use furby okay so he's gonna go into the bin don't be ridiculous okay oh my god right so the piano is housing a lot of things we've got a lot of the packing materials from caddo at the chateau in here paint yes there's a lot there's a lot happening and there's a lot to clear a piano is definitely starting to emerge i think see things are starting to happen yeah i'm finding things belonging to everyone in the house how do they get here how but i'm really happy now that i see a little bit of surface forgetting that this is a huge thing for me clearing this room because it's very very symbolic it sort of works with the 200th vlog i really feel that if we can knock down this wall to create a proper study space for me and a little boudoir place that i can really concentrate research work edit it feels like a great thing to be doing on the 200th vlog to be starting that it's now midnight and we've been working at this all evening i think it's actually starting to go pretty well i mean the floor is largely clear amazingly and there's just a few more boxes that need to be sorted but generally it's gone well phillip has spent some of his time admittedly he's been furrying a lot of stuff but making little holes in the wallpaper well so the wall's gonna come down tomorrow yes and i was really curious to see what wallpaper he found vintage wallpaper underneath this one yeah okay let's have a look because yeah i saw a little snippet of it actually up there yes and i was really curious to see what it looks like you can see that i didn't have much success but yeah one piece just a little bit here but yes not much exactly what was the first one that i saw okay and then you went crazy in the corner and then you've got a great piece there paper oh quite exciting we'll have a better idea in the light tomorrow i don't know what time ian's gonna start it's coming up really well and like get the matching fabric or something to make some it's not quite the colors that i would usually go for i know you can make some cushions with it you must love them i am really excited i really like this wallpaper so this is the wall that is going to be coming down tomorrow ian is going to be taking this entire wall down there's a corridor on the other side with a big window in it so then there'll be light coming into this room from both sides which i think will make a big difference let's just carry on a tiny bit longer we're nearly there thanks so much for staying up late to do this with me i know but there's like literally no way i could have done this by myself it's been a herculean task but i'll just show everyone all of the frames we found here here we have just the frames we haven't sorted through them some of these are framed ready to go up others were bought just for the frames not for the things inside them others are still blank so we have a lot of sorting still to do after today but at least things are now in categories and properly organized good morning ian it's happening hello this is amazing isn't it amazing floor this floor oh the floor itself is so beautiful i know it's a real pity because we're not going to be able to have it we'll keep it but underneath we won't be able to have it visible i think we're going to take it up i mean but these these are old iron nails it is such a beautiful floor the problem is that it doesn't go through the corridor and maybe it doesn't carry underneath that floor well it's difficult to say this floor does seem low these must be late tradition maybe we'll find out as this comes down whether this floor carries on underneath until until we start to yeah they'll probably do this [Music] yeah that's the one thing we really couldn't move so that's to stay in here this one's going to the attic to be used as storage up there and this one yes that one can go to shampoo dishwasher that will be the wardrobe for chambered as well i think i'll paint it but that will be going there yes there's a mirror and there's a matching dressing table as well so they may as well all go in the same room i think it'll go really nicely with the peacock sort of slightly exotic theme in there and do you see the uh vintage wallpaper that philip discovered last night he kept getting super distracted like finding this was way more exciting when the wall comes down if i can then try and salvage some bits of that paper to just to keep the history of the place that would be great and the reason we're doing this you can see the light pouring in from this window here and this is the window that one day we would like to move the radio to make it a low window like the others in the chateau then with a little juliet balcony outside the front door here so i could step straight out look out over the courtyard and it's going to transform that room because it's such a dark room so we have two huge windows in here and it will become a much lighter room and then look look at this it's embarrassing little chimney have you noticed it doesn't even go the width of the chimney itself i think this was a part of the old chateau that there was an older chimney breast and when they remodeled and they did the floor and put that in they just didn't bother going the full width no so we'll have to put a new mounting piece yeah beautiful one there it's a beautiful room though at least it will be a beautiful room and get more as well yeah buy something that's actually a big space actually what a day put it down okay i'm going to sort the troops see you in a sec with my hose good morning dan good morning so what's happening today what excitement thor looks pretty excited he's come to have a little peek at what you're up to yeah um just planting now all the plants that you bought we're starting to get in oh and it's kirsty here yeah fantastic um i'm just rounding up all the hose pipe which people have nicked over winter and getting back in the garden that time of year is coming yeah so is kirsty in the garden he's in there now yeah all right maybelline great let's go and have a look at what what's going on there are the new trees they are whoa it's going to be great all the herbs are in hello kirsty hello how are you hanging out with the chickens i see kirsty is our new gardener who's coming to help dan two days every week that's all the herbs that we bought there's the rosemary and the flowering rosemary at the end looks so pretty and all of this marjoram was a gift from sophie from escape to the chateau diy and grows magnificently every year then here's the different times lucky we bought all four hay they look so neat though yeah they look nice now yeah they're not gonna get massively bigger than that either they'll just touch so these are all the soft herbs that you yes i think i don't know what your idea i think we were just gonna plant them in here for now that's fine i don't mind whatever you think is best i mean i think in terms of the kitchen garden out back is too shaded yeah so it has to be out front and then it's on view in the courtyard so i guess you've got a kind of think about that yeah yeah well maybe we just make kitchen garden here you know this whole thing can be herbs yeah fantastic hello hello how is it going great thank you you're doing the rhubarb bed this is the yes the rhubarb bird they're underneath these clutches they're um making it starting they are indeed oh the mummy will be happy to see that yeah they're lovely there's um i found a few other ones that have been buried over time so uh yes uh we planted a few new ones last year right i see yeah yeah i'm really enjoying it the chicken is healthy yeah the chickens are gorgeous i love the two new ones the sock in the polish how far away do you live are you local to here fairly local i'm about 20 minutes away oh that's easy it's a nice run out yeah yeah not too bad i'm so happy that you're here looking after the garden poor danny and he couldn't do everything no no so it's impossible there's a lot of work but uh it's it's enjoyable especially on a day like this it's really nice well good luck with the roof oh yeah i see another one there yeah this one in here we just i think we're just protecting it from the chickens because they they do like to help yeah i bet they do yeah i want another one protected under here chicken proof rhubarb fencing yes i'm gonna go and have a little visit to the chickens all right here are the new ones that we just bought we went out with dan what an excellent chicken you are magnificent chicken i mean that is the fluffiest bottom that i could ever imagine and i love that blue earring you've got you're looking very elegant let's go around and meet beethoven hello beethoven looking very chill isn't out today um she often seems to be a little bit broody so she's probably still sitting inside i think oh she as you've seen have you seen her somebody walks around every morning he walks her why does he walk the chicken i think because she's reluctant to come out so he goes gets her cuddles her comes i know i think that he's found a new pet so you've got three beds of potatoes in you've planted all the potatoes that we bought well no not all of them that you bought because you bought enough to do the whole garden so okay yeah three bed sounds perfectly reasonable these are like the jacket potatoey bigger ones nice uh we've got like new potatoes on that bed right at the end okay and one right over there the desiree the red ones lovely so where are the fruit trees going to be going in we might start them today i'm really excited about the trees yeah so just cut anything that's dead out at the base and then matt can just scoop the what on earth is wrong with picasso seriously you're freaking her out she don't want to be on film she hates being on the vlog i'm sick of this vlogging constant vlogging night well she's made her point loud and clear i seem to manage to do that every single day we'll just wait for you to get up and then we run around here we're in the same position as last time exactly the same yeah and you're all in the same seats so how is it going up there it's really good actually have a look now we've made a hole in the wall you're joking no no oh oh yeah yeah i would love to have a look very much so i'll follow you up with one coffee is red hot excellent would you like madelaine i would actually love it madeleine yes and i'll do me the world of good full of all kinds of good things absolutely oh a calorie-free madeleine that's the best sort there is a hole in my wall there ian dear ian it's more satisfying than i'd realized just taking them all down my selfie yeah have you not got some high heel this is very satisfying i'm not sure we're getting the full effect of the new lighting flooding through we're just going to see if we've got a difference yet not quite yet we've got another rather large cabling running around everywhere oh yes so we'll get into them sorting out they're everywhere great oh yes they're on all the edges yeah we need to have that properly buried yes but we're gonna just make it all safe to start with and this is 19th century isn't it this partition wall yes yes yeah this is uh maybe a little bit older you think so well it's it it's normally expected to see more of a plastic content and um hair and that's what he put into it but this is just mud this is more like watermelon dorm yeah so i think that that dates older well this room is definitely in an older part of the chateau because you can tell from the thickness of the walls between rooms but the outside is more modern because this is the part that burnt down but i think all the internal structure a lot of it is original yeah yeah i think this afternoon is going to be a little bit more spectacular yes i think so i mean what happens though if it's not and i'm like oh actually i like that wall yes well we'll leave the last to one side and if you change the point you can have a go no no i'm just trying to imagine how the room's going to feel with this extra bit i know it's only a corridor but i think it's going to make quite a big difference and because it spreads out either side it's actually going to allow yeah yeah i'm going to have a proper study which i can vlog in yes wow amazing does the floor carry on underneath or what is the question on everyone's lips it's what our time team [Music] [Music] threshold in another threshold well that's interesting because at least there was a threshold that was at the right level for the room at one point you can't really tell no can't tell at all there is another bit of wood definitely two bits of wood completely the same on top of each other whether that's just a packer but actually that looks a lot it's quite square red there's lots of hue timber that we know once we've got these out we can take that up i don't want to disturb this yet and can we keep the door that was here the door the door unfortunately were just pieces that were planted on okay didn't work in true frame as we know it today but we have the door so good the wrecking bar just for you i would now feel free which wish i do right i'm here yep [Music] ian that is easy okay hang on well for once i'm wearing very sensible shoes because i was out in the garden that was easy you like to worry about doing any damage just go for it in fact the more damage the better right yeah absolutely oh my goodness that's harder what i'm going to say is turn that around the other way yeah pull it whoa this is amazing you've got a really big bit i'll get a who knew that all this was so much fun this is how you spend your time in it is not good for getting rid of any stress very stress relieved very stress related so i imagine that it gets old quite quickly yeah yeah it does mundane after a while just leave it out that was a satisfying bit too you probably need gloves on for some of it there's a lot of nails let's see how things have progressed i've had a lot of banging from my room oh wow this is quite a difference amazing well we basically need to get the other ian because this is from beryl she sent this in canada in the chateau for the human eons to share but i suspect she won't mind you being involved in this as well you're starting to feel like the space opening up the lights okay i'm gonna go find the other end and i'll tell him that the good stairs so excited just the man i'm looking for there is a gift for all the human eons upstairs human ears yeah do you don't know where um final human ian is do you um no okay you'll have to keep a bit of the gift for him okay what have you got here we've got a new toolkit boys that is amazing thank you beryl thank you very much thank you yep hello yeah who's helping which one with the hammer you're having the hammer yeah yeah use the hammer to bring it the bits into your pieces during coffee break look how far the men have got and now i'm really getting a sense of how the room will feel i cannot wait for the whole wall to be down but let's stand on this side see how it feels that's much better oh it's a wonderful room i'm standing by the little door from my bedroom there's two doors leading to my bedroom one tiny one next to my bed which is the one i usually use because then i cut straight across to the dressing room area which is behind that door and look i'll be able to see the window straight away and what i hadn't realized that's so stupid of me because i just thought about the window itself not the view is actually as i walk into the room from my bedroom i'll be seeing the old part of the chateau through the window it's actually quite magical it is an exciting evening because we are celebrating the 200th vlog hello everyone hello [Music] thank you very much happy birthday shadow diaries you look beautiful jenny well look how you did me dressed up oh you look beautiful thank you beautiful oh my goodness i literally just looked down i was looking at jenny's dress do you like it i don't just like it this is stunning it's superb oh what a joyful night [Music] thank you so much thank you thank you thank you enjoy so we got some cheese over here lovely and we got some vegetarian sausage rolls yes and then i made some normal sausages you angel and then a little quiche and there is some bruschetta with tomato salsa some sausage rolls for phillip and salad oh and then we got a semi dessert is it semi dessert whoa with brown cheese from norway oh actually it's a brown cream brown cheese cream wow delicious with nuts so yay [Laughter] wow that looks great enjoy it thank you start and and yes let's dig in yeah here's my birthday card from jenny boom 200th anniversary and look it is also from ian lillian and vivian your peacocks they miss you we miss them but we know they're happy i think so i'm very happy i'm gonna try this maggie yeah yeah i'm very excited [Music] it's really good thank you all thank you for watching and thank you all for making the vlogs with me every day cheers that's as far as we got into our party we were going to carry on because someone has made a video for me for the 200th vlog i haven't seen it yet so i'm very very excited to watch that and we were all going to go to the winter salon and watch it there but i really wasn't feeling well by that point and later that night philip once again the hero of land covered himself in glory racing me to hospital and luckily i was taken in and i'm absolutely fine now and on the mend please please don't worry maybe at some point in the future i will talk about what happened but for now i'm just going to focus on on getting better and i hope you're all really really well look forward to meeting you in the live chat on sunday's video which is going to be an amazing tour of the most beautiful mystery chateau that's never before been seen by the public see you there a huge thank you to all of our patrons at la land who are making this vlog possible especially our duffer and dauphine of la land yayland ether dan banda brian barnard lauren barnes brandon and john michael cecilia begum denise behrens jill bidwell candice blackburn candace ned borkovsky clara butcher paulina calabro chloe chalakhani steven sarah cole zoe dork sakura dennis zane dixon jackie ellison nicholas w fairfax tracy ferrari caroline first abigail grant fifi greenberg crystal hardy brenda harris delane holbrook kim hasselhoff dave and tong henderson jacqueline holmes priscilla hubla jimmy kemp nadia kennedy lisa laforge dave and somaliland morgan lawley victoria lepin janet hof lombard marina frank martin meredith robert miller cathy nuri jc award maureen palmer teresa sloane frank proposke and james snow tomorrow price arm in ramen tonya renee rjb bettina rojack hanny ross mary ryan elizabeth scandan sven schreiber lisa schultz jennifer shanks patty sue who susan stevens and the leaf house sarah thornton colleen troyer renee vilelli victoria jessica walker brandy walton laura watkins lucas wallace james whalen cheryl whitaker christine wilson winnie de la coca-poo greg with david young and lodovico's oranazzo and thank you to all of you [Music] you
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 98,216
Rating: 4.9767952 out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, chateau de la lande, the chateau diaries, restoration, diy, transformations, chateau tour, house tour, french interiors
Id: T2F86rduYOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 16sec (1816 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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