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[Music] hi i'm stephanie and this is my home the 16th century chateau de la land la land was owned for hundreds of years by a family of marquis who were at the heart of french royal life one of them even had the honor of being sent by king louis xv to greet marie antoinette on her arrival in france but far from being a stuffy museum this chateau is a living home i live here all the time and i'm regularly joined by my mother my family my friends and wonderful volunteers from all over the world who helped me to lovingly restore this historic home welcome to la land a chateau filled with life love and laughter today is a very very exciting day at la land because we are celebrating the fact that the chateau diaries has had 30 million views none of us can quite get our heads around that number but we cannot let this pass without celebrating it so i've got to pop to iggy hand where i've ordered a traditional french piece monty the moment has arrived let's get that cake we're so lucky it's a gorgeous day for our celebration right yes can you believe that we are going to be celebrating 30 million views uh no like well i can believe it but i can't fully grasp it yeah i can't get my head around the number yeah because yeah that's a lot of people that's a lot we've just got one major problem here which is that i was thinking about for 30 million views we should have 30 profiteroles in the cone and you ask per number of profiteroles or you ask per number of people i think it's sort of around three each but so i phoned and said could i have a cake with 30 profiteroles and then she said but it's not big enough i don't think we can make one that smaller ps monte and i thought my goodness maybe i've insulted them perhaps that's completely i have no idea how many professionals you're supposed to have right um so that was embarrassing and i went oh oh fine so um maybe with a hundred and said yes yes that's a that's a good size so i ordered it problem is i then realized that you and mahi you can probably taste a bit but you can't eat them really that leaves how many of us in the house needs six that can eat it or we can give some to lots of the builders as well but basically i've ordered 100 profiteroles for six people that's like 16 per person that's a lot of profit okay now we're going to give all builders professor roles everyone profiteroles all round but it had to be 30 million views i know i keep saying it but i cannot get my head around it it needed to be big let's go and pick it up good this is one of the bakeries in igbohand and we usually buy our patisserie here and our bread in the other one oh i love this place and the thought that we're here to pick up even more cake is wonderful i got distracted obviously and bought chocolate and bread how exciting is this is it beautiful it's really pretty it says 30 million the only problem we have is getting this home in one piece should you put it on your lap yeah of course and now that i'm looking at it i think i could even manage to eat it alone we're going to be fine i don't think i'm going to try even because i think that's almond at the base um this is almond that but there's none in this room are we sure absolutely yes 100 those are sugared almonds as well yes but there's none in this shoe oh okay it's called the shoe the profiteroles here are called shoe oh yeah look at that okay they're the same with the cauliflower it is you have the little cauliflowers delicious little cauliflowers to be specific uh cauliflower is shaw fleur because shaw is cabbage and so flour cabbage is a cauliflower i understand these are little cabbages and dutch is the same it's called bloomko yeah flour coverage we're managing not to eat this by eating the things we bought and said mine's a bit big was there any brioche they had you're managed i won't eat it at all you're having a powershell collapse life's pretty good all right what you've been doing what do you think like it's the cake for tonight oh my gosh not tonight i think the party mid-afternoon do you think that's enough for all of us well barely we'll just have to make dude oh it's scary i wish i could open the door but i can't i could but don't worry i have the power of the hip oh okay lovely this just feels right in here yes that feels right yes look at you wow beautiful i thought you were going to do this i got you this thing yeah but i thought you were going to put it on there oh you should give me a word to do this neighborhood because we're scared of breaking and he's like you break it you buy it but you already bought it so if anyone's gonna break it it's you oh you know i could maybe no yes it's working well i'm lifting it whether one would consider that working or not oh my hands are so sick that's why you didn't want to do it the caramel is so sticky i'm just really fro you hold that bit down for me here we go i'm just really scared of dropping it i think it might actually work well look at that yes just one tiny bit fell off we'll pop that back on my hands are so sticky there should be no problem getting it to stick oh like that's hard to say there's one way of cleaning it up oh it's really pretty we'll take this back to the boulevard it's really pretty wow you happy really happy congratulations by the way thank you very much oh should i say i've come up to the attic to show you that the insulation has started going down under what will be the new floor up here it's been packed into quite a huge depth how deep is it actually ian and the worst place is over 500 millimeters over half a meter of insulation packed in under the new floor fantastic we're going to be so toasty and warm but that's not the main reason that i've brought you up here because in fact something even more exciting has apparently happened ian and ian have made actually an unbelievable discovery this is really exciting we're not too sure what it is though i think i might have a slight idea you can see that down here they noticed a painted beam and you found something else as part of it this was the loose timber that's what made you discover the beam underneath and that was just above it here at the underside of this and so ian the plasterer was wondering if it was maybe a treasure chest some sort of place that someone had stored something precious but when i looked at i wonder if it could have been the original painted ceiling of the room below because now there's a plaster ceiling that's obviously more modern than the date of the chateau and in the past chateau's often decorated their ceilings they were called platform a la francaise where all of the joists were visible and they would decorate them in really similar ways to this so could we have found an original ceiling um how do we find out hang on should i try and put the camera down there thanks for this it's so exciting isn't it it does you could also see there's detail at the end on the end beam as well yes so here in fact that's not that in fact it looks like a stone that's stone and it's been painted and then the whole side of the beam is painted and apparently it says it carries on let's have a look see if we can see that i can't see any more patterns maybe if i can put that down there that's a better light and i can see there is something down there you can see the detail of this line it's definitely painted all the way along it is painted all the way along it has the coach so it's the brown paint yeah it has the coach lines that you can see and the same on the underside of the board but i can't see any more detailing so i can't see the flower effect you could just try and get a little bit further in there ian yeah just a little bit more i don't think my shoulders will allow that somehow [Laughter] is it possible to take up another i think what we're doing um but we can start we could take a few out we've got our levels through so we can always put props in if we need to take one or two packers out and because it raises a lot of questions if we have indeed found a ceiling which would be the ceiling of the shampoo horse we don't even know if it would be the same shape as the shampoo has or if the wall divisions downstairs date from a later date than the ceiling and if it is the same size as champagne do we put it back it's always interesting why this is here is stone yes why is it why is it stone i just don't understand maybe it's the fireplace ah could we be above the fireplace well look we're right next to a chimney yes that's separated because there's a timber here there's a floor joist running all the way through here now so have we hit the end of the room though we may have done it and that would be the only one this is the original end of the room yes um why don't we wonder if in the loop you haven't done anything in the loo yet have you no shall we have a look in there i promise it wasn't me if was something in the room unfortunately there are a lot of torments in here to be moved this way you can get up to a platform oh yes we also actually found a pulley what must have been of an old flash window in times gone by wow that's heavy that's ridiculous that would have been an enormous window i i'm not saying it's definitely what it was but it very much looks like it okay so this is where you're storing all of the debris yes whilst you're doing the floor as you go through so we can't get to anything there just yet i'm just having a look down here nice little school chair you found that let's have a look oh now i found a little hole a little hole a drilled hole like that yes that is a perfectly dry hole mysterious see yes because if there was any wooden bits that we could look at around that we might find out a bit more of this puzzle more clay yeah oh hang on what have you discovered literally see it here you can see something it's the same there are you sure yeah oh my goodness yeah the story's up yes ian phillips found a bit more [Music] yes just the edge of a piece oh yes but it's definitely got the white paint on a brown surface yes um i don't know if we can get to think the other side just again a little just just a little bit more in you i think you're nearly there yeah you're right to the left of me yes it's the brown paint again and the coach line but not any decoration so we've only found one bit with the flowers but the white lines and the brown paint seem to continue oh and i can't really go downstairs and rip up the ceiling of uh maddie's bedroom so that's kind of frustrating how do we look at it what do we do i know so i've got a question the fireplace yes i don't think it comes out does it no and that would explain exactly why that's like that that's what i mean so because there were two cupboards uh next to fireplace yes and they had the depth of that chimney yeah so could it be that this is above the cupboard but that means it is now above the bathroom of the roger yeah if you do take it all out then we'll have a mess on one side and it's a huge decision i mean to take off a ceiling would be a vast decision right when we look at the chimney behind you yes you'll see that the wall that that's built into they've got some lovely original coins right but then it seems to be extended with more of the fieldstone to the local stone so yeah that's an anomaly as well there's also the fieldstone effect to the right hand side that might have been 1860 because the thing that you see there is the fireplace of bom omar so the fighters on this side is the fireplace of the tour right so it's added onto the old fireplace you wouldn't put coins on the chimney well that's a really old bit so it made it wider today and actually it might be even older because that's the same one that's in them oh sorry same one that's in the marquee sitting room right and that's huge yes so maybe to support that yeah because it would be built that way and the rooms the service ports have only been added in 1860 something so that could explain what it just why they filled in the walls they hadn't filled in before that was exposed yeah i think it was exposed that would explain it wouldn't it okay oh so many puzzles that we're having to piece together up here but i mean by far the most exciting one is is what you've discovered in the floor and even if we don't put this ceiling back could this be used by us as a clue for what we should do in the winter salon where we still have that style of ceiling could we copy this pattern onto that ceiling so that we're keeping something of the original design we could consider um is if we build a very very fine pilot hole to see where that comes down yes if this we'll take some others up but if this is any piece that we find we could actually just have like a little glass section in the ceiling just so you can see that originality that actually might be quite the only problem in the host is that the ceiling goes in like this with the plaster yeah so it's not straight okay which ones yeah well no it's a special like carved plaster coving you in the bathroom it could be we could certainly that's hidden away and which will be interesting but do you know what this plank is reminding me of the painted planks in the servant's quarters up here yes could they possibly have been from the same room is it worth looking at them together seeing if the paint looks similar highly unlikely because those are painted uh it looks like a painted stage i think so too but shall we have a look because straight if this styles i don't think they're from the ceiling but could they have been part of paneling in the same room i think we should have a look just see if the colors are similar uh oh yeah good idea i don't really want to ever let that out of my sight again actually i love it so much i mean it's certainly not a finely drawn decoration no but it's quite beautiful to imagine that over a whole ceiling okay so i think they were in this room now i think it's a different brown there's a different style isn't it because this looks like yes what i said looks like some sort of theater frame and you have the other one ian yes i'll bring it through yes and we've only got two pieces like that yes which is a real pity but yeah maybe like a puppet theater or something i think not even first no it's not not even close no but it was worth a try i had to look at them just in case look it must be quite old because you can see that that's entirely hand chiseled this is a good few centuries older i would say the way that i've been that's just been made with an apps hasn't it yeah and it's such a simple way of doing it they clearly haven't used a ruler for that line absolutely not yeah you can really see the ax marks on it yes you can yeah wow this is the only time we've ever found such old decoration here we found all sorts of old things here but never remains of an old painted decoration we found wallpapers we found things like that i think this predates all of those this looks older than even the really old paper that we found in your budwell yeah i think so too absolutely well great discoveries in honestly amazed have you seen the latest discovery well there's more than that that was in the hole in that okay what have you two been cooking up this is a wedding invitation if i've read it correctly from the marquee inviting somebody to a wedding here at la land hang on let me have a look the maki and the makis of nadayak have the honor of inviting you to the wedding of mademoiselle claude nadayak their daughter with music engineer they're inviting you to the wedding ceremony which will be during the communion mass celebrated in the iglys of corzon that's our local village on saturday the 7th of june 1969 at 12 noon and the priest was reverent father luke da nadayak whom i know was one of the brothers of the marquis that we bought from oh and le con santa monica also there was the reverend father bruno da nadayak taking part in the ceremony and he is the priest who actually gave us mass in the chapel here at la land only last year i don't know if you saw that episode when the marquis brother came to visit now in his late eighties and performed mass this is amazing absolutely extraordinary and shuttled la land and here it says the general of hokini du phael commander of the legion honor and the count house of okinawa phil have the honor to invite you to the wedding of monsieur de roquini du phael engineer their son with mademoiselle claudette and so you have from both sets of parents um and yes her father had the legion of honor well this is absolutely an amazing kind amazing so this one from 69 and we know 1969 and bruno would have been absolutely the right age it's it's definitely it's definitely the freezer we met between 1969 and now somebody else would have this up ahead for us yeah yeah they must have been doing what because although those top lefts were down there lots of those where they've been disturbed oh they were already mainly up when we moved in we then took more to be able to continue downstairs but they were mainly up already i don't know why they must have had a leak or some problems that they needed to fix how a wedding invitation ended up in that i do not know oh the paper it's got a watermark departure pdl with a crown above it oh yes yes well what a day for discoveries thank you yeah it was great but i really want us to look much more into this we're now officially all part of the history of this we are yeah maybe dodge greatest hour but there we go well we'll have some more of these up firstly we have to discover if it's over the whole ceiling and then we've got some big decisions ahead of us yes perfect okay look at this here although it's it's we're in the tower now this is the same flooring yes and here we're above bon mamong yes so there's every possibility if we if we chip this uh lime screen away we could find the same thing yet again my goodness wow every chance isn't it i think they must have used this as a sound deadening because we're now using our modern installation yeah perhaps yeah staff and servants up here well i think we've got a lot to look into which actually works in our favor for that will allow us if we take this up to put in the modern insulation yes to keep a lot more heat into bomb yeah yeah it has been the most beautiful sunny day and the weather's suddenly turned and it's freezing but i run outside because something very exciting has been happening out here whilst we were up in the attic with ian matt has dug the trench all the way from the cistern to lay the new pipe coming all the way here and then it's going to go under the road at this point you can see it just there coming over here so that the pipe can come through here and then under the space already existing under the road which is great means we don't have to touch the road at all and then into our moat and along towards the garden and now i'm going to try and locate dan and matt to find out all about it honestly why am i constantly looking for dan i'm turning into like mummy constantly looking for percy where is cassie where is pixie where's dan done sora and i have both been stuck out here in the rain haven't we thought yeah i think i might join you under that holly bush thought where on earth can they be ah no that's selma i've spotted dilla let's go and see how he's been getting on meanwhile in the china pantry hello georgie wow okay who is also matt's daughter had a baby girl just last week so big excitement all around how are you really good how are you i've been looking everywhere for both of you i'm getting you a pager dan this is ridiculous i can feel already the montage of where's dan yes it was happening again it seems that you've got your work clothes on you coming up to the top absolutely let's go okay i'll put the yellow wellies on hang on okay we're going in the field yellow wellies it is right we are ready for anything now it's a lovely day for a stroll it's a lovely day for us amongst the dandelions and you're out in a white coat yeah well you're expecting me to do any manual labour up here no but you might fall in the hole my did you fall in a hole earlier with him um no dylan nearly fell in a hole actually oh dear he doesn't normally get much choice yeah we had to dangle him by his legs to pull the plug what that sounds terrible really enjoy it no he couldn't do it i don't think he'll volunteer again okay well i mean i would have volunteered except i can't because of the coat yeah that's a pity i should have worn a darker one and you would have been a lot lighter i've got to say dan i mean it's not about one upmanship but that's a bigger trench than yours right it's been said before that mats is bigger than mine and it's is it about size matt no much smaller it's a magnificent trench mat you just go over there and look how straight it is going down there hang on let me turn around and look at the straightness of your friends that's a wobbly bit not that big it's actually quite straight okay the corner is like something like that oh yeah no i that's that's a lovely trench fine i'm going to the corner i wouldn't want people to think okay okay okay okay everyone i'm taking you to look at the straightness it's magnificent perfect yes sir i said magnificent i meant perfect okay i'm happy enough okay that was worth the detour the metal pipe there is the one going down to your chateau my goodness but i can't i can't believe it i mean honestly yeah and in the water there's another pipe which is your overflow oh how deep did you think you were never going to find her no well we did this by spade no you didn't we did because we were scared to use the digger in case we hit the tank but you've only been here one day yeah you work hard ah no way no i'm sorry matt but no this is your feed down there and this is a metal pipe and it's probably become so rusted inside yeah and that's why all your taps down there are blocking up because it's rusting you've only got like a really a 25 year lifespan of that and they're running red and it's running red and it's all the taps keep blocking up yeah and in here there's your overflow which feeds somewhere down there okay and then it feeds the farmers water trough which you can go look it's bubbling over at the moment well good it's a good system actually yeah we just need to leave the system in place and replace the pipe yeah and that tank is huge if you look how deep that is it's very deep i can't believe how low you are though she's been in there oh she has just been actually fully in it with bernard that's how little steph was made we're nearly empty so what you've done is that you've emptied the tank that fed the garden so we now have no water no okay so so good is that that's the step reassured me very soon it will be connected and it's raining all this week it is actually got a lot of rain so well we don't know what we've got until this is empty and we can get in and this is where you were dangling dilla earlier you're like the worst father-in-law he's actually got a new job i'm not surprised he's going to work at jedi okay doesn't want to work with me anymore yeah yes whoa big sharks in there huh i might drop back in the hole check okay that's gone down a lot yeah the overflow was up here we've taken that pipe off apparently your mum cemented it in my mother cemented in a pipe i mean i know she's wonder woman but i can't see her down there cementing a party if you look down there without the light you can see the tap that's where your metal pipe comes in yes so now we've got to find ideally i take that valve out i strip it down and make it work again and i put our pipe in there yeah and seal it yeah and then you would still be able to shut the water off up here great it sounds great but it's not just going to be next week why not week after next well how's head gardener about that i'll push him down if he doesn't get the water on yeah okay so you've got a choice head garden has given you a choice either you get it done by the week after next or you live in the system i've got swimming pool to fit from wednesday uh okay i'm here monday and tuesday oh great um are you doing the floor no mike and dylan are going to do the floor i was going to carry on playing here dylan's done a lovely job in that floor today yeah and we're going to do the floor different we're going to do it in lime creek great so you can breathe second breeze so there'll be no membrane going down there'll be no um tank in the wall down there it's just going to be creek floor good i like the idea of that it takes about a week to dry so no one can go in there okay we're not in a hurry it's fine so we'll go with that great yeah i love it okay this trench that we've dug today yeah is obviously going to have to go a lot lot deeper to catch up with the pipe otherwise it's going to be immediately running uphill when it comes out exactly and if there was any crap in there it would it would sit in the bend so we'll dig it down as in when we get that sorted yeah replaced until we get okay not a problem we'll see you yeah thanks a lot okay great we'll be here monday and tuesday excellent and that can't wait it's going to be fantastic all right see you soon bye bye goodbye yellow booties until another day and let's have a quick look before we go in once again at this floor which is looking so level and lovely yeah that's going to be superb i can't wait till the floor starts to get done we can see the tiles in place now the sun is magnificently out again but it's still quite chilly it's just changing every five seconds so i'm going to change into some trousers i think to be a little bit warmer for the little party everyone is together to celebrate 30 million views [Music] [Applause] it has to be said a very typical la laam spread because it's cake champagne tea and liqueur so something for everyone grab whatever you prefer i think we should get started let's open the champagne manny has very very kindly offered us the slightly deflated but i mean still very useful um now just imagine a million written after that and you know it's two balloons do all parties in the last couple of weeks meant to be i know that the glasses are very small we can just keep refilling it's just so pretty i thought they'd be really pretty with the cake sam it's like it's appropriate size for mid-afternoon right now yes it's a mid-afternoon glass thinks i should be able to use these i just had a fork but then he said you know something more elegant that looks like your shape oh yes this is going to work this is well done you see when there's a cutlery emergency we've got our own expert in the house wow what is the perfect tool that could be for diesel yep he's an excellent hoover selma really you can't you can't uh fault him he just didn't want the sugared almond but the rest did you enjoy it [Laughter] to digest everything for dessert i can't get my head around it 30 million doesn't make any sense yeah it's like a huge too big a number to comprehend yes too many zeros i mean the weight of these arrows you can see someone's feeling the [Laughter] so it's going to be you two celebrating this number next us yeah with your channels several hundreds 30 000 views subscribers it's all the threes at the moment because we've got over 3 000 patrons and you have over 30 000 subscribers you've got 30 million views it's a magical art wow i'm going to be asking all of you how you feel about living inside a blog so if any of you want to know like the truth of what it's really like to live with a youtuber in a vlog then watch on sunday because we're going to be doing a video about that i'm going to be punished absolutely i would expect nothing more wink-winking hi my name's stephanie and welcome to my home 16th century de la land i don't know hi my name is stephanie and this is my home thank you for making the chateau diaries what it is no channel anymore yes 90 million more cheers everyone here cheers a huge thank you to all of our patrons at la land who are making this vlog possible especially our duffer and dauphine of la land yale and ether alice allen dan van brian barnard brandon and john michael cecilia begum denise behrens daniel banakovich jill bidwell candice blackman candace ned borkowski clara butcher parolina calabro chloe chalikani lindsey c chelten stephen sarah cole zoe dorks jim demersman and richard paternord sakura dennis zane dixon jackie allison nicholas w fairfax tracy ferrari caroline first of fifi greenberg crystal hardy brenda harris delaine hallbrook kim hasselhoff david tong henderson jacqueline holmes and ken bates priscilla hubla brian kelsey and phil burnt jimmy cam nadi kennedy lisa laforge dave and summerland morgan lawley victoria lepine janet hufflombard marina frank martin meredith robert miller joanne morton pacquiao jc award maureen palmer frank prokoski and james snow tomorrow prize almond ramen tony renee rjb bettina rojer hanny ross mary ryan elizabeth feng scanlan elisa schultz jennifer shanks carl and laurie sieber teresa sloan patty sue matthews sinclair wilson susan stevens and the leaf house sarah thornton colleen troyer renee vilelli victoria jessica walker randy walton laura watkins lucas wallin james whalen cheryl whitaker linda vs christine wilson winnie the lakota poo greg wood david young and lodovico zordonatzo and thank you to all of you you
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 152,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, dream chateau, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stately home, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, stephanie jarvis chateau de la lande, the chateau diaries, discovery, renovation
Id: Bt0G-__jY84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 39sec (2259 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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