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[Music] hi i'm stephanie and this is my home the 16th century chateau de la land la land was owned for hundreds of years by a family of marquis who were at the heart of french royal life one of them even had the honor of being sent by king louis xv to greet marie antoinette on her arrival in france but far from being a stuffy museum this chateau is a living home i live here all the time and i'm regularly joined by my mother my family my friends and wonderful volunteers from all over the world who helped me to lovingly restore this historic home welcome to la land a chateau filled with life love and laughter i was told this morning that i'm being discharged from hospital phillips on his way to pick me up it's actually been a surprisingly pleasant stay actually everyone at la land has made it far lovelier than it may otherwise have been like they sent amazing things to make sure i was really comfortable and really homely in this room i had the most beautiful flowers from maggie she chose all of my favorite colors she knows that yellow flowers are my favorite i had a card from everyone at laland philip lent me his very own hedgehog to look after me and then i had this lovely little christian dual perfume so that everything smelled nice and then this was a gift in caddo at the chateau which has shortbread and tea bags which were filled with my favorite tea and that dulced sound in the background what could that be yes i had my own kettle so i've been making cups of tea and i even have my own hot water bottle here so i've been really snug at night as well so the kettle was a game changer they even brought me the blankets that were gifts in caddo at the chateau as well so that it would feel less institutional though i have to say a bit christmassy but the thought of christmas always cheers me up i feel so much better today and so relieved to be going home i can't tell you one day i will tell you all the story of what's been happening with my health i'm completely on the mend now but it's been it's been quite um quite traumatic and quite quite a journey which i'm at the end of now thankfully i'm going home philip has collected me and we're home just drove me up to the chateau now i am so so happy to be back and look i can even see a trailer load of the wall being removed from my dressing room that's a beautiful sight to come home to someone they are absolutely beautiful i'm so happy to be home you've no idea i'm so happy to be here i'm all out the forest oh from the forest really that's all from the garden uh maybe there's some spot on the mantelpiece somewhere yeah don't worry about moving things there's not much space but move anything you want to move oh it is lovely selma thank you so cheerful all right we're going to emu's explain what we're doing explain what we're doing yeah so um steph needs to uh have bed rest for a week yeah um the doctor asked her should i write you a slip for your employer to get time off work for sick leave and stuff was like well i'm self-employed so that won't be necessary yeah we're forcing her to take the week off that the doctor said yeah so i'll be editing experience goodness if it's that bad yeah i'm sorry yeah we're trying to help yeah let's see what is going on i think they'll be exciting very nice and are you two looking for anything particularly in a moose i'm always looking for uh plant stands i love consonants yes and porcelain oh yes i mean i'm not i bought beautiful boots on my house yes five euro yeah really nice and after that first it doesn't fix just super well it's very hard to put it on but then in some point i said what is wrong with these boots and just look what that what number is it both boots are from the same foot left oh there so like [Laughter] this is the wardrobe that steph and i bought a while back like a few and a half weeks ago three weeks ago and it still hadn't been delivered and we tried to phone them a couple of times so i just asked that everything was all right and they told me that that fan broke down and that's why um it hadn't been delivered yet but they'll probably be delivering it next week look how beautiful it is i really like it and we might be putting it in the attic for now and we'll store all the fabrics and stuff in it i know stephanie's looking for more wardrobe so maybe we'll purchase another one i've sent a picture of the other ones that are here and she hasn't responded yeah but let's see what she says this one's really nice too like i said she's looking for more wardrobes from the attic and the sun would do very nicely look i'm in my happy place look at all the porcelain so nice i've just bought this one it's a really nice plate with the monogram and i think it is b c mirrored i don't know anyone who's called bc maybe beryl carrington beryl if you want to pick this plate up for you next time let me know [Music] they make very nice monograms this one's really nice as well i don't think we have a gravy boat that's blue and white so i might be picking that one up i have never heard of that make before but it's quite nice oops editing fill up here i realized it was green instead of blue and i put it back this looks like a summer garden party essential but i won't be picking that one up we've got enough of that there are six of these glasses with the blue base and i think they might go nicely with the ones i bought previously the ones with the dark blue base that we use for natty's birthday could look very nice together and i just spotted it today it's 50 of it so marie you said you bought a table yes i did okay without any knowing if we get it home okay i talked to the delivery guy in french which i cannot speak i can't speak french so um hopefully you can figure out how to sure this is the table yeah right yes i don't know i don't know what he said i'll go and ask him and i bought that one too really yeah the little nice right because there was one time you put one of these i know and remember when we had the cocktail party and you put one of them instead of next to the sofa next to the day bed in the corner there yeah it was really nice yes yeah so for 15 euros i was like well i know it's a bit similar it's not exact same but you've got the same top exactly yeah it's very nice i don't talk to the guy thanks i've got a little bit of just a few right let's see what marie bought this is what marie bought all that for how much money five euros five euro wow i know i didn't pay my i should pay my mine it's 50 cents oh my god that's the only purchase i did i will pay quickly and come back look what we found it's a little sofa for barbies i thought but no it's a tissue box that was quite successful wasn't it yeah it was so fun with the rain like yeah oh i'm so wet you recorded a little clip of what it sounded like inside right there was one moment where i just we thought the roof was going to get in yeah yeah let's go to the corner show yeah let's go lovely weather right beautiful are they open nice oh my gosh where are our umbrellas look at these weird things they seem to be plastic but i'm wondering if they were actually used or if it's for kids i think it's for kids very shadowesque but i don't think we need it maybe for isabel in her room so she can call steph without having to walk to it but i think it's no for now i really like it that could be a yes for me you see i really like it too but it only says it only goes 100 meters so i think it's for kids and it's like a walkie-talkie i think it's a guarantee of six months 20 years ago uh looking at it i think more like 40 years ago i actually really like this art deco tea set it's only three years that's extremely tempting i might be persuaded we'll see i think i've sound corrected i think it might be a coffee pot instead of a teapot but hmm what do you think it's an art deco [Music] it's right yeah and it's it's got a um milk jug and a sugar bowl as well for three euros i knew you said we needed more tea pot yeah i'm not sure if i like it that much actually i'm not sure either bits what do you think people can come back yeah exactly there's no mark underneath it no it's very nice but i don't like the the flowers that much i really like the gold the color of the gold is really nice three euros for the set hmm you know what it could be really nice in uh say my mom like for the tray for the tea tray let me see with entire step maybe that changed a little bit you know it's giant yeah so what do you think should we take it for three euros look at this oh what did you find is that bridgeton party were they yes those are lovely cute so cute look what he found what do you think he said i don't like it it's very uh deco i think it's huge for the room with this it's a big thing of sugar it's like strange the shape yes you call it artico if it's a stranger it's sort of round but not round yeah i know i vote for no i think if you're not sure don't fry it it has to be like i know we can always come back for it yes for now it's a no it's okay you don't have stephanie here today no i i think i already knew it was a no that's why i called you any otherwise i would have said i'll buy it yeah that's true look what i found what did you find marie you will be excited with this what's that what do you need it for the kitchen what is it oh it's fantastic nice look at the veggies how do you what what do you put it's just only the top oh look at this that's that's great that's really easy to take yes absolutely great i've been looking for something like this that's perfect i like to see in the back of things yeah yeah so this is a yes there's a nice decanter there as well if you need another one for whiskey i just found the tray and phillip right away put everything on i don't know if are you trying to convince me of something i'm not sure but like it works with the handles it doesn't work it does work with the handles look at this size how actually people the handles do match i'm not sure about the tray because i think it could be too small might be but i think it would be really nice in a room i think i might be going for it i found some cool stuff here what did you find it's very uh driving miss daisy yes there this is better this is getting better because you could put the entire outfit it's all in one is it for halloween nice i have a t-shirt somebody sent him cado with a piece yeah let's go home let's go home yes natty what happened what happened i just saw a green thing coming from here i didn't pay for that he didn't want to buy it either and of course oops we'll go back next week and then we'll give them some money for it wow what discoveries did you make it in my use i love that teapot thank you that's not how we use actually that's a a little corner shop a corner shop yes and i thought they only sold clothes they don't they also have stuff ah i really like that nice right i really liked it too i mean that's for a very big tea party look at the size of that sugar bowl i know but yeah i really liked it and it said it was only three euros so i was like wow three euros yes but then when i got the cash register i think they realized that um it was a bit low for what it was so they said oh yes that's only for the milk jug so how much did you pay for the whole lot nine yeah i think that's very fast yeah me too it's amazing it would look really great in an art deco apartment somewhere right or maybe for my mom could work it could work yeah that's really pretty so i quite liked it and they're the blue glasses you got in my use and another tray and another tray and i thought the tray looked really nice with uh it does the handles go really well that's why i bought it really nice so did you have fun all of you yeah we did we filmed a bunch did you i missed you all good good scene it's good that you were alone here missing no no no no no that's what you weren't alone here someone was here and eons here is here it felt safe it's good that you missed us because that means you're happy to be with us right yes uh-oh i've been busted why i am actually working i know it's i'm editing sunday's video which i've already filmed and doing any filming i'm staying in bed i am just and you said yeah you had already almost finished it no i hadn't i was lying why well i'm always more optimistic about these things i know i'll get on with it with a cup of tea and maybe a chocolate biscuit i feel like that's the last thing you can do for a week okay nettie marie and i talked it over and we've decided that we're taking over yeah selma also came in he's like you've got to stop yes so it's an intervention from everyone in the house we've come to see the new trees that we planted on my enforced walk basically i'm not allowed to work no one will let me they've staged an intervention and i like working and i don't like walking and they're forcing me to walk doctor's orders walk not work that's like the new motto in this house steph and i are here to check on the trees were planted last week and here's the footage of that now do you know what i think is happening phillip no look your grandfather's favorite type of apple oh planted now we're standing in the area that is going to be the chicken the chicken coop so it's quite big which is nice in winter we'll let them through the entire world garden as always but in summer to keep them away from the crops they'll be in here look a little beethoven and sif and jillian a little fluffy one i think he looks like kotkot so maybe we should call him kotkut but at the patrons inside we're looking to get a new chicken house obviously someone's working on that [Music] hello of the song i thought that was part of it because it's all coming from the base look at the thumbs it's insane wow they're a little bit poisonous as well so oh the thorns yeah oh i was just touching them do you need to be pricked by it for it to be poisonous yeah i think so i think we're good then we can arrange actually a giraffe would eat that no trouble a giraffe that's a very tall animal oh you actually talk about [Laughter] well of course we need one we could feed him from the top floor bedroom hey if i don't get my hedgehog you don't get a drone oh well that's my dream unfair demand i think i think so crazy demands around here so is this for philip's grandfather's apple tree this is for the apple um all the other side we've put some in as well oh you have done i'm going to go and have a look yeah i think this is the one you're most excited about philip isn't that yes excellent the moment has arrived i kind of think phillip should plant this if it's history really but yeah i feel philip you should you should be the one to put this in this is like excalibur in reverse [Laughter] like that lovely great oh that was beautifully done thank you no one else could have done it like you i hope you're thinking of your grandfather yes good we might need to stake these as well yeah well the problem with the other trees the reason they all died is that at the very beginning of their life i had our new sheep aloysius and amaryllis they're only small they looked so cute i didn't imagine the damage that aloysius could do he ring barked every single fruit tree and i knew there was a reason i didn't like them [Laughter] some other beards gone it took me a while like something's different something's different this morning i was like okay that's enough the sun start to then yeah you want the sun on your face excellent uh peaches and the nectarines there yeah we can fan them so we've placed all the fans the same way so we'll start to train them more flat oh i like it yeah oh this is like you're really so good wow you're landscape artist this is going to be the cockrell pen on this side mainly because there's only a couple wandering around and we would like to stop them wandering around quite so freely except in winter because i'm winter they only disturb us but they do tend to start crowing under the bedroom windows rather early in the morning for guests so they'll be here and these are the new trees growing already here we have the nectarine white fleshed nectarine and this one that's the dixie red peach i'm so excited about the peaches i love peaches and lecturings and this is clearly dan's great plan for fanned peach trees this is the uh the blood red peach what's this last one oh the parchment tree i looked up the khaki and it is a persimmon that's a beautiful job it's feeling really good there's new planting of trees for the future there's a wall coming down in my dressing room new gardener has started it's all happening it's just wonderful all because of the vlog all because of all of you are you cold because i'm not cold at all look how many layers i've got on okay on top of all of this i already looked at the michelin man phillips wanted me to wear a coat on top of it and i wouldn't have been able to bend my elbows why would you need to bend your elbows on a walk you just need a very long straw you heard me like this [Laughter] this is an enforced constitutional having said that look at all the buds that's more than when we planted it more than when dan planted it because one of them was in bud i think it was this one but they weren't as open and this one is now absolutely covered i'm a bit worried about them because it's a little late to plant them i'm worried that the strength will already have gone into the buds and won't be going into the roots but this was the last month that we could get them in if we wanted to plant in time for this year and i think it's good that we're trying i know dan will give them the best care let's see if we can find some chickens now that would be a very interesting thing on my walk oh my goodness should i say lavander that's what selma's calling her now and he loves her he's calling her miss lavender miss lavender and he walks around the garden in his arms she's so cute i don't think i've ever seen her walking before she looks adorable she's smaller than i thought they cut her with picasso this is actually wonderful i'm enjoying this after all for that good have you ever seen anything more adorable we're actually sporting the same style today same colors same colors same kind of uh outline this is so stupid when she walks i think we're stressing her let's leave poor little honoring we renamed the brahman when jenny was here actually i say rename but she never had a name so now catwoman's consort is maggie smith yes dame maggie smith because she is the dwyane of all the chickens she's the leader of the pack leader of the flock they're so happy together those too we came to check on jenny's seedlings and instead i found that dan or maybe kirsty i'm not sure has done a beautiful job of planting the new herbs that we've bought i'm really excited about the pineapple sage we bought this and it really really does smell just exactly like pineapple oh we didn't try it in the shop should we try it sure yeah that's perfectly clean now thank you it's not very strong it's the scent is much stronger than the flavor did you mention it would be good for cocktails yes you're right that smell would be heavenly for cocktails flavor's a bit like a very nice soap nothing like sage which is surprising but you know what i mean right it's not got the soapy texture and it's not unpleasant it's a bit like delicate delicate fresh i agree and jenny this is for you your first two seedlings have come up look here and here and that's chris anthem rainbow oh no there's another one another chrysanthemum rainbow has come up fantastic there's one here there's another one there calendula officinalis sunset buff oh how exciting oh and leeks the monstrous leaks are coming and that's quite quick i feel as though you've just been walking the dog and that was me walking the patient because i'm the one that never wants to go out but i think they enjoy it more than you do once we're actually outside because i get really excited about the seedlings and the trees and the chickens i mean even look the giant allium look how well they're doing and now davey's come up with the idea of us also planting summer bulbs in between the lavender and we're thinking of a mass of white lilies i think that'll be very pretty so all of that debris that's come out of my boudoir smells really wonderful so what's your favorite flower my favorite flower yes i like all of the spring yellow flowers selmar just brought me the most beautiful bouquet of daffodils and branches of forsythia i really like those i love roses i think my all-time favorite flower is a peony the huge peonies that's fine but they have such a short season look i'm not working i can tell i'm resting and you're dressed and i want extra brownie points for both of those things i'm very proud of you are you up for a little surprise downstairs is this the 200th look surprise maybe i've heard rumors yes yes okay let's go have i been summoned to the winter cycle well richard who is the next next helper for for youtube oh it's going to help with the editing for the editing yes exactly give me the idea i was like yeah fantastic so that's the video i hope you like it you did a great job you ready really happy yeah i'm really excited welcome to our first ever entry in hannah's video diary hi steph uh congratulations on the 200 blog post well done keep it up hi stephanie greetings from germany from edgar and me and a happy youtube birthday to you if that counts as a birthday well it's definitely an impressive achievement so congratulations on 200 vlogs yes to the next 200. why did we have that congratulations stephanie on 200 episodes of shadow diaries glad i could help on just a couple of episodes and really wish i was in a lot more hopefully i can get back once the world goes back to some normality and have some more fun over there i'm here back in australia on my farm as you can see i've got a heap of goats some pretty friendly as you can see you're probably wondering why i'm wearing two plus the wine ones for the land and one's for you who's got the the best achievement i wish i was there all the great celebrations with you cheers so nice it sounds nice hi stephanie i'm so happy to be congratulating you on your 200th episode we're super excited to be part of the extended blend family and really looking forward to spending more time with you in the near future hopefully in better weather than this hello stef hello beautiful landers i miss you guys and congratulations 200 vlogs twenty and renee if you can't see us in the hat hiding the pandemic hair on this momentous occasion it seems only appropriate to celebrate through the time-honored tradition of reading out some statistics over the course of 200 episodes you have filmed 48 volunteers 27 parties 20 of which were unplanned 98 oh stefanie's 10 years one literal car crash three figurative car crashes 123. this is the best meal i've ever had 18 shots of thor's bum four crockery breakages 17 eyebrow razors from latin 603 water days 81 trips to mmos and a partridge in a pear tree you know thanks to you many people have lots of videos to watch i admit i watch too so let's continue this way i love you and i wish you all the best i remember back in the day in the early days of the vlogging when you were spending all that time doing it going up in the car and uploading it and you weren't getting that many viewers people were saying to you can you be using your time for something else why are you spending your time doing this and i remember you said to me i have a feeling i have a hunch but if i keep on doing this it could come to something and you did keep on going and then suddenly it all took off and you have brought joy to tens of thousands of people around the world you've also helped breathe new life through the funds of your generous patrons into the chateau and it's amazing to see the effects that's having so it's definitely i think this is a little bit of a lesson to me and and and to many of us that if we believe in something let's keep on going and eventually something good will come and you've proven that well done stephanie i hope to see you soon to make some more vlogs as well but i am so proud of you congratulations i thank the first one if you remember where we were repairing the toilet seat little did i know that you were going to go on for nearly three years with the vlogs and there's also another two people who are in south africa at the moment hello darling 200 vlogs your vlogs grew and grew but you also enabled and helped others who wanted to follow in your footsteps your journey over the day of spirit allows them to reach their goal too you have a good heart darling we love you mommy and percy well done you like the way they said mommy and percy this is so so it was so nice to see all these faces we haven't seen for ages yes congratulations sorry philip you can't be in that group it's okay and thank you richard i have never met you and this was so kind and we can't wait till you can join us here yeah and everyone can then meet you mysterious richard i know i was supposed to watch it just before i went to hospital but i think this is even better because it's making me get better faster that's good it's really just like cheap way you said to oliver that i just got this feeling yeah yeah that i've got this hunch and i have to go get it and i love that but you have to follow your intuition absolutely yeah and look where it took you i can't believe it yeah it's amazing i can't believe it like all day i've been hearing all the banging in the room next door to my bedroom yeah and it's so exciting all of this because of the vlog yeah like none of that building work would have happened without it it's amazing yeah i'm speechless it's not champagne but it's tea in april i can do it or something cheers cheers cheers cheers phillip cheers look at you here we are celebrating you're actually making the chateau diaries a huge thank you to all of our patrons at la land who are making this vlog possible especially our duffer and dauphine of la land yael and ether dan bander whaling banshee brian barnard brandon and john michael cecilia begum denise behrens jill bidwell candice black band candace and ed burkowski clara butcher paulina calabro chloe chalikani stephen sarah cole zoe dork sakura dennis saying dixon jackie ellison nicholas w fairfax tracy ferrari caroline first abigail grant fifi greenberg crystal hardy brenda harris delaine holbrook kim hasselhoff david and tong henderson jacqueline holmes priscilla hubler brian kelsey and phil burnt jimmy kemp nadia kennedy lisa laforge dave and summerland morgan lawley victoria lepine jannah of lombard marina frank martin meredith robert miller kathy nuri jc award maureen palmer theresa sloane frank poposki and james snow tomorrow price armin rahman tonya renee rjb bettina rojek hanny ross mary ryan elizabeth scanlon sven schreiber lisa schultz jennifer shanks patty suhu susan stevens and the leaf house sarah thornton colleen troyer rene valelli victoria jessica walker brandy walton laura watkins lucas wallen james whalen cheryl whittaker christine wilson winnie de la cockapoo greg with david young and lodovicos oranazzo and thank you to all of you [Music] you
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 146,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, chateau de la lande, the chateau diaries, restoration, diy, transformations, chateau tour, gardening, chickens
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 58sec (2098 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.