The Renovators Return - Doing It Ourselves

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sean should we go and see what michael's up to we can go and see what michael's up to but where abouts is he i don't know someone said there's a cottage here michael's got it so long i don't know where it is he left the lead the way go on then let's go let's go find him i think it's through here three years ago me my brother billy and his fiancee gwendolyn took on the mammoth task of restoring this stunning french chateau at first it was just the three of us but since then the whole family has moved in to help bring this place back to its former glory and not forgetting the newest family member baby earnest [Music] we do everything ourselves from fixing the leaky roof managing the vast 60 acre estate to restoring the grand interiors back to the way they were 100 years ago it's not always easy but that's what makes life in a place like this interesting [Music] my name's michael and i'm going to be showing you what it's like to live work and play at chateau de la baminei now from the vlogs i think it's this one i recognize the door i recognize the color don't suppose anyone's in where's my who's that hello there stranger you come back to work i'm a bit late six months like six months later i'm waiting for you here come here come in come here right let's have a look me and my um friend florian and we've been clearing the place out okay wow have you seen have you seen this come on while i was away this is why nobody spotted it while i was away because that was hung there and there was a box at the bottom so nobody saw it and i don't know if actually that got damp and was holding moisture against the wood it wouldn't have helped just for sure so i think that might have been might not be a huge problem with the wall it might be more quite a bit of that and a bit of this to be honest plus this was hung over that one oh yeah i'm putting it back exactly where they were looks like a crooked house i wonder if you wouldn't mind helping take this table out the idea well we've got we've got we've got florian um it's like montezuma isn't it have you got a filter on that camera yes or slim fed [Laughter] all right all good are you ready for a nice comedy sequence cue the uh comedy music music yeah yourself they must have known right down to the basement there it goes okay [Music] uh [Music] oh all right [Laughter] so what's new since our last saw you then sean talked about youtube channel why do you want to shout out [Laughter] if you've got any crumbs [Laughter] you should ask yes i've got a new channel out yeah yeah and it's called sean's world so i know i've seen it yeah so how's it going all right yeah there are 10 videos out now 10. that's brilliant 10 or 11 yeah so it's a bit of everything isn't it yeah a bit of a hopper in gardening and copper some renovation work gardening at the moment i'm putting up an oak framed barn so yeah i've got a few a few more videos in the pipeline um pizza ovens bits and pieces like that yeah yeah so watch this channel that's it watch this space and what'd you say don't forget to subscribe and hit the button don't forget to like and subscribe but it's called it's called sean's world i'll put a link in the description favorite standard i've waited six months i've got some work for you though sell the right things we've got a ride next door no it's not your fault it's not that's our fault for letting the place get wet at the royal way the raw where yeah it's a lot bigger without the table isn't it you can actually see now that we're a small dining table that end i've actually got room for a nice sort of sitting area you know chairs and things and maybe a coffee table a little dance look dark dancing yeah you were dancing in here the other night weren't you after about six beers right okay so this one will have to go back obviously where it went because it's got the hole in it but the other ones can go anywhere the top of it will come off fine it's just that let me have a look at the top it's warped now that's the problem it's gonna have to sit with some weights on it i think we might be lucky just trying to keep damage to a minimum yeah we've got some visitors living in the um upstairs at the minute um a nest with jack doors in it but obviously we've got to wait till they've fledged and can't kick them out um like a nice pie well you could eat it if you want yeah well i won't have it all is frankie jack birds i think we're going to be lucky taking this off without damaging it yeah yeah thank you very much i'll just try thank you very much [Music] comes off it's going to ping it's under [Music] pressure i'll just drill the rest of them out yep take that off carefully so once we've got this peg rail off we've gotta think about uh isolating this before we start stripping this off i'll just turn it off okay yeah i've got a bit of tape over the ends i've got my rubber boi sean you look like a man who needs a beer okay i think i need a beer to get this one out right putting up a fight all right here we go lucky i've got one here oh you've got some of them non-alcoholic beers i love them ones non-alcoholic yeah uh six point six percent six point four six percent needed we might need a hand screwdriver going back to the primitive way oh oh we may need to we're after now i've got toolbox upstairs that's where he's hidden it could be some of your tools in there to be honest whatever was laying about just put in there probably that's where they all went now i think we need a hand screwdriver and a little tap with a hammer to kind of cut the head again is where i've drilled into it because i don't know the depth of the screw it's kind of took the head off a little bit out don't screw those bits off of metal so you could just yeah that's that's after the trouble with this head of it off in a worst case scenario and we'll use a pair of pliers and untwist i'll there'd be lunch thank you second sandwich bowls it's your second hammer there's no grip there at all drill it off yeah yeah i forgot to apply as we can yeah unscrew what's left okay drill gun please on the passenger drill no the drill [Laughter] a lot of pressure there that was holding it back definitely oh there you go all right so once wood swells up it's no stopping it just goes where it was well we've gotta gently gently i will get out there and prise it off otherwise you're going to do some damage yes oh yeah i don't try this at home i'm cries enough where i know this is going back so this is what happens when you get lazy and can't be bothered to walk and go and get a hammer i'm going to go and get a hammer well while shawn's doing that i'm just going to take the top off because it's easy you hold this for me florian please yes thank you [Applause] one piece there we go [Music] [Music] don't give him [Music] that's going to come off in one piece so then it's now just undoing the screws just on the floor quick planes for you pop them out they ain't going back in fresh screws does the accounts run to fresh screws i don't know so i have to start cutting wages again [Music] okay the power of the oak will snap the screw no problem so the screws have snapped off under the pressure because they've got quite big heads on them yeah they stay put in yolk yeah they just snap that's crazy yeah i think there was only one per board at the bottom as well so yeah it was all uh quick let's get it done before i was yeah that was me i needed i needed it done for christmas so i was like well we got it done corners can be cut we'll pay for it now yeah it's fine just there it goes but we can rectify this no problem yep [Music] [Music] [Laughter] oh did you see that were you filming that as soon as i reached that just went bang pop it was it's a lot of pressure except mouse behind it pushing it all the mickeys [Music] as soon as the screws come out it just pops off all right this one might have a screw in the bottom so what's that oh yeah it does i can feel it oh good that's come out there we go right there right can you pass that drill please don't be wearing that as a knack there we go wonder if the whole lot will go back now sure no no once you get to this stage surprise surprise you know what i said earlier sean yeah doubled up i've doubled up the insulation and there was no air gap behind it exactly where it blew yeah definitely contributed there was no airflow behind there it couldn't dry out knock and dryer and your driver was on the front my fault yeah completely so the overalls of the blame yeah the overalls and my um overzealous insulation but i basically over i insulated over the pipe you see it doesn't need it and there's no air gap it's not down all of that for one piece of insulation actually pushed back in yeah when you tell if that paper had got wet it'd be sort of stained wouldn't it yeah it's just come from inside as well yeah and it couldn't go that way because that wood was touching the wall there was an air gap behind all of them michael and it couldn't spread that way because that was touching the wall wouldn't it that piece of uh do you reckon we can dig out behind that um yeah with the digger tomorrow just dig a trench in the wind [Laughter] it's meant to rain tomorrow tonight might liven me up a bit a bit more chatty i'll have a beer as well yeah let's all have a party another one is [Laughter] yeah cheers cheers cheers cheers everybody cheers [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we're going to do something really important today um this is all the earth that was actually in the floor of the cottage uh before we started work and it was all dug out it's a mixture of sand and clay and it's i think dad calls it hogging is it called hogging dad this stuff is called hogging yeah it's what they used to lay the tiles on and obviously when we pulled it out the cottage we never went anywhere nearby to put it so it was all just piled up here with the intention of moving it somewhere else well it didn't get moved so um it's actually piled up against the wall um above the floor level inside and obviously it's holding a lot of moisture which is then being absorbed into the wall so this has all got to be dug out and taken away um i'm not sure where we're going to put it but um but yeah you can see the floor level down here it's much much lower so obviously it's got to go um but i don't know how to work a digger so billy you can uh can you man the digger today i'll do the digger yep you do the digging and i'll hold the camera for a change yeah yeah here you go then bertie hello oh he's a good boy he's a good boy [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you see this is our problem see all of this pipe that goes down here that's all the guttering for the roof here it's all coming down this pipe and drifted into this hole here which is getting absorbed by all of this earth which is then being held against the wall so once all of this is gone we're going to put a drain in there and then there's nothing we can't fix we'll sort it out oh yeah there's no window wiper so you can't see it's here but it's not it's taken off oh right yeah it's just missing the uh yeah the arm yeah i'll take it up just [Music] the trench for the um for the waste pipe for the bathroom oh perfect well i wasn't planning on doing that might as well while we're [Music] here so what is that folder so so [Music] deep enough for you i yeah they're quite long lengths aren't they yeah all right we need um could you grab two of them ben's dad right so we ended up digging this well you and dad ended up digging this trench we wasn't planning on doing this today but um this drainage um pipe which is for the bathrooms has to go in before the drainage for the gutters goes in because it's but below it so we're doing this now we've got these lengths of pipe you want to clean that just lay them in lay it in first and check the level no no you it's perfectly level as it is it's perfect as it is yeah yeah yeah that will do for them all right yeah it's there there you go oh look at that is it good yep spot on right well spot give it a wiggle it's wedged in tight michael just pull it michael i'm pulling it there you go put it around the inside of the pipe yeah make sure it's clean on the inside unless it's clean reminds me of primary school i see it right around there if it leaks you know who to blame hit one leg there's plenty in there right now get the pipe in quickly before it dries it's dry quick can you very quickly okay all right now push it as hard as you can that's it that's it any further it's perfect michael's name that's what he wants what got to go to the maker's name to the maker's name what is it's there was it yeah perfect come up with a pick and i'll get under there yeah i'll bring the machine round the other side are we going to dig all of it yeah tomorrow might as well yeah uh well it's six o'clock i've got to edit this video because it's got to be out tomorrow so yeah we've dug all of that out pipes going in for the drainage and what's next i've got to put the paneling back up in the cottage and i've got to prepare the walls to paint this week so i want that kitchen done so yeah all good so i'll see you in the next video thanks for watching [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Doing It Ourselves
Views: 132,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau, castle, france, doing it ourselves, english, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, dick and angel, restoration, french, millionaire, diy, family, English tea, scones, tea, downton abbey, aristocracy, history, wedding, wedding venue, chateau de la basmaignee, abandoned, haunted, interior, historic, cottage, gardener, plumbing, reovation, digger, construction
Id: LB6vv-WNJhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 5sec (1865 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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