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it's been a big week for the chateau diaries and that is why i'm sitting exactly where i'm sitting now because this is the spot where i filmed the first ever chateau diaries over two years ago hi i'm stephanie welcome to the chateau de la land and welcome to our first ever entry in la land's video diary and it's been a long journey since then which this week resulted in us hitting 30 million channel views i i can't believe i can't get my head around that number 30 million that's like double the population of the netherlands it's insane but it made me think i don't just film myself like some other vloggers i film everyone in the chateau around me they are such a huge part of this channel but what's the truth of living with a youtuber so i'm gonna go and hunt them down and ask them a few questions including how do you feel about living inside a vlog and what's the most annoying thing about living with a youtuber did you know about the vlog before you came to la land the chateau diaries what's the chateau diary i used to watch it too like after i had worked in the entire day um just before i went to bed i used to watch the church of nice yeah i knew about the vlog before i came this appeared in the very first one it's the reason why we even got here because we were watching your chateau diaries and you were saying that you would like to see if somebody can help film and that's why i called chateau diaries yeah shattered aries is you know the thing don't mean like um it make me fall asleep because that's not what i mean i sort of knew about the vlog before i came um basically one of annelise's friends used to watch the vlog she kept saying to us oh there's a chateau near you i watch them they keep on about they can't find a gardener and you're just around the corner um so that's as much as i knew really about the vlog i hadn't seen it obviously with our plans we were here looking for chateau and whatnot and we thought how we get to know fellow chateau owners and then you created a window and we went okay let's try that window let's find out what goes on behind the scenes at a chateau oh you've certainly found out i would fall asleep and then the next morning i would finish the one i started watching and i'd probably be like 20 minutes further than what i remember seeing so yeah stupid question do you actually watch the shutter dome every single time did you know about the vlog before you came to la land no i just fell in love with the photos that you put in the website where i found you in that moment and yeah i came before the big thing no i have no idea i thought you were a couple here but from the flock now suddenly you you did some filming and i still had no idea how dude and how big it was yeah so i was it was really a surprise would you still come if you'd like probably yeah i didn't maybe appreciate the scale of how many people watch um and you know the reach of that but i don't think it would have put me off no no no i don't think so yeah but i'm very glad that i came before and i can spend more time with everybody without so much camera and all the things you know it was more yeah if i knew from the start i wouldn't come wow my goodness you didn't know selma yeah yeah yeah and why is that uh because it's really to uh to hack this for me and that is uh it is not i just need some appreciation for my work and that appreciation for who you are the film or no no because i was my was just like i like to help people and not to get famous or something like that but yeah it is now i'm in it this is a little bit about that i'm thinking well it is also a way uh to help a lot of people did you expect to be filmed so much it's not no of course not no no no not at all well the shower cams are a bit much and i remember at the beginning i was more shy than now i'm getting more used to in the beginning i wasn't used to being on camera and being filmed for a youtube channel so it felt a bit weird but we sort of went along with it i think the only thing is you know being more aware of how we look when we first get up in the morning i've never been particularly comfortable in front of the screen so i do feel better when i've had a chance to put makeup on first whereas i'm just making sure that there's nothing exposed that shouldn't be exposed [Laughter] but yet then you notice and i had no idea because your mother told me did you see what people say to you about you and no no no no and then yeah you get more into filming involved oh oh my goodness we've got a pause for that right we've got [Music] something going on over here isn't there every day thor is in the mood so this is a typical chateau diaries interruption what's the question again the first day i arrived uh you were filming caddo you mean you're like oh would you want to come and sit with us for a bit i quite literally just arrived which was a bit uneasy because i just hadn't expected it at all that was really nice i guess i was aware that the television program filming was going on but i didn't think about your level of filming i wasn't aware of how much you were doing at that time surprised to see myself on the vlogs you know sort of dotting around on the lawn mower and yeah various things all right sama where were we stephanie did pre-war me when i came do you mind being filmed but other than that i didn't know i mean i think maybe i'm filmed a little bit less than everyone else just because i'm out of the way in the garden in other in other bits i did study acting this is different because it's i'm not playing a role this is like fooling me so yeah yeah it's different i did not expect it no but i am enjoying it i feel as if i'm part of the fiber of the history being made when i'm involved in it and i see my tiny little contribution yep i love it everyone fancies you so much yeah that's so crazy because they see just a glimp of me i always be myself it's not not that i play anything but it is it is quite uh i like the appreciation for what i do but that so many people and then see you and like what you're doing and it's uh it's yeah it's a it's still a little bit strange [Laughter] now that we've had 30 million views how do you feel about living your life in the public eye i haven't said yes to this what yeah 30 million views is crazy i always knew i was destined for greatness anyway so see 30 million people no i'm just kidding it's only his due obviously cut i don't want no that's not just joking it's quite a big number when you suddenly think you only mentioned about it last night i cannot believe that the number actually when you tell me a few days ago i was like what 30 million is huge huge how do i feel about being in the public eye well hmm that's a good question feels nice not in a weird way it just feels nice to be able to reach people i realized that my life which had always been led pretty privately and with um with discretion absolutely peaceful and so on so this is not what goes on when you have with the vlogger you're open to the world and and it is an adaptation to make but that's fine with me really absolutely fine with me but it does go contrary to my precepts wow i never imagined my life being in under the eye but it's that it's not my life it's nice that people um try it wants to know a little bit more about us i had not anticipated to be so personal on camera and i think if you go back to like the early ones where i just arrived you can kind of see that i think i've become way more myself on camera um the love of hedgehogs has really come out well i never shared that with anyone because i follow hedgehog and squirrel instagrams on instagram and i had never told anyone um until here and now everyone knows people send me hedgehog related items and it's really sweet and yeah it i think yeah it's it's it's really nice it's it's it takes some getting used to because like i said it's really personal but it's i don't think i would change it i i don't think of it you know i'm i'm not that proactively involved on the camera side not that i'm not trying to hide away but i do so much things in the background that people don't see so much of but they don't realize how much they're seeing is the wi-fi if you're watching this it's because of ian yeah well i have to say now it's i'm more used to it and now i'm also ask you to start my own vlog and you said yeah you have to do it and now i'm really enjoying it that i'm here to help you with your vlogging and that i can build up also my uh my own flock and doing my own thing and people yeah to really like it because um always her because of my calm and my force i had no idea but people really really relaxed oh sorry your voice is the most relaxing voice on the planet so yeah i love and then people myself yeah it's it's uh it's strange but yeah i'm i'm starting to enjoy it more and more yeah i feel okay i feel fine about it um obviously i made it my living now um when i came here the first time that was different it wasn't like that but in in the course of these two years i've sort of changed my life and made a living by being online on being on social media and sharing my personal life with others and meeting others online so yeah i love it because you get to meet all these amazing people and and yeah just get together and share i guess it's something you can't prepare for obviously we've got our own vlog as well so that's kind of we're in the public eye with that although a lot of that um successes that is because i'm seen here and because of stephanie so i think it comes with its ups and downs but the same as anything you know um there's good comments and bad comments i do find it absolutely fascinating though that in this day and age you know putting free content onto the internet you can have so many people and reach so many people and i think that is a marvel of our time period frankly so i'm really excited that you know that people are interested to see what's going on in our in in everybody's lives really i mean exactly obviously you got to be aware of what you're putting out there but you know if if you're willing to put it out there i'm i'm glad there's an audience for it frankly one good thing about that of course is that when i do a job normally obviously the person i do it for is happy and says you know good job but here i've got a hundred thousand people sort of looking at what i'm doing and being impressed and being happy that something's getting done so that's a really nice feeling i do get recognized quite a bit especially when i'm at airports and people see me you know i've done quite a few selfies sent a few autographs so yeah yeah i'm always up to open fates carnivals anything like that if you could change one thing what would it be um if i could change one thing what would it be i don't know that i have a good answer for that i don't it's still also new that i don't really have a lot of context or experience to say oh this is the thing that we could try doing differently right let me think about it covet a little negative point is that i have very little access to my daughter now she's far too busy too busy to talk even over the telephone if so that is one minus point definitely getting mommy back she's my little pal in the garden so yeah it's the garden's a lot more enjoyable and um motivated when she's here definitely if i could change anything i as the machine you are stephanie um you you know you work a lot and you film a lot and you have a a busy schedule i would say and i think i would love if there was an ipad down in the kitchen and it would be connect sort of uh installed so that it would be on the like on the wall and then uh the first like the home screen would be like a schedule of the day and then like and then like a week schedule so that people get oh yeah there's a caddo filming at 1pm today in the grand salon and then we're like oh that's nice then we know and we can stay away or we know we can join project management in in a more um [Music] you know sort of coordinated or not necessarily coordinated but but something that is visible to everybody because everybody sees everything going on and everybody's sort of thinking well this is going that's happening and uh the bigger picture yeah and to know what's happening um would help i think sometimes you know some of some of the sort of like uh type questions what's happening there i'm pretty happy i would like for it to be easier to go back to the netherlands i used to take care of my grandparents and i used to go and see them at least once a week always my entire life and i have been able to do that that's hard it is nice it's nice just as it is and even if we have little things here and there and i'm one of the first ones getting like why this is happening like that oh wow but yeah if you put in the balance it is so much good things so many good things oh and i would like the lights outside to be um on the app on the ipad as well so anyone can just turn on the lights that's actually a brilliant idea for me is that you are very important to me and at some some point then i think you you're missing so so much what's around you because you're so all day vlogging in your room and then i think oh why not go outside or do something else yeah and and so part i'm thinking um you there yes there's so much things you can do in your life and i know you will but some times i think that the flock is taking you a little bit over too much too much yeah i personally feel that two chateau diaries are patrons flog the chateau unwrapped and also the sunday diary it's maybe a wee bit too much if it was me personally i would just do one shadow diary a week and you want to do everything so good and right but sometimes it's a little bit too much i think oh i know what thing i will change for you to have more free time with us yeah that would be nice and mostly i feel terrible every time that your family and friends comes here and you have to be doing the camera and for for christmas for instance you were not that much present here because you have to be editing and all the things and yeah i will give you another hand for edit or something yeah more time with uh living properly living here yeah so nurse as well like if you get installed sonas in every room then you can sort of change the music and yeah one thing mapping you've got one thing you could change god i just you know i see a lot of potential here so is there a difference between real life at la land and the chateau diaries the quick answer no no no i think that's pretty much what you see is what you get i was surprised how little difference there is i don't think there really is a massive difference between real life and life on the vlog yeah what you see on the screen is very much what happens when i came here because i had seen the shows there was previously there was no noticeable difference the only thing was swearing some people do swear yes um which i thought was really fun having had no context having never really sort of been around youtubers much before or at all before i just had an assumption that it was a little more curated behind the scenes right like i don't want to say staged or scripted because i don't think that's really possible if you're filming real life but maybe a little more curated and it's it's not even that like you're just you're just living what happens and this has been a crazy year for you as much as anyone else right in terms of the things that have been enabled and you're rolling with things and filming the masses hap as it happens so i was actually surprised that it's not more curated than it is it's it's not pretty organized as such i mean you can see that on your vlogs you go out there and you suddenly see wow this is happening that's happening you know we're actually doing things i am very glad so at the moment not to be at the chateau because she drink all the work that goes there i don't like mess and it is difficult for me to put up with it so although it becomes extremely busy the vlogs are a true reflection on life at the chateau these are snap spots of a day the way stephanie films it when she um for instance comes in the garden opens again and speaks to me you're getting that first interaction um so it's a very real you know thing it's not pre-planned or you know so the conversations you see is having and how we interact are as they are there's also that site that's off camera which is a little different um it's that more personal side um it's not always suitable for vlogging but it's also uh sometimes even more entertaining so yeah there are these things but the vlogs really sort of show through the middle of everything that goes on i think what you see on the saturday is is real it's us it's sometimes we don't get dressed and you just see us as we are and me maybe just waking up in the kitchen with a messy bun no makeup and getting a camera stuck up into my face you can see that and sometimes you'll see more us prepared dressed up and presented nicely and it i think is a nice balance of both ways well for the shuttle diaries the proper shuttle diaries no right now but i used to be more a little bit more uh makeup and that things but yeah no we try to give the best of us i guess and to the people as well because that's for me one of the best things here it is um that we know because of all the emails and everything we know that uh it's something that we are doing kind of good something good in the world and it's nice yeah the the real life is more and more natural and the diaries is is more because you want to make it nicer and more beautiful and also for the people to enjoy seeing it it's different yeah but the real life is more more crowded yeah more easy going more simple and the the diaries are smaller from you go from there to there and there they see what they're doing in the whole week with the vlogs some things are more compacted because it's like a week into two videos which makes it kind of like fast and snappy but that also means that there are moments of calm that you don't see peaceful moments and people have no idea about that in the moments that we or watch a movie together or a few of us watch a movie together or we watch the live chat together those are all moments that you don't see on camera that i think uh yeah are different but no big like culture shocks or something like that you really do get a really good cross-section of what the life is like here in chateau uh on the vlog you know the parts that you don't see really are the boring parts that nobody needs to see anyway i wasn't disappointed let me put it that way there's a couple of people that we knew know back in canada who have been following the vlog as well and the first question that we get asked usually is are the people really as nice as they are as they seem on the thing and really friendly is everybody really that happy and you know and that's a great question because it just shows how how much um you know that that great personality comes across and the fact that everybody is you know wonderful and excited and just happy to be on the adventure here so it sounds like it sounds like we're blowing smoke but it really but it's true that's true right you know how would life be different here if there was no vlog oh i think it would still be a happy place but just different it would be boring oh i would i think it would be a little bit dull no i don't think so it wasn't boring before either there'd probably be fewer people wandering by taking snapshots of the of the chateau that are you kind of the other day i was getting my hair cut and i was sat out inside the steps with half a hair up and you know waiting for for the the hairdresser to come back and there's people taking photographs so it's you know you've got to be aware of that kind of stuff i think it would be a little bit different because um because i was here when the vlog wasn't that big and it was magical and there was people coming and going we had volunteers and there was workshops and it was very simple but there's so many great things that have happened because of the vlog and because i remember me and other people coming to the chateau before the vlog and we all saw so much potential and we still do the difference today is that oh we could see the potential and actually do something about it and it will see it happening and it's just the amazing the most amazing thing ever and it's it feels very fairytale like like we're living a dream and i'm so happy to be able to see that transformation i guess my thought on that is the income that you get from the youtube channels has made that tremendous difference um life would be what i originally saw here you were dependent on you know that income from the bed and breakfast you know you'll come to that income on the bed and breakfast again when the cobia situation lifts but it's certainly filled that gap and perpetuated into a different space really from what's going on here so yeah all for the benefit the money the funds which are making such a massive difference um plays a big big big factor in what i can do and what i can achieve is only so much i can achieve without you know having the funds to progress other areas so that's how i think it'd be different me staying here is because of the vlog right yeah and that also goes for renovations through patreon and youtube it went for those things then things that you might have already had the plans for or like the dreams or the inspiration you might never or might not as soon have gotten to put that into fruition obviously youtube and the revenues and whatever have enabled a lot of the activities you're putting in place right now but i don't think that means those activities would have never happened right they just might have happened at a slower pace right yeah the community that you've created that the vlog has created enabled those things to become reality which is amazing will be more more relaxed than now it is relaxed but it will be more relaxed i guess because it's not the camera there i think uh it will be the same but only with no no camera you had them much more time for your ambitions that you can sew again or to make decoration room or making the chairs yes being more hands-on yeah you can do the uh that was more for for you that you can more do in the chateau and that's also very nice to do and to see and you're singing we miss your singing of course like piano playing yeah no [Laughter] what annoys you the most about living with a youtuber um one word living with a youtuber hmm i live with three one one i live with three you got two words what annoys me the most about stephanie jarvis well point one now i'm joking i well i would just say inaccessibility that's one word from being here originally um you know we had so much more time to talk in the kitchen cooking meals and things it was really fun it was good it was it was great i mean i'm not saying it's not fun now but but you're so busy with your schedules and activities that um yeah just trying to have time to to simply have a personal chat obviously we're involved in youtube as well so maybe that's a bit different i guess the only thing that can get annoying as i mentioned earlier about when you see that first interaction um is genuinely when she comes in sometimes it would be nice to have more interaction without the phone there you know um but i guess that's what makes the chateau diaries real is that all that interaction is caught on camera but yeah a better time off from behind the camera would be good as well but you're so on it because you've committed to so many people now so you have to do it and that is that is sometimes a very struggle for me to see that you're so late and stay up so late it takes you away from us for a great deal of the time because i know with the eddington it takes you up to 10 hours just to end up one vlog say 45 minutes to an hour you can spend 10 hours and that doesn't include the filming sometimes when you don't show something on the vlog then people assume that that never happened so whatever has not been shown on the vlog is not reality question that we get like where is hannie like something like that people think just because you haven't specifically shown her a leave but we have said it that it never happened and they're like honey still being here and being the ghost of la la i don't know like stuff like that by wherever you're missing to be waiting sometimes for everything to be ready and everything to be yeah and then then we start the thing you know yeah if you come to the kitchen we are eating it's fine yeah but if it's a nice dinner or something we'll have to be waiting until stephanie finished the editing edition another video and then yeah and sometimes the food is cold and i don't like cold food but besides that is fantastic we live here and we all are very accustomed to a camera and you sort of sharing your own our life with others and it's become quite natural and i think most people here doesn't mind us at all because we're so used to it and but there is some moments where i think that oh it would be nice to not have the camera present because sometimes you feel like you have to smile a bit more or you know being a bit more presentable for the camera sometimes having to be on the entire time when you're not feeling great but of course everyone's got their days where you just want to spend your day in bed not doing anything that's kind of hard to find those days because usually there's one or two things we have to film sometimes you just want to enjoy the moment and yeah not share but i think because i work with social media as well i feel the need to disconnect a little bit more sometimes usually i'd be very much be like okay i go to work i clock in i work i click out i go home i don't work here life and work is so intertwined that it's kind of impossible to separate sometimes which makes it very hard to take time off that doesn't mean that i don't take time off but it's just way harder to fully relax sometimes you know always be aware of how you look because you never know when the camera is going to be pointing at you so yeah you know and that's not that big a deal frankly you know you you get what you get with me at least well for instance when we go we go for a run with marie and she wants to take a photo or something i said don't put that image of my face there finger that that's a no-no that's a no-no she cannot upload any photos of me running she's i told her and you either trolls um i was gonna swear myself i was gonna say i don't give it but i don't give a damn i got bullied really badly growing up uh like really badly what are they gonna say that either i don't already know or is a lie which is also not worth my time when i was in canada before we came back home to france um i put together this regency dress with this half-assed pattern with what i had on hand in my sewing room and while i was grieving my father and thinking that i was kind of there's no way i'd really be on screen and i'd just be having a luncheon with a few friends and then all of a sudden this thing that i've kind of tossed together is getting a wider audience and i think because i've always been a bit of a lurker when it comes to the internet i i know there are people out there who take joy in tearing people down um and i think he's gotta have a hobby right if people want to spend their lives talking about stuff like that then that's kind of pathetic good luck with that yeah that's how you get joy in your life than have at you know i had great fun putting it together and you don't know what they're going through right like maybe that's their way of dealing with whatever pain they're experiencing i think that's a bit like saying oh boys will be boys you know no they're just as accountable as anyone else as long as i'm bringing joy to to the majority of people then really at the end of the day the rest of the people i think there was a great quote that's you know more to be pity than scorned roll with the punches enjoy it enjoy it right i mean that's the thing there isn't you know if you're going to worry about the little tiny things little tiny details that are that are going on then you know it's it's not the life for you anyway what's the best thing about living with a youtuber the best thing about living with a youtuber the best thing well the best thing is it takes you away from us for about 10 hours while you're doing the editing no no digest of course all of you are trying to make everything pretty all the time the lots of fun things that we do that i'm not sure we otherwise would have done it makes things a bit more fun i guess we go to a bit more effort to do specific things what might be a normal mundane task all of a sudden when there's a camera it kind of kicks up the fun a little bit that's just the excitement and the you know uh everything that goes on here it's it's incredible turns the everyday into something that's worth sharing and you kind of think about that from that perspective right but yeah wow other people are actually interested in you know what i'm making for your supper tonight or you know what we're celebrating next your ideas um are always flowing they're constantly evolving the knowledge that you've got to incorporate all sorts of information you know history um i know when you go on the chateau uh visits and and that they're always of interest it helps me actually understand more about france watching you film when you're going round the chateau you remind me of when you were a little girl and something was going right and you would get so excited you know so watching all the different aspects of the chateau coming together seeing the joy and the happiness that brings you and seeing you happy makes me happy she's doing what she loves to do she's found a way in life i never knew that something would grab her with such passion and that is a wonderful thing for her mother to see my mother started to watch the vlog as well and as i'm here um it makes it so much easier that when i'm talking to her on the phone she's like oh and i saw you do this and do that instead of me having to remember all the things i did and like telling her all about it she was already seen half of it and for her also to feel like i'm still there you become very well aware of how the world works right now like it's a modern modern world that we're living in and the fact that you know the the old adages of you know get a good job and work there for 40 years and you know retire and have the two and a half kids and all the rest of it this it's interesting to see that that isn't the way you have to live your life anymore and i think that's really interesting and really exciting to be able to see that you know anybody can can give it a shot and you know use your life to you know to inspire others i think that that to me is really exciting it's an exposure of of how the world works these days i am absolutely fascinated to be part of a new industry at my age it's nice to learn new things well it just gives a different dynamic you know someone's always interested in what you're doing um obviously one perk for us is that we all get exposure to progress our media presence as well so that's a you know that's a really good perk of the job that changed them of course my my life also i'm now self-employed because of you and i started my own vlog because i'm here and yeah a lot of dreams can maybe come true in the future for me i would say the community is has brought us the lovely people who keep watching because we are connected to so many people who wants us well the people that watch the vlogs we call them the lovely la landers because we feel they are part of the family they love being a part of what is here and who we are and they give us so much joy and you know just by telling us that they love the chateau diaries commenting i do sometimes read the comments and they're just really sweet you can see people coming who who's watched a vlog coming here to stay and just being fanatic about the chateau diaries to be honest but it's just a most amazing thing to have people who you don't know come all over the world and um be fascinated about us here in the chateau in the middle of nowhere it's yeah it's crazy that was actually super fun and interesting there were lots of things i wasn't expecting because i think all of us we just get on with it we don't often stop and think about the reality of living inside this vlog because it's just second nature we do this every day and half of the people in the household have their own channels as well so they really understand the constraints and having to get things out on time yeah it's very natural but it was interesting to get feedback and to hear ideas of how we can improve i mean i love mali's idea of a schedule but things keep changing so much in the house with the building work that it's really impossible to stick to one it remains the holy grail of vlogging in this house and as soon as i have one marie you'll be the first to receive it for me the best thing about this channel is getting to film these lovely people that i live with in this gorgeous chateau every single day and i really hope that we will get to 100 million views and i'll be able to chase them down and ask them the same questions again see how things have changed and if you want to follow us all in our life until that point then please subscribe to this channel and see daily life at the chateau de la land let's go on the journey together until then see you next week you
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 113,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, life in a chateau, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, chateau de la lande, the chateau diaries, restoration, vlogging, youtuber, behind the scenes, YouTubing, exposed
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 33sec (2313 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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