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here we are oh my god wow oh wow look at that oh it's the most beautiful house tell me all about this building honestly the facade i'm blown away oh thank you you would not expect it coming down that road and suddenly turning here and this a little paradise in a town yeah how did you find it wasn't history so we were looking for a place we live at the chateau which is your family's but then we wanted something for ourselves for the family like a family home yes and we were looking for somewhere near bordeaux and mainly those kids schools more than anything and you spotted this straight away like anna we have to go we left everything we just came been on the market i think three days three days and how long does it take you to decide the same day the same day within the first 10 minutes first viewing the first video you made an offer in your fast feeling straight away when you know you know and what was it that made you fall in love with it i mean it seems an obvious question because you look at it and fall in love but anything the storm i mean the facade yeah the entrance yeah the mosaic the stairs i mean as you go in like it just opens up on yes i can just like round around i had a little peek so sort of coming up here and i can't wait to get in there oh there's a staircase that's all i'm gonna do i saw something around the corner i love it and yeah the stone it's just the detail this didn't need to be there no wait someone has done this just to give joy that's it that's the spark between you find a little statue for it and looking at the top it seems to be identifies to do with the way the family made their money i don't even know any of their history but there's a beehive on one side with wine and a boat on the other yep so it's could that be fishing and agriculture [Music] oh it's a dream how did you feel when you first walked in here it was love at first sight i mean it wasn't at all in this condition it was like a ruin pretty much but like we came in walked through the door and that was it like this is it fell in love yes did you know when you looked in each other's eyes at that moment it was straight away we'd already seen the facade so we'd already fought with the building and then you go inside and you're like really it's got all these features as well yes the staircase i mean like when i saw the double sides like okay that's like that one yeah i think if i saw that staircase it'll be like where do i sign i'm especially excited to show you all this chateau two reasons one the size it really feels like the perfect grand family home so for any of you who look at shadows and the others aren't manageable it's so big there are chateaus in france that are this perfect bijou size where you get the grandeur but also just the amount of space for one family to live beautifully and also you can see a place in a stage of renovation which is also important a lot of the places we look at are already being lived in and used as businesses but this one this is in it's it's chrysalis stage it's being transformed and i want to show you those before and after room so that you can see what can be done with a place like this and did you choose these colors so what have you done what was here what have you changed everything basically it's like a brand new built house within the walls of the old house so we've kept all the features that we can yeah the floor we kept it the side floor i love the furniture i know yeah everything the floor is stunning just stunning mosaic like this and with this central part this is really special it is it was enough character yeah i think that staircase would be enough character on its own for pretty much any building and the two little doors on each side i mean that was like just a little added bonus what's behind them let's go have play area for a kid yes or a bathroom [Laughter] you have a little couple of little chairs in there like a coffee table in between a little bar oh now you're talking a little style cognac whiskies some wine and actually there's a little spot for if you come through here you'll see there's an area where you can put the bar oh yes look just there you could have some my goodness glasses and your bottles two really low chairs here club jazz yeah yes it's the private club clubhouse member zombley oh my goodness i love it but how about those chairs look michael is just modeling what it'd be like inside the clubhouse under the stairs there's a clubhouse under there there's yeah a secret private one for gossip yeah okay michael what really happened in madrid come on i'll tell you all when oh yeah [Music] i mean you can hear them quite clearly right shhh that we can hear him oh yeah i love also this amazing black furniture with these gray walls that you can use is really elegant what was originally included in the sale but we gave them their asking price but said we want certain pieces of furniture but i think my favorite are these two these are amazing so these should actually in theory be uh next to windows because it's for the gentleman back in the day to read their paper and lean on oh i did not know that so it's quite rare to have a pair it's not unheard of but it's quite rare to have a pet for two gentlemen i love everything about this entrance so i can't wait to see the rest so we're going to the salon yes when we came here the first thing we saw was that door there it's just such a surprise yes you didn't expect it looks like a church i mean i wanted to make it because it doesn't feel as though it was it's not similar to the other doors no it's glorious i love the star at the top yeah and this leads onto the garden yes yes so you can go straight onto the garden from the salon and then it views over the garden as well those two mirrors were in here this is these two viruses like the mirrors like they have we have to get the mirrors the mirrors are two of the most beautiful mirrors i have ever seen and i cannot believe you have a pair i can't believe it i love them they're so beautiful do you like the detailing on it the detail is crazy that's twice but also the little eggplants above yes yeah and the the oak leaves yes yes it does look a little like a shield and then you've got the um egg molding i love it i really love it the size it's huge i mean it's wow it's impressive those little kind of trophy type things with the flames coming out the top um one of those was missing so we did a vlog a few weeks ago and we actually made one and we copied and it's that one over there so now we have the mold i just didn't notice i did not see that you've done that you did a great job yeah cooking for the kitchen yeah it's a good one really nice out again the french call this a piano apparently because uh the way you move the heat around on this is an art form like playing the piano chefs use this as a piano because it's a nice image and an actual piano piano corner yes for the crown though these are so cheap now we we we saw it for south oh you know what yeah it's gonna be fun yeah it's a especially if you're if you're entertaining yeah yeah and even just like my decker and when you've got the candles yeah as well how does it sound does it still play or oh i don't know anymore it's been here for a long time [Music] [Music] it's in tune because the other resident piano player is behind the camera so you're going to have to do the honors actually it's not it's nowhere near as bad as i thought it was going to be when i saw the keys well it hasn't it's been actually nice the top we were just in love with it so we just it's fine we didn't even see you know a lot of people wouldn't notice and in fact when i ordered i didn't notice either so big yeah that's great and then behind here we've got [Music] it's going to be toasty down here they give off a different kind of with infrared heat which warms objects in the room and not the air so even if the you've opened a window and you've got cast iron radiators you still feel the heat whereas if you've got convection radiators it goes straight up the water just goes out yeah i did not know that about the cast iron but i do know that whenever i've been in a house that's got the cast iron heating it just feels so warm ideal for large rooms and they obviously obviously as the hot water goes through it holds the heat because the cast iron warms up and stays warm so you don't lose as much heat going out of windows and upstairs and what heating system are you going to have for these well that's just uh gas town gaskets i'm so lucky so you can have high heat uh water going through like that because we can't have these because we're geothermal so it just goes around at 30 degrees and it wouldn't make absolutely no indent to a cast iron but he wouldn't get through which is a real shame because i would love to have those they're so i mean they're so nice and i love this your beautiful marvel chimney it's such a nice color this one i'm engraving on that what color are you thinking of doing this room have you thought about it yet this room i think probably we're going to go for white to keep it we're trying to keep a lot of it simple because it'll appeal to anybody because it's not no it's not for us it's to say you're not going to be keeping it no because of the last two years and this it's uh like overheads and everything we unfortunately were having to sell it so we do need that yeah as we would for us but it's no longer for us it's it's been hard i mean it's it's upsetting but we have two seasons without weddings two seasons with no weddings and it's not i mean the we still need to do work at the chateau that is that the main thing but this was your dream just for you you live and work in the same place yes and that's hard sometimes because you get away that is true so that's been so that's why you were looking at this but you know i really feel that the minute people can travel again your weddings are just going to go through the roof like lagos is stunning thank you i can't think of someone nicer to have a wedding oh as soon as people can but it's a shame that you have to sell this technically speaking maybe we could get away with keeping it but it's the kind of stress everyday stress at the moment it's not worth the stress and also with the kids we want to be able to just like know we've got a young family we just want to know that we're safe and yes we don't have any problems yes and to keep on doing work i mean the shuttle is still yeah the the work never stops in the chateau there's always something to do and thanks yes just always always and you start one job and you realize you have to do 20 jobs before you can complete that job because all these other things well i think then the way to look at it is that once the wedding's up and running you will find another beautiful shot and you have the fun of it again yeah discovery and it is fun yes it is i mean it's it's the love and passion for all buildings yes bring them back to life and so and you're able to do that here you are bringing it back to life thank you and really beautifully i think you start and then what's your rehearsal so through here this is the newer part so from like more like a pretty much like summer leaving or yeah like open space so you have like a bit of old and a bit have you added this entire extension here yeah this is all built all built out of stone that's why i have a bit of a bad back at the moment the stone's beautiful it's the same the same stone yes and uh nobody does this now no nobody builds out a stone like this the only thing that i was a little bit upset about is norm like french norms because the stone's not insulating enough we have to cover it plasterboard and insulate behind but you gain it in it yes i mean this terrace is spectacular yeah we're starting everything from chairs are you gonna love this so these three years ago yeah and i've been saving them and if you care for the color jazz and you'd like them oh yes i should really like them and i also love that painting where did you find that uh was that that was the auction house this was the antique fair in bordeaux uh this was a broken there's mirrors there's there's always i mean the globe bar yes a little bar for maybe behind the perfect one hidden behind there you've got great things here it's going to look superb and look at this i mean and then great and that hides the bulb yes so it's i won't push it together now i don't know oh yeah no it i love the pears as well yeah this is great we're thinking of putting that in the dining room yes absolutely with all the fruits and raspberries tiny little raspberries wow that has got to go in the dining room this is yeah all this area is going to be looking out onto a pool pool area and we're going to have a little kind of kitchen summer kitchen here and there's going to be a barbecue area outside and then here we have a changing room for the pool area so if you've got friends over here say oh you can get a change rather than saying just go up into my bedroom to get changed or if you need the loot you want to go so in fact this will be in summer the yes everyone will be here all of the time summer kitchen out to the pool it's very luxurious thank you look at the little painting area yes beautiful i said little actually it's going to be gorgeous in summer it's hard to imagine summer today i know it's called unusually one way for the reception the other way for dining so you have different rooms and things right now our dining room actually has a bedroom oh yeah this isn't gonna be staying here but uh that's going to go up into the next room that we're on to renovating it's it's not particularly old but it's it's lovely i can't wait to see the room it's going into it's really oh hang on does that it doesn't go either side of the bed like yeah doesn't make a mini alcove yes oh i love these they're great fun my grandmother had one a bit like this oh lick the bedside table built into the side of the cupboard that's brilliant like your books and exactly glass of water i love that glass of wine sorry we're our cognac secret stash of water yes this will be the bed pineapples okay mind blown i love this fabric are you keeping this fabric we're keeping this fabric it's gorgeous oh and a parrot parrot and pineapples what more exotic yes and it's so at the same time typically french yes yes it's really beautiful there's some great pieces that are going to be going in here so we have like the chimney here i mean it's obviously we're gonna have to fix it but like paint the mirror like the wood in the mirror but yes and it fits perfectly yes and another massive marble fireplace and i love this shape yeah yeah it's it's curved it's gorgeous and it's a really nice-sized dining room big big table in here it's so grand but at the same time it feels a perfect family home size everything is just it's not too big you don't feel lost all right i love it thank you so is this it and then we have a kitchen we don't know why we've got two doors going into the kitchen though well i mean it would be embarrassing to only have one i know one doesn't have just one door okay let me meet you in the kitchen yes oh wow you want to see it oh i love the cyborg will that go into the dining room is that staying here yes that's going in the dining room it has a little mirror on top of it oh it's gorgeous this is going to be in the kitchen yeah i think we're just going to leave it in the kitchen i think the day continues an obsession all of this is the kitchen yes it goes down here into the right yeah it's a little bit darker around the back we're going to use a lot of spot lights to light the door up a little bit as well yeah they're going to be open just with some simple double glazing and just so we got a bit of light that's going to make a huge difference having those open oh so we're going to have a table maybe in front of it so you've got your informal like kitchen dining there and you've got all of your cooking yeah we've got units all along the back there so i've got a major kitchen envy oh nature kitchen the space i mean at london it's a decent sized kitchen but nothing like this i think here because you it was again a room that it was kind of stuck what to do with it well you just have a nice big kitchen yeah and that's that's what people want yes yeah thank you a lot of people kind of spend a lot of time in the kitchen these days we're we're in the kitchen all the time everybody yes it's good that's where you mean that's like you you have your coffee tea big table everyone together it's all really informal and here you can go straight out onto the garden yes straight down to the garden we have a little um kind of side room here we're going to put the washing machine dishwasher because that's all going to be part of another little apartment it's going to be like what [Music] this house has everything it also has cakes no no no no are you serious it's just a little area of wine cave yeah but it's big but i have a fairly major question does it have bedrooms no can we go up those gorgeous stairs yes we did that something new there's another secret door basically it's a room that there were no windows and so what to do with the room with their windows you make a cinema room although you didn't oh wow yes we've not got it kitted out properly yet but everything's ready to go as a cinema right this house is incredible this is the little bathroom which i wanted like a neighbor an even bigger salon but then ed was right he said no anna i sit in my room yeah and he's done like the little like steps going up so eventually i mean next time this is going to be all i've got all the like speaker wires ready to go i've got the lights ready to go i've even got the kind of iconic uh insulation for the ceiling to stop it so that you can't hear it in the rooms above yeah i love the fact that you've taken something that has a problem so it has no natural light and you've made it into a feature you made it into an advantage so we're going to have these american style kind of big sofas that with the kind of kick out yeah you can have really comfy chairs rather than the cinema chairs on each layer yeah so you can and then down here i thought we can just throw some of those bean bags in case you've got kids as well yeah yeah and they can just lounge around on the floor and this will be your huge screen how big a screen you're going for i don't know i don't know saying oh maybe get it for different these days you can get screens really cheap quite big you know yeah yeah i'm loving the thought of a movie here like lying on one of those super comfy armchairs with a glass of bundle oh good movie yes perfect let's see the rest it's amazing because the stairs just already looked just so stunning but you can see the difference look here the gold's already been painted and that's what it was like on the other side and i'm guessing this is an interim face yes we were told we needed on the coat yeah so i did a few undercoats and then i said you know what try it without the underneath it yeah yeah is it dry yeah it's amazing the difference that it makes how it brings it to life can we only get upstairs how is it possible how did it get that high look how perhaps we are and there's bamboo outside the bullseye and he's just like what went first the bamboo or the building we'll never know i love the scale of this staircase it's so ground and the double edge i mean i love them it's very very [Music] my life to dynasty like that and that's what you need every day you would feel dumb everyone needs to look glamor in their lives in this house i really like this as well do you know what you're going to put in there uh well we're thinking of a statue but worst case like a nice vase with some philosophies yeah that'd be beautiful but it has to be said a statue would be great something grand that will stand out and that will go with like all the gray and the gold and the black [Music] i love the color combinations so we did set up a bedroom on our last vlog with uh billy's online's health yes so let's go look at that for you sorry i can see it yes i'll let you go in first because i want to see your reaction it's beautiful it's a jewel box of a room the wall likes honestly i love them in the chandelier manny this is a very matty room isn't it the furniture here i mean parts of it where like over the years like the chandelier we forget we have the wall lights yes the little bedside tables the mirror it's so perfect for this room all this french furniture it just feels as though it's always been like this it does it just needs lots of your flowers matthew yes it is you should wish that one from florida something i did see someone did girls with her i was gonna say and this was before the queen's gambit obviously i got this three years ago and i've been waiting it's beautiful it is so beautiful gay mom what do you think phillip should we just this is another quick game sounds good yeah maybe a little cup of tea on here a little liqueur oh i like you thinking i could just settle into this room right the bed is so similar to michael's bed in the tack room i love that blue it's a stunning stunning blue and every bedroom on has it's modern it's easy to to keep clean yeah it's the mixture that people like the bedrooms full of antiques and the bathroom modern and clean yes functional how fantastic that you managed to get bathrooms into all of them well that's ed's credit i just like he's like do you like these tiles yes i was like and i've chosen these what do you think they're okay now i get all the credit i wanted to get the fresh air i don't know what you've heard of like double double flu i don't know how you said that no i don't know so basically it brings fresh air in from outside and takes you don't lose any calories and takes all the dirty air out of bathroom you know steamy whatever air out of bathrooms bringing some nice fresh air and so i've got that system in all the bedrooms and then i tried something i've never tried before which is installing not myself but on a build installing um ducted air conditioning i don't think so we have oh the luxury but oh my god adopting is really not for renovation it's for like new bui so luxurious especially here in bondur because it just gets so hot here okay let's carry on looking around yeah the rest of the bedrooms aren't quite as nice yeah you can imagine what we're going for but then once you stay here like two three weeks all of you we will be very advanced so the doors are original and this one you've only just started doing the floor so that this is what the flooring the the other one looked like and now sanding it down here i have a slight difference because this floor's been redone a long time ago and so there was a good step and i'm just in the process of planing that off i'm not going to go any further on the floor until we finish the plastic just yeah it's going to keep going over it but it's lovely to see the wood of color appearing again as these your wall lights yes yes you're going to have some wall lights going and this is actually where the bed that we saw downstairs um with the flowers and then on the other side this is very new yes very very it's not the oldest bird but it's just curious i love those french ones yes it's very like yeah back in the day i can just and like in the little like alcove here of course and that's why the wall lights are quite close together yes and that's why we've got the art down as well because we made that especially for it it seems to look so much better into an alcove yeah as though it's always been there yeah yes and we've got a ceiling rose to pull up too these are amazing of these ceiling roses beautiful eric decor they're just great i'll have to look at them do you already have the chandelier here i haven't seen you've been collecting everything yes yes oh yeah i'll really use this there's there's so many of them yeah you can never have too many champagnes absolutely not no no and you can do what you did if you do which is once you've finished one chateau and you've got too many chandeliers but you buy the next shadows and this will be looking over the courtyard yes it is like working progress now but you're so lucky to have those established trees when we first got it the lady was fairly old and so she just let them grow and they haven't been pruned properly because these are meant to be pollarded yes um and the the tops were just too big but i've yes i've got behind with it now and it's incredible because you're in a town here yes so it's very close yeah you have everything from a town but it just doesn't really feel like it yeah even though the road is there just totally screened off and the there's a train station about 200 yards that way and first thing in the morning you can get on a train five minutes to bordeaux then you can get the fast train to paris you can be in paris within two hours i'm so jealous because we're so much closer to paris atlanta and yeah we can't we can't be there in two hours we don't have a tissue of it and our local train station is an hour away so um yeah what do you have to do get a helicopter when you love something yeah you just want to keep adding to it what has happened here i don't know what well originally this is kind of like if you're on the outside it looks like yes rather than anything else but then obviously it's been filled in and then when we were here there was some kind of wardrobe sliding i think it'd been done in the 70s like double doors but like the old yeah yeah hide the fact that there was once a window just so neat and tidy and ready for people to move in actually once you've done all of your work people will be able to just that's it it's a new building an old house yes keeping the features of the old house yeah and adding modern luxury air conditioning i still can't get over the eye conditioning the sole heating in each bedroom is going to be with the air con as well so there's no radiators upstairs the radiators that we've bought and renovated officially downstairs and of course no icon downstairs so you don't have one of your radiators in the bedroom space that's the problem yeah and they they slightly spoil they feel [Music] this fireplace is incredible because actually the marbling's being painted on i didn't even know i mean i just thought it was just marvel but no yeah you're right it is it's definitely staying possibly marble but they've decided to change the color of it over the years but they've done it really well i really like this fireplace they've done similar in the hall but unfortunately it was beyond repair oh that's issues all the whole walls were all made to look like a big marble block oh wow that's that same style a lot of the old places have yeah so we care that it was impossible i mean we could um yeah and then it's it's a different style i think that nowadays people are looking for something lighter much more airy fresher yes as they come in so it's perfect to keep it like this where you have a reminder on a small area of the room rather than a huge marbling on the walls big gold mirror is it going to be this one yes it will be this one which will need a little bit of well a lot of cleaning a bit of repairing it's actually a pretty good state isn't it that's beautiful where did you get all of the mirrors were they here she left us three including the two downstairs yes there's a thing that i definitely want like that'll be like and look at the mirrors they are special and have a pair like that wow so i'm gonna go in the mainland this is the master bedroom master bedroom work in progress but it will be worth eventually it's huge [Music] absolutely ginormous so over here we're gonna have a little walking wardrobe the bathroom the bed eventually here with double balcony oh the bed in between the windows so you know the kids in front of you i love this room and this is not a walk-in wardrobe this is a dressing room oh yes sorry here's the boxing girl yes look there's so much space the depth of the cupboards on both sides this is gonna have a little sneaky door to get through into the bathroom as well so you'll be able to go like both ways like you have a shower you come in get dressed go this way and then you're ready for going down those stairs [Laughter] once it's finished it's going to need demonstrating oh i definitely want to come back when this place is finished and uh i made the bathroom bathroom we had to put a bit of a step in because we didn't want to mess too much with the floors already yeah so they can get all the plumbing yeah it's it's 18 centimeters but it's fine i think once it's fine once you have a look it's gonna have a double sink big bath here and you're gonna look out the window so it's got a bath and a shower of course of course and i really like it when the windows are this low because like you have a better view you feel as though you're in the garden yes there's nothing blocking you you would never know you're in the middle of a town here no no no it's so like you you're in that you're out and then you have that privacy and that space you have this protected view at the front i'm so i'm used to seeing shadows like this because they're usually in the countryside or on the edge of a village like lagos yes totally away from everything yes and it's strange to think that you could live in the chateau and have all the amenities of a town as well like amazing shall we go on the balcony oh and wave at everyone else yeah if you take a moment and stuff but this is getting more dynasty by the second i'm ready to go this way let's go this way okay let's try to that thing it's got lots building materials on the way i'm used to stepping over building materials don't worry it's like a speciality skill i know we have to we have to learn it but it's just wow really wow there was an older building here yes and they put this fancy kind of piece on the front and extensions either side yes and this is stunning that was hard yeah that was all done in 1874 and then in 2019 we've done the same again put some extra more on the screen and here you need another statue and we've got some lights we're going to light it all up at nighttime the color of the stone in this area i think it's my favorite color it's true there's this like sandy pale it's so cheerful it's a beautiful beautiful stone and i love the idea i'm just imagining now the garage pool party downstairs a summer garden party you know i love summer garden yeah with lots of lights and the garden is all beautifully done and then you're standing here with a glass of champagne looking down with all of your guests i can just see i think it's a dream and it's such a big balcony it is yes like can you have a look you can sit outside yeah the mary actually copied this design really this time what is it it's real knob dawn on and so the mary copied this design but it's a little bit smaller it's perfect i love the doors as well so the doors in here they're all original and i love that because you have a lot of top paneling and things that la land i mean that one yes this one's stunning through the dressing room i have a confession that wasn't actually the dressing room door it was the door that was in the corner so you managed to switch it up so you didn't waste anything yeah it was hard but i couldn't let that go no but it was original to the room yeah yeah and i really like the fact that you've got marble fireplaces original marble fireplaces in every room this one's a lovely color this works in really well with some grey schemes it does corridors you have any idea how you're going to decorate this room so uh well i'm thinking just like a very simple poster that then made maybe black like all black just like not much on it yeah with the little uh shades long and we have a really nice screen don't we as well yes we have a really like an old painting oh then like a desk or i could just like just tie in with the beautiful black furniture that you've got the antiques as soon as you walk in and up the grey staircase and then with black furniture in here very romantic as well perfect for the master bedroom oh good job stephanie you go first yes i was not expecting this so this is in above the kitchen and you was just wasting space again it's very it's cute i think it's really cute and it's like a perfect child's room but it's got its own bathroom yes you've managed to get both everywhere so this is going to be a big shower this room okay but after that we're ready to paint second fits the bathroom yes yeah yeah this one i just need to clean the floor and then i'll varnish it again because this is brand new parking uh shot down here so it's chestnut and so there's no sanding to do it's just clean it up so this is bedroom number four for this let's go to number five this is the google fluid the thing i was talking about all the ducting and things and that's what's going to do the um fresh air fresh air yeah and then these little they all have their own hot water tanks in each of the beds like a lagos um but these are kind of newer technologies so they're 8 80 liters but they'll do loads and it's some like some new technology it's actually wi-fi so if you go away you turn them all off on your way home have you forgotten it's a great idea see a tiny little bit of the old wallpaper and now we're going through to the final bedroom i love the shape of this room this is a beautiful shade with the corn fireplace and there's the same wallpaper and then you can see that was fairly recent well recently sort of maybe 60s yeah right and then behind it and there was a metallic paper i really like that one it's that's that's a shame that it isn't there i'm just gonna yes i love finding layers like this in a building where you can start to see what there's been and how tastes have changed throughout the day they had a border about that little piece of border just fell off that looks very old that one it does yes but that was the original one in this room we're gonna put the bed here yes yes and that again the feature wall the stone is nice to wake up and look at that yeah you're lucky to have that stone in this area and again above yes gorgeous floor yes the slightly different i'll go in the shower yeah this one's i'll come in with it i really like the fact that here you already see you're in town it's the only window where you get this sense of oh it's a live and beautiful church yes there's a nice church there and everything in this lovely coloured stone and a wine bag right around the corner you plan this it's been an absolute joy showing you ed and anna's bijou chateau near bordeaux if you would like to see their huge chateau chateau lagos where they live i've made a big tour of it and i will put a link to that here it's also worth checking out eden anna's youtube channel boldurlife thank you so much for joining us and i'll see you in this week's regular chateau diaries a huge thank you to all of our patrons at la land who are making this vlog possible especially our duffer and dauphine of la land jaedel and ether alice allen dan bander whaling banshee brian barnard brandon and john michael cecilia begum denise berenstein albanacovich jill bidwell candice blackburn candace ned volkowski clara butch of harolina calabro chloe chalikani lindsey c chelton stephen sarah cole linda sue concepcion zoe dorks jim demersman and richard paternord sakura dennis zayn dixon jackie ellison nicholas w fairfax tracy ferrari caroline first of fifi greenberg crystal hardy brenda harris delane hallbrook kim hasselhoff david tong henderson jacqueline holmes and ken bates priscilla hubler brian kelsey and phil burnt jimmy cam nadi kennedy lisa laforge dave and summerleiland morgan lawley victoria lepin jana marina frank martin meredith robert miller joanne morton pacquiao jc award maureen palmer frank poposki and james snow tomorrow prize almond ramen tony renee rjb bettina roject hanny ross mary ryan elizabeth scanlan sven schreiber lisa schultz jennifer shanks carl and laurie sieber teresa sloan patti sue matthews sinclair wilson susan stevens and the leaf house sarah thornton colleen troyer renee valelli victoria jessica walker brandy walton laura watkins lucas wallin james whalen cheryl whittaker linda vs christine wilson winnie the local paper greg wood david young and lodovicos ordinatzone and thank you to all of you
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 156,249
Rating: 4.9512668 out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, dream chateau, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stately home, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, the chateau diaries, urban exploration, restoration, renovation, real estate
Id: pQdGfqkWkAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 25sec (2845 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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