The Return of the Prodigal Friend - Gifts for Michael!!!

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well hello and welcome to another caddo at the chateau today we're in bon mamo uh and that is uh where i'm currently sleeping at the chateau de la land um and i am not stephanie jarvis stephanie is actually behind the camera today for a change i think you're doing a great job as me michael i'm really enjoying this definitely you might as well just leave you've got your gifts i've got you you've got your gifts disappear no but i i heard a rumor that there are quite a lot of presents they've been piling up for the last eight months so many gifts for you yes and it's about time that i uh opened them yes and we can't wait to see what's inside them i'm not good with wrapped gifts that can't be opened waiting patience is a problem this was a virtue we'll just hope that it was nothing with a cell by date because yes they have spoiled in the last eight months um all right we're going to have a good root all through your gifts and french yeah brunch because philip has set up this table i mean phillip read it you've about done it you've outdone yourself once again always always i must say and you know it's never just on any old porcelain is it oh no this porcelain especially old boss i believe some of it may have come from the ritz in paris yes that's so true and i didn't realize you'd use those plates yes oh yes it did the plates dude show quick plate so when the ritz did their big redo some of the plates got sold and philip found these on ebay recently there you go exhibit a and what was interesting is that philip had already bought this tea service i spilled a little bit which is javaland and obviously the ritz asked haveland who also made theirs to make a simpler version for the catering yeah because your version is more delicate with the lattice really pretty but they go together really nicely yeah so i got totally distracted by porcelain that's what happens when philip and i get together michael i'm going to bring you a present oh do hurry up stephanie this is the first one i've been dying for you to open this just because i think it's the most beautiful box that we've ever received a gift in isn't that just i mean i think the books is the gift in itself did she make it herself and it's from debbie walker oh debbie walker sent us amazing gifts should we have a look what's inside yes please look at the box you have to put that in the cottage it is a gorgeous box that definitely will be being kept oh look at the lid it's like got a little fluffy thing on the lid it almost looks like a shaving brush yes it's like a little valero is that what you call them to me it's a short jacket i'm sure that's what they call the men's shaving brushes really maybe something could be something like that you're the one who's just spent two months in madrid michael oh big excitement i think it might be maybe napkins let's have a look i think they've all collapsed down one side let's just try and take take them out in one go are you ready oh oh there oh is that an artichoke i think i saw a globe artichoke yeah she might have just seen it i did trick yes they're beautiful they are beautiful prints so the colors i believe they're all the same they may not be oh that's a mushroom isn't it garlic no no no no no no squirrel squirrel you're joking squirrel no little squirrel on there let's open let's put them let's put them back in and because i think they're all the same so we can open the one up and have a little look is that that's a lettuce or a cabbage cabbage where's the squirrel i can't see the squirrel uh so they are different oh no this is it's important oh oh oh wow yes wow they are stunning fabric they're really for me yes they're definitely really for you oh wow yeah we're going to have to open another one because i want to see the sheen is nice it's a lovely fabric feel that yeah it's almost um have you seen like in the white itself there's another pattern yeah sort of brocade a background brigade pattern i think it's a um like a damask different that's the word i was looking for damage like a cotton and maybe um something else oh we've got a squirrel we found him we've got a squirrel oh and he's got little acorns i want a little frog rabbit also rabbit rabbit hold it up for them there we go okay butterfly asparagus abs it's an asparagus plate all of it's placed like an asparagus holder it's all porcelain vegetable i love this yeah it's gorgeous i'm telling you debbie sent us such beautiful things can i just say she sent me the christian draw night gown which i wear all the time now i'm serious she's so generous they are stunning i am so pleased with those they are perfect for the gardener's cottage and the box and the box yeah and they can live in the box yeah that's a good idea will they go well in the kitchen yeah i think they will good it'll be absolutely perfect because i'm gonna paint the kitchen green and are we going to be invited around to say a little dinner for philip to be able to enjoy a good squirrel napkin and i'll cook you something in the argo oh now fire it up it's been off actually for the last two months obviously let it go out i'm not no point of wasting yes is that fuel while i'm not there i think we need a little trip to bam in here when i'm i'll fire it up and i'll cook you something nice are you ready for present number two i'm ready i'm ready more than ready before i have my coffee can i just ask you what this is so when we were in the iraq when we were all down um your vaccine yes yep how are you feeling from your vaccine by the way i didn't have any reactions eula all got really sore arms more than me i got a like a bit of bruising like someone had just given you a little yeah yeah yeah but i think it's after the second one apparently people feel ready so you're fine but we're okay and she hasn't been acting strange just her usual self no stranger than usual there's this lovely italian market one right there and this is ginger and apple jam and we've got fig jam and these two are wild garlic sauce oh one with sun dried tomatoes and one with olives which i thought we could have with bread and i i especially for you went to boulangerie and got the bread and the brioche for me yes because the prodigal friend has returned i'm back so next present oh next gift i'll just be getting on with a cup of tea after you open it have some coffee quickly when this one came it was really semi-open okay so you can see that it's silverware and i have been dying to find out exactly what it is so here you go master hasn't been able to look at this right let's have a look at this first of all we need to see who it's from it doesn't say it doesn't say who it's from so sometimes when it came in a bag with gifts for all of us we thank the person and put the gift for you aside and forgot to write them but i must say whoever it is has got lovely handwriting um and i like this it's very burberry oh yes it is aside from this it's clearly a two-person job of course it is it's just the three of us today uh selma is away for the weekend i think at the seaside isn't he yes he is and that is also awesome yes she just left today she's gone to the south of france for a whole week and we're pretty worried as to what state the chef what are we gonna do i don't know i told her she'll come back to find a pile of code red oh what's this oh first of all is that for olives maybe oh hang on i wonder if this is from the person who sent us all the beautiful silver weather can i just say this is solid silver this is step wet sterling silver does 90 95 or 90s 95 or more i'm just carrying it this is stunning okay i won't 1919 the year 1919 i am so envious it's 102 years old would you call that a sugar sifter i'm not sure if it's for sugar it's quite big i'd probably use it for olives that's probably what it is i would say olives too i don't know but getting the silver skinned pickled onions i'd already removed the pickled onions for you didn't need to cook onions for later there's going to be a lot of oohing and iron because this is just so gorgeous we received some beautiful silver as well do you see our bread knife which i use all the time that's tiffany and that was a gift on caddo at the chateau tiffany yes and this one was from the same man who sent the tiffany one and this is an american pattern it's shtiff and it's called i think roses or i can't remember the name i'd looked it up and it's very famous pattern in america and i think it's one of the most beautiful i have ever seen so tiffany sterling silver made in italy in 1984. thank you very much michael michael not again we've talked about this put it back on the table put one on table the teaspoons are the coronation anointing spoons are they yes the coronation anointing spoon and these are replicas of them also a gift oh they're great aren't they i thought you'd like that i really like these and they're sterling as well talking about gifts the onions are also good yes the onions too oh oh wow sterling handle that is 1919 um so this is stainless silver plated stainless steel and this is a solid silver handle and that's so useful that is really so you could cut and pick up slices of cake with that you can um and the fork is absolutely stunning um it's also part of a set so it's the same sterling silver pattern 1919. lovely i don't think that i mean other than philip this could have gone for anyone who would love it more the spoon is absolutely beautiful i really enjoy looking them all up but i can't i don't i'm not sure if the spoon is part of the same set but it's beautiful anyway yes did you get a close-up of this one i didn't get because of any of them look at that isn't that spectacular i have a little book of british silver marks somewhere i need to unearth it so that we can look up everything on the back here do you know what apparently it's really good for your health to eat with obviously it's quite expensive but it's creating it's really good for your health to eat from solid silver cutlery and purely because the um obviously as you put that in your mouth microscopic particles of silver which is really really beneficial for for your health um because um it's very antibacterial silver's extremely antibacterial naturally and it but it only targets bad bacteria so the silver does not kill beneficial bacteria it's so it only sort of kills bad bacteria i don't know so apparently that's why um people um you know you see like the royal family and things you know they all live to well over a hundred obviously they have easy life it's the cutlery well that's our experience but it could be just a lot of things to put together obviously good good health care and obviously but but the silver apparently it's um it stops you getting sick that's why um years ago um if you had the money you would your baby would have like a solid silver dummy or something i had i had plated silver i found all the plated silver that i received were all there's three boxes and one's really sweet it's just a knife a fork and a spoon and apparently uh children were given that because they would take it to boarding school with them i never went to boarding school i don't think i've ever used it but i have that and i have this really darling little silver cup and spoon for feeding babies so i literally had a silver spoon my mother doesn't strike me as a sort of woman who ever used it with me though i think she probably should put it in a cupboard safest place for it and gave me something plastic probably so i'm actually i um i've always wanted just like some some cutlery but not a set of some odd pieces that i could just day-to-day eat with silver just to see if it has any benefit you know hmm well so there you go i'm going to eat it now i'm going to eat my dinner with this today let us know how you're feeling at the end i'm sure this isn't it's not going to work that fast i really want to say thank you because these are absolutely stunning and they will go um into the gardener's cottage um where they um well we'll live happily ever after they'll get used or we seem to have ruined the beautiful tables yeah we've had a little pause where we basically went into a feeding frenzy yeah and then what happened is i've dropped this can only be described as chili sauce everywhere it's all in the um the the upholstery fabric it's all over your upholstery but more importantly and it's in your esophagus and it was very spicy and i'd like a bit of spice but spice in the wrong place it caused a few problems so we had to take a little pause for michael to pull himself together i mean the upholstery fabric won't recover but hopefully michael will tablecloths ruined yes gotta say it was delicious it was delicious until it went down my um windpipe luckily we weren't using your new napkins no no you made sure of that didn't you beating those i'm not sure you deserve another gift let's go one then maybe at the minute i'll open the next one yes michael has insisted that we brought some of the la land ones for michael would love is it marie hoffman or manny hoffman i can't read that so so with love marie hoffman oh [Applause] just hope i haven't sat in it my beige trousers oh is it a frame or is it a book i can't tell it's a minute i don't think anyone would wrap a book in bubble wrap i could be reporting that's lovely maria virgo let's have a look oh i'm a bit rogue because it's covered in tape should i take it off or maybe it's been put on to protect it oh yes it's been put on to protect it that's a good idea it's a really good idea actually let me take it off first because oh what i can see is extremely pretty the religious iconography oh wow it's beautiful it's the virgin mary it reminds me a lot of the william morris letter that you did i don't know why because obviously that's figurative and you did that beautiful s but it's just that sort of pre-raphaelite feel by the um the middle ages the sort of artwork yeah gothic you know i'm just trying to get the tape off it's a beautiful print of um the virgin mary um from 1863. so it's got it revival actually it is gothic revival it's printed in england oh my goodness yes our chapel was concentrated in 1866. yes so it's wjs london let's have a look that is beautiful santa maria virgo maria virgo yes virgin mary yeah i love the background did you look at it closely no i haven't you have to look at the background can you see that's extraordinary oh i didn't realize it's so um sort of embossed almost it's beautiful it's like um like an old gothic revival wallpaper almost that's really nice that's just really lovely print very good just say the name of the person say the name of the artist but maybe is it would you say that as an engraving or is that a drawing it's an engraving isn't it it's engraving so they would it's engraved into a copper plate which is then used to print and printed yeah wow like thousands of little very microscopic grooves and scratches in the metal which actually creates a picture once it's printed it's unimaginable work well it's it's going to go in the cottage yeah it's beautiful because i need paintings and pictures and frames and things and it's nice and actually it just does it say it was framed in 1956 wow it says 56 on the back why else would they put 56 yeah they must have been the price well that is absolutely beautiful i'm going to treasure that so thank you so much next present here it goes one for you look at that no look i'm amazed i get to open one on michael day you sure it's not michael dave it's always my favorite when you're here michael you know that lalonda isn't it we have a note dear stephanie wishing you and everyone at the chateau greetings i'm writing to tell you just how happy i was when i finally saw the silver tiara i sent to you on your head i've been waiting six months for it to show up i had no idea the mail be so slow or perhaps it was lost in the room with all your gifts it wasn't lost it's just that we open the gifts in the order in which they arrive and we can only open about 10 gifts per week and that means that we fall behind i would watch every monday with a friend as we made it monday night dinner and vlog i saw you with it on your head even though you'd not opened it yet on the gift vlog my friend and i was so excited since she was the only other person who had seen it and i allowed to try it on i thought for sure it was lost in transit or perhaps being melted down for scrap by some porch pirate who ran off with your package and seeing you with the watercolor i sent was also special for me now that you're doing the advent vlogs i get the pleasure of seeing you and the tiara every day thank you for using it and i must say the pictures of the chateau with snow are the most beautiful pictures i think i've ever seen of your home makes me want to come and stay as a guest even more and someday i will i think that they were almost all taken by michael potts he really took beautiful photos of the chateau so here i am again sending you another package i've made you some pillows from fortuney fabric are you joking do not open them anywhere near this time i will not step away i will i know one of your favorites and mine it reminds me of the many trips i've taken to venice i've also sent you some trims that i held onto hoping someday to find them at home i think you can use them before i will so enjoy perhaps this winter you can use them as you fight the cold long days in france well again we're so late in opening your gift that it is now spring but there's always use for trims in this in this chat and in fact we're hoping to make the fabric cupboard up in the new storage area in the attic this week i'm very excited about that because i bought a big wardrobe and i'm going to be sorting everything out sarah also loves fabrics and so she's asked if she can help organize a fabric cupboard with me i think we're going to have a lot of fun thank you again i love watching you and allowing your happiness to light up my life i wish you and all the people in the chateau a wonderful christmas and happy new year well your wishes worked from a distance even though we hadn't received them a better safer year so we can all travel again james thank you so much james and i cannot wait to see this far far from michael petrick i'm going to do that here i love the fabric i already love it already love it oh the trims are gorgeous but i'm diving into the cushions and look at the way it's made with a border they're beautiful oh my goodness stunning is it um is it a vintage fortuney fabric or what are they still making they still make fortune fabric yes yes fortuna is still uh very much alive and well not the man himself the brand and they contacted me actually after i made the vlog about fortuney and invited me to go to their showroom in venice for a private tour which i will definitely do but of course i haven't been able to get to venice so well we might be able to go quite soon actually i think so yeah let's just wrap it around a pillow it's this size so that we can see oh look like wow over how beautiful that is and i'll put the other one on the other side i'm going to order and it's different it's different is it different on both sides of just one side yes different again at the back oh so it's even so there's four designs i think these are the fronts and the backs are similar yeah the background oh my goodness look at that oh they're sumptuous well you can leave those in here absolutely what you do just look at this look look look at this one goes this way around actually this is what i've managed to do yes to stephanie's upholstery fabric so we're gonna have to try and get that we've got a spot cleaner it'll be fine we'll work it out you'd have been fine except that it doesn't matter that you showed the world you've just shown my mother cut that out immediately cut it out steph was nice to have known you yeah lovely to have known you note to editor steph cut that out oh that's really that's very arts and crafts and the color i love the color that is absolutely stunning and there's a lot of that this very delicate one should be perfect oh that's lovely i really like that one and still a couple more in there oh this one oh no look at that that's nice oh yes i like it so how does that yeah look so it's just like a pre-made piping oh i like that yes that's very useful for cushions and one final one here oh that's lovely tassels i like those that's nice would you use that on a curtain no you wouldn't put it on a cushion again this one almost a bit gothic revival because of the shape it creates shapes yeah it does i like it very much james thank you so much i love the silver tiara that you send and i love all of this but especially the cushions i don't know where to put them now far from michael but other than that i narrowed down a spot i love them thank you so so so so much a slim one here oh rather for michael patrick to open stephanie jarvis from mp2 mp3 to open do you realize what it's been like for me seeing all of these gifts couldn't be unwrapped no i couldn't they'll be wrong oh that's lovely what is it oh it's adorable oh it is adorable little room this hunker monkey came to clean your little cottage mate well could hunker michael come and clean this chateau as well she might be here a few months it's a little mouse it's got a big shadow oh my love jackie sharples take care that is lovely i really like that that's really gorgeous gorgeous i think the colors love it look whiskers look it's got a little broom jackie it's darling it's really darling and jackie sharples and i have the same initials only the other way around i just noticed she has sj at the but then the hunky monkey might have been a good one they cleaned it up i don't remember actually i only had two beatrix potted books growing up i'm gonna put that with the rest thank you very much jackie that's going to go with the rest she's adorable okay you too man you just rest don't you worry i'll carry this heavy parcel okay you chose this one that's too um the shattered leland so i thought that you could open that instead of me oh you've been carrying the shadow for 15 years i'm sure you can carry a box you're clearing chatter diaries nadia lewis is there a note first no no note i don't think so surely that must be for me it's got peter rabbit on it oh maybe it is for you i don't know the opera lovers cookbook what it's the antiquarian sticker book what okay open that what do you mean a sticker book that's what it says oh maybe to put stickers in what is it oh there are stickers i've never seen such a beautiful sticker book how is it possible that there could be on this planet what's happening here it's you and michael patrick look at that opening gifts together i do look good in green and i think he's just lighting his candle with his candle reminds me of rent musical what this book is i really like that incredible baby coming from an egg i just have to look at everything right oh yeah they do yeah in a roundabout kind of way no she seems like she's having it all this is so good he's always looking for squirrels or mice or hedgehogs it's a constant life search [Music] i'm loving this book but it's such a beautiful book that i don't want to take any of the stickers out why would you you wouldn't take them out would you you'd leave them in there what did you take the stickers and then put them stick them on things yeah on letters but imagine that imagine opening that book and then finding no stickers in it because somebody's stuck onto their bedroom wall or something oh the crown brown is great penguins yeah the penguins the i rather like her actually having a nice meal yes the crocodiles that's an unfortunate situation that man's found himself in oh they are fantastic oh my mouse finally good maybe that's one of the naughty mice oh we should keep these for marie for santa lucia okay i could look at this for hours but it's a big book and we will be doing this for a long time if we don't stop now oh it is beautiful look at that one yeah i just can't get over it i think we've got sea shells ecology everything who i think would love this book oh she will love it should we put it on her desk when she goes back yes definitely i love it love it love it love it and it's over a thousand stickers in that oh it says 999 wouldn't be enough no over 1 000. peel and decorate or browse and feast on the beauty of this lush sticker book unlike any other this treasure trove of authentic historical prints around the ornate victorian era can be used to embellish stationery and wrapping create an exquisite collage or adorn your coffee table or decorative shelf class say wrapping homemade christmas cards i'm happy while i was thinking the christmas gifts like a victorian christmas what are you doing oh you've decided that the peter rabbit one's for you no i'm just opening it to hand it to flip so that you can [Laughter] you go for it thank you very much here we go oh look he's not going to look at peter rabbit yet he's looking at the opera lovers cookbook that looks menu elegant entertaining this is what we need in our life forward by renee fleming i actually kind of like the porcelain they've used well let's look at some of the recipes and why so what's inspired the recipes that's what i want to know bel canto five course dinner tapas party with carl i like that a taste of pretty vodka tasting with russian composers now that's a night we could do 30 gershwin all american brunch which one do you want to see i think i would like to look at should we put the tapas party with carmen this is such a fantastic idea for a book so you have to have of course spanish sherry spanish wine and the tapas are chew its own potatoes saffron garlic shrimp melted manchego with spicy sweet tomato jam we know what michael patrick would do with that spicy sweet tomato jam don't we michael pethrak yeah we do get it all over the floor down back in my esophagus right this this looks like the finest most fun evening so we could arrange should we do one one night yeah just choose one of these and do an evening from it sounds good i love the idea of that this is still the type of the that's still common yeah it's still the tapas do they have um potatoes or whatever i love us yeah used always have that used to have that with tapas oh i know i really quite like i did a grilled octopus ah delicious yeah of course madrid i'm so jealous and the um serrano is it serrano ham yes come on yes or no iberian oh yes a very cool hat oh so expensive yeah we had a platter and they they cut different pieces of meat from different parts of the leg and so one area is sweet one's drier one's more um buttery like so good so good okay we are jumping on a plane to madrid mm-hmm sure apparently it's a real oh yes octopus with potatoes oh i love it that's why i had that well why don't we do that grilled octopus with potatoes let's do that one night it's like the purpley octopus yes and exactly the one you mean yeah okay put him out of his misery let's look at the peter rabbit yes exactly i think this is a drawing that she made but why is there no card that's what's confusing me that is beautiful maybe one of these is the card no it's stickers stickers oh more stickers so you get peter rabbit all the characters as stickers oh we have a card oh look at that my gift give hope progress and find answers dear stephanie in the la land family i found your vlogs during a time in my life when i was struggling with seasonal affective disorder oh i get that yeah you're not the only one having moved to the rainy seattle area i'm pretty sure it was your video that led me to look forward to every single day we could get here i'm sending you some prints i made using plants from my own backyard thank you for saving my sanity as i had to first go to plants also i recently stumbled upon this book of victorian stickers which i thought you might all enjoy yes we do also since i loved seeing all the wonderful and talented mix of friends at aland i'm sending you a cookbook for opera lovers which i think you'll all enjoy using especially during your workshops which we can hear in the background sometimes oh very much so i hope to visit someday with my teenage daughter who could use some more practice with a french the peter rabbit the peter rabbit sticker book is for you guess what is it for who's it for michael spotted this card is also some mixed with media art that i've been dabbling in nadia i love everything that you have sent have you seen the others no i only saw one of the prints oh they're gorgeous they're absolutely lovely so they are let's print their flowers from my garden yeah they've come out so beautifully i love the color of blue it's really beautiful what a good idea i wonder how beautifully created i don't know oh they're wonderful i know that one i think that one's my favorite it's so delicate i love it no me too i really think they're beautiful and thank you for the books yeah yeah i love them these look quite exciting and they've got my name they've all got your name on what are they that's a tv i remember these that's a teacup these are sauces oh we all received tea cups and sauces mine was gorgeous nick and marie was super mummy and percy everyone in the house and they were all vintage and all different oh all right well each person got a different set so these so you've had yours so let's have a look see if they um see what passing they are oh wow michael look oh that royal crown derby home china they're stunning mandarin pattern oh my word i love the trellis and the really delicate touches of gold i have to say that it matches what you're wearing oh yeah that looks so elegant it says michael perfect this should complement your boobs collection to bring a lighter color oh a lovely idea actually from lose marie christmas marie rosemarie liz marie is a lovely woman who sent us all beautiful teacups and actually they were all trio so you've probably got the plates in there as well i think so i hope so we've had they're really beautiful actually really really nice yes crown derby isn't that beautiful yeah absolutely i don't have any of that i went to crown derby when i was in stoke-on-trent oh it's from the potteries then yes and crown derby makes wonderful little figurines as well but they they make so much spectacular porcelain a really long history they're in very good condition as well look at the gilding is absolutely perfect pristine perfect you know you find like they've been used people washing them up yeah the building dishwashers comes off over time but they they look brand new i really love this hat i didn't know it i hadn't seen it before it's quite masculine although delicately so it is really nice i mean it's not much masculine about a teacup and saucer as teacups as two cups of sauces go but that's not all i can believe there may be a couple of plates in here too i love it something to put your screen on hopefully you should punch yeah oh it's just so nice okay should we see it on it that's the thing you got it you got it i've got it it's perfect that is a thing of beauty oh my word you lucky thing i know people are so kind thank you now you can make yourself a cup of tea wearing that jacket sitting on that sofa it's flanked by the fortuney cushions i may even cross a leg we've got one more they're wrapped really nice and look at that folded beautifully they've arrived in perfect condition that's yes it's glad because sometimes china doesn't arrive in one piece yeah well not when you buy it from ebay but yes wow stunning so beautiful i put them over there for you yes i put them next to your bed yes that'd be lovely thank you stephanie so i've got a kettle and i've got some tea bags they look gorgeous here it was training him to leave them here yes one for me you can invite us at any time any time i won't sign up should we just do another preview for michael yeah why not i'm quite excited about this one really nice oh that looks nice i thought you'd love this cuban tobacco and oak i already like it by the way i love the smell of tobacco and oak i'm obsessed with oh oh just before i take it out just give that a sniff stiff get your nostrils around that it's calm isn't it it smells like a wonderful man it smells a little bit like aftershave 592. exactly that's what i mean scotland oh yeah so the 592 candle company sent us several candles they've all been great i love this sand our candles are all hand poured from our home in the west of scotland our products are made with vegan friendly soy wax and therefore clean burning meaning no black smoke marks we only use the finest quality oil to produce the most natural scents any of these are the perfect gift for a special occasion or just to treat yourself so thank you very much 592 candle company in scotland um i really like that smell that's gorgeous okay i'm going to put this next to your bed as well you wouldn't even need to light that because the smell it's already something but i'm putting it here because i can see your night it's a wild night you'll have not one but two cups of tea and light to count maybe you should have uh tea and one and whiskey in the other yeah i think so yeah good idea stephanie jarvis here you go thank you very much phillip not just a pretty face an epic table layer good it's an excellent gift parser i can add that to my cv look this is amazing the card is written like on on the wrapping that's very good ingenious dear stephanie many thanks for introducing me to a book i never knew existed i hope you don't already own the enclosed or it's to archive a format kind regards what's andy look look for a dvd it's a tv oh i do not own this i own the book but not this francesco's venice and a friend of mine had this dvd and we took it to venice with us and watched the first episode and because of that i went to the other islands around venice murano burano and the island where the venetians first settled and all because of of this series this is amazing i'm i'm going to watch this you can watch the other episodes now yes yes this is glorious you've no idea how happy you've made me with this and now i think yes we got the teacups over there candle bit of venice and fortuney cushions i'm sensing an evening coming together yeah i don't have a dvd player definitely have one in your room definitely have a dvd so we'll bring i'll bring the candle and the teacups to your room thank you very much i have the dvd player unless you have that if you want to join for a little venetian sure unless you have like uh you know one of those that you have at school like a tv with a dvd player on wheels that you will from classroom to classrooms you don't even know what betamax is well we called it betamax uh it was launched at the same time as vhs but vhs sort of took over and it became obsolete thank you very very much i'm definitely going to watch this so so what's next stephanie i could see something in your yes and this is something really very nice i have been so looking forward to opening this because i love this when it arrived i saw it when it arrived we peeked at it and i knew that you would go crazy for it stephanie and michael petrick from bridgette in sweden she made this for you it's for you it's embroidered on linen i know you have to open it it's jaw-dropping but there's a lot of work in this oh yes people can't just send me things like this this is a piece of this is work of art it is a work of art okay oh there's a note before we do anything we've got to read the note i think it's just i think oh no that was the note i just read it matty put it there so that you would know who it was from but we read everything when it arrived it's crazy do not put it anywhere near the chili sauce i love little bunnies oh it's a poem about a ghost that i read out to everybody when we first open it and it's really beautiful the last sentence i i really loved um i don't drink your wine though i mean every sip you take that brightens your day i mean every sip you take that brightens your day absolutely beautiful and this is look at this flowers the roses and the m oh it's stunning you've got fleur de lis and um and this little cherry cherry tree with blossom and birds yes i love the bunnies best why are the bunnies uh just both i take no place at your table no in white um what just above i take no clothes at your table in white take no place oh i can see [Music] how did you notice the bunny is phillip you see he's got an eye for bunnies he'll spot them anywhere and there's another one uh at the underneath the last sentence there it is there is a little white bunny white rabbit sweeter now that is beautiful that's going to have to be framed yes it has to be that's going to go in the cottage yes on the wall do you know i've actually um in beige week's potter's cottage there is something so similar to that it was actually embroidered by a young girl as a gift to her and she was on her wall it's very similar but hers is more like an alpha but no no maybe it is a poem yeah that's stunning yeah our jaws just dropped when we saw it that's a lot of work in that too it's really made with love it really is made with love i'm not worthy of that i'm so thankful of course you are absolutely stunning thank you so much i'm going to treasure that and that was going to live in the gardener's cottage i'm going to have it framed mounted that sofa is becoming really quite marvelous it's beautiful isn't it but no rest for you no no another gift oh what's this i think this is arrived around christmas time so you have a woolly hat which is so nice just for me yes my washy self-made there you go oh my goodness you're matching you're like twins can you tell the difference no no i have no idea who's who it's impossible to tell you apart is that you just brushing [Laughter] he's enjoying himself now do you want to be michael for a while phillip yeah i love that thank you very much and some um merci beauty chocolate collection little thank yous oh yes would you like a little thank you yes thank you thank you this one's from francisca in germany thank you francisco i really like this oh sweetie it'd be silly not to try them what would you like oh what are the flavors dark milk i'm gonna have the purple one actually purple i've gone for brown cream cream i've gone for dark milk i'm handing it to because they're quite small oh well one is very small i get two two two happy new year and best wishes in 2021 with love from the little birdies at woodbridge bird house woodridge sorry i always read woodbridge and i did this last time you sent gifts because i grew up near woodbridge so i'm used to i was thinking i see that oh look they're sort of peacock inspired i'm not wearing any at the moment how am i i think they're so pretty i'm going to put them on straight away isn't it beautiful yeah i want to see them on okay they match your eyes actually yeah it really brings out the blue in your eyes because you've got those blue spots on either either side of the earring your jacket's bringing out your eyes as well isn't it yes oh and phillips entire blue outfit is bringing out his eyes there we all go for blue yeah well i didn't no i didn't until until now i think they're beautiful thank you so much woodbridge woodridge bad house wood ridge yes yes this one from indiana in the us oh oh it's a nativity twill imagine if we'd had this for our blue and white christmas wow really a nativity twirl i think there's a lot i've never seen one okay let's read this first i'm dying to look at it hello from indiana when i was setting up my christmas decorations i found this in my stash of linens which i use as backdrops for my collection of nativities i realized i've never used it and it really should go to someone who will daisy kingdom is a fabric craft maker which formerly conveyed printed fabrics with borders swags imitation embroidery and cute children's themes i found this nativity at some point in the 1990s before the company went bankrupt and snapped it up because it was so unusual i thought it would make a nice backdrop but i prefer simpler ones like those shown below look at the origami nativity oh wow i've never seen it i saw it i didn't realize about origami i thought real figures oh god me that is so brilliant it's really clever oh there's more you have so many nativity figures are they all origami no you know they're all different these look like stained glass stained glass wow yeah they are like stained glass because the the lead around the around the glass and it was really sad that you weren't with us at christmas it was really sad wasn't it yeah i mean we we did we did enjoy doing the advent calendars a lot we wanted you with us i'll try and be here for this christmas yay because we've got a lot of plans haven't we because it's been two two two christmases in a row that i'd stayed at home so you can be here this christmas christmas yeah sorry family the three of us here need a little chat because philip and i have been brainstorming a few good ideas for christmas decorations because we like to launch at least one night new theme every year so i think it's going to be pretty good and what you missed last year was the munitivity set and there were actually two i bought one i didn't know whether i would go for the little poor vancelle figures which i grew up with because my grandmother had them like tiny little clay ones where you have the whole village or whether i would go for larger figures to fill a big crash and that's what i went for in the end so i bought them from naples where they're really famous for them and then somebody else a patron of the chateau diaries to celebrate us getting to a hundred thousand subscribers brought the whole other set like the same yeah the one that was delivered um no and then there was one that was delivered which philip and i fell in love with on ebay which went all the way down the center of the table on christmas day it was a white one so in the end we ended up with three new nativity sets in one year oh the letter carries on incidentally i have for years used a hanging christmas tree made from a grape vine wreath someone mari may wish to try making one for la land next year it's really nice for an area where floor space is lacking our tree is vines fastened to wire fashioned into a spiral which is fixed by fishing line guy wires lights and beaded garlands are left on and the whole thing collapses into a half meter cone for storage the large spaces between layers of the spiral allow for nice showcasing of decorative elements with best wishes and thanks for your efforts to provide cheerful and hopeful stories for everyone during 2020 lisa look look at that spiral tree it's a really good idea that is really a really good idea yeah it looks lovely i like it imagine that in a corner of a room there's something almost sort of victorian about that yeah there is there is like that old victorian christmas tree it hangs from the roof so you don't have to have it yeah the whole thing's hanging down that's a really good idea actually now we're going to look at the twirl um this is a really good moment with my two co-hosts of the advent calendar here couldn't have come at a better time gonna hold the other side it's lovely lazy kingdom 1661 christmas literally 12. look there are the kings coming there's the shepherds in the field there's the angels coming down to the shepherds and they're there's little baby jesus where's the lowly kettle lowly cattle's lowing uh you can just see a bottom shot of the lowly cattle yeah he's just hot oh there is behind the thing now his head got in as well he's popped through yeah yeah i don't know where the ass is though i think what you're pointing at is actually us and behind him is the oh that cow kettle whatever literally like comes to me ox maybe maybe they're nestling well that's not a cow that is the ass there where's the lowly kettle oh maybe that's his head behind i know that what's this here that's the ass or a goat that's a good it's a goat there's a sheep that's the ox next to the i love it i really love it it's gorgeous okay we'll definitely be using this at christmas you give me three kings i love it thank you lisa this is stunning and is definitely going to be used this christmas now your personal copy of aloysius the ram arrived aloysius the ram at chateau de la land and if you open i think you'll find it's being signed by joe rothwell that's by joe rothwell and elizabeth illustrated by bryce the illustrator her husband illustrations are fantastic they are superb you know what i have actually seen a different version of this an older version that was maybe more of a like a mock-up or yes and it had and it was more as in it was more photographs mm-hmm or oh yes it's illustrated before but open there honestly you'll be blown away because ernest has got one of these i think oh nice this has got one of these but it's a different version can i just say before i open the page flappy bird flappy bird illustrated fluffy bird and aloysius we're wearing a crown and looks like probably want some stephanie's clothes or something you will not be pleased at all well i'm not pleased with aloysians on most days i haven't seen him for a while dear michael at last the finished version ah because i saw the other version best wishes from joe rothwell look at aloysius this is so sweet look at oh say that now these are very naughty ram though and i can tell you that from experience alice wishes to ram decided today what a glorious day to run off for a play spam was quite simple to achieve his escape he charged the entrance and shattered the gate he's a brilliant actor you've got to go to the page where he's messed up the kitchen yeah you'll love it no in the chateau he darted and dashed curtains went flying and porcelain crashed bundles of baguettes and batches of brie are blended right into a big pot of tea there he smashed all the spoons oh no he has oh look at the cheeky peacock thought poking his head through this is brilliant yeah it's really brilliant this is absolutely brilliant yeah costume cupboard because she's broken the costume cupboard he's spraying stephanie's crown he's upset flappy bird flappy bird's got the right an unflappy bird is usually rather unflappable yes but he's uh he's um well he's made a right mess of the fountain oh no he's destroyed the garden he's still got that teapot though hello he's like and flappy bird oh no he's destroyed the art studio um he seems to have upset thor by the looks of it yeah well thoughts don't just seduce him thought no thought his calling he's raced the alarm he's raised the alarm scott man's here as quick as a flash from the chateau's right wing a hero appeared with a bright tartan green aloysius he hollowed you're making a me cross i am scotsman the brave and i'll show you who's boss so you know what's happened to scott man i just found out today he's in hospital he's broken his kneecap oh he's broken his kneecap yeah horrible sounds awful yeah so he's rushed into hospital today and he's waiting to be operated on he's in good spirits but he was pretty high on morphine when i spoke to him well that will put your spirits higher yeah yeah i had morphine once when i got bitten by a dog and i tell you i'll never laugh so much in my life as they were carrying me out of the house on a stretcher it was hilarious he was like that today but scott man needs to get better soon otherwise aloysius will take the opportunity to run rampant around the chateau oh look at the mm-hmm of devastation and mayhem abated he slowed and then paused and probably assessed all the mess he had caused oh i'm in the book yes you're in the book you didn't know did you oh at least you got a good photo of me it's great isn't it it is absolutely fantastic i just love this is this book on for sale yeah it's for sale you can find it on amazon you can buy it on amazon yes please everyone buy this book because this is fantastic well actually all the profits from it also go for helping children with brain cancer because she is bringing against herself doesn't she yes yes joe rothwell has been very sick and yes is doing this to help others which is just extraordinary go on to amazon and buy this book how much is it it's popular you know how much it is it can't be a lot so just going this is for a good cause go and buy this and it's hilarious it's so funny and the illustrations are some of the best i've seen beatrix potter would be proud so yeah fantastic thank you for my signed copy we have to open our last gift now we couldn't decide who was going to open it michael or me so we're having one each really yes we're going to open them simultaneously i've got a feeling yeah i think i've got a feeling as well sure sure what this is it's a plate i'm i'm gonna spoil the surprise it's a nice black oh what's that trying to look through the bubble wrap oh i remember this one michael patrick i saw the green here and thought of your new kitchen use it and enjoy or pass along rebecca well i should definitely use it i didn't want to pass this oh it's lovely it's a cottage it's a little wait a little thatched village with a little church spa in the background and love it was it really similar green so i'm going to paint the kitchen actually i can go in your kitchen ascot service plate by wooden suns england alpine white iron stone yes we received something very similar it's not actually a dinner plate it's not a dinner plate it's a decorative place you would hang or put on a dresser or something if you remember correctly rebecca sent us the stack plate she made oh the tiered plate with a little little stem that's halloween yes yes thank you so much rebecca that's really lovely i'm going to read my card now dear stephanie and michael i painted a pair of the sandhill cranes who visit me every winter i thought they would enjoy living in france i'm not a fantastic painter so i hope these can have a home in la land and the gardener's cottage even if in the back of a closet florida is rich in wildlife but these two visit and will pose for photos in exchange for corn which i keep specially for them thanks for making the last year bearable and i look forward to your many renovations and ventures with much love deb shaw so we've got i've got a crane each morning we have oh oh it was fantastic they are fantastic oh look the little friends oh they're lovely well you'll have one and i'll have one then occasionally we'll have to sort of get them which one's for which i don't know if it says this is the male and that's the female so do you want the male for the male or do you think i should have the melody you said the male i should have a female yes okay oh oh they're just lovely i like them so much with their little red so this is stephanie mrs michael i'm gonna keep michael safe i'm going to frame michael hello your friend stephanie and then we also have to get together for our embroidery you know the stunning embroidery where i have three people and you have mine is on my bedroom wall actually at home uh ours is downstairs in the pretty salon yeah yeah yeah so mine's above my desk at the minute i love it yeah deb these are beautiful and thank you everyone because we've been spoiled rotten haven't we have yes we don't deserve it rotten it's a pity natty and selma couldn't be with us um i'm not sure that natty will be back in time for next week selma should be but that will be oh yeah and you'll still be here that was uh you she's let the cat out of the bag all going well cat will be here for next week's caddo and i'll be here uh and there's a lot more gifts for me to open specifically so i shall learn a manageable amount aside for today but there's more there's much more so thanks for joining us today on cad up the chateau we'll see you next week and remember all the proceeds from these videos go to charities so remember to watch the adverts because it really helps thank you so much see you next week
Channel: Chateau Unwrapped!
Views: 64,124
Rating: 4.9434938 out of 5
Keywords: chateau life, stephanie jarvis, chateau de lalande, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french chateau, unboxing, gifts, presents, gift ideas, Christmas, present opening, aperitif, chateau, chateaux, perfect gifts, perfect presents, kitchen gifts, homewares, time with friends, chatting, doing it ourselves, silverware, toile
Id: WeLx-tK3n3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 20sec (3680 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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