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[Music] hi i'm stephanie and this is my home the 16th century chateau de la land la land was owned for hundreds of years by a family of marquis who were at the heart of french royal life one of them even had the honor of being sent by king louis xv to greet marie antoinette on her arrival in france but far from being a stuffy museum this chateau is a living home i live here all the time and i'm regularly joined by my mother my family my friends and wonderful volunteers from all over the world who helped me to lovingly restore this historic home welcome to la land a chateau filled with life love and laughter [Music] you're very pretty today i just have my hair done no wonder you're so bouncy yeah i'm at least on the last session of going to blonde so that's why you look so beautiful you get for the next the summer or yeah the next time gorgeous it's absolutely gorgeous you look amazing it looks great with your eye color thank you i'm very happy and i quite like your fringe growing out actually i've been getting a fringe for a very long time no you're looking really lovely thank you look i looked out of the wind and i thought this is too exciting i can't come and get this look how beautiful you would never know that all of this was up crazy that's a beautiful job okay well done and this is looking so neat and tidy i'm really glad that you put the pipe in the wall yes yes happily for that fantastic we've also done a repair on the fountain so if you wouldn't mind asking dan not to put the water in is that the repair on the broken piece that dan found in the corner we've we've fixed on the bigger pieces yes yeah you might notice when it's all done like yeah yeah i can get the same colour so great so as soon as that's done we'll put the water back but we'll wait till that's finished we're gonna have a quick look at it now dan's done a lovely job of cleaning it yeah but yeah it's a shame that we then couldn't put it on there's no chance we could put these little bits in there just too far and it's actually breaking away quite a lot there's not a lot of strength for this so this was the original fountain that was brought up this is original yeah it's a new base that was put on and the stone mason who did it was told that this was water accepting stone it would be fine and it's not and we get this problem every year it accepts water it soaks it all up absolutely it loves it it loves nothing more than a little drink yes so but ian's going to rebuild this one completely okay i mean it's all underwater obviously well yes uh sorry it doesn't show that much but we want it to be repaired before the new season good excellent i can't get over good isn't it and there's kirsty arriving that's all happening now i have to say that it's i thought we'd be able to just about see where it had all been taken up but no it's really perfect absolutely perfect thank you can you cope dance please when you're going on that way okay what do you want down for yeah all right and they're planned did they order them yes oh yes it must be the coolest kind of heavy so if you can come with it yeah i will tell him they are so exciting i can't wait till it's inside yeah i want to see it let's see if we can find dan in here actually it's down here at all no his van isn't here it is there's his little green van damn oh looks so we have a new little gardener what on earth is going on what is this that's a very long trench and i have zero idea what it's for could it be the automatic watering system or did dan just go into a frenzy hmm we better find him to find out i also noticed that he's planted the huchera over here so i need to ask mommy where she wants to oh good grief just walking along and i nearly fell into a chasm it's got to be the automatic watering system well this is fantastic they've done so much work wow this is wonderful [Music] and this was what i was looking at the hutera has been planted here i think it likes a shady area and here it's in full sun so we'll probably have to find a spot that we like in the garden that it can go to but okay it's good for now and then how are our chickens getting on there's picasso looking absolutely magnificent hey catwoman it's a beautiful day isn't it right i'll carry on so the trenches haven't been done on this side yet but i'm guessing they're going to come all the way down oh hang on hang on i was like ahaha you can't see it till you're upon it they have been done [Music] my goodness they've been busy look at all the way down there wow so this must be so that we can water all the way through to the rose beds oh how great look at this my mother's going to be delighted when she sees this video the rose bushes are coming on for the year all the way down to this one i can't see any bugs just yet a little bit longer till we get any roses there isn't one on this side so i suspect they're planning to extend over between the beds in the middle what on oh what's going on in the chicken coop [Applause] what is going on in there i think i might actually go around and have a look i won't accept any bullying hmm i'm gonna go and check well you two aren't part of the hullabaloo you're nice and peaceful i'm gonna go and see what's happening so to get to the door of the chicken shed we have to come down here [Music] [Laughter] how's it all going it's been good yeah the rain yesterday has made it a lot easier out there well i noticed a very exciting trench system has appeared in the vegetable garden what is going on that's for the irrigation that's what i guessed it's amazing you've done so much yeah so matt's coming tomorrow yes um to put his pike in or start putting that in okay he's gonna give me a manhole in the garden and we're gonna come off from that so that's what i've been doing digging all the trenches it's so exciting mommy's going to be delighted well it's going to make a big difference yeah as well yeah it really is it's going to be amazing uh before i forget natty asked me to come and tell you that a huge parcel of plants has been delivered it's in the dining room at the moment we think it must be the clematis that davey ordered right it's quite heavy i'm gonna look in the chicken coop because what's going on egg it smells like an egg oh does it is that an egg maybe i shouldn't disturb them it's just they all seem to be involved in it simultaneously they set each other off it's a group egg [Laughter] oh they've gone quiet i think the egg has been laid which of you ladies was it oh it's dame maggie smith and beethoven both busy laying well you look very peaceful ladies and i shall leave you so while i've been here i've took some drone footage so we can see how clear the new area is oh exciting and do you know when the cyprus might be coming down i've literally just messaged him now great great i can't wait i think he's probably well i mean i'm sad yeah i'm sad it's got to go but it'll be a good job done yeah nice okay i want to see that drone footage now looks good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] kirsty thinks she's spotted selma in the wild is it it is it is good morning selma how are you [Music] you look like a spirit of the woods i thought so sure do you want to show me i'd love that yes i haven't been down to your studio in absolutely ages yes we've got a nice collection of stones here excellent collection there's your he's always shadows with me with a diesel lovely ruby is he recovered now yeah a few weeks ago ruby had a little operation didn't he because it takes a while but it's almost closed yeah well he had a double operation yeah it was a really bad a very very nasty wound from a fight which needed to be operated on and at the same time he was slightly emasculated so now he's sleeping in my camper yeah at night so he might dance [Laughter] so that's great because in the beginning he couldn't when i closed the door he was a little in panic yes but now he's okay now he's calm yeah he knows he's safe with you yeah and stops him getting into fights yes on a nightly basis okay let's go have a look at the studio so yeah i clicked it's a little bit out yes a lot of wood is already gone from yes what i used for the compost bin here was a lot of wood and it's wonderful it's so clear and clean now and then because this is all going this way this is also a little bit tricky so we have to ask the three man what because it's too much and then they all died because the yes most of those look dead not all but we could certainly have all of the dead ones removed and then if you make that you can like it uh for the walls first make a floor yes and then put them on together yes so you want to make a wooden wooden wall yes so that you can only make it from the smaller and what about these though can you not make it from this one thing can be on the floor oh nice lovely it is nice to make tables and furniture for on the holas all right to whatever maybe throughout the garden because on the pergola i'd like it to be more sort of interior furniture you know as though it's an outside sitting room but then afterwards maybe under the pergola that we'll eventually put in the vegetable garden yeah that could be beautiful and if you see you need a whole floor here so yes i think that the most is gone okay for the floor okay good well if you've got what you need that's fantastic yeah yeah then and then i can treat it and just use it here and then it's gone and then we can we have now so much there'll be more there's gonna be more coming in then we can keep that safe also to use inside for floors or whatever but this is not possible anymore okay because you see here it's too much gone it's still all the way it's too much so i don't see any holes no but it is what they do there i see a hole yeah there we go the beast's within yeah and there's a hole these are clear guys yes so these are those are they these aren't older yes it's starting so as you use them you treat them yeah this is all already what you see that's beautiful what you do salma it's beautiful to see that turning into this yeah and this is wonderful because i have to do it on one time because then i can make my nice planks and then put them on on the other side yes and then all right and then they don't that yeah once they're treated they're safe they're safe okay lovely i really like what you're doing and these are the stones from the yes which we'll use in the salon to finish the floor there so i can do that on one time to make it make them feel like fantastic oh and then whilst we're talking about stones uh when do you think you'll get back to the downstairs loo yeah i think we're starting next weekend yay because i can't wait to wallpaper we've had a big week with all the filming uh there's been a lot going on so yes next week is fantastic yeah this is otto's problem okay which ones are a problem all of these trees yeah because they all this one is falling well this one i can see is falling this one's got to go yes it's a little bit dangerous do you see that one yeah this is falling yes the one at the back but could we keep maybe the three straight ones just to be pretty if they are we as we have because you see they are straight but this one is totally dead okay anything dead has to go so this is what we have to uh so i think we'd only be left with two yeah maybe this one can be saved yeah yeah maybe these two this the one in the background can go the dead one there can go and this one yes that can go and then i can make the the back close and this one open yes apart from this this making uh like a roof okay then this this side is open it is nicer to absolutely you look out that way it'd be beautiful the swimming spool is coming there yes so if i make a nice wooden wall there then it's not so uh you mean on um a wall on that side of your of your barn close that in for a little bit more privacy for you we're talking years selma because that's not at the top of the line yeah i think anyway it's nicer i think rather than looking at the old tennis court you'll be much happier facing this way looking at the woods yeah so here we need a little bit of stones then from the bed okay to drive it to the camper oh gravel yeah we're going to bring the gravel all the way along here so you can get your camper in and and that you can if you first make it very straight yes and if you then put the gravel on yes and later you can mow over it not too too low yes then it still is screwing green oh that would be beautiful if we can do that yes okay on the camper side let's talk to matt about that then because that would be very pretty this is dead this is falling that way you see oh there's so many here to get rid of certainly the one that's leaning and those dead ones yeah yes let's clear all of this so that you have a more beautiful view and to make this healthier we'll keep one or two dead trees obviously throughout the forest for the woodpeckers because they'll be needing those and we can hear the woodpecker quite regularly there aren't enough yeah and here you're looking straight down onto the stream i love the sound [Applause] it's so peaceful selma i think matt's actually coming tomorrow so i'll just check again with dan if he is we'll talk to him about that at the same time see you later doesn't thaw look magnificent standing there thor you are beautiful just keeping an eye on the new cleared area the edge of the woods ian has been scraping all of the back grout of the tiles that i had cleaned and i've highly done the most amazing job whilst we were inside filming this is crazy this has gone really fast because you only started this afternoon can i see you doing that one then see how easily it comes off uh yeah i mean this some of it has been um at this level yeah so it comes off easier and then you get the thicker that's the harder bit but it still comes off very easily if i just finish these two of you then you can see what it looks like when they're cleaned because we can just use those python yeah we'll hose it down and have a little look okay literally this is just a couple of minutes so you can yeah i'm going to wait i'm so excited i'm definitely waiting i'm just going to uh i'll sit on my new floor that's very comfortable floor i can see myself chilling out on the floor of the china pantry [Applause] [Music] i can't believe how quickly that worked [Music] epic job ian is that the last one that's the last one okay philip i see you've started excitedly putting a few of the square ones in yeah so let's put a few more and then we'll hose it down see how it's gonna look as a floor it's too exciting not to yep rooster's excited everyone's excited it's one of the most beautiful floors yeah i think so it's amazing how it just changes it the minute those are in place yeah it all suddenly starts to make sense that's so beautiful i'll try not to wet them too much i'm just trying to get the dust off yeah well if you've got the setting right it should just blow it all off anyway okay [Music] imagine we're in the china pantry phillip ian would like some cheese and white this evening so which china should we use what do you think phillip opening the cupboard huh definitely none of those no you don't like this let's go over here and have another look maybe this this set could work i hope the floor's going to be a bit more even than what yeah a little bit i love it ian it's amazing what you've done wi-fi and this what man could bring us more i can't tell you what a treat it is to have been filming inside all this time and come up and see that you've done this and i didn't know you were doing this you did this behind my back i didn't know i i didn't know i was going to do it until i thought well why not oh what a joy right let's go find this calamitous right here it is dan this magnificent thing wow is it meant to be that way up i have no idea and i think he's ordered some more actually as well but at least we can get those in yeah i guess i mean they need to go in here i can easily take half of that i've got a free hand this one sure i think they're meant to be that way okay i'm going to come out and have a look at them dan is stuck nutty was saying that they're very heavy and you'd need the wheelie thing she's going to be really impressed when i show this footage so manly jillian eats out of your hand yeah nope don't sit too if she wants okay i'm going to go somewhere i'm going to go and see the clematis that davey ordered yeah great yeah and kirsty it was you who groomed diesel wasn't it and gave him his new haircut yes you did a beautiful job he looks amazing thank you very much well he looks about 10 years younger he does i was well overdue but he's happy to help got three poodles of my own so oh got all the cases yeah it's lovely yeah don't suppose you do sheep do you i do actually joe can you do sheep yes yes um i've got i've got my own sheep and i can i've got clippers and uh handshakes as well is there any chance that you could do our sheep in the style of french poodles wow [Laughter] aloysius totally deserves it maybe it's just aloysius actually it's the little black one yeah i'm sure he'll really appreciate that well it's a bit too soon yet but if you could do that later in the year it'll be lovely happy to help thank you right what have we got here oh my goodness this is exciting oh they're lovely nice choice davey so davey and i discussed what colors we wanted together and then he chose the actual plant so this one must be the snow queen which doesn't look that snowy looks a little bit more pink than you would expect from snow very very pretty and here we've got kind of this melty blue multi blue so i wonder how big that gets two meters high and that will be oh it flowers twice in the year that's great so all the way from may through to august and the flowers are eight to ten centimeters big they're going to be gorgeous what about these ones that's the same time uh an even bigger 10 to 12 centimeter flowers [Music] nice job davey so we mix in the colors on both sides or do you want to uh yeah alternate the colors on each one so that um and i think start with the same color on the front one on each side maybe start with white as they're the biggest flowers so that might be the most impact so white blue white blue they actually look in very good condition yeah they do i'm quite surprised quite advanced yeah you're gonna do the same thing you did to my last camera time i don't know what you mean [Laughter] we don't talk about the climate i think it's actually really hard to spot when you're strumming because it's such a spindly little yeah a little vine that was my excuse it was too spindly to live [Laughter] pruned it back so it grows thicker oh yeah he went with the wrong excuse that's the one yeah we can use that one next time that's so exciting seeing these all coming out of that box nice loads of buds already look it won't be far wow you two are the picture of a kind of rural idol there get that picture on the calendar yeah the leland calendar talking of calendars we all know what saturday is don't we or something oh yeah you've missed out what it's naked gardening world naked gardening day you are joking and it's not your day tomorrow hang on hang on actually i meant to tell you that next week there's a problem you're gonna have to bring those days forward to saturday no one wants to see that trust me oh i think we'd have a queue down i don't think we'd break youtube records maybe maybe [Laughter] well that looks really really pretty i can't wait to see them in place what were your plans for the afternoon what is this what is this suddenly left in front of just usual just wait until we hear you approaching with the camera and look busy yeah or hide that's that's i'm learning we're just starting to plant everything out from the greenhouse now to get some space in there so oh i know just um i noticed the hotel over there yeah so i think that likes a shady spot it does like half shade but we just want to get it yeah in the ground i understand it becomes because i don't want to plant it somewhere where he's about to dig up okay and i actually thought what would be a really nice place is i was just walking with selma along the little woodland walk down towards his shed and i thought on either side there we could try and make borders of kind of shade loving border plants yeah that'd be nice to get some ground cover i mean we might need a few more wait until the big machinery so yeah we'll still have lots to do there so they can stay here they can stay there and we can dig them up whenever perfect and then i can order some more because those five aren't gonna make much impact i don't think so all right i'll pop back later okay good see you in a bit i do really love the trenches you'd have been invaluable in the first world war i know right look at that no i'm getting over that yeah see where then stopped and i began you know i'm a bit more creative with my spite this is where it is all happening for mary's 30th birthday look at you two you're the birthday elves yes i think i'm gonna start with you natty because this looks so delicious that i can't not walk towards it it's beautiful see how it finished because i'm never you know i don't cook very often so when i do i'm never very happy when you do what is it it's a cake of course a chocolate gluten-free chocolate cake of course you're such an angel and marie can eat this which is the most important thing on her birthday it's beautiful nutty let's see how i finish there's a lot of strawberry usage because i see you're using strawberries in the cake but a whole different strawberry factory going on over here right it's a little bit like charlie and the chocolate factory in this kitchen today i'm guessing that makes you the squirrels it's a pity you're not sorting nuts the squirrels the squirrels in china chocolate factory they sort the good nuts from the bad nuts i can't remember that how do you forget the squirrels i love that movie and i don't remember that oh maybe it was in the book and not the movie oh maybe for sure but philip you could not say forget about that you are a great great man do you want to try one i do i might have one i don't mind if it's not quite ready i'm willing to sacrifice myself it's so good there's so much chocolate on it mm-hmm is it good it's so good nice and this with champagne and it's really difficult to put this in the fridge the harry's bar bellini that we were sent cocktail champagne and peaches okay i'm putting in the fridge i think we got like two or three more bottles of three or four we've got we've got four more bottles of prosecco okay um and because maddie wants champagne bar and we have to dress in champagne bar chic tonight for her birthday but i think this is going to be a key piece and i will put some strawberries later all around the candles over there i'm still eating a strawberry strawberry i mean it's a good sign right it's early evening and i've been invited to marry his room for a pre-birthday drink happy birthday wow happy birthday to you oh my goodness happy birthday dear bombshell [Music] wow maddie you are even more beautiful in your 30s and you are in your 20s yeah well i'm still getting ready i've just put on the dress bro it's a good start you look amazing thank you hi you look amazing too hello oh your skirt whoa sounds beautiful picked up a little bit of material in indonesia did you make it yeah it's spectacular i die for one it's amazing i love swishing about in this one oh it's stunning love it thank you and the men were like wow seriously and you too oh my goodness we didn't even want like some rose champagne yes yes let's do it yes that's a new dress practicality first at all times of course [Laughter] absolutely yeah [Laughter] [Music] right oh that looks good yeah sarah wow i'll hand that over sarah well i love how i'm first in line but i'm loving it wow look at that pink this is i have to say that i think that your new 30th birthday dress is the best dress i've ever seen on you oh thank you oh wow you're amazing the new super elegant glamorous 30s new level of sophistication yeah it's just how i roll now me whoa you look amazing [Laughter] this is actually very james bond yeah yes i don't mind that someone looks happy about this please the new glamorous happy years ahead thank you i'm so happy to spend it all with you so happy that you're with us cheers please i'm to manage this because i'm not not having a strawberry naughty step editing stephanie i love pizza oh hello everyone cheers cheers you look fantastic selma with the shoes as well wow oh yeah it's a party thirty can you believe she's thirty yeah that's a long time ago yeah i know i'm getting emotional [Music] yeah yeah so philip we're expecting you to make a real effort when you hit 30.00 we asked a man who doesn't eat cheese to go and buy the cheese i'm not sure anything seriously wow that is impressive yeah yeah amazing i just bought a selection of this looks interesting he got the cheese cutlery i'm not sure if i use the right thingy i did tell him not to bring any cutlery do you want to explain why there's no cutlery i just wanted i'm formal yeah very interested no cutlery at her phone no no porcelain i just want one sneaky plate i know you sneak that in with a strawberry she complimented me on it so i mean i had champagne what should i say of course it's a pretty place i hope i don't break it is the moment we've been waiting for okay okay okay oh you don't like very quickly okay go go go go happy birthday to you okay three wishes three continuously yes good okay okay right yeah do it quick i think okay okay right no reason okay here we go i think it's time for the bellini don't you yes i'm gonna run and grab it i'll quick if you grab that i'll break the plates and stuff now this will transport us to venice for the evening this was sent to us as a gift on caddo at the chateau and it is from venice it's the venetian cocktail of bellini which is champagne and peaches oh harry's bar goodness yes and where opening is oh yes we are to have with the cake lovely open up vanessa kirby all righty let's start with yours man okay are you sure absolutely you're the birthday girl oh my goodness look at that good just to let you know if you get a cake first tipped you will never get married [Laughter] cheers everyone here's to being dirty and dirty and thanks youtube for a really great week of filming it's good let me try nothing [Laughter] [Laughter] that was really good the girls have just annihilated the boys [Applause] a huge thank you to all of our patrons at la land who are making this vlog possible especially our duffer and dauphine of la land jaedel and ether alice allende whaling banshee brian barnard brandon and john michael cecilia begum denise berenstein albanacovich jill bidwell candice blackman candace ned volkowski clara butcher parolina calabro chloe chalikani lindsey c cheltenham stephen sarah cole zoe dorks jim demersman and richard paternord sakura dennis zane dixon jackie ellison nicholas w fairfax tracy ferrari caroline first of fifi greenberg crystal hardy brenda harris delaine hallbrook kim hasselhoff david tong henderson jacqueline holmes and ken bates priscilla hubler brian kelsey and phil burnt jimmy cam noddy kennedy lisa laforge dave and summerleiland morgan lawley victoria lepine janet huff lombard marina frank martin meredith robert miller joanne morton kathy norri jc award maureen palmer theresa sloane frank poposki and james snow tomorrow price armin rahman tony renee rjb bettina rojack hanny ross mary ryan elizabeth scanlan's feng shui by lisa schultz jennifer shanks carl and laurie siebert patty suhu susan stephens and the leaf house sarah thornton colleen troy renee valelli victoria jessica walker randy walton laura watkins lucas wallin james whalen cheryl whitaker linda vs christine wilson winnie the lakota poo greg wood david young and lodovico's ordinatzo and thank you to all of you [Music] you
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 136,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, dream chateau, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, stephanie jarvis chateau de la lande, the chateau diaries, birthday, chateau party, gardening
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 53sec (2333 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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