Gamestop Employees, What Are Your Best Cringe Stories?

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past and present gamestop employees what are your best cringe stories we had a woman come in with a 200 return that was like nine months outside of the return policy but she explained that her sister had asked her to come and return these things because her sister had gotten in a horrific car accident and lost both of her legs and had been unable to return the items within the return policy so we decided to be nice and grant the return even though it was so far out of the policy and most of the items had gone down in price considerably the woman ended up buying several new games for her nephew the legless sisters son and several items for her own son with the money a couple weeks later she comes back and wants to return the new games even though they've been opened and played and are now also outside of the return policy she said her sister was upset that she returned 200 plus worth of stuff and her son only got a couple games out of it the customer likely left out that she had spent some of the money to buy games for her own child we explained to the woman that it was outside of the policy and the new games had been opened and gotten a lot of use but she threw it in our face that we had gone against the return policy last time frick us right so we were being cruel not to make another exception the women was being crappy with us so we held firm a line was forming at that point then the woman yells something like i can't believe you would be so cold-hearted my sister lost her legs in an accident and you won't let us return these things that she bought only a couple weeks ago my sister doesn't have her legs anymore it's not her fault she couldn't return to the store in time all of the customers look at me like i'm satan some actually leave the store because they tell us they can't believe how callous we're being we still didn't return the lady's stuff good for you for holding firm what a terrible person this lady is using someone else's disability to try and profit lots of kids think the messtop is a hangout spot where i live so they'll just loiter until it's time for them to leave we attracted a lot of neckbits too when skyrim was coming out tons of kids were stoked for it probably 10 15 and neck birds would make it their mission to prove that they knew the entire history of skyrim and that the kids weren't og fans like them a 20 year old guy gets into an argument with a kid about how he didn't even begin to know about the game and he shouldn't buy it until he learned about all the law the kid just calmly says dude it's just a game chill out never seen a grown man roll his eyes at a 12 year old gatekeeping a 12 year old guy must have a lot of friends fortunately it's been long enough since i quit that i've forgotten many horrible moments for me the first specifically cringe moment that comes to mind was when this guy in a full forest green sweatsuit came in i asked if he needed help finding anything and he said absolutely not i'm just here to see what the car here to see what the con here to see what the kong here to see what the kong here to see what the kong here to see what the kong hit who uses peasants unironically i was an assistant manager at gamestop during last generations console release like at the heart of the wii release so as i am working my shift i constantly get people asking if we have wheeze and would have to either crush their dreams or make their day well one day at least a week before christmas a mother came in asking if we had the we i told her no but did offer our phone number to give us a call anytime we are open to see if we have them in she declines and exits the store a few hours later same lady comes in but with her son this time and says to him do you see that man over there he ruined your christmas because he won't sell me a wii i freaking lost it i told her to get out of my store and not blame her procrastination on me i was trying so hard not to curse due to other customers in the store but if i was able to go unfiltered i probably would have been fired worked from o610 microsoft had just put out wi-fi adapters for the xb 360. literally that day magically a guy turns up with five of them still in the boxes that he wants to sell to us we refuse citing the fact that they still are in the package he walks outside the front door and rips one out of the package while we watch then comes back inside to sell it to us we still refuse he took off and went to another store and managed to sell one to that store then came back to us with the other four and tried to pitch a fit that we wouldn't take them because the other store did yeah we are using every rule we can not to take in clearly stolen merchandise there are two others that really stand out in my head one was around christmas time woman comes in with three kids all about 11 13 ish boys they're initially just here for one game and a pre-order while they're at the counter with me the boys basically start tag teaming one up with mom the other two chatting in back all three wore her down until she left with a brand new xbox 360 and four games for it and two extra controllers finally we had a dysfunctional family of an older teenage boy 16 18ish who had a girlfriend a younger boy eight ten-ish and the mom older kid stole his little brother's games came in and traded them in to get whatever new hotness was out about a week or two later mom brings both boys in with the girlfriend tagging along for girlfriend reasons and tries to buy back all the games that the elder son sold not just the game but like the specific cartridge or disk she spent probably an hour trying to get this to work and pleading with us to figure it out to give it back to her we could only do that with a police report until she basically reborn the games meanwhile the older boy she dragged along stood in the corner with his gf and spent the entire time trying to round third base very slow saturday night only had one client at that point we were not near any major city so it was calm more often than not that clients wanted to buy some expansion for the sims on ps3 we didn't have any of those and to this day i don't know if the physical copies even exist well after telling him we didn't have it in stock he talked about what he did in the game as i can't be rude i politely listened for the first 5-10 minutes problem is guy started getting really into it you'd think the guy would go on with his life after 15 minutes oh no not him he went on for a whole four hours explaining to me in excruciating details how his house looked how he killed his multiple families incest stories torturing babies you name it i had very few clients within that four hours to relieve me from this guy and this was undoubtedly the longest eight eight shift i've ever done he went to his house only because i was vacuuming the shop and we were preparing to close i've had a very patient hatred for the sims ever since you encountered a wild counter monkey usually they keep to board game and hobby shops but with fewer and fewer of those these days they must travel ever further afield to find watering ho i mean people to inflict their gaming stories upon about seven years ago when the new wii remotes were still fairly new someone called asking about them they had a really thick accent and were difficult to understand i had to ask them to repeat everything several times to finally understand their questions that got a little more specific yes we have the new wii remotes in stock yes they are the wii remote pluses yes we have them in several colors yes they are the ones with the rumble feature i'm sorry sir i didn't catch that can you repeat your question i must have asked him five times to repeat his last question because i just could not understand what he was saying i could catch bits and pieces and slowly was able to understand him better each time until finally i successfully heard it doesn't vibrate anymore after i put it up my rectum do you ever stick the remotes up your rectum to enjoy the vibrations he was definitely trolling me or at a minimum was trying to get me all flustered for his own enjoyment i just pretended like i still couldn't understand what he was saying and had him repeat himself about 10 more times before listing off their price and all the different colors we had and eventually hanging up on him when he kept asking if i like to stick wii remotes up my butt seasonal gs worker guy walks in looks around asks where the ps4 pros are i tell him that we don't have any guy casually takes out a huge wad off bills just starts to mess around with it while talking to me guy you don't have any in the back me nope i notice that most of the bills are one dollar s and five dollars s but we are getting more tomorrow and we can pray to them now for you do you want one guy just looks at me for 30 seconds then turns around and leaves that guy needs to upgrade his bribing skills store manager and employee for nearly 10 years i took a transfer to a store in a lower income area to be a store manager in training first day a school day mind you these two kids about seven and nine come in and start playing on the demo units and looking around my boss comes in and he steps in something on the way to the back room to put his stuff away turns out the younger one crap on the floor then apparently wiped his butt like a dog on the carpet that was my cue and i told him i'm going to lunch now and wondered what the heck i just accepted to transfer into as i'm coming back from lunch i see the kids being rather forcefully kicked out of the store turns out they went home cleaned up the little boy came back and he proceeded to pee all over the ps3 demo unit i have a lot of other memories but that was by far the grossest continue during my employment with gamestop i had a regular who would come in literally every day after a couple months of working i noticed he was coming in twice or three times a day i talked to my co-workers about it and apparently he would come in ask if i was there and then leave if i wasn't i would often run into him at restaurants the grocery store the mall the park pretty much anywhere it was a town of 30k people so i thought whatever i guess it's a small enough town for that to happen well one morning when i was receiving shipment he comes in and we're chatting he mentioned something about how he memorized my license plate so he could tell when i was working so he didn't have to bother my co-workers i joked about how that must be how we keep running into each other and he admitted he would look around town for my car when i wasn't working he asked me out a few times and i turned him down every time straight up telling him i wasn't entrusted after that he cancelled all of his prayers through me it counted against me and i got written up on multiple occasions for not meeting my goals because of this and would always give me awful surveys it was pretty upsetting so i started leaving my car at home so my numbers wouldn't suffer but then he started showing up at my house and just hung out in the lot across the street sometimes he would apologize for making me look bad at work then would offer to take me out to make up for it i'd tell him no and he'd get mad again after a couple months of using uber and hiding in my house i ended up moving transferring stores and changing my plates in case he was ever in town i want to believe you could have gotten a restraining order because he was clearly stalking you but somehow i just know they'd say it wasn't bad enough to justify one for a while at my local gomestop the head manager was this pretty girl she was constantly being hit on by most of the male customers despite the fact she was married at the time my favorite moment was this guy was hitting on the head manager while again i assume his young son was looking at xbox 360 games she shot him down and he turns to his son and says hurry up and pick your mom's waiting in the car row not an employee but one time when in and there a kid was trying to persuade his mom to buy him saints row three the employee was being grilled by the mom asking all these questions and the employee was trying to explain to her why it wasn't an appropriate game for her kid but was clearly uncomfortable explaining why there was only one employee and i was impatient to get out with my purchase so i told her why exactly it was not an appropriate game for her kid you can beat people to death with a three foot long purple dildo in that game she immediately turned on her kid for telling her that it was way less violent and graphic than gta and dragged her kid out of the store me and the employee had a good laugh i have to i had two neck buds get into a slap fight over ps2 vs gamma cube they got winded quickly and i could not declare a winner i had another where a customer was playing street fighter 2 on the 360 demo unit one of my employees was a professional fighting game player and was ranked very highly at the time he asks if he can join but jokingly ask this kid to take it easy he looks my guy up and down and in the nerdiest voice possible snorts and says request denied so my buddy lets this kid whoop his butt in the first round and says manuel pretty good and was going to let it go with that but the kid tells him that he sucks at fighting games my employee decides to unleash heck on him and demolishes the kid who told us he was going to tell on us to the manager who was i i had two necklaces get into a slap fight over ps2 vs gamma cube they got winded quickly and i could not declare a winner this might be my favorite one of these so far i worked at a game stop about 12 years ago in front of my store was a bus stop that had stops to questionable locals that always brought in a strange crowd i have two very fond memories of working there the first is a story of a generally normal looking lady everything seemed fine as i greeted her and asked if she needed any help the typical i'm just browsing as she proceeded to check out games on the wall five inches go by i'm browsing things on my phone i look up to see the women pulling pieces of fried chicken from her purse eating them as she browsed that's when i noticed the golden corral an american buffet paper cup in hand i can only assume that she went over to the corolla across the street and stole a boatload of chicken using her pews as a container there was no plastic bag in her purse as far as i could see just chicken on purse action she was using the same hand to grab games and eat chicken a trail of grease and breading laid in her path the second story is of a gentleman who tried to trade in his gamecube but forgot to take his crack rocks out of the disc tray i quickly closed the lid and handed it back to him saying i couldn't accept his trade of course he was furious demanding why after telling him to open the lid he got a huge grimace on his face gave me a high five and said good looking out brother before leaving my store note sorry for any mistakes at work on my phone typing this up i don't know what's funnier that he was selling his gamer cube for more crack because he was out or that he forgot he lost his crack in it in the first place the release of the xbox 360 was really painful we had hundreds of predators right before release based on what i heard microsoft decides to do a global release instead of just the usa so we won't be getting the amount of consoles we were promised that day and for the next few weeks people who were promised a console kept calling and coming in to complain we had nothing to give them and then all the released consoles started breaking and customers needed replacements we had none it was a mess not very cringy i guess but it certainly made me cringe back in the day i remember that crap it was horrible christian of sonichu fame was a regular every time he showed up was cringe we would have to endure his inane banter for a good hour or so before he would move on i ended up leaving for college right before his legend really took off but people constantly warned me about him but he was easy enough to feign interest in and tune out back then for me so my co-workers would find ways to get him talking to me he was heck on the quotas since he would interrupt anyone trying to get between him and finishing his rant for that day so i would just call someone else to handle customers and stock shelves to wait him out there were small kids who were worse than he was but he would always be there every few days if only i knew what i do now then i might have paid attention to some of his rants but i had no idea other than that it was mostly having to deal with crappy parents know it all game nerds customers causing messes loud kids bad thieves are the rare celebrity looking for the latest game while visiting the area on tour best friend is a gamestop employee before they announced they were really releasing battle toads had probably like a 10 or 11 year old kid call asked if he could buy battle toads this is a common prank that used to be pulled when gamestop employees well she's been through this before with someone else so her response was sure do i will just charge the 80 to the account associated with this phone number and you can come pick it up anytime well the kids started freaking out because it was his mom's phone and immediately apologized to him it was a joke and he would never do it again that's pretty clever edit wickedness game btw edit yes i did several times a week this guy in his early 20s would come into the store on his break same time of day every time when we were dead and no one was in the store we had the strategy guides displayed in the space below the registers every time this guy would come in i would greet him without all the trades pre-order crap and just ask him how it was going he would love up from the strategy guide he was reading look me dead in my face and not say a word ever i probably saw him 50 times over the course of working there he never bought anything and he never said a word to me most awkward time of my life so much cringe but nothing tops a middle-aged guy came in asked for my help picking out a present for his son and began creepily hitting on me 20 f at the time i put him off as politely as i could rang him up and glanced down at the name on the credit card it was my ex-boyfriend's dad who was still married to my ex-boyfriend's mom until a while later when they got divorced because surprise he was screwing other women the kicker years later i married that ex-boyfriend who stopped speaking to his father after the divorce so the only interaction i've ever had with my child's grandfather was when he tried to cheat on my mother-in-law with me okay that plot twist was better than an m night shyamalan adding dong movie i worked that game a few years ago which seems to basically be the uk's equivalent of gamestop we had these people come in a buy a brand new ps4 all seemed fine about an hour or two later they were back asking for a refund saying that the ps4 was faulty we get it out and inside the box is an obviously used broken ps4 we said no this isn't the console we sold you it was obvious they had taken out the new ps4 and replaced it with an old broken one and were trying to scam us into giving them the refund so they'd have the money and a new ps4 they were arguing until they were blue in the face that no this was what was in the box we sold them a broken product there were many shoutings of the customer is always right and then threats starting off threatening to report us for not giving them a refund and then threats bordering on violence thing is we logged the serial numbers of sold new consoles when we showed them the serial number on their receipt and the box did not match the serial number on the console they suddenly just grabbed it all back and ran a co-worker and i are in the store chatting while shelving games there was also a customer who had been in the store for several minutes while trying to decide on the game my co-worker was talking about getting a zelda tattoo so i kept coming up with increasingly cheesy suggestions a massive helium shield across his entire back a fairy behind his ear that sort of thing i eventually told him he should get a glow-in-the-dark triforce segment on his hand which we laughed at several weeks later that customer is in again and i'm bringing him up he starts talking to me about how much of his elder fan he is then he says something like i was telling my girlfriend about this awesome tattoo idea i came up with you see they make this special glow in the dark ink now this guy totally starts to recite my own cheesy tattoo idea back to me i thought he was kidding at first so i was like oh that's right you were in here a few weeks ago when we were joking about tattoos but the guy gets a deer in headlights look and quickly denies that he was there for that conversation before scurrying out of the store tl dr customer tried to pass off my own bad tattoo idea as his own it would be kind of cool to get something like that done in uv ink not glow in the dark but it would be mostly invisible until you shine uv light on it and prove that you're the savior of hyrule this is my go-to story whenever i tell one i was counting the money after closing doors locked bars down fattest ginger 11 year old i've ever seen comes up to the door and pulls on the handle no go it's locked he then proceeds to put all 200 pounds of his on both handles pulling like the world depended on it he angrily pushes off throws his hands back and screams at the moon punches the metal frame of the door grabs his hand in pain waddles off yes i was across from a liqueur store we had some drunks do that stuff from time to time good stuff one of the stores i had worked at had a lot of military customers because we were in a military base i love and respect our soldiers they work hard and deserve some downtime that said this officer in uniform comes into trade in some merchandise he had quite a few games and accessories part of the trade-in process is checking condition which can take time and results in small talk as i'm checking his stuff i asked him where he got his games as i was curious to see if he was a regular messed up customer or if i needed to talk to him about the membership card he says he got them from someone now by law we couldn't take in product that wasn't being traded by the owner i asked if they belonged to a friend as i would need that person to trade the items in this is where it got weird he proceeded to tell me that his platoon was deployed so he went into their rooms and took their stuff to sell i was shocked i asked him if he meant that they had asked him to trade it while they were gone nope he said they didn't know i told him that i couldn't take stolen merchandise he wanted to know why not as i tried to explain it to him he said he didn't understand he said that since he had gone and taken the stuff it was now in his possession thereby his and he can do what he wants with it after repeated attempts to explain it i just called the mps he waited patiently and when the mps arrived the guy and i explained everything and they took him away found out the guy had hundreds of dollars of trade credit from doing this before we ended up getting corporate to freeze his card and i had to give a statement to the base command never found out if he got any reprimand or anything if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video so bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 39,574
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Keywords: gamestop, gamestop cringe stories, cringe stories, best crying scenes, gamestop employee, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2021, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: IW74LaeclJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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