Surviving Minecraft Hide or Hunt inside SECRET Blacksmith base!

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in today's video 24 players all go out into the world and make a secret base the aim of the game is to be the last secret base standing at the end of the video this is minecraft hide or hunt and today we're going to be making a top secret base inside a village specifically inside the blacksmith house and if you enjoy these videos make sure to go down below hit that like button it really helps me out and also if you're new around here make sure to hit that subscribe button we're coming up to a million subscribers come on we can get there but anyway guys enjoy the video alrighty guys the game is about to begin i see two blacksmiths and i also i think we're gonna try and make a blacksmith base today i have done it before and it failed pretty hard but today could be my day if we do it right the game is starting oh let's go let's go i didn't fall into the floor no that's gonna give me such a disadvantage sometimes i fall into the floor and it's like yes no dog's got a speed boost okay okay we're just gonna go for the other one all right we're not gonna go for that one there's less competition over this one it's just me and doc let's go let's go let's go please be good stuff iron pickaxe i need you i need an iron pickaxe oh it's empty bugger why is it empty all right doesn't matter it doesn't matter just keep on moving oh yeah we're gonna get all the iron we need it's not a problem i think i'm literally the only guy that went into this ravine right now we're all good okay so we have enough iron for everything we need uh we might actually need a little bit more for a bucket because we're a needle water bucket to get in and out of our base and if we do this right this space is going to be 100 successful the only thing is though it is an obvious base but we just got to hope that people don't check the obvious then we win oh nice okay oh yeah okay so we're after finding ourselves a mine shaft i just found a golden apple go on iron pickaxe go on oh a diamond okay i don't know what i can really do with that but i'll take it i can make the best thing in hyder hunt a shovel okay right we have everything we need we should probably get out of here and start you know maybe preparing to make our base because we're probably about to get invisibility now yeah let's head to the surface all right we should be about to get invisibility any second now i was totally right bang on the time okay right let's now head over to this lovely lovely blacksmith and let's see if we can make a base i don't know if this is gonna work i have a feeling it won't but we'll go for it all right let's go down we're going to dig deep enough oh my god who's making this base it must be diddle graph he just praised is this is this diddle graph he just placed down his beacon you there you found my face dude i'm making a base here too we're geniuses let's live together so we can't team but we're we're going for the same base okay we'll try to win this so we got to be really careful dude like if you die or something like you got to be really careful look i'm going to get us i'm going to make our way out here i'll make my beacon over here so this is my beacon right here so place down a furnace let's get everything smelting so this is my side of the base that's your side of the base agreed no stealing i was resources thinking of putting my face just like a bunch of this right behind the cobblestone i'll make us i'll make us a way in and out all right let me place down i need to smelt all my irons this is mine don't take it i don't even have iron i have 15 ironmans like uh i'm a girlfriend you're lucky i'm here now we can't technically team because this would be cheating so we gotta just do our own thing but i'm gonna make our entrance don't make the base any bigger don't mind in our base okay this is my chest here okay these are my two chests don't take anything from it oh i can make a bucket right now actually oh sweet let me i'll make my the entrance out okay so we need the lava to come down and to collect into here okay and soon that's gonna be something else so get rid of those ladders okay i'm gonna be two seconds i'm gonna show you what i'm doing i need to go grab some water though this is the riskiest part though i could get spotted here no problem all right we've now hit the water let's go down you see what i'm doing here oh i know nice okay we should be able now to swim out of this even with no gear and be able to run to the water source that nearby straight in front and survive but when you're doing that you have to be super careful now we've got an epic base so we can block up this other entrance that you made no it's not horrible it's not nasty it's just that we got a cooler entrance now and chances are i could get we're probably gonna get found you know but we'll win this we'll hopefully win this how cool would that be and then what we'll do at the end if we do manage to get to the finals we'll go our own ways if we do manage to get to the finals we'll do a 50 50 coin flip how does that sound yeah wait a second actually wait hey do you fancy taking a bit of a hit so what i might do is i might cut off half of this so if they don't check one of us might survive that make sense place down some cobble here does that sound good and i'll break that and plant that back so like if they find this they might just think this is your base that's it and it might not search behind here does that work i know hopefully it does all right guys we gotta get out of here make some armor and let's bounce i can't believe we're making the same base there's no way this is gonna work like we're so dead okay dude i'm getting out the base now because we're gonna get caught i'll see you later have a wonderful time don't get my base found right i'm out of the base let's rock and roll right let's see if me and diddlecraft can win this thing oh god i'm i'm so nervous there's no way he's gonna get us caught he hasn't even left the base yet and he's not even talking to me and that's making me nervous that he's just gonna knock me out what about he just knocks me out what about if i just knock him out and take the base myself i could do that but i'm too nice of a guy i'd like to win with him it'd be unique it'd be different i heard someone stacking up as well there's definitely a base somewhere right here 100 i heard someone stacking up with uh what would you call it um scaffolding why can't i think of the name of it there's that guy okay 24 seconds 24 seconds let's back off let's back off let's armor up and let's hope that we don't take the first l i really hope we don't okay let the games begin diddle better have left the base otherwise he has got me exposed diddle has not left the base what is diddle doing fps is right here let's go for it oh no dude diddle's gonna get me found okay we gotta go for fps dude i might have to not diggle out he's too much of a health and safety risk hi okay that fight is way too awkward okay who's that that's jamie okay i'm just focusing on this guy because i think there might be ah dude go away oh no turn no no no oh god jack's going down into my base jack's going down to my base oh dude he's got how has raven got gear wait is his fps's base hello buddy oh my god i'm gonna die nope james is about to come and clean us up oh god this is awkward oh this is stressful i'm trying to watch jack's gone into my base i can only hope that he knocks out diddle oh god oh oh jack's in the base oh no i feel like this episode is over oh there's fps i knew someone was living inside there okay right we'll just knock something out before we get knocked out oh god i didn't realize james is down there james is after knocking him out okay i'm getting out of here i'm getting outfit that's too awkward wait jim james died wait that means now fps has really good gear dude i think diddle's been diddlecraft's beacon has been knocked out my beacon hasn't been knocked out yet okay fps has ran right that guy's knocked out but he's got really good gear he managed to kill james but like come on i should get 50 of that because i smack jamie oh someone's about me oh jack it's jack is there anything anything worth taking here okay the beacon's definitely gone though like what did i literally told diddle don't be in the base any longer get out of there dude you can't go making a genius base like that and then sitting it for 25 hours i don't know dude my beacon hasn't been knocked out thank god i blocked it up that's all i'm gonna say oh my god i don't know what to do i don't know if our entrance destroyed i don't have to go check it out i'm not sure dude i'm totally unsure anyway we'll keep trucking on my friend diddle is dead oh did i just see you come out of the base here come on who's gonna smack first it's gonna be me that dies you're dead did this guy just come out of a did i maybe he was searching it but it looked like wait is his base inside the middle of this that would be sick no okay no he was just searching it i'd say all right let's keep rocking and rolling raven's hanging around here that's not good who's that that's rc okay hello oh he's coming for me i lost connection great nope i didn't we're all good where's that what happened did we all get oh god oh no oh here we go what all right we're fighting now without losing connection this is great oh my god no lag oh god i need to eat okay sorry guys i'm an absolute mess the reason why i'm going through all stages of emotions right now oh he's running into tixpee go on smack him takes me i'm going through all stages of emotions right now because i feel like i thought i was a gunner and now all of a sudden i'm surviving jack went into the base doesn't realize that there's another base there who would realize there's another base there we technically teamed but hey it is what it is i had to do what i had to do oh okay he's dead i'm low as anything need to eat i'm trying to stay away from jack from a second because not because i'm scared of him actually yeah i'm scared of him he has a diamond axe okay that's scary okay right let's keep looking for bases remember it's last base standing gotta look for our enemies there's a nice ravine here this could be cozy i might do a lap of the map try cam down i haven't been knocked out things seem to be going really well [Laughter] [Music] no hello just been found oh hello um is this yours okay i'm just going to knock you out it's been an honor playing with you blue tac gaming may you go now dude was he going for the open base tactic or did someone find him and somehow defend it i'm i'm not sure i was a bit surprised just walking in there just seeing a guy sneaking like hello right um i want to keep searching for i was definitely right about the war anyway searching search you searching need to make sure i don't drowned and also get jumped oh dark ninja how's it going let's have a fight hello uh has dark ninja recently died uh extra game was eliminated by dark ninja okay no he's just having oh dude this guy's a bet this guy's a bed wars player or kind of he's a half bedwars player he he's typing go for it get a free hit okay we traded okay i have the advantage here as long as he doesn't quit me is it possible to crit in war he's dead right he came from this direction but he was after killing someone so i don't think this is where his base is yeah yeah this is where he killed someone you can you can you can see the evidence it all adds up okay so that means that his base isn't near here i don't think so wait dude someone stacked up into the sky with that if someone's up on top of that like one hit and they're dead oh someone is wait is someone on top of that because i'm gonna break it i am so gonna break it oh i will be so happy if someone is on top of this oh i think it was james i don't know if someone's on top of it i'm breaking it no that was on top of it i didn't know if they weren't rendering or something okay i need to search this water because if i don't search the water these are going to be the people that get into the finals and they're the harder people to find aaron where did you just come from oh he just swam across here the only thing is though that guy's base was right here oh there's a guy here where's he going that was it okay that was a stupid move jumping off but he's dead all right where did he come from or did he was he sneaking on me i saw him up here in the hill i love how i treat like everyone i see like a base like i just saw a ram walk right past there and like he could have just been doing a full circle of the map but just because i saw him like he came from somewhere like here no okay no we're good right let's back to back to search in the water [Music] hi dark how long you've been hiding there oh god don't kill me as a sword and he's really laggy how long have you been hiding there why did you make so much noise dude is that how lousy uh lousy loud i'm gonna die oh no oh my god is that how loud the scaffolding is oh dude that's his base oh he's been hiding in here for ages all right he's gonna have gear i need to get down there quick enough i'm going into it quite low [Music] hi i'm gonna knock out your bait ray ryan i knew you were gonna fight me dude i said today that i wanted to search war as much as possible like the water-based people are not staying into the finals not today we've knocked out two people in the war so is there any more in the war i don't know but look there's so much more war here like they they yeah there's a lot of water on this map oh there's james james and i believe jack are having a fight i wouldn't mind doing the old cleanup duty i see the guy on top of the tree has a lovely axe see if i run over there right now and try fight james the person on the tree is going to definitely definitely jump down and clean me up so i would rather play clean up on other people oh here we go see this is what i'm oh my god there's a four-way fight going on right now the diamond axe guy is down i'm coming in for cleanup i think they're all kind of damaged clean up no what the hell what why does it keep kicking me it's like you're cleaning up get off the server join join are we gonna get kicked again no my diamond axe if i can get the diamond axe i'll run that's what i came here for okay i'm running my diamond my diamond axe getting out of here that's what i wanted oh dude takes me where did you come from honestly where did that guy just come from he was not there in the initial fight did he come over the hill oh oh i see someone else as well i see mr games is he geared oh he is okay that's a okay he's down mr games are you living anywhere near here also tick speed are you living anywhere near here dude tick speed look like oh what's this oh fake bass oh i see doc i see doc i see doc i see doc as he duck dude doc loves his mountains i'll tell you that right now if he's in there this is gonna be a gg it looked like he was crouching and uncrouching is it in this cobblestone if doc is here he's just crouching i doubt i saw a dog oh is that it no no that's my tunnel what okay i'm definitely on the wrong level wherever doc was i can't remember what i know duck's name is somewhere in this mountain but i don't know what level it was that oh did i just hear someone something above me i'm getting really paranoid right now ah there you are ducky boy i'm assuming it's your base i'm afraid to go down there he's definitely down there dude i could be going down into a big trap a big big trap at least i found his base i'm gonna hold off for a second because doc is a really really good player and everyone is and when you go when you go down in someone's base you're accepting the risk that you're going into their place their own territory what they know and when you come down that ladder they're gonna have that first hit and that first hit is crucial like i'm leaving it for a second i'm bouncing i'm having a good time i need to check more of this water duck's been found it just hopefully doesn't knock me out in two seconds flat but if he does look i'm trying to be tactical right let's check some more of this water dude we're actually doing some water searching i'm proud of myself today i usually just hate water oh hey rems is here dude this guy could murder me 100 oh no he's running has he got a stone axe or an iron axe i don't like this i don't like chasing after people i just want to search the water dude i just don't want people with water bases to survive this season okay i want them out oh my god why does it keep disconnecting us what is going on i was winning the fight and everything is he back in before me no he's not oh dick speed oh tick speed base is up there hey hey you're back all right are we good to go okay you're one here anyway i would have won okay i would have won the hell's wrong why do i keep getting disliked tick speed just came back up here now this is where i originally saw ticks be like you know i thought he was hunting me but was he this is the second time i've seen him now and then he ran right always oh no there's a ram oh oh there's a ram oh i heard someone break a block have you got a trap no don't don't smack me your time is over don't disconnect me please no i will i okay i'll read it i'll read it just let me knock you out first okay i don't want any quick to true have you got a trap down here if you if a youtube finds can you say hi to stubs hi stubs and bye aaron hi stubs okay txb you have been spotted up here for the second time and uh didn't i destroy this diorite didn't i mine it hold on wait did my mind die right oh my lordy everyone today is using scaffolding hang on anything is tick speed back down here i'm assuming this is yeah it's a tick speed base oh my god if i only start if i searched here originally when i saw him earlier i just thought he was hunting me because it looked like he was just on the top of the hill gg we're on a roll we're on a roll let's keep searching in the river dude if we can find another riverbase today i'll be happy happy oh i hear someone oh it's jack he's coming to kill me i'm going out this side i know if i go this way i'm all good oh how does he know oh oh jack's chasing someone else he's left me alone who's he chasing i don't know i didn't see it could be chances are it is oh wait i can see it's oh no it's not take space thomas i want to keep searching the water knock out all the water people like raven from what i know is still in the game yeah he's still in the game like come on raven's definitely in the war like look at this big area oh jack's coming back to me yeah jack wants revenge i can i can i can understand why and there's james oh god james come on then don't kill me [Music] all right no what i'm gonna get killed because of this now [Music] oh okay right hello thomas you're down see why okay i think i'm having severe internet issues today or i've like there's a severe bug going on in the server where it just kicks random people nice to watch this with some popcorn sorry dude i gotta kill you like if if you find my base oh god see this is when i die i overextend and i've disconnected the only excuse i could probably say is that maybe the server is like kicking me because it thinks that i should have got knocked out because diddlecraft got knocked out next to me i'm not sure this is really awkward oh my god he's jumped for it okay right come on let's do this let's fight this out no more to get disconnected oh what all right i'm leaving that fight it's definitely i think it's my in there this is the bad time to be like this i don't know if it is though anyway we'll truck on okay we're currently right now in the top three teams james is still in i'm still in and epic gamer and claw island so it's top four oh there's thomas going for jack all right we're just gonna search for bases because i just keep getting kicked randomly i'm assuming my bass is still alive it has to be by jack rating it and not finding me i think it's made it more believable so diddle thank you very much i appreciate you okay so i don't need to go back for doc because doc got knocked out by someone else so that's perfect i didn't i generally didn't knock it out but i found the bait so i'm happy i'm happy out i was about to go back from then i realized he got knocked out now there could be bases on top of this hill here easily i have searched a good bit of the water but definitely not enough i just gotta hope that like what we found two bases in the war come on how many more bases can it be now this is where i saw mr games now it doesn't mean he lives here it's just i saw him that's the only lead i have but i don't know where he is right now so we need to find mr games that's the person i'd like to find and then try and track him down a little bit oh james beacon was destroyed by thomas we are now on to the top three i think we're gonna win this as long as no one goes back to search that horrible base i think diddlecraft might have one of want us this game by sitting in the base and actually getting us caught it weirdly worked oh there's mr games doesn't see me coming okay am i gonna get kicked i hope not we're like a shark you can't hit me all right mr games oh he's got a water bucket i'll take that in case i go on fire right so when we saw okay we saw him up here right and then we killed him so i don't know if that means his base is here or not but like maybe somewhere around this area 100 so it's ryan mr games and thomas i don't know where thomas lives i don't have any idea i have a rough idea where mr gaines might be but it's only the rough area this corner should i say so we just gotta run around and hope oh there he is dude where where are you going okay he's giving me a rough idea where he's based okay this is a better triangulation i was well off wherever i whenever i killed him a while ago he was definitely not living there i don't think so does he see me coming let's hope not let's hope i don't get kicked all right i have a rough idea of where he's living now okay i don't know if mr games has seen me oh thomas has got armor right i don't care i won't third party don't worry dude i already killed him okay mr games of running from over here oh oh there he is bingo is that where his base is though or did he nah he only started stacking there bingo mr games you have been found i'm assuming it's mr games come on has to be on if it's thomas's mr games don't knock me out i want content dude you're in top three congrats you've got plenty of content all right he was up here no wonder he was watching me for ages and he ran off do we just knock him out like if we have the clean chance see thomas has got armor the only thing is i'm afraid of getting kicked all right we gotta try kill thomas it's gonna be so oh oh oh okay he wants okay he didn't want a third party so i will respect the third party i i was respecting the okay see look i don't get kicked what i don't get it oh god i'm dead i'm dead the lag i don't even have my items oh god no i'm dead oh what i'm dead i'm actually dead there's no way i'm gonna survive this unless he's low too but he got way more hits off of me i'm running this this is how i die and i'm dead and i'm in my broken base okay great people think i have hacks on if i had hacksaw these would be the worst hacks of my life oh my god our base has been completely blocked up this is so illegal right now but i love it it should have got knocked out jack didn't find it we need to try and find thomas i have no clue where he lives absolutely none the only guess i can guess is war because everybody that somehow gets the end is always in war okay um i have no clue where he lives so this is where it gets awkward i need to at least get one kill on him i need to kill him once so i can try and get a rough air where he's living i see him oh he's near my base he's searching he hasn't seen me i need one hit on him one clean hit he's seen me he's seen me okay he's run away he's not killable dude we're gonna have to actually search and find him he's got too much gear he's impossible to kill okay right we're at the base he ran off thanked the lord otherwise we would have been done for and and when he killed me i was i think he was face around the wrong way so i didn't even see my name pop up so now i've got to throw him off as much as possible so i think since i came that direction attacking him he now thinks that i based over there so if i can just try and keep him over there as long as possible i can maybe try a few extra fights of him that is that that is a possibility or i could try finding space but i have absolutely no clue that's like a needle in a haystack i didn't make a shovel no he better not be under dirt no way no no no hi ryan don't squishy who's squishy no squishy's been knocked out dude no no wait a second wait a second why was it blocked up though why was it blocked up no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait all my years are training this could be a fake base this could be a fake play let me say squishy let me say squishy and chat no no why was it blocked up why was it blocked up huh why was it blocked up if it's been raided why is it being blocked up is the only entrance into it it's still got everything intact said fake base please please redstone [Applause] you you slimy little soul and so oh my god dude if that wasn't blocked up it would have got me it would have definitely definitely got me gg it was blocked up that's the only bit i was like oh okay right why is it blocked up why if a base was raided it'd be like that that's that's a raided base it wouldn't be blocked up and if it was at least we blocked up with a random block it was still trying to be hidden oh ryan i love you right now hello you slimy bugger i went down into the base and i was like oh sushi i was like squishy oh no he's knocked out i ran out and i was like wait a second why was it blocked up i was like fake base fake base someone's doing the old tactic you tried my tactic gg that the only thing is you left it you you should have like left it like this because when you went down you would have thought like you hit the beacon really well as well because when you go down you're like okay yeah it's definitely a rated bass but why was it blocked up it needs to be open you nearly had it well uh so like i was like i can't block it up extra like this but if i use a lever i probably was but you found the lever as well no i actually dog i just like is it a fake base i i didn't even find lever i just let you dog and then i found this and then i found your beacon but that was it if it wasn't blocked off i would have been like oh because as well you did everything right because sorry i'm just hyped that you used my thing and it's kind of cool like you you tried it like it's sick but like you did everything right because you searched the area like out the scaffolding it would have been like oh yeah a base has been found i would have went down and probably checked it for a fake base but you did the spine as well that then threw it off even more and i wasn't thinking for a second i was literally running off over here and i was like wait wait what the hell if it's a fake face yeah i literally like i started off just literally ruling the whole whole space to make sure that people thought it was a fake base but i was like i'm still gonna cover it up okay let me show you my base uh and my base was an emotional yes but it was a very very emotional journey look look it's here so i was making my secret blacksmith base and uh i was digging down and um when i dug down i noticed that someone else was also making a secret blacksmith face and that blacksmith's base that was that was diddle so i was like yo dude we were live together in harmony you know no teaming but we live in the same day so and we lived together and he was like yeah and i had a few chats room then he just went quiet and i was like yo dude i'm leaving the base you better leave now soon he didn't leave jack came down found him but i was like dude i'm gonna do a 200 q tactic and like block up half the base so if you do get found like well i i thought he was gonna get found he wasn't crafting he wasn't moving wasn't speaking to me and uh yeah jack came down and obviously that's why the base kind of got griefed alright guys thank you very much for watching if you guys want to play hide or hunt you can um as you guys saw from most this episode because i kept getting kicked you can join and click the hydrohunt minigame and here you can play make sure to click your daily gold when you log online and also this is how you join youtuber exclusive games so make sure to join our discord down below we host games and then if you get picked you basically get white listed and then you get to click this bad boy and you get in to the server and if you have prime rank you'll be priority pick thank you guys very much watching i can't believe it
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 659,099
Rating: 4.9483466 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hide or hunt, Surviving Minecraft Hide or Hunt inside SECRET Blacksmith base, minecraft video, secret base, secret minecraft base, we made secret minecraft cave base, we made a secret minecraft tree house base, I made a SECRET CACTUS entrance to my Minecraft Base, minecraft survival, mine craft, minecraft base, minecraft server, hide or hunt, ryannotbrian, I made a Secret Minecraft Swamp TREE Base, I made a Secret Minecraft Acacia TREE Base
Id: NvPhkn4LcZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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