we made a SECRET Minecraft TREE HOUSE base! - Hide Or Hunt #1

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welcome to hider on season a Christmas edition it is the 25th of December as this is going out so Merry Christmas whatever you celebrate hope you have a good day and if you want to give me a Christmas gift you can hit that like button down below that'd be nice but Hyder hunt has returned and this was a fantastic season so if you do not know what this show is let me explain really quickly there are 12 teams battling out this season on a small map and everyone is trying to hide their Minecraft base each team gets a beacon and the beacon is their lifeline this beacon is the place where you can only craft that and you must hide it inside your base the last person standing with their beacon well that team is the winner but it's not just all about searching for bases all the teams are also battling it out for loot and dominance let hide our hunt season 8 begin welcome to hider hunt season 8 Christmas 2019 addition twin are you ready to do this the dream team is back we won last season and we're gonna win this season are you ready for this abso-freakin'-lutely let's frickin do it alright so let's go over in this direction because me and twin have been speaking and we have a bit of a idea for our base we just don't know if the Gopher and our twin should we tell our viewers what base were thinking honestly I think we should do you think we should go for it though we need that we honestly need we need the right tree okay that's just spoiled everything so this season we've always hated on the war or just underground but and everyone does I haven't seen someone really hide above surface actually someone did last season and in a massive tower that wasn't exactly hidden so they got knocked out pretty quick but I'm thinking we hide in a tree a big tree but the first thing is we need to find a big tree we need to collect enough wood so that we can basically carve the tree out and and like you know kind of hide inside it cuz we need to block all lights because the thing is we have a beacon which is our life source obviously we need to protect with our life and but sadly that beacon lets off a lie source so it's kind of a bit awful so we need to make sure that whatever we do we basically cover it in the tree but see we can do that as long as we leave leaves on the outside around it we should I think so like that should block the light you shouldn't be able to really know it's the wood in the tree because who's gonna know it's wood in a tree like who's gonna be like oh that looks suspicious you know that mean yeah exactly yeah and then but the thing is though we need to find those you know there's really fat trees like those uns over there hang on we're not gonna do it now though Oh like that one they're looking at up in the hill like those fat ones up there that's the kind of trees need to obviously we can't hide in one of these trees okay right we need to make sure we grab enough wood let's just keep heading will head to the like I guess the far end of the map and see what we got going but I don't know like we could like guy he's coming down below do you think we're to be knocked out in two seconds or you think it's might work remember last season we made a nice Berg base right in the middle of spawn and we managed to survive so I obviously don't know anymore what works so it's it's really random hey I think I don't know I oh no I think I see a ship but I think it's outside the border if so that is absolutely sickening there's one in the back one oh my god we got iron diamonds oh my god there's so much in these we just got iron diamonds I said more hmm Oh everyone just saw that come up oh if we are a target we are now I am hsn.you over a bit oh we do already we delete really get lucky nope we got so lucky I think I don't seem your chest on that side oh maybe there is actually we can't get it anyway right let's grab some more wood it's a bit out in the open as well no what's perfect about this map right is that it's a big forest even though most maps are big forests anyway but like you know I mean some massive forest alright I have a stack and 18 of wood how much do you have I have 64 exactly that's okay yeah right so we have a tree there we have a tree up on the hill now I've just noticed I'm actually marking tree off on that hill bit I'm off the table the reason why I say that is because if you think about it it's on top of a hill so it's a massive vantage point so keep coming across here we'll keep going over here cuz I believe this is all forest I hope so anyway you said that one okay ready that one looks good that wood that one up in the hill up yeah yeah yeah but it's on it's on top of a hill it's a great um that's the perfect tree but it's we're gonna get spotted up there too easily yeah - much of an eyesore like if any bit of light comes off that it'll be seen like here's another big tree but it's in tree right in the borders that's a shame like glitches half in the border so that would be awkward to build it we need a full treated we can kind of work with I guess it's just yeah headin over I wouldn't mind heading over to the other side the map anyway just for the fact that I think a lot of people went this direction like that really - yeah this is where I saw this one people do I have a one diamond by the way and I have seven emeralds but it's a shame because we can't really do do anything with emeralds or can we if is there a village on the map if there's a buildin map we are gonna be sore it oh okay let's keep heading over this way right right yeah look down it could just be some of mine and if you see people yeah okay who names given names logged an egg alright it's good this way keep going if they both just crouched they do there's some big trees over here right we need to make sure that we focus on the tree situation first because that's the main thing because we're not it's not like we have the luxury for digging down and making a base because we have a design so you come this way there's some masters of forestry oh wait we got multiple trees okay this is perfect whoa look at these trees I think I know where a building may be where this tree right here cuz look at it it's actually part of look it's like a natural staircase little small no look it's like a tall is it is there anyone around you I'm hang on so it looks like we're just looking about right so no one's around here see how look that tree up there is perfect on the hill but it's on a hill again look at this tree it's fat it's like two trees in one I think it's like five trees this is like a natural staircase alright so we don't join this build a day yeah you know I'm assuming we just carve out the middle and it shouldn't decay right yes yes I'm drinking the inves let's watch the labor quits walking we were quicker than the back good idea good we're just walking engineer over yeah and then we'll check it in little secrecy walk over here right come here right and dig a hole behind me so if anyone sees me they're gonna think we're going that hole yeah perfect right drink rumbas watching mmm yeah you need that you need drink rebus yeah actually do you drink it yeah okay right what will I do just carve down yeah okay yeah yeah yeah just go down no oh my god if we mess this up though I guess we mess it up we can just replace it with wood there's people there Matt rio5 you gotta make sure they don't hear us okay I'm digging over anyway [Music] and then we have the ladder that goes out there yeah okay okay right we got a Nimbus so do we place time to Rico for the beacon [Music] okay so what beacon at the end of the hole here yeah cuz we want to hide the light as much as possible yeah Oh God are you so relieved the tree I am over it with all right we're living a tree so if we do this guy notice from other stuff we placed on a slab hang on let me make a slab that should block a bit more the light source right it should yes yes okay right and we need a chest who's this dork oh we need a rest I hope you have enough room to favori thing because if not we're so done yeah we do have enough room to favori thing because we can then put the enchantment table just over this and we can just craft over it then we could probably put another chest there okay be careful with open it just enough and then we need to oh we didn't go grab some we need to make ladders quickly I have 4 mins of invisible visibility left oh my god I can't believe we're done this I'm so nervous slap are we gonna slap down a piece of wood right here what every time I think we should because then if someone climbs up the tree cause it is a very easy tree to climb up and people do naturally just climb the trees and you know just everyone's Georgia to jungle so I think we should to be honest yeah yeah I'll do it on my way out phew so what do we do should we do it like so you climb up here and then should I just carve this well I put the ladder up one more like that okay and then we just pop the wood so if you want to pop the wood now we can do that so we lock us up in so then yeah and it's easy to replace you just did you replace every single time okay go grab some stone but if you can stretch it I'm on my way and I know any ironing like that the base is this the base set up then we've got chess we've got iron and I can make us an iron pickaxe or should I go over an iron sword and we can make a we can make a diamond shovel at least if we want to save the diamond so you can make it diamond possibly I don't know uh jeez I'm gonna make an iron yeah yeah yeah Ryan this looks like I'm not even lying we should I break a little bit of the bottom of the tree and should we obviously didn't kidnap myself as well why would someone break the bottom of the race exactly it's not a bad idea hang on what about it decays at Rideau we might do in and maybe in a minute no we'll save that for when we like if someone's around and we can act like we're minding our own tree down boom so they black oh no it can't be that base because like they're just harvesting some wood so it's the perfect excuse to be like I'll just get some wood oh my god hold up I'm following sword all right and make it a pickaxe or it's outside our base and I'm following him now walking away to a corner okay oh yeah I see it old master is right here two masters drew yeah they beat around here masters but this is the first time a she's been around here before dude we're living in a tree I've got a pickaxe no I don't think we've been a visible Ryan yeah I already found their base okay okay we'll use that's blackmail we use as blackmail we can knock them out in the first episode right I'm coming out of the base because we can go mining out for a little while we've actually got the based on I don't think that tree looks obvious am I being biased oh yeah yeah I looked at I looked at it and it looks normal is it decaying no it's not is it in a tree so we've got the base set up we need to obviously gets mountain stuff I've got an iron pickaxe so we need to go mine we use the rest of the episode now to go mine that's the quickest I've ever set a base up in my life I am I think I know where a cave it is that cave one just like just dig down the stairs let's do that okay should we risk it right for what just don't look at the end of no I wouldn't Enderman they can beat you up especially in a tight little confined place like this I know I don't want to risk it you know off to a great start I don't ok watch star back I'll take out these oh my god there's mobs galore oh my god twin we gotta do oh god we do got this she'll I don't like the issue okay okay fine we can just fire me don't hit the N dimensional whatever you do do not hit that yeah he's a little too zombies why is there so many zombies Bob's are real we just wanna find some iron my guys right this is get this is so awkward watch out watch out wait make sure you eat you read I'm pretty quick more iron down here just watch our backs at least what someone's watching the back this girl's in the corner oh it's sneaky are you I'm just back up here oh my god Shelton's if that blows up we're dead bomb dead in here ha me kids oh why is so hard spider that's why I don't want to attack us okay okay oh oh my god why does everything want to kill us we live in a tree we're one with nature okay I think there's a creeper and the skeleton up here yeah yeah yeah he isn't forgot bass okay you know what not leaving him leaving him all right come on let's just get out of here this is just horrible right this is nasty just watch my back I do not want a creeper coming down here because we might as well mine for this like this for a bit but then once the grace period hits like this is it like this this is the game the real game starts I haven't run into anything yeah a little bit of coal hey you found a diamond before anyone I mean that's a that's a win in my book in a chest y12 like the best place to mine why 12 is why 11 year I think it's like yeah I thought I got changed in like a Bundy updates all right I'm just gonna maestro some gold it's gonna mine straight okay yeah you got a stone pickaxe I do okay come down here and keep - train until you find diamonds are gone my Nicole all right Oh watch out I ordered the gold watch out don't die just a push where is that up the up up here to the right the right okay the first one to the right that's where it's at some gold we know how if we get enough go we know how powerful God Apple's can be in 1.13 so make sure absolute God oh that's actually a lot of gold here whoa big gold vein Oh more iron right basic one minute remaining okay right let's make this one minute most productive minute of our life yep cuz like when we go back to the base hopefully it should be very easy we shouldn't hopefully I'm hoping everyone's kind of nice kind of started out and in like once a third episode comes like some people do kill obviously but once the third episode comes I said just go in a straight line my guy I'm just gonna mind this way we gotta find if we find diamonds and literally the next 30 seconds I'd be sick come on there should be some diamonds are out here oh if I'm lapis though good good I'd be handy for enchanting all right this episode's gonna end in ten seconds can you find some diamonds for us wait just laughing you fill diamonds I did I did two diamonds let's go let's go ending off this episode here thank you very much for watching this has been the first episode we're living in a tree with one with nature and we're gonna get knocked out next episode I can just feel it covered a different way guys thank you for watching I'll see you guys in the next episode [Music] you
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 2,394,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days in minecraft, 100 days in minecraft war, Minecraft Hide Or Hunt, creepersedge, kid friendly, mc war, minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft funny, minecraft video, minecraft war, ryan not brian, ryan not brian minecraft war, ryan not bryan, ryannot brian, ryannotbrian, ryannotbrian 100 days, ryannotbrian mc war, ryannotbrian minecraft war, we made SECRET Minecraft cave base, we made SECRET Minecraft under water base, we made a SECRET Minecraft TREE HOUSE base
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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