SURPRISE FINDS in the file organizer from the locker we bought at the abandoned storage unit auction

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[Music] all right time to get started what's up locker nuts all right it's Sunday what can I say I still have to get to that role of I don't know was it called rolodex expand the file I got to do that when I get home so it got up yeah the world just keeps changing every single day so if you guys are new to the channel here's what we do we buy storage lockers at the auction we go through our treasures and finds here on YouTube so you guys can enjoy it and experience it with us well right now as I've started out the last few videos I'm in front of my locker I have two lockers here and this is where I've been taking all the stuff I've been buying lucky for me I bought a ton over the last couple months Stefan it all in here hadn't even gone through the boxes and now I've got nothing but time apparently right we all do but things are getting a little bit crazy I don't know it appears that maybe perhaps they're gonna get even stricter with this shelter-in-place may even go as far as martial law that's what I've heard because people aren't respecting it you could even argue maybe I'm not respecting you but I'll tell you what I come into contact with zero people by coming to my locker I'm in contact with no one I'm not exposing anyone I'm not getting exposed to anyone and that's really what's important but I come here because I got to keep working right I got to keep going through boxes and sharing that with you guys but also I got to keep bringing stuff home so I keep selling because luckily thankfully it's a blessing I can keep selling both through our auctions and eBay and Amazon all kinds of ways we sell as long as the post office shipping we are selling so I'm here to get a load bring it home so I can keep my um reserve at home to unbox and sell just in case we really get locked down here's my truck so far I've got a little bit of boxes here from the Train Locker there's been a amazing Locker best Locker I've ever bought but we split it with four guys me and three others so this is a just a portion of the locker that I actually own and we haven't gone through it so we're gonna go through that and then I've got a little bit more of the no-show Locker you see that right there Chevron carves a little bit more than no shell locker I still got more that when I go through to you and then here I've got more the Train Locker so I don't know what I'm doing here this the other unit this is all pallet stuff I bought this is all stuff ready to go the flea market thing about baseball cards alright I showed you all this in a couple videos ago I gave you the tour but uh back there was the Plumber locker you still got a ton of Hot Wheels back there I'm not sure what I'm what I came here for maybe I should grab some more baseball cards because we seem to be selling those pretty good all right well I don't really have like a super great game plan I'm just kind of making it up as I go I just feel like I feel this need to get stuff out of here and bring it home kind of protect it you know I see in my future I dream of some property in a big warehouse or barn or some big storage shed to keep all this on site but right now I don't have that so I have a couple of units but I do feel the need to kind of like huddle everything closer you know bring the good stuff home so that's what we're doing let me throw the stuff in the truck then let's get home and look through that that file because I saw some really good stuff in there may be some more autographed sports collectibles that's what we're hoping for alright I'm back at home still a little dusty as those lockers up meant by and they've been pretty dusty but back at home let's get to this that I didn't get to finish last night and hopefully it's worth all the waiting and suspense but it looks pretty good let's take a peek alright like I said before first I just thought this is gonna be like it's taxes or something and nope much much much better so we got here x-men stickers five Concord stickers three Toys R Us and looks like they're just all kind of smashed down there but it doesn't appear to be open so that's kind of neat we'll put that with that code of the plots for the auction and the passion Returns Raiders vs. Oilers 1989 nice Wow huh I wonder why that all the different sizes and everything in the old days that's what we used to use for advertising we'd offer different size logos because then back then what we used to do is cut them out and actually paste on a page take a picture that's how you made film for the press I'm not sure what the purpose of this was maybe this is a press kit on hmm official John Wayne medallion there's something missing here maybe we'll fight it there John Wayne gold medal especially struck gold medal to John Wayne this would be a replica I'm sure of it but a lot of American League all-stars world champions 1933 reprint of course even the reprints look like they're pretty old National League all-stars it's cool this stuff is really neat 1973 Philadelphia Phillies it's a schedule roster and a schedule who smokes this is nice in Philly's 73 schedule you got get tickets in advance fan guide 1976 alright this is some this is some really cool baseball memorabilia right in the button house for Atlanta Braves right here it's it's for ordering a whole bunch of different types of merchandise through this MLB standings board souvenir batting helmet major league electric baseball poster baseball caps and bats neat it's this is pretty this is before the internet guess you'd have little catalogs like this for ordering immersion is we're the one Giants 1990 it's a window decal trying to be gentle with it because it is a little brittle 1993 series stadium Club baseball checklist all right see make sure you got all the baseball cards 1973 Atlanta Braves it's gonna last your list here Seagram's 1993 fans football that's made to look older but is still 1993 and look this tops magazine baseball cards still in the sheet still want to find that John Wayne gold medal there's another Cubs sticker winter deep window decal blog we found one in the box on the prior video it's got two of those there's so much stuff here guys all this stuff is just really interesting Oakland A's Todd Van Poppel 1994 magnet set for Barry Sanders stickers Green Bay Packers in Russells athletic 93 all-star ballot kind of sweepstakes you know to win a trip it's a lot of stuff in here look at that Astro knows another window decal that's gotta be hmm copyright 1964 1982 Padres schedule California Angels 1986 calendar 1973 baseball schedule for the Cubs this is just a but I'm not gonna go through a bunch of schedules season schedule for the Warriors 92 to 93 49ers 1991 ticket versus the Bears Giants all-star game 1984 Giants 1984 schedule the official media guide from 1982 that's interesting I don't think the guy was in the media I think he's just a collector there's 1989 schedule over a lot all these schedules that put them together there's some stamps 1995 stamps stickers wait I don't know what the they look like Stan's but they're just stickers I don't think they have any monetary value I do not think this will get my PG&E bill mailed to PG&E 1984 spring training information there's some pogs they call them collector bottle cap series there's not battle kit bottle caps - 1994 this hogs laser caps and the NFL probably more pogs but it feels like little sticker here Chicago Cubs huh that's a whole team on a decal he put the wax wrapper in a plastic bag to protect him are these collectible 1990 I wouldn't think so huh french fry containers from McDonald's Larry Bird Jules Irving Bill Walton Michael Jordan Moses Malone here's a Michael Jordan this one's pretty crinkled up and creased doesn't seem to be a lot of order to these things this one's NFL NBA here's another media guy from 1984 for the Giants all right there's a big bass sticker and France oil cleaners no we did find that box of oil that guy was into some vintage oil cans imagine that probably goes with that collection should go with that collection rather president's birthday ball 1944 this really is Nick from 1944 it's like a program for a birthday of all you say where's bumper sticker in being scheduled guys is this getting boring out on them okay okay look at that I just said that and then boom that's definitely not going to Bryan Jeff Barnes signature best wishes pretty cool if you guys didn't watch the last video go back and watch it because this little file thing came out of a box that we pulled out and is I think the best box out of this entire locker and the entire lockers been pretty amazing but this I think is the best Mac's 1984 schedule more schedules Joe Montana card that's pretty nice how much detail should we be going through this stuff let me go through a little bit faster so we can just focus more time on the better things we have cards we have schedules we have rosters we have all sorts of stickers pawns we have just all sorts of things all kind of mixed together it doesn't seem to be a lot of order even those in a file they don't seem to be filed especially well but you know Philadelphia Athletics that is old right that's the Oakland Athletics before they moved that's an old pennant in a super small well look the caution monsters at play this does medal 75 stickers from Disney Villains yeah there's a few left in here look at that jungle boot know what else one mr. Fuji is just mix a little bit older I'm gonna put this with our Disney vintage Disney lock that we have coming up in our auction another old look at this Texas native and that's cool stuff I like those old pennants we found some of those little pennants very early on with the Wrestling Federation from 1994 that's cool you don't see it's Hot Rod Association it's another decal World Wrestling Federation 1994 it's like a schedule of events that's cool okay got a bunch of these studio packs uh-huh oh these are actually pretty nice yeah dan Marino it's like a thick card it's got that UV coating a real high-class coating on it and a little metallic ink right here I just I used to be in print guys I used to do print advertising so that kind of stink impresses me because I know how much it costs it is not cheap I was talking about print costs when I'm finding these baseball trading cards and stuff cause we used to print postcards so I know a lot about it Barry Sanders just linked Kordell Stewart school he will put all these together in a lot okay no kids no card pack oh no this is a pin all right there's a pin with the corn pit that's nice here's a 49ers team set from 1990 Joe Montana right there they called these milk camps so I guess I'm one of cogs is like a copyrighted term or something cuz they're calling these milk caps there's their qualms and whole bunch more 1993 now the sheet of cards these bigger cards McDonald's this is old old advertisement put on a piece of cardboard then shrink wrap you know saran wrap and Wilson famous play equipment that is neat football I don't think you put in here to organize it so much as you just have to there to protect it you this Carl Malone in it is signed that's it that's a signature that is not a facsimile right there that's pretty cool I guess these schedules are collectible because look at this he's got a whole sheet of him she said he would put baseball cards in here and he instead house all these schedules 1986 1987 89 90 93 huh there's more schedules right here Giants and 49ers it's crazy just keeps coming some kind of basketball roster York New Jersey versus Oakland covers already fallen off coming like that those are definitely vintage ads Oh Beckett basketball monthly here Michael Jordan we know if that was signed but it's not got some Raiders buttons they're all rusty picking on current on tech tetanus shots Oakland Raiders misses I'm taking this old Oakland Raider matchbook okay this looks like a Raiders section here all the Raiders well it's got a schedule and this guy's got a decal go Raiders stickers from homework 1973 thank goodness so smooth his Myriam those stickers I guess that appears to be it I just have a few more things shake it just to see if that gold coin shakes out and you did not there's baseball no trader album you got a few cards in here dude liked his cards s for show kind like that other program we had that we just had a couple pages this is a New Jersey versus Oakland 50 cents I wonder what year it is this gotta be old oh my goodness look at that Ronald Reagan's the government that's that is really really cool okay crazy that's crazy old Rick Bering look at that just look for date look it's super homeward but I am looking for a date the old advertising I think is a kick 1967 this ad right here has a copyright in 1967 whoops get in the camera bone 1967 basketball program New Jersey vs. Oakland conditions a little hard right here but still that's being taught Chris Webber 1994 Rookie of the Year that's nice little card on a plaque not bad last thing over there Joe Montana Jerry Rice a book very cool that's awesome okay guys that'll do it that's it for that box I mean that was like two episodes spent on one box but the box was that good some people don't spend two episodes on entire Locker but I'll tell you that box had more good stuff than two entire lockers typically all right amazing sports stuff I love it I love it but this stuff is like this is beyond me like I'm not on this level this is an entirely different level tons of stuff tons of different teams tons of different sports I hope you sports guys out there are really enjoying this and if you like some of the stuff you saw on here here's what we plan to do we're going to be lauding all this stuff up and probably spreading it out over the next few weeks in our live auctions we wouldn't do too much at once and would make lots too big because there's some really good stuff here we do them every Monday night at 6 p.m. we also have now added a pop-up auction midweek because well quite frankly because we've been buying some great lockers we have a ton of good stuff but also because of all the crazy times that we find ourselves in I know a lot of people are looking for a little bit more entertainment and that auction sure are enjoyable and also shopping from home and maybe getting a box of these little treasures is going to make a fun afternoon for you all if you win it at auction so anyways subscribe to our channel if you're not already subscribed please do that and make sure you hit that notification button because that's how you're going to get your alerts when we go live or when do we have a new video out so you'll know you know there's something there for you to watch give me the thumbs up on your way out guys thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed this I still got a few more boxes in the garage from this plumber collector Locker and let's hope they're as good as what we just found but chances are not likely this was great but I still have a military bag but until then good luck to you god bless you and we'll see you next time here on logging it
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 19,946
Rating: 4.9052405 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, Storage Auction Pirate, Hot Wheels, Red Line Hot Wheels, gun safe, found safe, open safe, vintage toys, found toys, Comprando Depositos Abandonados, jewelry, costume jewelry, vintage jewelry, locker surprise, found cash, found money, hoarder, shelter in place, Taxes, Surprise Finds
Id: CzfBvyx19lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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