CASH BOX holds a CASH JACKPOT from the locker we bought at the abandoned storage auction

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this was at the bottom right here you listen there's something in there it has weight to it it's very interesting you previously on locker nuts I bought two storage lockers at the auction because I was curious to find out why did these units come up for auction three times what was in there that the owner paid to keep them twice before there is plenty of junk but digging through it we are uncovering lots and lots of vintage items and a whole lot of cash on the last episode we found a jewelry box and that was a lot of fun to go through then we prepared a load for the flea market so off we go to sell some of the loot it's about six o'clock in Turlock Sun is up which is kind of new thank you the last time we were here I think they're still dark it's getting early getting up earlier three bucks yeah three bucks each give you ten 404 cool it's pretty cool how you doing how are you hmm what you doing pretty five bucks is there is there cards in there yeah five bucks for the whole thing I forgot my hats my mom bought me this hat doesn't look funny it's doing the job it's keep me cool we haven't told this but we get tons of people interested in at 75 bucks I'm holding firm on that perfume some stuff we should probably put up front because those are those sold only a couple see all the items that we pull down here pretty much often that one Locker but t-shirts have been selling like crazy this is a just kind of like what's been picked over two bucks each on t-shirts you're on the ground people are just going over my just pulled these out human scale Levi's we sold a few pairs of shoes but I'm kind of holding firm on the prices these are some decent shoes this is from a different locker room comic books from a different locker I didn't bring up conflicts from this particular locker because I want to look them up we sold the ton of those for two belts each I mean we've sold probably a $30 of the comic books your chats knowing this ass is back shark back II was really surprised this whatever this rubber no one's even asked no one's asked about the Kings we sold a thief like three nutcrackers for 10 bucks and I get some clothes back here no one's even gone near that we've got these this stop to go through a few boxes still got the clothes wreck set up with some of the nicer jackets and stuff but really haven't sold anything off of it everything is in the rough condition if you see like it's just all standing down almost everything stand in so most of had these bins sold a couple hair polls and see unless you drop that the hats I have asked him five bucks which on and start having having hesitations think that might be too much just before buying it and all of a sudden people start buying it so I think we've won this whole thing for work but still that's 20 bucks [Music] breaks or not these nice lamps we wrapped up the flea market sold a little over $700 I mean really we sold 700 $85 but the booth was 80 80 bucks so that leaves us with 705 not bad not including gas we don't include that but 705 bucks I was really hoping to do a thousand but it got hot like 90-something degrees today and we got a little sunstroke everyone was hot buyers were hot they stopped buying like as soon as temperature climb people stopped buying and I'd say that happened probably about 11:30 where the heat got to people and they stopped buying I just decided to look at this loaded everything back in the in the trailer and then we'll head out tomorrow to do it again this time in Stockton all right it is Wednesday back at the storage facility so this morning went to Stockton flea market can't say it was all that good it was hot and there were not very many customers so I still managed to pull out like you think it was 340 bucks I'll have to recount that later sold a couple jerseys the courses are the best ones one for twenty one for 25 and those were probably once I could have listed and got twice that but I just trying to move some of the stuff people just weren't buying that much clothing I was thinking throw it on the ground dollar each they go bananas over that but it really didn't happen they cherry picked all the good denim that I put down for a buck each I put the nice stuff the Levi's and nice jeans on table for five bucks and I sold like one pair so I think I only sold one pair of shoes to you for ten bucks the ones I was trying to get 20 from yesterday so the plan is this is all flea market inventory believe it or not everything on that truck I never even got it off the truck I haven't gone through it that's the stuff I loaded up last night so actually my trip last night was kind of a waste because we never even got through it I think I have three or four of those duffle bags in there that I never got through either i drugged those duffle bags to the flea market so many times before I was able to get through them all I found something at the bottom of one of the green ones and I didn't even realize even at this time what I had found I'm going to show you later on this video it's incredible incredible they're just I had two booths we just didn't have enough space merchandise wasn't moving fast enough I said I don't plus it was just hot as Hades I the the heat sucks our strength it really does it limits what we can do in a day watching myself here I'm starting to Yap and lose my focus because these were tremendously long days both those days Tuesday and Wednesday I went to the flea market in the morning they went back to the unit at night and it's it's tiring it's a lot of work and there you see me with the leftovers from the flea market I have to unload everything off of there put it in the unit so I can get all the garbage which is really starting to pile up and put it on the trailer and prepare a dump trip for the next morning so that's we're going to do but first we're going to go to the other unit and see if I can pull any items out of there to go through to the dump to so that's we do there's a lot of work people I hope you understand it's a lot of work ill don't know how I'm gonna move that organ it looks at me I found something kind of interesting so here we got Pitt that bought this box call for clothes and this was up on top this is a like right there against the back wall and I thought I was 10 inches in Christmas stuff here forward but check this out transformers beast wars this is not fooled okay well it's 1997 so that's all the stuff episode 1 I think these might be going up in value and up your own team look at this Star Wars Trivial Pursuit I'm tired easy I'm perspiring I am really really tired okay so let me turn this around but there's much pretty full I never got to this stuff in the back of the truck maybe if I have some energy I'll do it tonight I doubt it all right on the front of this unit here just finished loading up the other one hand I don't even know where to begin here I've got this dump load right here with a little bit more room I'd love to get those mattresses on but coming to eat those in these drawers here all looks like they're all fun find good stuff in drawers like that though this appears to be all books let's maybe I'll get this but this is a wow I even got the other one cleared out so it looks like so here's the deal alright so I was at the you see my email back here let me show you real quick this is what YouTube sent me because I hit a thousand subscribers it's pretty cool but I digress so flea market today or we already reviewed that but one thing I forgot to mention so I have all those canvas duffel and whatever they are duffel bags of clothes there's about nine of them two of them are green they look like they're army bags in the other seven or whatever like beige canvas ones so the army ones I'm I still have to get like three or four of them unloaded I'm going very slow through them because we're just not selling clothes fast enough but one of the army ones like I got the clothes out you know went through it pick them good stuff goes on my table bad stuff goes on the tarp so on for a dollar the stuff on the tables two three four five dollars but anyways at the bottom under all the clothes you would never know there's a couple items and I'm going to show you real quick my desk is a mess because I've just been going out every single day but this was at the bottom right here and listen there's something in there it has weight to it it's very interesting and then also at the bottom was this bullets there you go that's pretty wicked that's nice fine so anyways that's cool I'll open that lockbox in 10 let's do a big dramatic video on that because it is technically a lock box it's a box and it's locked but here's one other thing that I just think it's very interesting going through the clothes in not expecting anything and I pull this check right here okay so here's the jacket it's heavy and what you can't tell from the camera is that it's also bulky there's stuff in these pockets and not a little bit of stuff so let's open it and see what's in here I didn't want to do it at the flea market okay so already we've got some cards here a bunch of mail Oh like receipts not mail for seats okay I know that's not a great angle but let's do it anyways normally whoa whoa 20 I got to think this is not cash right that's a $25 gift card right there heck yes already what was I saying I was just about to say I would normally be wearing gloves okay but I won out when I'm done with this I'm getting in the shower cuz it's been a disgusting day American Express 25 of our prepaid gift card yo that's cool I think that might be legit too cuz look at all this keep working with me all right here's to hoping I just had a feeling about this jacket and I can't remember where the jacket came from I think it just came from the normal ordinary bin $50 gift card what's a heck bout through 321 stuff are still valid if it's activated it sure seems like it would be what is this could that be deactivated huh all right doesn't have a price on it Texas Roadhouse this looks like it's all a bunch of cards like maybe he went out to a no amount on this one either it's almost like he went out to like a bird thing like he had a birthday dinner or something and everyone gave him like cards and you put him in his jacket pocket and look at that la pinata that's the heck of good restaurant there's nothing around me but I've been to it lots of times lots and lots of times elephant bar gift card looks like there's a balance of $13 sixty-seven cents I'd love finding good cards here's Starbucks card oh don't no amount okay this is getting a little crazy but Rutgers card rigatoni z-- we love rigatoni z-- $25 their track team will have this guy coached because sometimes when you coach people give you gift cards as presents looks like so this one was partially used you need to see Hicks man origins Wolverine this is not just have this stuff sitting here for a while there's something else in here guys figure out to get in here okay what do you think was in here whoo-hoo yep it was it was in there guilty there's something in the middle here but this pocket is empty this pocket is empty in here there's no pockets oh oh here's a pocket yeah oh my goodness this this is a smoking jacket watch what kind of watches it all this in a jacket is rate your tickets guy went to some games vs the Panthers you sure kept a lot of paperwork in his jacket all right so that sides empty in this side yeah uh-huh look at that brand-new Sony high eight tapes that's good bizarre thing to have in your jacket that is a very bizarre that is what it was and that's a wrap I don't know how much all these gift cards are it's gonna depend on it which ones are if they're all activated there's a chance they are and then how much is this this might be 10 or 20 bucks right here I'm gonna look it up but you guys are gonna have to wait for this very mysterious safe right here is that considered a safe well it's a locked cash box okay people you see it right there and check this out that's long maybe lots legit enough to crack that open maybe I should call Alex the store stalker Mike the storage auction pirate say yo pirates help me out good night so yeah it didn't quite play out that way did it it did sit on my desk for about three weeks then we're having the big Wednesday night live stream our auction is anonymous show that's the night when we open the safe that we found in the sister unit we open that on the live event and it was really exciting we found the coins go back and watch that if you haven't you can either watch the part two in this series or go back and watch the original one but once we did that everyone is really excited Rene asks hey do you have another safe you know let's keep the party rolling basically and I thought well I do have that I do have that cashbox out in the garage let me bring it out now on hindsight I wish I hadn't because just like probably have it the safe is a little grainy this one's a little better because it was with the webcam but it did kick cutting out every time someone's talking everyone was talking because it was really exciting I wish I could do that over but we did it and it was legendary and you know what came out of it right if you didn't see that here I'm gonna play that for you again right now because this is epic [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] that crap is money to me said I told y'all [Laughter] Wow hey can I borrow some money like that so this little box was on the bottom of big wardrobe boxes no wait no is a big duffle bag of clothes and at the very bottom of all these clothes was this I pulled it out at the flea market and I said now I'm going to put that in the car and I haven't finished that video yet okay Wow all right Wow I mean even when I'm watching this right now I'm just blown away that was so exciting so exciting but you know what's even more amazing than that how many people have told me is that a fake I think that's fake you guys come on really if you haven't watched my channel before maybe you should watch a few shows we don't fake stuff okay nothing here is fake and if you have your suspicions still why don't you look at it this way do you think that I'm embarrassed to show when I blow it like when I have a failure like when I make a big mistake and pay too much for a locker I have no problem showing that in fact I think there's more to learn from your mistakes than there is from your successes in this business most time we get successes it's just pure luck but when we make mistakes sometimes it's because of our own blunders I don't have an ego here where I need to prop up when I win or hide what I lose so I just wanted to assure you this is the real deal we really did find this and what it wound up being was three thousand five hundred ninety one dollars in cash pretty incredible almost thirty-six hundred I think there were some coins in there too those weren't included in that number so we're looking at about thirty six hundred in cash can you believe it in that little tiny box the theme of that show was great things come in small packages and wow it couldn't have been truer that was just poetry it was just poetry but the other stuff that came out of this locker on on this in this episode had some value to those little Sony high eight tapes that came out of the jacket that amazing jacket with all the pockets 3495 on Amazon not bad right hates money but the other items that were the surprise in my opinion are the Transformers so that box does mark pillows with the Star Wars toys and the Transformers Star Wars toys no surprise there those were not valuable episode 1 toys were mass-produced there's some that have value these were not them but the Transformers I think there were 1997 toys the 1980 stuff is crazy expensive but then even those late 90s still valuable I'm going to show the slides right now of the sales we've sold four of them already I think we've got others for sale but I can't remember really good value and even more so was the speed they flew off the shelves quite literally I put them up for sale boom they were gone in a matter of days but then also the gift cards right the gift cards came out of that jacket be honest with you guys I don't know how much value came out why well for one because some of the restaurants are small restaurants and they don't have a number you can call to check the balance for two I kind of got a mixed up this is my stack of gift cards right here see I've got a couple bags of miscellaneous gift cards some with the balances researched some not it kind of went in that group and that stacks after my wife and kids get done looting it but one card in particular I dunno I had value that was the best buy card I think it was 50 bucks what was great about that as I took it down the Best Buy the Wednesday before that livestream event because I would just I was the host and I wanted to do the best I could so I upgraded my webcam and I use that card to pay for a good part of it how awesome is that I just get a thrill out of it so the the gift cards we've been using them there there's a couple hundred bucks there at least this is good stuff what a surprise this locker surprise after surprise after surprise cash after cash after cash it's been amazing and you know what's even more amazing I'm hardly even done showing you everything more videos to come showing this pair of fantastic lockers and we're still making videos right now cuz we're still going through the second unit can you believe that still more stuff to come so stay tuned alright but in the meantime hit that thumbs up button for me if you would show me that you like this kind of thing I hope that you do because we love making it but also hit the subscribe and more importantly hit that Bell icon that little bell that's going to notify you when more videos come out including the next one which will have out soon alright so thanks you guys so much for watching until next time good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on Locker nuts but first Starbucks and I just wanted to say we got this Starbucks card out of that locker the rat poop Locker I have to wash my hands now and five bucks five bucks this is the card that we won the cards that we found inside the jacket inside the duffel bag while we're at the flea markets crazy
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 136,809
Rating: 4.8776169 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction pirate, storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, i bought an abandoned storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, bought, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit, Treasure Hunting with Jebus, Found cash
Id: Bxz30lRYmEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 22sec (1642 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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