Somebody BROKE INTO this locker and STUFF WAS MOVED before the abandoned storage auction!

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it's got some comic books it's got what appears to be old movie posters you got to be careful you got to be careful in this business because um there's a lot of shady stuff that goes on i do have 285 you got 50 someone went in there and moved stuff around that's that's not cool oh here's something brand new with tags i gotta find out if there's something good in here it's gonna change everything [Laughter] [Music] all right what's up locker nuts it is monday morning oh just a little bit before nine o'clock right now i'm headed to patterson california you've never heard of that well you're not alone because i don't think that this is a very like big city supposedly it's a very cute downtown that's what i heard cute downtown and um i don't think i've ever been there before so i'm kind of excited about that visiting a new place it's about an hour maybe a little bit over an hour from my house and um yeah i'm running right on time drop the kids off at school and uh headed out here it's a little tight i got maybe like a 15 minute buffer so hopefully i don't hit any like road construction or anything but so far so good [Music] i am uh making good time and i'm excited this there's actually a full day of auctions today but um i'm only headed out to go to one only one and that's the one that i really want it's got some comic books i'll show some pictures up on the screen here so you can see what it is that got me excited it's got some comic books it's got what appears to be old movie posters and uh i don't know what else really see maybe a jewelry box there's an old antique looking cabinet in the back display cabinet it looks cool it looks like it's got some promise i'm not familiar with this facility if i've never been to patterson i've obviously never bought from this facility before so i'm always a little nervous about going to new facilities i'm not sure of because well you got to be careful you got to be careful in this business because um there's a lot of shady stuff that goes on you know as far as owners going in owners of facilities going in and going through stuff it happens it happens which is why i tend to stick to the bigger chains you know like public storage extra space i definitely prefer buying from places where i know the employees you know if i have a relationship with them that definitely makes me feel a lot better but anyways we'll see we'll see who's there and we'll see what happens i'm hoping to pick this one up for under three grand we'll see we'll see and my 10 guys 10 by 10 we'll sell it outside i have no bids yet i'm a little sad on the inside but i do cheer up quickly right here 10 by 10 guys let's start off cheap 25 dollar bid that's all i need to get it going guys who's got 25 underneath 25.25 where's that 25.99 he's in now 25 125 where you go i got 100 on 20 and 5.25 125 950 where you go 150 i got 125 he's got a hundred dollars it didn't write 150 on it 125 in the back guys a little bit quiet gonna go one time over 150 bills on 125 guys all done all through sold scotty 125. always the case off just like that we've heard twenty dollar bill guys who's got twenty bucks twenty bucks anybody twenty dollar get ten i'll go ten ten ten bid on tanner's got ten dollars anything like ten bucks on i'll go down to five dollar bill five dollars all i need guys five five minutes maybe we got five i've never seen so many old stairs one dollar thank you gregory right there now five he's got five five in five i need five dollar bid if i got five bucks on guys one dollar right here i gotta take it out one time over five dollar bid like for my one dollar guys are we all done all through sold one dollar i need to see some cash now lock it up lock it up we got two more after this five by ten right here i do have 25 dollars you got 50 here now 75 75.99 75 dollar bid i've said 50 75 now one one with you there's 100 now 125.2575 175 you want to go i got 15752 200 now you want this there's two now 25 25 25 220 for the night now 50 video videos invest in about three three hundred you want to go now 20 by my need i got 300 on 25 25 325 55 75 will you do it who's got 375 now i got 350 on the end i need 375 375.4 400 if you wanna dead seven four now twenty-five twenty-five where you go you got four twenty-five now you gotta pour it everything on twenty-five twenty-five four twenty-five hundred dollars is gonna go out one time then four twenty-five new shooter now city yeah they're gonna fit the ssgs i got four twenty-five i need four fifty-four fifteen he's got 450 dollars or seventy-five now if you wanna go i got four 451.75 500 now is the number i got 475 and i'm five five we've got my man we've got five hundred dollars horses right here gotta go check it out one time we're gonna five hundred dollar bid right 475 guys all done all through so we'll get 475 lock it up yes i hope that sucker is cool 40 bucks 40 bucks came in yes yes yes now you got six in the back guys i got 50 60's got six dollar bid fifty dollars in the bad guys over a six dollar bill guys 20 bucks 50 mark's gonna go one time i need 60 here now 70 70 what are you doing i got six great on 70 70. we've got 70 dollar bid guys six bucks up front i need 70 dollars to go 60 dollars going to go one time over 70 dollar bid guys twice on my 60. are we all done all true sold abraham you got it 60 bucks all right guys one more ball hey what's up everyone it's nathan we're out here uh buying some off shoes a lot of people coming out yeah there's a big girl big crowd we'll see the good ones he's going to be canceled or not hopefully right there our last unit at this facility anyway no she said uh husband signed off what all right guys in the door i'm going to start out but you've got plenty of time to jump in go and get you good pace guys longer number eight five two four ten by fifteen release of interest here guys let's start out with a hundred dollar bid right here there's two now three there's three now four four now five five out six seven hundred now eight hundred if you want to go 900 now bring the belt down now 1100 12. 1200 what you do i got 112 now 13. 1400 now 14. i got now 50 now 16. 16.50 1800 i got 79 right here 18.99 21 will you go we got 2200 right here 20 300 now four 24 here now five there's five now six six what you do i need twenty six hundred twenty six here now seven there's seven now twenty eight twenty eight twenty eight coming out 29 and three three hear now 31 31 go there's 31 now 32 thirty three here now four and eight four four bit on four there's turn four now five let's go five thirty five here now six six six here now thirty seven now thirty eight thirty eight thirty eight here now thirty nine three nine four thousand now if you wanna go i got thirty nine hundred four now forty one and back forty two four three now forty three fourteen forty four forty four i need 4400 guys got 44. now 45. 45k and 4646 let's go 46. he's in now seven seven will you go four seven forty eight hundred now forty nine forty nine five thousand dollars has been that 51 51 go fifty two and a half you want to go okay 51 right here too i got 51 right here [Music] 58 now 59 6 000 now if you want to go i got 5 900 66 i need six hours now i got 6959 right here i gotta take that one times six k now sixty one sixty one hundred what you do i got six one hundred now two two two video six two six two guys six two hundred bid right here on all right guys if you got one tomorrow what's your name brother all right locker nuts what is up i bought a locker yeah i think you saw me as long as the footage came out i bought that little one and we're gonna go load it right now it's a five by ten i think it is gonna be a tight tight load to get that in the truck i know i can do a 5x5 in this truck it's not a big truck uh 5x10 is going to be pushing it's going to be stretching it but i'm going to try it's not a full locker so maybe we can do it we'll go through some of it right now but first i just want to say wow that was a really interesting auction i sure hope i got the footage you know filming with these iphones if i get a text or a call in the middle it stops the film it's the most ridiculous thing about these iphones apple has not figured out how to make the film uninterruptible by a text or even like an alert from the news right so i mean really i came here thinking my high on that comic locker was gonna be three to maybe thirty five hundred i brought five grand so maybe i'd get a little happy you know with it if if i like the locker but right when we show up you know he pulls the thing open and starts saying like okay this guy actually moved out of state and he signed off the locker he doesn't want it that's called a release of interest and that is not the same as a lien unit a lien unit is when they don't pay their bill and the facility puts their lock on it and refuses them to come into it and then if they don't pay they auction it off right release of interest is something different because that means they willingly let the locker go and common sense would say most likely they took what they wanted out of it anything of real value out of it before they did that not always but usually so we had that working against it number two stuff was moved around inside and people were saying that they could see fingerprints in the dust that weren't there in the photos the main thing i saw was that photo the poster used to be swiss family robinson it was switched around now there's huckleberry hound or whatever they had been tampered with that's why they put tamper tags on when the auction company comes and cuts the locks they put a tamper tag on no one's allowed inside until the day of the auction uh the auction i should say not the day of the auction because they're not allowed in the morning either someone went in there and moved stuff around that's that's not cool um and i don't know who did i can't say who did because i wasn't here but you would think it probably is the facility that would do something like that that's a big that's a big detraction okay so whatever my number was just got cut basically in half all right because basically it diminishes your chance of finding something really good but it went for 6 100. so the guy who bought it apparently drove three hours to get here and is a massive comic collector i heard him telling someone else that after the auction so he came here obviously with some money and the intention to not go home empty um i don't think a six hour drive is is uh taken very easily when you go home empty-handed so um anyways i hope you find something good but i wasn't going to be a player at 6100 even if everything was legit i loved the way it looked no one had tampered with it and it was a lean blah blah blah it's a lot of money guys but that's today that's the reality of the auctions let's look and hear what we got in here this is what just shy 500 bucks buys you right here all right um no lights in here so let me turn on my lamp turn this around and take a look at what we got all right all right all right oh can i get this in the truck in one load i don't know but let's try not to think about that right now let's just try to look at what we got and um i kind of like it these fireplaces of course stand out um is one of the unique items in here but right next to that i really like that that's that looks to be a jewelry box right there now i don't like the axe spray sitting right up on top that i don't like um you know i just i don't like how that looks but don't i do hope the jewelry box got some good stuff i like this right here it's in a lexus manual okay that could mean they have a little bit more expensive cars [Music] but a nice fake plan up there that's that's not worth anything i just commenting on it because the auctioneer is commenting on it and you know it's just it doesn't look bad okay it doesn't look bad it doesn't look great the jewelry box really is what got me the lexus everything else looks a little dusty a little funky but it's got potential all right and that's what i paid for i paid for the potential i don't know what that thing is up there in the plastic but we'll soon find out see some plastic box in the baggage right there showing through me that's something interesting i don't know i hope i find some jewelry in here i think i might but we'll go in that as soon as we can what else do we look at huh what did you guys see anything do you see anything interesting let's start digging through let's start digging through [Music] this is just some garbage right here straight up garbage now that's not great [Music] smelling it so it doesn't smell super good in here maybe it's the fireplaces i don't know oh it's kind of looking more junky the closer i look at it all right let's keep poke let's keep let's keep hope i always do this i always get excited that i bought a locker and then i get like a little remorse like oh what did i do is this good is this good and then that feeling usually continues until i find something good and then it gets exciting and then if i find more good then it gets really exciting but it always starts out this where i go oh did i buy a junk dum a trip to the dump did i pay myself to go to the dump today uh or pay the facility to take their junk to the dump we'll find out soon all right i'm gonna go strap on the gopro and i'm gonna start getting stuff to the truck because i wanna get this unloaded because i gotta get home i got a lot to do today oh today's our live auction by the way it is monday so that means at 5 p.m pacific our live auction starts it starts every week you guys haven't been to our live auctions before tune in all right 5 p.m pacific the fun starts but usually goes for about four to five hours so we go late late into the evening and it's a lot of fun and it's where we sell off some of the best stuff we find in lockers just like this one okay let's look at this and i feel like there's a lot of garbage in the in here so we've got some food in here a little locker food challenge maybe conquer grape jana didn't you say we're out of jelly would you ask for oh pimp hat best before march of 2020 well that's when it's best before it doesn't say you have to eat it before it just says it's best just this is a little moldy doll this doesn't moldy this whole thing is really filthy and dirty oh what is this some kind of crafting lots perhaps nice little saw right there glue stick sharpie pins this is good super glue we don't know after a lot we'll add that to our crafting our next crafting a lot in the auctions don't worry make money it's almost my color all right got a bunch of pencils and a decent microphone and an iphone whoa rough shape another one with the with the mirror on the back not an iphone though i got a couple phones in here there's a lot of phones in here what the heck samsung see i'm saying that's decent okay let's go through that a little more oops caught the corona here we caught it be careful that okay this box is not looking so great look at that jewelry cane hmm see a lot of trash on the ground i like a clean locker you know what i'm saying not like a clean locker oh here's something brand new with tags grace karen no prize but okay new tags dirty pillow dirty fork that's gross okay axe dove in here a little turtle with some missing stones all right guys let's look in here i gotta find out if there's something good in here it's gonna change everything [Laughter] that's a good sign right there oh this is a good sign right here okay there's seven bucks right there oh okay okay let's make too much noise okay oh yes we found money right away oh this is good this is good okay what do we got here that's nothing i don't think it's nice i just don't think it's gold but i'm not gonna say with certainty a little bit of oh that's a loop right or for something hmm that's interesting okay there's some jewelry in here a little cross with the some kind of bracelet lottery tickets got a little class a lot of little plastic bags in here screws okay and then here's a matching earrings to that casino chip all right well cash is cash oh there's seven bucks hmm you know what that's for [Applause] slow for the cone zone it's a little watch another little watch these little doodads nothing too great it's a nice little bracelet it's okay all right hmm looks like a glow-in-the-dark jesus maybe with the magnet in the bottom it's a little different lots of crosses and stuff oh there we go okay okay got some earrings in here nothing too high-end just little stuff nothing too interesting here and that okay let me get this stuff out of here all right make some room okay you can see a little better here's some photos more plastic baggies they got a lot of plastic bags fingernails okay another watch i mean i'm not really seeing anything good in here another watch there's some foreign money what's it called dutch mark douche mark i think it's german right got some dangles and then some coins it's a little homey nothing too too exciting here the jewelry box is actually kind of nice it's decent i need someone's pants inside out as if they changed in here that's usually not a good sign [Music] more crafting stuff okay that's decent okay more crafting stuff it's like scrapbook paper or something good and more i think more stuff crafting stuff it's good just thrashed man looks like it's been left outside it's got leaves in it grody more gross stuff that's sick okay it's magnifying glass that's kind of cool need some jeans decent jeans now we got some tequila got some potential in here not that one that's gross nope thought there was some potential but everything's looking pretty destroyed there's a bunch of makeup but it's it's in rough shape take a watch right breitling breitling make those bracelets that's actually a decent little watch okay don't be so quick to judge huh those are kind of scratched up a couple of dimes in here okay got some jewelry i don't think it's anything let's mark something though i got something marked on it right there i want to take a look at that later it just looks it's plated though i can see where the plating's peeled off that's nothing all right what's in here though oh it looks like the same thing hopefully it's better though can this be silver i'm pretty sure that's mark 925 right there that's a silver that's not bad that's kind of pretty actually that's the first good really good piece that we found if that silver what's this this looks nice too let's mark something right there but i can't see it oh that's mark 925 i can definitely see that all right there we go two silver bracelets right there okay 20 cents look at this super nintendo pokemon that's great and star wars episode 1 racer that's not bad either [Music] oh hey we've got a few more in here too
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 29,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, time capsule, deceased owner, dead owner, ephemera, #extremeunboxing, old trunks,, found money, found cash, locked trunks, mystery, adventure, asmr, how to make money, big profit, gold, silver, jewelry, theft, fraud, broken in, break in
Id: ekcNXNJ_-p0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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