OPENING A TIME CAPSULE TRUNK from the locker we bought at the abandoned storage auction

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look what we got here wooden trunk I guess you'd call it in his LA twenties it's like art deco oh my goodness this is I see something that's to take a funny already [Music] previously on Locker nuts we buy a unit to find out why all the items are stacked on the left side the unit was previously infested by rats but we did manage to find some real treasures including Disney memorabilia that's worth hundreds of dollars on this video you'll see us continue to go through boxes as well as prepare for the big garage sale I'm getting ready for the garage sale tomorrow I just want to get this box sorted through this little box we pulled out yesterday and get that you know get that gone through so we can see what we could put out the garage sale two four six eight ten twelve fourteen sixteen eighteen sixty five stamps is about fifty cents apiece is 32 bucks June ok those we saw yesterday um Wolverine gloves cowhide leather size large they're a little big for me but um that's some nice gloves in which you don't feel that big whew that feels nice hmm I'm gonna have to keep those Wolverine huh I like a new so we've got some little swag flashlights it does it a quarter box or something lanyard your phone covers measuring tape okay that's cool little screwdriver looks like a pan ooh these are nice that's going in my heat box right there these are picture hangers you push them through the drywall they do work good and they're easy you don't need a hammer and just push them right in another one those screw down depends a lot of refrigerator magnets here that's cool that's really cool Costa Rica Quebec these people travel another magnet Texas make sense it's the biggest magnet in there yes yeah it's not a not a Maglite it looks like a Maglite but it's not just a little cheap give a little room but that's a couple bucks this is all magnets so can you see what's in here this postcard so we're getting ready for our garage sale tomorrow we just had to unload some of the stuff and get it unwrapped look what we got here wooden trunk I guess you could call it in his lotty's it's like Art Deco oh my goodness this is I see something that's a heck of funny already look at this do we not just buy a bloomerang last weekend yeah the girls could try it out in here we have a boomerang crafted by the daruka tribe hmm that's so this is a cedar chest it's a lifetime cedar chest from Montgomery Ward's that's really cool yeah what's this okay what's that empty cool green box huh ready unit yeah watch this and nothing okay where's the jewel erratic Sacramento huh wow they even have like a little paper oh wait that's what found that kid being born that's like a birth certificate yes yeah high five three that's a big baby wait a hundred fifty so what is the driver's license oh they really do there's no jewelry the reason why people put what they do in boxes but the thing is this so this marker was you know this is this Locker came from a moving something this is not been touched it's nothing going through yeah that's exciting it's brand new we got it $7.99 world market that's pretty funny this is they probably put that end of buffer that oh so nothing would break block bucks you getting good I don't know why how do I get this peaches Brown this looks like animal ashes yeah let's find out though that I like oh it is more animal yep at Memorial Park Wow Petra means her good times I had a feeling with all this now flowers really turn our wedding alright that's weird though that we just bought a boomerang we just kind of boomerang less last week almost one full week ago or 25 cents and I'm like I want to show the kids how to throw a boomerang that's a nice boomerang holy smokes it's 34 owners 20 inch to take a big to you that's so bad I'll look it up okay I have a guest $34 are you ready in throw it away cuz it's not values for coasters yeah wish that fabrics that's neat throw it away like that okay we're putting this out and everyone's gonna go you guys don't you know the fabric is so collectible take my chances Oh sad boys clothing gosh what's the brand on that get some tables bulldog okay that's 90s you can throw that away it was Oshkosh it might be collectible ooh what's it say built like a Mack truck that's cute that actually might sure honey Oh Superman capes are they original or handmade though doesn't matter they're vintage oh yeah that's pretty cool so I think we'll sell this that's cute that's pretty cool this is probably 70s oh look at this I had one like that as a kid that's a seventies thing right there there's the eBay I don't know it's pretty cool this is where I get wrapped up the personal stuffs not going back this time they go back to the facility they just called a moving company moving company martynuk all these people here their bill we should probably go through this a little more carefully I agree the 10 is kind of cool lieutenant school and good container made in England we could sell the 10 probably oh my goodness look at this Cheerios Space Shuttle adventure kit so you send this away you probably clipped the back of the the pre-purchase off your cereal box that's and you mail this in a shuttle and look at this this might be worth something that's indefinitely look up on eBay to see eBay look up do you hear us folks Hey no laughing I'm really sentimental but what am I gonna do with all this stuff my kids not even want it our kids our ground and they don't want this stuff yeah my mom kept a bunch of the stuff that I did when I was a kid and I took the box said okay cool I want to go through that and then what it where's it right now it's in our storage yeah I mean I love stuff when they did it but they're just gonna be a better way he did hashtag let go makes them really yeah yeah okay this is kids to theorem you money they're just kids a tease we didn't get money seventies negative people money look at how much that card is just tell me how much do they pay for that card look at the back right there 50 cents 50 cents that's what car should call dance now $5.99 the other day I went to buy a birthday card I put that down I said I'm gonna get a different card that's too much people gonna throw it away you're gonna read handwritten cards they appreciate it you I got to show you the Lenox pieces that came out of this unit crazy crazy nice look just like this baby it's in there Wow I think how big it is working all right this thing unfortunately is like there's none sold in the last 90 days and there's some for sale right now for ten bucks so no score there these are out of a different Locker these are money you'll have to wait to watch this video on that different Locker good stuff I'm going through this little tin right here oh yeah real quick this thing yeah this up for anywhere from two to ten dollars and this one's in kind of rough shape very cool piece 1976 fisher-price I'm just not a highly valued item looks like it's pretty common so a lot of letters and stuff in this tin and this this kind of stuff like you check this out these are nice photos black-and-whites I'm not sure where that's from campsite um this kind of stuff sells it's called FM area older stuff um takes the right finer I had a guy come by about thirty bucks of stuff off me he's a little bit older than this stuff then and then he can you think he picked out stuff you wanted thirty bucks then he left and then another guy came bought the rest of the box for me for a hundred bucks or I think it was yeah I think it was a hundred bucks and takes the right vironment so I don't think this is old enough that certainly is an interesting picture there's these napkins in here which I just wanted to show you I don't know there's some kind of napkin notes back and forth this made me think like maybe mom wrote notes and put it in the lunches and they saved the notes either hi there ho there a Mouseketeer don't forget your lunch keep a smile in your heart and one on your face and everyone will know you are from a mental place white wine light colored clothes red wine is for plaids dark solids champagnes when you're naked and the beer is when you're with drink when you're drinking with ugly people pretty funny those run this envelope ring from Cindy to lorry equips for lunchtime Humana 1986 or 1985 how cool is that they kept all this stuff you know it's kind of certificate of completion sad this is kind of stuff that we would normally return to the owner but since this was a locker owned by business apparently I'm sure I've said it many times already on this video but this locker was rented by a moving company for to store their clients stuff and we've done different items from two different clients so if you remember the first few boxes and such was in a different stack and lots of different people than this it was their Locker I just gave it back to facility what don't worry about it but we can't do it back to this one so if you remember this box here this thing had a bunch of cassette tapes and some mini DVS DV but when you call them DVDs or DBS out of them and of course the Harry Potter ones so I thought the whole thing was Harry Potter ones in here but no Sony we've got some other stuff in heels this is interesting this right here is Prisoner of Azkaban on tape on cassettes seven cassettes right here so I'm gonna see if that's complete and I'm also gonna look it up but this it's much better because this is seal 23 compact discs so it's the book on compact discs and it's sealed that says this 50 to 50 new I know audio books do fairly well Harry Potter not Blood Prince now the scene ebook and here's another cassette one but this one is sealed I got some high hopes on your ceiling here's no yeah no the cassette so cuz I probably won't be as popular but you know people still have all their cars that play cassettes looks like an incense box but like very blossom honey walk a food challenge anyone honey does not go bad does it there's some story about they open like Egyptian tombs and there's honey and it's like fine it's like the one food that does not spoil even after thousands of years but when you put blackberries and Stephanie I'll about that what that does to change the composition but I'm not really gonna try it I just put it aside so here we got some Harry Potter books that's why it seems so heavy I'm sure will sell those at the gross sale no I'm not sure I mean I'm sure we have the best chance of selling those at the garage sale the great lucky for a storybook that's cool I've got a bin from the other locker of vintage bookstore a lot of more story books funny enough supergirl ET story books from the movies okay now this might be more something like it is Harry Potter doll Harry Potter stuff's pretty good as far as being collectible and desirable that tape looks like it's it's good I don't know maybe not box is a little smushed that's a nice ruler my goodness it's like the nicest ruler ever seen okay for whatever reason this one right here is only a few bucks on Amazon even new I think it's 450 so maybe it lists this on eBay this one here a Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone first book this one wish I'll have to get that off somehow but this one on the Amazon 2750 and I'm the lowest price I think the lowest price is 29 I was stood that 2750 this one right here Apple it prints I just listed 50 bucks and now it'll be the lowest price one on Amazon at 50 bucks this one here the order of the Phoenix 40 bucks you know again I'm the lowest price I like to price mine is the lowest price often these other vendors they get things set up for the the automatically match my price or they lower it by like a penny so they're just gonna have to chase me because I got very little into these and these two I didn't look up cuz they're open and used I'll look them up just for just for giggles but if the other ones for 15 sealed I don't expect these to have so much value alright just a nice surprise with this one just scan this in to Amazon it's a $20 book I just popped this guy open right away I like nicely this this is sealed shut and we till Christmas a gift for you poo and Merry Christmas huh Radford additions I'm off the looks in these up light Nicky steps alright as nice as this looks all shiny new these are not worth very much money these little angels over 13 these ones over 13 not a lot selling not a lot selling so I don't know if it's even worth the time to list all that stuff in this 50 bucks yeah heck yeah but if it's 11 bucks mm-hmm okay I just took the blanket off this one look how nice this is it's got like a tile top on it like this tile really nice piece drawers this is really this is a good piece right here look at the detail work on this thing partl over here I'll show what's going on there but um that's a pretty sweet-looking box right yeah I like it okay so we hope we got this thing unwrapped here it was pretty grody on tops of James trying to clean that up there's a little bit of stuff in these drawers here and this one of particular interest to me but look at this gentleman you know right just said let's look for anything this is Germany on it Germany and doesn't those handles look like they're made out of bone like antlers or something that's pretty dope we're gonna have to look at us it's all rusted right there but that can be fixed chromed stainless but this right here Griffin I think it says Griffen Griffen Griffen Griffen Germany this but these are prized for cutting like poultry or something this is a ankles right here this is a heavy got a super nice weight to it it's a good knife even if it's not that valuable it's still good knife this is I think mean China so much a matter of it's still a decent knife should be 5 bucks this shiny stuff probably still decent they're still decent I just don't think they're high quality value and this right here says Kershaw I don't know what that is a moment that core was it was it for coring what do you call them apples that's pretty cool that's yeah they did some different things that match yeah we'll look that up how we learn this [Music] so I like stuff that's me in Japan that's really interesting here I think you feel with gloves on almost 6 a.m. didn't close the garage they'll turn I here's irrigation systems and birds on those we can do a dollar each on this all right so my daughter took the camera and you've is giving you a scan of our garage sale so there's a lot of items here and a lot of them came from other lockers as well some I bought recently some of Vincent in my garage for a while there's a few personal items here too you see that electric bike sitting there all this kind of stuff the cooler the button or there's a that specialized bike the barbecue there's those three wood tables I think only one of those run up selling the rocking chair yeah some of those items in the yeah this miscellaneous really some of its from this locker something's not that wood chest in the back you saw we sold that for a hundred bucks the barbecue I think we did not sell that went to the flea market quite a few items went to the flea market on Monday this was a Saturday sale and what we didn't sell here we either sold at the flea market or gave away at the end of the day at the flea market but a lot of this stuff sold this is a little bit later in the morning too we had already sold a bunch of stuff the table that we just passed by that was a jewelry table massage chair there's air conditioning that poster didn't come out of a locker and it also did not sell bunch of comic books CDs DVDs all this stuff came from other lockers some vinyls those are pretty hot that day a little bit more vinyls nothing special in there and here's a bunch of CDs that were leftovers from a locker that Manuel and I had bought months before and these did not really sell we sold like maybe I don't know fifteen or twenty bucks worth of CDs nothing special here this is a 12 year old view on the camera work here say focus on Nikita can't there's a pedal car I haven't shown that locker video yet but that one is coming that's a good locker and then of course here's this scan on the doggy the the rest of these tables sold at the flea market for 10 bucks each the massage chair I did not sell so I listed on Facebook at 75 boom it was going quick the cooler those things I'll tell you what cooler sell but you got to wait till it gets hot and if you got a handle on the wheels on it you got a $20 bill in your hand think tank yeah yeah rocker nuts I'm a huge fan yeah this is a Thompson Street really doing it oh man yeah I'm giving ideas for locking up videos I know what else family that's coming contents coming in free mercury free mercs working on it working on it to the lab got some opportunities opening up here that's right keep watching big stuffs coming
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 30,085
Rating: 4.8373985 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction pirate, storageauctionpirate, #hustlegrindrewind, storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, i bought an abandoned storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, bought, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit
Id: IZ_sfJIYZbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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