Supervillans That Make the Most Sense

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what supervillian has the most logical reason to be evil i always liked magneto's backstory a mutant jewish boy being orphaned at a nazi death camp learning to distrust authority and wanting to forcibly prevent a similar holocaust against mutant kind a sympathetic villain i forgot the name but in the batman cartoon isn't there this one girl who basically went crazy because she's stuck in the body of a child but her mind develops so she has the mind of a woman and the body of a child god the fun house mirror scene with her having a meltdown is hard to watch batman the animated series was intense sabretooth maybe once his mutant powers manifested and after accidentally killing his brother his father chained him up in his basement and not only would he physically abuse victor on a daily basis believing that victor's powers were the work of the devil but he forcibly removed victor's now fang-like teeth unfortunately due to victor's healing factor his teeth would regrow and would be yanked out over and over and over again for years before victor broke loose this has always bothered me but in the story of jack and the beanstalk the villain has his house broken into and burglarized then when he confronts the thief he is murdered and the thief is rewarded i mean what the actual freak dracula from castlevania they killed his one true love then spat on her memory by calling her a witch he went way too far with his revenge but i can see why he did the things he did sauron from the marvel universe he has complete control over biological systems and used his power to turn people into dinosaurs spider-man confronted him and asked why sauron didn't use his power to cure cancer and he gave the greatest most moving villain speech in history i don't want to cure cancer i want to turn people into dinosaurs if we could consider him a supervillain instead of a minor inconvenience doctor heinz du fenschmerz neither of his parents showed up to his birth he was raised by ocelots forced to be a garden gnome forced to wear girl clothes to school and he just wanted to be good at kickball but the only reason he's trying to take over the tree state area is because of a sarcastic comment on a terrible date with linda flynn but he didn't lose his choo choo general hummel from the iraq he wanted the government to properly compensate honorably discharged war veterans for risking their lives for the country and taking over alcatraz was the only way he could do it dr evil that ritualistic testicle shawning really does a number on a young man and don't even get me started on the lack of respect after completing four six growing years of evil medical school when your father makes outrageous claims like he invented the question mark how else are you gonna turn out zod from man of steel it is by definition the most logical reasoning is he was simply doing as he was innately programmed to do prolonged the kryptonian race by any means necessary even if some kryptonians have to die to see that goal fulfilled the end goal is the logical this is for the people as a whole no moral quandary no vendetta at least not until jor-el came back and started messing with it or until cal took away his one chance to actually fulfill his goal just the pure logical goal of i need to save my people and this is the only course of action that will save them i mean why not just terraform mars instead of earth still get that sexy yellow sun mr freeze i mean the dude just wants his wife back i mean yeah the whole killing people is a bit overboard but if batman would just help him out he'd stop being bad anakin skywalkers was kind of sad he visioned his mother dying but he saw he was too late to do anything and couldn't stop it then he had the vision of padme dying so of course since he loves her so much he'd do whatever he has to do to keep her alive so with palpatine freaking with his head the whole time he gets him to believe he can keep her alive and before this anakin talked about wanting a new world order something like that like a dictatorship so he basically made the best of it and went with it because he knew he and padden could live a comfortable life after the jedi wouldn't grant him his wish of being master he did everything he had to do including killing jedi trying to kill ob1 and even killing the dawns the children in which he didn't want to do he cried and showed emotions [ __ ] did it all for patton but killed her in anger then lived the rest of his life continuing on killing jedi since he blamed them for starting all of this and lived in an uncomfortable suit that made him feel constant pain and itchiness with robotic limbs and fake skin all fueled by anger yeah i was going to mention anakin vader when he first turned dark he was desperate to save his wife and unborn child they didn't know at the time it was twins kinda sad that he didn't feel like he could go to any of his friends while a lot of the things he did as vader were terrible at least he repented at the end i wouldn't call him a super v lane more an antagonist but squidward just wants to live his life and be a responsible adult he's let go of his childhood years ago and spongebob just gets in the way of him attaining his goals i.e a relaxing weekend a clean yard a music art career i think squidward is a perfect example of if you stare into the abyss the abyss stares back at you because the more he hangs with spongebob the more he realizes he likes enjoys his company and in some situations depends on spongebob's friendship squidward is afraid or incapable of having a good time by spongebob standards and he's afraid that the more he hangs out with spongebob the more he will see a side of spongebob in himself hence why he's always got emotional walls up reflected in several episodes where squidward literally builds walls around his house to block out spongebob his own fortress of solitude yosakage tentacles just wants to live a quiet life kiteman dude's son died from being poisoned and he further had his mind and life broken he is a supervillain to punish himself for his mistakes but why the frick does batman keep just beating the crap out of this man instead of giving him therapy and a stable job kite man heck yeah generals odd had the writers been a little more creative he could have been the vegeta of the dc universe instead of one among a long list of dead bad guys he was born to do it zack snidder and david goyer wrote man of steel we're lucky it was coherent in the slightest zuko from avatar the dude was just seeking affirmation from his father he wanted to redeem himself after being banished avita has some of the best character development in any cartoon anime highly recommend it for those who haven't seen it plus he's a teenager i just started re-watching avatar during quarantine and have been seriously moved by it this is a bit niche but emmett celch from final fantasy xiv ian's ago his entire civilization was destroyed and reality was torn asunder into fragments only him and a few others survived and they vowed to restore the world to the way it was and revive their civilization of course in order to do so they have to sacrifice the current world and everyone in it additionally his kind were immortal and extremely powerful and see the current world's sentient beings as little more than animals so to them killing everyone is the moral equivalent of destroying an anthill it's really interesting because in the game there is a really long time where the motive of the baddies seems inscrutable and they seem to just be evil for evil's sake and then it's revealed that they really just want to bring their friends back and be heroes to their own civilization this is the exact premise of a year-long weekly d d campaign i ran in 2005. i need to get in on ff14 [Music] i used to think thanos because of what he told gamora he said something along the lines of nobody on your planet will ever have to face starvation again and makes it sound like a much better place this was until someone pointed out that in one of the marvel movies gamora is introduced as the last surviving member of her species race in the comics he just had a hard-on for some goth chick and wanted to impress her loki norse mythology not marvel of course there are many different branches and versions to mythology in the stories within them but when i learned norse mythology loki was lied to and taken advantage of by odin who killed his best friend so he could have greater knowledge and the other acer loki was basically used and abused as a tool at the start loki tried to help them which is how asgod got built slept me was conceived and given to odin thor got his hammer and his wife got a golden wig loki brought gifts to the acer and only got scorn in return eventually he got p and started lashing out at the acer and he just grew bitter against them sure loki has faults but i highly doubt he deserved to be tied to a rock under a poison dripping snake until ragnarok a side note i know that this may differ from what others believe as there are many versions of ancient religions it is hard to find the most accurate this was simply from the first version i learned so please if you believe or learn something different take my opinion with a grain of thought i think captain hook if he could be considered a super villain would be logical supposedly peter pan was psychopathic and would trap kids in neverland and kill them when they became adults captain hook supposedly escaped when peter tried to kill him and peter missed and cut his arm off and that is why he is missing an arm knocks from wakfu his entire goal is to travel back in time to save his family from a hurricane that flooded their island to do this he needs to collect wakfu from enough living beings to power his time machine sure to get the energy he needs to kill people but if his plan works then he'll have undone all of the damage while also getting his family back so everyone lives happily ever after if he fails then he'll accept whatever punishment he deserves because he'll want to die at that point anyways here's the thing despite everyone telling him that it's impossible despite the god of time itself telling knox that not even he can travel back in time despite all of that knox's plan works he kills off the last civilization adds their wakfu to his time machine and he goes back in time by 20 minutes just enough to undo his most recent transgression he spent 200 years collecting wakfu for a measly 20-minute rewind that is so messed up no one said doctor horrible yet what does he have to do ride in on bad horse and shoot you with his freeze ray to get your sympathy he got everything he ever wanted and all that cost him was a penny garrow from opm he literally became into a monster to make an impartial justice he believes if people had a common enemy they would never reject nor bully each other yeah i started to understand him later in season two and he only defeats heroes not kills i've seen it said before but lex lotha genius epitome of health a general paragon of the human race whose only concern is that we advance and evolve some alien super boy shows up and undermines all of what it is to be human and work hard because the sun happens to be yellow and he's a bad guy now meanwhile everyone's getting lazy and irresponsible because some guy with an s on his chest can save them so why bother despite the fact that half the problems the planets faces happens because intergalactic threats come to earth to kill him i disagree lex luthor is irredeemably evil i mean a good depends on which version how you interpret the character blah blah blah however he killed his parents when he was a child every move he makes is calculated to one get him more power two get closer to killing superman and or three increase public opinion of himself to hide the other two facts the dark elves from thor 2 the movie opened stating that in the beginning everything was darkness then the light appeared and the dark elves just want to bring the dark back to them they are on a quest to set the universe in proper order handsome jack from borderlands 2 he only wanted peace and order on pandora and the only way he could do that was by getting rid of the bandits and cleaning up the entire planet he was also betrayed by the people who later killed him in the past and led him to go somewhat crazy but he had a good reason to do what he did tbh i think the vulture from spiderman homecoming since although the stealing and stuff is way too far he does have a good reason since he just wants to protect his family raz algal the man just wanted to help people and save the wrong guy after witnessing his wife get murdered getting betrayed and then crammed in a cage with his wife's corpse and tortured fast forward hundreds of years later with the help of some unstable life juice and raz has amassed an organization to bring justice to the world while earning the mutual respect of even some of his enemies after realizing his unstable life juice the lazarus pits is making him gradually lose his mind he repeatedly tries to entrust all of his power and possessions to his greatest and most respected enemy batman of course this comes with the condition that batman would have to start actually killing criminals but honestly that seems like a more than fair trade i get showing mercy to the misguided and trying to help the mentally ill and i think that should still be practiced however when sending mass murdering villains to be imprisoned becomes the equivalent of a minor inconvenience for them i think you need to start taking pre-emptive security measures i don't know if he was mentioned or not but jack skellington poor chap is bored out of his mind and he didn't want to do anything bad dr doom his whole thing is proving his superiority he objectively is superior to basically everyone except reed richards doom also saw into countless futures and the only one that doesn't end with people basically self-destructing on apocalypse scale is the one he was the ruler of ozymandias in watchmen in order to save the earth from nuclear war he must kill a few million people and bring everyone together i can't think of his name but michael keaton in spider-man homecoming dude got screwed over and did something about it rita repulsa from power rangers after 10 000 years being finally freed it is time to conquer earth just hope my preserved inner tube nemesis won't summon teenagers with an attitude magneto dude had a messed up childhood and had multiple families killed he was trying to protect his people fearing what happened to the jewish when he was a boy would happen again to the mutants light from death note he just wants to kill all the criminals and rid the world of evil simple and easy goal that inevitably makes you mass murdering messiah dr doom his almost sole reason for being evil is bc he believed in his own superiority over others and he's not wrong magneto after living through the holocaust watching his family die in front of him then later seeing the same prejudice against mutants he has every right to hate humanity owl man from the alternate reality of the justice league he's basically the evil version of batman because there is a parallel world created for every decision you make and don't make it doesn't matter what you choose to do because in a different reality you chose to do the opposite but alman discovers earth prime the original earth and if you destroy that then all of reality will be destroyed so his reason to destroy the original earth is because it is the only choice anyone could ever make that would actually matter morgana from the tv show merlin all she wanted was a fair and just kingdom accepting of magic after years of watching king uther cast away sorcerers while she is sorcerer he lies and tells her he cares about her but refuses to listen to her when she says that he's doing the wrong thing by killing innocent people even working with sorcerers the whole point of her villainous rise was for sorcerers and magic to finally get the freedom power and respect they deserve from a frightened hypocritical king who chose to murder and use magic for his own good if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 29,599
Rating: 4.9489107 out of 5
Keywords: supervillain, supervillain origins, supervillain music, got a point, villains you cant help but love, villains you cant hate, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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