When Did Your Gut Instinct Prove to Be Correct?

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serious when did your gut instinct prove to be correct went out on a couple dates with a girl and got a weird vibe from her so i didn't stay in touch and she stabbed her next boyfriend two months later the first time i met my ex's dad he was friendly joking etc but something immediately set off this dread in me and i remember thinking i should never ever be alone with this man i felt like and butthole as soon as i thought it because i had just met the guy and he seemed normal enough it's not something i had encountered before upon just meeting someone later on after we split up he ended up going to jail for rape child molestation and it was found out he had been doing this to girls in the family as well i never ignore that instinct now with anyone it's proven to be true more than once unfortunately i guess something subtle in our awareness picks up on something being off in their demeanor even if we can't say what it is i got that when my upstairs neighbor's boyfriend tried to get me to let him into the building i opened the door he smiled and i got to chill right through me didn't let him in he beat her half to death a few weeks later i refused to deliver a pizza because the whole phone call and situation seemed sketchy the guy that took it got robbed in high school i worked at a coffee shop a few blocks away from my house which is also close to a large hospital my brother had been sick at home for several days so when an ambulance rushed by the coffee shop with sirens and lights going my first thought was that's for my brother i think he died 30 minutes later the shop phone rings and it's my mom asking me how quickly i can get to the hospital i was right the ambulance had been going to my house to get my brother he had died i was a birthday party princess in college dress up as a disney character sing some songs help with cake paint faces typical party stuff i get pulled to a party that began at 8 p.m unusual but not unheard of in our industry a lot of spanish speaking families party well into the night but i pull up down the street princesses don't drive and begin walking to the house dressed as sleeping beauty my party box of supplies in hand but when i saw the house i knew immediately something was wrong there were no lights on no cars no balloons but against my better judgement i knocked on the door this super creepy looking guy in his mid-50s answers in a dirty church and jeans and the first thing he says is the parties around back i took one look at this guy and booked it as fast as i could while holding a box wearing a ball gown and being mildly crippled to begin with i got into my car locked the doors floored it to a 7-11 and called my boss the party never called demanding to know where their princess was no one asked for their deposit back my boss called police non-emergency but i don't know if anything was ever done i'm 100 sure there was no party in that house i've been doing this exact job for six years now i even own my own company now i keep waiting for this exact scenario to happen it's all been sunshine and birthday cake so far was sitting in my bedroom one day when i got this intense feeling in my gut which was sort of saying you need to get out of here right now then i started to get this immense feeling of terror like i was being watched i immediately nope the frick out of there and went to my friend's house as i didn't want to be alone at the time when i finally got back to my own house it had been ransacked things had been knocked over lots of glass had been broken everywhere and a window was left wide open now i always take that guy feeling more seriously i used to work overnights and for whatever reason i had a weird inkling that my sir was cheating on me so i went home we lived together early one night and what do you know there's a naked dude lying in our bed with her that really freaking sucked i had that once the week leading up to the night it happened i kept talking to my good friends and asking confirmation if my sir would cheat on me he goes out clubbing with his co-workers after our date and well it happened that entire night i couldn't sleep because something felt very off after my shift ended i went into the lunch room to get my lunch bag i noticed one of my guy co-workers was sitting at a table constantly looking at the opposite entrance our lunchroom has two entrances around that time my co-worker friend who is a girl that the guy really likes was getting an interview for a leg position i had a bad feeling about him being there almost as if he was waiting for her to come out at work he is a creep he'll follow her get mad when certain people talk to her and has gone through her phone she has zero interest on being with him and has told him but he's still convinced he has a chance anyway i thought i was overreacting so i went home within 30 minutes of leaving i got a strong feeling that i should go back and drive to her car so i did and when i got to her car i saw him trying to get in from the driver's side she was already inside her car and was trying to kick him away from her but it wasn't working when he noticed me he backed off and looked very angry at me he stayed for a few seconds until he realized i wasn't going to leave so he left after he left she explained what had happened turns out he followed her because he wanted a hug and she refused to give one she was trying to get away but he kept pulling her back that i had saved her life yeah i can't imagine what would have happened if i didn't show up i was very ill at 17 failing liver got up to vomit puked in the sink was going to just rinse it and go to bed but thought i should turn the light on for some reason good thing i did sink was full of blood if i'd gone back to bed that burst esophageal varus would have kept bleeding and i'd have died of internal bleeding luckily that bleed proved that my liver was shot and they finally listed me for transplant two years of waiting later i got my liver in september this year will be my seventh liverversary heck yeah dude so happy that you puked blood into the sink and nearly died my wife and i had just signed a contract on a two hundred thousand dollar house first time buyers ready to start our family when i got to the office the day before the sellers would sign the closing papers i had an uneasy feeling felt sick most the day i pulled up the house on the net and looked it over again did some math found out the man we put in charge of the mortgage left a fee that would have increased our payments by 200 if i had not checked due to the new respa laws that crap is illegal thankfully if they try to stick even an extra dollar on they have to eat it plus pay a big fat fine when i was young a lady was walking through our neighborhood and came on our property we had the dalmatian at the time and she antagonized it and it scratched her she made our family come over to her house down the street to discuss suing my parents over it this never happened because it was bs anyways the house was her father's and her and her brother both in their 30s were living there when we got there i screamed and cried and whined the whole time about wanting to go home because i just did not like it there i never acted like this and my parents were weirded out and annoyed because they were obviously trying to discuss things with this lady turns out the brother who was home is a pedophile he is in jail after he solicited a minor and they found a crap ton of kdp on his computer i had a chill great dog from when i was 11 to 25 the only time she ever bit someone was a neighbor of ours who walked by our elephants on his daily walk he ended up stalking my mom and she turned him in my best friend and i were at a wedding and we got absolutely wasted at the after party it was an outdoor wedding with tiki torches and a little bar etc anyway my best friend was doing that drunk stumbling where you kind of just lunge from one place to another instead of taking steps so i turn my back on him and i'm getting myself another drink and i don't know what made me turn around and grab him but i whipped around and caught him around the waist and right at him he was falling backward directly onto a tiki torch that someone broke in half and left sticking out of the ground totally saved him from being impaled not all heroes wear capes bravo in mexicoli mexico i was once walking to a store for some milk as i crossed a street i saw another young man walking towards me with a broomstick really he could have been just some other kid walking with a stick because in that neighborhood it wasn't really out of place despite this i got a bad feeling from the guy he ended up walking behind me and every time i glanced through my peripherals he seemed to be gaining on me slowly i could hear his stick dragging and soon he was about 10 feet behind me at one point without looking at the guy i dug to my side and saw the broomstick crack right into where i'd been walking instantly i broke out in a full sprint to the store and inside i asked for help and pointed toward the guy trying to hit me he had actually chased me into the store and the store manager stepped in and blocked his path toward me i bought the milk and sprinted back home while the manager still had the guy blocked off to this day i don't understand what prompted me to dive to my side like that but i'm glad those instincts were there that day well at least you got the milk protip from my experience people who work in retail learn to size customers up pretty quickly but doesn't always mean we're right and aside from blatantly racist stereotypes certain things are a giveaway so if you're going to shoplift don't walk into a store looking like a sketchy butthole i.e hoodie with the hood on in the summer nervous behavior caught a teenage shoplifter that way it didn't help that he was literally the only customer in the store and we were all watching him i think my best play in my college baseball career was me rounding second base without any prompting on a routine force out at first i don't know why i just did it it just felt right the first baseman overshot the throw by a mile and i ended up scoring and giving our team a one-run lead that we held on to for the last four innings i got so much crap for the coaches for going rogue like that but frickit i was right finally an answer that doesn't involve rape or murder in the bus station near my school there was a bench under a street light with signs hanging from it with chains most of time i wait for the bus standing up but it was a very exhausting day so i decided to sit on that bench the wind started to blow extremely fast then i decided to get up the cues i was afraid of the signs falling on me just as i walked away a middle-aged lady sat on the bench and a sign fell onto her head heavily injuring her if your gut tells you something isn't safe it's probably true walking back from my girlfriend's house i always cut through a hedge in my garden to get home i've done this hundreds of time every time for some odd reason i just decided to go the long way i said to myself it's a nice night out i'll walk around no idea why i would do that then when i came in there was a person right where i would have exited the hedge robbing the car we would have been face to face and he would have gotten a fright thinking i was jumping him with whatever he had in his hand to jam open the car i attributed to my gut instinct because i must have subconsciously sensed something noises are great ways for us to pay attention to our environment and the guy robbing the car might not have been there at all given how long it takes to rob a car versus your longer walk home i never liked my wife's best friend's husband fiance got a weird vibe from him felt like his was disingenuous dishonest wife thought i was being cold towards him i was definitely not wanting to hang around him and not being my usual gregarious self come to find out he had been married before but never told my wife's best friend washed out of rotc for mental and physical standards failures he was also seeing someone on the side during their engagement and their marriage lasted less than a year for obvious reasons basically his was a dishonest weakling scumbag with mental issues possible psychopathy sociopathy since then my wife had paid heed to my gut when meeting someone for the first time i have been right several times with a few others in my life as well and i always pay heed to my feelings back in 2007 after a pretty bad breakup i decided to try online dating i met this guy a few years older than me seemed nice he was attentive he liked taking me places like to talk as well as listen but i just couldn't quite bring myself to like him but there was definitely something off i have since found out he was taken to court for bigger me he married or should that be married a lady not long after i decided i didn't want anything to do with him she got suspicious after none of his family wanted to attend and his best friend committed suicide just a couple weeks before the wedding as well as swindling people out of money for a charity solo run to the north pole good riddance i grew up driving back roads all my life it was five miles of dirt roads between my house and pavement i knew them all by heart every turn bump frost heave one night on my way home i got a really bad feeling driving along a stretch of road that goes downhill and about halfway down there's a sharp turn right i slow down and took my time i started to see skid marks 100 feet before the turn and they led to a four-wheeler just off the road that hit a tree head-on the guy was still on it no helmet no pulse i called 9-1-1 answered questions the police had and i haven't driven that route since a couple years ago i started getting really nervous going through intersections i'd be very cautious and slow down a little three days of this and the car runs a red light going crazy fast he went right in front of me as i was entering the intersection and we missed each other by a foot at 45 miles per hour if you had been going a normal speed and not slowing down at every intersection you probably would have been another mile up the road when he ran the red light i was at a beach in fl with my family everyone hopped in the water but something in me just said bad idea so i just skim boarded till lunch shortly after a 10 year old girl was bit but a shark about a 100 meter down the beach as she lived but dang i felt twigged out after when i was in my early teens i was an altar attendant in church catholic i've never been particularly religious and am quite anti-organized religion now in fact but at the time it basically just made math slightly less boring since my mom made me go anyway when i was 14 15 i forget the year the archdiocese decided they were no longer going to leave priests in one location indefinitely and start rotating them every seven or so years our current priest was super nice and everyone loved him but he'd been there nine or so years at this point so with the new rule it was time for him to go we got this new guy and he was okay but we all just kinda missed the old one well after a few months i told my mom i wanted to stop being an altar attendant i didn't really have a solid reason i just didn't get a good vibe from him so i quit and a few months later we switched to a different church in a neighboring town because my mom didn't like him much either fast forward two years and he was removed from the church by the archbishop because of some inappropriate behavior with teenage boys at church event that just came to light although it had taken place 10-15 years earlier and there were no known incidences in the recent years also two other kids my age quit around the same time as me for similar reasons to my memory he was never inappropriate with me or anyone i knew in any way we just all got a bad vibe from him and didn't want to be around him at a new job i'd been chatting with a female co-worker for only a week or two when she called out sick for some reason i thought she's getting a divorce couple weeks later turns out i was right the day she called out sick was the morning that her at the time husband dropped the news on her friends asked me to help them move a boulder my gut said no something bad will happen helped anyways crushed the tip of my finger off blood everywhere that was common sense on a weekend trip to upstate ny we entertained ourselves riding an atv around an off-road track the neighbors made the last day of the trip myself says he is going to take one last spin on it and i knew something terrible was going to happen i told him exactly how i felt and he dismissed me as he was leaving the house i said just promise me that you won't go really fast just because it's the last ride i don't trust it and i think you will lose control luckily after he went too fast and lost control it was only his ankle that suffered but finding him on that trail leaning up against a tree was the single scariest moment of my life thank god it was just his ankle i think it's important to never call last ride regardless of the activity snowboarding atv wakeboarding etc if anyone request a one last ride i tell them we just took it prevents risky behavior afghanistan i was a brand new platoon leader like brand new i literally got to my unit after bolc and they basically let me know we were deploying fast forward a few months in and we were checking out a possible ied i was eod explosive ordnance disposal i.e the bomb squad and the convoy started taking fire not regular fire but erratic pot shots coming from a rooftop so we took cover behind the vehicles at this point we had the option to call qrf shoot back from the vehicle turrets or leroy jenkins and have detail kick the door in and take that sucker down called the situation in was told it was my call deliberated with my platoon sergeant for a quick second and the popular opinion was to lay suppressive fire from the vehicles and let detail clear and sweep and eliminate the threat but something felt off the shots were just kind of happening with no real sense of intent and the shots were landing so randomly that getting hit seemed to be a game of chance i took this in for a second and i hear one of the squad leaders call out sniper and a direction now at this point we're pinned on both sides this erratic shooter on one side and a sniper on the other so i had to make a decision on the one hand you have a shooter that doesn't seem to be able to hit crap and one guy saying he saw the glare from a scope on the other side basically we have a confirmed threat and a reported threat one is to be taken out immediately or we face getting gunned down or picked off being that the sniper hadn't fired yet the obvious priority was the rooftop shooter but i decided against it and detail went after the sniper while we took cover until the shooter on the roof ran out of ammo so basically there's a shooter popping round down at us the vehicles us and we're completely exposed to this sniper in the end the sniper was a guy still a bad guy though with a video camera and had been filming us and had advantage of the roof where the shooter was when we got to the roof we find the most innocent looking kid like maybe five or six pretending to fire an ak at us and running around like it was a game when the interpreter questioned him as to why he was shooting at us he told us a man paid him to play soldier with us basically he was trying to film us killing a kid frick that is horrible when i had the feeling that my girlfriend was cheating on me i didn't see any red flags at that moment i just felt it we feel it too man driving to work one day i got a terrible feeling and just started freaking out that i was going to die it was horrible especially because my toddler was in the car i dropped him off and everything was fine but i couldn't shake the feeling i was only five minutes from work but i slowed down trying to be alert actually sat through a green arrow instead of turning left there was some angry honking behind me but i couldn't bring myself to turn seconds later i see a truck speeding straight at me he had crossed the double line to illegally pass an amp was on the wrong side of the road he flew through the red light doing at least 50 in a 25 mile per hour had i turned left when the green arrow came on i believe i would have died that day tl dr first army ssg is a murderer almost slept maybe murdered my sister when i was in basic training i had a young attractive male drill sgt ssg type i had a few pictures of my very cute similar in age as him older sister in my war locker he saw them during an inspection said he'd like to meet her he seemed to be a strong leader who could relate to soldiers so i shared some stuff about my family he told me some stuff about him and on paper would have been a perfect match for my sis he asked if he could be introduced on family day graduation i sent my sister his name she looked him up on facebook and thought he was cute so i agreed to set them up i immediately felt uneasy after agreeing he seemed a bit off i withdrew a bit wondering if he was blurring the line between pfc and ds a few days after this exchange he pulled me into his office and asked if i was okay i assured him i was and he mentioned he'd heard things about my partner i'm gay joined under dadt and was dating a female 2lt in the guard and told me my secret would be safe with him because we'd practically be family soon enough i was freaked out and had no idea how he found out about her but was anxious to stay firmly in the closet anxiety overload bad feeling intensifies closer to family day graduation he keeps pressing me for information about my sister gushing over how awesome she this woman he'd never met is and how he'd never tell anyone my special secret the uneasy feeling multiplies graduation day i pull my sister to the side and make up some bulls about me and drill sgt getting in trouble for fraternizing if she goes through with it she reluctantly agrees to stay out of his line of sight and to not pursue him she was p for a few weeks because cute single guy with a stable career and toyed with the idea of adding him on fb or myspace ultimately she let it go a few months later he found my cell number and called me a few different times just to shoot the crap he'd always ask about my cute sister at the end of our calls i thought it was weird but brushed it off figuring good mentors would be hard to find the last time he called me he said he'd gotten in some trouble but his legal dream team would help him out i googled his name he was arrested for murdering a girl he was dating hiding her decomposing body upstairs in her house he also slept with a few strippers downstairs on the couch while she was upstairs rotting classy auntie's boyfriend was perfectly nice but i got this creepy unsettling vibe from him not too long later he tried to murder my auntie and turned out to be a gay prostitute on the side and a child abuser my gut is pretty accurate on who is a pedo example one guy i grew up with always stuck out to me as untrustworthy and likely to rape kids i had never actually seen him do anything but i always got a bad feeling he wound up being my mom's co-worker so i warned my mom not to trust the guy she laughed it off a year later the guy was popped for forcing kids at a church he volunteered at to perform sexual acts told ya the old molestar because of events in my childhood i can also detect pedophiles i had that feeling about two kids i went to with and both got popped for kdp within five years of hs ending i've also gotten bad feelings about a few people i've met throughout the years but never wrote names down or anything to follow up if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 110,172
Rating: 4.9455705 out of 5
Keywords: gut feeling, gut feeling reddit, gut feeling stories, instinct, gut feeling saved my life reddit, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: vuqObTzg8Oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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