Judges, What Are the Weirdest Cases You’ve Seen?

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nsw judges offered it what are some of the weirdest cases you've seen studied forensics and the defense lawyer told me this story he is called to defend a client who accused of robbing a garage in a nearby city police found his fingerprints in a coke machine yes in a coke machine as in the disassembled and vending machine and dusted it and found a print on an internal component oh here's the catch the suspect was currently serving a prison sentence at the time of the crime so this was the prosecutor's theory suspect had broken out of jail drove two hours to that garage burglarized it opened up the coke machine left his fingerprint inside it and nowhere else reassembled it drove back two hours and snuck back in jail surprisingly this case didn't get tossed out laughing and actually went to court the good news for the suspect is that his lawyer discovered that before his incarceration he happened to work for the business that maintained the coke machine so he was trying to explain the fingerprint by saying it could have been left there went the suspect performed maintenance he hired a fingerprint expert who was able to demonstrate that police used the wrong method for lifting a print not a judge but a reporter who covers courts the weirdest case i covered was a man getting caught giving a handy to her pit bull it wasn't sexual he wanted the dog to impregnate his dog but the male pit bulls owner refused so the man broken and got caught collecting sea men the guy was charged with bestiality his lawyer argued that charge had to have an element of sexual pleasure for the defendant he said his client should have been charged with theft of biological material not sure why this would be considered any different than the vets who do this frequently to collect samples from racing stallions other than the theft aspect of course not a judge but in the us navy i was a legal officer on a ship my captain has the ability to administer punishment for violating military law we had a sailor who broke the law and after the captain found him guilty the sailor said he would jump overboard but no one took him seriously and sure enough he went out to the weather deck and jumped right in the ocean we had to recover him with one of our small boats and he threatened to do it again and did do it again a week later not a judge but i was going to court as a witness for my neighbor who was seeking a protection order while we were there we heard several other cases being heard in one case a man was accused of beating his 14-year-old daughter and dragging her out of the car while he hit her on the ground mother of the child presents her case and the judge turns to the father and gives him the opportunity to present his case and asks what happened on that day in the car well you see the day before no i want to hear what happened that day in the car my daughter has been getting bees in school so no what happened in the car she has been texting boys so no she hit me first he never really gave a straight answer but the judge ruled against him at the next case there was a similar dynamic of separated parents arguing over a child and there wasn't a lot of evidence of a physical danger so the judge said a protection order wasn't necessary and recommended they deal with it in family court guy from the first case was still around filling out paperwork and started cheering and the bailiff told him to knock it off guy one says that he's from california and cheering as normal in court and that this court is just racist this guy was black the judge was black the bailiff was black and pretty much most people on both sides of each case were black i was in court once next up behind a guy on trial for a slew of charges around child abuse and rape the dude told the judge if she's not of age to consent how can her testimony be valid judge proceeded to unload on this man and give him a chance to speak before she handed down a sentence dude said word for word how are you going to treat her like an adult and me a criminal when i'm the one facing charges she proceeded to freak him up and he got like 20 life and i was next crap myself before i even stood up obligatory not a judge but at my first argument before the second circuit so obviously fairly nervous the case before me had a very generic name think smith vs generic insurance corporation figured it was going to be dull but instead it turned out that the issue was that mrs smith a widow had her husband's life insurance payment denied why husband was an engineer of some sort and had constructed a device too pleasure himself he plugged said device into a wall socket on 2 enjoy on easter sunday while his family was out but unfortunately was electrocuted and died and presumably was found by his poor family on easter pantsless and plugged into the wall the insurer tried to deny benefits based on an exclusion for intentional self-harm cue a solid 20 minutes of the insurer's lawyer being grilled by very stable and conservative judges as to whether the poor guy actually intended to harm himself or as one judge put it very mildly it seems the deceased intended well the opposite and the insurer lawyer struggling to articulate why self-harm and sexual pleasure are not always mutually exclusive from the questions it seemed like the widow was likely to win but man was that awkward for everyone involved comrade presumably was found by his family on easter pantsless and plugged into the wall a brand new sentence and my best laugh of the day i'm not a judge but a legal case involving alleged identical twins once landed on my desk it somehow hinged on whether or not they were identical or just fraternal twins they had an identical set of coddest results one party claimed that proved they were twins the other party argued that all it demonstrated was that they were not excluded from being identical twins so they might not actually be identical apparently that was worth paying me reasonable amounts of money to demonstrate mathematically that if two siblings share 15 goddess markers they are identical twins with a certainty of 99.99 rather than just being fraternal or just siblings full stop i have no idea what that case was about or why that was such a controversial piece of evidence also not to judge but i work with a psychologist who does some work in mental hospitals and has to testify as to whether they should or should not be released court is over the phone right now because of covet so i was privy to the little exchange my boss's patient is schizophrenic and was refusing his medication my boss was testifying as to why he shouldn't be released violent to his family active psychosis much to the patient's displeasure the patient starts yelling man i wanna get out of here it's so nasty they got snakes in here the judge replied sir the quickest way to get released is to comply with your medication and the medication will also help you with your snake problem worked in la for a long while escorted an inmate to court for his dismemberment and murder charges trial he chose to represent himself context was infatuated with charles manson and cults started one that preyed on mentally unstable handicapped women and killed them if they tried to leave this poor girl with autism wanted to go home he killed her with his followers help chopped her up and burned the pieces in a dumpster his opening statement was something along the lines of ladies and gentlemen of the court i just want to clarify that things being inserted into my butt are going to come up in this trial i'm not gay i just liked it the judge said what the frick but caught himself before dropping the f-bomb everyone in the courtroom laughed at him it was thrown out and he went for mental health screenings i don't miss the work at all i did the crew a crap load of stories though the old no homo defense a simple but effective spell i was a mediator in small claims court in queens ny during law school mediators attempt to help the parties reach a settlement a woman brought a claim against a shoe store according to her there was a display with shoes for twenty dollars when she got to the register with two pairs of shoes they charged her 25 per pair she complained and told the counterperson that they were on sale for 20 she brought the counter person to the display and according to the woman they had switched the sign so that it now said 25 she paid the 50 and then sued for the 10 extra that she had to pay the cost for filing the claim was 15 after she told me her story i met with the two lower level employees that the shoe store had sent to the court today of course denied changing the sign but i told them they can settle for 10 and leave immediately or they would have to wait for a judge to decide the case they happily paid the 10 the woman lost five dollars in the transaction it's the principal dang it lol obviously not a judge but i sat in on court proceedings once an off-duty police officer was arrested for driving drunk in the city she worked in the arguments made by her defense were incredible first one was that no rn had taken the officer's blood which a hospital representative clarified this is normal reiterated that for something this simple they can have residence trainees do this as part of their learning second one was that the back content was higher because the alcohol was fermenting in the bag that the exposure to their increased this process thus raising the tested level which was promptly shut down by an expert testifying that is not how it works that alcohol doesn't continue to ferment and produce higher numbers from a blood sample over time finally his last ditch effort he tried saying the blood was tampered with and or not tested correctly there was a chain of custody provided and everything else that was needed to debunk this the officer looked very defeated by the end of our sit-in the judge basically had to tell the defense to put something better together finally even the judge got tired of this see what stick's approach and shuts it down flat out put the defense in his place for creating this fluster [ __ ] my blood ferments into alcohol is a pretty funny idea would save money on booze also fermenting wine needs to be protected from oxygen or it turns into vinegar not a judge but my mom had to go to court once because our dog caught and ate a rabbit we were charged with endangering wildlife when the case was called judge laughed and threw the charges out obligatory not a judge but my step-grandfather was an oregon supreme court justice he'd retired long before i met him so i never saw any of his cases in person but he told me one particular story about a man who tried to represent himself in court this young man probably in his early 30s comes into the courtroom wearing a military service uniform the guy seems well groomed coherent capable my grandfather served in the air force and while he thought it odd someone would appear in court in uniform he respected the dude military guy starts his defense but only gets a couple sentences in before he holds up his arm and points to the service stripes saying and these these are where i get my power from all my energy comes from these stripes everyone starts looking around the room at each other as if silently asking uh did you all hear that correctly my grandpa asks him to clarify what he means and he says the stripes are powerful and give him their energy so he can be powerful too grandpa stops the court proceedings and orders the guide to have a mental evaluation asap he's immediately escorted out the next day my grandpa gets a knock at his office door he opens it and lo and behold it's the same military dude from the previous day wearing the same outfit the dudes just standing there and grinning a really big unsettling smile apparently the psychiatrist determined he was of sound mind and wasn't a threat to himself or others so let him go my grandpa never told me when this story took place but i'm assuming it happened before 72 hour holes were a thing my grandfather just stood there dumbfounded before asking anything i can do for you the guy wanted to talk about his case and getting the trial rescheduled acting like nothing happened grandpa eventually convinced him to go talk to the receptionist instead i don't know if there was a follow-up trial or what happened to the man or even if he was really in the military just a bizarre story about a guy who the mental health care system failed not a judge brother-in-law was clerk of the court for most of a decade dude comes in with an indecent exposure charge he was walking around the local target in super shorty shorts and his little shorty was longer than the shorts okay this is supposedly fairly straightforward slap on the wrist and get told to buy longer shorts except it turns out this isn't this guy's first rodeo in fact it's his 25th rodeo dude is an exhibitionist and this was his mo he was already banned from all retail establishments in half the counties in the state and a handful of counties in the neighboring states at this point he'd had so many convictions that he was looking at 25 to life for freaking indecent exposure oddly enough there was another indecent exposure case involving the other local target a week later dude was standing up in the open bed of his pickup at 2 am cranking it in the target parking lot to be fair i can see how a shopping trip at target could get you that excited i found a really nice bed set on clearance once and it did something to me i waited till i got home though plaintiff filed suit in small claims court because the defendant did not perform the sexual acts that plaintiff paid the defendant for it ended up settling in mediation which was good for the plaintiff because it would have had to be reported for potential criminal charges if it made to court not a judge but i was on jury duty had to sit on a hearing the man was begging for his three pitbulls back from his mistress and finally after a bunch of asking she hands him the dogs in an urn he committed suicide two days later and then i was on her divorce hearing about a month later when her husband was trying to divorce her on the grounds of cheating she had the goal to say that she never had a side boy when i was on her hearing two weeks ago i went to court for a traffic ticket in the state of mississippi i was working a project out there what i found weird is the judge's ruling on two different cases first was a woman who wrecked her car had a child not in a baby car seat dui and possession of a controlled substance he gave her a year probation no jail time next was a lady whose son had been skipping school and missed x amount of days something like 34 days he put the mother in cuffs right then and there and ordered her to spend the same amount of days in jail that she had allowed her son to miss school i didn't say anything but i'm pretty sure the look on my face was wtf in rehab i saw a wealthy woman in her 50s that was on her fifth dwi and had not gone to prison yet just had very good expensive lawyers most of the people that end up in jail for dwi are poor people with public defenders or 3-4 or more dwis in a short period i went on a field trip to the courthouse and two cases were scheduled that day the first one was assault and the guy said he didn't whip the ball at his head he only threw it second person walked in wearing the things she said she didn't steal second person walked in wearing the things she said she didn't steal that reminds of a case around my parts where a guy had been arrested for using a stolen credit card and his girlfriend shows up to bail him out and tries to pay with a stolen credit card i'm a lawyer considering whether to someday be a judge the dildo bomber was the oddest case i've worked on so far boyfriend gets dumped in spring stork's ex-girlfriend for nine months he's known to have an obsessive interest in bombs and explosives and is a significant me head in december he delivers a package to ex-girlfriend there's no return address but it says merry christmas b so it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who sent it x calls the cops who called the bomb squad who opened the package inside is a large vibrator that's been hollowed out and filled with explosives he apparently assumed that she would eagerly use it and blow herself up this is how you know that men and women think differently i think that has little to do with men and women but human and me head my dad is a judge and had a case that revolved around bull sperm basically someone leased a bull and wasn't supposed to breed it and they bred it anyway and the owner sued for the price of the sperm i'm not a judge but have to go to court a lot for work i deal with a lot of weird stuff in life and sometimes i feel like i'm in a dream that or a simulation as people like to say because there is no way life is so weird anyway this little guy gets up and introduces himself to the judge while his lawyer is standing by him and says hi your honor my name is precious love and this is my lawyer counselor frankenstein and i just stared at them thinking i had gone crazy not gonna lie i would be checking for some proof of reality as well or that i wasn't having some kind of stroke not a judge but worked in a courthouse for a summer doing probate work the weirdest case i saw was one where a 60-some-odd years old woman believed herself to be the reincarnation of the archangel gabriel she tried to murder her neighbors by trying to get in through their back door dodgy door while naked and armed with a butter knife she sounds fun i'm just a law student but i'll relay a case i read and still think about to this day a woman's family was suing a guy for intentional infliction of emotional distress what happened is this guy was doing some sort of work at the scene of a car accident where a girl from the aforementioned family had been beheaded he took a picture of a girl and sent it to his friend who posted it online her family ended up seeing it and sued him the family ended up losing this isn't nearly as gnarly as other comments here also not a lawyer i supported a friend 19f who had to go in and make a police report on our once trusted long-standing build now ex friend 22f in short while both girls were out somehow my friends pet ferret escaped her enclosure and attacked my ex-friends guinea pigs who had to be put down now this is all very sad my friend was feeling awful and ready to apologize and pamper my ex-friend as much as she needed instead the moment ex-friend got home she punched her straight into the brick patio and proceeded to beat the crap out of her my friend was shocked and terrified ran to her room but she kept going bleeding and bruised my friend managed to lock ex-friend out but then she picked up a sledgehammer then a drill threatening to kill her with the help of mates she escaped with a smashed phone but now homeless ex-friend is an influencer with about a 200k following of twins got her mother and her army of fans to brigade against my friend and any of us who obviously sided with her for almost a year never apologized or owned up to anything all the way to court as a first-time offender she was only put on probation nonetheless a police officer got a kick out of the absurdity of the story as the most bizarre thing he'd heard that day another bizarre thing was when filing the report we realized that despite knowing her for three years we didn't even know her last name apparently that didn't matter the police officer got her name up near instantly as she was already on record for attempting to file a restraining order against a girl she didn't like for no reason the ex-friend also doxxed this girl's address online and she was getting death threats and living in fear for months we only found out all this later a true nut case i do wish i could have attended the hearing though okay i'm not a judge but years ago i used to process court transcripts i often would read them because some were really crazy especially older ones because times were just different back then anyways there was one dated around 1940 it was a man divorcing his wife after the divorce was final he sued her for mental distress and anguish because apparently her vagina stunk really bad and because of it he didn't want to have sex with her and it caused him to feel like less of a man because he wasn't having sex as much as he though he should he won the case got custody of their child and she was ordered to pay a decent amount of money to him also the judge urged her to go to the doctor and get help for her smelly vagina because until she did she would likely never find another man or be happy in life lol can you imagine that happening today thank god things are changing that poor lady not a judge but i am an attorney now and should be obvious by my name back when i was doing my whole internship shtick i worked at a mental health courthouse when i finished my usual routine it'd be allowed to sit at hearings with the clerk of the court and i sat in one a particularly odd case where the accused went through an elaborate setup with his ex gf and her family for a thanksgiving dinner long story short dude was off his meds he convinced his ex-gf and family over for thanksgiving dinner after he had gone off on a tangent on them which caused the breakup after thanksgiving the due texts the ex and her family pictures of his penis in all of the food they had eaten the day before i was like colon well he certainly stuffed that turkey until the very end i was expecting that he claimed to never have seen a potato before not a judge but have spent an extensive amount of time in court and incarcerated i was due to be sentenced on my second breaking and entering charge i was addicted to mnh i am now over three years sober a man from the public was getting sentenced before me he was charged with repeatedly sodomizing his grandson when he would watch him his grandson who was in elementary school in turn went and sodomized a younger kid in the bathroom at recess before he was sentenced the judge asked the probation for their sentencing guidelines which they responded with no jail time five years probation i was in disbelief that this was even a consideration he ended up being sentenced to five years in prison for sodomizing his grandson on multiple occasions i was then sentenced after probation recommended for my second charge ever stemming from my drug addiction four years with three years parole which i got it was such a weird contrast in cases and can't believe a person could even weigh out cases in such a way the good old justice system fricked beyond repair glad you're sober and doing better mate i dealt with the same addictions and they get their hooks in deep not a judge but grand jury which is where mainly the police testify for indictment on people they've arrested no judge just there in one officer was in the police station parking lot when a vehicle screeched into the parking lot next to him and a guy jumped out freaking out about how he had taken all these drugs and was now dying left vehicle door open lots of drugs in plain sight and the guy was fine he just panicked for a minute easiest arrest that officer ever had also easiest indictment lol that's funny back when i was working mall security prior to weed legalization we had a guy at the mall call the police because he was super stoned and didn't want to drive stoned why he chose to call the police i'll never know the cop showed up took the guy's keys locked guy's door and tossed the keys on the seat and shut the door and left problem solved not a judge but at this exact moment there is a hashtag trending in brazil in support of a woman who was raped after getting drugged in a nightclub and the guy who did it is now being charged with non-willful rape because apparently he had no intention of raping the victim his lawyer then proceeded to humiliate the woman during the trial by showing pictures of her that he deemed vulgar while she begged for respect but honestly i just feel like throwing up right now that's horrible i hope she comes out on top of all of this if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 66,639
Rating: 4.9038815 out of 5
Keywords: worst court cases of all time, worst court cases, worst court cases ever, worst divorce court cases, weirdest case, lawyers, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: 04UtyloShnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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