Yikes, He Probably Wanted Nobody Else to See That

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security camera watchers what is your yikes he probably wanted nobody else to see that moment you've seen over the monitor i saw clearly mentally disabled man jerk off behind some tables didn't actually see anything but the hand motions were pretty obvious he stopped and walked over to his mom when he saw her nearby lady didn't notice a thing if life was a video game he'd get an achievement for that worked at an assisted living facility at night a guy returned in the middle of the night from the hospital dropped off by a family friend the man sat outside in the snow for two hours just talking no one was there i only heard half of what he said but the gist of it was he was praying that his wife is with their eldest child watching over him how he was feeling shattered and just wanted to pretend the day didn't happen his wife had a brain aneurysm that morning she was getting ready for breakfast and died in the bathroom he screamed for help but she was dead before she hit the ground he went into shock and took a full he was sent to the hospital and came back that night his kids lived a state away he ended up dying a few months later that is heartbreaking working on an industrial estate as a cctv operator working nights we used to get cars come on who used to park up and chill for a little while this wasn't allowed as it's a private estate so i'd have to ring the security patrol officer to drive down and get the cars to move one night i followed a car on camera which had two people in the car male the driver and female he thought he stopped in a secluded location and proceeded to lay back as the woman moved her head down giving him a bj you want to know the funniest thing this was actually a police car yep i had a police officer giving a bj to the other police officer on the cctv best one so far i once lived in a building whose front doors had a panel of glass on either side one day my phone went off while heading toward the door and as i wasn't paying attention instead of going through the door i walked into one of the glass panels i was so unaware of what i was doing that i didn't even slow down and smash the glass with both my head and knee as they hit it i fell backwards into the ground flailing and swearing when i got up nobody was around so i fled the scene fast forward two weeks later and i'm in the elevator with the building hand man i had been avoiding the front door since the incident because i didn't want to have to pay for the repair as we are going down he turns to me and asks so how bad did it hurt when you walked into that panel i laughed and so did he he said normally it would have been a terrible thing to have to fix but watching the video of it all happening made it worthwhile definitely not something i wanted anyone else to see i've seen girls send nudes in stark rooms people crapping in corners one guy crap himself and ran out the store leaving his crap pile on the trail and a guy masturbating in lingerie i really hope you watch the camera at some place like a chic filet work in a pee shop and get to see what sex toys people steal and how they go about it last one that happened was a girl who straight up was stealing a crap ton of lingerie and stuffing her bra with them while her dad is distracting the cashier at the time i just wonder how it came to that like hey dad distract while i steal a bunch of sex outfits okay so a few things in my time as a security and surveillance operator for a casino resort mostly just sex in the pool after dark and topless sunbathers also the timer guard was stabbed seven times by a doula nice i've been a surveillance operator at a casino for just under two years i've seen so many elevator bjs in that time like so many i see a lot of crazy crap in my current gig but this happened at my last job as campus security we got reports of a student in the open computer lab who was jerk in it like open lab other students not 10 feet away from this kid when confronted he tried to deny it so we had to gather footage hours and hours of this dude jerk in it that must have been uncomfortable cops woke us up pounding on the door at 4am neighbor thought a guy was trying to break into our garage we checked the tapes drunk guy was leaning on our trash cans masturbating this wasn't his first offense god to your neighbor when i was working as a concierge i saw the guy with the broken leg who was attempting to sue the building management for negligence walk normally into the elevator without his cast on carrying several chairs he was alleging that his leg was broken because the cleaners failed to clean up an oil slick somewhere in the parkade i just started laughing my face off because i hated this dude he was an arrogant pain in the butt it got even better right when he reached the floor his apartment was on and i saw him glance up and the look of consternation that appeared the split second he noticed the camera he then dramatically sagged in place and limped off the elevator dragging the chairs i think the call i made to the building manager was one of the most gleeful phone calls i've ever made i was cackling the entire time i pulled the footage the building manager laughed so hard he cried it was total luck too i happened to look at that particular screen at exactly the right moment otherwise never would have seen it awkwardly or [ __ ] i roll one night i was monitoring cctv cameras watching a busy main street that was known for random acts of drunk violence as i'm panning across the street i notice a girl who looks really familiar so i decide to zoom in and see who she is suddenly i recognize her as someone who works in my security firm she just happened to have had her hair down and wore a lot of makeup i'm about to pan away and as i'm doing that i notice a big bulky looking guy approach her and he appears to grab her and push her inside a doorway i quickly go back zooming in and think omg he must have slammed her against the wall so hard as she seems to be sliding down the wall maybe she hit her head when he pushed her so i am zooming in to get more detail and as the focus clears i notice her head bobbing back and forth with her hands on guys hips i quickly zoomed away but i was required to log the time and reason for taking manual control of the camera so i tried to keep it as vague as possible but that did not stop others from my company from checking out what was actually on the footage i never saw her in the same way again well then here i think you take the cake for uncomfortableness in one story i was the one being watched masturbating multiple times in a psych ward bathroom i was in psychosis at the time and completely forgot there were cameras in every room i work summers at a building in nyc and regularly watch the cameras to keep an eye on contractor in just the building and one time saw a resident who was pretty elderly and had a wife start aggressively making out with a younger woman in the elevator he passed and his wife now has the apartment in a very nice neighborhood in manhattan and not sure she ever found out work security downtown at a high rise we had a covered loading dock that had a trash compactor and a few parking spaces we had several cameras overlooking the area the amount of people that i've seen stumble and drunk to pee or crap behind the trash compactor is shockingly high it wasn't ways homeless either lots of normal bar goers thought it was a good place to pee there happened to be a little speaker on the dock door if we couldn't get to them before they started one guard had to be at the desk at all time so the patrol man would need to be close we would shout snarky things to embarrass them the looks on their faces when you said that you had their crap on camera was just wonderful i once saw an older gentleman walking around talking to a few of my co-workers he then got real still and stood in place for about a minute afterwards he shook his pant leg and made a beeline for the door turns out he was shaking turds out of his pants one of my co-workers who had kids cleaned it up no big deal bless her the mayo reminds me of meeple station used to work as door stuff at a pc world store would check cctv from that day for the last hour of my shift the amount of people you see looking around and going into an empty aisle to itch their nutsacks and butt is crazy i'd call that polite itchy body parts is a very human thing a buddy i got still lives with his ex who he thought has been stealing his stuff he showed me a video of her kicking the crap out of her toddler and picking her nose when i was a closing manager at mcdonald's we would close at midnight around 10 30 or 11 p.m or so i'd go to the office to get started on closing paperwork and watch the cameras drive through one night while looking at the drive through camera with a headset on a car full of people pulled up to the speaker the front passenger gets out not knowing he's facing the camera and whips it out and starts pee i called my crew in to see this crap two of us turned the headset mics on and said that's a nice dong boy he freaked and jumped in the car and they sped around the building we all hung out the window waving at them guess that's the only time we ever had a dong in the drive-through that was hilarious lol it's amazing how many people don't realize they're pretty much always being watched if i had to jump out in the drive-through to p i wouldn't be the least bit surprised to hear someone say something i probably would have said thanks and started waving it back and forth while pee all i know is that a few days ago i thoroughly checked the positioning of my boobs and everything before entering a building for reasons sure enough today i found out that there is a camera in front of said building so if i find myself described in this thread now i'll go nuts so one time when i was working i had to check the camera because someone complained that a girl was being provocative and i saw a girl adjusting her boobs before she walked in i really hope she's not in this thread we had security cameras at a deli i worked at years ago the boss had a tiny office and there was a big window in the office door i walked past his office one day and yep he was in there masturbating he was watching my co-worker on one of the cameras and jerking it she was pretty attractive he had no idea i was coming in he thought it was just the two of them there i don't think he ever knew that i saw never mentioned anything to anyone can't believe you passed up on a promotion like that oh god i got stories grossest crap i ever saw was a worker picking her front junk hand down pants switches to the back scratching hand down pants pulls a hand out and sniffs it then licked it yes really scene one dude whacking it blew his cheddar on a rack of fubu other dudes peeping out young girls taking photos one time a dude was snapping up skirts with a pole camera set up before selfie sticks were a thing co-worker had a dude beating his crap in the little girl's department had him arrested elderly dude almost certainly with alzheimer's or dementia had little crap nuggets running down and out his trousers and rolling on the floor drunk dudes pee everywhere cena dude get hit and run over by his own getaway vehicle while trying to make a felony theft i was doubled over laughing rewinding and replaying that video saw a worker keep going out to her car during the day who we were asked to keep an eye on due to missing money and possible merchandise thefts watched her smoke rocks twice parked right near the cam and we zoomed in great angle been bitten stabbed scratched punched and sprayed used to be the best job ever but they stopped letting us touch people and word got out now people just steal and they're like can't touch meb corporate america got really skittish on force when that united airlines video went out when airport police went up apple [ __ ] everyone's got a cell phone anymore i'm just like if force was justified it's justified but someone's always being and but so i get it and even justified stuff can look iffy with shaky video bad sound and asinine commentary whoever sword spine you might get a kick out of this story i didn't watch cctv as part of my job i worked at a pizza place making the dough and making pizzas however managers could access the cameras from any computer and watch them we only had like five super small store in a really small town it had happened the night before a night i was surprisingly not working and one of my co-workers was taking all of the two liters out of the cooler because it was either dirty or some dressing had spilled as he was taking out the two liters he accidentally dropped one and like in a freaking cartoon it landed upside down and at a perfect angle to crack the seal and it shot with 100 accuracy into the co-worker running the oven's nuts thankfully he was just waiting for pizzas to cook and didn't have anything hot in his hands or on the table so no damage done other than the rocketing bottle into his nut sack a group of local jugglers were kicking a hacky sack in an area of the park well known for narcotics sales the leader of this little gang and a minion both took a wild kick at an air and sack the leader taking the minions kick square in the nards leader guy dropped into the fetal position tears flowing freely minions stood about howling and delight video gold yesterday guy didn't think anyone would see his kid 3 4 max whip his little ping ling out and pee on the cut corner of the town hall i work and right outside the front door i walked over to said door opened it a slight bit and told him we have a bathroom if you just ask and shut the door while not a security cam watcher there's one on the parking lot so on a sunday when there's just my truck out there even when one of the stray cats or a squirrel goes across the parking lot it draws my attention i thought this guy was coming up to the door to knock at first nope was working the evening shift of the front desk once girl goes up the elevator wearing a coverall reaches between her legs gets a good scratch in pulls her hand out inspects it closely puts it in mouth she noticed the camera at the very last second her jaw dropped lol it wasn't bad but i did watch a guy have an epic air guitar solo for like 10 minutes while hiding from my responsibilities at work once a dude was pushing 70 and always acted like a hardest but apparently is totally down to have a concert with his imaginary friends on the clock i live on an acreage in the forest my house cams caught a few coyotes take and kill a raccoon from the garbage can coyotes aren't cuddly puppies people yeah frick those creepy things they get huge in colorado and that yip yapping they do when they find a kill always happens right as you're about to fall asleep i was working for security at a mall in raleigh and we would always have this man and woman frick in the parking lot it was always around the same time of day and it was always in her car this went on for about two weeks that we knew of but we could not catch them it was a pretty big mall and by the time we seen them and got someone to head their way they would leave we did have their tag number and was on the lookout one day they didn't frick but went into the mall we sent the manager over to stop them and warn them that if we catch them in the act that we would have the cops involved in they would be banned from the property both of them denied it but we had proof in the form of video same car and tag number and we showed them the video come to find out it was the lady just not her husband in the video that she was freaking her hubby was for your information i guess they stayed together i seen them back in the mall together two years after that that's one way to get caught in kuwait there was a base wide security net every night at 9 30 sharp we would switch the feed from the base cash and disbursement ball to watch two service members pretty fit young asian guy under drop dead gorgeous busty red head get it on in the cash vault they had no idea there was a camera all that 25 guys in the secops building were gathering with popcorn and snacks to provide critique on the couple's performance or input improvised running dialogue or laugh uproariously the time he accidentally came in his own eye i was a marine attached to air force security forces while waiting to deploy to iraq the day before i flew out i stopped by the disbursement office and on my way out asked hope your is doing better before walking out leaving him totally speechless interesting i have a camera set up for my dog i logged in yesterday because i knew he would be getting home from his daily walk it was raining yesterday afternoon what do i see just as i open up the camera that little bastard jumps up on the couch and dries himself off by rubbing his body against all of the cushions i used to work for a big hotel pub chain and at the staff party each year they do a compilation of all the stuff caught on security cameras over the year uncensored full on sex in a stairwell bj in the lift a guy leaning over the bar and barfing straight into the ice well i stopped watching after that while running sound at a high society charity auction at a local community college there was a big focus on wine it was always fun to pan tables every year and watch the high-class buttholes get progressively more and more crap-faced the one time that stuck out was a couple at a table who were increasingly aggressively eye freaking each other with every glass the best part was there was another dude at the table that they were completely ignoring his rising discomfort as the evening progressed was the highlight of my evening bonus round probably the ultra conservative cult that would register under a fake name and bring out daggers cow skulls and other bizarre crap while frick knows what they were singing about what what the frick late night a couple was strolling in a part of the hotel park they probably thought wasn't covered by the cameras they'd decide to have sex perched on a railing cue a few moments of him jackhammering the girl from behind a long pause him pulling away embarrassed and her looking very disappointed then the railing gave in as a kid when her at the grocery store and you start eating the grapes then you look up and there's like five freaking cameras watching you eat the grapes then you feel guilty about the 10 grapes you ate at the store when you were like eight im reflecting on my life choices rn i used to eat one grape every time my mum got them but i used to sneak more then i saw a camera and i did the exact same thing on the other side i once did a choreography to supercalifragilisticexpialidocious while in an escape room while they watched on the camera me and my bro were doing an escape room and as a joke we called the camera karen it responded with i like jen moore but that's okay so we kept calling it karen at one point there was a little magnet maze my brother did and he got injury at it and just yelled god dang it i blame you karen i was looking for more clue and i saw the camera just slowly point down to the floor and went now look she's gonna want free console now we finished the room with about 15 minutes to spare a one-hour challenge and the dude at the counter said it was the funniest thing he'd seen aside from a guy getting stuck on top of a wardrobe like bit in the room the back corner of the convenience store i used to work at was a prime peeing spot s since it was next to a bar i've watched at least five grown men pee into the bushes not the wildest story here but def something i wish i could unsee i used to review cameras for the public transit we have buses and light rail cars for a metro city anyway there's a lot of craziness that goes on this particular video that sticks out is two guys on the rail platform and these kids were running around the platform as the kids run near the two guys one of the men pulls out a gun to the other guy looked like a threat not actual kill doesn't shoot but the kids notice and run away probably screaming no sound i don't think he meant for the kids to see hard to say vega looked like he was trying to be discreet to threaten not necessarily kill otherwise i don't think he would have cared to shoot a kill with witnesses around none of the cameras record sound so i can only judge based on what i saw not what i heard they both ended up leaving i don't know what happened after that the police deal with the reports after i got the clip of video they needed it was a pretty chilling to watch i've only ever seen people do it in movies i'm glad i didn't have to review footage of someone getting murdered worst i've seen is someone not looking both ways to cross the street after getting off the bus and get sent flying into the air by an oncoming car it's amazing how dumb people are when you work certain jobs like security saw a male nurse pick his nose after doing rounds and inspect it guys first day on the job didn't know there were security cameras our office manager loves to watch the facility cameras in the field we were at corporate and this be loved to watch the cameras and call people out but this was a funny one when i was like 14 i was on vacation with family we were staying at a red roof inn and i wanted some alone time so i went out to the staircase and sat in the corner and did my teenage boy thing when i was done i looked up and there was a security camera pointed right at me someone out there watched a teenage boy diddle his fiddle and got paid to do it a couple of years ago i worked at a public high school near the time we were closed i was called onto duty after maybe one two hours and i saw teacher on a camera he processed to take his computer out of his bag and sat down at his chair he looked suspicious so i kept watching big mistake he opened the computer not a minute later and i began to hear the song country road coming from his computer i watched as he got out of his chair and began dancing along i was laughing so hard that i had to call someone to take my shift when i got into my car i was in tears i eventually quit because of my jerk boss but that was the best moment in my life well this one guy was stuffing iphones in his backpack he probably didn't want to be seen because when i went to talk to him he started running away smh so i work and loss prevention in the uk back when i was on nights the night would consist of taking the evening guard off and sitting in the office looking at cameras for the odd shoplifter and watching netflix so one night around 2 a.m i'm sat flicking through cameras when i notice a guy squatting on the floor in the clothing department at this point i couldn't quite see what he was doing so decided i'd walk over and see what was going on what a freaking big mistake that was i get there and the guy is in the middle of having a crap right on the floor making the most unholy noises as he does so he turns around looks at me panics and attempts to pick his crap up in his hands and tries to run out the door while profusely apologizing then the smell hits me it was as if someone had died and been left to fester i felt even worse for the cleaner who had sought this guy's mess out this was two years ago and the memory is still just as vivid as seeing it and smelling it and is by far the worst thing i'll ever witness in this job hopefully anyway rule britannia if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: OnTap Studios
Views: 68,652
Rating: 4.9199576 out of 5
Keywords: security cameras, caught on camera, caught on camera 2020, caught on camera funny, caught on camera moments, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: 3TkseZBDH5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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