How to Get Out of Life-Threatening Situations

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serious what is a little-known fact that can save you from a life-threatening situation if you get lost stay put almost every case of people being lost and dying that i've heard of in the australian outback they kept moving further and further away a save your energy for making shelter and signals for rescuers to support this place a trail of small items if you absolutely have to get away from where you are looking for water escaping something it helps abc's it's the first rule any health care provider learns about if you ever come across a person in an accident unresponsive etc always ensure abc's are done first a airway make sure that the person's airway is intact b breathing look at the person for chest rising to ensure they are breathing c circulation check to see if the person has a pulse if not start cpr capital a bone coming out of the skin is very bad unless you have training don't try to rescue someone drowning by swimming to them use something to reach out for them to grab onto they will grab onto you out of fear and not let go and you may drown with them if a panicked drowning person grabs you swim down they'll let go when you start pulling them under in the case of an abduction your best bet is to scatter some of your belongings like a nid on the ground the possibility of tracking you down becomes that much greater that way if you are confronted by someone wanting to abduct you run and run like heck if they try to kill you for running they were almost certainly going to kill you anyway so your best bet is to just take off and hope they move on to someone else if you are being attacked by almost any predator the first thing you should go for is the eyes predators are smart animals and only hunt what won't name them if you go for the eyes of a predator it will mostly likely back off and reevaluate trying to eat you only time a predictor will risk a vital organ to hunt aka eyes is when it is starving else it will back off knowing that if you do take out its eyes it will not be able to hunt anymore therefore starve if you see a huge explosion in the distance you've got one two seconds before you will be hit by the shock wave you can protect yourself from the shock wave by turning away from the explosion exhaling and keeping your mouth open to help equalize the pressure also drop to the ground if you can so there is less surface for the shock wave to interact with if you have to sleep in a car you can loop your seat belt through your door handle loop and click it and for extra security learn that from a truck driver i'd like to subscribe to truck driver facts if a high voltage power line falls near you stepping away from it may kill you as they may carry more than 100 000 volts one large step may put your front foot at a place where the voltage is much lower if the difference is high enough the insulation from your shoes may be too low to prevent the voltage from passing through and killing you prevent this by shuffling away using tiny steps this minimizes the voltage difference between your feet that's neat zero chance i am remembering it if i am close enough to a falling power line for it to be relevant but neat never put your hands in your pockets when going up or down the stairs if you trip while your hands are in your pockets they may as well be useless in the extremely unlikely event you are attacked by a swarm of bees most adults can typically just outrun them especially if you run into the wind do not stop running some bees will chase you for up to a quarter mile do not try to hide underwater they will wait for you to come up for air new fitness goal be able to outrun a swarm of bees people commonly say not to make eye contact with people in sketchy places however eye contact takes away the element of surprise which is often an attacker's first weapon advantage my colleagues comment that i always walk with purpose like i'm on a mission they don't know it's because my dad taught me to be confident af before going to college you're less likely to be messed with that way a couple different things for different situations if you're stabbed and the knife is still in don't take it out it's plugging a wound and stopping you from leaking if you're stuck outside in the cold especially if you're lost stay in place and try to stay out of the wind stationary people are easier to find also no matter how warm you suddenly feel keep your clothes on your body flash processes glucose in a last ditch effort to keep warm right before you freeze to death and it can make you feel unbearably hot if you've been freezing for the last couple hours above all else if you can't remember anything else calm people live panicked people die never let them take you to a second crime scene if they're trying to abduct you and you let them the kidnapping becomes murder 99 of the time fight like heck no matter what if you think you're being followed while walking outside pretend to get a call and respond normally and say something along the line that you'll meet soon in the same scenario if you approximately know the person is slightly further behind and you round a corner run like an idiot to a more crowded or safer place go into a shop bus a group of people heck even ring someone's doorbell if you have to and ask to call the police absolute worst case scenario if it's in the middle of the night and nobody is out and someone is following you smash kick someone's car so it sounds a loud alarm it could scare the stalker off carry a fork in your purse when the follower gets close enough to hear say thank you lord for this meal i am about to receive turn on the follower while holding the fork lick your lips and charge them awareness is a tool use it when you walk into a place you've never been take note of everything around you when you meet someone new pay attention to them when things are sketchy in any way pay attention to them if you keep attention at all times you'll rarely be surprised by anything and by extension trust your gut if you have a weird feeling about something it's probably for a reason the average person can hold their breath another seven seconds from when they think they are going to pass out if you are ever in aqua distress or caught underwater don't release your breath it may feel like you can't hold it any longer but you can adrenaline also tends to help you defy the limitations you think you have even if at the cost of injury if someone's pointing a gun at you it's probably risky to pull out a gun and point it at them i'd like for once to see a hollywood movie where someone tries this and the other guy pulls the trigger immediately i see that last part quite often especially in shows like justified guys swear they can outdraw rail and givens but obviously cannot because he is already holding a weapon under the table good show no matter how much you trained your awesome karate moves or even the much more realistic krav maga or mma you have no actual chance to effectively block a knife attack with your bare hands if you can't run block with the outside of your arms away from major arteries and be prepared to get cut up badly if you're fighting a kangaroo as you do punch the kangaroo as hard as you possibly can and don't run running shows fear and then the kangaroo knows it can beat you the reason why you punch is because in a kangaroo's mind any kick is way stronger than any punch let's say 10x stronger i don't know exactly so if you punch them hard enough they'll back down because they'll think you can kick them 10x harder than that if you didn't punch them hard enough well you're freaked this reminds me of a video from a few years ago a kangaroo grabbed a dog and the owner punched the frick out of the kangaroo until it let go much more avoid a deadly situation never start a campfire in a cave the heat will get to the roof of the cave and cause the rocks to expand when they do they collapse the top of the cave on top of you if you're in a cave and need a campfire do it outside drink when you're thirsty too many travelers die of thirst while literally carrying water rationing water may be appealing but it's always important to drink regularly a lot of people find it appealing to have a weapon on them and that's a personal choice i won't go into lol if you choose to whether it's a knife or a gun or pepper spray know how to use it you will be amazed how quickly your knife can be turned on you if you don't know what you're doing with it i also heard a piece of advice that is sad but probably effective emo if you're getting robbed or attacked or whatever don't just scream or yell for help scream and yell help my child yes even if you don't have a kid that's more likely to draw someone's attention especially if you're a man calling for help hope this helps someone a knife is not good for self-defense especially if you want a stronger individual lots of people end up getting stabbed by their own knife because they got overpowered take a basic life support class three hours and around sixty dollars will teach you cpr how to use an automatic external defibrillator eid and the proper way to perform the heimlich maneuver they teach adult pediatric and infant bls in one course i've had my bls card for four years and i've had to use my knowledge six times worth it basic life support if you live and play in a big city or a place with a higher risk of crime keeping burners handy in case you are a victim of armed robbery is very helpful that old phone you're trading in hold on to it wipe it and carry it with you when you're out also keep a burner wallet put 8100 in it with either a canceled stated ideally with an old address or even get a fake or some older expired stuff and an inactivated credit card keep your real crap in a hidden pocket boot etc if you do get robbed calmly hand over the burner phone and wallet the criminal will look inside see some cash and a card and then move on in almost all situations losing some cash and a four-year-old iphone is much better than losing your real crap having to go to the dmv being without a cell phone to call for help and having your credit cards used fraudulently imagine giving them this wallet that magicians use that burns when you open it if you get caught in a rip current swimming against it will tire you out swim parallel to the beach until it weakens enough for you to escape and swim to shore i like to add to this if you are with someone who keeps trying to swim straight in urge them to swim diagonally at least because they may be more receptive to that direction speaking from experience if you think you may be having a heart attack take an aspirin actual aspirin like bayer and if you do end up calling 9-1-1 later tell the m's you took it if you're a guy and decide to pee on a pregnancy test for some reason and it comes back positive you should definitely get checked for testicular cancer if you ever have your hands bound with a zip tie raise your hands as high above your head as you can bring your knee up and slam the middle of your hands down on the top of your knee the force should be enough to break the zip tie this generally works best if you're sitting on the ground kinda difficult to do while standing if your legs are also bound bringing the zip t down on your chest area can also break the zip t always stay aware if you see something off even if subtle be alert be ready for action if possible avoid the situation get to the other side of the street go into a store with other people etc anticipate having to run or fight the person make a plan will you kick him her in the nuts scream your name and the attacker's details or just run where will you run action take action do not worry about taking your actions too far your life and safety is more important than your attacker if throwing him off a balcony will save you it is worth it do not worry for the attacker safety even if you know them beat the little crap out of them this is not the time to be nice never put something in someone's mouth if they're having a seizure try to turn them on their side and place something soft like a jacket or pillow under their head while they have a seizure if it lasts 5 minutes or longer call an ambulance source 20 years of epilepsy count how many seats you are away from an exit on an airplane then even if you can't see because of smoke you still know how to get out if you're ever on a horse that starts bolting running fast out of control grab one side of the reins with both hands and pull hard enough that the neck and head are pulled to your foot the horse will start slowing down and stopping one more if the cops invite you to come down to talk say no the minute they tell you they are taking you shut up other than you want a lawyer even if you are 100 innocent period there are no gray areas to this also always refuse the lie detector test even if you think it will help clear you you may look suspicious for not taking it but it's better to look suspicious than to have to explain why you failed if you see a large explosion get away from the window if you see a mushroom cloud lay on the ground immediately the shock wave will hopefully blow over you instead of bursting your internal organs after that get underground asap and wait a few hours in case of nuclear fallout personally i see befriending mushroom clouds as a much better option learn to do a pull-up because if you are in a situation where you need to do one or die you won't magically find the strength in you now i have a situation in my head where i'm kidnapped and the crooks have a gun pointed to my head and make me do a pull or pull a bar or die if you're ever being shot at don't lay on the ground bullets can ricochet off the ground and walls and therefore are much more likely to fly six inches above or next to walls crouch over your feet and make yourself as small as possible also best advice for being in a mass shooting is run hide fight never beg or plead it's useless the shooter is always too disassociated to care fight for your life as best you can and use strength in numbers that is everyone rush at once source i'm active duty military and this is all standard training this is something that happened to me a few years ago after a week of heavy drinking me and some friends were in the back of a car heading home we were sleeping off our hangovers when i reached over groggly and gulped down a few gulps of my water it took me a couple of seconds to realize the water was blue in fact it was actually antifreeze in a water bottle that he had kept in the back antifreeze is tasteless and so is actually easy to drink i immediately panicked and let everyone know i just drank poison we pulled over and i tried to make myself sick repeatedly but i couldn't due to my adrenaline even with fingers down my throat i recalled in my college biology class that antifreeze itself isn't poisonous it's what it breaks down into if you can drink something that stops that from happening then you're okay i distinctly remember my teacher telling me that alcohol gets a priority pass when ingested after antifreeze and you should immediately drink it if this crazy situation should occur i ran to the boot and started chugging straight alcohol that was left over from the weekend i think i drank a half bottle of whiskey which was probably too much at the hospital they actually gave me a tiny bottle of smirnoff i think i was quite hammered the rest of the way back singing songs in the car while my mates all had bad headaches my hangover was delayed for a day and probably a lot worse but at least i didn't die this is why i like to take a few shots of whiskey periodically throughout the day just in case i have accidentally drunk some antifreeze and didn't notice do not add water to a grease fire not little known but it makes sense to repeat it giving how bad consequences can be for those who don't follow this advice also don't use flour it is extremely flammable you want to smother it with a lid or baking soda if you are attacked by a person like a mugging and the person tries to force you to move to another location fight for your life it's very likely that you will be killed otherwise just looked it up your odds of surviving a gunshot are much higher than your odds of surviving an abduction when buckling your children in the car lock yourself inside the car with them and then buckle back turned and hunched over is the best opportunity for abductions tell your daughters if someone is coming at you in a threatening kidnapping vibe pull out your phone and say facebook live and there's a good chance they'll walk away since it's live streaming you don't have to actually fidget to get fb live up and streaming just say that you are please do if you're capable it saved my 38 year old cousin from getting kidnapped while out walking her dog she learned it from a 14 year old girl friends with her parents who was also almost kidnapped listen to your gut feeling if you feel something is wrong in a situation don't brush it off it's better to be overly cautious and leave a situation rather than try and stay because you don't want to offend someone a hug can be a temporary cure for depression especially from someone that loves a depressed person it's saved my life so many times hugs i wear a free hugs shirt i get takers in the rare occasion that your school gets shot up don't use the traditional lockdown method and there is a likely chance that the shooter attends or has attended your school so they'll know what happens during a lockdown drill and the locations of certain rooms instead of just locking the doors and hiding under the desks stack some of the desks and use them to barricade the door in the event that the shooter tries to break into your classroom the desks will act as a shield against the bullets and also keep the door from being shot open also never hide in the middle of the room or anywhere near the door is if the shooter is shooting through the window and you're standing in the trajectory of the door there is a great chance that a bullet will hit you instead hide in opposite corners of the room far from the door and also away from the shooter's viewpoint this usually means the sides of the room in the terrifying scenario that you're being chased by a shooter don't run straight ahead you may have the instinct to just run straight ahead without looking back but staying in the same direction will give the shooter the chance to get you from behind and if you are shot through the back the bullet has a great chance of going through vital organs and killing you instead run in a zigzag pattern running in different directions make it harder for the shooter to aim at you and gives you a much better chance of making it out safely also calling 911 is important but if people are already calling have one 911 in the room who is calm enough to speak coherently call 9-1-1 and call the police and give details of what's happening panicking is definitely normal but the dispatchers will have a much better chance of knowing what's happening if they can understand what they are hearing finally if you have no other choice but to hide in the bathroom make sure your feet aren't visible in the stalls so crouch down on the toilet without touching the ground this won't help if the shooter actually checks the stalls but if they just pass the bathroom and only look to see if anyone is in there it helps the chances of not getting shot i learned all of these facts from a video online by an expert on safety weird nature ones first one is if you go hiking don't just bring water bring electrolytes you need to replace what your body is losing into wet if you don't then you risk getting heat stroke or sickness especially in hot climates like utah last thing you want is to spend eight hours buffing out over 10 50 100 miles from the nearest hospital to try to make noise if you see a black bear and make yourself look big if it's black fight back if it's brown lie down three big one here if you ever see a freaking beet cup alone get your butt out asap that mom went off to forage and will be back and will not freak around with anyone being near her cub safe rule of thumb is to stay minimum 400 500 featuring from bears at a minimum after a water scare or near drowning watch out for dry drowning which can happen up to an hour after the initial scare also to watch out for is secondary drowning it can happen up to 48 hours later when a child or adult falls in the water it's human nature to inhale or gulp down water in a state of panic once the person has been rescued from the water most of us would assume that the danger is over but after taking in water through the nose or mouth the muscles in your windpipe can become constrained to protect your lungs some people have labeled this condition dry drowning though this is not a medical term or diagnosis doctors call this phenomenon post immersion syndrome and though it's rare it does happen dry drowning versus secondary drowning dry drowning and secondary drowning are both the result of injuries that happen underwater dry drowning sets in less than an hour after inhaling water but secondary drowning which is also rare can happen up to 48 hours trusted source after a water accident secondary drowning is caused by water that accumulates in the lungs it's more similar to what we think of as real drowning because it involves your lungs filling up with water the water then causes breathing difficulties both dry drowning and secondary drowning are serious health conditions that can be fatal symptoms of dry drowning you should notice the warning signs of dry drowning within an hour of getting out of the water the dry drowning causes the vocal cords to close over the windpipe this effect is called a laryngospism the laryngospasm could be mild causing breathing to become difficult or it can be severe preventing any oxygen from getting in or out of the lungs symptoms to watch for after a water incident include difficulty breathing or speaking irritability or unusual behavior coughing chest pain low energy or sleepiness after a water incident if your child is having difficulty breathing they may be unable to speak or express their symptoms that's why it's important to monitor your child carefully after a water scare to make sure they're breathing freely if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 9,573
Rating: 4.9397593 out of 5
Keywords: how to get out, how to escape, life threatening accidents, life threatening moments, life threatening emergency, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: wLe4LIg7_Og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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