What's The Craziest Meltdown Someone Has Had At Work? (r/AskReddit)

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what's the most legendary work meltdown you've seen my pee teacher in the ninth grade got fired for this crap she tells us to walk laps around the school for cardio day some kids decided to run and manage to finish three laps by the time the rest of us finished like two when we finish our second lap we see the runners sitting and the teacher just screamed get your goddamn puny BOTS over here she proceeds to push the whole class onto the track in 97 degree weather and makes us sprint a mile and says that anybody who gets below 7:30 as to run it again that was a 90-minute period everybody finishes and she sits us down and calls us a multitude of bad words and tells us that we should have finished three laps like they did instead of only two even though she told us to walk not run and they were running the whole time we noticed that a girl isin't here anymore we later found out she had to be taken away in an ambulance because she had asthma and our b / teacher denied her of her inhaler so she fainted and was taken to the nurse's office immediately I worked at Taco Bell while in high school one of my co-workers was this guy who was really friendly but also really strange he was obsessed with being a straightedge kid and drew the X's on his hands and the whole nine yards he had a high-pitched good pleasant voice and spoke in an overly polite manner anyway he had put in his two weeks and on his last day he was working the front counter register this lady walks up to order and he just stares at her after a few seconds she says umm can you take my order in his very calm and polite voice he says oh I am sorry mom if I cannot there was another awkward pause and she says um well why not he responds with because I am a dinosaur he immediately started growling and roaring at her and he walked back and forth behind the counter like a t-rex he did this until the GM who was back making food realized what was going on on her way ups of the counter he calmly clocked out in left the GM had to apologize over and over again to the poor woman trying to order that kid was a Taco Bell legend for several years I wasn't there to see it but my co-workers have talked about the cabinet incident last year was my first year of teaching and I was working in a low-income inner-city school the people kept saying to me there's no way you could possibly be worse than the last girl we had when I asked what they meant I was told that a few years prior the principal had hired a first-year teacher apparently one day she got so overwhelmed and upset by the behavior of her class that she chucked a ream of paper out the window and then ran into the back room shut herself in a big cabinet and cried her class was unsupervised for a while apparently none of the kids had told anyone what happened and when the principal found her she was curled up on the floor of the cabinet rocking back and forth and sobbing clearly she was fired soon after that I didn't stay at that school longer than a year because the principal was the equivalent of Satan but when I left she said to me despite all the crap you were put through this year from your kids you are the first teacher I can remember who I never saw cry of school I'll take that as a compliment I suppose writing financial software in the 80s the systems analyst sitting at her desk near me suddenly burst into tears and wailed it's all so pointless money doesn't mean anything this happened only a couple of days ago at my work I didn't see it but everyone's been talking about it apparently girl a came up behind girl B and slaps her on the hard hat and said learn how to do your freaking job and girl B just frickin lost her crap and went full UFC on girl a chokehold facepuncher's regular choking girl a tried defending herself with various building parts as weapons both are now fired but I don't really blame girl B girl a is a frickin annoying B and has been pushing everyone's nerves since she started and I wouldn't want someone like that walking around treating coworkers that way someone was bound to take her down a peg eventually fellow pool guy through a table into the pool we were cleaning apparently he got a text from his cousin that he was borrowing his n64 reasonable tbh if someone took my copy of starfox 64 even God wouldn't be able to help them my boss was pretty tightly wrapped one day I came into the restroom and there she was in a store smearing her pink on the floor I recognized her rings and muttering when she was finished she cleaned up the worst of it off the floor somehow got dressed with her icky hands got washed and went back to work new hire in her first week rubs co-workers the wrong way acting as though she's the hottest thing to hit our restaurant since food itself when told her scheduled for the next day she argued with the manager about her availability threats of litigation start coming out of nowhere she approaches two police officers who are trying to enjoy their meal completely in tears breaking down and begging them to arrest our manager for firing her unjustly the help desk or tear out of the building this guy in a restaurant kitchen got in a fistfight with a younger guy punched him in the face backed up started shaking his face and doing the Scooby Doo voice he was nuts I broke it up and took the other guy out of the kitchen to separate them and came back ten minutes later and the crazy guy had perfectly cleaned his area like freakin spotless and clocked out early and never returned and never seen or heard from him never picked up his last paycheck weirdest crap I've ever seen when you say scooby-doo voice I just imagined him giving him a quick jab and saying rocky rocky while in a boxing stance 9th grade my English teacher had a breakdown in front of the class kept silent but started crying whilst writing on the overhead projector her complaints about the disrespectful kids in her class when I was an intern we had a high priority project come through that my mentor was working on really fast turnaround with many late nights crappy coffee and good beer anyway it was towards the end of the project and I was finishing bring up on the board at my bench when I heard him muttering quietly to himself I looked up to see if he needed me and watched him absolutely pound a computer monitor with his fist then grab it smash it down on the floor before stomping on it screaming there's no God and er Ciara you freaking crap he calmed down after a bit got a beer then requested a new monitor that's when I learned that no matter how mad you are screaming at all tiem will not make your sleep deprivation better first this involves the new five pounds notes for those who don't know they're polymer notes and if you fold them up they tend to stay folded it's important for the story I served a customer a friendly old man with white hair who paid with a folded five pounds I put it in the till a few minutes later my boss was in the till and saw the folded note he decided that the folds meant it had been rolled up into a tube to snort coke with he was absolutely adamant I said no I just took that note from an old man he started yelling rolling the note up in his fingers to make a tube shouting at me look it rolls up like this don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about don't tell me I'm wrong he kept shouting at me basically waiting for me to apologize and back down say I was wrong but I wasn't so I didn't he wound up storming off throwing things and slamming things he's freaking insane and I should have complained that there would be no point everyone knows what he's like and no one cares during grad school a professor in my department had a doctoral student who had been there a few years had passed candidacy exams and was writing up the dissertation I still don't know what truly caused the argument but they ended up having a shouting matching in the hallway in our academic building one day allegedly students wanted to publish results and prof. said no because they actually corrected a previously published theory he had first authored major fireworks student ends up switch into a new lab refuses to let professor have the lab research notes and wrote up his dissertation using the original data funded by the original Pro funder a different prof a big deal again huge drama that professor submitted his tenure packet one year later it was unanimously approved by the depth and college the Provost rejected it because this former student went to the Provost with the Prosser Ridge '''l paper student's data the still unsubmitted manuscript the student had written up everything the Uni had a rule that if you don't get tenure you have to leave prof never could get hired in the States after that and had to go back to his home country in the Middle East I wish this kind of crap wasn't so common my older sister got a nasty email from her thesis advisor because she submitted a work for publication that didn't shoehorn in a reference to one of his works she's been a professor for years at this point it's not like she's still depending on him to get her PhD but he's still playing power games I had a co-worker freak out on a customer at Walmart I used to be a cashier and people used to tend to treat us like crap anyway the lady got mad because she couldn't price-match some Doritos because it was the wrong size or something anyway it escalates we can't find the CSM and a few minutes later they are screaming at each other the cashy's parting words were I ain't frickin price-matching your Doritos you don't even need those Doritos with your fat but beneath less to say that was her last day had a customer try to price match great value chips for some godforsaken reason you can't price match walnut at Walmart dumb bars not to legendary but she was screaming and throwing crap because she got caught smoking in the parking lot after causing drama non-stop the past few months her extremely sunburned overweight shirtless father burst into the store threatening management if they don't give her her job back I was in court lawyer and we were arguing a motion and requesting sanctions against plaintiff's attorney the judge starts talking and dressing down the plaintiff's attorney who now offended decided it would be a great idea to interrupt the judge insult the judge and flat out told him you were too stupid to make it in private practice and you do not know what the frick you are doing she had been licensed for all of three years she is no longer I'm in radio and one of the group of stations I worked at had an oldies station a rock station and a pop station in the same building we had an announcer who was really eager and wanted to learn and work and was really a great guy but the big bosses were total jerks to him and was stuck in their old ways of doing things they treated the announcer will call him Howard really poorly and Howard used to come in and vent about it he ended up getting hired at another station but before he left he went into the music libraries and replaced all the Led Zeppelin songs on the rock station with a gospel song from the oldest station called trumpets off Jesus for an entire weekend any time Led Zeppelin was supposed to play trumpet soft Jesus played instead Howard has since gone on to become program director and has won all kinds of leadership awards total legend a guy I delivered pizza with had his parking spot taken by a guy he hated he pulled out a giant monkey wrench out of his trunk and smoked him in the back of the head with it knocked him out yeah he got arrested and fired well that escalated quickly from irritated to attempted homicide I worked a nightie and one guy who was one of the most chill guys I knew was responsible for the deployment updates and maintenance of a specific projects that generated high revenue one afternoon I was sitting at my desk and just heard a big crash and saw one of his three monitors on the floor he stood up shoved the next monitor over the divider onto the next sections desk then swiped the third monitor off the other side picked up his keyboard and smashed it as hard as he could kicked his chair away and slowly and calmly walked out the department without saying a word he came back to work the next day as if nothing happened everyone knew the pressure he was under and was very good at his job so nobody said a thing I used to work in a kitchen in an old folks home I had a manager named Edward who was a know-it-all piece of uninformed crap I had a co-worker named Dee who had a very serious medical condition and required a certain medication at certain points of the day Edward didn't like Eeyore the fact that she needed to keep her medication on her person one day forgot her medic and beg to run home and retrieve it Edward smugly denied her and told her to finish work so she tried and ended up briefly collapsing she was okay but very weak and disoriented Edward grabbed her by her arm escorted her to her car handed her the keys and told her to leave then he left to go tell anyone that would listen that he was on drugs and he smelled booze on her he was in the parking lot and called her mom to take her to the hospital he was only 20 and very scared he was discharged at night after some fluids and came back the next day upon hearing what Edward told everyone about her she stormed into HR screaming for them to bring Edwards bus in the office immediately as soon as he was called in she whipped her nametag at him I obviously lingered close by like a nosy bee she was screaming at the top of her lungs that Edward denied her to go home to get her her medication that was on file and HR was very aware of and how freaking dare he accuse her of being a drug addict and if he really believed she was under the influence of something how stupid was he to put her in a car on the company's property leaving them liable for her damages at this point much noise can be heard as all three of them are screaming full force at one another she threatened legal action and stormed out well she did take legal action for a ton of crap including putting a clearly ill person behind the wheel not too long after this I also quit and a few months later Edward was no longer employed by the kitchen but rather was working as a deli boy in the local grocery store I don't know what happened with his lawsuit but I hope that place and Edward got everything they deserved also vulnerable mentioned to are the maintenance man that threatened to shoot my old boss in the face for being such a dong Les weasel guy who's hard of hearing had to blast the radio another guy gets sick of complaining to a dong 'less manager who does nothing so he silently rips it off the cubicle and smashes it on the floor which is not carpet and hard really really freaking hard like the dang thing killed his grandmother with a look of silent but unfathomable rage on his face like Hugh Jackman coming out of the water or whatever in that Wolverine origin movie it explodes all the guts capacitors coils resistors transistors circuit board et CET CGA flying can then as people are gasping and screaming he just sighs satisfied like he's just busted a huge nuts and leaves I pretended to be horrified but I was so happy inside I'm imagining a clueless almost deaf guy shedding a single tear after seeing his radio smashed he never heard anyone complain before in thought life was peachy until you hear a hella petrels co-worker when tapper crab I worked a Chucky Cheese at a teenager and one guy found out he was being fired he responded to this news by naturally slitting his wrists and wiping blood on all the walls in the kitchen I was coming in as it was ending but we had to call the police and everything bizarre scene what the frig we had this girl at work and she liked to wear pants that showed a significant portion of her butt like if her butt crack was the Gulf Coast of the USA with Key West being her butt hole we were probably at Tallahassee someone complained to her manager he didn't believe us so we had him sit in a beating behind her and was completely horrified so he had a conversation with her about proper workplace clothing well she never got the message and she got a phone call from HR giving a formal warning she flips out storms into a meeting cause her boss a freaking pervert then proceeds to yell if you want to see my boss then see this and moons the room and storms off in a blaze of glory no we're complaining specifically because we don't want to see your butt actually it was the quietest most calm meltdown but it screamed of anger and frustration so I used to work in a banks call center a colleague of mine came in the morning he came in late and didn't even have his coffee and logged in the first caller was a rude butthole who started screaming obscenities so early in the morning my colleague without saying a word hung up the phone while the customer was still talking logged off and put his headset on the table he walked calmly and get a pen and paper wrote his resignation and handed it over to his supervisor alongside his access card he walked out the call center and never came back all of this without saying a single word it was the embodiment of the phrase action speaks louder than words I'm happy for him in high school I worked at a grocery store and this kid was all peed off at another bagger and swearing in front of the customers he said he was hoping he'd get fired I told him he should quit before he gets fired so that it would look better on his resume in the future a few minutes later I realized he was missing then suddenly he comes around the corner from the manager's office no longer in uniform he threw his uniform in the trash in front of the manager then he looked at me and said loudly I took your advice then proceeded to walk across the front end point to each associate saying named me mainly mainly named named named named him everyone was staring at me after and I said I did not tell him to do that best I've seen was my 7th grade math teacher there was the girl who always talked in class she got moved to the front at some point and she was laughing and giggling as always after being told to be quiet about eight times the teacher is standing front and center in front of her back to her and writing an example on the board girl has one of those plastic pencil boxes all the girls used to decorate sitting on the front corner of her desk the teacher just cracked in one smooth motion he spins around yelled shut up and smacks the box as hard as he can wind it goes flying 15 feet across the room smashes into the wall pencils freaking everywhere he swiftly walks to the door slams had shut and we could hear pounding on the wall one brave kid peeks out the window dude was banging his head against the wall about two minutes later he walks back in crickets not annoys in the classroom he begins walking around picking up every single pen and pencil puts them all in the box places it gently on her desk and then just continues the example like the nothing ever happened it was exquisite if that doesn't describe seventh grade in a nutshell not saw but had I was about seven months pregnant and had just recently been moved to a different office the new office had all kinds of rules no one informed me or my fellow co-workers and I kept getting hauled into the office to be told off for things I didn't even know I was doing wrong do now if it was just friendly reminders I wouldn't have had a problem but my supervisor was this high and mighty be that kept belittling me and trying to make me feel bad and kept commenting on how I wasn't fit for this job keeping in mind I had been doing it for over two years at this point with the no problems time before the blowout she said I'd be written up next time she has to talk to me so I'm working away trying my damnedest to not freak up cuz I really don't want to be written up and I honestly couldn't handle any more stress well I get called into the office with her and our union rep and I see a notice on her desk I lost IT I starting yelling and crying and listing off all the horrible things she's been putting me through and how it was unfair for her to treat me like this and how half the crap I wasn't even told about I think I actually started having a panic attack during the whole ordeal and told the union rep some of the comments she made to me over the past few months it felt good to get it out and finally put her in her place she was so taken aback that I stood up for myself weed freak the Frick out that I ended up being sent home early cuz they were worried about my baby's well-being the notice turned out to just be a list of expectations only six months late which I had to read and sign but she left me alone after that one day when I listened to her call this woman had a very slow meltdown over the phone that ended in her in sobs the caller didn't hear something she said and asked her to repeat herself my coworker repeated herself in a really irritated tone and then said why does everyone want me to be mean today to the caller the girl on the other line is obviously confused and asked her if she was having a bad day and if she needed to speak to someone else she then says no and that she will be the one helping her it gets worse she bombs this call like totally does not do her job correctly and makes this painfully obvious to the point where the caller says that she will help her figure this out together and to not cry at him this was a helpdesk type job for other employees while they don't and she ends up crying and you can hear her snap at someone else in the office which obviously has the caller insanely concerned my coworker goes on a rant about how people are hateful and that she hates this job and that it's too hard for her to do it wasn't really easy for everyone and tells the caller she's going to be transferred we had to call back and issue the caller an apology she responded by asking if my coworker was going to be ok we said yes but no she wasn't the office manager ended up having to fire her for another call where she was complaining and abusing the caller before she was fired she was told she could use her benefits to speak to a counselor because she kept having outbursts at work and everyone was getting worried about her she said this wasn't the first time she heard that and didn't know why people kept saying it I still think about her this was two years ago and wonder if she ever got help I worked in fast food for years and while it might not be the most intense thing this kid who worked 60 plus hours a week at 17 came into work one day with a completely shaved head because it was more efficient to maintain and it helped him work more often I have never seen someone so young be so dead inside and with that shiny overhead just about a month ago now two of the kitchen guys at the restaurant that I bought him that got in an incredibly heated argument over eating but one was very fortunate box and the other was very very against it every time I went back to grab food they were both getting angrier and angrier it got to the point of them screaming at each other and pans being thrown before finally they seemed to calm down about 20 minutes later I go to check on food and only the dishwasher was in the kitchen and no food was even being cooked and a stream of orders was still coming out of the printer apparently the argument started back up and to solve it once and for all they went to the parking lot and beat the living crap out of each other they came back and bruised and quite bloodied and tried to go back to cooking food like nothing happened five minutes later the owner stormed in with two guys that weren't working to cover the rest of the shift and fired both of them as they tried to defend their arguments over eating but to the owner while the entire store tried to stifle our laughter I was hoping they went out back to settle it by trying out both ways on each other I once worked with a guy on salary whose availability was clearly abused who used to joke that he just wouldn't come in tomorrow then one day he didn't come in in fact no one could figure out where he was turned out he moved States and got a new job and just didn't bother telling his boss until he was already long gone good on him it was a call center and probably 80 people there working at the time all of our cubicles are on the same floor she sends an email to our boss and CC's the entire office something along the lines of Frick this place Frick the boss Frick the break room basically Frick everything and your family then the last line oh yeah I left my badge on my desk when I was in college I worked at an animal hospital one week the boss owner was on vacation and several co-workers joked about having a liquid lunch together one day one girl thought it was such a good idea that she brought a bottle of vodka back to work from her break she tried to get us all to drink together well on the clock but no one else participated so she was but that and drank herself into oblivion she made an absolute fool of herself during all this she had one person's wallet asked me on a date cursed two people out spun herself around in circles on the floor like a drunk breakdancer and pooped all over the only employee bathroom and passed out the office manager helped her to the couch to sleep it off as most folks were leaving for the day she woke up and snuck out to her car and flew out of the parking lot almost hitting a co-worker she floated down the road and eventually ran over a large curb which messed her small car up and she left it and walked to a friend's house yeah she got canned the second the boss got back and even acted surprised about it go figure this particular staffer has been on the edge regarding her being employed for about a year the office manager finally decided to let her go after the fifth time she brought all five kids under ten all to work and they destroyed our Keurig it is on film the eldest picked it up and slammed it on the floor repeatedly her ranting featured extremely loud swearing calling damnation on the manager and an itemized list of why we all could go to heck rubber bands they're everywhere one two three apparently someone in my office was putting rubber bands all over the place like around things where it shouldn't be it annoyed this one girl and she started accusing people on who did it ended up walking through the area the rubber bands were in yelling about how there were everywhere got a work email about how we shouldn't be using work supplies on things other than what they were meant for TLDR we had a rubber band it first job working as a host at a local restaurant our short stocky chef was being particularly pestered by our 15 year old dishwasher boy now this dishwasher boy was annoying on any given day non-stop talking tons of gossiping whining and bragging pretty much from the start to end off his shifts I'm standing at the host station at the tail end of the evening rush went out of nowhere I hear our chef yell through the walls of the kitchen mind you that's IT you little Frick followed by the high-pitched wail of the dishwasher boy I only have time to jerk my head towards the racket when the dishwasher boy comes sprinting out of the kitchen still screaming past me past customers and out the door of the restaurant seriously in shrieking as he ran by was the only time I've had a chance to experience the Doppler effect without a vehicle passing by second later the chef bursts out of the kitchen and follows him out of the restaurant hot on his heels what incited the altercation was that the dishwasher boy was being his usual aggravating self and chef having enough of his crap told him to knock it off dishwasher boy then decided the appropriate thing to do would be to overhand throw a spoiled spoon a chef while he was working at his station boon caught him square in the face and that was that so now every customer in the restaurant and I are staring anoint of the parking lot as chef closes the distance of dishwasher boy dishwasher boy appears to turn and say something to chef in frantic defense for himself whatever he is trying to say is cut short our chef grabs his torso with both hands literally hoists him up above his head takes two large steps towards the open steel dumpster and hurls the dishwasher boy right into it chef walks back and gets back to work without saying a word dishwasher boy climbs out and comes back in crime and gets back to work customers ask me dafuq just happened received a lot of customer complaints at night I went to a private high school the teachers having 12 to 14 hours days plus their grading wasn't at all weird one of my teachers ended up completely snapping one day in the middle of the school year he went on a full-on rant at one of his classes because they wouldn't stop talking he was so angry the entire class of about 30 students was being yelled a full volume for 45 minutes of their class time because of this and left them all in complete shock for the first 20 minutes of my class period he sat there quietly without addressing the class I've never seen a group of 20 teenagers so silent in my life and I'm sure I'll never see it again there have been many melk no ones where I work between the same two people they're father and son and they don't see eye to eye the son is the president of the company that the father and mother owned majority stock the son is an alcoholic with a violent temper though he's okay when he isn't drunk and the father is 84 and suffers from Alzheimer's but is still somewhat there they get into shouting matches over family drama at work people have ended up being arrested and fired multiple times due to unrelated reasons but most of the time it just adds fuel to the fire because someone within the family is the one who's being arrested or fired I've watched the son punch holes in the walls and storm out of the building keys in hand and speed off down the road the father goes back to what he's forgotten he's already done on average this happens once or twice a week sounds like Orange County Choppers my 8th grade teacher got mad at a kid for taking too long sharpening a pencil because the sharpener was broken she storms over grabs the pencil and starts sharpening but she still can't get it to work so she Huff's over to the student pencil drawer rips it open and Yanks the draw so hard it comes flying out inside a pencil sharpener cracked so a classmate and I tried to clean it up then she yelled at us and told us to sit down mrs. crazy then assigns the class a four paragraph essay instead of a Socratic seminar because we couldn't handle mature topics which is how she interpreted a few nervous laughs at the period after she threw a chair at a student this is the teacher that has broken down in class several times before and has a tendency to throw writing utensils and smart board markers not at work but in seventh grade one girl ripped the pencil sharpener off the wall and threw it at the whiteboard denting it then she threw a chair at our teacher and the principal had to come remove her from the classroom some guy next to me just screen out rake so that's the top currently my ex coworker we work in an office in this one day she must have just been in a bad mood we were due to have a staff meeting and she was supposed to arrange it all hand out agendas prepare the conference room lock up etc it was about 10:05 and the meeting was at 10:00 my boss who was also in a bad mood came down to reception and asked what the heck was going on she just flipped out on him she threw a bunch of paperwork at him and just started shouting about how she's fed up of him and his quitting she then storms out of the office my boss just stood there then turned around and went back to his office the rest of the staff made our way to the conference room for this meeting and as we were sat there it was really intense and awkward and deathly silent we were all just looking at our boss waiting for him to react surprisingly he stayed super calm next thing we know we hear someone unlocked the front door and coming we assumed there was this lady we then start to hear furious typing I mean she must have been slamming her fingers on the keyboard because we could all hear it from upstairs so we all just sat there listening to this noise still deathly silent eventually it stops and this lady storms up the stairs and throws her quitting notice at my boss and leaves again my boss just looks at it calmly then finally addresses the rest of us and just said that he will not tolerate being spoken to the way she spoke to him and that was pretty much it we carried on the day as normal still makes me laugh to think about it that was a good day dang mr. boss handled that like a champ guy got fired at my work for ordering high-cost items and saying they were for clients they were purchased using state funds and he would just take the items home well he memorized the phone number receptionists used to page people it's an actual phone number so anyone is able to call it and it'll go through the speakers so this guy called it and basically said all of these obscenities about people it was like that scene in the office where Michael roasts people for making fun of him but this guy was very nsw it was kind of funny though the best part was nobody could do anything about it because he was calling from an outside line and wasn't even in the office this Irish bloke I used to work with say Sean was on a work's meal out at a Chinese buffet place and was fairly drunk someone made a slight crack at him not even sure what it was but he claimed it was to do with him being Irish some sort of ptake he left it for about five minutes but then just suddenly interrupted him talking to another saying you dirty frickin see the guy looks the most and he just repeats you're a dirty freakin sea aren't you getting more and more simmering with rage pointing at his chest the guy is basically like WTF and then all of a sudden he throws the wildest drunkest haymaker knocking the guy right into a table full of Chinese food which collapses making a pretty impressive noise and mess the guys on the floor frickin covered in shiny sauce and Sean picks up a pint glass and just tips it all over him he finally seemed to calm down and then just shrugs as if to say what can you do says well he is a dirty frickin see that feller and then strolls out casual as you like I studied on a master's degree in finance which was known for being extremely high pressure and stressful and both had my own non entertaining breakdown as well as saw others I'd seen things like a girl break down in tears during a lecture because of the sheer number of assignments we already had when another got assigned a guy break his pen and just leave the lecture and several screaming fights among students apparently over group projects the best was actually pretty calm though we had some guy get invited in to talk about some financial security I forget the name and have totally left finance with no intentions to return which effectively allowed you to profit if another person defaulted on their mortgage about ten minutes into the talk this one student who everyone respected basically stood up and spent about five minutes completely talking this guy in his career into the ground the guy kept looking around desperately and looked sheepish as crap and after that continued with his talk with the most Awkward atmosphere with obvious disrespect just emanating from the students he completely lost any authority in that room every question he got after was basically a snide and people were openly laughing and booing at him I think it was in part the unethical nature of the security peeing off a bunch of students who grew up with a recession as well as in becoming the focus of everyone's collective stress I'm a bagger at my local grocery store first job and we had just hired a new guy about two weeks earlier anyways this guy gets his 15 minute break and comes back on time as normal only one problem he is now high out of his mind spends about thirty minutes um bagging groceries before management notices and pulls him aside to talk to him about it also note this guy hasn't spoken anything but gibberish for this time bit he freaks out starts yelling in his gibberish and throwing cans all around yep that's it you've been spotted by the dojo of studying like this video for good grades for the next two years like and subscribe you magnificent person [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 167,685
Rating: 4.874763 out of 5
Keywords: legendary, work meltdown, meltdown, workplace, work stories, stress, stressful job, stressful, job meltdown, stress at work, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 29sec (2189 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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