Wow, What Small World

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what was the biggest wow what small world moment for you on a tiny ferry back from the aran islands the woman sitting behind me on the top deck was someone i had gone to high school with we grew up in new york and i recognized enough about the conversation she was having with her friend to turn around and be like do i know you yup same grade and everything on a random mid-afternoon ferry in a tiny part of ireland halfway across the world from our homes my family just went on vacation abroad and my dad took my sisters to do an activity on the way back they decided on a whim to detail to go to a restaurant they liked that was about a 15-minute walk away on the way back from that they were walking down a side street and suddenly bumped into my next door neighbor he had landed that morning and my dad was due to leave that night about nine years ago in my college days i'm a newbie to an internet forum one day one of the mods mod v post an obituary that mod k's wife is passed away due to pulmonary issues fast forward a few months later at holiday season mod k post that he's on his way to my hometown he lives in our capital city i asked him what the occasion and he answered that he wanna visit his in-laws i told him that i lived there and invited him to hang out if he have free time so we met in town square and talk a bit there we talked about our forum while enjoying coffee he is one of the senior mod there and he told me several stories about our forum he is a really nice guy we decided to go fishing the next day while fishing he started to told me his work as a red cross volunteer his and experiences and eventually his love story and how he met his wife it's a sweet story about how he marrying her college sweetheart but unfortunately she passed away just a few months after they married we got tired fishing and caught several fishes and i invited him to my house to cook them after lunch he asked me if i'm interested in volunteering i told him that i've been active and boy scout while in high school but i hardly have enough time now other than college he then told me that his wife is a girl scout and in fact she'd been the leader of girl scout while in high school and is the same age as me i whispered sylvia yes oh my god so you know her she was my girlfriend in high school t l d dr met a guy from the internet turnout he married my ex-girlfriend and she was passed away this is sweet and sad all at once i used to be friends with this guy named travis met someone andre did who was named travis who had problems with his parents like the travis i knew wasn't the travis i knew but was neighbors with the travis i knew this some travesception crap here when i was younger i went on holiday to tenerife with my mum met a kid there who was from the town my dad lived in him oh where does your dad live me 26 something street him seriously that's my old house which is your room me other one at the back him that was my room no way mfw i moved into not only this kid's house but also his old room word dude i jerked off on every surface move to tokyo after a while neighbor is moving out i pulled strings for a friend to take his app so he becomes my neighbor turns out they were both school friends from long back later the next year my friend moves out new tenant moves in he happens to be an old acquaintance of mine what the frick we have to keep tabs on you truman my dad had to catch a bus for the first time in 30 years he gets on and it turns out that the driver is his cousin who he hadn't seen in even longer they have a quick chat and exchange numbers dad takes his seat at the back of the bus when the driver arrives at the place my dad told him he was going to he looks in his mirror expecting to see dad waiting to get off but he's not he is still sat at the back driver calls out no reply turns out the long-lost cousin was the last person to see my dad alive he was dead at the back of the bus sorry about your dad bro sad flew from uk to berlin for a break matched with someone on tinder not a hookup or anything she just agreed to show me best christmas markets anyway as we are talking it turns out her childhood friend moved to the uk happened to live near where i do and just happened to be my daughter's teacher i lived in london for several years but i'm originally from a small town in canada my best friend from when i was a kid in canada came out to visit me in london we were sitting in the pub and in walked a guy who we played on the same soccer team with us kids we ended up spending the evening with him the craziest part about it was that it happened when my friend was visiting as well whoa whoa whoa hold it right there if you live in london it's called football not soccer i once hitchhiked from dunedin to auckland about 1400 km and got picked up straight away by a guy going to the same suburb in auckland as me i lived in invercargill for seven years i'm back in the usa now though kia aura i moved halfway across the us only to meet a girl on tinder who lived 30 minutes from me what makes the world smaller is that her brother went to the same church as me and my cousin was her next-door neighbor i actually ended up marrying her when the world knocks you answer the door last week before work i was reading a highly upvoted post that received gold when i arrived at work my co-worker mentioned that she received gold for a redid post she made i asked what the post was and it was crazy to realize that it was the post i'd been reading all morning not the biggest small world moment ever but it was cool i had a co-worker tell me about a decision he was having a hard time with regarding his schooling a week later i find this description of the exact dilemma between programs not me but my mom she works at a pain medicine clinic where representatives from medication companies occasionally come and bring lunch for the employees to pitch their medications and talk to the doctors who work there she began talking to one of the reps who was a few years younger than her and who mentioned that she was from the same town that my mom was from she proceeded to mention that a member of my mom's graduating class who my mom recognized by name was was her husband's elder brother then my mom comes to find out that she and the rep graduated from the same high school only a few years apart from each other my mom came home from work that day starting her story with i made a new friend at work it was a wholesome what a small world moment for her she works at a pain medicine clinic where representatives from various medication companies come and bring lunch for the employees to pitch their medications to the doctors for them to potentially implement and use themselves in their practice and this is why america has an opioid crisis i work with my uncle who's in his 60s doing odd jobs and such this one job we are working on is in a million dollar home when the homeowner's roommate came home from work for the day he gets to bullshitting with my uncle and apparently they were long-lost friends who used to party together in the 70s but neither of them recognized each other it was so cool to hear them talk about the old times also a little bit morbid once the conversation shifted to who has passed away but thankfully that didn't last long overall crazy to think that all these years later they met each other by chance on a job that i booked i hope this story made sense i'm a little tired and can't really find the best way to word everything my step-dad's a funeral director in a tiny village in scotland whenever i phone up all i get is agnes is dead so is keith i have no idea who these people are wife and i traveled to beijing eight years ago made friends with a couple from colorado we lived in az vacation friends only no later contact we moved to colorado a few years ago last year i see this couple at the movies i'm alone don't say hi tell wife not sure she believes me couple months later we are at dinner and see them we pull up old pictures to prove this is them wife and i go say hi show pictures memory sharing ensues a small world fact kiwi living in toronto visited new york for holiday was election in new zealand so decided to vote at nz embassy walk in the door someone yells out hey qp tree friend of a friend happened to also be in ny but that's being a kiwi for you i hope you're enjoying toronto and this freezing weather lol was living in bali temporarily and a friend of mine who lives in the us but is from chile happened to be there on holiday we hung out most of his time there except one day where he wanted to go to some temple i wasn't interested in seeing after he gets back he starts telling me that he met a guy from peru as he was there and they checked out the temple together a few days later a university friend of mine who lives in the uk posts pictures of his trip to bali on facebook this friend is from peru i asked him and sure enough he went to that temple and sure enough he met a dude from chile neither of them realized i was a mutual connection of theirs the guy from peru had also not realized that i was in bali further crazy twist when i got back to the uk a couple of months later i randomly bumped into the same peruvian friend on a train in a part of the country that i had never been to and we chatted for an hour craps weird man my brother met a guy online named hand the guy was his friend andrew they didn't meet through mutual friends online and it was a random game of siege i'm standing in edinburgh with my dad when suddenly someone yells john my dad's name is john it's also the name of many english-speaking males we're also standing in front of the john knox house so you know what my narcissist of a father does he turns around expecting the person to be addressing him and you know what he was right the person went to college with him we're on a different continent and my dad sees one of 500 odd people he graduated from a liberal arts school in texas with to be fair most people will turn when they hear their name even if it's unlikely to be for them i come from a small town nga i came to germany with the army and met the woman who eventually became my wife her brother had a party one night and invited his first girlfriend from when he was a teenager i got to talking to her and found out that she had been working in atlanta and had started dating a guy from my hometown she and i actually knew some of the same people he and i are great friends it's great to have someone here to talk about home with my dad was in the air force and i had a similar situation when i moved to the states the kid was my age about six and we were at the same barbecue playing together in england years later and two states after we ended up at the same high school i was on a chat room for one of my first times so i was a little kid and someone said they live down the street from me i'm now realizing they must have been trolling in florida saw a guy i went to karate school within new york happened at universal studios on a flight back from puerto rico ended up sitting right next to a girl who was a freshman in my high school who ran with the same group of friends i did i met a guy in a bar in vietnam who turned out to come from my hometown four days after i returned from my trip to vietnam he turns up on my doorstep as the handyman my mum had called in to fix her house up my hometown is small i've never met a guy before ever but i met him twice in one month on two different continents waiting in line for it's a small world ride at disney world our boat pulls up getting out of the boat in the same row i'm getting into is a girl i had gone to youth group years ago immediately built out holy crap it really is a small world you saw the opportunity and you took it we're childhood friends from germany i was in tokyo on that giant crossing in shibuya two years ago i just stood there and purposely missed a green light to assess this whole situation with hundreds of people crossing every green light i had a friend traveling randomly through all of asia for a year and she happened to be three meters next to me in that second and spotted me didn't know of each other of being in tokyo that night in high school i went to rome from the us on a family vacation over a week-long break ended up on a random city bus with the vice principal from my school who happened to also be in italy for the same break and had gotten on the same random city bus three stops earlier kind of involved in it my cousin and his friend went traveling around the world about eight years ago never wanted to stick to the typical tourist areas and would venture into the super remote areas he ended up in cambodia trekking through the jungles not another person around for miles randomly came across a couple doing the same turned out they lived about an hour's drive from each other back in the uk the four of them stuck together for a few days and then went their separate ways but not before adding each other on facebook the guy's profile picture was one that i had taken of him in a nightclub a week prior to him leaving i worked as a photographer at the time doing nightclub and live music events i play online quite often and in a us server game i met the random guy with whom i did a lot of campaigns in the same team and well of course we started talking on steam one day he asked me if i had a facebook which of course i have and i gave it to him we spoke about a month in english only believing we both were from somewhere in the u.s and one day i think i never asked him where he lives turn out he lived a couple of streets away in santiago in chile was quite shocking for both xd we still hang around at times i found out that my friend four at the time nine years was my fourth cousin and we had no idea i met his cousin at my aunt's genealogy meeting and she was explaining how we were elated and i found out he was a close relative to my really good friend we are still great friends to this day both of these happened within days of each other which was extra creepy my bf's family live about 50 kilometers from us so not that far but not close either his mum saw an old friend in the pub and was chatting to her and her husband she asked where the husband worked now since she hadn't seen him in years he told her and she said oh i actually know someone who works there and mentions my name it's a huge employer with literally thousands of employees so chances are slim he'll even know the name of the person she knows let alone work with them but he does know me he literally works for the same boss in the same unit on the same floor at a desk 100 meters from me then a few days later i find out my bf's cousin who lives in another state almost 1 000 kilometers away as friends with one of my closest high school friends who only moved there free four years ago so weird i was friends with this girl who regularly attended waterstones whom i met on a regular basis a couple years later i had met this guy at waterstones also giving him book recommendations and one day there was a social event in which i invited both of them too as they began talking and contacting family they realized they were long-lost cousins but when they told me i just said exactly that wow what a small world they both thanked me for bringing them together and that was that i met my best friend in vietnam 1967 i wasn't on vacation our patrol leader always stuck us together as six feet four inches 250 pounds white boy and a six feet three inches 240 pounds black guy he called us salt and pepper we had some bad times during hue and a few other times but when i got shrapnel from a mine he and i were separated i tried to get mail to him but it never worked out 20 something years later him getting fuel under he is we lived 20 minutes apart all those years i moved from a fairly small town in massachusetts to a bigger but not really known town in florida our new mailman was our old mailman we met a total of six people that moved from our old town to the new one over the 10 or so year we lived there yeah that weeds me out not me but my divorced parents mom is flying from uk to south african makes friends with the lady sitting next to her south african lady from cape town mother basically tell here here whole life story divorced five kids etc etc a few weeks later my dad flies from tsar to london the lady next to him unwraps a piece of cake and offers some to my dad it's her birthday and bought a piece of cake along with for the flight this starts the conversation going cause it's also my dad's birthday my dad gives a few details but not much because he is not much of a talker lady basically says on here wh asa she sat next to a south african greek lady that was also formed our hometown mentioned a few more details my dad proceeds to ask some questions and realize it was the lady my mom sat next to on the way to tsar back in 1990 my girlfriend and i sat in the bleachers at wrigley field a couple sitting in back of us says hey we know you i turn around and it's a couple that i and my now wife meet while on vacation in jamaica met someone about 14 000 kilometers away from me on a ski trip became one of my best friends turns out his house is about an hour and a half away from mine still good mates to this day moved from toronto to edmonton when i was in grade four became friends with the guy next to my locker turns out his and my grandfather were best friends back in the day in ukraine i was at a hostel in morocco and a girl walked in and i immediately recognized her six years prior to this she and i were in the same group at a high school leadership camp in montana so i live in a country city my mother was divorced and married again when i was eight the my step-father who is from the capital had another marriage before and had a daughter too here is a wow what a small world my step-sister's great-grandmother from her mother's side was my great-grandmother sister from my mother's side so my step-sister is also my cousin my goodness that's a head banger flew from auckland hometown to lima not direct multiple stop flight bumped into my good friend's ex-girlfriend on the street a couple of years ago i moved to sf for my first big girl job having grown up in texas and met and started dating this guy who not only was from my hometown but was also part of the same small subsector of the religion we grew up in but our families actually knew each other he was even a leader for my brother's cub scout group but somehow we never met till i moved to sf most like because he was six seven years older my dad's side traced their lineage in a book all the way back to the first guy who came to north america 13 generations ago one day i was looking through the book for anyone in the family tree sharing my name hey here's one oh wow we were born on the same day oh it's me does that count not my personal situation but here it is guy divorced his wife they had a daughter together they never kept in touch after the divorce guy had children of his own after a few dozens of years he decided to look for his estranged daughter she could have remarried moved to the other side of the world for that matter it was basically like looking for the needle in the haystack one day he employed a local news agency to have his picture taken with his two young daughters so they would publish it with an open letter in the newspapers in hope that the daughter might see the story and come into contact and so the photographer came and took their picture on the sidewalk with their house in the background eventually she got her hands on the announcement and met with her father they had a whole lot to catch up to but by far the biggest curiosity was that they found out she was only living a couple blocks away and that's not even the small world moment of the story in the picture that appeared in the newspaper there is a woman in the background across the street walking her child in a baby carrier that woman was exactly his daughter i'm from toronto and my friend is from vancouver i randomly bumped into him halfway up arthur's seat in edinburgh scotland neither of us knew the other was even in the country moved from small town to london for university became really good friends with my housemate then one night i was on facetime to my mum and she saw said housemate in the background and exclaimed she really looks like my best friend when i was at school 40 plus years ago turns out housemate is the daughter of my mum's best friend from school they lost contact over three decades ago i'd never even known about this but not only ended up going to the same university in the same year as her but also living in the same flat it's blowing my mind to this day i spent a semester studying abroad in london during my last week there i met someone who was born in turkey but grew up in the netherlands i'm from chicago and she would talk about how the city was so dangerous and i shouldn't live there she said she watched many documentaries proving that point so i decided to watch one with her i grew up in a pretty safe neighborhood in chicago where gun violence is low the episode of the documentary she showed me was following the story of a girl who went to a high school two blocks from where i grew up my great-grandparents owned a fishing company in eureka with another family it went on for a few generations and my mom and a girl from the other family were the same age both moved away from that town they ended up both moving to the same town had kids just about the same time and now i've been in school with her kid for nine years now he sits in front of me in science if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 6,875
Rating: 4.9631338 out of 5
Keywords: what a small world, what a small world song, small world, small world moments, coincidences, small chance, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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