Agents of Supernatural Provision

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everybody Welcome to the believer's voice of Victory Pastor George Pearsons is with us talking to us about how to prosper so you don't want to miss this it's been excellent if you've missed any of them go back and get it and study it Supernatural today it's agents of Supernatural provision praise God agents of super and we are we are aging we are a God's Supernatural provision this is how it works he prospers us then we help to prosper others we are used by God to be Supernatural agents so we read that's right increase that's exactly right sowing we keep increasing he keeps providing we keep sowing keeps increasing it's a good plan you know I'll tell you this uh Kenneth Copeland is an agent of Supernatural provision yes he is you and I can both attest to the fact that's right that he is a giving giving man and when you were ahead of the ministry and in control of the finance and so on I seriously doubt if he ever called you and said can we afford to do this oh my goodness I've never heard that before that's right that's exactly right he hears from God we do it and if he finds out that somebody needed something and the Lord was speaking to him about it he became an agent of Supernatural provision for that person I mean isn't it interesting how I'm sure you've done this I know you've done this and this has happened in my life as well but the Lord might be talking to you about someone and he'll say I want you to call that person and I want you to give them so much money and when you call um you know they'll they'll say this came just in the right right time just at the right time this is exactly what we needed oh praise God for supplying and I would say that through Kenneth Copeland Ministries the money that has been sown to Ministries all over the world they they were probably echoing that same sentiment that we this came right exactly when we needed that um I know that for instance the ministry has supplied for many years Reinhardt monkey's meetings that we are contributors to those meetings and have helped him conduct those African meetings that he's had we lots of souls many Souls but that has been what has been in our heart to do and that we are as God has prospered us we Prosper others and we help others and we contribute to others and we sow into others Gloria it has been a wonderful thing to be with you for these last 10 days to be ministering on Supernatural provision with you I've enjoyed it it has been an honor to do that I always love coming here and being with you at this table precious at any table I enjoy being with you and we inevitably our conversation always goes to the word yes and I am just so appreciative of you and Kenneth and what you have done personally for my life Terry brought me into this family and I hadn't he did a good thing she did a good thing and I'm sorry from where Boston was he did yeah yeah and here he comes in he's got Gene he's trying to look Texas you know he's got jeans on but they're just a little short so we call them floods but he was doing his best and how did we ever guess that he'd end up running the whole Ministry for so how many years was for seven years seven years I ran the ministry yeah and now you Pastor after the church here you come in really handy Gloria whatever you need I'm here whatever needs to be done let George do it but it has been it's been an honor to do that and I have learned so much from you and Kenneth not only about receiving but about giving and as you and I both know uh Kenneth's giving will take your breath away yes so this give that that's right and we have all learned I mean I'm talking we family Terry and myself and Kelly and John and all of us in the family are sewers and givers and we've all become agents of Supernatural provision praise God because you you talk to any one of us we have some giving project going somewhere we are sowing something we are giving something we're putting something into somebody's hands and that's what we've been taught by you and Kenneth to do is to be agents of this for natural prosperity and it's the supernatural provision and for the last 10 days we've been talking about this in all different ways we've been talking about supernatural provision how God has unusual ways has infinite ways of supplying for our needs in ways that we've never considered we've never thought about before but of course he supplies all of our need according to his riches in Glory by Christ Jesus and so the next step that we take as we've been learning how to receive from this is what do we do about giving and we were reading a scripture just before we went on the air and confirming the pronunciation of a town that this man came from but it's in sure you've got it it's in Second Kings 4 42. I'll be sure to ask Billy about that yes but in Second Kings 4 42 and we'll just read a couple of examples to you today about being an agent of Supernatural provision I mean haven't you ever thought about this and Terry and I've done this too we've gone we've gone to people before and then we will ask them what is your monthly mortgage and they'll tell us what it is it may be a thousand fifteen hundred twenty five hundred dollars a month and the Lord has moved upon us to say we'll pay for this month's mortgage or we'll take care of that or we'll handle that or we'll buy a house for this one and that's when you're really starting to stretch out there the big time buying a car or sewing a car or whatever that is that the Lord puts on your heart to do you become an agent through which this this Supernatural provision will flow to where you get into the point where you are entering into Supernatural giving yes and receiving and receiving absolutely cycle yeah it's a circle it keeps going around and around and in this particular instance in verse 42 they're K and I'm going to read this from the New Living Translation it's a little bit clearer one day a man from bail shalisha well shalisha brought the man of God a sack this was Elijah he brought it to a sack of fresh grain and 20 loaves of barley bread made from the first grain of his Harvest Elisha said to him give it to the people so they can eat in verse 43 it the servant exclaimed what feed a hundred people with only this see that's an only mentality that is a limited lack non-mirical anti-super natural mentality and we need to think supernaturally we need to think Miracle we need to think abundance we need to get to the place where and this is a friend of ours Tommy Williams who goes to our church a preacher that you've known for years you know I've known him for years he said we have to get to the place where we can't even think black oh I like that praise God can't even think it we need to get to the place it's not even part of our mental faculties of thinking about lack that we get to that place where we are thinking supernaturally and this servant was not thinking supernaturally he said what you can feed him yeah you got to be kidding me you got to be kidding me feed a hundred people with only this it's my Jewish accent but Elijah repeated give it to the people so that they can eat for this is what the Lord says everyone will eat and there will even be some left over now that's very familiar that's very familiar to another one we're going to read in just a minute about Jesus feeding the five thousand that's very familiar to that and I'm sure Jesus was well aware of this account in verse 44 then they gave it to the people there was plenty for all plenty plenty plenty plenty plenty for all and some left over just as the Lord provided and what we found here was that Elijah used the men from bail shalisha as an agent of Supernatural provision Supernatural multiplication came through his hands Gloria one of my greatest dreams and greatest desires and greatest Pursuits is to give right to sow to be an agent of Supernatural provision to where there is so much coming into my household there is so much that is coming to us that we need to know how to distribute it and where it needs to go and what direction it needs to go I don't know of any other Minister there may be one but I don't know of any other minister or Ministry that is sown in excess of 30 aircraft I can't say this I do that's that is that is what Kenneth and Gloria Copeland have done right you all have been agents of Supernatural provision for so many Ministers of the gospel and when God speaks to you I was there the day that you all sowed an aircraft into Billy brims Ministry I was there I was actually in the Next Room it was at your house and Terry and I were in the Next Room you and Kenneth gave her the keys to the plane and we heard this Shout a shout came out from that room that Billy had just received an airplane through Kenneth Copeland Ministry praise God and you two were agents of God agents of Supernatural praise God and pro and provision and that's what happened to this man and I believe that this man increased as a result of it because it is it's a cycle and we talked about earlier this week or last week rather we talked about the circle of Supernatural provision it's tithing sowing reaping tithing sowing reaping oh I'm getting a revelation okay give it the circle begins small you start in that place tithing sowing reaping but as you continue in that tithing sowing reaping tithing sewing reaping you're an agent of Supernatural Prosperity bigger it gets bigger the circle gets bigger circle gets bigger bigger and bigger and it gets to the place where the circle becomes so big that now you are literally affecting Nations praise God it becomes that large it becomes that Supernatural that you are touching all over the world praise God that's my heart that's your heart that's what you've done I want to do more praise God let's look at this one now let's jump over to the New Testament to John chapter 6 John chapter 6. and we find here with Jesus um again we're familiar with this account but I'll start off with where do I want to go here um in verse 5 when Jesus lifted up his eyes saw a great company come to him he said to Philip where will we buy bread that these may eat and this he said to prove him for he knew himself what he would do Philip answered him 200 penny worth of bread is not sufficient for them that every one of them may take a little it's not sufficient he had a lack mentality he wasn't thinking giving he had a not sufficient he had a not sufficient yeah mentality about this and Jesus said he said one of his disciples Andrew Simon Peter's brother verse 8 said to him there's a lad here which has five barley Loaves and two small fishes but what are they among so many again he had a lack mentality he was not seeing himself as an agent of Supernatural provision Jesus said said make the men sit down there was much grass so the men sat down the number of them five thousand so we figured out there's about 20 000 people there Jesus Took the loaves and when he had given thanks he distributed them to his disciples and his disciples to them that were set down and likewise of the fishes as much as they would now they had them gather up the fragments there were over and above that remained and but what the point that we're making here is and I'm going to read something to you Gloria this is a New Living Translation of this same scripture and it's incorrect it's wrong it says then Jesus Took the loaves gave thanks to God and distributed them to the people no he didn't he distributed them to the disciples and the disciples distributed them to the people Jesus gave the Fish and Loaves to the disciples and the disciples then distributed them to the to the people the disciples became a part of the supernatural multiplication and distribution right along with Jesus it was multiplying in their hands Jesus gave thanks to God gave it to them and it's multiplying through them they became agents of Supernatural multiplication praise God provision was going through them and let me jump to the second page here because there's something I wanted to read if you look to your second page Gloria and at the bottom at the bottom of that page there's a word from the Lord through Kenneth and this was from the Washington DC Victory campaign on November of of 2005. and this is this goes right along with being an agent of Supernatural provision I mean the Supernatural coming through us you're going to be the ones that God uses supernaturally to supernaturally feed the lost when disasters come only it's not going to be like it was in the past in many cases you're not even going to need you're not even going to need the trucks and the airplanes in a lot of cases you are just going to take one little meal and divide it and divide it and divide it Gloria we are going to see we're going to see the Loaves and the fishes divided we're going to see the finances divided right right in front of our eyes a miracle multiplication Miracle that's it you said it multiplication Miracle multiplication is going to be taking place through us hallelujah taking place through us and let me let me just read this to you in the last moments of this broadcast today and again all the all the all the notes are available to you click onto the picture of Gloria you can go to it get all of these and study them and look at them and read them and get this down on the inside of you but we are agents of Supernatural provision there are Bill Winston said this there are two kinds of Supernatural provision the provision that is for us and the supernatural provision that comes through us through us that's right God and so we have here in second Corinthians 9 8 in the Amplified God is able to make all Grace every favor and Earthly blessing come to you in abundance so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient possessing enough to require no Aid or support and here we go furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donations furnished in abundance so that we can be Distributors of Supernatural provision praise God we've got to think out of the box we've got to think out of this small limited realm that we've been in and blessing and increase blessing increase we have to think Nations we have to think abundance we have to think like Kenneth Copeland thinks and how does Kenneth Copeland thinks Kenneth Copeland thinks about paying off the deficit in the nation that's how Kenneth Copeland thinks I mean we're thinking about paying off the bill that we have to pay off he's thinking about paying off the debt of the nation but you see we have to do that because had you and Kenneth not thought I remember gosh two minutes left I can do it I can remember we were in California in 1977 it was the year that Terry and I got married we were doing a tour of Southern California at that time and we were I forgot where we were exactly but we were with brother Copeland you weren't on that trip and he called us to his room and he sat down with a notebook and he began to read to us the vision that God gave him in the Arkansas River Bank walking along the Arkansas River 1967 and he began to read to us about what the Lord was going to do and this was back in 1977. and he was reading to us the vision that God gave to him of this ministry and he those things that he was reading to us I watched those things come to pass he he dared he dared to think Beyond he dared to have a mentality of seeing himself reach the nations from the top of this world to the bottom and all the way around he was God gave him that word while you were still in Tulsa you were still in that little house he was driving a used car and he's in other words telling him that you're going to preach the words from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around and basically telling him you will be an agent of Supernatural provision that's right we need to take hold of that Gloria and we need to we need to enlarge our thinking and I'll finish up with this scripture the one that we began with in Ephesians 3 20. I've got it here I'm just I'm just jumping all over the place Hebrews 3 20 in the Amplified Bible now to him who by the action of his power that is at work within us in Hebrew Ephesians 3 20 is able to carry out his purpose and do super abundantly far over and above all that we dare ask or think infinitely beyond our highest prayers desires thoughts hopes and dreams awesome father we are receive it Lord we receive Supernatural provision thank you and we receive the assignments to be Distributors agents of your Supernatural provision and we are growing and enlarging and the circle of Supernatural provision is getting bigger and bigger and bigger and our outreaches are enlarging and enlarging and enlarging and covering the Earth praise you father thank you we worship thank you for the supernatural we are Supernatural people who serve a supernatural God yes in Jesus name we pray amen glory to God Amen you take the limits off take the limits off Gloria glory to God praise God George and I'll be right back [Music] I went to the emic Faith meeting and I felt like after that meeting the Lord put it in my heart to believe for another car having a car to me means being able to have opportunities like going to college whenever I'm in college I need a car I need to get groceries I need to go back home and see Mom and Dad because they enjoy that I need to go on an internship to Texas whenever I came to Texas my or the Honda it seemed like it was starting to have more transmission issues which I was not looking forward to because after the first time I was like oh this is not going to be fun you know because last time it was out for two weeks and I had to get rides from everybody else to get to and from work and so whenever I went to that meeting I really felt like the Lord was said you need to take your new car now when we pray in faith over a situation we take it you pray for it and you take it and then it's like it's like your dad whenever he tells you we're going to Disneyland you don't second guess and you're going to Disneyland you know and so you believe that you're going there and so it was the same thing I believed I was getting a car because God said I did just the steps like I've been taught all my life I sewed towards it and I had a scripture to stand on and I had a confession that I'd say the part that I really honed in on was the part where he said I even feed the birds because at the time with the car messing up I felt like it was like it's a need now and so he was like I even feed the birds how I can take care of you of course I can take care of you so when I was looking at cars I decided to buy or to look at a Jeep online like build it and so I went online and started building the Jeep and put all my features on it and the color I wanted and the addition because for Jeep Wranglers there's like four different editions or something like that and so you have to pick the addition and pick exactly what you want for each feature so I was at the car lot and I drove it once and then they were like well why don't you drive it again before you leave you know and so I went and drove it again came back and someone who I knew was at the car a lot and they were like so what you doing I was like oh I'm just looking at the Jeep just thought they were out looking you know and um the salesman came up and they were like so what'd you think you know you think you're gonna buy it today and the person was like um like they looked ourselves and go I have a check for this much I'll buy the Jeep for me right now and I was like I was trying to kind of hide the shot because I mean I didn't want the salesman to know the whole time I was like what you know and I was like in the person or the salesman walked away to double check that you could do the amount and stuff and I was like what do you what and the person uh said that God told them the dealership told them the amount to write on the check and only to bring one check and that it was going to be quick painless and before Southwest I was like man you know it was one of those like I was really trying not to cry but it came really close because it was just it was the manifestation of that love and just knowing that yeah he does love me and he cares about the things in my life and that's a good dad and God is like the ultimate good dad and he'll he'll buy you a car he'll buy you whatever you need we like What Sarah Said the ultimate good dad I mean he provided that beautiful that's a great looking jeep that blue color and everything but Gloria this is interesting today is offering day on the broadcast and she laid out as she was talking I wrote some notes down here and she laid out the perfect Faith steps to believe God she wrote number one I sewed there you go that's the beginning I sewed number two she found her scripture to stand on in Matthew chapter 6. number three she confessed the word of God over it number four she thanked God for it number five she got it she received it she received it isn't that good that's what she did that's how we do everything right there it works glory and so she sowed and we appreciate all of our partners and friends that so Faithfully sow and give into this ministry and you better know today that we are believing God together for Supernatural Harvest for you whatever cars you need houses supplies it's the equipment it's the blessing of the Lord that's upon you and we are just so grateful for every one of you that contributes to this work here and you just need to know that you are in line for multiplication amen you're in line for Supernatural multiplication father we pray over our partners and friends and thank you that they are prospering in every way as they give into this ministry other Ministries we call abundance into them in Jesus name Jesus name amen amen hallelujah glory to God praise God when you Ken and I learned many years ago that when we sow we should pray over it and believe God you don't just put it in the bucket you believe God you release your faith that's the key release your faith and then like if you're sowing for a car if you're sowing for a house you release your faith you receive it when you sow or whatever however you were you act on the word of God receive it and you'll if you walk if you want waver it will come to pass that's right it might be short it might be a little longer than you want but it will come fast Hallelujah Pastor George thank you so much Gloria tremendous blessing girl we're wonderful tonight I enjoy it so much hearing this is Gloria Copeland and George Pearsons pastor of Eagle Mountain Church reminding you that Jesus is Lord Kenneth Copeland Ministries is here for you the believer's voice of Victory is available on DVD or CD at you can also view the webcasts online at your convenience or download them as video or audio files continue to grow in God's word and build your faith with this week's product offer these word-based teachings will help you live in Victory order your copy today receive the great grace God is abounding toward you and live in the blessing Thanksgiving well most people in the body of Christ know Thanksgiving is a good thing but have no idea that this is one of the big guns of faith I mean this you bring something on the line that Satan has no defense for when you give thanks and praise to God the scripture says it'll stop him you won't want to miss these special broadcasts foreign [Music]
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 5,341
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Keywords: youtube, gloria copeland, ken copeland, spiritual growth, kenneth copeland ministries, george pearsons, process, kenneth copeland, christian walk, finances, debt, daily, 3839684781001, bvov-youtube, word of god
Id: 3GyM7CSxcPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2017
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