Supernatural Wealth Transfer

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everybody Welcome to the believer's voice of Victory we got something good going on here this week Pastor George Pearsons is with us and we're talking about abundance super abundance prospering regardless of what's happening around you in the world in the natural we are not natural people we're Supernatural Supernatural people born of God you've got to remember that we are born of God yes everybody knows we're not normal but they don't know why it's because glorious the new birth you just said something what you just said something okay we are Supernatural people we are excuse us for just we are we are working on something here we we are Supernatural people we have been created in the image of God and we are Supernatural people and we operate in the Supernatural wow oh man wow I'm gonna write that down that's we are super we are Supernatural people we are wow Hallelujah that's that's really something I'll take that okay take it okay so here we are we're talking about supernatural provision and we're entering into a place that we've never been before because it's going to be necessary absolutely necessary that you know this information that you know how to prosper Heaven's way that you know how to operate in the Supernatural that's why we're teaching this Gloria that's why we spent all of last week and this week that's why we're making all of the outlines available to you on go to the picture of glory and me click onto it and it'll take you right to these notes you can print them out you can share them you can go back and watch the broadcast over and over again and Gloria and I want your Supernatural provision testimonies we want to know the unusual and unlimited ways that God is providing for you that God is supplying for you you know I said something just a moment ago about supernatural provision I'm I'm working on something in my own life I am endeavoring to enlarge in my capability and capacity to believe God for the supernatural Amen to believe God for what he wants for us and to walk in that same Supernatural that the book of Acts was and that Jesus walked in and in the Old Testament and how they walked in that God has unusual ways in unlimited Avenues of supplying whatever we need that goes beyond a paycheck people have a paycheck mentality that that's it that's the only way God supplies but he has so many ways he does to supply for us and one of the ways that he has is what we're going to talk about today and that is Supernatural wealth transfer that sounds good I like that uh I like that too and you know something Gloria we have to keep bringing that up you and I have been teaching together on this broadcast this is day 167 I think I'll go back and check it but we've been teaching together since 2010. and several times during the course of our teachings we have talked about the subject of Supernatural wealth transfer we have to keep our faith alive on these things we do we do we cannot let these things slip from our thinking we've got to keep them before the Forefront all the time and I am calling in the wealth transfer amen we're going to take a look at a couple of scriptures and a couple of words from the Lord that have been delivered about wealth transfer and you can believe God for wealth transfer it's a promise from the word of God it's in his Covenant good promises yes Proverbs 13. let's take a look at it Proverbs 13 22 it says here a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just I was laughing here because the Amplified Bible says it finds its way eventually to the Justice that's your Amplified that you no no but here I think it says it if you find it finds its way it eventually Finds Its way to you so a good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children and I'm believing I'm saying this right now by faith I am believing God that is proves that God wants you to prosper that's right you don't have anything there's nothing to leave there's nothing to leave to your children I am believing God right now Gloria for Supernatural wealth transfer into my household yes so that I can leave an inheritance to Justice and Jesse and eilee and Kalin yeah and they they will adore their Poppy and they love their poppy now but oh they will adore their puppy leaving it for their children's children right did you find yeah Proverbs 13 22. what does that say a good man good man George you're a good man I'm thank you Gloria I receive it inheritance of moral stability and goodness to his children his children and the wealth of the sinner Finds Its way eventually into the hands of the righteous it's interesting that he put those two together isn't it it is interesting The Inheritance and the wealth of the sinner are coming to those who are upright and right with God to his children's children to his grandchildren and the wealth of the sinner Finds Its way eventually into the hands of the righteous now get this part it says for whom it was laid up oh praise God say The Sinner there it is right there he had somebody else's inheritance I just saw that Thank You For Whom for whom it is laid up so the the wealth is laid up for those who are right with God that is really it's laid up for us yeah laid up for the just laid up for the righteous if you are in Christ Jesus this is for you that's the only way to get right it's the only way to get righteous to me Jesus Lord yeah listen to this Gloria this is you have this on your notes this is a word that we bring up over and over and over again a very significant word from Charles Capps praise God for Charles oh yes wow Charles is in heaven right now just feasting on the goodness of God Financial inversion shall increase in these days well this was delivered in 1978 but we are still in those days an inversion is a turning upside down turning upside down Financial inversion shall increase in these days for you see it is my desire to move in the realm of your financial prosperity but Release Me saith the Lord release me that I may come in your behalf and move on your behalf for yes there shall be in this hour financial distress here and there well have we not seen that or have we ever the economy shall go up and it will go down but those that's us who will learn to walk in the word they shall see the prosperity of the word come forth in this hour in a way that has not been seen by men in days past that includes the Old Testament yeah that's right you read the rest of it Gloria I want to hear you there's coming a financial inversion in the world system that's a turning upside down upside down it's been held in reservoirs of wicked men for days on end but the end is nigh now if you're a wicked man listen to this yeah you need to make Jesus the Lord of your life and you can hold on to it because then you'd be righteous that's the only way we get righteous really is to make him Lord and be born over again that's amazing you said and it says here the end is nigh that was 1978 we are Nair to nigh nigh or to the end than that than when he spoke that word but released me saith the Lord you see it's my desire to move in the realm of your financial prosperity but Release Me saith the Lord release me that I may come in your behalf and move on your behalf yes ah manifestation that I may come that's it and manifest myself that's it for yes there shall be in this hour financial distress here and there the economy shall go up and it will go down but those who learn to walk in the word that's what we're doing that's us they shall see the prosperity of the word come forth in this hour in a way that meant that it has not been seen by men in days past yes there's coming a financial inversion in the world system it's been held in reservoirs of wicked men reservoirs or days on end but the end is nigh those reservoirs shall be tapped and shall be drained into the Gospel of Jesus Christ it shall be done in the time allotted it'll be on time and so shall it be that the word of the Lord shall come to pass that the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the judge there's the word that's it that's it it was a word of Prophecy uh by Charles Capps but it it's also a word written in the scripture exactly the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just now we receive that we Supernatural people we are super I tell you every time you say that that does something to me on the inside Supernatural we have Vision we are Supernatural provision and Supernatural provision comes to us and wealth transfer is ours it's being transferred to us right now right now let's look at this next one on page two here in Proverbs looking back at Proverbs here Proverbs 105 37 it says I'm on page here it is you're right there um Proverbs Psalms 105 30 Psalm 105 37 it says he brought them forth also with silver and gold and there was not one feeble person among their tribes he brought them forth rich and healed Richard I like that that's the Glorious translation rich and healed I like that I like that and that that that was the largest most significant wealth transfer up to that point the the children of Israel leaving Egypt with all the stuff that they had they said here take it get out and they left I wanted them out bad they wanted them out so bad that they just loaded them up and they sent them out and I wanted to read this word from the Lord this was through brother Copeland March the 8th of 2012. I believe this was at the Branson meeting at Keith and Phyllis Moore's Church listen to this he was it was actually this let me explain this it he was talking along and then all of a sudden he just caught up and got caught up in that word he was just talking but then got caught up in the word and here's what he was saying the largest most significant transfer of property Goods wealth and people from the hands of the devil into the hands of God's people who are prepared to receive it he said I'm telling you the biggest transfer of property in the history of mankind the history of mankind has just begun and it's swinging into and then that's when brother Copeland jumped into this word from the Lord it has moved into its final stage now when was that that was March 8 2012 in Branson and those who will listen to me and follow me and trust me those who I have taught my word and have given the authority to walk in these things it is the most outstanding things that human eyes have ever seen Christ and then he said it is time now and the time is now your time has come your hour has come so rise and do those things by faith that you know to do and all that belongs to heaven will come into your hands for your joy praise God so praise God what brother Copeland what the Lord was saying through brother Copeland was the largest most significant transfer is upon us the largest so what we have to do is we have to receive it by faith well I don't believe that could happen it's already happened I believe it when Israel left they left loaded they left from being servants yes for being loaded yes didn't they from servants to loaded that's exactly what they were doing Gloria and it happened almost overnight I guess I believe with all of my heart and I'm working on this I'm working I remember when Bill Winston was talking about he had had the day at the office at the church he came home to his wife and she was in the kitchen and he started complaining about some people and she said wait a minute wait a minute stop right there you need a wife she said she said don't talk to me about that right now she said I'm working on something I'm working on something I'm working on something and I'm telling you I'm working on something I'm working on this Supernatural wealth transfer and when the prophet says the largest most significant the largest Mo see what people do sometimes I study these words I go through them with a fine-tooth comb what's up I meditate on every word of these words every word of the word and every word of these words and it says the largest the largest the largest most significant transfer of property Goods wealth and people from the hands of the devil into the hands of God's people who are prepared to receive it Gloria that's what we're doing on these broadcasts we're Preparing People to receive that wealth transfer it's happened before it's happened before fourth and fourth with silver and gold and there was not one Fable among them so they got the silver the gold the healing and out they were out they went can we just talk supernaturally here let's do it have a little Supernatural conversation you know we're we're talking about needing another citation ten there we got we got folks going in all kinds of directions and I just really I'm just I'm just meditating on this and thinking about there's probably a citation 10 out there sitting to come to you trying to come I agree they're trying to come it's sitting on the tarmac just saying I want to preach the gospel I'm I'm tired of flying these smoking people and these these drinking people I want I want to be in the presence of the righteous people and I want to take the gospel all over the world and I believe we have one coming to us there is a wealth transfer taking place and I take it let's look at this last one um I'm going to jump over here to James chapter five and I'll just uh oh let me read this because they just got the five minute Mark here in James chapter 5 1-3 we're talking here about last day's wealth transfer last day's wealth transfer it says go to now you rich men weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you your riches are corrupted your garments are moth eaten your gold and silver is cankered and the rest of them should be the witness against you and shall eat your flesh as if it were fire you've heaped treasure together for the last days behold the hire of the laborers who've reaped down your fields which is of you kept back by fraud cries and the cries of them which have reaped have entered into the ears of the lord of the Sabbath we're talking about here you've reaped you've heaped treasure together for the last days and in the last few moments of the broadcast let me read this word this is from Bill Winston it was an article that he wrote Pastor Bill Winston called Supernatural wealth transfer God is restoring the Earth back into the hands of its rightful owners as well as restoring the power or blessing to govern it because of Adam's sin the Earth was not in the hands of God's family now God is working his Redemptive plan to get it all back what I refer to as a supernatural transfer of wealth as we get closer to the Lord's return there's an invasion of the Kingdom of Heaven in this world the imposing of God's will on the plans of the devil Earthly systems laws rules policies and values must now come in line with Heaven's order or Heaven's government the government of the Kingdom of Heaven Psalm 103 19 his kingdom rules over all one of the major things coming in this hour is an explosion of wealth in the body of Christ praise God through Divine favor witty inventions and the grace of giving we are at the season of the greatest wealth transfer in the history of this planet there will be inventions that will make the iPhone seem like Child's Play This is a prophetic time in history the same as the set time that triggered the release of the children of Israel from Egyptian bondage this is a season what is happening now that is happening now it is a set time or season which is the consummation of something pledged or promised by God the reservoirs of the wicked will now be drained as the Babylonian system of the world fails the system of the kingdom of God will prevail now listen to this this last part we are even going to see money supernaturally transfer into the bank account of the people of God why the transfer of wealth mainly for the advancing of the kingdom and bringing in the end time Harvest of souls God needs the wealth in our hands to fulfill the call that is in our lives for this generation and to reclaim what Jesus has redeemed I'm assured father we receive right now fresh revelation of the end time transfer of wealth into the hands of the righteous we take hold of that father and we give you our word that we will do with it what you desire for us to do with it yes we receive that wealth transfer and we claim it in Jesus name because we are Supernatural people ah amen glory to God I'll be right back praise God [Music] God has awesome ways and unlimited Avenues of Supply that supersede all natural limitations they're all part of his Supernatural provision for you the supernatural provision package includes a 10-part series with Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons enlarge your capacity to believe and begin receiving on a higher level than you ever thought possible also included are two bonus CDs by Pastor George that will take you higher in your understanding of the word and help you access God's unlimited Storehouse the study notes of all 10 sessions are great for teaching small groups or for your personal Bible study then get ready to go to the next level with the supernatural Church CD series by Pastor Bill Winston a dynamic teaching that tells you the exceeding abundance that's available to you now when you purchase your package you'll also receive the supernatural provision confession card free tap into God's unlimited Storehouse take the limits off and live in the realm of God's super abundance live in the realm of God's super abundance order the supernatural provision package for only 39.99 and discover the unlimited ways God can provide all your needs log on to TV special or call toll-free 800-600-7395 and request your package today receive the supernatural abundance that only God can supply for an additional 10 off order the supernatural provision package online Rivera I've mentioned all the prisons of Oklahoma my wife and I we always believed that this ministry not only deposited a lot of teachings in our lives but the anointing that we have caught but the teachings have really increased us in The Way We Believe I don't believe the way I used to believe five years ago that teachings came out four years ago and that's when I started teaching it maybe two months after it came out on television I started teaching it in the prisons so in one month I would teach this 46 times and they told me nobody tells us what you're teaching us here he said well you're teaching us here we don't hear that here and he says but what you're teaching is something that we need in order to walk out of here we that kind of faith I don't like to reinvent the wheel if the wheel is already rolling why go reinvent the wheel you know and so I just printed the material out and I said this is great the first one that I thought I thought I'm being rich I have an individual that his name is Roger he comes to my service all the time he never misses and he was just amazed and he said well he says every time you come here and you teach these things to us he says when I leave here he says I know that I'm not ever coming back because I'm going to trust God for everything and and he was so excited because he said brother he said he said when you walked out the other day he says I never knew that I was rich he said I heard about it but the way that you did you put it the way that you taught the lesson he says he went inside my spirit and from that day on I started declining that I was rich and a week later I received the check for 1800 hours and then a week after that I received another check for a thousand dollars when we learn things [Music] is not for just for us to hold them on the inside you see ourselves increase [Music] what is to share it with other people [Music] and to see other lives change [Music] and so I believe that we're called to be a voice an extension [Music] not only of the Gospel but of this ministry because the material it's not just material there's an anointing that comes with it what an amazing testimony Gloria he takes our teaching outlines into the prisons teaches the prisoners and Oscar didn't have time to share this I want to share this testimony he said that there was a gang leader in the prison that was going to his classes the man would barter which is illegal in that system and he wanted to provide for his wife he started listening to our teachings on prosperity and put the word of God into practice he forgave all of his fellow inmates the debts that they owed him and he quit bartering he left the gang that he was leading and he started sharing the gospel he began putting together welcome bags for the new men coming into the prison and when the other inmate saw what he was doing they began giving to him so now he is able to support his wife the right way he he was taking the word of God immersing himself in the word in prison in prison and God was supplying his need Christ and Gloria that's exactly what we have to do and that's why we've designed this package the outlines the notes the DVDs the teaching that brother Bill Winston has on the supernatural Church the confession card all of these and listen here's a challenge that brother Copeland gave to Bill Winston that he talks about in this he said one Department in your ministry has enough Faith to bring in enough money as your whole Ministry brought in over the last year that is Supernatural Prosperity right so we've designed all of this for you to be able to enlarge and believe God for the supernatural isn't that exciting praise God Gloria be great Christmas gifts yes yes George father in the name of Jesus we pray for the people we pray for all of us yes that the eyes of our heart be flooded with life that we know and begin to do and act on what we what you have written in the word we receive that word and we pray for all the people listening that their ears are open their hearts open and the word of God will become first place in their lives so that they can live in the blessing thank you and the healing of the body in Jesus name praise God commend you to be healed healed in the name of Jesus amen amen halleluia the believer's voice of Victory is our free monthly publication it was first printed in 1973 today it is mailed to almost 500 000 subscribers three three many of them are in prison yes free worldwide it's printed English Spanish Russian and German read the faith-filled articles that encourage your faith share the magazine with others and spread the good news it's a good way to let people know about how good God is so if you'd like to have it go to and request your free subscription hallelujah or read our online version thank you partners for helping us send the word around the world tomorrow join us day eight for Supernatural debt cancellation this is Gloria and George reminding you that Jesus is Lord Kenneth Copeland Ministries is here for you the believer's voice of Victory is available on DVD or CD at you can also view the webcasts online at your convenience or download them as video or audio files continue to grow in God's word and build your faith with this week's product offer these word-based teachings will help you live in Victory order your copy today receive the great grace God is abounding toward you and live in the blessing [Music] to a Kenneth Copeland Ministries event 2015 Branson Victory campaign February 26th through 28th with Kenneth and Gloria Copeland at Faith Life church in Branson Missouri the 2015 Southwest Believers convention June 29th through July 4th with Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and their special guests in Fort Worth Texas the 2015 Washington DC Victory campaign November 12th through 14th with Kenneth and Gloria Copeland at the Hilton Memorial Chapel in Woodbridge Virginia foreign
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
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Keywords: george pearsons, ken copeland, trust, faith, god's promises, kenneth copeland, word of god, process, gloria copeland, 3839684784001, finances, daily, kenneth copeland ministries, youtube
Id: rc3zMahFh70
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Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2017
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