Debt Forgiveness God’s Way: Three Ways God Removes Debt

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welcome to the believers voice of victory from Kenneth Copeland ministry download the notes at KPMG org slash notes hello I'm Gloria Copeland and welcome to the believers force of victory pastor George Pearson's and I have had some great days going through all the wonderful word that we have now recorded and will show you and I've enjoyed it is a wonderful story I just so enjoy being with you on the broadcast I enjoy this how you revelation chime together and we have been talking about the topic has been done with debt and if you've missed any of these broadcasts you can go to KCMO org first of all you can download the notes that we have been teaching from as well as watch the previous broadcast and you can watch them over and over and over again and all of the notes that we've done today it's 260 days and it's fun and glory because I have people come up to me at various meetings and they'll say you know they'll say something like we've watched all 250 of your broadcast so they know the count they know the count so now we're up to 260 days and today what I would like to talk to about is supernatural debt cancellation like that supernatural debt cancellation you know something it I just just popped into my thinking here about years ago it was 1989 when we got behind about 5 million dollars here at the ministry we went on daily television and the bills were flying in faster than we could keep up with and here's something you might be interested in when the Lord tells brother Copeland to do something he doesn't called counting and say do we have any money dude he says okay there we go yeah and that's I so appreciate that about him and so we we've gotten behind that year and you were I was the executive director at the time and but we were prank we were using our faith I know that you and Kenneth were and we were as a staff we were calling in the finances but here's the thing it was it was at end of eight 1989 when we reached the height of the it was actually six million dollars by that time that we were behind we were behind in television bills and that in those days the television bill was exceeding two million dollars per month so you get by it you get behind a month high clock so you know we were believing God and and we were told by experts that all in all to get caught up it would take probably 18 months to two years to do that well we crossed over into 1990 something happened we were using our faith we were believing God and something supernatural happened what is something supernatural it's something that is not of this natural expect it's it's above it's over above and beyond the natural realm and something supernatural happened because when we moved over into the new year 1990 money started coming in it started increasing and by the time we reach the month of May of 1990 the accounts payable not the TV bill but everything else that counts payable were paid in full and then in July July the 9th of 1990 at 9 o'clock in the morning your sister Jen came into my office holding a check and she said George she said this is the last payment on the TV bill I gathered all of the staff together in the atrium over at the building and we had a celebration shout alan well gloria that was six months and they were telling us that it would at least take 18 months to two years to get out of that what happened it was supernatural it was the hand of God it was the anointing of God on us faith was happening faith was happening that's yeah well that's a good point right there faith was happening to bring about the supernatural and what we want to encourage you in today is where your debt cancellation is concerned exercise your faith for Supernatural debt cancellation for accelerated debt cancellation where you are seeing money that is coming in that you have no idea where it has come from I mean bill Winston and I have talked about this before about how money is going to start appearing in bank accounts I believe it will be the wealth it'll be the transfer of supernatural wealth the wealth of the sinner that's being laid up for the just as we partake in that we will see these things begin to disappear and that's what happened right here at the ministry it was a miraculous work of God that we were out of out of that that situation within within six months within six months and so the Lord the Lord has put a message in me about this supernatural debt cancellation and let me just take you through the scriptures again all of these notes are available to you and you can study them out pastors you should be preaching this in your church but supernatural debt cancellation when that thing is gone supernaturally and that's what takes place is that that's just simply the power of God is the power of God perhaps yes yes it's not hard to understand once you once you see that's right that's what happened you know something laureate jesus is our jubilee he's living on the inside of us in this scripture in Luke 4:18 I'll read it to you it says the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he's anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captives recovery of sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised and to preach the acceptable year of the Lord or what we call the year of Jubilee that's what the Bible calls the year the year of Jubilee that's it right there all debt supernaturally all debts were cancelled supernaturally and Jesus closed the books didn't mean they were paid off I assume it meant that was it's gone so cancelled cancelled yeah and Jesus closed the book gave it to the minister sat down the eyes of them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him and he said this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears and I'm saying this by the Spirit of the Lord right now this day this scripture is fulfilled in your ears today is the day of Jubilee today is the day of the acceptable year of the Lord today is the day of supernatural debt cancellation praise God and so if you go back to your first page there quotation I was looking for that about this day oh this day yeah that's that is Oh that's Luke 421 for this day this day this has been fulfilled in your ears so take it you take it right now you receive this glory to God I just wrote down here in my Bible a couple of translations of that Gloria in the Beck translation it says to announce to the prisoners you are free that's the day of Jubilee to announce to the prisoners you are free and then this one the Weymouth says to free those whom tyranny has crushed so those are just a couple of scriptures so let me tell you this there are there are as I've seen in the scripture there are three supernatural ways for debt removal three supernatural ways that I've found the first one is that he provides the finances I'm in heart either he provides the finances the second one is unexpected mm-hmm yeah and or he can't completely cancels the debt or he will move upon somebody else to do it now we don't put pressure on people but the Lord the Lord will mean somebody you know I just hear just testimony after testimony about how how God ministers to people and how money is is coming to them whether it shows up supernaturally yeah whether there's an inheritance that comes in from somebody they had no idea it belonged to or that the debt is completely canceled we've had testimonies before about about a woman who called to check on her her debt status and the bank had no record I remember hearing that praise god no record hallelujah and the guy in the other we don't know they don't know and she said she said to them well are you telling me that you have if you have no record of my debt then I owe the bank nothing and he said well it kind of sounds that way she said would you give me that would you save me the paperwork on that please do that in writing that's supernatural and I am expecting the supernatural every day of my life that's right I'm expecting it the scripture tells us about the the the God will bless us with a daily load and I'm expecting the daily load from heaven every day every day I'm expecting you arrive at that point well walk in the spirit that's it right there walking in the spirit things happen and things walk after God you're at the right place at the right time that's right you didn't go this way and yet there was an accident there you would have run into it exactly there exactly but you felt led to go a different direction so it's vital in all of our things in in finances but in our life and death situations that we hear from God and we listen to the voice of our spirit that still small voice says don't do that today don't go there today on September 11th there were so many testimonies of people who said something unexpected came that weren't in that building right where the plane went in that there was somebody had to take somebody to the doctor some childhood something that came up at school and this person oh I'll have that home in my file somewhere but there were all kinds of testimonies like that supernaturally yeah they were at the right place wrong things happened they weren't there it's awesome I'm never quite sure to put that way either they was the right place when the wrong thing it's just amazing and that was one of the most outstanding testimonies where the testimonies came from because people said one one person had to take their child to seem like to the doctor another person had to had to take their pick up there it was their carpool day or something like that just naturally going about their natural life and it saved their life yes and so what were they doing well some of them were just hearing something unusual then they don't go there don't do this it was amazing we're at the right time yeah at the right place with the right people listening the right thing the right voice listening to the right choice exactly so the Lord he will there are supernatural ways when you factor the anointing into the equation when you take the anointing out of the equation when you take the supernatural out of the equation what you're left with is a natural equation like they said to us it'll be 18 months to two years before you will get caught up but here we were caught up within six six months time that was a supernatural act and you know Gloria we did we went off some TV stations you and I I could remember the time the day that we sat down together and you and I went through all the TV stations together and we looked at where we were double we were we were on the same in the same area we were at the same time we were on one channel and in the other channel at the same time so you and I went through and you had you had a pen with a ruler no lying through them so we drew a line and I don't know how many stations that we went on for that time we did but the thing about it was that we went off those stations but our income increased we don't exactly know how that happened ah it was God and it was supernatural gotten the income increase yeah it was and so this is what this is what is available to you and I I broke this down and certainly we don't have time to read all of the scriptures that I've researched of course that's why you get these these these notes but let me just go through a couple of them and he provides the finances in second Kings for one through seven sell the oil pay your debts and you and your sons will live on whatever is left over well then there's the example in Luke five about Simon Peters fishing business avoided bankruptcy after Jesus told him where to drop the nets right that was supernatural that was a supernatural thing that happens the the the fishing industry had gone down they were working hard and they weren't catching anything here comes this preacher says dropped your net over there and every fish in the Galilee headed that way I had to get in hallelujah my goodness and then Matthew 17 taxes were paid from the mouth and a fishes the from the money in a fish's mouth it's just one thing after another after another and then here this section word says he cancels the debt Nehemiah canceled the debts of the poor Jews in Matthew 18 the king forgave his servant of the ten thousand talents in Matthew 6:12 forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors in Colossians 2 Jesus cancelled and blotted out and wiped away the handwriting of the note you know he's talking that's our whole delivery that's it that's the whole thing everything that man had every mistake every treason they needed to be known yeah he wiped it out he wiped it out one act and I believe we can take that same scripture he cancelled and blot it and wiped out the handwriting on the note now how many of you have notes out there that need to be wiped out with Jesus cancels and blots and wipes out the handwriting of the note with its legal decrees and demands he set it aside and cleared it out completely out of our way by nailing it to the cross praise God so Jesus wipes out the dead from people but I can't recall the totally wiped out where their their account was brought up where it shouldn't mean I didn't know who did they didn't know who did it where it came from I'm believing for more and more I'm believing here's here's what I'm believing for I know we're running out of time but I'm believing this is what I envision I envision us getting up one morning coming to work and there's a citation 10-plus Park Garrity out there on the runway why not miracles are miracles praise God I agree with you George there's somebody out there that owns one of those and is saying I gotta get rid of this I gotta get rid of this this is a monkey on my run my neck yeah something a yoga or something around my neck and that you wake up and you come and you're driving into your maybe you're driving into a broadcast here one day you drive it you can't Ken what's that plane who's that plane because we have people that fly in and out you know for for taping and all that and Kenneth I don't know well probably knowing Kenneth he'll if you will already know but you drive up to it and there's Dwayne and the other guys around it there's Jon down and there's the guy standing there that said I was sent here from New York and my boss told me to bring this to Kenneth Copeland ministries hey it's happened before how about how about the the owner of the racetrack that gave Oral Roberts a million dollars how about that one he just saw this man on TV and thought well I'm gonna give him some money it happened came to Tulsa and brought a million dollar check with him to God the supernatural that's the supernatural and that happens to me all the time yeah yes amen so don't just don't just limit yourself you know what you can see happening in the natural realm because God moves in the supernatural it sure does he sure does I'm believing father in the name of Jesus we pray over everyone watching us right now and we are Laurie and I are exercising our faith for all of our friends and partners watching the supernatural provision Supernatural debt cancellation it's coming to you coming to you today is coming right now and Lord we receive it in the name of Jesus the realm of the supernatural which is exceedingly abundantly above and beyond all that we dare ask or think father I thank you that you are our supernatural provider and we receive debt cancellation right now in Jesus name Amen remember Leroy I remember Leroy show us what he did Leroy thompson money cometh to me now money cometh to me now money cometh to me now shout hallelujah oh yeah praise God we're so blessed praise God hallelujah Georgia now be right back I'm wrong and this is my wife Lorna Sylvester from Moose Jaw Saskatchewan we are the founders of twin lakes ranch ministries we did rodeo schools rodeo Bible camps on our ranch and they were developing too fast to stay on the ranch and run the ranch so God said sell a ranch and I'll show you where to relocate actually when the Lord told us to sell a ranch and relocate it took ten years before we were find found the property it's the Word of God that kept us for those ten years yeah and listening to KCM and being encouraged that God wants us to he wants to give us good things and that's what we have seen that God is a good God and so he gave us this beautiful place to 205 acres right alongside the highway so we're just redeveloping it again we had to pay three hundred thousand for this land but we didn't have the total amount all we had is a hundred thousand and family came to us a week before we paid the final payment said we'll only two hundred thousand and you pay it back however God decides you to pay him so we paid for what three years mm-hmm and then one year at the big show in Regina a cattle show our family came in the second morning and said we want to pay off the land loan 146,000 and our heart has been to be debt-free because of course that's have referred and we know that's what the word says that we should be debt-free and oh man anything but to love and that's what a heart is to love people and should be debt-free and so we did want to go into debt at all and so from that day forward when that land was paid off we declared we will never be in debt again we we serve a God of increase and he is all-sufficient for everything that we need he wants to give us every thing and so since that time we had a vision that we should believe for a manager's house on the ranch and it was two hundred thousand that we were believing for we had a family say they would match up to a hundred thousand dollars until the end of March and so we just declared that was coming and the double was going to be there and then we had just before the end of March we had another family Facebook message and said what are you still believing for for the house and we said fifty thousand they said the lawyers told us to give you the fifty thousand so immediately that doubled to hundred thousand and so that came so we received in the five and a half months $200,000 for a manager's house and so faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and we teach that so much in our ministry were involved in the community to draw people in and we do kids rodeo every spring which is ten and under and so we've had people that come into that kids rodeo that once they came on the land Jesus actually met with them that they needed him we didn't even talked about Jesus other than I prayed before the rodeo and they God just led them to him so what an excitement to see that happening because of the land being cleansed and made whole that's where the vision started with the Cowboys and then now it's expanding and expanding and so we actually do quite a few conferences as well and then that's where we can train people and equip them in the Word of God every Tuesday night we do what we call a DVD night we have actually followed Kenneth and Gloria so much in there and George and Bill Winston and all the connections of through the Copeland's that have given us hope we show that and we have people coming every Tuesday night to be a part of that and we've seen a lot of salvations in the camps it's just so exciting to see what God's doing we just want to thank Casey Amin Annie m.i.c and all the staff and the workers and everybody that put their heart to following after God and I it's hard to explain how it's changed our lives but it has totally changed our lives we hope you enjoyed today's teaching from Kenneth Copeland ministries be sure to get the notes at KCMG org slash notes and remember Jesus is Lord
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 42,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5084292434001, debt, finances, george pearsons, gloria copeland, hope, stress
Id: LiKnCBtha1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2016
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