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[Music] [Music] now [Music] thank you [Music] so [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you [Music] [Music] that's [Music] there we go [Music] i just [Music] my nails [Music] so [Music] this [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 346. make sure [Music] rejoice because your names are written [Music] down [Music] of jesus [Music] is is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is yes [Music] is [Music] is is bye [Music] is [Applause] i know my name is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] jesus christ [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go anyway [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] jesus [Music] uh [Music] r [Music] is [Music] is praise the lord all right good to see you in the house of the lord tonight on our first sunday night back since uh all the coronavirus stuff got started our first sunday night back in the building and a good crowd here for sunday night thank you so much for coming to the house of the lord this evening good to have you and so uh don't forget here coming up go ahead and put it on your calendars and remind uh yourself and then we'll be putting videos here this week next week leading up to it but june will be thundering thursdays and uh the first one will kick off will be brother barry spears for sunrise baptist church blue golf south carolina we love brother barry's fears and thank god for him he'll be here preaching for us brother daniel waters and his family will be here one thursday preaching for us and then a man who's a friend of mine but i've never i actually had the opportunity to meet him my wife and children met him one time uh but i've never actually met him we've just talked on the phone and through internet but i've watched his ministry for years and he's the real deal and he's been a long time that's evangelist john hamlin and uh he's from he's from way up north i think he's from michigan or something like that he's a yankee but praise god he some fire amen so you want to come hear that and dear god your mom and daddy's back here boy you better do right tonight good to see you brother wes sister jordan thank you all for coming that's brother matt's mom and daddy back here on the back row i like him he's a bulldog fan glory hey man that's right if i don't get a shout out of him for nothing else i'll get a shout out of him for that me and him gotta hang tight that's right he done something right in your upbringing we love brother matt and that's his parents we're glad they're here tonight and so you make yourself a home and let's give god the glory i don't have a whole lot to mention other than that right there we're going to have several songs tonight and just worship the lord and we're going to be doing some bible teaching slash preaching here in just a few minutes so i hope you brought your bibles tonight okay we're going to dive head first just as hard as we can down into the book and give you some things that i believe will help and encourage you in your walk with the lord all right let's have a word of prayer father we thank you so much for what you're doing we're thank you for what you have done already god we thank you for what you're going to do in the future god i believe as a christian the best is yet to come god the things we're going to talk about tonight should excite every one of us letting us know that the future is looking bright for the christian i'm so glad the church doesn't go down but the church is going up lord i'm glad the church is not looking for an undertaker we are looking for the upper taker god we're not a listener looking for signs and wonders we're listening for a shout we're looking for the savior to come rescue us and god tonight i pray that you even so come lord jesus it wouldn't hurt my feelings lord you know my heart god you know me to be telling exactly the truth uh god out of the depths of my heart it wouldn't bother me it be it if you was just to interrupt this church service tonight god just stop it right in its tracks let the trump of god sound and call your children out of this old sin cursed world to our home in glory lord that'd be fine with me tonight my tent pegs aren't driven down so deep where i wouldn't be happy for you just to uproot them god if you don't come tonight and i pray that you'd help us god give us something down our soul that would encourage us and charge us and change us and we'll thank you now for what you do in jesus name we humble us to pray all these things amen and amen come on brother skip give us one more good song and then we'll have some special music tonight [Music] i'm glad to know that god's grace how many times [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] me i am [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god [Music] and then brother randy and miss melissa is going to come up and give us a good songs this evening somebody had requested that the girls do this song since we've heard them do this one and so we're excited to hear it see y'all glitter rip ladies [Music] in the [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] that's when jesus comes [Music] [Music] press on [Music] your heart's [Music] and when the is is [Music] is in all the prayers you've said that's when jesus comes he'll take you by just hold on you can [Music] rest on [Music] now if your heart's been broken is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's when jesus comes press [Music] is uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh thank god for being in god's house it doesn't like being in his house you know it seems like a bunch of freedom taken away from us in the last few months and i thank god freedom thank god [Music] what would [Music] is [Music] i couldn't make [Music] always [Music] he rocks me without [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] like a river [Music] now is [Music] he's always there to listen [Music] [Music] is [Music] what would i do i couldn't make it without jesus what would i do [Music] as the world looks [Music] but upon are so wrong in my heart i'm rejoicing i wish lord for your blessings [Music] you gave [Applause] [Music] thank you lord for your blessings on me [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] much [Applause] [Music] hey lord a good place to sausage y'all there's food on my table and shoes on my oh yes you gave thank you lord for your blessings on me let's do it one more time a cappella sing now there's a roof up above [Music] my me and shoes on my feet [Music] [Applause] and god been good to us better to us than we deserve if we just slide it up a little bit i like it when they got to sing about what could i what would i do without jesus the shepherd of my valley got tore up over there because i got to thinking where i'd be at if it wasn't for jesus you say preacher you've already told us your testimony you don't have a testimony that you was out in the world messed up no i wasn't and i'm going to tell you why that's so because back before i was ever even born when my mom and daddy was running around smoking dope and drinking liquor the holy ghost of god got a hold of their life pointed them to jesus and saved them and changed mom and daddy so that i didn't have to turn out like make some of the mistakes they did i got to thank you it was jesus it wasn't for jesus changing a heart changing a home my mom and daddy's home was headed for divorce just as fast as it could get there i mean brother it was headed for absolute ruin and destruction about the time getting close to the time when my mama was going to have my brother she was this close to aborting him and she would lost didn't know god scared to death young girl didn't want a baby that close to my older brother wouldn't even been here jesus jesus if you're lost you're lost amen you're exactly right sis he's not just my shepherd in those kind of he's my shepherd on a second my second baby [Laughter] yes praise god that's good oh what would we do without him amen we can do without a whole lot of things but i couldn't do without jesus then midnight hours them dark hours them hard hours that the girls were singing about a minute ago what would i do without him in them times right that video miss samantha that they had put on the news about her and brother chip and uh the little boys what were they done without jesus well you do without jesus in times like that miss vicki some of the dark waters y'all been through in the last little bit this day of the dark waters god has brought you through a host of others in here what do you do without jesus i mean miss susan when you're all alone by yourself what would you do without him i don't know what i'd do without him i've said this before and it's the truth i've been so long with him now i can't imagine life without him i've been so long with him i couldn't imagine life without him i don't want to imagine life without i ain't even going to try and do it uh a fellow named lee strobel wrote that believe it was at least trouble wrote a book one time called the case for faith i don't know if any of y'all read it before it's an old book i think they made a movie about it but anyways he chronicled and talked about a fella in there a life of a fellow that used to sing intent revivals saved man and he just apostasized in a big way back sit on god walked away from the lord and his bible in the church and just got totally away from him and lee strobel went and interviewed him and that this was a statement i'll never forget this as long as i live brother jimmy that man made this statement at least trouble he talked about knowing the lord and being saved and walking with god then he talked about his backsliding and how far away he's got this is what he said he said mr strobel if i can put it this way i miss him i miss him you ever get with the lord and then get back stood away from him brother you'll start missing him you miss the fellowship of the spirit you'll miss you'll miss getting your soul fed from the word of god i don't ever want to get so far i start missing him i want to stay close to it all right i want you to take your bibles tonight and i want you to go to several different portions of scripture we're going to be all over the bible tonight so i hope you like your book because we're going to be in it this evening first corinthians chapter number 15 is where we're going to start off at first corinthians in chapter number 15. there's been a whole lot of renewed interest i guess you could say about future things about prophetic things about things to come and uh tonight if i could i'd like to begin some things that maybe make some things in the future plain much of this you've probably heard maybe some of you have not but uh tonight we're going to start off dealing with we'll probably make about three weeks out of this not just dealing with this subject we're dealing with tonight but several subjects leading past this but tonight we're going to deal with the church age rapture the rapture of the church you say preacher what is the next big event on god's time clock the next big event on god's time clock is you and i are getting out of this world i hope it's today i hope it's before that big clock strikes 6 34. that'd be just fine with me and if it was i hope you're leaving when i'm leaving and i know we talk a lot about the rapture of the church and we talk about the lord coming and the church leaving but tonight i want to show you why we believe these things and i want to give you some ammunition and i want to give you some teaching tonight of why we believe uh that the church is going to be raptured out of here now to understand some of this stuff i want to i want to just make make something real simple and real clear here uh just right off the bat i don't know how much of this you're going to be able to see or not see if you can't see a real good real plane afterwards maybe come up here and take a picture of it with your phone and uh and and get a look at it and then you can look at it at the house but i'm gonna draw about four different time periods here listen ain't right that's a brand new marker expo doesn't let me down uh i'm gonna draw about four different time periods here and uh and this is basically just what we're going to call just a mild brief form of a uh dispensational chart you say that word don't mean a lot to me well it will here in just a minute uh what i'm fixing to just [Music] think [Music] [Music] uh [Music] amen georgia thank you [Music] they last longer that way watch this praise god there we go they put batteries in that direction in west virginia where brothers kept from crazy so what i'm about to show you right here is nothing new what i'm about to show you right here is something that anybody can pick up on uh if you'll get a book called dispensational truth by a man named clarence larkin it was written back in the 1920s and it's the gold standard for stuff that i'm fixing to show you anything by a man named peter ruckman that's good stuff too i'll show you a lot of this stuff that i'm fixing to show you and there's just a host of people now that's grabbed onto all the stuff they've taught and it's on the internet i'm just going to show you stuff that i've been taught all through my christian life you say preacher what you fixing to show us come from a man he was taught that well everything we know we was taught it by somebody nobody's an island no man lives on himself or dies unto himself all of us was taught something by somebody so what we're going to do is show you just some basic breaks and divisions in scripture here real fast leading up to our church age rapture and uh everybody got to understand this much that the whole bible is written four of us but the whole bible's not written to us tonight y'all understand that everybody understands there's at least two dispensations in scripture you say what is a dispensation it literally means how god dispenses things throughout different timelines god dispenses his grace and god dispenses his message in different ways from genesis this will be genesis back over here right on into revelation the bible said thy word is truth from the beginning to the end and forevermore so that'll be genesis and now we're here on out by revelation y'all excuse my handwriting my wife says it looks like ransom notes from somebody that's trying to that's revere yes i don't spelled that wrong [Music] where there's supposed to be an a it ain't as easy as it looks praise god now i got it right anyway here we are genesis to revelation so everybody understands at least this much here's calvary there's an old testament and there's a new testament everybody's got that much everybody understands there's something different that happens at the cross that changes things from here on out everybody understands what happened back over here it's not our job to bring lambs and bullocks and goats and rams and turtle doves and sheep to an altar and cut their throat and try and get atonement or get redemption for it nobody on this side of the cross was born again no such thing as a new birth until jesus dies nobody over here was fully justified nor redeemed every year they had to bring their sacrifices year by year uh nobody had the indwelling of the holy ghost they didn't even go to the same place we go to brother the bible said they went when when souls of just men made perfect when they died they went down into the lower parts of the earth into a place called paradise or abraham's bosom they didn't even go to the same place we go to how in the world could these people salvation i'm getting over here where i'm going to how in the world could all these people's salvation be the same when they didn't even go to the same place when jesus dies on the cross he goes down into the lower parts of the earth and leads captivity captive and gets all the old testament saints out and paradise removes from the heart of the earth to the third heaven according to the apostle paul he said i got caught up in the paradise paul said but that don't happen until over here so here we've got breaks you just got to understand these things real quick we've got a break here you don't got to get all this but you need to understand some of it here's an old testament then we've got on this side of calvary we've got a new testament church age of grace we've got a new testament that's where you and i sit tonight we're in the new testament we're in the church age uh you'll not find the word church in the old testament you'll find the word church littered throughout uh from the book of the acts right on up until the book of the revelation you'll find that word church church this is where we're at right here we're in a part where the prophets never saw you know what the prophets back here all saw that prophesied in the old testament they saw the cross and then they saw the king ruling and reigning way out here in the in eternity they didn't see this this is a valley they didn't see the valley of the church age anyways so this is where we're at here's another time period that's soon to come and it happens after the church age this is called the tribulation or the great tribulation if you will this is a literal seven year period that god's going to go back to dealing with the jews and god's going to deal with them on the basis that they killed their king and they turned him down god's going to deal with him for seven years the antichrist that's a period we'll deal with next week that's not for us right now and then we get out here past the tribulation to a time called the millennium we call it the millennial reign i'll just call it millennium you say why is it called millennium because millennium means a thousand and it's a thousand year reign jesus christ has gone ruling rain on planet earth for a thousand years you say preachers i thought she was talking about the rapture i am but i want you to understand some of this stuff while i'm leading up to it so the next thing on god's time clock just before the revelation the tribulation here's our break something's going to happen and some people are going to leave out of this world right here before this we don't believe the church goes through the tribulation we'll talk about that in a minute we believe we get out now let's read these portions of scripture and we'll get into the text tonight first corinthians chapter number 15 the apostle paul said this in verse number 50 first corinthians 15 verse number 15. you say preacher the word rapture is not mentioned in the bible you're exactly right the word rapture is not mentioned in the bible but do you realize the word bible is not mentioned in the bible the word trinity is not mentioned in the bible there's a whole lot of biblical terms that are not mentioned in the bible the word rapture literally just means a catching away being called out and we'll find that to be scriptural here in just a minute over in first thessalonians but first corinthians 15 verse number 15 now this i say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god neither does corruption inherit incorruption behold i show you a mystery we should not all sleep uh talking about being dead dead in the ground we should not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye the last trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed for this corruptable must put on incorruption this mortal must put on immortality so when this corruptable shall i put on incorruption in this mortal shall i put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory i can't tell you how many gravesides i've read this over this is a blessing and a comfort to anybody that's lost a loved one o death wears thy sting o grave where is thy victory the sting of death is sin the strength of sin is the law but thanks be to god which giveth us the victory through our lord jesus christ therefore my beloved brethren be your steadfast unmovable always abound in the work of the lord for as much you know your labor is not in vain in the lord come to the right first thessalonians chapter number four now these are classic rapture passages if you will classic rapture text first thessalonians in chapter number four and in first thessalonians chapter number four paul's going to deal with the same subject again in verse number 13. first thessalonians 4 13 but i would not have you to be ignorant brethren concerning them which are asleep that you sorrow not even as others which have no hope for if we believe that jesus died and rose again even so them also would sleep in jesus will god bring with him let me take a timeout and say this right here no bible-believing child of god believes in soul sleep jehovah's witnesses believe in soul sleep you say what's so sleep they believe when you die not only does your body go to the grave to sleep but your soul lays in the grave sleeping too that's hogwash a soul lives on somewhere forever did you catch what he said there he said even then which sleep in jesus will god bring with him when a birth when a person dies i'll just deal with a saved person when a saved person dies their body goes in the dirt but their soul and their spirit to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord you say so what happens at a rapture that body comes up to meet the soul and the spirit and it turns into a glorified body god gives a new body anyways here we go verse 16 for the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout we're not looking for signs we're listening for a shout with the voice of the archangel the trump of god and the dead in christ your eyes first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord wherefore comfort one another with these words all right one more before we dive off come just to the right in the book of titus the little book of titus you'll find ii thessalonians first timothy second timothy titus and chapter number two titus chapter two and verse 12. or verse 11 titus 2 11. titus 2 11 said for the grace of god that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lust we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present world looking for that blessed hope we're looking for jesus to show up and the glorious appearing of the great god and our savior jesus christ now then some classic texts on what we call the rapture of the church it's going to happen right in here we're brother we're at the jumping off point you can't read your bible and come to the conclusion that we're not real close to the man of sin the son of perdition the antichrist stepping up and ruling and reigning and the church getting out let me say this before we move on any further there's all kind of raptures in the bible you ain't going to be the first one that gets raptured out when you get raptured out uh enoch got raptured out and he walked with god and he was not for god took him elijah got raptured out a chair of fire come down grabbed him and took him up jesus got raptured out acts chapter one he went up in the cloud received him up in her sight and he said this same jesus which is gone should also come in like manner paul the apostle got raptured out he got stoned outside of lystra and brother he left his body and got caught up to the third heavens second corinthians chapter number 12 and he saw the third heaven poor old paul god sent him back wouldn't that be a bummer i mean wouldn't that stink man to get out of this old nasty world and you get up there and see all your friends and your relatives and your loved ones and street of gold and walls of jasper and gates of pearl and then god said sorry buddy you can't stay you got to go back down there and they're going to cut your head off here after a while what what a bummer that is man and uh and old john got raptured out we'll find out in here a little bit revelation chapter number four john the beloved gets raptured out and he sees the revelation he sees future events so they've been all kind of people that's gotten raptured out but coming in the future there's well they're one in the past and two in the future there'll be groups of people that's raptured out groups of people let me show you what i mean go to first corinthians chapter 15. i got a little outline i'm going to throw out here but i'm just giving you some bible here to start off with first corinthians chapter number 15. this rapture or resurrection if you will uh paul pictures it like uh like a harvest like when you plant something how many y'all ever planted a garden before now let me ask you this how many y'all ever got something out of your garden okay some of y'all couldn't raise your hand the second time praise god everybody that's ever planned to garden and got something you know that any uh fruit that comes up there's three parts to it there's the first fruits them first little ripe ones that come up before anything else we go out and get them then there's the harvest that's when the main bulk of your crop comes up and you go get them then there's gleanings then you go get a few more blooms a little bit later that's a three-part resurrection that you're thinking to find the scripture and i'm going to show it to you on this chart here uh first corinthians 15 look at verse number 17 first 15 17 and if christ be not raised your faith is vain you're yet in your sins then they also which are fallen asleep in christ or perish if in this life only we have hope in christ we're of all men most miserable but now is christ risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that slept for since by man came death by man also came the resurrection of the dead for as in adam all die even so in christ shall all be made alive but every man in his own order watch it every man his own order christ the first fruits time out it looks like this you remember what your bible said when jesus died on the cross he went down here to paradise preach to the spirits in prison and the bible said he led captivity captive and gave gifts to men when he ascended up on high he vacated paradise down below you say who'd he take with him all them old testament saints when christ come up on the third day from the grave and when he went back to the heavenlies and presented his blood as the sacrifice he didn't go by himself he took abraham and isaac and jacob and david and solomon and isaiah and ezekiel and daniel and all them old testament saints that died in a state of grace brother that died i mean with their sins covered what was down in paradise he resurrected them they're out that's first fruits christ the first fruits then look at the next part watch what it's saying it has an adam all diamonds from christ will be made live verse 23 but every man his own order christ the firstfruits afterward afterward they that are christ at his coming here's what you got here first fruits that's jesus christ that's your first part of your resurrection right there then here comes this they that are christ that is coming here comes the harvest you say what's the harvest that's the church age that's 2 000 plus years from right here when jesus got up from the grave till right here when the tribulation starts that's 2 000 plus years of thousands and yeah even millions of people getting born again by the grace of god and they're coming out in this rapture them dead bodies they're coming up they're going to meet soul and spirit and get a glorified body that's the harvest you say well where's the gleanings at then look what it said verse 23 every man in his own order christ the firstfruits afterward they that are christ that is coming then cometh the end now we don't have time to deal with this one or not i'm just going to throw it out and you're just going to have to take it as it lies just before jesus christ comes back remember i preached a while back about jesus arrived again revelation 19 he's going to come back on a white horse rule and reign for a thousand years just before jesus christ comes back to set up his throne on planet earth there's going to be a third rapture there's going to be a rapture of tribulation saints at the end of the tribulation they go up with moses and elijah moses and elijah are the tribulation witnesses we ain't got time to deal with that i've talked to you about in sunday school but they go up at the end of seven year tribulation and they come back down with the lord at the millennium now we've got time to talk about that but here's your three main divisions of raptures first fruits we're the harvest gleanings all right let's get into this church age rapture i got to hurry we got a lot of ground to cover here so let's hurry and throw it out we'll be done number one i want to show you the place of this rapture as far as the place in history where does it belong historically when will it happen well i don't have a date or a time too many really smart smart guys tried to put dates and times and figures on it and time just blew right on past them and now here we still said i mean some of the most brilliant one most brilliant men i ever knew said that the rapture was going to take place in 1993 seven year tribulation would happen and then the year 2000 you know y2k be when the lord come back and set up his ruling reign well 93 blew right on past and the church was still here and he looked like an idiot and so ain't no sense in predicting dates and times i don't know when he's coming all i know is is this thing right here brother this thing right here you know what it looks like it looks like a pregnant woman y'all ever seen a pregnant woman before i've watched that one go through it four times and brother all the doctors and prognosticators gave a due date and said well you're gonna come at this time and all of them is wrong all the smart people's wrong when i tell you what i could watch brother i could watch the signs and see what's getting closer i don't know when's going to happen but brother she got bigger and bigger and i could tell it's coming anytime now now y'all it's coming anytime [Applause] i mean we're advanced to the utmost extent y'all here we are have you watched where have you have you seen history do you realize where history starts in the book of genesis it starts in a garden in the middle east that's where history started at it started in a garden not in africa in the middle east and do you see where history has went to history has left the middle east traveled east across the world you know or travel west excuse me across the world go west young man and history has traveled west and gone through europe and then went from europe to the americas and now from there clear on back over to asia and it circled the whole world around you know where we're at again in history we're back at the start we ain't got nowhere else to go history's done road all the way around you say what's coming then this is what's coming this is what's coming so the place in history uh when's it going to be well i don't know exactly when it's going to be but i know when it's going to be before now every born-again child of god is a bible believer needs to get ahold of this this church age rapture here's where you and i are living right now this rapture happens before the tribulation don't you never let no nut come along and tell you that the church goes into the tribulation period it ain't gonna happen i know some that come along and they started teaching this well the church is just gonna go through the first three and a half years of the tribulation and then get raptured out we call that a mid-trib stance listen baby if you're gonna be here for the first three and a half years don't pack your bags you'll be here for the last three and a half years we're getting out now you say what do you base that on preacher well i base it on several things let me basic tell to you like this first this period of time that we're going to talk about next week this tribulation period it has nothing to do with the church it ain't got nothing to do with us you know what this period is called in the book of jeremiah chapter 30 and verse number seven it's called the time of jacob's trouble that's jewish it's called in daniel it's called daniel's 70th week and i'll tell you next week why that is we've got time to do it tonight it ain't got nothing to do with the church it's all israel and you go over there and start looking at them verses in the revelation that deal with the tribulation brother it ain't got nothing to do with the church it's all israel we're out of here matter of fact i would challenge you to do this sometime pick your bible up and flip to the book of the revelation and i would like for you to notice how many times the word church is mentioned in the first three chapters of the book of revelation over and over and over and over and over and over and over again brother you get right here in in the book of the revelation it's church church under the angel of the church of smyrna the name of the church of thought sort of the name of the church of scientific unnamed the church of pergamos some of the names of the church of philadelphia church of laodicea at church church church but chapter 4 comes along we'll look at that in a minute john's a picture of the church and when he goes out the church is gone out of the book of the revelation the next time you find the word church mentioned it's in revelation 22 after it's all over with that bible said in first thessalonians chapter 5 verse number 9 god hath not appointed us to wrath but to obtain salvation through our lord jesus christ you know what this period of history right here is it's a period of wrath that seven year tribulation is god dumping his unsheated terror on a world that rejected his son and more specifically on a people the jews that rejected their king it ain't got nothing to do with me as a matter of fact if the church goes through the tribulation and if the church runs through it and gets caught up here with the glennians only to come right back down with jesus on a white horse i got a question when does the judgment seat of christ happens what happened that's first corinthians chapter three second corinthians chapter five do you realize the bible said we must all appear before the judgment seat of christ the church age saints we've got to get rewards in our bodies for things that we've done whether they be good or bad when does that happen you know what else happens in this intermediary time here there's a marriage supper of the lamb we're getting yoked up to the bridegroom what's happening in heaven while all this is going on on earth the church is getting all the wrinkles ironed out over the bible said he's going to present it to himself a glorious church not having spot nor wrinkled nor any such thing while this seven years is going on on earth we're going to be in the glory world getting all the wrinkles ironed out and then getting hitched up to our heavenly bridegroom and then we're coming back for the honeymoon praise god we don't this ain't got nothing to do with us and let me say this to you everybody in here needs to understand this you want to talk about mass bible confusion you need to catch this do you know where every messed up doctrine comes from do you know why we've got so many people running around believing they can lose their salvation in this age you know why you got so many people running around trying to work and earn salvation in this age you know why you got so many people messed up on tongues and on apostleship and uh you wanna know why i'll tell you why every major doctrine that's a erroneous doctrine gets propagated because they take a verse from here and put it there or take a verse from here and put it there or take a verse from here and put it there right that bible that bible said study to show thyself approved unto god a word with he is not to be ashamed rightly dividing right there's divisions in that book rightly dividing the word of truth and if you run through that whole bible and just say well that's that's all written to me that's all written to me you're going to end up as fouled up as a termite and a wooden yo-yo friend i mean you're going to end up upside down and backwards you know where that i mean look i treaded lightly this morning as lightly as i could have in the book of mark but you get over there then companion passages to what i read this morning the book of matthew that kingdom gospel and that kingdom message that the king was preaching on this side of the cross that's some wild stuff over in there brother you start taking that and applying it to you and i am the church age you know why people say that people can lose their salvation here because there's people that can lose their salvation here and there's people that could lose their salvation back there but we're living in the day and a time brother where we don't we can't lose what we didn't work for i didn't earn it i can't lose him he gave it to me these people right here these people right here you say oh only people can lose their salvation let me ask you a question somebody gets in the tribulation and we look at this next week somebody gets in the tribulation and you know quote unquote get saved you know quote unquote say that faith and works here it's not salvation by grace through faith there and they take the mark of the beast what happens to them i tell you what happens to them they go to hell y'all listen to me in this age i'm living in right now and i wouldn't do it you'd be done to but brother i could tattoo 666 across my forehead across my forehand you know where i'm gonna go when i die i'm going to glory because that mark ain't got nothing to do with me got nothing to do with me you don't miss those things so we see the place uh i got so much i can give you references here when you got that so we see the place of this rapture then we're going to see pictures of the rapture pictures of this church age rapture what's the picture there are types and pictures of this all through scripture the first one shows up in genesis go all the way back to genesis and chapter number five genesis in chapter number five in genesis chapter 5 the first picture of a church age rapture that shows up as a man named enoch and watch what it says in genesis 5 22 and enoch walked with god after he begat methuselah 300 years and beget sons and daughters and all the days of enoch were 365 years and enoch walked with god and he was not somebody said he wasn't an astronaut he wasn't a cosmonaut he was a was not and he walked with god and he was not for god took him amen i mean no enoch and god just walking down the road one day and god said you know what enoch we're closer to my house than we are to yours won't you just come home to me sound like a winner deal with me god where did he go i don't know he walked with god one day and bam they were gone he's out you know what enoch's a picture of he's a picture of a child of god that goes out in the rapture and never dies wouldn't that be awesome to cheat death now i know what the bible says that's a general statement the bible said in hebrews chapter 9 it is appointed unto man wants to die and after death of judgment but do you realize there's a lot of people in the bible that either didn't die or they died twice appointed once to die the widow and name son died twice elizabeth died twice hey all kind of people the bible died twice they died got resurrected died again that's a general statement and enoch never dies some people say enoch is that one of them witnesses that comes back in the tribulation and he's one of them two witnesses i beg to differ with you we'll deal with that next week maybe but i got scripture to prove that ain't even so it's moses and elijah but apart from all that if you put any back over in the tribulation and make him die you know what you do you destroy the greatest picture of a church-aid saint that leaves out in the rapture and goes into eternity and never dies you know what in enoch the picture gets even deeper of a church age rapture do you notice when enoch gets out what he gets out right before genesis 6 genesis 6 7 8 you know what genesis 6 7 8 is brother skip just said it it's a flood and do you know what jesus said about his coming back here jesus said about his coming back here when he comes back to rule and reign he said as it was in the days of noah so shall it also be in the days of the coming of the son of man i want to take time out there and give you a little extra curricular stuff to understand when you're reading your bible when you read that phrase as it relates to a rapture or jesus coming back son of man go ahead mark this down it ain't got nothing to do with the church that son of man term is a jewish term son of man he's a son of the jews paul never uses that term in relation to jesus christ with the church he's the son of god he's the bridegroom he's the savior of the body when you read son of man you can count and mark this down it's talking about this rapture not this rapture two totally different raptures you read all them all in verses over there that says and i know we use them you know um practically and devotionally and that's all right but it ain't doctrinal i'm dealing straight with the meat tonight look we we're going with the deep now on some of us we're drowning but i'm just we're just giving you the straight up meat tonight all right look i know we give verses out like this you know two shall be in the field one shall be taken in the other left you know two on the house top one be taking the other two ground at the meal when we take another that ain't got nothing to do with our rapture that's this rapture at the end of the tribulation it ain't this rapture that thing that any let me throw this out at you too anywhere you find where the bible says he's coming like a thief in the night fifa night fifa night that has nothing to do with our rapture he does not come as a thief in the night for the church the bible says as a matter of fact you're not in the darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief he don't come back as a thief in the night for the church he comes back as the savior of the body he comes back as the bridegroom and we gladly go out to meet him this is the thief in the night rapture this is the one that jesus told them what i say unto you i say unto all watch watch and be ready for you know not in the day nor the hour when the son of man doth come that's this rapture not this rapture so we see the pictures of the rapture you see when all enic gets out enoch gets out right before a flood it's a picture of the tribulation you know what noah is a picture of noah is a picture of a tribulation saying riding out the tribulation to the end and he gets out in a new world he rides out judgment and he gets off the boat into a new world the millennial kingdom oh enoch is us and it gets took it taken out with god noah goes through right here picture the tribulation and then gets off here that's your pictures so enoch's a picture here's you another picture i like what old brother gillam preached for us go to the psalm of solomon it's a beautiful picture uh brother gilliam preached through this uh precious little book you don't hear a lot of preaching out of song of solomon but man it was gold uh but here's you here's your nugget here here's another picture of our rapture nestled in psalmist chapter 2 verse number 8. if you'll find the big book of psalms and come to the right proverbs ecclesiastes and the third book of solomon a song of solomon psalms proverbs ecclesiastes song of solomon if you made it to isaiah you went too far come back to the level song of solomon chapter two verse number eight the voice of my beloved behold he cometh leaping upon the mountains skipping upon the hills my beloved is like a robe or a young heart like a deer behold he standeth behind our wall he looked forth in the windows showing himself through the lattice my beloved spake and said unto me rise up my love my fair one and come away for lo the winter is past the rain is over and gone the flowers appear on the earth the time of the singing of birds has come that prompted some people to say that the rapture is going to take place sometime around may they said april showers spring may flowers i i don't know i'm not going to i'm not trying to predict or date it i'm just throwing it out to you the fires appear on the earth the time of the singing of birds has come the voice of the turtle is hurting our land the fig tree put it forth her green figs let me take time out right there you know what the fig tree is in bible study it's israel and he said in this day when he comes back to get his beloved the fig tree is blooming and blossoming do y'all see what's happening in israel right now the embassy just got put where it ought to be in jerusalem she's blooming she's blossoming she just got planted back their homeland in the 40s they just had a seven day war and six days brother she's blooming and blossoming and it said when she's when the fig tree starts blooming and blossoming watch what happens the vines with the tender grape give a good smell arise my love my fair one and come away do you know who solomon is talking to solomon is a jew do you know who this woman he's in love with is she's a gentile she's not a jew at all she's a picture of the gentile bride of christ you say where you get that from verse number five she's in chapter one chapter one verse five she said i am black but comely ain't no black jews i mean i just tell you god's honest truth there ain't no such thing as black jews yo and so here we are this woman's a gentile it's a picture of a gentile church and the jewish savior comes and says rise up love fair one come away with me let's get out of this joint let's blow this popsicle stand i'll take you to my house yeah here's another picture we'll go to the book of the revelation we're running fast to the close here revelation chapter 4 john is a picture of the new testament church john is that disciple whom jesus loved christ loved the church and gave himself for it i told you in revelation 1 2 and three you just get church to death church church church church church jesus walking in the candlesticks of the church and there's a church here in a church there in the church genre watch what happens in revelation 4 1. after this i looked and behold a door was opened in heaven and the first voice which i heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me remember both your references first thessalonians four first corinthians 15 said it's going to be at the last trump john said i heard a trumpet talking with me which said come up hither and i will show thee things which must be hereafter and immediately i was in the spirit behold the throne was set in heaven so on and so forth john has a picture of the church do you see when john gets raptured out he gets raptured out right after the most carnal church age that there is you realize what the church is look at the church before john gets called out look at verse number 14 of chapter 3 chapter 3 verse 14 unto the angel of the church of the laodicean's right these things saith the amen the faithful and true witness the beginning of the creation of god i know thy works thou art neither cold nor hot i would thou word cold or hot so then because thou art lukewarm and neither cold or hot i will spew thee out of my mouth because thou sayest i am rich and increase with goods and have need of nothing and no it's not our wretched miserable poor blind naked on and on and on brother that's the church day we're living in we are not living in that great philadelphian church the sixth church the one before lady of that church of the open door we're not living there no more we're living in laodicea a church that's rich increased with goods and don't need nothing not eating god we're good on our own and jesus is on the outside of his own church knocking to get in according to revelation 3. the church look at here the end of this age does not end in a big great revival and you know thousands and thousands getting saved and the whole world getting right the end of this age don't end in revival it ends in ruin i'm sorry to tell you and i still believe we can have a philadelphian church in a laodicean church age i believe we can have a philadelphian type of church i mean a church that loves god and goes and wants to do right but the mass majority of churches they're laid to see in churches and old john said right after i got through that later to see in church age of where you know it ain't it ain't worship no more it's rock and roll groups and rap groups and basically a glorified whip dab nae nae show and a rap session with the congregation and ain't preaching no more it ain't bible exposition y'all come on be honest with yourself when's the last time you heard this much bible exposition in a message before not very often not very often people don't want to hear the bible no more they want to come in and in the last days they'll heat to themselves teachers have an itching ears and they'll turn away their ears from the truth and be turned into fables that's the laodicean church age and it said in revelation 4 after john seen all that he looked and there was a door open in heaven and he said come up hither we're getting out of here once again you know what all this points to we're getting real close to leaving we're getting close to leaving whatever you're going to do for god you better do it now this is real man the place of this rapture pictures of the rapture and lastly i'm done the participants of the rapture who's going who stayed well naturally it should never about go without saying that the saints of god are going up those that's been saved by the grace of god washed in the blood those are the ones leaving in this rapture now i'm going i'm going to say something here that i ain't real sure about you come talk to me about it afterwards and give me your opinion because i really i'm what i'm gonna throw out is just an opinion when we go out here uh i don't know if the old testament saints i don't know if they get their glorified body here or not i know when we go out here we get a glorified body church aids saints i have no idea for all these people over here that jesus took to paradise with him their bodies are still laying down in the dirt i have no idea if they get their glorified body there and i've talked about that a lot of preachers and i never got a satisfactory answer i don't know if they get it here or if they get it here i don't know so you have to you have to get some scripture on that one and figure that one out yourself i know we get a glorified body right here you say what's going to happen preacher if this was to happen tonight if this right here was to have denied this rapture what would happen i'll tell you the first thing that would happen everybody in here that's born again you'd hear a voice and he'd call your name you say where you get that from i'll just write down john chapter number 10 and verse number 1 27 28 29 my sheep hear my voice and they know me and follow me and john said i heard a trumpet as it were talking with me and said come up hither so you know what you'd hear you'd hear the sound of a trumpet one of them big shofar horns being blown but it wouldn't just be a trumpet it would sound like a voice and it would say tiger taylor but brother it's going to happen so fast i mean in the mo did you get first killings 15 in a moment in the twinkling of an eye it's a katina russell it's a trolls color and brother i've never heard that voice audibly but i promise you this my sheep hear my voice and they know me and when i hear that voice for the first time yes i'm going to say i know that voice that's right that's the voice of my beloved behold he cometh leaping upon the mountains i i know that voice i know that you're going to hear a voice and you say what's going to happen after that just as soon as that happens turn colossal turn to colossians chapter number three galatians ephesians philippians colossians and chapter number three and then your body is going to change in the air anybody that's got aches and pains or gray hairs or artificial any things or to say amen thank god amen i love that old song to rochester saying on that resurrection morning when all the dead in christ your eyes i'll have a new body praise the lord i'll have a new life sowing weakness raised in power ready to live in paradise i'll have a new body praise the lord i'll have a new life look what he said right here in verse number 4 colossians 3 when christ who is our life shall appear then shall ye also appear with him in glory look at what your body is going to be like let me give you a news update first john chapter 3. go to the lord towards the end of your new testament first john chapter 3. here's what your body is going to look like fashioned like first john 3 1 behold what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of god therefore the world knoweth us not because it knew him not first john 3 2 beloved now are we the sons of god and it doth not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is you say what kind of body is that that's an incorruptible body amen you know what kind of body that let me just give this what's going to happen i mean brother in the moment in the twinkling of an eye the last trump that trump is going to sound call your name and i mean out just like that you're going to the dead in christ going to pop out before us them old dead bodies gonna be resurrected and put in a new body their soul and spirit's gonna drop down from the third heaven make reunited with their body where they've been at up there then we would try our live and remain out we're gonna go we're gonna look at here if you ain't saved tonight and the rapture happened you'd go insane in about 10 seconds let's say in a crowd this size let's say about five people got left behind a crowd this size and i'm sure there's five people that probably get left behind let's say five people got left behind in a crowd this size if the trumpet was the sound and we was to leave you will go mentally insane in about 10 seconds you say why because the only thing going to be left of us one second we're going to be here in the next second you know what's going to be left a pile of clothes and a pool of blood say well you mean a pool of blood i mean my body's gonna be like his body you know what jesus said to them disciples when he showed up in the upper room in luke 24 he said a spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see me have he didn't have no blood he'd done shed it and i read to you in first corinthians 15 50 flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of god my flesh is going to get a new body like his but my blood stay the life of the flesh is in the blood that old contaminated dirty blood that i got from my daddy it's stayin you don't talk about going mentally insane all of a sudden i mean a light goes off out there brighter than 10 suns and a sound happens and then glass windows bust in and all of a sudden you're about everybody's gone at this place and the only thing left is pews dripping with blood and clothes left everywhere and in about six days people keep riding by and the parking lot still got cars in them when somebody comes in here you know looking for people and here three or four of y'all laid out on the floor foaming at the mouth because you're done mentally insane where they had where'd they go i can't find them where are they at where are they going here just blood brother you talk about this world's going to go nuts and listen what i'm fixing to say for years i wondered brother west how is this world going to get set up to receive one slick smooth talking dude that's going to come up and lead this world into a tribulation period how in the world is that going to work a one world government one world currency how's that going to work coronavirus should have opened your eyes in about three weeks we saw how people will line right up like sheeple and they'll just walk right on into whatever it whatever brother and you let millions of people disappear off this planet like that and one guy step up with answers to fix all of it they'll walk right off into the 666 microchip mark the beast whole nine yards just like that that's right so you say what's going to happen to these participants we getting out of here and this body is going to put on a body like his you know what kind of body i'm going to have i'm going to have a body that can get brother from this globe clear on out yonder past the farthest star they used to say it was alpha's reconnaissance i have no idea what the farthest one is how many thousands and thousands of light years that is it's gonna be able to get out there in the span of just a few minutes jesus stood in the garden of the garden of gethsemane and looked at mary and said don't touch me yet i've not yet ascended to my father and brother in a matter of hours he got from that garden to ascend to his father and then got back in the upper room and said thomas handle me in a matter of hours man that's moving you know what else he's done y'all are baptist you are to like this you know what else jesus done in that upper room he ate amen in a glorified body brother mike that bible said luke 24 to prove to them that he wasn't just some apparition or some ghost or spirit he said feel me they failed him and they could feel him and then he said you got anything to eat i'll prove to you i'm real give me some of these and they gave him the bible said broad fish and a honeycomb i think something like that and he ate fish and honey you say what did he do that for just because it tasted good hallelujah if i talked in tongues right there you say how's that work i don't know but i know it's gonna work i'm gonna have a body like he is they had them doors locked in that upper room and he passed right through them and stood right in the midst of them i'm gonna be like him man you ain't never seen such in all your life we see the place the rapture the picture of this rapture and the participants of this rapture read you one more verse scripture and i'm done i'm gonna read it in you here in first corinthians chapter number 15. if i got this reference right first corinthians chapter number 15. there it is what kind of body is this body that we're talking about first kings 15 and verse number 35 but some man will say how are the dead raised up and with what body do they come thou fool that which thou sowest is not quickened made alive except it die that which thou sowest thou sowest not that body that shall be but bare grain he's talking about seeds you put a seed in but anyone comes up it may chance of wheat or some other grain but god giveth to the body as it has pleased him into every seed his own body in other words the bodies that them saints that died in jesus the more bodies that went down it ain't going to be the same body that comes up sown in weakness raised in power i sure am glad the last time i seen some of my relatives and neighbors and loved ones i get so tired of funerals not that i get tired of being with you at funerals and comforting that ain't what i'm talking about you know when i get tired of funerals i get tired of seeing death i get tired of seeing tears i get tired of seeing heartache because i have to live in this world and it breaks my heart too break you walk walk over and see a dead shell laying there and most of the time you see that dead shell it's got gray hair and wrinkles and it's lived up its life and that old shell just got weaker and weaker and older and older and finally that old saint of god that soul and spirit slipped out to the glory world and that old body gets put down in that dirt but son what a day glorious day when all that old dirt turns into resurrection ground all them bodies of the saints come up and get a body fashion like his glorious body what a day you know i know we don't think about this much we're talking about rapture we talk about glorified body i know we don't think about this much but you realize you know grant you'll know granny in heaven but you realize granny ain't gonna be 80 years old in heaven who wants to be 80 in heaven i mean you understand that right what she went down has ain't the same thing she's coming up as i mean who wants to be 90 years old in heaven them little boys that we buried and had that video the other day they went down this little infant they're not going to be babies you say well they're going man they're going to have a body i don't know what it's going to look like but it's going to be awesome and they'll know mom and daddy and mom and daddy will know them they said the bible said i'll be not i shall know even as i'm known can you man i hope it happens tonight wouldn't that be something brother chill walk through the pearly gates and here come two boys running at your daddy yeah i know you man that's going to be something brother i'm i'm excited about it i'm looking forward to it brother don't you drive your tent pegs down too deep in this world because jesus going yank them up if you're saved and if you don't know jesus christ as your savior i wouldn't miss this for nothing nothing i wouldn't miss this and go through knowing what i know about the tribulation you'd be an absolute imbecile to have to go through this when jesus died on a cross to save your soul and get you out of it jesus did not die on the cross to make this world a better place to live in he died on this cross to get you out amen amen to that that's the church age rapture all right next week we're going to focus in on this tribulation maybe the week after that go to millennium we're going to talk about things to come here father i pray you bless the teaching and the preaching of the word of god i love the book i appreciate it god i thank you for the meat and the milk and the honey and the water that we find in it that feeds and nourishes our inner man and our soul god i pray we take this stuff with us god helping to push us to want to study more and learn more and read more uh and god show our self approved unto god word beneath not to be ashamed god i know the bible said much studies of weirdness of the flesh but god help us to dig in search the scriptures friend then we think we have eternal life and there they would testify of you god help us to read what you've given to us in our own language and we'll thank you for it now bless your people this week keep them safe watch over protect them in jesus name amen all right you're dismissed right there tonight thank church you
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 986
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: CODY ZORN
Id: TAaq4uL9Qjc
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Length: 93min 28sec (5608 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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