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go to genesis chapter number 41 even though we're going to the book of genesis we are not continuing our study this morning on finding jesus in genesis this is not an installment in that message this is a standalone message all by itself that i really wanted to preach to you on thursday night i really did i was uh i was in such a valley of decision on trying to figure out which message to preach either finding jesus in genesis uh or this one that i'm preaching this morning that uh brother michael on our live stream puts the title and he asked me thursday night and i told him i gave him two titles and uh didn't know which one i was gonna preach and i've been excited since thursday about this message and it's been a blessing in my heart and i hope it will be in your heart as well genesis chapter number 41 this morning we all know and realize that without doubt joseph is the greatest type of jesus christ in the old testament we'll look at that in our study of finding jesus in genesis in the next few weeks but that's not what i'm dealing with this morning just because joseph is a great type and picture of jesus christ that doesn't mean that there is not great and much practical help to be gleaned out of his life for you and i as christians this morning uh those of us that are saved there is so many things in the life of joseph that we can look at as a mortal man trying to live for god with so many difficulties and so many obstacles and it seems like so many roadblocks against this guy's life and just over and over it seems like joseph hurtles these obstacles and hurdles these things that the devil continuously throws in his path and as a matter of fact he gets down towards the end of his life and brother bobby he says this he says ye mean it for evil but god meant it for the good uh and joseph comes to the place where he realizes all the bad things brother glenn that he went through in his life that the devil used them for evil to try and wipe him out but behind it there was a god turning it all around for joseph's good and for god's glory this morning you ever get to the place where joseph got to where you can recognize and realize that the sufferings and the troubles of this present life are not to destroy you but they are to develop you and there is a mastermind behind the scene whose name is god almighty that is working things in the best interest of the child of god man you be on some shouting ground this morning that's where joseph sat in and the place i see where i want to give you some help and what helped me in the life of joseph is in the rides of joseph you say the rides yeah i find in in the bible in genesis in the story of joseph's life it starts in chapter 37 and it goes all the way to chapter 50. i find in joseph's life there are three major rides in his life he takes three rides in his life that i want to highlight this morning and look at genesis chapter 41 and verse 41 this morning genesis 41 and verse 41 the bible said this and pharaoh said unto joseph see i have set thee over all the land of egypt and pharaoh took off his ring from his hand and put it upon joseph's hand and arrayed him investors of fine linen and put a chain of uh put a gold chain about his neck now what's verse 43 and he made him to ride in the second chariot which he had and they cried before him bow the knee and he made him ruler over all the land of egypt pharaoh said unto joseph i am pharaoh without thee shall no man lift up his hand or foot in all the land of egypt i'm interested right there in verse 43 where it said and he made him to ride in the second chariot which he had i find that joseph gets rides in the bible as a matter of fact he gets a ride into egypt but then we find in our text he gets a ride through egypt but when we get to the end of his life he takes a ride out of egypt this morning and i see these three rides in the scripture that excited me the other day when i began to study the um i realized as i study the bible that egypt where joseph is is a picture of the world all through your bible when you study egypt egypt is a picture of this world this world that that john said love not the world neither the things that are in the world if any man loves the world the love of the father is not in him for all that's in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life it's not of the father but is of the world i find egypt is a picture of that egypt is a picture of a mindset against god egypt is a picture of a of a lifestyle against god it is the worldly mindset that we all live in this world system where you and i are at and i find joseph gets some rides around these things and i want to tell you this morning these rides will mirror the life of the child of god those of us that are saved these three rides are gonna mirror the three major rides of the child of god's life this morning so with that in mind i'm gonna dive off in the message and preach to you this thought i'm preaching on i'm just waiting on my ride i'm just waiting on my ride this morning now i want to show you three rides that joseph had and we're going to be done go to genesis chapter 37 and we'll find the first ride genesis chapter 37 we'll see the first ride that he took this morning and i'd like to say firstly number one that problems gave him a ride in to egypt problems gave him a ride into egypt this picture of the world look at what your bible said in genesis chapter 37 and verse number 25 joseph's brethren have taken him they have stripped him of his coat of many colors they have thrown him down and appeared and now in verse 25 of chapter 37 they are going to sail him and watch what the bible said in verse 25 of chapter 37 and they sat down to eat bread and they lifted up their eyes and looked and behold a company of israelites came from gilead with their camels bearing spicery and balm and myrrh going to carry it down to egypt and judah said unto us brethren what prophet is it if we slay our brother and conceal his blood come and let us sail him to the ishmaelites let not our hand be upon him for he's our brother and our flesh and his brethren were content verse 28 then there passed by midianites merchant men and they drew and lifted up joseph out of the pit and sold joseph to the ishmaelites for 20 pieces of silver and they brought joseph they given him a ride into egypt do you see this first ride we see that problems brother jeremiah gave him a ride into egypt do you see how joseph got into that world of egypt you see how he got there he got there through pain he got there through tears he got there through sorrow he got there naked even the bible said because they stripped him of his coat of many colors and through his tears and through his pain and through his sorrow and through his nakedness he is delivered into a world of problems this morning now let me pause right there just to try and help you and say this that's how everybody in here got into this world this morning you got here through the pain and the sorrow and you come out crying your mama gave you a ride into this world of problems this morning and you got here just as naked as a jaybird in your birthday suit this morning you got into this world just like joseph got into that world and you know what joseph found out about this world he was in when he got there he found out it's a world of problems i mean brother you know what he found out brother joe he found out that world of egypt it was a world of bondage it was a world of servitude it was a world of captivity when he got down there they locked him up and they made him a servant to one of uh one of the men down there named potiphar and then we find out he found it's a world of temptation too potiphar's wife tempted him and because of that temptation they locked him up down in the prison house can i say all of us have ended up finding out that's what this world is it's a world of bondage to sin it's a world of servitude to see it's a world of heartache and pain it's a world full of temptations it's a world full of darkness it's a world that if you end up giving into temptation it'll lock you up in the chains of your sin joseph found out the same thing about his world that we found out about our world you know what job said job said a man that is born of a woman he's a few days and full of trouble that's what life is i hate to tell you this morning but if you're looking for a better roses you was born into the wrong world you was born into a world of problems you was born into a fallen world you were born into a sinful world you were born into a cursed world we're born into a world of temptation we're born into a world that when you give into it it locks you up and it chains you down and you know something about this world joseph got in when problems got him into that world when he was locked up in that prison house brother john the bible said there were people around him that had problems too he ain't the only one with problems there's a butler and a baker that gets thrown into the jail with him and they got problems i hate to tell you all this this morning but you ain't the only one with problems there's people all around you got problems this morning there's people all around you got issues this morning and that are hurting that's the world in which we live in this morning this world hey this world's not my home honey i'm just passing through this world's a world of tears and sorrow and pain and travail and i'm glad this ain't my life stop thank god almighty this ain't my last ride this ain't my final stop in place these other rides coming this morning problems gave him a ride into egypt just like all y'all everybody in here got a ride into this world of egypt through problems problems didn't just give him right into egypt no but i like this go back to chapter 41 this was our text this morning chapter 41 not only did problems give him a ride into egypt but let me hurriedly say a pardon gave him a ride through egypt a pardon gave him a ride through egypt this morning why the bible said in chapter number 41 look back at verse 14 chapter 41 verse 14 joseph has been locked up in the prison for years now he's in this dark world he's locked up in a prison but watch what happens verse 14 of chapter 41 then pharaoh sent and called joseph and they brought him hastily out of the dungeon and he shaved himself changed his raiment and came in unto pharaoh come all the way over to chapter chapter 41 there look at the end part of chapter 41 in verse number 42 verse 42 pharaoh took off his ring from his hand put it upon joseph's hand arranged him investors of fine line and oh he's robbed him he's ringed him and now verse 43 he's given him a ride and he made him to ride in the second chariot which he had you see what's happening here oh joseph's locked up down yonder in egypt he can't get out he's in this world of problems he's in this world of pain he's in this world of temptation but one day the word of the king came down the corridors of the dungeon where he was locked up at and when the word of the king came to where he was the door flung open and joseph got out and joseph got cleaned up and joseph got changed up and then joseph got a ride through egypt you say had that happen because the king gave him a pardon the king wrote him a pardon and said not guilty the king said no charges held against him anymore and somebody said but king they say he's guilty of trying to rape potiphar's wife and the king said i don't care what they say i'm blotting it out i'm wiping it out i'm going to let him ride with me through egypt i'm forgiving it and i'm forgetting it and it's a part and say what's that got to do with us i thank god for the day brother when i was in this world of problems and i was locked up in the chains of my sin and a preacher got up one day and told me the king said i could go free the king told me that i didn't have to stay in bondage as a matter of fact my king told me this if the sun shall make you free ye shall be free indeed and down the dark corridors of the dungeon of sin that i was locked up in the light of the glorious gospel of christ shined into my darkness and said if i'd trust christ and repent of my sins i could go free and that night in pembroke georgia i trusted christ repented of my sins and i got set free and i got a pardon through this world i want y'all to notice something about old joseph in the text joseph is now in this world but he ain't of this world brother kevin he's in that world of egypt still it's still the same world of problems it's still the same world of pain it's still the same world of temptation but joseph now is riding through it he ain't chained to it he ain't chained to it no more he ain't locked down to it no more he's riding through it with the king even though joseph is in egypt he ain't an egyptian he's an israelite he's a jew he ain't from there even though he is there may i say i'm in this world but i ain't of this world this morning i ain't chained up to this world i ain't locked down to this world i don't got to be a slave to this world i ain't got to let it rule and reign over my life in the affections and the lust thereof the king got me out set me in a chariot of grace and i am riding with the king through this dark world not chained up but free not staying but passing through this morning lock me up in a prison and throw away all the keys take away the vision from these eyes that now now can see you can deprive me of the food i eat and even my hands and my feet but as long as i have jesus then i can still go free he said that i could still go free one kind of man would reach down his hand and do this for me unworthy to live i was not feared to kill but then the man on the cross put me in his will and said that i could still go free i'm here i'm still in the same place but i'm not like i was the pardon from the king busted me out this morning and i think brother skip maybe maybe maybe when maybe when uh joseph is riding in that chariot maybe out there in the crowd somewhere stan's old potiphar an old potiphar's harlot from hell his little jezebel wife and they standing there she lied on him you know they're standing there and they bump each other and say well who do they think they are we know what he did potiphar goes to somebody and said hey they ought to not let him up there they'll not let him ride in that chair you know what a sorry good for nothing scallywag that guy is well my wife told me this this this about him they are not let him up there in that chair and somebody said well ain't nothing we can do about it because the king pardoned him i mean ain't nothing we can say about it they know what we can do about it because it's all gone i mean it's all blotted out aren't you glad this morning brother look at here the bible said that we have no more condemnation to them which are in christ jesus who shall lay anything to the charge of god's elect it's god that justified if you've been pardoned and you've been saved and you've been set free there's no accusation that can stick to a child of god they've been taken care of by the pardon of the kingdom i say i'm just waiting on my ride problems gave him a ride into egypt apartment gave him a ride through egypt this morning i wonder i'm just curious have you ever got a pardon and i'm not talking about from the government and i'm not talking about from the state nor the federal level i'm talking about a pardon from the king i'm talking about the king of heaven he's the one that gives out eternal pardons this morning they tell me they tell me that when an individual is to be pardoned from some crime that they have done a talk with a pastor one time and he said he went with an individual that was in his church uh that her son was to be pardoned they found out the crimes he had done uh that they had forgiven him for it or that he really didn't do it and they were going to expunge everything he'd done they were partying pardoning him for it he said i walked into that little room with this woman and her son and the judge was there in the court recorder and all that they said they brought every legal document that was held against that boy brother tim they said they took every document and one by one they took them and they stuck them in a shredding machine and they stuck them through that shredding machine one by one until when they were done there was nothing left that could be put together the evidence was gone it was shredded up and it was jumped out back in the trash can never to be seen never to be heard from again can i tell you that's what happens when you get apart and for your sins thank god it's not hell to get the bible said that christ took the handwriting of ordinances that was against us and nailed them to his cross taking them out of the way all the evidence held against me all the sins of my past they are gone this morning problems gave him a ride into egypt a pardon gave him a ride through egypt and i'm done this morning a promise gave him a ride out of egypt a promise gave him a ride out of egypt this morning would you look at another passage of scripture let me go to chapter number 50 of the book of genesis chapter 50 and look at the promise that gets him out chapter 50 and verse number 24 chapter 50 and verse 24. and joseph said unto his brethren i die and god will surely visit you and bring you out here's the promise that's going to give him a ride out of egypt and bring you out of this land under the land which he swear to abraham isaac jacob and joseph took an oath of the children of israel saying watch it god will surely visit you and ye shall carry up my bones from his thank god for the hope of that promise in chapter 50 brothers act the hope of that promise is given and joseph says god's going to get you out of here one day this this world of problems this world where we need a pardon there's a promise god's going to give us a ride out of this world one of these days out of this messed up place where we're dwindling god's will that's a great promise but i want y'all to understand something a promise is no good unless there is a fulfillment of it brother rodney if the promise is just made but it's never made good upon what good is a promise we can say something all day long but if it don't ever come good brother tiger it don't mean nothing oh but can i tell you the promise come good can i show you where the promise came good at 430 years later it comes good amen take your bible and turn to exodus 13 this is the last place i'll have you turn just to the right just to write that chapter number 13 of the book of exodus and look at verse number 18 chapter 13 verse number 18 of exodus i love this the promise is going to get him out of egypt chapter 13 verse 18 but god led the people about through the way of the wilderness of the red sea and the children of israel went up harnessed out of the land of egypt watch it verse 19. don't miss it here's the fulfillment of the promise and moses took the bones of joseph with him so that's young ground right there son and it said for he had straightly sworn the children of israel saying god will surely visit you and ye shall carry up my bones away hence with you 430 years earlier brother joe joseph made the promise and said we're going to get our disjoint we're going to bust out one day and when you do don't leave me even if i'm dead you make sure you grab my coffin you make sure you grab up that box of bones and you take them with you when you make tracks out of this world and go to the promised land the land of milk and honey the land promised to abraham isaac and jacob you take me with you when you go because i don't i don't belong here i'm not from here you take me home take me to the homeland say what's that got to do with us well 2 000 years ago somebody made us a promise 2 000 years ago there was a promise made by the heavenly joseph and he said this if i go away i will come again and receive you unto myself that where i am there you may be also the promise was made when he ascended into heaven two men and what apparel said ye men of galilee what stands you gazing into heaven this same jesus i said this same jesus not another jesus the same one that he ordered and the same one that loved and the same one that died and the same one that rose again this same jesus which you've seen go away shall so come in like manner and the bible said one of these days i know it's been a long time coming but honey we gonna be a long time gone thank god the fulfillment of the promise is still coming this morning brother chris the bible said one day the trumpet shall sound and the lord himself shall descend from heaven with the voice of the archangel and the dead in christ them like joseph yeah they dead their bones is in the ground but god ain't going to leave them god's going to get them out there they're going to go and the bible said the dead and christ your eyes first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord brother looky here i've had all i want of this world of problems thank god there was a day i got a ride on the chariot of grace but one of these days i'm going to get a ride out of this world i'll not stay in forever i'm just riding through and one day i'm riding out of here you count on that friend [Applause] back in world war ii i love i love this stuff back in world war ii there was a personal friend of general douglas macarthur who was fighting the japanese in the pacific theater general douglas macarthur had a personal friend named general wayne wright general wainwright had just been promoted to general his men loved him they said of general wainwright they said he was the type of general that would fight with you in a foxhole even though he was way up the chain he loved his men and he'd stand side by side with them the japanese before before we began to push back and were able to overcome them they started taking over all these islands in the pacific right along the time of pearl harbor and such as that in 1942 the u.s forces most of them had to pull off of the islands of the philippines and it left general wainwright and just a small force under his command when general macarthur left him there knowing that he could not hold out and knowing that he would be captured general macarthur on his way out of the pacific islands and leaving his friend general wainwright and those men there turned around and said this these were his words he said i shall return amen general wainwright and his men surrendered in may of 1942 and for three years the japanese held him in a pre-ow situation just because he was a general he got no favorable treatment i got pictures you can look at pictures of general wainwright when they were finally liberated three years later his body was emaciated i mean what was once a strong able-bodied looking general now was i mean totally gaunt it shriveled up to almost nothing after three years of malnourishment being sick and malarial conditions and working them all through the day after three years of fighting that war in the pacific in 1945 words started getting to those concentration camps macarthur is coming macarthur is coming macarthur is coming they said they started seeing the patrols of the united states air force as they would fly closer and closer knowing that if our boys airplanes were now flying over the philippines then that just means one thing we were winning and it wouldn't be long before they'd get out they said the closer it got they started getting word that it'll only be a couple of days now and general mcarthur will be here they said one night general wainwright got up he laid aside all of his old prison rags that he had been working in and living in in that squalor they said his uniform that he went into that prison with he had kept it laid away brother jimmy they said he got up in the night early before the morning and he put his uniform on got as presentable as he could and buttoned up with his best looking uniform that he possibly could when his captors came the next morning to feed him the filth they had been feeding him they went to give it to him and he said i don't want that my generals coming feed me properly they said they looked at each other literally this is what they said brother jacob said they looked at each other and they said he knows he knows i wonder sometimes if you don't just get happy and get i mean in the spirit and enjoy god and the devil thinks they know they know they know that he's covered they said he got dressed up and finally they came to liberate them and when they did general wainwright said i want to see my commander-in-chief they brought him to general macarthur and they embraced and they hugged each other and wept and cried they said the day that the japanese surrendered you can look at the pictures on the deck i believe it was the uss missouri while general macarthur sat there across from the japanese generals and signed those unconditional surrender papers of peace standing directly behind general macarthur at attention directly behind him was this skinny gaunt figure in his best dress blue and he stood there and it was general wayne right you say what kept that old general going even when he was in that world of problems when he's in that world of pain and he's hurting and they said the only thing that got him through was the promise that his friend had made three years earlier the promise was simply i shall return that's what got him through child of god can i say this morning the promise is still good take heart this morning lift your hands up your redemption draweth now i realize sometimes it looks like the enemy's winning i know if you watch cnn msnbc and fox news and everything you just think the enemy's having a field day but i promise you his day's coming to an end there's coming a day when the sky is gonna break clear and the commander of our salvation is gonna step out on a cloud and he's gonna call us out and we're going to take a ride out of this sin cursed world and land in the sunny vapes of sweet deliverers and be with the lord i'm just waiting on miranda i've had enough of this ride into this world brother i've had a good ride in the chariot of grace around this world oh but i'm waiting on the ride out and it just might be today it might be before i'm done preaching you say you really believe it i sure do if i didn't believe it i wouldn't be preaching it to you so you still believe jesus is coming sure i do you say but it's been a long time yeah but the longer he waits and the more people talk that lets me know more that he's coming you say how's that that sounds like an oxymoron because peter said this in the last days there'll come scoffers walking after the lust of their own flesh and they'll say this where's the promise of his coming for since the father's fell asleep all things have continued even though it's away from the beginning of the creation they're going to say see he ain't coming but when they start saying that more and more and more you get ready he's coming we're living in a day where everybody acts like jesus ain't coming and jesus ain't coming brother he's coming yeah and i'm glad help me up here esther i'm glad i got a ride through this world i'm glad i'm getting a ride out of this world everybody in here everybody in here has gotten a ride into this world here you are you got the ride in i'm wondering the only one listen what i'm fixing to tell you the only way to get a ride out is you got to get a pardon that gets you through you know how joseph got the ride out because the king pardoned him and got him out you want to get out of this world one day friend you better get a pardon if you ain't never been pardoned from your sin you ain't leaving this is what you've got right here enjoy while it lasts somebody said this world is the closest thing to hell the christian will ever know and conversely this world is the closest thing to heaven that the sinner will ever know i'm glad brother look here this ain't all there is [Music] i'm not getting a ride out of here one day thank god for the rides of my life i'm having the time of my life on the ride of my life and i'm waiting on one more i got one more to come and it may be any day now it could happen just as fast as elijah elijah got a ride out of this world the bible said elijah was walking along there one day with elisha and a chariot of fire and horses of fire swooped down there caught a live judgment out he went just that quick it might it might just be that fast i'm leaving how about you while you're here don't let the devil get you so discouraged in this world that you forget that you're not of this world don't get so burdened down with what's happening in this world that you remember that you're not staying it's only going to last a temporary short time that's eternal this is temporal we're just strangers and pilgrims passing through i wonder do you know you leaving with the rest of us i mean if the trumpet sounded this morning and eyes gone brother skipper's gone and a pile of this crowd right out here is gone i wonder if you're still gonna be sitting there are you leaving with us [Music] you say i ain't sure i'm leaving i am how you so sure you're leaving because i got a pardon ain't trusting in me to get me out of here i'm trusting in him he got me out of my sin save me he's gonna get me out of here too [Music] this morning i wonder where are you at are you still chained down locked down you can get a pardon this morning and then receive the promise that you leave them with the rest of us let's all stand maybe you just want to say lord thank you for giving me a ride through this world help me god to show others how good it is to be set free and in this world but not of the world paul i pray you bless the message speak to our hearts thank you lord so much god it's good to be reminded god i about have myself a time and a spell in my office thursday just thinking about the fact that i'm gonna ride out of here one day oh glory to god help us god never to forget and always be ready not drive our tent pegs down so deep that we're not ready just to get out of here at a moment's notice help us god i pray jesus name hedge about knives are closed i want to ask you something my several have come to pray and talk to the lord let me ask you something you say preacher i'll be honest with you this morning i'm not sure that i'm pardoned preacher i've never been forgiven of my sins trusted jesus christ to save me preacher i am not sure that i'm saved this morning but i don't want to leave this way i i want to leave different than i came preacher will you pray for me i won't call you out come to you embarrass you but i would love to pray for you would you slip your hand up right there where you are and say preacher pray for me while nobody's looking at me and god just say preacher pray for me god bless you ma'am would there be somebody else that would join this lady right here and raise your hand said they lost need the lord would it be somebody else not sure if you saved would there be somebody else ma'am i'm gonna pray for you me praying for you won't save you if if you don't know the lord and if you need to trust christ i'll have my wife meet you down here at the altar would you take that first step would you would you take that first step move to this altar trust jesus this morning i'm going to pray for you lord i pray that you'd help this dear one in the valley of decision god i pray that you'd make things clear and plain this morning god i pray that you see that there's nothing she can do to be saved only to trust jesus christ call on god trust him god i pray this morning you'd help in jesus name amen if you need to come won't you come esther sing if you need to come this verse is for you i'll have my wife meet you down here [Music] don't miss out on your own right on the other side and i did say yeah what a promise listen i'll dry every tear you cry you know i've made a promise that i've prepared a place yes someday sooner than you think you'll see me face to and you'll sing with the angels and the countless multitude this is the promise this is the promise i've made to if you don't know jesus christ if you've never been saved if everything's not right in your soul please do me a favor say maybe maybe you didn't want to move during invitation that's all right that's all right we've had many people in the last several years that service has been over with and came and got myself or brother skiff or somebody by the hand and came back into this altar when folks started moving out and trusting jesus christ all i'm saying is this if things are not right between your soul and the savior don't don't put that off don't don't don't don't get to the place you say well i'll get right tomorrow i'll get right another day you know i promised another day life's a vapor it's your little while and it passes away i have no idea how many opportunities the lord gives anybody to get right with him but i know he's giving you one right now take the one that he's given you don't miss that one okay don't miss that one please don't leave don't leave lost thank you esther tell you what at the end of the service here before we pray for brother tim here we're gonna do that just a minute brother tim sing this song with me our church loves this song y'all sing it so good and thinking about going to heaven put this in my heart there is come in a day when the heartache [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me upon his face glorious days and they're gonna have to do some surgery uh on her and uh so this is this one the whole protein will come down if you would and let's have something to come around here let's pray old protein and that's the one that heals him and ask the lord to touch and move and work and bless in his father's life okay uh we want the lord's will to be done and we want god to help condition um pro tim's power but if things aren't necessarily totally right there and the lord will use this trial uh to be a help to get her closer to the lord this morning and uh and we know that god does all things well even when we don't understand it i like that song with sister jasmine saying she's saying god is still good even when he's not understood now i'm saying stuff like this i don't know if i'm still good he's instilled controlling inspired by what's going on so we want to pray bro hey let's pray for brother tim and let's talk to the lord about disabled and uh y'all pray what you're doing we don't bring him with you okay now [Music] [Music] [Music] is until my family not just because of cancer but because it's his child and uh okay you
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 1,492
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: st_hiJBJ0_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 6sec (2706 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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