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amen i like that the bible said my spirit not always strive with man i'm glad when the lord comes by and deals with you you can get a hold of him tonight well let's take our bibles and go to the book of second corinthians and chapter number two ii corinthians and chapter number two tonight and uh this is just our our diving board verse offend our study that we started last sunday night and so we'll use it again tonight to get our mind geared in the direction that we're going to look at the next device of the devil tonight second corinthians and chapter number two and our key verse for this study is found in verse number 11. second corinthians chapter number two and verse number 11 the apostle paul said lest satan should get an advantage of us for we are not we're not supposed to be even though some christians are for we are not ignorant of his devices um paul calls it this he said lest satan should get an advantage an advantage is like what they call in military terms of beach head a beach head in military terms is when an enemy lands on a beach somewhere or lands on a specific piece of ground somewhere and they get a toehold into that area whereby they can supply their troops whereby they can bring in fresh troops and then they can start their push into the mainland most of you will recognize a beach head such as normandy in world war ii world war ii when the allies invaded france when they started their push into europe to push the germans all the way back out of france and england such as that and back into germany and fight them it started at normandy and when those allied forces on d-day got to normandy they landed on five different beach heads they had five different ones called utah omaha gold juno and sword that were the name of the beaches that they named they were going to land at and the germans fought them like crazy to keep them off of those beaches because they knew if they ever could get a toehold on the land if they ever just got a little peace whereby the ships could supply the men on the land and bring fresh troops on the land then that could signal the beginning of the end for the axis in europe and sure enough after uh days of bloody ruthless combat the allies finally got a beach head there in normandy and that's what started spearheading that fight all the way across europe you say what are you talking about preacher that's what the devil's going to try and do in your life he's going to try and get some small piece of ground some small piece of real estate in your life but mark this down the devil is never satisfied just to have a little piece of your life you may sit here tonight and think well you know i i i don't mind letting the devil have that little peace because i enjoy doing those things or i enjoy that thought or i enjoy that pleasure whatever but you mark this down somebody said if you give the devil an inch he'll be your ruler you give the devil an inch he'll take a mile he's never happy just having a little small piece of oceanfront property in your life he ends up wanting to have all of it he's not satisfied in any part of your life bringing glory or honor to the lord he wants it all if he can so my goal with these messages is to try and try and pinpoint some beach heads in our life in each and every christian in this room from me to you try and pinpoint some beach heads in our life where we could look and see that that's a toehold the devil has on my life that that's that's a small spot the devil has an advantage in my heart and i want to try and claim that ground back and get it back for the glory of god so that the lord might receive as much praise out of my life as he possibly can so so tonight the second device of the devil that we're going to look at is a device that we are all well acquainted with it is the device called lust it is the device of lust tonight uh the word lust simply means this especially in the bible context of where we'll be looking at it tonight and i hope you got your bible and keep it open because we're going to look at a bunch of different references tonight on this subject of lust the word lust in the bible setting literally means a desire or a craving or a longing for something that god doesn't want you to have something the lord would prefer you not having something that is against god's will for your life that's what lusty is it's a desire to have what god says no to it's a craving to get a hold and have in your life something that god says i don't want you to have it now you might sit here tonight and you say well why wouldn't god want me to have xyz those things make me happy doesn't god now listen to this if you don't hear nothing else you need to hear this what i'm fixing to say to you people say this doesn't god want me to be happy no god wants you to be holy and listen what i'm fixing to tell you true holiness in the child of god's life will produce true happiness in the child of god's life christians have even been duped into thinking that if i live a holy life i can't find any happiness in a holy life that's not true now as as somebody who's lost that is true a lost man will be miserable trying to live a holy life he'll be miserable a lost woman will be miserable trying to live a holy set apart sanctified life that'll be miserable why because there's nothing inside of them that enjoys that but a child of god who's born again will truly appreciate and enjoy the benefits of living a holy life because it brings them closer to the object of their affection and that is the lord jesus christ tonight you mark this down child of god anything in your life that brings you happiness but does not bring you holiness is not of god if it brings you happiness but it doesn't help with your holiness it's probably not of the lord tonight amen and so so i'll say this about about the lord wants us to be holy we realize we used to live in these lusts we used to live a life that we lived in full-blown desires longings wants against the word and the will of god let me show it to you look real quick we're going to look at a couple verses and then run to our outline tonight look at ephesians in chapter number two ephesians chapter two watch what paul says about how we used to live before we got saved uh how were you what we used to desire the things we used to run after that this should be this should be in your past if you'll say ephesians chapter 2 and verse number 2 ephesians 2 2 said wherein in time past he walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the air that's the devil the prince power of the air the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience ephesians 2 3 watch this verse ephesians 2 3 among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh the lust fulfilling the desires or lusts of the flesh and of the mind and were by nature the children of wrath even as others that is who we were before we got saved we lived the life we thought nothing about doing whatever felt good whatever we wanted to do you didn't think nothing about that a lost man thinks nothing about that he's just living life but when you got saved when you got born again look if you're still in ephesians look at chapter 4 and verse 22 chapter 4 and verse well look at verse number 21 chapter 4 verse 21 of ephesians watch this we're told by this lust now watch what it said ephesians 4 21 if so be that ye have heard him and have been taught by him as the truth is in jesus that he put off concerning the former conversation when you read conversation in the bible many times it's not talking about who you're talking to like a conversation like you're having words with someone it's more about a manner of life the way you live your life concerning the former conversation the old man which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts paul said you need to put that off now that you're saved you need to put that old man off that was corrupt and had deceitful us and then what should we do verse 24 verse 24 and that ye put on the new man which after god is created in righteousness and true holiness so the child of god is called to put something off when he gets saved and then puts something on when he gets saved we're to put off these worldly carnal fleshly lusts that hinder us from living for god and being holy like we should and we're to put on a new man tonight do y'all realize lust is one of those things that we're all pre-programmed with uh we're all pre-programmed with it y'all y'all ever got a new computer and and it comes with default settings like it comes with a pre-programmed setting from the factory and if you ever get to a place where you have to erase everything it said do you want to restore default settings it's got a pre-programmed package in it well can i say everybody in here because of your sinful great granddaddy adam and eve were all preprogrammed with lust built in you ain't got to teach people that you say you say prove it to me have you ever watched a little two three four five six year old youngin walked through walmart and being drugged by his mama and he's hollering this mama i want that mama i won't i won't you know what that is that's lust they're they they've got it from that age i want that i want that no you don't need that no matter i want it and then pitch a fit if you don't get it and that there is pre-programmed and everybody and it goes right up through adulthood it must be put in check it must be dealt with now where does this where does this lust come from now before i give you about give me my outline let me look at several things here uh where does this lust come from it comes all away from genesis chapter three watch how this lust got in our genes watch how it got in our very dna tonight all the way back to genesis chapter number three this device of the devil is as old as mankind it goes all the way back to the garden of eden i'm fixing to throw you out my outline here but let's just give you some some preliminary things here look at where this stuff goes all the way back to where this origin of this lust comes from that is bound up in the heart of each and every one of us tonight something all of us have to combat even after we're saved genesis chapter 3 and verse number 6 eve is looking at this tree of the knowledge of good and evil and watch what it said verse number six and when the woman saw she's already lusting now she's looking at something saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise she took of the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also under her husband with her and he did it it doesn't it doesn't matter that eve's got all these other trees to eat off of god's give her all this other stuff to enjoy and eat off of and said you can freely eat it eve freely that's what he said in chapter two he said of all the trees of the garden thou mayest freely eat take your picky all these trees you eat but don't touch that one ain't that us ain't that us i don't want everything i got i want that one thing i can't have i ain't satisfied with the husband i got i want the man i can't have i ain't satisfied with the wife god gave me to live with i want the woman i'm not supposed to have i'm not satisfied with the car i do have i want the one i don't have i'm not satisfied with the church i go to i want to go to the one i don't go to you you see what i'm saying lust is pre-programmed from right here into all of us it's a default setting so it's something the devil uses to mess us all up tonight so i want to show you several things about this lust from the bible three things real quick and we'll be done number one i want to show you the climate of lust the climate in other words the area that we live in we live in a climate that is full of lust we live in a generation we live in a climate in a world's climate that is based and built on lust tonight i'm gonna prove it to you go all the way now to first john first john in chapter number two so go all the way back to the back of your bible if you find revelation back up about four books from revelation go backwards to jude third john ii john first john go go away revelation come back just about four books and you'll find the book of first john firstly we see the climate of lust we live in a world climate that is full of lust now this is straight out of your king james bible i'm just giving you something right out the book here about this climate of lust watch what your bible said in first john chapter 2 and verse number 15. first john 2 15. the apostle john said first john 2 15 love not the world neither the things that are in the world if any man love the world the love of the father is not in him watch it here we go now watch the climate of this world watch what we're living in verse 16 for all that is in the world this is what you're fighting against here's where we are the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and here's the one we talked about last week and the pride of life is not of the father but is of the world and the world passeth away and the lust thereof but he that doeth the will of god abideth forever it said there's two things here dealing with lust that's in the world there's the lust of the flesh the lust of the flesh is it feels good and then there's the lust of the eyes it looks good isn't that what the entire environment we live in is based off of do you know what you've got i i hate to tell you this christian i mean we're going to get to the positive at the end here but you always got to give you the negative first but i hate to tell you this but you have you have in spades you have an extra what eve only had one of eve had one tree in the garden to make her lust with her flesh and lust with her eyes but y'all we're living in an environment where there's trees in the knowledge of good and evil all around us the devil now has had 6 000 years since the garden of eden to plant lust of the flesh and lust of the eyes everywhere you go today i mean they have it's everywhere have you watched television do you realize this do you realize when you watch tv 99.99999 and i would dare say a hundred percent of the advertisements that come on between the program you're watching do you know what it's all based on lust he said what do you mean preacher it's based on you don't have this you need to get this what's wrong with the one you got nothing but this is the newest this is the latest this is the greatest and you need this look at the bowflex man i'll never forget years ago they had the bowflex man y'all remember the bowflex man i mean you know that like the and every you know middle-aged woman checked out the bowflex man because he was 50 but it looked like mr atlas you know they made him look all awesome and they thought man i wish my husband looked like that well he don't look like that either they made it look like that on the tv and like every woman needs this guy and then they put commercials on there with some woman you know that she's 50 but then they make the lights look right and they make all this look right in the camera say oh you guys need this it's all based on consuming on your lust this evening and isn't that the way the world thinks they think this lest the flesh lust the eyes lust of the flesh if it feels good i should do it and if it looks good i should get it but that's not bible that's not a bible just because something feels good don't mean you're to do it and just something because something looks good don't mean you should have it tonight amen you got to be careful this stuff man it's all around us it's all around us and listen what i'm fixing to tell you we're living in the commercials are almost outdated as far as television commercials you know where we're at now we're we're we're we're in this age we're in this generation and you know do you know what look i think i i do i appreciate the fact that we are able to broadcast on facebook and youtube it's a blessing i'll tell you how much of a blessing it is i just got a text yesterday afternoon from a pastor in west virginia and he texted me and he said that message you preached last sunday on the damascus road i am baptizing an individual this morning because they watched y'all's live stream got under conviction and god used that message to save their soul that's a blessing that's our our live stream that these gentlemen do and that you are a part of because you're here and these fellas work hard at that was sent out somebody watched it and got saved that's a wonderful tool but by and large you know what all that stuff right there is based on it's based on consuming on your lust y'all realize y'all realize that envy envy is a kissing cousin to lust we'll look at that here in just a minute envy is just like a twin to lust they go they go hand in hand you look at something and you wish you had it but you don't have it and that's a lot of what all that social media stuff is it's for you to look at and say i wish i had her life i wish i had his life i wish i had that i wish i could do that i wish i had this this this this and this that's what that stuff is you got to be careful that and did you notice i'm preaching on devices of the devil do y'all know what they call these right here your cell phone device devil ain't stupid he put it he he's put a device in every one of our hands and we keep it right there over our heart where the word of god should be that word's about hitting my heart yeah that's it's right there over heart we keep we keep it in our pockets and we keep we keep it all around us it's it's our device yeah i'm telling you what that device we don't a lot of us don't have that device that device has got us amen i'm talking about i'm talking the climate of lust we're living in a climate that is full of lust today it's predicated it's a trojan horse it's against you it uses your own pre-programmed default setting against you and against me notice what james said you're in first john come to the left uh to james when you go left you'll find ii peter first peter james so just three books back to the left and find james in chapter four and watch what james says about this this this um this thing about lust this it's a trojan horse it's built into all of you and all of us and my me and you and all of us and our children and the devil uses it against us watch what he says in james chapter four and verse number one james four one he said from whence come wars and fightings among you come they not hints even of your lusts that war in your members nobody says members he's not talking about like members of the church he's talking about your own body and war is in you your own lust wars in your members your eyes your mind your mouth your hands your feet this lust is inside of you and there for a child of god there's a constant war going on against the things you want to do but then the things that god wants you to do that constant struggle of lust he said that there's a war going on in your members verse two ye lust and have not you kill and desire to have and cannot obtain you fight and war yet you have not because he asked not man what a statement that is maybe instead of lusting after things so much we just pray and ask god lord should i have it should i not have it lord not my will but thine be done god give me thy will not what i want lord should i buy that lord should i have that lord should i pursue that relationship lord would you be pleased with me doing this or going there or saying that god you tell me you have not because yeah it's not verse 3 you ask and receive not because you ask amiss that you may consume it upon your lust god help lord have mercy man this verse right here that's tough that's tough it's i'm trying to swallow this one down right here while i'm preaching it to you but how many prayers have i prayed before god almighty that the only reason i prayed them was just so i could get something from me come on now don't look at me like a calf looking at a new gate don't tell me you ain't never prayed a prayer that was an absolutely 100 selfish prayer that had nothing to do with the will or the word of god it was just simply because you wanted something for you i've been there i've prayed things and only prayed it so i might consume it on my lush man my my lust is so deep rooted that i have to check myself when i'm praying lord why am i praying this prayer is it for the betterment of that individual so they might serve god is it for the betterment of myself so i might serve god or lord am i just doing it so i can do something better for me man that's tough man anyways keep moving here and we're coming all the way down to verse number five verse five watch what he says here about i've said lust and envy are like second cousins here uh james 4 5 do you think that the scripture saith in vain the spirit that dwelleth in us now that's man's spirit that's not the holy spirit it's a small s the spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy i have a wicked spirit inside of me that lusts to envy and this world uses my own fallen wicked adamic spirit against me to try and lead me away from the lord talking about devices of the devil i'm talking about beachheads in all our life that we need to kick the devil out and claim it back and y'all realize this year listen what i'm fixing to tell you and i'm gonna move off of this climate of lust we're not just talking about out there in the world and out there in the world and out there in the world do you realize the climate of lust has even landed in the church it has even landed into religious circles yeah the devil even offers people lustful religion well look at it go to second timothy with me watch what your bible said what happened in the last days ii timothy you just keep moving left from james you'll find hebrews philemon titus ii timothy four more books to the left uh hebrews philemon titus second timothy watch what paul said what happened in the last days watch what the climate would be even in the church in the last days even in the house of god in the last days even among preachers in the last days watch what it would be like watch what he said in second timothy chapter four paul gives this young preacher a charge and in second timothy 4 2 he says preach the word that's what i'm doing tonight i'm preaching the bible to you preach the word be instant in season out of season watch what he tells you to do reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine you see what he told the preacher he said you need to have a little saltiness in your preaching well i was preaching about this morning that salt he said timothy you're gonna have to preach the word and do some reproving and rebuking that that needs to be a little sold in your preaching but watch what they want in the last days they don't want saudi preaching watch verse 3 watch it watch it for the time will come and it has come we're living there for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine they won't take preaching they won't take bible preaching but after their own what there you go after their own lust shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables do you know i was talking about this morning do you know what we're getting many times in many churches across this country and i'm talking about baptist i'm talking about non-denominational i'm talking about an all kinds of shapes forms and sizes we are getting sugar preaching and not salty preaching do y'all but listen listen this is what's dangerous about it brother john this is what's dangerous my brother do y'all realize how i don't know how many y'all ever done this it's happened to me before how many of y'all have ever looked at two shakers on the table and couldn't tell if it was salt or if it was sugar because it looked the same y'all ever done that for accidentally put sugar on something thinking it was salt and thought man that's terrible or put salt on something that was sugar and it wasn't i have you'll know the problem this last days they package it in such a way it still looks like church and you still think it is church but there ain't no salt in it there's no preservative in it there's no bite in it and brother listen here it's just so it's just plain old sugar that kills the individuals listening to it you know what happens if you're eating too much sugar you know what happens if you eat too much sugar puts you to sleep how many all diabetics in here some of y'all it goes one way and then goes the other but many diabetics say eat some sugar you know what happens to them ate too much of it man diabetic coma pass right on out you all know what the bible said happened in the last days that paul encouraged them to awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead don't be sleeping on the job you know what we have been lulled to sleep in this generation by this time of religion we live in to where we give out so much sugar the people of god are just going to sleep it's a diabetic sugar coma on preaching that doesn't have a bite to it and it doesn't roust anybody up to live for god and the man of god tells timothy you need to have some bite to your preaching son they're going to go after a preaching that heaps on their lust you know what preaching is you know what kind of preaching heaps lust is that makes people keep it on their lust it's a preacher that makes you feel good about you oh i feel so good about me it's it's sensual preaching it's all about you it's all about you y'all generally when i talk about us i don't have a lot good to say about us in my preaching because the bible don't i'll tell you what i have a lot good to say about him i preach and i have a lot going to say about him this modern day stuff it consumes it on our lust it it's it's really sick man i mean it it even consumes on our lust in the fact of it puts us in arenas and environments in buildings that make it look like the world it makes it feel like a it makes it feel like a club i mean goodness brother if you look at some pictures today of of a of a sure enough club i mean where they're dancing and drinking and holding and then look at some churches you cannot tell them apart it is consumed on your lusts i don't i don't i don't want to be a preacher that tickles people's ears just to make them feel good in their lust i don't want to be controversial just to be controversial for the sake of being controversial either i want to preach the bible the chips may fall where they may we live in a climate of lust it's not just out there in the world it has seeped into churches as well lust lust the climate of lust but then we also see the consequences of lust what are the consequences of lust preacher go back to the book of james with me james in chapter one go back to the right back where we just came from to james chapter one we're running a lot of references on lust and there's many more that we could run that are good but we don't have time to uh i didn't tell you this at the beginning of the message but the word lust it's lust lusts plural lusteth and one more i think lusting maybe or lustings it that it's mentioned right around 50 times in your king james bible in some variation or form around 50 times and we're not going to look at all of them tonight but we are looking at several james chapter 1 and verse 13 i'm talking about how to get the devil's toe hold out your life here with this device james 1 13 he said let no man say when he is tempted i am tempted of god for god cannot be tempted with evil neither tempteth he any man all of your bible correctors immediately run to genesis chapter 22 and try and say see the king james bible has a mistake in it because the bible says that god did tempt abraham but the bible plainly says god doesn't tempt with evil what god did with abraham was not evil wasn't evil you make that distinction god cannot be tempted with evil neither tempteth he any man verse 14 but every man and all of us in this building no exceptions every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed watch the consequences then when lust hath conceived lust always brings forth babies lust always brings babies that's what happens after a conception ain't it watch what the babies of lust are it bringeth forth sin and sin when it is finished bringeth forth death there are four steps here and there's consequences of lust there's four steps on if you notice them there that happens to everyone and it's replicated throughout your bible there's temptation then lust then sin then death did you see that a man gets tempted then he starts lusting over what he's tempted with then his lust turns into sin and then sin turns into death that's your four steps and it replicates through your bible just like that uh matter of fact let me just pause before i move on and say this temptation is not sin i want everybody to understand that just because you get tempted doesn't mean that sin everybody gets tempted it is when you start lusting after what you're being tempted with is when it turns into sin everybody is tempted even the lord jesus was tempted but he didn't start lusting after what he was tempted with you don't have to give in to temptation the bible said the bible said there have no temptation taking you but such as is common to man but god is faithful who will with the temptation also make a way to escape that you may be able to bear it you don't have to give in to temptation god makes a way out it's replicated over and over in your bible there's consequences it's it's found in genesis 3. we read it a minute ago eve eve saw the tree was good for food it was pleasant to the eyes so she saw it here's the temptation she saw it she could have turned away and said i ain't even gonna look at it i ain't messing with that but she saw it there's temptation then the bible said it was pleasant to the eyes that means she started dwelling and looking at it so you know what she's doing she started lusting after him and then the bible said it became sin because the bible said she took it and then y'all know what happened the lord said today eat it you'll die and she did she died spiritually right when she ate it i'll give you another one o aiken aiken over there in joshua joshua chapter number seven you can turn to it or just write these references down i can read it to you joshua chapter seven the second battle that they fight when they come into the land of canaan when they come into the promised land uh the second battle that they fight is just this little old fight of ai they just wiped out this great big old city of jericho and so ai should be no big deal but they get beat at a.i and they can't figure out why it's because one man messed up and took things god told him not to take and it's replicated here the four steps are replicated here again joshua 7 21 aiken is giving his confessional of what he did he said joshua 7 21 when i saw among the spoils a goodly babylonious garment and 200 shekels of silver and a wedge of gold of 50 shekels away all right there's the temptation that's listen to me that's not aiken's fault he can't help it that he just walked by and there it lay he can't help that it's not his fault that the temptation presented itself sister it's not your fault that the temptation presents itself brother it's not your fault when something pops up that you weren't looking for and there it is this is when the problem starts watch what it says next he said i saw the spoils then it says then i coveted them now he's lusting after him he didn't just get tempted when he saw him he should have said brother carl nope god said not to touch that stuff i ain't touching it but instead he looked at him he said man man well i'd look good in that babylonian son think what i could do with that wedge of gold doesn't sin make you stupid sin makes you stupid it does you see how stupid sin made aiken his lust and his sin made him so stupid because brother travis i thought about it like this where was he going to wear the garment at if he would have put the babylon in this garment on they would have all know he took something he shouldn't have took where you gonna wear it at and two y'all in the desert where you gonna spend the money at but sin don't ever calculate stuff up it just is i want it it doesn't factor the consequences so look what he said he said i saw it then i coveted it verse 21 said and took them now there's sin now he's got his hands on it and they're hidden in the earth in the midst of my tent and silver under it and do you see what happens to ol aiken come all the way down to verse number 24 and joshua and all israel with him took aiken the son of zeran the silver and the garment with the wedge of gold and his sons and his daughters verse 25 and they stoned him and burned him up with fire you see what the consequences was because of one man's lust it was passed down to his kids and his wife hey mama hey daddy your lusts don't just affect you it affects all those around you too consequences i'll give you another one you don't believe the four steps i'll give you another one david second samuel chapter number 11 and verse 2 and 4. the same exact steps are replicated again the bible said that david was on top of his house and he saw a woman that was bathing that's not sin it's not his fault that he got to walk around up there and all of a sudden bam there she was he should have said i'll set no wicked thing before my eyes i ain't looking at that that's wrong i'm going in the house and i'm going to pray and read the bible but that ain't what david did the bible said and the woman was fair to look upon so he didn't just see her the bible said then it was and he started lusting after what he saw and then the bible said in verse number four he sent and took her not sin and then you know what happened you say where's the death in that their son died and then he had two more sons die and his daughter got raped and i mean the sword never did depart out of his house because of that thing it affected somebody else that little act of lust somebody said this somebody said sin is not the first look sin is that long second look sends that long second look yeah consequences consequences there's always consequences for lust somebody said i believe it's paul harvey told the story years ago and i think i've told it here in time past in alaska the way they kill wolves is really ingenious they'll take a knife sharpen it up real good double bladed knife and they'll take that knife and they'll stick it in blood and let it freeze outside they'll coat it in another uh coat of blood and let it freeze outside until they've got several coats of blood around that knife where it's just a big old mass frozen blood around that knife and then they'll take that knife and stick it handle down in the ground where that blade is up but it's covered and encased in that ice uh bloody ice and when the sun comes out it'll start shining on that blood and it'll start melting it and then wolves will come running after it and they'll smell it and they'll get there and they'll start licking on that blood and the more they lick on that blood the more taste they get for and they love it and they start ingesting it what they don't realize is the more they start licking it they get down to the blade and they start cutting their tongue into shreds and they literally die ingesting their own blood they taste blood right up until it's their own blood that they're tasting and they don't even realize it and they die ingesting their own blood next to the knife that's lust the devil offers you something that says here try this here look at this here do this and you just start oh that's good oh that's good yeah it's good at first but you mark this down the the pleasures of sin are only for a season there's consequences for that lust it'll kill you it'll kill you man there's a verse of scripture that talks about over there in exodus that they started lusting and they buried them and the place was called the graves of lust i'll see if i can find that here i was going to preach a message on at one time i may not be able to find it right off the cuff i had to find it another time they called it like kibroth hatava or something like that it's where they buried the people at and they called it the graves of lust i thought man my goodness they've been a lot of god's people got buried in the graves of lust many a sunday school teacher buried in the graves of lust many preachers buried in the graves of love many good husbands and wives and young people buried in the graves of lust because they just wouldn't turn away from it lust it's a device of the devil the climate of lust the consequences of lust but then lastly and i'm done conquering over lust how do we conquer this thing of lust now you ain't totally gonna get rid of it it's just like pride like i preached on the other week there's just some things you're gonna have to battle and fight and scrape and scrounge until you get home to glory but i do believe we can live a more victorious life than we do many times i believe there's a recipe for it in the bible can i give you three little things about how to conquer over lust and we're going to get out of here i think the first way we can conquer over lust is with contentment the first way you can conquer over lust sir ma'am is with contentment now if you really want to have a life that conquers some lust i'll give you three little things here real fast and we're done contentment helps conquer lust let me show them to you out of the new testament go with me to the book of philippians i really want y'all to see these references right here because they're all so good philippians chapter 4 and verse number 11. philippians chapter 4 and verse number 11. this is what the apostle paul said philippians in chapter 4 and verse number 11 contentment will help to conquer over lust tonight paul said in philippians chapter four verse of verse number 11 not that i speak in respect of want for i have learned this is something you got to learn you're not pre-programmed with this nobody is pre-programmed with contentment you have to learn this for i have learned in whatsoever state i am he's talking about whatever position of life not you know north carolina south carolina alabama georgia i have learned in whatsoever state i am therewith to be content do y'all realize where this old boy is writing that letter from when he says that when he said i'm a content person i'm happy i'm content you know where he writes that from he writes that from a roman jail cell he says i'm in a roman jail cell but i am completely content where i am you don't talk about a man that's getting the victory over lust look at what he said come to the right the first timothy with me first timothy in chapter six watch what he says in first timothy chapter six i mean i'm telling you some surefire ways you can conquer some lust in your life first timothy chapter six and verse number six first timothy 6 6. he said this in first timothy 6 6 but godliness with contentment is great gain for we brought nothing into this world and it's certain we can carry nothing out verse 8 and having food and raiment let us be there with content paul said in hebrews chapter 13 and be content with such things as you have for he hath said i will never leave thee nor forsake thee the first way you can conquer some lust is stop obsessing over what you don't have and start being thankful for what you do have tonight count your many blessings name on one by one stop looking at everything you don't have and say i wish i had that and i wish i had that and i wish i had that and say lord thank you for that and thank you for that and thank you for that and you know what happens the longer you start saying thank you for this this this you all of a sudden start saying lord why am i even complaining about what i don't god look at all i do god god you've been good to me amen stop stop obsessing over all this stuff and say lord you've been real good to me ought to be in hell i mean i'm i'm doing real good just for the fact i'm saved but on top of that lord you gave me this and you gave me that i got food in my belly and clothes on my back and shoes on my feet and i got a roof over my head and i got a good wife that loves me or a good husband that loves me and god i got children lord you god thank you you've been good to me you want to kick lust in the seat of the britches and make him run start thanking god and being content with what you've got my house may not look like a castle and my clothes may be lacking in style and if you'd come sit at my table a meager supply you might find but oh it's not what you see that makes me a king makes me a king to me i've everything all that i need all that i need i've got treasures and sane how do we combat it contentment can i say another way to combat it is crucifixion now this gets more extreme galatians chapter five go back to the left galatians chapter five uh this is more extreme not only contentment will help you uh to conquer lust but crucifixion helps you conquer it crucifixion say what do you mean crucifixion i mean you got to die to self have you noticed that everybody ever referenced i've read tonight's got lust in it i mean we're looking at the subject tonight look at galatians chapter 5 paul just gets done telling us about the fruits of the spirit and the fruits of the flesh from from verse number 19 down through verse 23 he tells us about the works of the flesh and the fruits of the spirit and then he gets down to verse number 24 and he says this galatians 5 24 and they that are christ have crucified the flesh with the affections and lust you realize it's hard for a dead man or a dead woman to lust after anything i got a i got a friend of mine down in south georgia or brother joe bulldog fan like me and he he's a character he said uh when i die he said just to make sure that i'm dead he said run a chicken leg under my nose he said if i don't come up after it you'll know i'm dead in other words he loves chicken he'd get up if he could i never seen a dead man lust after anything why he's dead and paul said you really want to live a life where you can beat some of this lust crucify it every day get up and crucified you realize you can't do that alone somebody said crucifixion's going you're gonna have to have help because watch this i can crucify some of myself but not all myself i can do this but somebody's gonna have to help me the lord will help you if you want to crucify that flesh you god expects you to do some of it but you can't do all of it you have to say lord help me god fill me god touch me and the lord will help you crucify the affections and the lusts thereof have you ever even asked you know what's puzzling to me is some christians you'll talk to them and they're having troubles with this and troubles of that and fighting you know battles of the flesh and temptation and lust and you ask them have you asked god to help you have you prayed about it i mean and sincerely did everything you could do and then ask god to help you do what you're i ain't even praying about it well good gracious man you think all this stuff's just you know just made up stuff no ask god to help you he will i'm done conquering over lust it's going to take contentment crucifixion and then if you want to conquer over lust don't contribute or cater to your lust say what do you mean this is one of the great i saved this verse for last because i think it's one of the greatest verses in the bible on lust for the christian turn to romans chapter 13 and we're done romans 13 this is the last verse of scripture i'm going to put on or leave you with this is the verse of scripture i committed to memory a long long time ago and it's simply to me one of the greatest verses of scripture on in the bible on the subject of lust for the christian don't contribute or cater to your lust so what do you mean by that well watch what he says in romans 13 14 romans 13 14 think it's one of the greatest verses in the bible on lust look what it says romans 13 14 but put ye on the lord jesus christ and make not provision that's catering to it don't make a way on purpose make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof y'all if you know you're weak in a certain area don't contribute to it by hanging out in that area if you know that you are weak in a certain area of your life and there's a certain thing that makes you drawn away from your lust and enticed then don't look at it don't go by there don't hang out there you know the problem is most of us are not looking for exits out of temptation for lust we are looking for entrances into lust listen to me listen to me i mean how crazy would it be how crazy would it be for somebody you know that that that's crazy would be for somebody that struggles you know with with alcohol to go walk into a bar somewhere and say well i ain't gonna drink i'm just going to sit down talk to him how crazy would it be how crazy would it be for a person that struggles with with sensual lust and fornication or pornography or whatever to constantly walk by places where they know they're going to see things and images that's going to be projected in their mind or go to certain websites that you know it's going to throw things up that's crazy stop making provision for it if you if you know you've got a bad temper and you know your lust is to blow up and you like that and that's in your lust stop hanging out with people it's going to make you do it if you know there's a certain person on your job that helps in that way and every time you get around them you're going to blow up try and stay away from them proverbs said avoid it turn from it pass by it and go away leave it alone it's like the story i heard one time it's like a story i heard one time about the fella he was trying to stop eating donuts and go on a diet and he said you know he just loved krispy kreme doughnuts it was just you know it was he felt like it was almost a sin against the almighty to pass by krispy kreme when the hot sign was on so amen right there hallelujah about talked in tongues when i said that praise god hallelujah anyway and and he he was passing by there and he said now lord i know that you don't want me to have them donuts i know they bad for me god i know it's hurting my body and i know i told you i wouldn't have nothing in the lord i know you don't want me to have none he said but god if you would allow a parking spot to be open in the krispy kreme i'll take that as a sign that maybe you want me to stop by there and he said it took me eight times circling the block before a parking spot finally come open [Applause] you know what he did he kept making provision he kept running around it over and over and over until it finally came open oh look what the lord did no that was provision you made for your lust stop running around that lust over and over you're making a provision for it cut the provision out cut the supply off stop the beach head in your life and say not today satan not today i i'm tired of getting run by this particular lust i'm tired of being ruled by this particular lust i want to conquer over it contentment crucifixion not catering to it you can have some conquering over lust i know i'll preach long tonight i'm not going to give you an invitation i'm going to let you take this home with you tonight i'll let you carry this home with you all right i want a closing word of prayer and i'm going to let you carry this with you but please don't when we say amen don't just let it go from you reflect on it keep it in your heart that you might not sin against god all right while i pray i wish you'd pray right there and make just make your pew your altar and ask the lord to help you right there where you are all right lord thank you tonight for your words god it is the word of god that builds us up and helps us and god i've tried my best to expound the scriptures tonight in a way lord that is practical uh in a way lord that makes it you know right down where we live at where i can grasp it and i can get a hold of it and i believe the folk will too god i pray tonight should help us when we go out into this world tomorrow monday tuesday wednesday thursday god help us not to make provisions for the flesh help us not to put ourselves in bad situations where we know we're going to be conquered over and over and over again by that same lust that's been beating us up god i pray that you would help us god oh god help us to be content with such things as we have god you've been so good to me god i i've been so blessed god i want to say personally and publicly i'm sorry for the times when i've not been content with what you've given to me when i've murmured or i've complained or i've desired things lord that i shouldn't have god went and got things or did things when i haven't even prayed and asked you about it first i'm sorry god help us lord to seek your face and to seek your counsel and realize god this climate that we live in in this world is constantly throwing things our way help us to keep the word of god in our heart and in our minds god i pray that you'd help us to combat satan this week and look out for the devices of the devil bless your sheep these are the sheep of your pasture god would you bless them god is your undershepherd i've simply tried to feed them today with the word of god i pray god that it's filled their souls god i pray that you'd make them fit for the master's use and prepared unto every good work this week use them to be a help to some weary center on life's dark road in jesus name we pray amen and amen god bless you church i love you i'll see you thursday night seven o'clock
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 652
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: j_ekltAdl9U
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Length: 55min 31sec (3331 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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