Summer Body | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | Jealousy

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why y'all so guarded y'all just like what you're about to come from huh all right I'm gonna start ya put up proverbs 27 and 4 in the New International Version proverbs 27 and 4 in the New International Version for those of you that have not been following the discussion we have been talking about human interactions and learning what it is to engage with human beings friends bosses family members co-workers even your dating life all right for those of you that are dating we've been learning the power of interacting with humans even much more riveting I've been trying to labor to teach you that you are a human being and a part of that is the tendency to be a people pleaser another part of that is a tendency to project another part of that is not having knowledge of what you need very many people that have been following this discussion have come into the realization that they are workaholics and they have unrealistic expectations and I mentioned a couple of weeks ago to the root of all disappointment is expectation that in a relationship situation it's best to or better to express your desire rather than to press it with expectation say man now today I'm going to deal with something a bit more intrusive and you're just gonna have to journey with me play it off say man even if you don't want to because this is going to be very very very interesting do we have proverbs 27 or know somebody press something okay proverbs 27 and 4 let's read this together one two three anger is cruel and fury overwhelming but who can stand before jealousy let's read it again anger is cruel and furious overwhelming but who can stand one of the things we don't spend enough time talking about is jealousy if you want to ruin if you want to break if you want to rob communication if you want to ruin consistency don't confront a jealous spirit here is how jealousy works if you're going to take notes you need to be very very careful of how you manage personal insecurities jealousy does not start off as jealousy jealousy starts off with the root being in security in security here is the journey of jealousy it goes from insecurity from insecurity to jealousy from jealousy to envy than from Envy to murder I'm going to walk you through again it goes from insecurity to jealousy from jealousy to envy from envy to murder why does it start at insecurity because if I lack personal confidence and if the premise of the way I see you is how I really feel about me then I now have a space in me to be threatened by anything in you the challenge with that is I want you to realize this and the thing that I hate most about jealousy is that it doesn't have to make sense every other character flaw relationship flaw you can do some simple mathematic equation and understand why it's there but people can be jealous of strengths that you don't even know you have they can be jealous about attributes that you're not even fully competent in you don't have to be confident in it for another person to be jealous of it so you may think I'm an average singer but somebody who believes that they're an awful singer will look at your average singing and develop a whole offense because of your confidence with your okay skill so jealousy is so so power and it's something we don't spend enough time talking about let me deal with the insecurity pieces that I'm gonna walk you through some scriptures one of the people that you have to be careful with befriending you have to be careful with submitting to you have to be careful of dating is an insecure person here's why when a person is insecure nothing you say does what it's supposed to do insecure people I hate my height I hate my weight I hate my story I hate my hair I hate my whatever if that is the premise of our relationship because here's the truth about who says you ought to love your neighbor as as so here's where we lose it if the truth is that we don't love ourselves we are going to always fail and attempting to love of the people and so there's a lot of people in this church and beyond that's straining to love people when the truth is they need to reverse reverse to try to be honest about what you really think about you here's why self love and self satisfaction is the premise for you to be able to receive God's love to demonstrate it so the truth is I hate myself I'm always going to offer you a sloppy agape [Applause] after Lachie the truth is not the bear clicks is that you don't like yourself the truth is that certain people don't get to do everything is that you don't like yourself the truth is not that the women are messy you hate that you are one so we got to pull back the layers of the root of a lot of strife which is really self-hatred now self-hatred is a bottomless pit now when people live in so hatred they think that the more you affirm them the more you hug them the more you leave with them is gonna fix it but it's not it's actually like insufficient funds my affirmation only increases your value when there is a base but if there is no base I can tell you you're wonderful you're amazing you're annoying it you're beautiful and it's going to go down the hole to nowhere because the premise is watch me my affirmation is now a debate between what I see and what you don't so I can have fun I feel you take it I can affirm you all I want and it's not going to do for you what it could do for you because you still struggle with accepting yourself in brokenness in imperfection in growth and process you don't like the fact that you are becoming what you are not and so because of that you have an addiction to affirmation but the cycle is it doesn't do anything there is a a connection between insecurity and lust [Applause] I'm like a bulldog but more quiet you are the mama attack lust is not just an issue of greed it is an issue of insecurity because the emotional and the psychological value of sex is I feel better but then it goes into a cycle again that the more you have it and if the premise is really self-hatred then what the devil is doing is rich is blinding you to the risk watch this of routine casual pointless sex so you're not thinking this person is a murderer or this person is going wake up and blow me up or steal my bra whatever the issue is going to be because the real premise is because I hate myself I don't understand what I deserve and I don't understand how to keep myself out of danger so let's let's say you do have a sex problem you're just a freak you just like it in a you know tell me what you own you like you know if you start at dealing with it at the sex level it will be back this time next year because the fundamental issue is not what you want out of other people but what you don't believe about so it is healthy for you as a whole individual number one to be honest about your insecurities if you are not honest about your insecurities then you're going to spiritualize all of your criticisms all of your attacks all of your judgments on other people because you're gonna make it about what's wrong with them instead of admitting that was right with them triggers was often you so you have to be honest about your insecurities take the shame off of it take the excuses off of it take embarrassment off of it it sounds fat Oh Sam ball head I don't like my complexion I think I look like a brownie I'm too skinny here's the deal watch me if you own it a part of what you've done is Rob the devil of conversation the fact that you won't admit it has empowered the enemy with the weapon to use against you if you say it he don't have to the second thing that owning it does is it offers the invitation to be healed you will not be healed from something you won't admit but if you don't admit it what are you gonna do antagonize anybody else that demonstrates the aptitude the strength the capacity for worse wrong with you and the reason you're quiet is because Christians love to be jealous you love to be listen I cannot tell you how many preachers develop their messages all for shading this church it and you can shade us you would have nothing to preach the root of it is jealousy and I said that and because you will own it you can't be healed from its and security is important to monitor because listen here's how insecurity works nobody is safe not your spouse not your children i many of you will probably believe this some of you have parents that are jealous of you I have seen where if a grandmother or a grandfather favored a grandchild more than they favored the actual child where there was a resentment between the parent and the kid because of how their parent sees them so they're like your grandmama Hoey and acting that when the real root of it hit is there is a jealousy from how you grew and how I had to grow what does that do it mangoes all communication it mangoes all the root of it is in security see one of the things I want you to pick up from this series is the power of contentment and contentment don't have to be stagnation you can be contented saying yo I'm Jack I'm imperfect I am unwilling to act like I'm not where I am so what I'm going to do is journey with God but when you're mad about the fact that that's your reality what you leave is a festering insecurity and then were you going to go sabotage you're going to ruin every relationship around you because you got to know the world me to be committed to a person you ain't either committed to you don't like you so how you gonna be mad at me for not liking you insecure friends are the worse they ask you stupid stuff while you hang over there now are you gonna talk to them now insert your friends don't like when you're friends with other people they are territorial because I will come dadada they are territorial they are controlling there are manipulative and they're calculated watch when you're dealing with an insecure person they're going to be methodical because they want the right to feel justified in that insecurity that deep place of self-hatred that insecurity let's journey I still got scripture goes now into jealousy jealousy is this why am I married why an hour day why don't I get to sit on the front row why didn't I get the job why don't I get to sing the song why didn't invite me to the dinner why they didn't here's what it does did you see what I just did I made everything about me did you hear me what I said I made everything about me so let's put you on the reverse in let's say you want to get into my space maybe you don't know that I'm jealous see because here's what I know there are certain people who don't know they're insecure until you get successful [Applause] sometimes an insecurity is silent until an achievement happens in you and achievement activates an insecurity in me so I'm fine as long as we on the same playing field but let you make some oh I wanna let you make some more money yes and more favor listen more access and it will then activate a dormant jealousy in me how can a jealous person demonstrate love they can't here's why they're too involved in what they do not have to validate appreciate a firmer respect what you do that's jealousy when jealousy is unchecked it graduates it gains interest it gains weight jealousy just don't turn into jealousy jealousy grows like a fine wine into a thing called Envy all right this is just the entrance jealousy is why me envious I don't want it to be you it is now transitioned from I'm impacted that it's not me to now envy to let me beside and discern and discover why shouldn't be you one is miiverse the other is an inspection of critique a judgment of you it started as why got it now is look at you you should have it I know this I know that I'm just as smart I'm just ask you now what I've done is I've taken an inner dagger pay attention and now I've given you a target I've made you the objection or the objective of my pain once we at the NV place once we get to the vicious place of envy there's only one other place to go murder and what that looks like it is a ruthless commitment watch me to ruin how people see you to ruin how much you enjoy your life to ruin your status and your standard and once we are at murder you know how we got there Gazza [Applause] we got there because though nothing talk louder than a jealous spirit jealousy is only silent during your seasons of slow movement stop moving fast the volume of that thing is going to increase so powerful you know what I feel prophetically I'm supposed to be teaching some of you case a man because this is in your friends I said it's in your friends it's in the person you wrote to church with it's in the one you just got you tension it's in the person you screenshot it's in your friend [Applause] I didn't preach you into some trauma cuz now you like all that now there is no honor among thieves I have seen with jealous people think they can actually be friends with each other I have seen with groups of jealous people decide we're going to establish a support system and if idiots really think that there is safety in a jealous zone like if we all struggle with jealousy we're going to be able to be consistent and support at some point all jealous people turn on each other there's no capacity for loyalty at some point if there is a jealous person around you listen that's like a be careful of who comes to you with gossip because if they will gossip to you they're going to gossip about I said I'll bring it to you you are next murder murder if you're taking notes murder equals character assassination murder equals character assassination now here's the power that dr. Ross some people can assassinate your character through implication everybody doesn't have to say something so they'll be in a conversation at a table in the environment and folk a big bumping their gums about stuff they don't know and then what happen is they're blocked no comment and what it does is it's a very jezebel way of validating without incriminating god I love your world I'm gonna confirm it without conversation so that if somebody stronger than me confronts me I could say I didn't say anything I was just there robbery was 27 says anger is cruel fury is overwhelming but with this dangerous anger is and with this dangerous furious Solomon said but who can stand before jealousy jealousy is one of those things that no body is safe around if it's in you you got to deal with a more powerful issue which is what's going on with your relationship with yourself look up Matthew 27 verse 18 I wouldn't tolerate this in my children if you start noticing that you're your sons and your daughters are dealing with jealousy kill it now because ultimately it's going to turn into something a lot more difficult to heal if you're dealing with that see I can have a strength that's not your strength and you can have a strength that's not my strength it does not have to put us at odds the problem with the kingdom is we all see jealousy nobody wants to talk about it because it's an admission of weakness and because you won't talk about it the kingdom is losing momentum because we won't admit the real troupers you jealous just say you want to be a part Matthew 27 and 18 Matthew 27 and 18 I'm gonna read this one thing honey of you have studied the story of Jesus you study the story of Jesus you study his death is bill his resurrection there was a conspiracy that we read over when it comes to why they were excited to turn him over here's what the Bible says in the Berea Study Bible in Matthew 27 18 for he jesus knew it was out of envy that they had handed Jesus over in the Berean literal Bible for he knew that they delivered him up through envy and King James it says for he knew that for envy he was delivered over in the contemporary English version Pilate knew the leaders that brought Jesus to him because they were all jealous I bet you didn't realize the role of jealousy in Jesus's story you're dealing with national insecurity Israel is like we are not like the other nations the other nations are more more powerful and more strong here you come not what we want and now we're jealous about what the other nations have so because of that insecurity we're going to be jealous over the other nations and now we're going to turn Jesus over because we don't like watch me watch me we just don't like how people see you there are people around you they don't know you enough to not like you they're giving you a chance to be not like they just don't like the fact that you like there are people around you that hate how other people see you and it makes no sense you lie but I mean to sit hello we went to dinner know they're watching how other people interact with you and they want that same credibility so they judge you based upon how other people relate to you one of the worst things you can do in the church is be liked because if somebody likes you a whole bunch of other people hang go like you and then if you did it with a prophetic Church all boy could we prophesy jealousy don't wait we got dreams and big I always do it in my spirit I'll take it upon it you can see that I didn't and all that stuff ends up turning it to spellbinding mind-control witchcraft because now you're using spiritual language to conceal solely stuff [Applause] [Music] [Applause] put up James chapter three jealousy one of the ways you can find where jealousy is active is in rotating friendships if you are a person who always loses friends and always goes out it might be that you're jealous here's why when you are a high-maintenance friend even if they don't tell you that if they decided you are too much they will back out without explanation and you're in it like well what why do I keep what I keep there is jealousy somewhere around there either you demonstrate jealousy or they demonstrate jealousy you will know that they demonstrate jealousy by how they respond when you don't give them access to what you have access to see if that's relational chess if you're close to the top I want to befriend you because that's my road to the top if you don't give me enough access to the top I'm gonna say you're one of them and then I'm gonna find out who don't like you and establish a gang good god be praised to make sure that I try to rent steal what you seem to get easily attention access this make sense to you James chapter 3 verse 14 in the New International Version talking about jealousy jealousy do you know do I want to say this [Applause] ah here's how I'll put it I believe at the core of afro phobia is jealousy I think there are certain ethnicities that just don't like things about black people and before became a prejudice lord have mercy I said before it became a prejudice the root of it had to be a jealousy why out why else would any other human being be dedicated to the death the oppression of the restriction of another race specifically at the pigmentation level it has to be [Applause] do you realize Lord I'm out here today the whole civil rights movement the driving spirit of it had to be jealousy had to be because if I as a human get to decide what you don't deserve it's probably because if you end up getting it it's going to shake up Who I am and what I've worked for so what I'm going to do is dedicate myself to your oppression so that I could have my security if that ain't jealousy lord help me in this Anglican turn see Emma tell you why I stopped you to say man you got straights that you don't know you got yet you got power you ain't seen yet and just cuz you're in denial about it don't mean it ain't obvious to everybody else we all know where you're going we all can see where this is headed and we don't stop it's jealousy James chapter 3 verse 14 in the New International Version you ready but if you harbor bitter Envy because here's the other thing there is a relationship between jealousy and bitterness jealousy and bitterness work hand-in-hand I said bitterness and jealousy go hand and hand if there was a yellow brick road and then we're going to see The Wizard of Oz jealousy and bitterness will be holding hands in their knickerbockers and they will be singing there off to meet the Wizard they are fraternal twins now my bitterness may not be aimed at you my bitterness may be at me but what you're gonna receive is jealousy if I'm mad about my story my complexion my age my weight my standing my career my blah blah blah blah that turns into a bitterness but the weight watch me the way I hide my insecurity is to put up the shield of jealousy our much rather just me no I'm insecure then you know I'm insecure so what I'm going to do is hide my insecurity but I'm attack you from the place of jealousy that's gonna keep you away from my insecurity if you Harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts do not boast about it or deny the truth here's what makes jealousy difficult after if you are a person that is content in your self-hatred content in yourself this day do you realize what you're gonna do all the time deny everything if somebody wants abuse that your real issue is jealousy not ain't this is that no the real issues is no you just bought into the system jealous denial is the fruit of jealousy they don't want you to hit a painful area so and here's what denial about looks like how many of y'all watch Venus and Serena y'all watch what is that what's their tennis before I knew there was a tennis I was ghetto so the dealer said a ping-pong joint on one kind of girl and there was a pool table and it was a ping-pong spot and what y'all do was go on there smoke drink and they were ping pong just all night and it used to irritate the crap out of me because I never got the point it just seemed like we was gonna go back to prove all day doing it somebody it's somebody gonna ever win it's like this is that's all that I want to see something like more clean-cut denial is a ping-pong game you got an issue you got an issue you ain't consistent nope it's just this it's like a ping-pong match where there's never a landing point what if I don't ping-pong you you're gonna hit the landing point which is really I'm a lot more insecure than what I give off jealousy jealousy the nan de toluca births pertain now here's what wears me out this is what wears me out now pour this was crazy such wisdom does not come from heaven but it's earthly Lord Jesus in the morning I'm spiritual are you reading this demonic wait a minute hold up wait a minute hold up you mean to tell me you can give wisdom and it be earthly you can give wisdom and it be unspiritual wisdom you can give wisdom and it be demonic wisdom what I am flabbergasted he says when you are jealous watch me one of the strategies of jealousy is to give advice upon a dilemma if a person is jealous you're gonna find that this person is always in an advisory role lord have mercy in a wisdom place to ensnare other people with that jealousy so maybe your safe place ain't a safe place [Applause] maybe your confidant is not a confidant there is a wisdom that's going to come across like it's protecting you understanding you supporting you and if you got rejection and abandonment you just glass am I paying attention but you don't have the eyes to see that the source of this wisdom is a jealous spirit I had never seen before that one of the ways jealousy manifests itself is by giving wisdom the obvious attempt is or she talks about me or he talks about me that's the obvious one the more dangerous one is they always got some advice I know you want me to turn my plan here's what scares me look at verse 16 for where you have envy and selfish ambition there you find disorder here's the latter part that scares me dr. Jill and every evil every if there is an evil that exists it will exist where there is jealousy so you're gonna find lust you go find gambling you're gonna find drunkenness you gonna find addiction you gonna find sorcery what is that skin because it means that if you're jealous everything is allowable if you're jealous there is no boundary there is no stopping point that's how you know that the root of this thing that is Luciferian Christianity unchecked jealousy he did not like what he saw in the Elohim and decided he was more suitable for it that's how we got here jealousy jealousy now here is what you need here is where you need to exit your person that the person actually this and I want you to ask them very serious and very sober you ready so are you Satan as the person next to you are you Satan I'm about to help you now listen Danelle I want y'all to know I must tell you our accent this is not a young people issue I know many people that are older that are senior citizens that have lifelong friends that have never admitted that they were jealous of your marriage jealous of your relevance we're the same age and people like more of you so this is like ever-expanding here's why actually if you were Satan do you know what the word say Tomas means where we get the word Satan from I know you don't know accuser accuser the word Satan means accuser you got to watch the ninjas around you that always got an accusation they are literally Satan it lord have mercy Jesus wherever there is a spirit of accusation the Bible said in Revelation I heard a loud rumbling because the accuser of the problem was cast down you got to watch people who are always in the attorneys seat trying to make sure that they gather evidence improve and cases and instances of your lack of whatever is singing he's our accuser [Music] I'll tell your mama your mama can be Satan I'll kiss your big brother they can be Satan anybody that takes a role in an obligation to always be the channel of accusation you're going to find that that person is being used by the devil he loves to accuse and the Word of God says he doesn't day and night like you know so here's what does the Bible say the book of Hebrews about Jesus he is forever seated to make what intercession if Satan is trying to do the opposite of what Jesus doing if Jesus is forever see to make intercession say this forever seated to make accusation all day what he's doing look at it look at this uh-huh look at that why do you all right look at the little little pillow all day accusation the problem with that is nobody's healing ain't nobody at home anybody owning their own stuff and acting like it's them what they're gonna do is they're gonna become emotional relational vagabonds my heart is looking for a home so until I find somebody that has something that's beneath me I'm gonna continue to rotate boyfriend a boyfriend girlfriend a girlfriend Church to church until I find somebody that can make me feel better about myself but in order for me to feel better about myself I have to have something superior over you the deceptive point though is at some point you're gonna run into something that you ain't good at somebody will be a better cook a better singer a better whatever and when you run into that it's going to trigger that thing in you if you don't deal with the core of the issue which is in security see once you learn that godliness with contentment is a great game then you're gonna be a person that has no here's my goal I want you jealous of nobody for what because if you're jealous you can't be making money YouTube YouTube a coupon was studying what other people are good at so you're not getting good at what you're supposed to be good at bet you can't be I need to rephrase how that was about to come out you can't have an active love life because if that love life was good [Applause] she said it for me because when you got a real love you real love you're not you're not going to you're not going around inspecting and critiquing you know what I hate when single people critique marriages oh god I've heard it I've heard it from folk around me I'm not impressed with the marriages Negro you don't know what it looks like [Applause] you're the holy ghost say shy come out who gets a single as it can be criticized and stuff you know nothing about look at him you can tell he don't want her what's your frame of reference how do you know when somebody wants anybody he don't even carry her bags and you're carrying all of yours [Applause] see we can either talk around it or we can hit it at the issue which is you Jess I don't critique stuff I don't know nothing about I don't know I don't know how to do that but when you make sure that you're the one that's always a source of this stuff you got it you got a suite of jealousy and we come to the altar for everything else if I say listen if you've been hurt by the church why you attempted to do God's work by people who call themselves safe I guarantee you eight hundred thousand y'all be walking up here crying doing that God is trying to tell you something shake and come up here if I actually if you suffer from a word curse if somebody called you said whoever being in y'all come up here ID me do a suicide following your knees like you like send me social somebody up there if I say if you deal with jealousy it's gonna be two and a half of you up here one of them gonna be a kid but you need to deal with it because here's how close here the greatest consequence is you can't be jealous and focused jealousy and concentration cannot co-exist every jealous person around you is severely distracted because what they do is they study this what a Bob would say study to man yo oh I can sit down right there now Bible say mind your business here taste me jealous folk don't even know how to fight so if you walk up on about what you say now I know you think this carnal but the book of Proverbs a food desert to be hitting his mouth you're not gonna swing because behind that jealous spirit is a coward no matter how loud and some people will use valium to hide the jealousy and I'll start trying to over talk to you when you get in with a jealous spirit don't raise your value so I should be bigger than you let it all run upon you I said what I said you do that it triggers that demon it hits it if you get up with them and strength they don't snare you they don't think they got you don't you let a jealous spirit in your head don't let the think in your head guard yourself I know exactly what I'm dealing with and I'm so full of the Holy Ghost I don't want you to adjust once I've discerned that you jealous I'm gonna be the one of the just I'm not gonna be mad at you I'm gonna try to tell you you got a pass and deal with that once I've identified a snake is a snake I'm gonna adjust myself and I'm not gonna be offended that you are a reptile oh I'm telling you it's in your friends jealous luncheons jealous dinners jealous ministries jealous messages jealous books jealous praise price can you believe it and we will not preach about it we won't teach about it we won't bring nobody to accountability the real truth is you cannot have greatness if you're gonna deal with jealousy are you listening to me my greater concern is our wax prophetic is there some of you that are holding yourselves back you know there's more in you you know you you could be more intelligent but you don't want to trigger the jealousy around you for fear that they'll leave if you get any better so you're not going to school you're not completing your career stuff because you would rather have company then Excel I tell you about the Spirit of God you are either going to Excel alone or be miserable around a lot of people one of the things I think of for daily is that I'm not scared to separate myself you've got to be very bold when you are in a time of listen and the Holy Ghost has launched this entire church into a season of introspection if you ain't notice it for the last 90 days we've been thrown into examination by the Spirit of God and a part of what the Lord is trying to do is establish internal foundations for external success if you got a jealous friend love them from across the street don't you give them your secrets I'm I'm giving you the wood don't you call them when you vulnerable you better listen you better call Cleo or somebody if you vulnerable find you somebody else but if you put your secrets in the hand of a jealous at some point it's going to be used to discredit you now some of you're like man this is really crazy you know I've learned you can be a nice person and people can be jealous of you the assumption is people are only jealous of the mean and the great no you can be quiet mind your own business you can be just as humble and meek and formula and if they have no justification boy did you say it some about huh [Applause] what exactly is it Alan no but I'm my spirit don't lie ain't that what they do with real truth is you may have a jealous spirit I agree for those of you that wrestled with this in your families because if they're jealous of you they can't support you it's a very lonely walk when you walk around with the constant knowledge of people's jealousy and here's where it becomes tormenting you not even all the way you yes you jealous at baby me if this makes you mad if I am today is upsetting you but the whole your breath [Applause] so part of what you've got to resolve is that it's going to happen part of what you need to resolve is that it probably is happening and you just got to develop a plan just like Pastor Josh said last week offenses will come somebody is going to be jealous of you the ones that are going to hurt the most dr. walls are gonna be the ones that journey with you these are your childhood friends your high school people your neighbors and they knew you they call you by your nickname you get the wrong opportunity you get the wrong view and all of a sudden something that was sleep for years and you like what the heck did that come from I never seen you act like this and the source of is gonna be a jealous spirit I'm looking at several several of you women where your sisters are envious I'm Tim I'm talking about natural sisters that are envious of you you're dealing with what do you think the source of sibling rivalry is it's jealousy mama always did it for you daddy oh and you like no tonight they didn't listen oh oh I would but jealous people will tell your story jealous people will rob you of the right to share your experience they all said I know how do you know can I say one more I don't even want to say this but I'm gonna say it some of you have jealous husbands I am a man of God that God has used my life to platform apostolic and prophetic women most of them are not where they could be because of your security of a husband you are not going to be greater than me Lord I feel a nerve in him and what do you do as a wife when you know you got to some things more than this one but I have to be submitted I have to follow us I can go handle foody so what do you do as women no sacrifice so you're not like you ain't called why do I feel a chill in here it is hot as the Sahara but I feel a chill women end up sadness women are self-sacrificing so they'll know I'm called to be an apostle in life I'm an evangelist so that that person can feel more secure about what they're not it's dangerous now when a woman is jealous of her husband we're dealing with a wool whole different thing because lover Lord why just why I don't want to say this stuff because one of the ways I'll control you is through sex she such as magical especially when it's doing durian they don't like this if a woman of God is controlling manipulative she know how to get you to do what she wants you to do either she'll give you so much that you came focused or she won't give you none at all so you can come and do wish you all [Applause] then women will shut it down you don't do what I want to do your life is about to be dry knock you ain't coming in here the devil is alive I want a man to say the devil there's a lot openness dough woman I mean it right now nobody ain't choice ha a fella please say hi you man time to polish he'll come and let us reason together the Bible say with hole not sorry set for time' bastard bababa father I love you Jesus I honor you for what you're saying what you're doing man put your hand on your chest real quick Lord teach us to guard our hearts if we don't know how to do anything else as a byproduct in this series show us how to guard our hearts show us not to be afraid because other people have issues show us how not to be broken up about what people understand or not help us to guard our hearts without being bitter and to guard our hearts without being angry and to guard our hearts but I'm feeling the need to respond retaliate or attack Lord we know that destiny prosperity wisdom life flows from our hearts so Lord teach us how we honestly just don't know but show us every day how to guard our hearts we know that you guard the heart by the power of the word you are the umpire of the soul so show us so God how to guard what you've given us in the powerful name of Jesus we love you and we honor you I want all the successful people in the room that makes them noise come on [Applause] [Applause] the reason I say that that is the word of the Lord if you master what I taught you in this series the truth is you're getting ready for a new realm of success I said you're getting ready for a new realm of success success is coming to your life I have my children I'm gonna open the doors of the church I have my children learning and meditating in the first Psalm that I learned blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful for his delight is in the law of the Lord and he does he meditate there in both day and night for he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water whose leaves lookie here the reason why that's important normal trees determine their behavior by the environment but it sounds 1 it says it doesn't matter what's going around at the dead leaf don't wither that means there is a such thing as all-season success how are you gonna be successful in the fall successful in the winner I got summer success spring success I got year-round listen it's so powerful you listen even if I make a mistake it will be the beginning point of a new success all the successful people in the room shop [Applause] I want you to stop apologizing for God's success in your life it is not humility to not admit that you are successful it is false humility the Bible God told Joshua you will have good success can I declare that over you in the month of August [Applause] you are walking into some brand new success I wanted to play them up a come out break come on right come on come on come on but also said sunset success in your ministry in your marriage I knew that Oh come on just turn three people say I promise are your success not proper come on tell them I promise are your success I declare your success I decree your success I said I promise on your sister homicide homicide about this I had prophesied over you I promise are your success what hey hey hey one of the things one of the things the enemy wanted in your life it miles I don't know push by this one of the things the enemy wanted was to make the first quarter of this year prepare you for defeat and prepare you to anticipate disappointment but I guess somebody to fall out of agreement with disappointment right now you have the right to reject failure I will see I will tuxie that's our Oh see [Music] [Applause] grayza now listen here's gonna be so powerful that the people next to you with right motives they will succeed as you succeed you're gonna have infectious success if you stay calls but if you get up guys [Applause] Hey move it move it you have you have all the signs you got all the signs of success I said you've got all the signs of success wrong people leave in your life right people coming into your life changing in your interest and your passions you've got all the symptoms of success beings are strong in one area but look like they're not moving in another area that's how God preps a life for success come on Zion be encouraged I hear this scripture oh I got to open the doors of the church about the cartwheel clean through this out you ready for this Hebrews the six chapters say but God is not unfair he will not forget your labor of love that you to the Saints and I here yeah Midori he get people not forget you wanna practice he will be watch it he will be loved you did not forget every love you Jane every offense you overlook every person you met every area bank when you didn't watch your face in Spain and water to run God is not unjust just notice not we you are about to be rewarded in this season for what you solve in another season he is not I wish I had a real crazy somebody will shout it quick whatever is coming after this not to be good all of the hell out face of the strut I got the symptoms I've got the symptoms john-john you got the symptoms come on pointing somebody said you got all the symptoms you've got over if this week you've looked at a budget a timeline a deadline and say god hi congratulations you've got all the symptoms your world is about to change prepare yourself to be sad to be satisfied God is going to bring good success it gives some glory to prosper you two is better than one because then they will have a good reward for them getting ready to be successful if you listen you can hear demons screaming I hear I'm clear as day there are so many shrieks in hell right now because the devil wants you to be everything but successful but now unto Him [Music] who is able the chief last thought of you you don't know your chew you don't do anything but you will not fall like you will not fall or fail let me delete it I said you will not fall and you will not stay you will not fall no you won't you will not fall all you love spell it's only [Music] take out my ten seconds in lieu come on [Music] [Music] break it down real quick stay right there I'm looking at some of you they were afraid of success you don't know what it's gonna do what is gonna cost the devil's talking to you more about the price and you catch your eyes off the prize I'm tell you to get that heaviness off of you because you're not gonna be successful because of you this ain't us shouting pride this is a shout because I know I don't deserve this no I don't deserve it you ain't got to tell me I'm not worthy I'm aware of it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I curse the fear of failure in you in the name of Jesus I lose the fire of God against the fear of failure and I release a brand new baptism of confidence may you be delivered in your confidence your Brazilian Allah Arabic una La Nina sabaha Dan and Allah boda boda Lester da ba da la da da da [Music] da-da-da-da-da-da da-da-da-da-da-da Goro Dylan and Illes the Hollis Koopa Holly I'm under arrest I'm trying to move by but I'm already late I [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoo this success is gonna be different [Music] externally in the flesh this is going to [Music] come on your soul for you to get successful within your soul this is been a season for the Lord to rearrange what was going on in your soul now you're ready now you're ready now you're ready you are not ready for this season but you are ready because of the activity that is gone in and you're slow no mine is ready just ready don't emotions I'm wracking come on that's enough come on ooh [Music] coming from within I said it's coming from within it's not in your bank accounts in your belly it's not in your mind is in your meditation it's coming from within it has nothing to do with who you know yeah nothing - no nothing to know nothing to know what Jesus and him crucified it's it's phonemes from within visit by the devil can't take it it's him you're in effect this is why your enemies can't ruin it [Music] [Music] settle here settle here settle here settled settle here settle here settled [Music] sattell ha ha ha [Music] the Lord is saying the Lord is saying I stripped the successful before I bring success our stripper man I should strip a woman and I help them to realize that their success is my responsibility may there be an exchange in your heart I feel glory I know it may they have been exchanged that your success is the burden of God there and right now I call your mind from under that strain your heart from under that strain of trying to figure out how it's going to happen and may you be content in this season with not knowing how it's going to work I call you into the unknown save God Oh travel yeah you're moving into the DD DD T aku consolidated my phone belly no sir this will be the x-factor you are moving into a place where there is no maps of the Lord God no footsteps to follow only my boy Yeah right now that weekend I'm trying to manage this moment well but right now I loose the Swan of the spirit upon your ear may you have ears to hear what you need in this season more than ever in your life is to discern the volume of the Spirit of God oh yeah and I declared it anything operating in your ear that comes from Hell is judged right now anything operating in your ear that comes from your past is judged right now anything operating in your ear that comes from may sayers and critics and enemies may your ear be delivered from every ungodly weight I find the assignment on your ear I command a brand new circumcision that you will be a hearing woman a hearing man a hearing church you will not be those that have ears and don't hear but you will hear and as you hear you will prosper father we thank you for this or just worship Him a minute will you we're in his presence we've gone from a Sunday service to the presence of God lift your worship all nations your ear of having visions of new ears dropping in the spirit there is a valium you've never known before sure there is a frequency you've never known before in the last season you paid attention to your fears you paid attention to your wants your needs but you're getting ready to hear from heaven [Music] father thank you for this that we are not going to live tormented but we will hear even those of you that feel like you've never known the voice of the Lord get ready get ready it's going to happen as you read your Bible it's going to happen through dreams is going to happen as you sleep you will hear the Lord as you sleep I challenge you to get your recorders again get your journals critical statements and sayings of God are coming to your world in space you need these instructions talk to us Lord and we'll obey and before we let this moment go low we repent for anything we've done that's made it hard to hear you in the area in our soul that's unchecked [Music] that's interfered with our ability to hear you clearly whoa clarity is our portion it is our inheritance as the seed of God so any thought any fear any relationship Hey [Music] any affiliation or relationship that's made it hard to hear you we surrender it right now some of you don't realize that the things standing in the way of your hearing God is the wrong relationship to walk away from the barriers hmm I hear the Lord saying for some of you there are people that have been positioned in your life just to stop you from hearing God the enemy has strategically put people around you in the realm of your affection to stop you from hearing clearly Lord every Idol every idolatrous thing every altar we cast down this morning by faith we could ask for a house or a car but what your children want is a new sensitivity we could ask you for money but what we want is to hear you do this guy do it in our children [Music] I'm gonna dismiss but I hear something from the Holy Ghost what is next Sunday State is it the 4th of August I want everybody in here how many of you have or should have some form of a business plan or vision statement wave at me like if you're not an entrepreneur but you have an idea or a concept or even if it's one for your life wave at me I feel God telling me bring your printed business whoa I hear the Holy Ghost bring a printed edited business plan to this alternate and I'm going to lay on every business plan every vision statement I'm going to cry out to God and we're going to leave God we're going to leave them business plans on the altar for the month of August every one of you you better hear me as a warning get the vision together even if you don't have the resources I want you to dream with a blank canvas dream as if you had all the money you need it dream is if you lack nothing and bring it we're gonna lay it on the altar and i'ma lay on and I'm gonna preach on it we're gonna believe gotta do this we're moving in the fight for that I guess I've just got my new series in we're moving into the fight for the future this is a Joshua's season I'm gonna walk on these business plans because you're getting ready to conquer brand-new territory if you believe that I want you to give the Lord the biggest Wow Wow I feel it in my belly I feel it in my belly come on Billy doc think about that business plan think about that vision statement I want you to eat it create your ideal resumes think about it right now and shot and bite [Music] all right I'm sorry but I have instruction from the Lord do that do that you got an enterprise in your mind put it on paper school hospital all of those of you that are father's to put your plan for your children on there I want those of you that are not fathers yet put your plan for your children there put your life in some paper we're gonna walk on it if you're not saved I don't know what it's going on right now you
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 115,634
Rating: 4.8908381 out of 5
Id: nLA0t4QQ670
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 3sec (4743 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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