Overcome: Part 10 - "Overcoming Jealousy" - Rick Fry at The Rock Church - 06.12.16

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let's get into the word let's pray father I ask you for your grace your power Jesus the life of the Holy Spirit to be God in my heart and my mind in my mouth and that Lord the ears of those who hear today would would be touched by the Word of God and challenged we love you so much in Jesus name Amen we're in a series called overcome the life of David and today we're going to talk about jealousy tell me if you've ever been jealous okay one more time how many you've ever been jealous thank you jealousy is something that is how do I say this it is in us it is I've had people tell me well I'm just not a jealous person and I said no you just haven't been on the right item yet someone hasn't approached you with the right issue because all of us have jealousy in us because it's part of when when Adam and Eve sinned it's part of the fall of man it's a work of the flesh so we're gonna talk today about how to deal with jealousy how to overcome jealousy first Samuel 18 verse 5 so David's popularity is growing he's starting to anointing of God is upon him and his his popularity is starting to grow so David went out wherever Saul sent him and behaved wisely some of you need to underline behave wisely because that's how we should live and Saul sent set him over the men of war and he was accepted in the sight of all the people and also on the sight of Saul's servants now it happened as they were coming home when David was returning from the slaughter of the Philistines how many of you just an interesting how many just want to come back from the slaughter of the Philistines I mean this is a guy who is a warrior and his literal fame is growing he's on Time magazine he's he's the man right now that the women had come out with tambour from all the cities of Israel singing and dancing to meet King saw with tambourines with joy with musical instruments so the woman women sang as they danced and said Saul has slain his thousands and David his ten thousands here we go then Saul was very angry and it is saying to displeased him and he said they have ascribe to David ten thousands and to me they have ascribed only thousands now what more can he have but the kingdom so Saul I David from that day forward so here's Saul's coming against young David and I always say this I've been saying this for four or five years now that David was really in the seminary of Saul he was going to become the king and the Lord had to get Saul out of David so he would be a better King than Saul and how many of you want to raise in your job come on there should be a lot more hands going up this is a good question how many of you want promotion and to be the manager or the Big Dawg go ahead raise your hand I Got News for You that if your desire is to be great in the kingdom of God then God will put you in the Sun in the seminary of Saul where you can be taught and shaped into the instrument that he wants I have been in the ministry for it oh my gosh whoa 30 years now I have been in the ministry and I have sir thank you thank you I want to go 30 more or 40 more 50 more but so I remember those early days the Lord would put me on staff with somebody who was an overseer and I didn't like him anybody ever had a boss he didn't like and I would whine and complain to the Lord oh god they're mean they rebuke me they're always on me and the Lord says that's because I'm using them to shape you so that when you have a staff you won't be a Saul to your staff and so here is David under the hand of Saul and he begins to grow and his popularity and this older King says hey man wait a second here's the problem with jealousy he's coming home from war and he hears all the girls I think the Bible is very clear about why the women were singing because men we want women to sing about us don't we we want you dog you look at rock stars up on the stage and the girls are like and the guys are like that's right that's right I play the guitar and I sing who cares put him Qatar in a monkey's hand you'll figure it out at some point and and the women were like whoo and here's what the day they were singing the praises and Saul's walking along and they're going Saul has slain his thousands and he's like that's right a thousand men I've slain and then the next line of the song got him David his ten thousand whoa wait a second what's left but for this young guy to take my kingdom from it and the Bible says that he eyed him from that moment forward he kept his eye on him and David behaved wisely he didn't even listen to the praise of the women singing his song by the way being a preacher or pastor I have had people come and say to me that was a fantastic message you really challenged me and you really bless me thank you and then I have others come to me and say you're a horrible preacher how did you get in the ministry or an email that comes my way that says you know you're this and you're that and I get depressed and the Lord says what are you doing and I said well Lord they said they didn't like me and he says so when they say they like you what happens to you well I get encouraged and I could oh nice and he says well both of those are pride one just praises you to go into pride the other one just kind of puts you down and takes you into pride the other direction why don't you do me a favor son and seek my glory and my affections and my approval and if men like your shirt by the way I want to confront something that's in the body of Christ and I don't like it you ready one guy saying one time he's up on the stage singing and I went up to him I said afterwards ago man dude that was awesome that was so good and he goes oh it was the Lord and I said whoa I thought I saw you up there that was you singing he goes no but but it was the Lord and I go alright I get what you're trying to do you're playing humble pie but you've honed your skill and you've worked with the Lord and I'm just here to say thank you man working that out that's so cool you know how you handle it when somebody gives you a compliment ready thank you and then you go home and you get on your knees and you take the glory that men tried to give you and you give that to the Lord and you thank him for the gift and you thank him for his mercy and you thank him for how he uses you yeah look at this verse great verse proverbs 27 21 I was reading in my Bible and I saw this first and I went oh giddy up ready by the way when I get excited that's what I say giddy up fire tests the purity of silver and gold right that's how you take silver and gold and you you heat it up and the dross comes to the top and it the things that are unpure remove but listen to the interior that a person is tested by being praised see it's not what happens to you when somebody says something against you it's what happens to you when somebody pours praise on you that becomes the measure of your heart you see it's okay for somebody to say good message I had a lady tell me I won't after the first service I wanted to tell you good message but I didn't know if I would be and I was like no no no I'm not talking about encouragement I'm talking about when we blow smoke and we use our lips to just kind of play the game and we yeah you're amazing you're amazing but but but but what I want you to see is that when you say somebody comes to me says hey good job or somebody says to you good job you can say thank you because of the Lord's using you and and literally I said to the guy why I really honestly saw you on the stage I didn't see the Lord I saw you and one time I said hey good job and this lady goes oh it was the Lord and I go we see on the stage yes he's on the stage the anointing of God is inside of us but it is our participation with him and thank god for men and women that will participate with god and the thing he wants to do it takes us work oh laborers with Christ so the next time somebody gives you praise or says you're good go and give that right back to the Lord just when they're when they leave have a moment with the Lord to say lord I know it's you I know it's your power I know it's your anointing in my life amen so here's the problem though Saul was more concerned with his King than the kingdom and Saul's heart desired the glory of men imagine if Saul Saul became jealous and enraged and here's how it works watch we get jealous and then his little cousin Envy comes along and hooks up his trailer to the hitch so now you have jealousy you have envy and the end of both of those is hatred Saul wanted to nail David with a spear so if we don't learn to deal with our jealousy on the front end it will destroy us and it will destroy others it will destroy friendships it will destroy relationships there are murders that have happened over people mean jealous of somebody else I've seen him the Lifetime movies I've watched I don't like to confess that but my wife will watch one and I'll be like this shows so stupid and I'll be like getting something to drink I'm like oh what's going on oh my gosh who's the killer Cindy who is this and then the next thing I know she was jealous of her and so she took her out to the woods and and killed her but she's not really dead you know the whole thing jealousy's a killer imagine if Saul would have responded differently imagine if Saul would have championed David the Lord really spoke to me about this many years ago geez we've been 28 years of marriage and the Lord spoke this to my heart when I was a kid literally I was 21 actually when I was 18 the Lord began to confront me about this saw a great anointed king starts to wobble a bit the Lord anoint David what if Saul would have come along and said well I really see something in David man I really see a gift in that young man I really see something powerful in him I'm gonna come alongside him and champion so that he becomes the best King ever instead he became jealous how many of you have a time in your life when it was the good old days for you in the Lord you have a season of your life for you you hear a song and it reminds you of that anybody else I do in 1983 when I got saved and I went into my closet to pray and I put a pillow in there and my little my little radio and I would take a tape young people is a tape you put it inside and you you shut the door and you to find a song you like took like six hours to it's terrible and somebody I got a hold of this John Michael Talbot thing he's a monk and he's an old monk member let see all the old people like Oh a man a man John Micra Tabak glory and and I turned it on now I went from listening to the scorpions and Ozzy Osbourne literally overnight to somebody gave me this tape hey when you pray listen to this alright plopped it in hair long sitting in my closet push play that's right and I prayed to that tape all the time and then somebody gave me a petrol T and I remember riding in my car let's stand up for Jesus my roof somebody gave me prayer trait what was it prays Maranatha for remember that one doo doo and I'm talking let's forget about her so it was like lounge music man and I remember driving driving in my car with my long-haired for enough to we got saved and we would crank that to the max and people we'd have the windows down and people would drive up thinking oh those hippies and they would roll their windows down here let's forget about or so and I'd be like how you doing they're like this does not match now I was riding with my son in the car one day this is a few months ago and he has his iPhone and he plugs it into my little thing and he's like dad got it here this is cool and it was lecrae yeah so it starts out okay all right first of all I drum beat and a guy talking I don't really qualifies music but okay let's what we'll get into there it is it's good and he starts singing about fear when I get down and he's you know he's singing it and you know all this stuff and and I and I'm driving and I'm thinking to myself this kid does not know what good and anointed Christian music is son hold on a second I reach in the back grab the 8-track cassette I throw in something from back in the good old anointed days some these are when men's thing about God this is when the anointing was strong half these worship bands today I don't even know what they're singing about are they thinking about their girlfriend and this is what I'm saying to my kid and I turn on something and he's like and the Lord speaks to me you know you're gonna be 49 in July I know you know you're doing that thing what thing you know the thing that older people have been saying to you for 30 years that these were the good old days this is when the glory of God was really in the church and what you're doing son is you're trying to dress up your boy in Saul's armor and we can't do that to the next generation we cannot do that to the next generation David wanted to kill the anointing or Saul wanted to kill the anointing and David because it wasn't his song it wasn't his way it wasn't his thing it wasn't his style it wasn't his war they didn't say it right and the Lord spoke to me years ago and said son part of your role in ministry is gonna be to raise up people under you and leaders under you and someone said to me pastor why don't you preach every Sunday I said well cuz I don't want to bore you one two part of our calling is to raise up the next generation of leaders I was talking with some pastors at this convention and I said the problem is we say we're raising up the next generation but they never get to touch the platform because all of the sermons bad somebody might leave the church or it's not a perfect Sunday then everybody gets out their card and starts raiding the service instead of being the body of Christ and saying it is our job to raise up the people that are coming up underneath this because God has something new that wants to do and we can't be the crotchety guys that sit there and amen so I started listening to Caleb same 12 songs all day long as long as I don't even care for not turn it up and I'm like okay why am I doing this cuz I just want you to stop being so moved by your own opinions all the time son so I listened to that song 15 times that day let's not be Sol's to the generation coming up we got young Caleb who's a fantastic preacher thank God hey you know what could happen we get some guys in here that can't preach it then you'd really not like it fantastic preachers that have stood on the stage noah Wimberly Caleb Tyler I will not listen yeah good we're going to release worship leaders and speakers and preachers and what will come out of this church will not just be a bunch of people that served my vision and made me King but they will be people that will be go out to go out with the mantle and the anointing of God to go do the work when their time comes amen yeah I don't know what I came from but I just said it we can't do that to the next generation it breaks my heart it breaks my heart when I see young anointed people that the church does not acknowledge because they don't look like that I remember one time I was yeah I've preached all over the country I used to travel and preach you know for three years Cindy nights all we did travel conferences churches then one time I was at a conference and there's another guy speaking and he comes out and he's got those pants on that go down to here have you seen those they're like it was back in the day those real baggy ones down to here and he had a funky shirt on he looked like he just got out of bed his hair was all messed up and I remember when he got on stage I I said it under my breath who's this guy and you know what I heard the Lord say right back to me my servant and I said well no not with those pants and the largest corrected me he said why is it that you'd you dismiss anyone that doesn't look like you think they should look in the kingdom why do you believe that your idea of Christianity is the only idea there is a Christianity do you know that there's billions of people on the planet and there's billions of people that need to be touched and reached by others and do you think that your way is the way and I said to him well yeah so well you're sorely wrong and that guy told his story and preached know it Wow amazing fell in love with the guy you get what I'm saying jealousy kills the ability for us to champion others jealous he kills the ability for us to release others into their god-given anointed path of life so if your job and somebody else got the promotion besides you let that get all up in you and and and let the Lord use that to get that jealousy out of your life here's what I know if your obvious others this stage there comes a moment when the Lord gives you the stage if you're always wanting to see others released amen here we go how do we deal with jealousy how do we deal with it and where does it come from here it is ready number one where does it come from it's a work of the flesh callate Galatians 5 verse 19 listen to this verse this verse frightens me this is here I'm gonna give you this first as a as a prayer list for your life if you don't think there's anything that you need to repent about go through this list here it is now the works of the flesh are evident watch what it says it's evident you don't have to guess about it you don't got to wonder whom I wonder if that's a work of the flesh this is the work of your sinful nature adultery yeah fornication uncleanness lewdness idolatry sorcery hatred contentions jealousies outbursts of Wrath selfish ambitions dissensions heresies Envy murderers drunkenness and of the like listen what he says I've told you beforehand just like I've also told you in times past that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God that is a frightening verse that I'll guarantee you not very many churches are going to talk about because it's not fun z1z and fuzzy and warm fuzzies literally here's what it says those who practice well what does the word practice means it's their lifestyle it's who they are and they give way adulterers that are just out sleeping around with women or men and doing their thing and thinking that Jesus is okay with it and they're Christians here's what the scripture says that person that lives that lifestyle won't inherit the kingdom of God whoa people that cause dissensions I know people that go from church to church trying to find the perfect Church and the church isn't perfect so therefore they divide that church with their mouth and they get all kinds of stuff worked up in the church the Bible says that they won't inherit the kingdom of God if now all of us are going to feel the emotions of every one of these things because we live in a sinful broken world right but everything I think and everything I feel doesn't have to be true and I don't have to respond to it I was driving down the freeway one day going 75 miles an hour through Redding California and there was a bridge in bunkmate you know those big huge concrete pylons and the thought came to my mind what would it be like if I drove straight into that how bad would that be how many know you don't obey that thought oh well let's figure it out no dead you see just because you feel something doesn't mean you have to do it and we're living in a day and a time that says if you feel it and you think it then it's your right to do it and what what we really have to do is say look this is the work of my flesh this is my flesh sin nature that gets hit with fear that gets hit with thoughts of adultery that gets hit with thoughts of fornication that gets hit with be jealous see just because we're Christians doesn't mean we won't feel the heat of those things but when we feel the heat of those things how do we respond to it that's what's important it's not that you're not going to get jealous it's not that you're not gonna feel hate it's that you're not gonna let that become part of your life and rule you that's what Paul's talking about he's not talking about oh jeez I felt jealous you feel jealous go repent and move on you don't live there there are people I'm not joking there are people I feel so bad for because they live in a constant state of jealousy and a constant state of all that problem and they talk talk talk talk talk talk talk and they work everybody into a frenzy and I'm like oh I just want to stay away from those people because it's the flesh it's an area of their life where they have not said this has been crucified with Jesus and it doesn't need to control me anymore amen some of you might have an anger problem it's okay to feel angry the Bible says don't sin in your anger what do you do with your anger when you're angry how do you respond okay so where does it come from unfortunately it's your flesh you can't cast out the flesh and you can't disciple a demon wouldn't that be nice see your flesh can't you can't just say Oh Lord cast it out of me no no it has to be killed and it has to be considered crucified with Christ and that's what the next verse talks about so comes from your flesh so then how do we deal with it how do we get rid of it here it is ready Galatians 5:22 says this same verse we talked about the fruit of the works of the flesh then he says but the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace long-suffering kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control I love that against such there is no law and those who are Christ me and you we have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires and if we live in the spirit let us also walk in the spirit let us not become conceited provoking one another and envying one another here's how you get rid of it you ready you yield just like you've been yielding to your flesh in that area of your life for that bad habit that's there you've just been saying yes yes yes you yield how many what if a blinking yellow light is on is on an intersection what do you do caution what do you do when the yield signs up you're driving along you see a car coming this way you have to let it go through it's called yielding now some of you don't do that I've watched some of you drive around this town and some people just figured yield means they go yielding is this you ready did I yield my new life because the old me has been crucified with Jesus two thousand years ago Christ took flesh sin in the devil and killed it on the cross and so how we respond is this we say this to the Lord Lord I feel jealous right now God come I yield my emotions and my thoughts to the fruit of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit dwells in me and Lord I need more love right now because love oh boy have you read the love chapter love suffers long what love is not self-seeking oh I got work love does not boast love assumes the best how many of you ever assumed the worst right away and jealousy is a problem because it always says this jealousy always says they don't deserve it I do jealousy always see somebody else's prosperity as belonging to them and so let's talk about that for a minute about what we deserve okay because I've done this I've been like Lord I've been doing this for 25 years guys been doing it for five years and he's already got this and I deserve it and the Lord says let's look at what you deserve for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God the Bible says everyone is under the death sentence what we deserve is death and hell period end of story you can't walk enough old ladies across the street for that to change you deserve death and hell but God and his rich mercy and love sent His Son Jesus Christ to die so that you didn't get what you deserved you get what he what he gave you so next time you think you deserve something and they don't think again because you deserve death and you deserve hell and so whenever somebody gets something that you think is yours what you really should do is yield your life to the Spirit of God and say lord help me rejoice with others how many rejoice for that guy that just got blessed and just is rocking it and got a church building for free Lord bless that dude because what I deserve is nothing but you're so kind and you're so good yeah boy our flesh just creeps and slithers when we talk like that literally and that comes out of my mouth I can hear my flesh gone oh brother just be jealous it's easy I said no no I don't want to be a Saul to another man's vision I don't want to be a Saul to another woman's vision I don't want to be a Saul to anyone I want to be a Samuel that walks with and promotes those who are anointed to serve the Lord yeah so how do we get rid of it we yield we yield to the Spirit of God I want to read you a few quick verses and then we'll be done James 3:16 says this for wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition there you will find disorder and evil of every kind yuck how many of you don't want evil in your house yeah it's probably cool how many of you don't want disorder yeah I probably a good good idea well then don't be jealous because wherever there's jealousy that's the little brothers that follow him around listen to this verse Hebrews 12 verse 15 look after each other so that none of you fails to receive the grace of God watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you corrupting many Wow that verse I have known people in the past and I would never name names but I've all I've seen people like this throughout my life they're just always bitter there's always mad they always have a problem have you ever been around these people nothing can ever just be a nice day they'll come into a service and they'll sit through a service and they don't just they don't just have a good time they're looking for something that they can be mad about bitter about and the Bible says this is the problem with those people is that when that root of bitterness grows up inside of them it is poison watch what it says that it does it corrupts everyone in that in that garden here's a terrible thing I just gonna sound terrible it's not I do not hang out with bitter people and I do not hang out with people that all they do is complain I won't do it people say why not man Jesus hung out with all sinners man I love when people say that because I go no Jesus had dinner and ministered to the unbelievers and those who who he loved by the way who he hung out with and spent his time with were his disciples that was his crew and this one guy's like man yeah I go to the bars man I hang out with all the dudes I drink with them and stuff I'm like wow sweet so he's showing them what what they could be are you bringing life to them are you just relating with them in their despair because see light comes and brings hope it doesn't come and just party with you and get drunk with you yeah how'd a guy tell me I'm gonna go to the bars and preach and I said dude you're not old enough in the Lord yet and you're you're you're pass is not it's too closely related to where you are you need some time so because I'm dude if you go to the bar you're gonna be drunk I won't do it man what did you go to the bar get hammered I could stop it man bring life with you in life right a lot of musicians will say they're crossing over into secular music you heard of this well we're going 2nd man we're gonna cross over to swirl they forget to bring the cross with them that's the problem and so then they just become another band and just get rich and next thing you know they're not serving Jesus anymore when we lived in Burbank and we're around a lot of famous people I saw this over and over and over and over again people say oh we're gonna go reach the no you're not there it's gonna reach you and you don't have strength yet to do that so if anybody hears thinking about doing a bar ministry make sure you're strong and you have accountability amen it's all I'm trying to say it's impossible to have unity where jealousy rules because the Holy Spirit is always moving us to unity and the devil is always moving us to disunity to discord so let me close with this how do you know if it's the work of the flesh the devil or the Holy Spirit because the Bible says test the spirits whether they be of God right not everything that comes down the church stream is God and we're supposed to have our Bibles and we're supposed to be testing it how do how can you know if something's the Holy Spirit there's something's the flesh and if something's the devil well the flesh and the devil are kind of closely related because they're both just dark and sinful and discouraging and bring discord and complain and always put others down and never work towards unity so it's pretty simple that's how you know if it's the devil how do you know if it's the Holy Spirit at work because the Holy Spirit is always encouraging people to be one to get together to belong to have to stand with each other here's what the Holy Spirit's always saying to watch this it's in the Bible put up with each other that's what it says in the Bible put up with each other Wow yeah there's one verse that says put up with the scruples of the week it actually says that we're supposed to be kind and affectionate to one another that we're actually supposed to be patient with one another and I don't know if the church is very good at that to be honest with you we're so to write this off and write that guy off and the manga man would stomp out of the church and go to another church and here's the problem man people leave one church go to another Church all is their doing if they don't deal with what was in them they're just bringing their Samsonite luggage right to the new church hi everybody new church oh my gosh this is amazing the worship the preaching is so good I don't know why it's always a woman in my mind let's let me be a man let me be a man once yeah man cool Church cool Church yeah yeah cool cool yeah I love it my preaching is good yeah worships great and then they start unzipping their bag somebody in the back here that laughs somebody somebody says something watches well I didn't like the preachers sermon today how could he say that what do you mean the Church of spending money on that and guess what they just set up another camp in another church and guess what happens boys there are people who have left churches I've pastored that I've literally called the pastor and said I'm praying for you bro I pray to God that they respond to your leadership because they couldn't respond to mine I pray that they get healed there but brother I'm praying for you watch your back jack not really no I have not here since I've been here but this is when I was younger I would call guys it watch out dude here we go when we fix our eyes on loving and pursuing God there's an old hymn the stuff of this world grows dim you see here's what was great about David David was marked with desiring God more than he did with desire in position the kingship wasn't what he was after it was the father he was after and if you're set your life to be after God and to be after the stuff of the kingdom and your eyes are on him all of his peripheral white noise doesn't get your attention anymore like it used to because your heart is steadfast on him and so when people rise up and these happen and this guy gets a new car and you did it you don't care who care who can we talk about it for a second I we live okay I'm gonna say Sona you might leave the church god bless you I love you but some of you might leave we live in probably one of the worst areas in the country there's probably four other places I can name where we probably get housed jealous car jealous in life yeah okay no one's you're gonna head like who cares who really cares I don't care what you drive I don't care if you drive a Lamborghini or a Pinto I really don't care I've never saw somebody get out of a car and thought well they must be amazing but I'll bet you they've gotten out of their car thinking I am amazing it doesn't matter who cares if somebody bought a house and black hawk and you have to live in the hood outside a black hawk a block away who cares so I told somebody you know when you when you go and you shop and they want your zip code our zip code is a Black Hawk zip code and so they put it in the oh you live in Black Hawk I go now dude I live outside of Black Hawk I live in the hood bro Tassajara Creek yo that's where I roll and they just start they just look at me like oh you don't have a lot of money so I shouldn't show you this watch isn't it weird that people do that it's strange to me that we all judge ourselves and each other Paul said don't do it jesus said what you've acquired and your possessions aren't who you are is what Jesus said now it's sweet if the Lord blesses you with a house and Blackhawk roll with it man it's sweet if the Lord gives you a sweet car 1967 gt500 muscling it's gonna be okay it's gonna be okay but man that's not the measure of who you are and we get jealous of each other man you know what I want people to be jealous of me about man that guy knows how to pray good lord that guy's in the word all the time man his life he's radiant he's powerful I don't want to be like I want to live in his house you don't want to live in my house my house is built 30 years ago and it's all gold in the bathroom and nothing is of this day I'm telling you right now but I don't care I shower in there I don't sit around oh look how beautiful it's marble if I get wet I get clean I get dry I get dressed but we live in this area where we're so fixated on that stuff the Lord blesses you with it you say yay the Lord takes it away and gives it to somebody else you say yay instead of a wham wham I'm not doing it anymore I'm not letting my flesh fool me how about you let's pray let's pray all right but oh that's 67 Mustang Lord told me I'm not gonna get it here and it's gonna be in heaven this week probably made of platinum gold well father we're giggling and laughing and thanks for joining us just it's in our being and I pray that you would make us a church and believers that yield to the Spirit of God and the fruit of the Spirit instead of the flesh all the time Lord it's a habit to to yield to the flesh and I pray we wouldn't do it would you give us grace and strength to yield to the Holy Spirit and not to the enemy or our flesh and God would you take jealousy away from us and when you fill us with love so that we can champion those Lord who are coming up and the anointed ones that are around us and those who are getting blessed with houses and cars that we would rejoice with those who rejoice the Lord you'd make us a people who are after you let that be the thing that marks this church and marks this people is that we are after that we are in a pursuit because we're in love Lord I pray that we would stir others on to jealousy because of how much we love you and know you with all eyes closed I just want to make sure everybody in this room has had an opportunity to receive the Lord and here's the good news if you're here today and maybe you haven't been walking with the Lord you've never received the Lord he loves you so much Jesus gave himself for you it's amazing when he laid his life down he was thinking about you and your guilt and your shame there is no sin that you have sinned that his blood is not bigger than and there is no guilt on you that his love cannot take away the Bible says that if we receive him that basically were sons and daughters and he has a plan for your life when I'm starting far-left to this room if that's you and you said man I need Jesus today would you just raise your hand so I can see it I just want to acknowledge you and just and say giddyup if that's you raise your hand my eyes are moving through the far left of this building yeah I'm right here in the middle this middle section coming to your right yeah good yes I see your hand that's powerful coming right here right right by the sound but if that's you all the way far right good for those of you that raised your hands I would you look at me for just a sec this awesome beautiful group of people standing to my right where it says I said yes they just want to pray with you give you a booklet maybe a Bible and and just make sure you're okay this is a huge step in the in the decision you made today if you don't want to come by yourself grab the person that brought you and just I mean this service ends walk over and say howdy to Lord today we yield our lives to the Holy Spirit we yield our lives to Jesus and the kingdom of God I pray that you would make us Kingdom minded people instead of so heavenly or so earthly minded that we're no heavenly good I pray Lord that you'd make us a people that are after you in Jesus strong name Amen well thank you for coming today and we're gonna be setting up for VBS by the way can we do something real quick hang on I know you're all ready to go hang on Wednesday Kent can we do something kind of uncomfortable for just a minute can you stand up for just a sec we're gonna do some push-ups no I'm joking would you just reach out and grab the hand of the person next year and bridge the aisles we're gonna be have unity here instead of jealousy yeah we're gonna pray for two things before we go I want to pray for VBS and I want to pray for the young man that broke his neck I've been praying for that young man and and I just believe that the Lord has a plan and and how many heard of this yeah you heard it the young guy who fell and God is good and God has a plan and I'm we're gonna pray for him today that the Lord would touch his heart and heal his body and that there be a miracle yeah and that Jesus would be lifted up and glorified that's what this is about father we come to you and we pray for this young man Lord who broke his neck God you know him inside and out you are familiar with all of his ways and lord I pray that his life would be turned around that he would become a testimony of who Jesus is father that you would do something so profound and amazing and this young man's life that the kingdom of God would come through him to touch others Lord that you would heal his neck God that you would speak to him even give him dreams father God of what you want to do through him and in his life Lord would you touch him today we agree as the body of Christ that you administer to him and Lord we pray for VBS as a thousand people will come here next week every day we ask you Lord for your hand to be upon this place that you would drive hell completely out of here that the enemy would have no way to get into this place and that Lord Jesus your kingdom would come and your kingdom and rule and you would touch these children God and that they would know you we covet their lives for the kingdom of God in Jesus strong name Amen amen god bless you have a great week you
Channel: The Rock Church
Views: 29,445
Rating: 4.83181 out of 5
Keywords: Danville, sermon, teaching, church, East Bay Church, Foursquare, International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, worship, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Rick Fry, Overcome, Jealousy, jealous, David, Saul, promotion, popularity, praise, pride, put-down, approval, humility, encouragement, envy, hatred, hate, relationships, friendships, murder, champion, anointing, style, next generation, humble
Id: MU5CtJ8l2CM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 37sec (2617 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2016
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