Dr. Matthew Stevenson | Rated R | The Spirt of Fear

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this rate in our series is something else man and we've been getting unprecedented unprecedented feedback about rated-r apparently people want to know how to do relationships and I think it's been a long time coming but a change is here relationships are the meaning of life they are the act they are a stream of income many of you are only as broke as your relationships when God wants to favor prosper promote connect cross over he shows it in the form of a person and somebody asked me this week what do you think is a part of the brilliance of the all nations model you've done it in six places and you've got a plan to do it in a hundred places what do you think is the genius behind it is it the marketing the graphics the preaching and all of that and what I responded was I really believe a part of the genius is that we are a people who are acquainted with pain and when you pastor people with no concept of human pain you pastor poorly their preachers around America preaching to a condition that they are not familiar with but people who lead and preach from personal pain to a people that know what pain is it's genius and so that's the brilliance people can hear healing and they can hear restoration and they gravitate to where hope is so one of the problems with even our leadership style is they're people who lead and preach and design from a personal ambition they have something they want to achieve in life but they don't have familiarity with human pain and I feel that in order the best leaders are acquainted with the human condition you know what it is to be broke and you know what it is to struggle and you know what it is to be tormented and so I believe that that's a part of what we're doing and people are in pain around the pretty people are in pain black people are in pain white people are in pain straight people are in pain I know you don't like this gospel but gay people are in pain Christians are in pain Muslims are in pain and so it is genius to build anything that answers the human condition the human cry we are hurting as a people and one of the reasons why we're hurting is because of relationships done wrong parental relationships family relationships friendships going wrong obviously romantic relationships and so I believe that this is on the heart of God because he's resourcing so many people for what he envisions about their future so I've been endeavoring dutifully to help you get your friendships aligned help you get your romantic interest aligned for some people I've given you courage to make your dating relationship or your romantic relationship better for others of you I've absolutely devastated you ruined your life broke up you thought something was going on and it just is not that but we we're going to take this time and do it together a man and process this I have a word for you this morning obviously it's gonna be different from what I do at 10:30 but I do want you to take notes about it because this is very very very important let's take some in-house statistics and we'll set it up this way how many of you think you have a pretty good grasp on who you are I know myself my identity Rabia hand-wave you're halfway there won't be honest everybody look around take I Know Who I am I got a pretty good handle on it okay put your hand down how many of you still have fears you have fears of anything and anyway okay put your hand down here is the wisdom here this cuz this is the premise of this teaching you cannot have fear on any level and know who you are at all so if you raised your hand twice you're deceived and here's why fear distorts please write that down I'm teaching better than what you sang already see when I ask you to raise your hand because you knew yourself what you responded to is I know my talents I know my interests I know where I want to go in life under where I've been I know my personality I know my strengths and my weaknesses but none of those can be trusted if you have unchecked unconfronted fear in your life and there we live in a culture that has made fear normative to the human experience if you are a person then it is natural to have fear but one of the things that we learn as we approach God's Word is that when you become spirit feel born again when you become regenerated by the Spirit of God you receive in your life another spirit please listen to this that takes what's natural out of you Paul says you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but the spirit of adoption whereby you can cry Abba Father and it would amaze you or maybe not how many Christians get saved join a church speak with tongues and leave their fears where they are their fear of failure their fear of the future their fear of love their fear of any of that stuff they just leave that and many of us live like that leave my fear alone I'm going to grow become a better person I'm going to save money but just don't make me deal with my fears and one of the things I'm going to show you through the Word of God is that your relationships and the quality of them are only going to be determined by how aggressive you are with dealing with the spirit of fear if you are a person that has cycles of relationships friendships BFFs and all of that stuff I guarantee you at the root of very many of those breaks were personal fear sometimes they were privatised fear because if you're honest many of us are not public about what our fears are say man we have some fears that we are come both talking about we have some especially if it's a common fear like if me and you share the same fear we can make it a part of discussion but those are not the most powerful fears but most powerful fears are the ones that are without discussion and the Bible says that God searches the hearts he searches the inner places of the heart and that's where your fears are here is the challenge you will never be able to devote yourself to any relationship in fear please write that down you must resolve that as long as you have fear you're not gonna really commit to nothing I believe we are in a generation a New Testament talked about choose breakers covenant breakers at the root of that truce breaking covenant breaking spirit is fear and it's because fear has several manifestations sometimes it manifests as panic sometimes it manifests as anxiety if you have an anxiety problem what you really do have is the spirit of fear sometime it manifests it refused you to commit a vagabond relational rotation moving what's motivating and fueling all of that inconsistency is the spirit of fear sometimes we start relationships from a fear-based premise for example I don't want to be alone while that's understandable it's not a healthy foundation for relationship so if you join somebody because of your fear of loneliness the foundation has already corroded say man so we have got to be more diligent not just about investigating personal fears but confronting them why because fear distorts you will never see who you are clearly as long as fear is in your life so many of you are devastated already because you thought you know who you were no as long as you are afraid of anything the way you see yourself is ambiguous now I'm going to give you a definition of this and walk this through the Scriptures and show you why relationships are important but let me insert this God is committed to nothing more than he is your deliverance the man wants you to be set free that's good news we have the Bible cause them a strong deliverer for most among everything that all nations the worship assembly is we are a house of deliverance and not just na naaa come out call Cana we do that when necessary but everything we do has an emancipatory component to it which means that when we befriend it is for the sake of freedom when we worship it is for the sake of freedom and we don't want freedom for freedom say Paul said that you're not to become lawless in your freedom we want freedom because it's the doorway to the future you cannot have the future if you're not free ask me why slaves can't be successful there's a lot of people who want destiny and they don't want deliverance but deliverance is before death nasca do pruneface self you have got to be free if you're going to have a future and many people want to bypass deliverance it is so and bypass God's freedom process to get to destiny because it's an easier journey let me figure out what I'm good at what my strengths are let me get a degree but as long as you have bondage and slaves in you all that you achieve can come crumbling if you bypass deliverance I believe that one of the streams of godly friendship is freedom you should have friends that promote that provoke that resource your freedom so another sign of whether or not you just got a soul tie or just social acquaintances is do you feel more free when you are around these friends I'm not talking about without conviction like free to do what I want to do do you feel liberated as you talk as you engage our parts of your personality do you feel yokes break off of you limitations break off of you do you feel more capable than you're used to so that's a very important thing for you to consider deliverance is important to go and one of the reasons why gives us friends is to help us get delivered and stay delivered the Greek word for fear is Phobos write that down ph o b o swear we get bo s-- BOS it's where we did the word phobia from phobia means fear of Phobos is the root word of fear and I'm going to tell you what it means it means to shriek back to retreat to run or to cower to shriek back to retreat to run or to cower let me talk to you Apple head cell who would you be if you had no fears think about that what type of life would you live if you literally had nothing to fear what would your career look like what would your grades look like what would your marriage look like how would you sing yeah yeah yeah yeah how would you preach how would you behave on a date how would you dress where would you go where would you not go see as you start to uncoil the spider web of fear many of you can see how deeply entrenched in a lot of your personality are things that are erected to protect your fears see the way that the devil has set this up as we live in defense of our right to be afraid so it's almost like we put UPS systems and things around our fears cuz we don't want them touched now why do you think that that's like that because Satan wants access he craves access he wants to make sure that no matter how far you go how hard you shout how loud you don't cry and all that stuff as long as I have an opportunity when things go with not well the Scriptures say sin lies at the door so he wants to make sure that as long as you could progress all you want to I just want an entryway and the entryway to Satan for all of your achievements is the spirit of fear if you are afraid you are running from something huh I feel my help coming now even if you feel more stable than you've ever been in your life you are still on a running spree from something if you are afraid you are shrinking back from something else if you are afraid you are cowering at the root of fear which is why it distorts it paints deceptive pictures of an opponent you cannot have fear in your life and see your adversary well what fear works to do it's like the bifocal of hell it will allow you to see a deceptive picture of your opponent and yourself and so you start to build friendships associations a focal lens of a lying picture of what you're up against and a lying picture of who you are but when the bifocals come off come on son when you start to see things clearly you look at Goliath like David and said who is this uncircumcised my point is you can't see straight with fear you can't see people right in fear some of your people issues are primarily fear-based go to first John for know before you go there go to Psalm 34 and 4 put up Psalms 34 and 4 we must become a people ruthlessly dedicated to divorcing our self from fear and it's quiet today but God is not going to be exalted in your life as long as you have an attachment to fear he can't be glorified in the way he wants to as long as you are afraid why because you cannot be made in the image of God in fear God is not fearful there is no fear in God so as long as you are afraid you are a bad representation of Christianity a part of what made the first century Christianity powerful is that they were fearless without fear that's why they weren't bold that's why they could be martyred that's why they loved not their lives unto death because they wasn't scared Psalms 34 and for one of the statements of the psalmist and this blesses me so much we read this quote this know this but we never think about the strength in this statement psalm 34 and 4 says I sought the Lord and he heard me now look at this latter part ought to make you run real quick I don't even started my message but this latter part ought to help you and delivered me from I can't come on y'all he delivered me from all of my fears babe its attitude was that God wanted him delivered from fear not just over it not just beyond it David understood that as long as I am in fear I'm not delivered but here is the wisdom in this scripture the more you become a seeker you have to seek your way out of fear it's not just renewing the mind and making confessions you've got to have a sick life your personal seek is stronger than the power of fear whenever somebody is full of fear I can tell you that their sick is not deep enough as you see can search God out you become more infatuated with what you've seen in him that you no longer care about what you see you don't see in you or what you saw in the devil you must be a seeker a seeker a seeker I seek my heart said thy face Oh God will I see it's okay to be afraid now but you gotta seek him until you are no longer a slave seek him until you're no longer stare he camera until you no longer help capture but the powers of fear as long as you don't have a seek you have an unconformity R first John chapter 4 verse 7 I'm going to show you the way that this works you you have no clue who you are you have no clue what your personal capacity is you don't know what what you could do because all your life you've been trained by fear school you've been coached by the spirit of fear it talks to you at night it talks to you in the morning when you get in the mirror it starts whispering to you you flirt with it you entertain it it's a terrorist when you're driving it talks to you when you look at your children it talks to you when you want to go out on a date it talks to you buy you at the data talks to you when you go home it talks to you when you know fear is is a very vocal spirit there was a prophet of God long time ago named Sandra Nora she looked at me she said I want you to tell God's people that fear is a person and they never get delivered from it until they address it as a person start telling it to shut up from that moment on my daughter and my kids would come to me talking about the boogeyman and and stuff was talking to them out their closet I would get up glory to God go to their room with them in my hand leave the lights off and tell them to show me where it was come on and I taught them this is your room okay here I bought this house glory to God I pay the bills in here don't you ever let some invisible boogeyman come and talk to you why fear is real cute at three and four but when it's 34 it's not cute no more and some of you are scared of the boogeyman at 40 because your mummy and daddy didn't teach you how to deal with it at 4 I you start getting fear up out of your kids right now what you're scared of the dark the devil is a liar Bible says and God created night and day and he said the moon under stuff he's a God of the light he's the god of the dark and he's a God over every creeping thing talk to that Joker open your mouth say I'm not afraid look at how early the spirit of fear was in your life I'm trying to get to my text it does not introduce itself to you when you are psychologically mature when you are emotions that stuff stars at three and four crying scared to go to sleep turn on the nightlight that devil is a liar I believe that he has been on a several decade of gender to loose terror in the hearts of people to prevent them most in greatness from coming out of them this is why they do not achieve this is why they do Plateau there are only as great as their last fears but if you can realize that God did not give me lord have mercy I don't know why I'm preaching like this in the same way you open your mouth say I am NOT a fine I'm gonna read this but I have instructions for you I want you to go on a ruthless war you've got don't get back at us we are not afraid right now in the name of Jesus I break the power of fear and terror and torment and intimidation with your voice and shove our cam [Music] you this - you flatten first John four first John four verse seven [Music] first John 4 verse 7 beloved let us love one another for love is of God and every one that loveth is born of God and knows God so the byproduct of your knowing God is you grow in love he that loveth not knoweth not God for god is love verse 9 and this was manifested because love is physical love does things love physical eise's it produces actions things that can be seen love and this the love of God was manifest toward us because God sent see love will determine what you're willing to lose you can't say you love me if you're not willing to sacrifice for me since God loved and because he loved us he sent his son in the world that we might live through him 10 herein is love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins 11 beloved here is where we go into friendship and relationship look at 11 beloved if God so loved us we ought also to love one another so this is what we're learning if you don't have friends and you don't have relationships you don't have a practice to grow in love you cannot grow in love alone God uses relationships and interactions with people to grow you in love and so if you don't have friends you don't have associates then you don't even have the preliminary tools to be matured in love this is why the devil wants many of you to stay alone because then love can't grow in your life if God loved us we ought also to love one another relationships are an opportunity to love look at verse 12 no man had seen God at any time if we love one another god dwelleth in US and his love is what's that p-word that means that there is imperfect love there is immature love there is elementary love juvenile love pubescent love but the way that love matures is through commitment to relationships because real love requires endurance it is if you don't believe me look at first Corinthians 13 it is not easily offended it is not harsh it hopes all things believeth all things love never fails that's where your fear of failure is in the absence of death and your love walk look at this verse 13 hereby we know that we dwell in him and he and us because he had given us his spirit so if you have the Spirit of God you have love capacity verse 14 and we have seen and do testify that the father sent the son to be the savior of the world and whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God God dwells in him and he in God and we have known and believed the love that God had to us God is love and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God and God in him verse 17 here's that word again herein is our love made that we may have boldness in the day of judgment because as he is so are we in the world here go verse 18 this is where we mess up there is some a little normal natural either you're going to believe the Bible or the American Constitution either you want to believe the Bible or Sigmund Freud's research either you're gonna believe the Bible or you gonna believe your hellish University this says that once you become full of the Spirit of God you don't have to fear that means I know this is gonna liberate you for a Christian for the blood ball for the ransom father redeem fear is an option it is not natural you choose fear you choose fear you have to have fear that means you can opt out fear wants to be in your life as if it is the only option I can't help it yes you can who's in control of your thoughts who's in control of your meditation who's in control of your conversation who's in control of your decisions you are so when you allow fear to randomly wander up and down your life in your heart you are surrendering your life to the agenda of torment there is no fear in love but perfect love that's matured love casteth out fear now I'm going to show you how God matures you in love because you think that this is an individual journey I'm reading our daily bread and power of a praying wife I'm growing in my love walk well the only opportunity the only problem with that is you can't grow in love with just you that's called idolatry that's how many of you ended up stubborn what ends up growing you in love is that your love lessons must be tested your love journey must be vetted it must be proven so an opportunity to be a relationship is an opportunity to grow in love look at this perfect love casteth out fear which means that if you are in a relationship with the love of God as flowing your fears should start leaving different levels of fear start to leave your life fear of anything on any level it just starts to go away when you're in the right relationships if you're in the wrong relationships fear increase think about how many relationships you've been a fear of find getting found out fear of going public fear of moving too slow fear of moving too quick fear of it think of all of that the presence of fear has a right to exist in relationships that are not from God when relationships are from God fear has no license to rule why because you stop having to hide when something is born in righteousness it welcomes light and it welcomes the law of life and liberty to your heart so it is what God wants your friends to help him free you look at verse 19 no 18 there is no fear in love but perfect love casteth out fear because fear hath what he that feareth is not made perfect in love this is how we do it we love him because he first loved us now there has been a constant reiteration of why we love God but I don't think that's the point I think the point is to show you listen to me that one of the ways you mature is that you have to love without seeing it as a possibility at first what do I mean if you say I love you if you love me that is immature love he's showing that we love God in response to him loving us the theme of the scripture is loving like us no loving like God so how does God love God loves in risk God loves in gamble you didn't have to choose God you didn't have to make him the Lord of your life but he invested love as his first act toward you in hopes that you will be drawn by that first act and come but you could have chosen your former life and you could have chosen another God and you could have chosen another way so the whole objective of perfect love is can you do it without promise a bit being returned and for many of you the real answer is now you know why because you are afraid of unfair treatment I'm talking to y'all nappy head self you are afraid of unfair treatment you got the law of Moses still operating in your members so you wanna a to poor to scratch my back I scratch on but that's the whole point of the cross you die to your personal rights for this type of love if you can only do it when it's done to you that's why you're not marriage material you were good catch but you are ready for marriage because you worship fairness and equality you got the civil rights attitude in your butt we do we responded to what we saw now you are okay as long as you are in recipient mode you're not okay when you've got to be the first to do it the first to show love has to be humbled sometimes humiliated the first to love has to put their reputation aside and their ego aside the first to love must have a heightened pain tolerance the first to love is to be willing to live up to standards and other people ignore or not willing to live up to but when you are the first to love what do you do you open up the opportunity for somebody to be convicted by your steadiness this is my day that my heart is steadfast Oh God some of you can love because your heart ain't steady steal that heart still that heart make it steady and you'll be able to flow in perfect love but that's not fair what's gonna happen to me what is all of that it's fear see ya the type of freedom you get when you stop worrying about fair treatment because I'm gonna tell you why many of you are in the excruciating season you're in you continue to do God's job self-defense I'm working in here self-preservation self-exaltation you're grinding to making your name great the Bible God told Abraham I am your exceeding great reward and I will make your name great if you want to be delivered stop trying to fire God I am your shield Lori to fight for you some of you are worn out trying to share battle responsibilities because you live your life in fear if a man says I love God or I hate if his brother let's do what the word hate because if I were to ask you who do you hate me of you about I really hate nobody but you know what the Greek means and hate to love less there is an opportunity to hate anybody that you don't love right well I'm working in here did you hear me what I said there is an opportunity for that immature love to turn into hatred if your aim is not to love perfectly your aim is not to love it will grow into hate so your target for the people that are in your life if I'm gonna welcome you in my relationship circle my goal is to love you perfectly I don't have a goal to love you the best I know and to accept you the best I know how and in my own strength that just does not work I wear out my goal is to love you perfectly and if that's not your goal you cannot expect people to want to stay in your life that makes sense to you the man say he loves God and hate his brother he is a liar so this is he's showing us one of the ministries or functions of relationship it shows you how to perfect yourself in love for he that loveth not his brother whom he had seen how can he love God whom he has not seen and this commanded man that have we from him that he who loveth God y'all missed this verse I never heard this quoted he that loveth God loveth his brother also it's one of the ways that friendship prepares you because it number one it should help you love God and and your love for your friends and with your friends helps you grow in love toward them so without relationships healthy wants more plutonium is going to remain the same now isn't it easy to love people that are easy to love nice people people with a lot of money people who ain't difficult personalities it's easy to love them people but those are not the people that need love people that need love look like you act like you are as dysfunctional as you but there is something about being loved the right way many of you don't have a vision of that because it's not been done you show me a slave you show me somebody defeated by life defeated by perversion defeated by addiction I'll show you somebody who's never been loved at the level of freedom there is a love level that will bring you out of the snare of the Fowler it will deliver you it is sacrificial it is consistent and and because the whole of our society is erected upon principles of fear at the moment when we feel threatened we would draw our love but what happens if you never feel threatened so I'm bringing you back to this principle all the time people don't have the power to destroy you unless you allow you have no authority over me your words have no authority over me your actions have no authority over me I am Not Afraid of anything you can do what can a man do to me see when you get delivered from the fear of man you love a lot better cuz you no longer see people as a personal threat their character their behavior and what they do God is trying to mature you in your love walk he is because he knows that there are things that come from him to you that you never treat right if you're not perfect in love so he'll offer you an opportunity to mature if he's dealing with you about friendships being a better colleague a better student whatever if he's dealing with you about any of that it is an opportunity to be promoted but many of you will miss it if you don't look for opportunity to love where do I start if you're not been a good friend repentance and I'm not I'm out the gods y'all slick you go to Ghana a Holy Spirit wash me there is a sin against your brother Oh Lord with some are you all repentance is to people on your same Road if I gave a wedding altar Kali to be fool if I gave a repentant oh if I say go to the person in this room that you've offended I ain't been a good friend to none of you would move because you live in self-defence your whole life is in kung fu karate you got a martial arts teenage Ninja Turtle demon [Music] now God led you to walk away from somebody you'll know no apologies I'm actually okay with burning bridges as long as God lit the match however there are those of you who are so abused and so abandoned that anytime I'm gonna get there 10:30 you have a deathly fear of intimacy so if something gets too close you self-destruct it because there is a such thing as fear of intimacy the human heart was created to know and be known so some of us are good as long as you come to the outer court just don't go oh yeah I'm a hater just don't that's a little too close I don't want my nakedness no I don't feel good what having people know that much about me I'll give you 90% but this 10% is my personal time it is so but what you're going to realize is the more you say yes to the Lord he'll go to work on your love life you Christians ought to be ashamed of the way you do friendships y'all a trifling I mean just outright carnal fleshly and we'll find a verse to justify it full of pride you only befriend the people that try to befriend you making an attempt is not chasing somebody if you've made four or five attempts in as a chase but to befriend is actually an act of humility some of you can't even get out your mouth I want to be your friend pride come you know Christians that do friendship wrong rate how many you are Christian Destin done friendships wrong and it's complicated I'll admit it is a very complicated thing if the Bible say the rich man have many friends but the poor is readily despised success makes the way you choose friendship is really difficult because you almost want the authenticity of somebody who is broke but then you have to worry about them getting close to you for your resource and then people that are on your level of success they befriend presumptuously and pretentiously through the lens of what they have and not who they are so you have to use wisdom and you have to be deliberate about who to befriend and what type of friendship to have but you cannot settle for a friendless life just because you're comfortable with this misery don't mean it's okay amen because some of you are quite comfortable with being alone I'm good give me a cup of biscuits and orange juice watch Sam for the Sun I'm Gucci y'all Africa um this is dysfunction see God gave me a gift I got the spirit of discernment and he show me nothing he don't show you a God dog bag you're miserable if you have a spouse you're probably driving him or her crazy they just love you too much to admit that you're a lunatic you live your life and paranoia and cynicism you're pessimistic everything's going wrong all the time critical fault finding harsh unhealthy amen how many of you ever watched I'm not trying to be funny it's my 600-pound life how many of you've seen that go watch it it is it is it is the most devastating thing in the work my my before I start rebuking them for Twinkies and Ho Hos and all that my immediate thought was this person has no friends because if you saw me at 375 why didn't somebody say I love you that good we were hear that and be like I need somebody let's go have my back through thick and thin you sound like my enemy it's time for me to separate myself but Paul said I'm not now an enemy because I've given you the truth you come to church lipstick over your teeth you don't have friends smelling like corn starch you don't have friends your mirror works perfectly your friends are was malfunctioning I'm not talking a friend should not have you out there looking crazy any degree of self-hatred embarrassment I would let not any guy friends somebody sure told us is there 362 this has to stop I mean come on I believe in an intervention a powerful intervention no I don't care be mad do whatever you're not gonna have it said that I'll let you get your 672 you a whole elephant walking around here like this we need to stop the madness come on church I know this is uncomfortable for you but that's your problem you need somebody to tell you no you cannot have that Mary man no you will not lie on that report no you will not be a Jezebel no you will not like a bastard no you will not be unfaithful that's friendship you want cheerleaders amen you won't understanding and I get it but there is more to friendship than agreement sometime is disagreement argue I call each other out they name give it a couple hours and then go to the movies or something so you like we got an argument talk to you for a week as fear Camilla and I argue all the time and in the middle of our argument like yo I'm hungry fam one of these are more important than the other so disagreement conflict argument is not always it shouldn't be the end but it is the end to people who are deathly afraid what do you do pass the conflict most of you start over I got a new friend God has given me sisters in the spirit a dysfunctional self a man and we need to be held accountable because of this Jesus said and they will know you by your I know you belong to Jesus now how you love each other and you can't love each other in an lamothe ball smelling basement of yours you have no social life you're tormented okay how annoyed did you are something is wrong with you if you a had this is my final rebuke and I'm about to leave if you a had a vacation in five years you need to be rebuked if you ain't had a vacation in three years you need to be rebuked if you ain't had vacation in two years you need to be rebuked get a life fo somebody say get a life come on come on preacher nacho somebody get a life get on a boat get on a plane plan a trip go to a cabin roast some marshmallows find something to do it'll make you a better employee it'll make you a better spouse you just see some of these couples we counsel we play y'all travel no we don't know each other that's what's wrong right now this is adultery waiting to happen y'all need time to breathe come a wolf get away some of your marriages are bad because I don't miss each other I know what Camilla needs some space up let me tell you something here get on up out of here find somebody girl I'm sick of you you sick of me let's start over we come to get like ain't nothin [Music] then up into the Seine Asylum waiting for Noir you can't have no friends I'm your friend demonize but doesn't my said get alive father I pray that you would help your people get a life in the name of Jesus help your people I'm serious don't convict them about travel convict them about hobbies convict them about going to see the wonders of the world convict them about expanding their eyesight and expanding their careers convict them for their need for a healthy friendship in the name of Jesus Christ and I pray that you would give us an eye to see quality relationships and challenge us to love in Jesus name Amen put those hands together for the Lord how many are convicted about that mine some I said to me last week preacher I saw you in Vegas last year had your hat on I said good watch me again this year I'm going again but you went to see Mayweather I sure did I saw might I said I saw Michael Jackson I'm going to see Prince you want to go men don't let black people kill me though this was one which our pastors dropping out there because they stress that what y'all know [Music] amen
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 95,973
Rating: 4.8927703 out of 5
Id: a2uOXo2QyvU
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Length: 50min 12sec (3012 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2018
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