Undercover | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | The Dishonor of Jealousy

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here is one of the most important things you need to learn about honor in your journey of honor I'm on one we're all on one we're all trying to learn how to live this out one of the things that I'm studying as I see honor live now is that you have to be extremely secure to do it salon you have to be secure to live out honor the adverse of that is people who are insecure are going to struggle with honor and here's why your insecurities are going to turn into jealousies i'ma say it again if your insecurities are left unchecked they are going to become jealousies and there are very many things that are in the scriptures that we don't treat as sinful we we act like you know fornication drunkenness wizardry sorcery or the other are the the powerful sins those are the dangerous sins but I was overwhelmed with how much I found in the Bible about jealousy nothing took place in this church more than jealousy last year it had very many outfits very many justifications but it was like we had a season it was like secret grenades and the root of it was jealousy and and one of the things if you are the recipient of this hear me you don't have to see yourself the way somebody else sees yourself for example to you it may not make sense for a person to be jealous of you because you're not even there yet but jealousy is insecurity manifested which means that me being jealous of you doesn't always have to have anything to do with you it's things that I've not reckoned south or cannot see in me and one of the common manifestations of dishonor on any level is jealousy once you become jealous of a person you have dishonored them I have to say that again I'm glad we got our shouts out I said once you have become jealous of a person you have dishonored them not only have you dishonored them let me take the scalpel deeper you've also dishonored God because what you've proven to God is you are not satisfied with who or what he made you you're proven to God that how he made you or what he called you to be or how he form you is not enough because I want that so we're gonna walk through some principles of jealousy and we've just got to externalize it to make it happen one of the most dangerous things that can happen to you in any church is if your pastor likes you anybody I'd do anything for is an instant target and folk will come up with spiritual reasons for it deliverance reasons for it but you become a walking target once you are the recipient of favor I'll get there one o'clock and what happens is many people don't realize that jealousy has an end goal here is the point of jealousy to make you stop now that may not seem profound to you but what happens is if you learn that people are doing things jealously thinking jealousy having jealous conversations about you the enemy's hope is that that would become so discouraging to you that you would stop growing and stop evolving and stop changing so jealousy is not jealousy for jealousy sake the point of it is to immobilize the recipient one of the reasons why I believe the Spirit of God is so vexed with social media it's because it's filled with jealousy they call it different things they say it but it's their opportunity to masquerade what is secretly jealousy people can be jealous and I'm gonna give you some powerful points about this about where they think you're about to go people people can be jealous about how other people see you people can be jealous that is not them that you did it sooner and Amanda and here's the problem with it is that it does not have to be logical see when you learned that you like I don't even make sense but jealousy does not have to make sense it's just there my god required today let's put up where I'm gonna go first uh-oh here's my favorite one let's go to I think let's put a First Samuel 18 you must let me tell you what what grown people do a major part of what adults do is work on themselves I know that's profound and I know that's mysterious but if you are an adult that is not actively working on improvement you are a waste of everybody's time uh adults are actively engaged in getting better and they don't wait for other people to tell them that it is a normal part of adulthood to work on self-improvement and if you're one of those adults that have no room to improve I guarantee you poverty is coming to you next prosperity up for those that are involved with self-improvement look at first samuel 18 verse six hurry yeah put that up let me put it out while I'm telling you put up this is going to bless you now it takes maturity for you to admit that you're jealous of somebody let me tell you how the term jealous and preachers should never be in the same sentence let me tell you how to term jealous and pastors should never be in the same system first samuel 18 and 6 make sure this is in the amplified version as they were coming home when david returned from killing the Philistine the women came out of all the cities of israel singing and dancing to meet king saul with tambourines songs of joy and musical instruments some people aren't raised because other people are singing your praise the women's sang as they played in dance and said Saul has slain his thousands and David his tens of thousands Saul became very angry what was David doing was David winning to hurt Saul was David moving forward to abandon Saul was David achieving and accomplishing as a retaliation to Saul David was being David which means there's a byproduct of you being you you will incite jealousy Saul became very angry for set for this saying displeased him and he said look they have described to David ten thousands but to me they have ascribed only this that's where you see the dishonor because you're saying that because somebody's victory looks bigger than yours that yours is not worth what it was that's how you know it's dishonor involved now what more can he have but the kingdom look at verse nine here is where you have to see this I have 15 minutes to do this so you got to cooperate Saul looked at David with suspicion and jealousy from that day forward in other words the way saw interpreted David assessed David criticized David would never be from a pure place from that moment forward David had no way to win because jealousy gave saw eyeglasses so everything David did or did not do was now going to be perceived through the lens of jealousy oh yeah yeah yeah I read in numbers 5 yesterday that Moses had jealousy laws and one of the laws of jealousy was that adultery was a manifestation of jealousy y'all don't want to have church today you cannot be unfaithful and not have some jealousy what you're saying is I want what I don't have so bad that it doesn't matter what I have to do to get it it's envy and jealousy now if that didn't bless you bursty and really blesses you me I gotta read through the rest of this now it came about on the next day look at this that an evil spirit from God did you hear what I said an evil spirit from God the amplified version says forcefully came upon Saul and he raved madly at his house jealousy and anger jealousy and rage are deeply related if you ever have a talk with somebody they instantly go into rage it's Lee going to anger you talking two point two seconds jealousy is somewhere in there now here's the consequence of this the evil spirit that tormented saw had the permission of God what was God doing turning Saul over to the spirit that governed him see when you submit to jealousy God will turn you over to the environment of that jealous spirit which means it's difficult to come from on big Elysee because if you're consistently that way God don't have to always intervene to stop it he will allow your life to be governed by that jealous spirit put a Romans 13 and 13 in the amplified version got 11 minutes to do this Romans 13 I'm showing you the relationship between dishonor and jealousy black people we have a bet we are the only species of people whose sons are jealous of their fathers you think about me church people you know that getting mad cuz they're pastors have nice things yeah I don't want to go there okay romans 13 13 are you there let us conduct ourselves properly and honorably as in the light of day not in carousing and drunkenness we're fine with that not in sexual promiscuity and irresponsibility everybody believes that you need to be chaste most of us the look at the latter part of honourable living not in quarreling and [Music] so in an honourable culture you cannot have honor and jealousy they can't coexist if that's not enough look at first Corinthians three three I am amazed at how many times jealousy is condemned in the scriptures but jealousy is never the seed the seed or the root of it is in security the fruit of insecurity is jealousy but the root of it is in security for us to in thien's 3:3 you are still cont worldly controlled by ordinary impulses the sinful capacity for as long as there is jealousy and strike which means that stripe is the fruit of jealousy discord which is the fruit of strife are you not unspiritual what Paul is saying is you can't be spiritual and jealous oh my god you don't quite today I love it you cannot be holy and jealous you can be gifted and jealous talented and just you can even be cold and jealous but you cannot be consecrated and full of envy but up James chapter 3 verse 14 through 16 easy way to dishonor is to be jealous James 3 14 through 16 are you ready are you ready but if you have now look at the way the amplified puts this this is powerful for you to learn the danger of unconfronted insecurity is jealousy but the danger of unconfronted jealousy is bitterness people get disgruntled with you disgruntled with the church and they go over into bitterness we're about to look at some dangerous stuff I know how people think they can please God bitter or prey bitter or poor worship bitter and and nobody licenses your bitterness you want the victory any of you people leaving Mike Ross you want the victory resolve now that you're not called to manage their emotions resolved now that other people's emotional stability is not your responsibility you are not anointed to make sure people stay happy you'll kill yourself if you want to make people happy start an ice cream shop but don't be successful if you have been a jealousy selfish ambition in your hearts look at this this is what happens when you bitter do not be arrogant and as a result look at this wording in defiance of truth which means that if jealousy as jealousy gets fully grown you're going to go into denial everybody's wrong but you you're gonna defy truth and at that point that's how you end up becoming a reprobate is because if truth can't work nothing can work so you're gonna get older but stuck and everything in your life cuz you've not given place to the spirit of truth why you got to be humble for truth to work and you can't be jealous and humble at the same time verse 15 for your Facebook posts in you Twitter's and you look dumb blogs and all that crap look at this here this superficial wisdom is not that which comes from above because you can't be jealous and wise this superficial wisdom is not which come from above but is earthly secular natural watch me I'm spiritual and even demonic demonic wisdom absolutely whatever is good advice that brings you from under the rubix of the Word of God jealous people give demonic advice did you hear me Facebook jealous people get be - take it up with James I didn't say it I got six minutes James chapter 4 verse 2 ba-ba-ba-ba-ba in the amplified version come on we got a lot to work through James Ford to see many of you have never done your due diligence to study jealousy because if you study it you have to be held accountable to it the parent that you don't like me promise you like me too much so much so that you studied my world and studied my strengths and in light of your investigation you feel real small so now you become so jealous that you got to go out of your way to make sure everybody sees me how you do get us James 4:2 in the amplified version you are jealous look how many time the Apostles confronted this you are jealous and you covet with others have and your lust because lust and jealousy come from the same Kingdom yah yah yah yah see you may not be in fornication but you still feel with lust if there's Envy in your life your lust goes unfulfilled look at when jealousy is fully manifest we see this in Saul's life so you murder so you murder that's the full-blown fruit of jealousy I am unrelentless until you are no longer seeing the way you're seeing murder you are envious and cannot obtain the object of your envy so you fight and battle and you do not have which is the root of your jealousy because rather than getting mad at the fact that I do you supposed to take your bankruptcy to God you don't have it because you don't ask it of God I got three minutes and 54 seconds look at Matthew 27 well i'ma preach it to you at the right time Matthew 27 and 18 in the amplified version I'm gonna show you some things that jealousy does because I know you're gonna be like I'm keepin it real real jealous you're jealous you're not hurt you're jealous you're not offended you jealous you're not left behind you're jealous and until you call it what it is that thing has a right to ensnare you Matthew 27 and 18 Jesus was imprisoned by the spirit of jealousy the spirit of jealousy is what turned Jesus over let me tell you how God has never I feel called anybody to set somebody up yes never told a Christian somewhere to be the conspirators that prove will validate somebody's fall okay what your pictures say okay what your screens I say I don't care what your file what you saw there is a demonic spirit that gathers evidence against the righteous because the only difference between me and you is your who isn't been get caught you still a whole we just didn't catch you so when you want to prove that I'm one to make you feel better about the fact that you you are still going to the same hair we love to play game about who got caught par now Christians are not supposed to do that stuff anyway Matthew 27 and 18 for Pilate knew that it was because of jealousy that the chief priests and elders had Jesus turned over it wasn't just false prophets and the Antichrist it was a jealous spirit that's five in the amplified version you're also uncomfortable I want you to see this as a bondage and it's not cute see people would be quick to repent if they was in lust and perversion nobody's quick to repent of jealousy we justify that crap we put line upon line of stuff on top of it that's what we do Amen X 512 in the amplified version it's bad when your mama's jealous of you it's bad when your father is jealous of you you come your father say I'm getting there you know I know you're not and they're encouraging you to continue the pattern of their sexual irresponsibility cuz the real truth is I cannot live and see you to it right I can't handle existing watching my seed outdo me so how are you in my failure I'm jealous [Applause] acts 5:12 got to get ready for my one o'clock at the hands of the apostles pay attention to me all my daughters and sons and stuff there's doing great stuff listen to me at the hands of the Apostles many signs and wonders attesting miracles were continually taking place among the people and by common consent they all met together at the temple in the cupboard courts called Solomon's portico but none of the rest of the people the non-believers dared to associate with them however the people were holding them in high esteem don't think you're innocent if anybody likes you is gonna make somebody not like you I don't care how nice you are I've you been listen to me I know your body but ain't making nobody man yet you gonna be mine I listen what I'm telling you doesn't the moment somebody features you your moments up they probably mad cuz I use your body butter and then it wit Namid the old body butter to say they just as I'm telling you what I know I'm exposing it cuz it's at the root of dishonor and we're not gonna have an honorable culture with secret jealousy I use Bath & Body Butter from IV skin is in appreciate your other attempts but that's what I use and I'm not gonna hide it cuz you're insecure about it get secure The Devil's gonna step in your unsecured territory and rape you you know you get insecurities work on it verse 14 sorry more and more believers in the Lord listen crowds of men and women were constantly being added to their number to such an extent read guys that they even carry their chicken to the streets and put them on cots and sleeping pads so that when Peter came by at least his shadow my fallen on one of them with healing power we all quote that we know that the shadows of Peter but when your shadows heal your brother's keel I said when your shadows healed your brothers still if you want supernatural power you must be prepared for Supernatural jealousy the demon of jealousy is going to be enraged by what you do well you don't believe me look at verse 16 and the people from the towns in the vicinity of Jerusalem were coming together because it's amazing how many people unite around their disdain of you think that's funny they came together bringing the sick and those who are tormented by unclean spirits and they were all been here verse 17 but the high priest stood up because jealousy is very rarely quiet what all is associate and is very seldom alone you got to bring people with you into this stupidity that is the sect of the Sadducees they were look at this writing field not with the Holy Ghost with Kasbah with what jealousy and [Music] act 7 & 9 hurry up we're gonna just read this angle hallo domme Oh I bet you this message they don't get no quotes cuz then you got to go back and acknowledge that all crap I was tripping the real troupers I was jealous acts seven and nine one verse in the amplified version this is amazing the ten elder patriarchs overwhelmed with yawn you want to say the word overwhelmed with jealousy sold their younger brother into slavery but God was with him I could run and shout their imma choose not to but God was with him see when God is with you people can throw all kind of jealous everything it will not come nigh me you're wasting your breath and wasting your touch and wasted you look at a couple tunnel trying to attack me in time it won't work his glorious round about me like a fiery Wall in Jerusalem deal with my favor or stop looking [Applause] that's 13 real quick one verse acts 13 to 45 when was that you got to come out of here acts 13 and 45 in the amplified this is what happens when people are jealous when the Jews saw the hello anybody in here got a business a book PKU in this conference y'all better listen to what I'm telling you dr. joy I know you sweet as pie but you better hear what I'm telling you any time an insecure person sees a crowd that insecurity is going to become jealousy but when the Jews see the okay as long as nobody's going they're fine until they seal with the wrong face on the flyer or the wrong endorsement they define it to them but when they see it and it looks like it's a crowd they were filled with jealousy and begin contradicting the things that Paul said I told people in humility many of you owe me I am giving pastors so much material and I'm not that they're copying me they just base what they're teaching on what I am so the whole of their message is saying the opposite of what I'm saying it's how they stay relevant so if I say honor they say don't worry I honor if I say let's heal the sick they say people need more deliverance than healing watch it it's not coincidental people base their new word on my last one it's because of the crowd they wasn't doing that on 38th Street they wasn't doing it on Michigan when they stopped campuses a conference stadium oh now we got to stop it but when the hand up top watch me oh I said when the hand of God when the hand of God is on what you do he will spatter the enemies and make you pick up the spoils I'm a prosper in your face now they go around the block you for watch unfriend you for watch you about to watch all this fame hallelujah I feel the Holy Ghost and they begin contradicting sorry they begin they begin contradicting the things set by Paul and were slandering him so now we see another relationship sometimes it's not just expressing your views and opinions it's slender and the root of slammd especially if you ain't seen it if the statement is preceded with I heard I said if the statements let's proceed what aha it's from hell he'll tell Michelle gossiping denied final one [Music] Jesus Jesus is the the manifest image I'm closing with this of the invisible God he is the image of the Godhead bodily the Bible says he was in God from before the beginning most people see saw Lucifer's fall as pride but the root the reason we saw satan drop like lightning was as he was because it's Christ in us the hope of glory listen which meant it was initially the son in the father he was still at glory who was the glory officer Lucifer so Lucifer had to watch in the father the son and everything going on the glory because Jesus is the glory of God and realize what he had that he didn't have I will be like the Most High who is like the most high Jesus I will exalt my throne above the stars who is the king of King in the Lord Jesus Lucifer rebelled because he was jealous of the son your rebellion is not church hurt stop lying by laia your rebellion is that you didn't you select it your rebellion is not just somebody overlooks your call your rebellion is the fruit of years and seasons of on confronted jealousy and when you don't know how to cope with it you destroy relationships you abdicate vows and you ruin covenants if I disappear I don't have to be reminded about what I abandoned what I left what I toured what I did wrong you just can't see what God is doing with you go on the fast just some prayer I mean late Lord what are you saying about me and I'm sick of what I'm seeing with her okay if somebody else get marry and I'm sitting here I'm going to stop it's okay I appreciate that honesty come on you got to be real to get righteous admit I'm sick all these young people getting there before me and Here I am holding on I'm wearing thongs everyday I'm going to get most sexy I didn't type my browser and ain't nobody even looking at my booty and all these little girls in here he's getting married I'm man all y'all don't wanna have no church you sit at these weddings rolling your eyes critiquing them dresses cuz you get to buy one you got to be delivered from the superior of jealousy because you can't do right with the wrong in here you ought to be able to celebrate somebody when it ain't your turn yet you want to be able to authentically acknowledge somebody's efforts if it ain't happen for you yet because what God does for one he can't do fall you just gotta wait your turn [Applause] Amen I'm done much I see it all you taking pictures at these weddings so you can talk about how ugly the bride's dress is whether and how your hair gonna be different and how you would have done it another way it was do they even match is she the root of it is jealousy no condemnation we all have sinned but you got to admit this that's how you break the power of it you want to make the devil man walk up to somebody sound jealous of you Oh y'all don't like that type of yo tag me in that post that's what you do Chloe to car admit that amen praise God you got to break the yoke off yourself hallelujah you want to make hell mad tell the truth I'm jealousy you see how quick that yoke a break you did it before I could you didn't short a time I'm mad I don't like it now people don't want to admit that cuz it immediately brings you into responsibility you can no longer say some ideas I'm wrong if you mean you're jealous because the people can't make you jealous that is a personal choice you have to choose to be mad at what somebody else are doing the final warning is this jealousy and torment go hand in hand cuz you're being mad at what somebody else is doing or somebody else has does not replace the fact that you still ain't got it so you have to go home with that go to bed with that and the only temporary medicine you get is talking about people it relieves the pain for a while but your lack of achievement is gonna haunt you it is so the absence of what you've done and it takes God you have to really know God to admit that to somebody my problem eight would you is I don't like the fact that apostle like you it is so I knew you ain't even done unto me I just don't like to he hug you every Sunday I don't like the fact that me and you got the same battle and they see you differently see we're gonna make it a bunch of other stuff my experience I get had a lot of bad things the Levitical order roll their eyes at me I had a pothole and nobody called me okay at the end of the day under all of that is jealousy and the devil don't want you to own it because if you become secure you can carry Authority you can qualify to get people break through you can really move in power as you become secure one of the things you need to work on is becoming more secure because then when people are affirmed or applauded or your security is not in the hand of people and their events now affirmation can help it counsel can help it but there's nothing anybody else can do about your personal esteem issues the wrong thing to do is start something or go and create some I'll do it myself I told the pastor's I'll lead the other day many of your churches were started in need what I mean by that is you don't have the grace to Pastor a church but but you don't see what you want to see in your city so you think you're the one to do it that's not always the case it could be a form of dishonor you asserting that because people are gifted differently from you that they're not called to help cultivate you dishonor jealousy now one of the ways jealousy manifests sometime is not obvious one of the reasons or one of the ways of the manifested they'll trying to attach to you it's one of them keep your enemies closer type of deals so just in case you become something let me make sure I keep my proximity around this amen but you got to discern this and I'm not giving you this information you can go and start tagging and and being petty but you just save god yourself from it you do it measure your own heart what is that why do I feel that how does it feel away before you go external you need to go here oh that was jealousy most of the people in this church that accused leaders of favoritism the root of it is your parents favored a sibling more than you every time is yet to fail somebody I've got more mercy more help more acknowledgement if you have pre salvation sibling rivalry you are a specialist at favoritism if you're the oldest your and your parents neglected you because they didn't get good at parenting into the baby the middle syndrome has a whole bunch of different problems and that the baby child think the world revolve around them nobody's more lonely than their middle though you bring that stuff into salvation and and the worst part about our church is we get to activating you you get gifts on top of their crap so didn't now you having visions about it dreams about it Lord is showing you stuff I know I'm not crazy huh no man you are and everybody around you is that's how y'all able to entertain each other cuz crazy loves crazy that won't be friends long give it a year max but two terrorists father thank you for your word the interest of your word gives light praise you for breaking the power of darkness the works of the enemy in this place and around the world and help us to be delivered from in security and help us to know that we cannot be personally robbed by what's going on in another person's life that we don't have to be in the same season on the same level or in the same progress help us to honor what you're doing in us as we learn to celebrate what you're doing in others in the name of Jesus amen put those hands together for the Lord
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 40,548
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Id: 7nUOKrRD-uE
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Length: 41min 3sec (2463 seconds)
Published: Tue May 01 2018
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