Can You See It | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | A Womb Called Weeping

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do serve section so make sure we get something over there God is a man praise God play something until they fill this hour praise God how many of you had the opportunity to be a part of the house party yesterday okay thank you pastor Jamal for your continued excellence it was a phenomenal phenomenal phenomenal outcome thank you so kindly all right when you're ready to come and bring that and so that by faith praise God [Music] I love this if you're online you can do the same thing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] love this [Music] thank you for [Music] listen if you believe that whatever you're going to show is going to break a barrier just shout as loud as you can can you just [Music] Hey Nehemiah Nehemiah the first chapter Nehemiah the first chapter Nehemiah the first chapter I am preaching vision teaching vision the power of it the dynamics of it and why it's fatal to not have once a man Nehemiah the first chapter I'm going to be reading this in King Jimmy today and there are only eleven verses to this chapter when you are at the book of Nehemiah police say I'm there if you are not there say hold up wait a minute praise God Westside percolator is it me or are your children walking around randomly busing was like in the middle of instructions I'll say nyla come here she black I'm right now I just stop all of that you know and ain't nothing but a quicken amen that's the Holy Ghost move it in his way the words of Nehemiah the son of a kayla and it came to pass in the month she slew in the 20th year which is December as I was in Shushan in the palace that Hananiah one of my brethren came he in certain men of Judah and I asked them concerning the Jews that had escaped which were left of the captivity and concerning Jerusalem and they said unto me the remnant that are left of the captivity there and the prophets are in great affliction and reproach the wall of Jerusalem also is broken down and the gates thereof be burned with fire and it came to pass that when I heard these words that I sat down and wept and mourned certain days and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven and I said I beseech thee O Lord God of heaven the great and terrible God that keepeth covenant and mercy for them that love him and observe his Commandments let thine ear now be attentive and thine eyes open that thou may us hear the prayer of that servant which I prayed before the now day and night for the children of Israel that serve and confess the sins of the children of Israel which we have sinned against thee both I and my father's house have sinned and we have dealt very corrupt Lee against ting and have not kept thy Commandments nor statutes nor judgments which you commanded Moses remember I beseech thee the word that I'll command s thy servant Moses saying if you transgress I will scatter you abroad among the nations but if you turn unto me and keep my Commandments and do them through their you were though you were cast out into the uttermost part of heaven yet will I gather them from thence and will bring them unto the place that I've chosen to set my name there now these are thy servants and thy people whom thou has redeemed about our great power and by thy strong hand o lord I beseech them let now thine ear be attentive to the prayer of thy servant and the prayer of thy servants who desire to fear that name and prosper I pray thee thy servant this day and grant him mercy in the sight of this man for I was the king's cup bearer we're pulling our meat from verse 4 of this text which says and it came to pass when I heard these words that I sat down and wept and mourned certain days and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven the word of the Lord is blessed with opening up our series this morning with the name of this message being a womb called weeping a womb wom be called weeping I love the Word of God and Nehemiah's treatise is a written account and it is actually designed as a joint literary effort from ezra and nehemiah most scholars attribute the book of nehemiah to the namesake but it is not exactly known who penned the Testament because the literary design unlike any other book in the bible really is a chronological highlight of three different leaders and three different leadership styles the first portions of the story of this entire situation is highlighted by a man whose name is Zerubbabel who is stirred by the Spirit of God concerning the issue of revival and rebuilding God gives aru beable a very impossible goal and a ruble is risen up or is raised up by the Spirit of God to address something that nobody else would address and then it goes from Zerubbabel to highlighting Ezra and Ezra is a scribe and a scholar whose whole job is to bring cultural identification back to the Torah so what he does is he highlights the law and he begins to differentiate the direction of the culture from the edicts of Moses then after it highlights Ezra it goes into an official who is serving under King and to Xerxes by the name of Nehemiah and what I love about how this is situated is there is a formula now for what the beginning of a vision really is let me say this before I crack this text open our intent this morning is to reverse the bastardization of the true beginnings of vision because we're in a culture that it's under pressure to be driven when we say vision what we hear is idea or what we hear is goal and the vision of God is not just a body of ideas and if we bastardize it it means to kidnap vision from its original origin and its original place it begins somewhere it does not just happen as one specific or spontaneous happening but there is a womb by which vision is born now in Nehemiah introduction we're finding that he experiences what many of you are about to experience this month we find that there is a routine say yes and there is a schedule say yes there is a workday say yes and there is a to-do list say yes and there is an order of the week a very normal uneventful typical way that the week's go and all of a sudden something happens to disturb the routine point number one is that the beginning point of vision is not epiphany but very often when the Lord is about to open your eyes to give you meaning to live and meaning to pursue it begins with divine disturbance what the Lord allows us for a series of events god be praised to happen to upset the normal he allows for something to go on around you for you to learn of something see something and experience something to pull you out of your current routine and your current regimen why do you add step it's because very often when you are chanting your Ruggiero regimen and in your routine you are too complacent to perceive either the needs around you or the knees that's about to come now I know I told you don't touch nobody but talk to yourself and shake it ready to be disturbed I can hear you tell yourself get ready to be disturbed there is a way that your weeks go that's about to change there is a way that your days go that's about to change there is a way that your conversations go that is about to change he's about to allow some divine disturbances I've got to crack into my second principle here but God is also going to disrupt the divine dynamics the way certain upper relationships function around you the way certain people are situated around you there is a disturbance coming and here's why without divine disturbance there is a tendency to white noise critical information that's coming from the Spirit of God and whenever God wants to turn up the volume he disturbs the comfort zone I just feel it's a moving power their father in the name of Jesus everything in the lives of your people that's contributing to their complacency will you consume it by fire every relationship every character trait every emotion every trauma every interference are in their cerebro psycho emotional self disturb it right now in the name of Jesus in the last season you were disturbed by the devil in this season I feel on this point on it around and through you it's coming from God break the cycle and change the system in your life nothing abnormal is going on on this particular day it is a normal day but then when God gets ready to allow you to see more vision than you've ever seen your norms begin to change something can happen in the middle of what looks like an inconspicuous day a very average day a very melancholy day and God will allow some news to come that will disturb and reposition you to hear some things and then verse number two is where I really get the power of being disturbed divinely of having a cycle and a regimen reset is the Bible say that Nehemiah asked a question listen concerning those that had escaped now what that means is Nehemiah is being stirred up now after a season of exile in the former books what had happened was because of the disobedience of Israel the Bible said that the words of the prophet Isaiah was fulfilled that he would allow them to go into exile but then when the new king came in to order under his monarchical order what he did was he said okay everybody that feels like they're ready to return you can come out from under oppression and come back into your own place now when you escape anything going back to light it's not going to look like it was before this is a liberals principle if you ever really truly estate something up when you get back to principle it may not look like what you left but don't allow that to prevent you from going back to principle your word is life to me you got to go back even though there may be damage there because what the enemy is afraid of don't do this are those who are determined to get out I got to preach here he is deathly afraid of those who refuse to stay in a consequence and to stay in a repercussion there is a people right now in the earth let's determine to come out and come out all the way Nehemiah was not just receiving vision but those that were just doing regular stuff he had vision for those that did what they could do to get out now listen this was an unusual audience because be reminded of what it took to come out of exile you had to escape and move through several battles and several precautions and several are unsolicited and unwarranted fears from the culture so the escapers were not a very timid people I want to know how many of you have escaped for real I'm not talking about those of you that's running in place I'm talking about those of you that's running for your life I'm not ever again trying to go back there now my back there is not your back there but I represent a remnant of people that escaped I represent the type of people that refuse to die in it and die because of it and die under it I was determined to escape and Nehemiah was now about to experience something here is where we get real reach he starts to ask the right questions pay attention to the formation of where vision begins if you are not in touched with the pain of a people you should not be coming up with ideas for that people if you are detached from the needs of that people you should never design a program for that people herein lies the difference between vision and good idea pay attention to me a good idea may bring some money to you but it's not gonna bring healing to them a good idea may profit you and make you profitable but it's not going to save lives and reverse a curse it's not going to stand against a stigma a statistic a likelihood it's not going to bring down a stronghold you don't know when something was born in your head versus the mind of God if something adjusts and then something transforms what happened right here where's that Nehemiah was about to ask some critical questions here's a problem I believe if we're going to have vision respect vision I revere vision listen to me we have got to stop talking so much and we've got to have ears that hear and our heart that acts the right question here is the crisis of the church in America we are answering questions that nobody's asking anymore and we're not asking enough questions how are you going to be a healing body at Utah you are to intimidate it listen to ask where is the pain where does it hurt the most we're judging a culture and we'll bashing a culture but we're not assessing the needs of the black man in America we're not assessing the needs of public education in America we're not assessing the needs of the Block in the ghetto we're not assessing the needs of the stock market which you busy preaching but real good preaching comes after I'd ask the right question even Jesus who was the answer and was the truth when he walked up on anything he didn't just say be healed he okay the question the healing is in the question the healing is in the question how long those at escape how are the escapees doing what's going on with those that came from under this bondage how are those that were born with the odds against them how are those people doing that have had decades of difficulty and decades of adversity what's going on with them in cabrini-green what's going on with them over there on 79th Street what's happening in Inglewood the questions now we cannot assume that just because we speak in tongues that yabba-dabba-do is gonna put you in touch with the culture you've got to access the right questions now since you're mad I'm gonna put an axe you the root now and you can't axel right questions if you're too Punk to be in the right room I believe if you're really gonna change the world you've got to stop hanging around so many Christians opening the door to dark places and desert spaces so you can hatch the right question tell somebody we can't be called to each other we can't just be called to each other I love you but my assignment is bigger than you I'm sorry I love you but my anointing is too big to just talk to you I didn't suffer and study and learn and research just to be your friend come on everybody can't be called to church people we've been encouraging ourselves for the last century but there is a generation in anguish that's waiting on somebody to walk up on them and say well I'll be how are they doing so God God God sees the empathy of Nehemiah this is how we got chosen listen to me because of many Christians are afraid to care caring for anybody beyond yourself as a dangerous calling caring is something that is not a natural human response you've got to be groomed to understand what it is to healthily care to not just care conveniently everybody cares when you're popular and everybody cares when you're clean but there is a type of a heart that's got bad if any one of you be overtaken in a pulse shuffle a book coming through there [Laughter] spiritual restore such a one which means that the capacity to care with the world they have more trust in Sage than the sanctuary they're walking around sprinkling the forces of devil which season he could with shouting and dancing in here but don't know how to count [Applause] Nehemiah now opens his heart here we go and he opens up his heart to just be a human being and he says how are those that escape see until you are the first to break a pattern and break a cycle you don't know the struggle of an escapee if you are the first one to try marriage the first one to try wealth the first one to try family it looks easier than what it is now many of you now many of you have not escaped an external army you ran after and ran away from an iniquitous invisible army that was determined to say I'm not letting you ever get into what your mama could not have this I had your daddy I had your granddaddy I even had the ones that you didn't know and you got the nerve to come to a fire conference and come to an altar and let somebody grab your head that is Devils to go to hell you need deliverance of support you need freedom accountability once you are we got to love you so you can't stay all the way look at somebody's ass I stay I stay so Nehemiah scare Nehemiah scare was of the grand for the grandchildren of those that got in the wilderness how are they managing their liberty they they fought to get out and all of a sudden there is some news come come on come on come come there is some news coming they said hey Mia my this is this is common barbershop talk this has come and barbecue talk they said hey I heard on the news that they're not doing very well they are back where God wanted them to be they have escaped the forces that were oppressing them but they are in great affliction and not only are they in great affliction they are also living in great reproach I'm talking about your audience now what I believe God is going to do is teach us the power of reproach we are in a generation that has no understanding of reproach and what reproach is it's not just a Christian thing about looking bad before people what reproach is is a stigma that won't let me go won't let me out live for example if you think about any critical New Testament illness whether it's a woman with the issue of blood or the blind man at the Pool of Bethesda isn't it intriguing that we've been reading that Jordan up and preaching that and nobody had the decency to action if they had a name what was the name of the woman with the issue of blood what was the name of the blind man at Bethesda what it reveals is a human tendency to call people what they've done and to call people are what they live it's a stigma it's a stigma it's a stigma God is calling you to has an invisible barricade that's preventing them from reaching their potential and it may not be politics it could be label resources it could be the stigma that says you are unlikely to do and unlikely to be because you look just like what I've seen in your life and you can label the label of the marginalize the label of the disenfranchised can appreciative the wall of Jerusalem is now broken down as well their gates are burned with fire that is a biblical depiction of the insecurity of a people they are there and they exist they are there and they're just there they are there and they have no meaning no guarantees no protection no uncertain outcomes no likely bottom lines they're just there do you know anybody that just exists do you know a family member that just exists you know one of the things that amazed me is to ride through my old block and to see people that literally enjoy sitting on the porch I mean they just sit there and they eat watermelon and they sit there and they na na and they do dice now a good game of dice will bless you every now they see and the problem is not with the social aspects of sitting there the problem is you're sitting here and you have meaning no meaning you're sitting here and you have no relationship with your god-given design there are so many things in active and dormant in you and you're just sitting here getting older but can I put a decree in the room here at the All Nations worship assembly the place of grace the house of the hungry the place of the broken I we don't get older we get better every birthday for this over here we don't get older with age get better with age they have no security the future is exposed to great danger they're there and they cannot fully take advantage of their freedom yes they escaped but they've not prospered yes they escaped but they're not thriving yes they escaped but there is no forward movement and all of a sudden in a moment in a quick second before he knew it here we see a seed going into a womb Nehemiah acts the question he gets the response he assesses the situation and he does not go to get a grant he does not go to bill relationship with a bank he does not go and smuggle his way into VIP world changes summit seeds he does not go and manipulate relationships can I preach like I want to he does not go and try to bro and sister people closest to visibility's Nehemiah reveals to us the template that's required for being a building because if vision is the stem the fruit should be what you build from it but before we talk about building and then talk about vision we've got to talk about the beginning of it which is weeping you see vision vision trustworthy vision should only happen in a womb where weeping has occurred you see realize that you'll never ever let this bless you for the rest of the week you will never be clear about it until you can cry about it God is calling you to we I know you don't like this but this is a channel let me send my office there is a strong return of weeping coming to the earth there is a powerful return of the weep of God in the earth here is why God is looking at a lot of these toys r us ideas that's not saving lives he's like I want to know if there is a weeper on the planet that I can put my vision in and I can trust a builder if he cried before he built the other one I can trust somebody back and they can feel what they are in pain about i sat there i am nehemiah i'm probably smart eventually I'm going to be responsible for your rectangle wall but I do not want to build what I cannot be burdened under can I preach like I want to I realize that you may have been expecting God bless you your PowerPoint and your three-point goals on how to save your time and manage your money and I'll get to the magnetism a bit later but I want to know what happened to your burdens I want to know that you sit on you and disturb your sleep me no issue behind you a burden the burden the burden the burden it's the burden it's the weight of it it's the responsibility of it now this does not bless you but listen to what the word burden mean the Hebrew word for burden is mass and not like a slave but it's Mas si and you know what it means it means the Oracles of God it means a message from God that means whatever is weighing on you concerning him you're not just supposed to feel you're supposed to investigate you're supposed to reach into there to find out what God has to say about the weight that's on you now there is a such thing as a demonic weight but there is another thing as a revelatory weight something that comes upon you and literally you can't move from under it now there is a direct connection between weeping that never preached to a people that you can't pray for you should never build for a people that you came pray for you should never go and get a grant for an audience that you are not an intercessor pause here is the real discussion about vision we are trying to help people there's a burden anywhere there's a partner it's a burden we have a lot of people building that don't have a burden this is the beginning of vision it's not just I have an idea something has to hit you in such a way a problem that is not yours glory to Jesus a commission that is not yours a crisis that is not yours and it has to hit you Nehemiah I believe God was looking over the Sistine balconies of heaven did it land did it land did it land how many of you can imagine God trying to dispense burdens on unavailable hearts how many of you can imagine the father pouring burdens out should we love when we talk about him pouring out blessings but I've met the God that also pours out burdens is there anybody I can talk to about this is there anybody I can interrupt about this is there anybody I can raise up about this now here is where we get complicated when a real bird and hits your life why do I feel this when a real burden hits your life if you try to expect your neighbor to understand it if you try to get your mama and your daddy to a with it if you try to explain the thing that's on you you're gonna run the risk of losing your clarity here is why God has not made them sensitive to what he's made you sensitive about he has now the same way to the things that happened to you some burdens land on you and they're supposed to separate you some burdens land on you and they're supposed to distinguish you some bird has land on you that is supposed to set you apart you can't bind this you can't talk this off you can't outgrow this this is an all life encompassing burden so Ben if God is about to give me a Meyer vision you know how the story ends up he goes through several chapters of team building and planning and warfare there's a false prophet is named Noah Dyer how ironic I think it got $7 then you got to bias and you got this huge huge huge huge issue of war but the reason he didn't quit was because the burden predated the building a lot of your building stuff that you have no real burden for you're just doing it because there's nothing to do but if you respond to that burden which is the womb of vision that weeping now is going to open listen a brand new world to you because if you can weep for it I can give you wisdom for it if you can weep for it I can give you the relation you never laugh what you can cry about yet there is a people an audience an issue and need that breaks your heart it is that place that God sends the revelation that you need to begin to build lives America [Music] these are future these are destinies and we don't need to be playing Showtime at the Apollo lives of God's people we're gonna burn he weeps that weeping became a womb for an answer to be born and the only other appropriate place to go let me go here was prayer he upgraded his prayer life now because he needed a way to express this weeping this vision to a people that would not judge it the beginning of vision is not money it's the burden it's weeping and then you've got to go up in your prayer Lord what do you want me to do with this how am I supposed to approach this where am I supposed to go listen to me do not approach vision in assumption just because there is a need for a church don't mean you're the one that's supposed to plant it so you may not be equipped to answer every need especially if you are not burdened from some of us are not burden at all we're boy and what we need to do is realize the difference between being born and being burdened so nehemiah at this place does what i believe god wants from you let me take this thing to the place of prayer because that's the only place i'm going to be able to regulate or arrange my perspectives that's the only place i'm gonna be able to get what i need for whatever is about not at this point nehemiah does not have the motive to build anything he doesn't have the intention to necessarily do nothing about it he just came under arrest and when he came under arrest i believe god said he exhale finally i got somebody that's not so self centered and self action that i can deposit this thing in I got somebody that's not busy keeping up with the world and the culture and the trend and busy trying to be popular that I can put some power some of the most powerful people in the world are not popular and we're in a culture that's in a race for popularity I know you want to turn my pal you are on a speed chase to popularity because you think popularity is power but some of the baddest prayer warriors in the world some of the baddest preachers in the world some of the most sage Oracle's in the world don't have a business card and they don't trust the Internet is there anybody in here that would much rather be powerful than popular is there anybody in here that wants more authority than popularity I don't care whose prayer prayer is where real visionary leadership is born prayer is where God finds and makes friends prayer is the opportunity God gives to start to reveal the mysterium the depth of a problem the the angle of a problems there are some things I know you don't believe this Google don't have all the answers I want to say la Google don't have all the answers there they're a great company but they don't have all the answers God can give you a snapshot of an issue and if you pray long enough into it he will reveal the angles and the considerations and the depths of that issue to you in a way that your neighbor may not be as available to hear or see why are you planning for it and not praying about it why are you inspired unto it and not an intercessor for it you see if you say I'm a visionary you are confessing I am an intercessor and if you're not saying I'm an intercessor than whatever you saw can't be trusted it's about weeping it's about weeping now this is a word that feels weird to many of you because it may land on your personal busyness and your objective but I believe there are whole seasons of God revealing a thing to you at its depth and deepening your burden for it does this make sense to you we start playing for me have got to come out of surface vision a city may not need what's at the veneer of it a demographic every if I if I polled you all of you may have different visions or different versions of what the young people need young people really need a good role model the young people really need to stop eating all this bad food the young people need to and we're diagnosing and we're diagnosing but nobody has a real burden not a real burden now when you get a burden for something if I'm honest you'll know when it's God oh I feel the prophetic mantle you will know when it's God by how inconvenienced you are by it let that hit you don't mind that I said you will know its God by how inconvenience your life is by it you will know it's God when you're like I was minded that's if it's convenient and it's in a line with what you wanted for your life anyway if it was a part of your plan free salvation if it was on your trajectory to achieve before you told the Lord yes this coming some refinement to that and it's not just going to be an idea the world does not just change my ideas somebody's got to have vision that sustains ideas are a resource of vision when you have vision you always get ideas it's the language of the visionary and what it stars is is pushing the boundaries of what is here's why vision is the space between what is and what's supposed to be what exists and what was destined vision is the in-between space but if you can't cry about it I guarantee you you not called to it I've always wanted to I've always dreamed of you know what needs to be on your bucket list things that are connected to burdens now if you don't know where to begin it's not a cute card or a seminar it's as simple as Lord what's on your heart that sounds simple I know many of you are beyond it but when me and my said is I set there many days weeping and fasting he didn't have to do that you know why he got a good job Nehemiah was not on federal aid he walked directly under the king you were never as close to the king as the Chimera he was positioned to succeed to advance the crowd his career was not dying so this word is not just for those of you that are looking from an escape for your career it's coming on some of you that are climbing the corporate ladder it's coming on some of you gonna on your way up to something promising there's so many burdens that are out there that God can get a Christian to be available for we just lift your hands and just till the Lord I'm available I want you to meet Wow Wow that's what God wants that's what God wants is well what God wants is not just your perfection he wants a different realm of availability for you now listen we're gonna worship but look at me let me let me tell you something from personal experience this is gonna sound funny but as surely as I'm God's prophet I mean this everything in my life that I said I would never do for God I am doing right now God has a way of making you eat your words you got to be very careful of saying uh-uh I don't see how you do it I would never there was many days I would look up at for me I would never I would never and as I look at my life s'alright I say and think things over I can truly say that I've been bled father your people your people are in need of instruction concerning a new regimen they're in need of wisdom on how to reorder their days and reorder their weeks they are in need of understanding concerning their mental fitness oh yes they're in need of emotional resilience because you're looking for space to put a burden the money is not an issue for you the partners the approvals the cities the spaces they are not an issue for you you are God but you're looking for men and women whose availability is such that there is nothing that you can action to do that they could be to occupy with oh I dare you I tell you right now to surrender what you're occupied wind mess in the way of your burden ah there's another audience in here that got so discouraged by what looked like an absence of resource that they started suppressing them burdens this era bird and a bird and a burden a burden a burden Lord I know this is a very unusual brown this is a very uncommon prayer I want you Holy Spirit of God to wake those burdens back yeah I want you to put your hand my god in the belly and the guts of every person in here who looked at burdens to sleep this is of God Holy Spirit turned him burdens back on those that know so inconvenience and cheated by the thing that was on them to do with them back up in the name of Jesus come on the best you if you just had a hard season or I did a stand-up evil superboy some honesty come up give the Lord some honesty somebody real quick we want some honesty out of you [Music] [Music] before [Music] [Music] [Music] I know that feels our usual registry come on be honest with [Music] some of you need to repent but delegating it I can too I didn't think I was qualified I didn't think I was ready I didn't think I knew enough I didn't think I saw enough I said no to you because of my own inexperience because of our own lack of vocabulary to you because I had a sin issue that I thought was going to get in the way so rather than ruin both eyes i disobeyed yeah excuse of that star we [Music] that's concealing our disobedience [Music] so mediator and be closer might be so media somebody is tired necessarily I don't want to be me I want the right to inspect my own life and live by myself today after it [Music] now listen many of you I don't I told us many of you are mistaking the burden of God with the pressure of the devil it feels like pressure it feels like pressure but it's not pressure its purpose I said it's not pressure its purpose in the name of Jesus I'm gonna count to three and I want you to let her cry out of you and I feel like God's gonna break the power of unwarranted illegal pressures internal pressures on yourself projected pressures from other people the pressure of being perfect the pressure of being without flaws the pressure of being too young the pressure of being too old the pressures are breaking off with you so you can have your purpose come on I believe if you call out to God he will set your heart free one two three lunch [Music] March [Music] I know it's a lot of I feel top moving no pasa but take my yoke upon you my yoga [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on you don't have to know how to do it he does the work he does while you're trying to work it out [Music] instead you're Batman [Music] I tell you the words [Music] precious I've got my not my job - Chiba it's my child - okay [Music] chop let me press it up it's my job to obey I talked to Indu my job to continue it's my job to move into the darkness applause it's my job to move into the bed of God box into the future the mighty hand butchy home this mighty and now must be will sustain allow me to get him at trial [Music] the Russia the pressure on people Master fess up [Music] we release vomit hip-hop vision [Music] got some arrogant just good ideas we wanna we wanna burden we wanna burden we want we wanna burden we know what filthy lucre [Music] a burden my gone a burden Berlin for cities [Music] [Applause] [Music] the pattern for colleges/universities a burden a burden for schools appeared a burden physical health for homelessness nobody's a person give me a give me a burden for women well yeah [Music] give me a give me a loan [Music] why can you offer it start nice shot [Music] to you [Music] [Music] again again again [Music] fresh bird [Music] you see weeping is the womb for vision I said weeping is the place where vision is born it's not an aha it's an agony [Music] something you carry in you you tap into it and it becomes vision it becomes inspiration understanding knowledge it becomes wisdom and insight and force but you need a fresh bird [Music] again I want to lay hands on all of you but I can't put your hand on the shoulder of the person as you're just a shoulder by faith I lay my hands on all of you I want you to begin to pray for a fresh bird and on the shoulder begin to declare a fresh burden come on declare it over there declared declaring they declared it their burden will not ruin their family declare that their households won't be taken advantage of because of their burden come on give me some bourbon she declared that their children will be safe under this burden that they won't lose money because of his birth a burden Lord a good steward over their life and decisions as [Music] no confuse [Music] [Music] I think Lera [Music] for a vision until you get a plumber [Music] hi a bus [Music] I said up front a passionate this is not the old one across one [Music] oh come off the ball nations right now market this touch a fast-burning point these leaders a fresh bird and puppy assignments right right cut by section [Music] and in the name of Jesus we don't let it go I command a backlash to be broken off of you [Music] challi ation against you are breaking through this palace with pleasure [Music] no flash of your body there will be no backlash in your family flash on your carrot rush of your little gangsta support [Music] be what promises you are protected protected man [Applause] [Music] [Music] God given you courage I feel God giving you some turn I'm not don't let feel that last treat me out of all [Music] [Music] we're not [Music] [Applause] to fear what I told you I will harden you too difficult [Music] [Applause] [Music] sweet Oh [Music] oh yeah [Applause] [Music] I had there's mightier than yours my hand the hand of God forget you the pod forget your goal the heavy hand I'll get every antagonist put on top every [Music] spirit of and such rejection [Music] nations go back to hell we are lost [Music] watch [Music] [Music] [Music] we've got God's people [Music] God's goal for you is to make you more available that's his vision God has a vision for your availability father we say yes we say yes we say yes we say we say yes we say yes I hear the Lord say Reapers on who changed the world it's the weepers that changed the world we say yes to you we say yes to you we say yes say us we say [Music] we healed again we yield again we sue into again again yes [Music] in my imperfections yes get all of my inadequacies leave it in and with my own tears yes is my hand sir I'll never never be caught it disobedience I'll follow you all the way to the future if you're serious about committing [Music] to letting your weeping become a world-changing tool the wall was only built because Nehemiah was ready to witness if you're ready and you trust God to get back under that burden give God some praise for not giving up on you now that's not real [Music] I'm gonna say a scripture and I want you to respond [Music] [Music]
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 55,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r5xxxZfijHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 26sec (4166 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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