Pool Party | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | The Miracle Is Me

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praise the name of our god let's go ahead and go and do some work in the scriptures john chapter 5 i think is what i want john chapter 5 uh and kenny i'm going to appoint 10 of you to holler at me for a bit john chapter 5 verse 1 praise god and i'm going to read this in the niv in the niv when you're there say i'm there if you're not there say wait on me i'd also like to acknowledge the very powerful presence of apostle carnell stokes houston texas with us let's acknowledge the man of god thank you lord john 5 1 niv apostle be it reads this sometime later jesus went up to jerusalem for one of the jewish festivals but now there is in jerusalem scream in jerusalem i can't hear you scream in jerusalem because because you're going to have to realize your next miracle is location sensitive and if you are not found where you need to be there is a provision you may not have say it's in jerusalem and the bible says near the ship the sheep gate a pool which in aramaic is called bethesda and which is surrounded by five covered colonnades or the kjv says porches derail and verse three says and here a great number of disabled people used to lie the blind the lame the paralyzed one who was there had been invalid for 38 years good god and when jesus saw him your name is powerful and learned that he had been in this condition a long time he asked him do you want to get well verse 7 says sir the invalid replied it's interesting that your condition can invalidate you you have a birthday and experience of mother a father a family and yet you're considered invalid because of what you've lived through i have no body to help me into the pool when the water is stirred while i'm trying to get in someone else goes down ahead of me then jesus said to him get up pick up your mat and walk at once the man was cured he picked up his mat and he walked but the day on which this took place was a sabbath hallelujah and so the jewish leader said to the man who had been healed it is the sabbath the law forbids you to carry your mat but he replied the man who made me well said to me pick up your man and walk this is good to me so they asked him who is this fellow who told you to pick it up and walk verse 13 says the man who has healed me who who was healed had no idea who it was for jesus had slipped away into the crowd that was there and later jesus found him at the temple and said to him see you are well again stop sinning or something worse is going to happen to you the man went away and told the jewish leaders that it was jesus say jesus you ain't got the holy i said say jesus it was jesus that made me well father help me to preach this in jesus name amen i've got three simple words and 30 minutes to do this so let's not take a long time to get there i want you to put your hand on your chest and just affirm the miracle is me the miracle is me come and let the devil know if you don't ever see another thing you are the miracle the miracle is in you all right i want to deal with something that is very interesting when we're dealing with the subject of the miraculous and i think our casual negligence of what it takes for god to do what only god can do say yes theologically we have to re-separate kindergarten so beautiful today's sugar we have to re-separate the world and the realm of the natural from the supernatural the time from the eternal the corporeal from the incorporeal the invisible from the visible it's necessary to make those distinctions so that we don't disrespect when god shows up you see this is why god has done so much to pull his people out of natural distraction natural aversion natural of forlorn and folklore and all of that that is before them to see things supernaturally and so to the glory of god in the gospels we have abundant patterns of jesus in the supernatural speaking things supernaturally teaching things supernaturally demonstrating things supernaturally and so he gives us this powerful principle that if you're going to do this thing called christianity you have to do it supernaturally if you're not careful your natural self and your natural man will try to get a whole of your christianity and contort it it will try to mutate it and make it palatable for wherever you are in life but if you catch the thing by the spirit watch me and if you start to do what paul said was to experience a regenerated inner man where the works of sin are mortified in your members and you are no longer living in the same way but listen after the same passions and ordinances as you used to you have been saved i got 36 minutes left but when was the last time you thanked god for the blessing of salvation your small thing you when was the last time you told god thank you for the blood thank you for grace thank you for faith open your mouth thank you for mercy thank you for redemption thank you that if god would mark iniquity none of us would stand thank you for the powerful blessing of salvation and so we have in the gospels contrasting comparative analysis of the miracles of jesus what makes me a little intrigued with this principle though is that the gospel writers are emphatic about the fact that they did not write everything that he did which means that even what we do have at our disposal is not a full microcosm of what this man was capable of and did and why but when studying christology that is the doctrine of the man god the one let me leave it alone the one who is full god full man he he he is the ark of the covenant the burning bush it's all him he's zion he's a river chief bar he is all of it that's all him and when we're studying him in depth and detail i think that one of the things that we have a tendency to ignore is his audience he gives preferential attention to certain types of people now i know that that itches you in a wrong way but if you don't believe that that's true you also don't believe the gospel for we are for ordained predestined determined in him so part of what that means is that the lord selects good god from zion who he wants to show mercy to from generation to generation unto a thousand ages and errors or the bible word is aeon he is merciful and kind to whoever he wanted he taught that lesson to moses so i think if we're going to get out of the man what we're really supposed to get we got to study who he gravitates to because i have a suspicion that many of us don't gravitate to help me holy spirit to the same people that jesus gravitated to i think we prefer the people that jesus would have avoided heggy they won't help me today i think we we want signatures and we want autographs and we want selfies and we want opportunities from the people that have the name and the momentum and the blue check and the analytics and the following and the book deal and the movie deal and the powerful uh accolades or i want to use the phrase accoutrements that are assigned to who he is but i want to know is there anybody in here watch me jaylen don't don't sit there watch me they're still anointed for the broken that that understands that the reason i have authority open up oh the reason i have authority is because the sick need a position i don't have authority to boast and move around and run and brag and i serve a miracle-working messiah who according to my text routinely finds himself around the sick so this is interesting it's it's no different from any other supernatural setting of our savior but it speaks to us very profound things about a lot of miracle principles open your heart there are miracle principles that means that miracles do have formulas repeat that miraculous do have formula miracles do have formulas miracles are not as spontaneous as what you think now they seem spontaneous to you because if it is a miracle you probably was not suspecting it in the weight of the brevity or the power that it came scream yeah but miracles are always scheduled in heaven miracles are always planned events there is no such thing to the holy angels of god as a random miracle these things are predetermined because your your journey is pre-planned so if god knows the problem before you are aware of it if he is aware of the issue or the turning point before you are cognitively into mature enough to get to the crossroad nothing you can do can catch the man off guard so then now i've got to do some surveying benny on what i think a miracle is let me tell you i i don't think that a miracle is just there as advil not ishmael it's not there's tylenol it's not there to make me comfortable it's there to heal me and the way it's going to heal me i'm gonna get back trust me the way it's going to heal me is by showing him he does not heal me anatomically because he's concerned just about my psychosocial emotional health what he wants my soul to do is see a savior who only have one side who see a savior who's only got one agenda who sees a savior who's only got one bullet point if you go to a meeting with jesus christ his only mission according to acts 10 chapter 38 is to walk around doing good healing oh i feel god they were oppressed of the devil because god was with him with your hands and scream he saved me so prophetess katie i i i enjoyed these stories allow me to journey here because i i do feel like there is an unfortunate modernization come on mr preach of the miracle i think there is a north a northern disrespect a cultural dishonor for the place of the miracle i i i think we've been looking onika for life principles and budgets and all of that is powerful we need that don't we we get out of debt by home but i think that if you don't press into the aspect of your jesus say my jesus that is a miracle worker there's going to be certain things you never tap into in life which means that if you're going to live this life preach negro you're gonna have to live it in the miraculous if you have any chance at surviving what you call destiny and what you call life and what you call a future point number one is you got to step out of your budget i feel like pre-check point number two is you got to step out of your immediate network because there's some people that's coming to your assignment that are strangers that you do not know so if you're only relying on your current contacts you've already messed up the allocation of god for the next assignment they're coming to people that you don't know say it is so and so when we start conceptualizing dr pam oh i heard him say say that so i'm going to sacrifice two minutes to do you know part of what we went wrong with this is we killed god's apostles i don't think that we understand new testament christianity because the authenticators don't have a voice and we're replacing the authenticators with administrators and we wonder why we don't have new testament results the mantle that offered the thing i know you want me to turn my the office that gave birth to it the progenitor of the whole concept and paradigm we don't want them we much rather want to be supervised administrated and overseen but is there anybody in the house why am i saying this that still appreciates the sichuan's anointing that i'm not on assignment because i ain't got no nose to do there was a burning bush a burning bush and it deployed [Music] it is a deployed man that brings a deliverance sit down and so we have this concept of miracles that's consistent consistent consistent consistent the word in my notes is consistent consistent god is consistently he's consensually doing miracles pastor josh all the time he's doing miracles right now he's working out miracles for you you're sitting here and it's quiet and it's hot and you're waiting for me to get through the rest of this but i'm telling you there are things going on around you and things going on about you and things going on cassie in your direction that you don't even have the mind power to calculate but i want you to start to remind yourself effective immediately i serve a miracle workout and there's nothing about my life that's going to be natural i serve a miracle worker there's nothing about my delivery whoa there's nothing about my deliverance it wasn't miraculous nothing about my healing that wasn't miraculous i'm not rich and prospering because i woke up and decided to be it was the hand of the lord god he's a miracle luck believe it church and what a travesty what a travesty evan that we have people that speak with tongues and and and they still don't understand the miracle the the miraculous plot of survey that all of life entails i'm getting to my points but i want to just put this in on you to lean in real heavy your being a mom is a miracle you're being a father a miracle you're being a sister a miracle you're being a brother a miracle you're being a woman i feel like preaching baby you're being a woman is miraculous you're being a man standing in a circle against statistics and odds and grave clothes and likelihoods and curses and judgments and witchcraft and the occult that has claimed the black man for the last century in america witchcraft and all kinds of hexes and vexes and spells and incantations and you are alive and want god they won't help me and want righteousness sure i fall but i want him with everything in me that's miraculous don't allow the devil to make you disrespect another miracle who am i preaching to in here negra when you got up and took your first yawn you were not entitled to that when the sun kissed your full head and told you to wake up to greet the sun there was no registration no rsvp for that so understanding miracles every day will give you command of them when you want them i so i'm no longer watch me let me take this deeper i'm no longer looking for miracles under the tent alone i'm no longer looking for miracles at the revival alone i don't see the miraculous as the whipped cream and the cherry on top of my personal faith i i do not see jesus's miraculous tendency because sometimes it wasn't an action good god from jerusalem sometimes he just looked up and said who just touched me i felt virtue lord have mercy i want to know where the leaders who will let virtue leave them that's a whole other subject matter who will allow the healing power of god the delivering power of god watch me to react to a reach they don't want to hear that to reach to react anyway and so we cannot disrespect this and when we see this very common very popular miracle we read it so fast and great america donald duck daffy duck intention and understanding that we miss so much in here maurice first of all there is a pool for you there is a pool for you if you've got a malady there is a pool for you if you've got an ailment there is a pool for you if something is wrong in you i feel like preaching they don't want me to though if something is wrong with you there is a pool for you if you were born with the odds against you there is a pool somewhere for you if you were born can i go deep jordan with an iniquitous narrative that started talking before you could say mama or daddy down in your genetic makeup that you've been fighting all your life to shut up through your decisions and shut up through your faith there is a pool for you aren't you glad that we serve a god that always leads us to the right water [Music] he will not allow you to live your life an unnecessary thirst and he will not allow you to live your life in unnecessary circumstance he's going to lead you to the right pool and i'm talking to somebody preaching a girl that's concerned about whether they're at the right pool you're sitting on the edge of something looking around at a bunch of people in the same circumstances as you in the same position as you and you're wondering is this the right pool for me but even the right pool looks like the wrong pool until the water is stirred you can be at the right pool and miss the timing some people left the pool too soon i wish i had a preaching church it don't mean it's the wrong pool you just gotta wait for the appointed time can i talk to you about the relationship between miracles and timing there's nothing you can do to make god move faster the timing of god and the miraculous power of god is equally related to the same exact thing some things only happen because it's time will you lift your hands i'm getting there prematurely dr ross they won't help me i want you to scream and tell the devil it's just my turn okay hurry up say that put your hand down you don't believe it i said open your mouth in this ancient church make a decree and say it's just my turn you can't force a miracle you can't drag a miracle the timing of god will show up when something needs to be healed the pace the cadence of god will show up where his power is present i wonder how many people have wrong expectations at the right pool or are at the wrong pool with right expectations it's not that you're wanting to be healed is not noble it's not that you're wanting to be whole is not normal is that you are expecting to draw this from a location and a zone and an area that forbiddedly restricted your ability to be here i'm gonna get there in a minute you are existing and cohabitating in a place who takes your healing for granted they are offended at your deliverance they don't like your evolution they get mad at your maturity when things don't bother you the way they used to bother you they call it acting funny when you put restrictions around your reactions and your responsibilities and your cares and your worries and you make to god's decision to take the right yokes upon you and to not be controlled by the emergencies of those around you or to be controlled by the thoughts and the opinions of those around you and you take that brave step and step out of there what happens is that the things say the necessary point say the necessary point the thing that connected you watch me to a lot of the sick people around you is gone i'm gonna repeat that i said the thing that was the general point of association was you were sick i was sick you were bound i was bound you were broken and so was i and so what i thought was love was not it was a link for necessary coping to manage pain that i didn't have it in me to stand up under but throw your hands up and say i'm the miracle oh lord you don't want to hear that and sometimes when god heals you the first sign is that people will leave you sometime when god is trying to restore you it's going to determine who can walk away from you but lift your hands and say let them have it if you can leave and live and be okay i'm no longer fighting why do i feel a chill i'm no longer wrestling convincing arguing debating for you to stay and to be whatever i desire to i just want to be here and i'm not going to let you mess up my moment and let my disrespect of that moment make me miss my miracle there was a pool biblical geography is very important because it shows you what is allowable by culture it shows you what's praised it shows you what's appreciated so in the scriptures when you visit them and you find that the author gives you a location he's not just trying to give you map quest and he's not just trying to show you how to get there he's expressing an environment an atmosphere certain allowables a customary do's and don'ts behavior possibilities if i say this thing happened there what i'm doing is teaching you the psychology of that area this is why it's so dangerous to not be where you need to be simulate in here it's it's it's it's fatal it's lethal do you know that there's a lot of people missing miracles because they're not at bethesda and bethesda can be a frustrating place because you're looking around and bethesda is the place jaylen you're ready sugar of the cycle lord have mercy but bethesda is the place where you've got to consistently annually i'm going to get there in a minute look at that the same stuff the same people more of the same dressed differently named differently but the cycle itself is frustrating the the annual nature of this makes me feel like i can't get breakthrough to save my life and i'm watching people play splish splash here in this pool and then when there is a move of god and when there is an outpouring of the spirit my greatest problem is i don't have help what did you do the last time you needed help and didn't have it how did you handle when you knew you needed to be healed but didn't have the help you see a necessary part of the help that's assigned to you is your healing and if they say they help a good god from ethiopia if they say they're helping but they're not healing i would question the origin of the hell you see when heaven sends help my god it connects things it heals things it makes things better stronger faster wiser smarter taller changes the stature the molecular makeup of when heaven sends help now when the devil sends help things come under decay because he understands the power of aid and assist talk to me he understands the power of giving you a a company in an unfortunate circumstance imagine being this guy number one robbed of his name known by and for his malady you're quiet because you don't know what it is to be assumed pastor pam they won't help me today they had convocation you don't know the agony of having somebody look at you and tell themselves your story make a judgment on you based upon however you appear whatever that encounter is and come up with an entire narrative and then got the nerve to believe it to use it to scandalize you i'm working in here to use it as a weapon somebody right now can i be missing somebody right now is trying to persuade somebody who needs you not to connect with you you're healing there is healing in you right now for somebody who's too coward to take a courageous decision to step outside of the rumor i feel a chill outside of the stigma outside of the label to connect lift your hands to where there is life listen to me this ain't about status this is my life and this if this is a link for me i'd rather live with the link than lose with the loser put those hands together for a life link a life link a life no baby you don't understand it's not just my mentor she's keeping me alive that's not just my apostle to bring his heart every sunday and if i don't get from under the right oil there is a difference and we've got to start to respect the difference i'm moving to point number two but you may not like my pool my pool may not be right for you my pool may not have the right aesthetics it might be too dark at my pool maybe you don't like the smoke in my pools you don't like the runway in my pool but my pool is for me if this pool were for you you'd be healed why do i want to run if this pool was for you you'd be delivered or trying to be i want to see the hands of those that thank god i landed in the long in the right spot a lot g i could run i landed in the right spot it took me a while to get here went through some stuff to find it didn't know how to get there but i know i'm here ask me why because i'm alive ask me why cause i'm insane ask me why cause i'm whole ask me why cause i'm here [Music] i'm at the right pool this is interesting because i see here the possibility in my next point of isolation in frustration let me break this down to you in the scriptures what is encrypted is this in this miraculous environment everybody was dealing with the same thing in a different way they were all impacted at the level in the realm of their humanity to the point that they could handle it and everybody was waiting for a miracle listen to me sweetheart you're not the only one wrestling and trying to believe god to intervene you're not the only one stressing out at night trying to see if the word of the lord is going to manifest in the way you had hoped to dream you're not the only one that's nervous about this next birthday and what it's going to mean to your life and your achievement you're not the only one studying your bank accounts as if you're staring at it is going to make it grow and trying to hope that something will appear you're not the only one you're not in there by yourself but the problem is when one person watch me who needs a miracle starts to try to beat up another person who needs a miracle all we're doing is sitting abiding and devouring everybody lift your hands and we all crazy i've had to tell people over and over and over again if you belong to the pool and is called the all nations worship assembly something is wrong with you whether it is knowledgeable or not you wear it differently we ain't found it yet or somebody made you mad yet but we're gonna see the truth very soon fool around and get offended pull around and feel ignored fool around and have a walk-in fool around and get corrected pull around and be told that you're out of order then the real you is gonna say peek-a-boo i've been here the entire time and you've been playing trick or treat with me and i let the real me come out but i believe when i get people in this house that's gonna be healed lift your hands for real i'm talking about heal from the inside out i'm not talking about sunday morning healing i'm talking about life healing monday healing tuesday healing wednesday i'm talking about the whole thing lift your hands to heal the whole thing open your mouth to heal the whole thing he was there around a multitude of people this is disturbing to me and i have very many points this is disturbing to me because i have theological conflict with why this guy was selected if you never looked at the scene of bethesda if jesus is god and he is and he desires to heal say yes he desires to feel scream yes he desires to be seen and known but what what would make one sick person get healed and another sick person not what would raise some people from the dead and leave other people there have you ever had to wrestle with the hard core reality and the hardcore question watch me every black every white every male every female we have all come to our limits with why does good things happen to bad people and why do bad things happen to good people it is inappropriate to say or admit but i'm going to say it just because i feel like it you know some people that you may have lost in the last season when you're like lord i could have gave you some other recommendations i know i wasn't supposed to say have you have you looked at an announcement flyer like man what she was dope you got all of this over here to choose from fresh meat but what i'm learning about miracles watch me bethesda shows us miracles are for those that can manage the moment well if you allow a moment to linger to to go longer than it should to live longer than it should and you don't man your moment you will miss your miracle and what i've learned in my life is sometimes i'm the last person to realize the lord showed up you see what god is doing with you is very public it's very visible your adversary see it glory to god your enemies see it your opponents see it the devil sees it the angels of god see it but when you're in denial because of back-to-back disappointments and every time it looks like you're going to get healed somebody gets in before you you don't want to open up and tell the truth somebody meets the mark performs the record achieves the goal before you and what happens is you use their victory as your discouragement so it looks like somebody else's healing is in the way of yours but we can both be healed open up and say both of us can get it only your mouth two is better than one what's wrong with you so busy living with sick people that you don't want to walk with the hole and walk with the heel and walk with the healthy the moment prophetess katie in this parable the moment could only be missed by one thing the excuse it's the excuse that makes any man miss their moment it's the reason the logic the rationale what you came up with more importantly what you are afraid of because i don't know watch me if it can be proven that he did not have help you know what i think i don't think he acts you ain't gonna tell me you got this guy around this pool wanting to be healed when the angel of the lord comes and everybody that walks past him ignores him it may have been the majority now i could flip smoove off of here right there i'm going to make the choice not to but don't you ever again disrespect a minority for what the majority did listen to me god will always grab a remnant for you i filled the holy ghost he'll always grab a small pocket for you a good league for you a small privatized fraternal order of those that guard and garrison everything around you and cover the glory of god round about you the angels of the lord respond to those friends and those covenants so it don't have to be everybody but lift your hands and say it should be somebody now here's the problem let's visit this text was he around this pool and silent he was probably talking you know in the bible beggars begged [Music] alms alms and it was an understood new testament notion that if you were alongside a pool like this looking for healing that you were going to also need financial assistance so could it be that he was talking but not about the right stuff could it be that he owned his name and never told them what happened could it be that in his infirmity he was so honoring that his version of the story was nobody helped me when it could be said if i'm preaching this from the angle of an observer you said you wanted to be healed watch me but you were unwilling to learn how jesus changes his whole dichotomy because there is a how to your healing there is a how and if you want the healing brandon hear me hear me and you don't want the how the healing is going to be harder than what it should be healing is by faith hey healing is by grace healing is by the blood healing is the heritage of the saints of god it is the children's bread it is what belongeth unto those that are called the citizens of the new covenant if it's hard for you it may be because you don't like the how jesus stands up and he's walking and there is this revival bethesda church of god holiness international and they're there and this guy who's like us hurt broken hit lacerated because here's another thing i don't have the time to go into this mind what i think we need to do is discover that wounds are different in strength different pains open up different pains impact different places and different pains are on time release sometimes you don't know that you're hurting until you get older you know where i'm from we would fight and i would fight off adrenaline it's something some y'all call it the anointing it was adrenaline for me so i would get real you know just go in and you know i was taught you hit first just in case you lose you know you can't undo that first hit so i would go in and have you ever been cut in a place wounded in a place and had to come out of the environment of the fight out of the energy of the day out of the power of the moment to realize i'm hurt where did this brood now now i know where all my bruises come from but sometimes you got to look around and actions where did this come from what is this happening and if people are getting healed before me if people are jumping in before me if they're taking their own uh restoration with holy agitation and resentment concerning their present condition and they're allowing bravery and courage and boldness and faith lift your hands because you're not gonna like this and risk because your healing will be risky your restoration will be risky but do you want the risk of staying the same or the risk of being restored which one is more appealing to you they both have risks associated with it this day was different because the man met his moment the angel of the lord came down at a certain time you see when it's your moment it's simply your moment there are things that are divinely scheduled and connected to your obedience you do you want to shout the devil can't stop it your enemies can't stop it your critics can't stop it there's only one being that can get in the way of god's healing process for you and it's you the problem is you've not identified that you're the problem we spend a lot of time binding principalities and powers when we need to bind personalities you are what's in the way of not seeing the water stirred you are what's in the way of why you can't do it now i love how jesus handles this pastor titus because he does not give him a pressure he doesn't say here's some anointed oil he doesn't say 42 days of fasting is going to fix you i know a lot of people that fast frankly humbly that ain't fixed i know a lot of praying people don't lie whose lives are in pieces so what is the issue how do we get to the fact that the miracle is no longer an event but a person the miracle is me if i've never seen anybody raise how do we come to that conclusion i'm leaning in very powerfully at this phenomena there is a specific place there is a specific people you here's what i've been telling all my disciples say i'm not the first open your mouth say i'm not the first and i'm not the worst trust me i have heard a crazier story than yours and one is being developed as we speak as you sit here and offense with your story people are going crazy around the world you mean to tell me with all the nations on the world and the earth you think your story is the one to be ashamed of more no somebody's struggling deeper darker harder than you are and yours may be jacked up but are they netflix worthy the key to this was instruction the right people say yes the right place say yes the management of a moment holy spirit i will go back there i'm concerned about how many of you lack discernment concerning where you are hear what the holy spirit is saying to you if i don't see recognize embrace agree with the moment i'm in i'm going to be mad i feel chills at everybody else who appears like they know what to do with theirs but when my moment shows up can i liberate you it ain't got nothing to do with maria michelle natte renee jacob jordan josh john keith o'neill deborah darius david tiffany none of them calvin anna my moment is mine and it is for a miracle my moment is not for platform and if it includes platforms because god's going to get glory for how he heals me and god's going to get glory for how he saves me and god's going to get glory from what i'm no longer known for or the fact that i'm no longer known for what i used to be known for so you got this issue but here is what unlocks it if you never recognize the power in the miraculous format of everything around you you're never going to understand how important it is for you to be forever sensitive to everything god teaches you it sounds simple but it's not because we are lift your hands hard-headed what we miss in this heaven is the power of instruction and there is no such thing as a miracle that precedes an instruction every biblical miracle came after an instruction which means that if we lean heavy open up on the miracle part but all of a sudden when it's instruction time we're distracted discouraged defeated depressed angry offended absent not available not there but the instruction is the embryo of the miracle the instruction is what conceals the miraculous display of god on your behalf and your behalf god don't like talking to you because he sees himself as a professor he's not walking with a chalkboard i'm like huh students will be able to no he's instructing you to care he's instructing you to provide he's instructing you to see his miraculous power but most importantly so that you live here ask me why that situate you i i think jesus gave the man the instruction because he was tired of watching that man be known for the wrong thing i think he he stepped into that socio-geographic area to change his reputation you are not sick you are not dying you are not maimed you are not a failure you are not defeated you will not be bound with this forever separate to lie out the soul if you understand the rooting and the anchoring of a lie where damage is the most place is the soul in the name of god christ i command every lie rooted deep within your intestines be pulled up by the law and the edicts of god fiery wrath of jehovah come against every root in your belly that's got you rehearsing and repeating and reliving the failures of other people shut up devil there is no iniquitous pattern in me i've been engrafted you don't want to hear that into a brand new bloodline called jesus the messiah the son of david and my daddy's devils can go to hell i don't have to live out anybody else's failure because i'm healed for real lift your hands and say heal for real now you don't want to say that because you think you still got symptoms but god will heal you even if you still cough a little bit he'll heal you if you sneeze from time to time yeah i'm tested but i'm delivered yeah i fight but i'm all the way out yeah i'm at war but i've got liberty and where the spirit of the lord he is there don't you ever let the devil convince you out of your healing i'm going to be healed at all cause i'm going to be healed by any means necessary i'm going to be healed in front of you i'ma be healed behind you i'mma be healed at work i'ma be healed at church he'll let the family reunion he'll let the choir rehearsal i'm going to be healed for real we have we have a generation of staged healings because people don't want to put in the work to wait for the moment when the angel comes and he troubles the water i said he trouble lift the water he trouble lift the water he trouble lift the water now now now now we we've been preaching this for decades but have you ever wondered what troubled water looks like what if your next miracle is going to be messy who told you this pool was a neat place when the angel of god shows up to trouble the water the literal biblical meaning is he smashes it and smooshes it everywhere maybe your next deliverance will be damp maybe your next miracle will be wet maybe there's going to be a mess right around the place of your next healing but if you don't like to trust god in messy environments in messy situations in situations where you don't know if to bind the devil or to believe god when you're cut in betwixt and cut in between i can believe god when things are going well but maturity is when i can believe him when it's a mess when i can look around and say i don't know who did this i know how this got here i don't know what in the 2020 just happened to me i'm dealing with whiplash but all i know if there is a mess a miracle is the only place to go wherever there is a mess the might of god is going to show up all over the messy stuff can you afford to be a sick person afraid of mess can you afford to look around in an environment of healing and decide that because it's not up to speed or up to par with your preferences you want the messiah you want a doctor you want the messiah or you want somebody to enable you do you want healing or just do you want audience i think that was the difference watched his formula it was the power of instruction leah that pulled that man from an audience that was just like him i'm going to repeat it it was the power of instruction that separated i want to use this word sanctified a person out of an audience of people with the same needs so that means that if i heed instruction my healing is more likely but where i'm disobedient and disrespectful or even worse unsensitized to what god is teaching me in this moment i can live 20 30 40 years in a coping mechanism not realizing that this is not god's best for me he didn't save me to die this way he didn't give his blood on the cross for me to be maimed and crippled and lame and on the side here he saved me that i would show forth his praise but one of the best ways to show his praise is to be healed lift your hands scream these words me first we need a new precedent on individual miracles when we think miracles elder deborah sometimes we project it to the audience and that's necessary but the best miracle workers are the people that understand that they are a miracle that realize that i am where i am and who i am and how i am for no other reason but the power of god that's my story and i'm sticking with it i didn't heal myself save myself i need to choose myself and even if i were god i probably wouldn't call myself i could shout there but he did it anyway and he did it because of what he saw in me so how then do we get you to see what he sees and how then do we position your next instruction against your latest excuse every time my moment comes somebody does something to me every time my moment is here nobody coaches me into the confidence i need to pursue my own healing every time the right time is hearing things are going well my friend circle changes my very sick social support starts to move in the direction of my demise not my healing who do i have to help me heal so what god will do is it will instruct you what your heart will do is give an excuse and your deliverance is going to be based upon who wins the war between your last instruction and your next excuse if i'm trying to teach you something in your life about life about power and you respond with a reason why this is not possible and a reason why you cannot do it and a reason why you can't say it do you know you've set that reason up against my miracle i didn't ask you if you could afford it i'd asked you if you were qualified i asked you if you were capable i didn't even ask you if you were competent you know how he said it to moses who made man's mouth everything you are is because of my hand everything you are is because of my will everything you are is because of my investing before the world began to you so we have a real lesson we're demanding the pool of bethesda and it's this the instruction came in a place that had five porches here's the bad news you need to be around different anointings i think this is too practical but i'm going to say it anyway but bethesda didn't have one way on there were five porches there albeit the number of grace i think to us if bethesda is a new testament type of the church i don't think anybody can be healed where certain anointings are on shut down i question and challenge people's full restoration where there is no teacher i question and challenge people's full maturity where the prophet can't talk i question and challenge the full maturity of people who don't hear the gospel by faith by god's fiery evangelist i question a place where pastors don't touch people but write paperwork pastors were not for paper they were for people that's going to cost me anyway there were five porches and based upon your melody your sickness your eel watch me it may take one route to the issue it may take two you may have an issue that needs a prophetic answer you may have an issue that needs a teaching answer you may just need to be heard and hugged maybe you just need a shepherd high and that i healed you lord have mercy it just depends on how you need to be healed and where the healing needs to be if it's a head issue you're probably going to walk down the teaching lane if it's a soul issue you're definitely going to walk past the shepherding lane if it's a heart issue that profit is coming to you if it's a mind issue the counselor the sage is going to come to redirect your thought and your counsel in your mind there's more than one way to be healed but there's only one person that can do it now that's good and bad because there are people that are counting in the lab oh my sophie my they're people counting on you remaining sick there is an entire audience that's around that pool that's going to miss you there's an entire group of people that's like well where are we going to go now that he's gone what's the lesson marcus sometimes your healing means your departure and sometimes i have to depart to protect my healing sometimes me walking away is because i know i'm the miracle and staying in here may reverse my miracle status so so so however that works in your life jesus gives his instruction pick up your mat i want you to take the thing i'm almost there this is just good take the thing that you use to personify you i want you to literally take it your supporting mechanism watch me that counsels you leslie into this handicap you have things set up in your life that helps you stay sick you got things around your bedroom things in your phone people in your notes folks on your social media and you think they're men but they're maths you think they're old friends but they're maths you think they're classmates and college roommates but they're matched could it be that their presence in your life is what's paralyzing you let's scrutinize your healing why ain't it happened does god want you to heal the answer is unavoidably yes i love this elder lizzie and willing that none should pair he wants to heal everybody i'm that kind of preacher but that everybody would experience him in that particular way he turned nobody away for healing so what's going on with you what's going on with you is you're loving max because you think matt's love you back that that place of groveling and embarrassment and social dysfunction of ruin and and stigma was him that's all he knew was that matt are you willing to walk away from what you know for a miracle or or do you have to know it to receive it and know it to see it and know it to embrace it take your bed up take your mat get out of here and i want you to walk if if you're hurting walk if you're in pain walk if you're scared walk if you're nervous walk if you're anxious walk i'm about to have a fit like and jump off this stage whatever you do don't stop walking can i preach to somebody who just needs some encouragement real quick bankruptcy walk divorce walk sickness walk accusation walk you only lose when you stop walking walk this sting out lie walk depression walk fear walk food allergy walk but whatever it is walk and walk until men see i did not heal myself when you are listen to me a walking miracle god can get glory out of your life all the time anywhere it means because i don't need to show you anything fanciful other than my first name because the miracle is me and that i had the courage to grab a hold of an instruction jump into a messy pool depart a very dysfunctional support system face my own excuses my own view of myself through this mat watch me and i've got to leave pastor pam priestess just quote me baby under the pain of healing because healing is a responsibility i'm trying to debunk the myth that healing is like a vacation i'm walking in healing no this is not walt disney world because every day you will be met watch me watch me with a genetic reflex john john that's going to tempt you to act mane and act lame when you spent that much time realize this jesus addressed not only the condition but how long he had been there so it's not just what you're dealing with is how long you let it sit there because while the infirmity was there it was sculpting an identity a personality a view a perspective a character a response that now you've got to learn how to live watch me in reverse to who you used to be you see if you expect the sick me you're gonna get the wrong answer if you expect to broken me i'm gonna disappoint you every time i'm healing every day and in every way i may just switch it up on you resolve today that because you are such a miracle i don't have to ask you i know because you are a miracle don't allow watch me your insensitivity to your next set of instructions to hinder your ability to make relationship choices for your health i i don't want to leave you because you're wrong i want to be healed i'm not breaking up with you because i'm not horny i want to be healed it is not that i'm completely over what you did or said but i will no longer risk my healing for people that are not watching anymore and i will no longer risk the messiah's desire to restore me because of when it happened does it offend you that it didn't happen when you want it or are you still in anticipation because it's going to happen there's a lot you can learn about yourself if you study how you feel about the winds of god w-h-e-n you can find out a whole lot about your character about your maturity by how many hissy fits you have when it doesn't happen when when when but he's going to heal you now the conclude of our miracle message is this in verse 13 of our text you know what the debate was and you have to hear this or you're going to miss everything i'm about to say to you turn on the light from heaven lord shine on me turn on the light from heaven lord shine on me shine on me turn on the light and let me see okay the real debate was it people listen do leslie hear me sweetie simba listen to what i'm about to say this is the most important statement of this sermon everybody's not going to celebrate your healing there will be people that are mad that you're healed i know you don't want to hear that or believe that but your healing is going to be disruptive your healing is going to be uncomfortable for some there are people who knew you and studied you as the lame man and now that you're walking around in who you really are it's going to mean a lot of elimination in your life but it's either the miracle of the company it's either the miracle of the mat it's out of the audience or the instruction what baffles me about this dr candice in this entire story you can start playing i never understood why these uh people made it about the sabbath if you go to verse 13 if answer josh we all just witnessed something only god could do we all just saw the healing power of god throw your hands up and scream again this ain't the first time he healed he's been doing it but now it's come to our neighborhood and rather than celebrate this man's healing we're going to issue a court order to talk about the authority of the son that is a conclude of our text they were like who they didn't even leah i would say how do you feel whoa you can walk by golly george what they asked him was who healed you who healed you and by what authority you mean to tell me i need permission to be healed i need your blessing to live restore i need your agreement to do what's necessary to align my life you're in the room right now uh and you're legitimately in this same scriptural setting but maybe you'll like one of the the lepers that stood at the city gate and they were trying to figure out who was going to go first and one of them watch me receives divine discontentment about where he is that's all you need brianna it's not a prayer partner or but what you need is to be divinely disturbed i don't like where i am i don't like what i see and while i'm not being ungrateful i'll give the lord the praise to my very last breath i'm just not content with my world and i'm not blaming on him i'm trying to figure out what i need to know next what i need to do next where i need to put watch me my stewardship next the spirit of god told me to tell this church take good care steward the moment the the issue the season take good care of it feed it nurture it grow it water it clean it watch it protect it cover it but take good care of it i'm going to pray for those of you that have not been taking good care of your own healing the lord doesn't want you lame there's a lot to be done and there's a lot that we need to see from your life if it blesses me to any degree to watch the lord heal your body and i dance and bond give me dancing music i want to [Music] dance [Music] and i do that [Music] but i never see watch me i'm going to say something you know how you are with my class and you're going to repeat after me you're going to reply that's easy a nose a ear a headache blood pressure diabetes kidney problems a stomach the manufacturer does not struggle with making things function properly the hard part of healing is youth it's so scientific if i walk up to you right now stab you with a hot fork by tuesday something will happen in your body that will allow for it to repair itself god has provided your physical self with the ability to heal so fixing your finger or your nose or the growth is easy it's hard to heal you though because i've learned prophetess katie sometimes the lord will try to heal an ear or heal a finger or and if a person does not believe that they deserve healing they'll reject it i didn't get to go into this point but but but one of the things in my text is a very serious issue of self-sabotage let me mess this up before the devil does oh so let me ruin it and let me prove to people who really love me that i'm unlovable so that i can't be disappointed again but you deserve bare minimum to jump in this pool let a man heal you he delights in your healing he didn't care about what the pharisees was mad at what authority do you do this on my own and because there is not a name above mine i'll heal again and i'll heal again and i'll restore again aren't you glad that your healing is not subject to popular vote are you glad that your restoration is not a matter of your popularity and when he wants you heal he'll break the rules for you he'll go to god for you he'll fight the pharisees for you he just wants you here who told you that you could be healed who told you that you could be healed that may be one query bring it down real quick i feel like this is a prophetic word for some of you if the question is not going to be who told you you could be healed the more painful question is going to be who told you to leave us because sick people do need support and when you make the courageous thank you father to step out of a crowd a common area where people have grown to love being crippled and and all of a sudden an unprecedented moment happens where it looks like what god is doing before you you've never seen before and you receive an instruction not a hand up some of you have been asking for help when the real christ should be wisdom that is your help help is not going to always be grabbing you by the hand to show you to do it some of my greatest help came in the form of a right question and many of us are sitting around this pool with nothing to say 2022 gone come you're gonna be here 2023 gonna come you're gonna be here you're gonna go and get a super soaker and celebrate this fish splash are you going to be healed and be willing to undergo watch me asked the social consequence of healing i say to you by the spirit of god there is a social consequence to healing people are not used to living that way no it's bizarre we look at people on this side of the kingdom and we're like man people are losing it and going crazy and having breakdowns oh no we're the weirdos it is not a popular thing to want to give all your everything to your own restoration what's popular is we sit over here on a throne and a pedestal and we get to diagnose everybody else's dysfunctions and disease and excuse in us what we judge in them and we try to overlook the fact that he's just not done so you can be happy and still need healing and you can be hurting and still need healing you can even be anointed rocky because that's the problem do you know why world changers summon altars are always full do you know why people stand in lines for hours to go to fire conference because they know they're anointed they just want to be healed this is not about the anointing it's about i know what's on me is killing me i'm aware that i got gifts that i don't know how to control i know what i could be without the hand of god is there a water well for me somewhere if i can go and just hear i think we underestimate the power of hearing take this off for me i i think we don't appreciate give me a minute to track here the power of the instruction of the lord one of my life's goal is to be called the instructed of god i want to be known as a man who was taught at the feet of jesus who who who made quality time to go before him and to ask to hear to see your next miracle is in the belly of your last instruction review it it was so with elijah it was so with elisha it was so with paul it was so what everybody who was where they were told by god to be but josh sometimes when you where god told you to be it don't feel like it's where god told you to be sometimes you'll be in an environment that feels real strange it's called a place and and what you mean is a moment a level of dimension and you'll be there and you're like this is weird i don't but but but don't let the fact that it's foreign resuscitate a fear when you are the instructed of the lord let's say you do mess up and end up in the wrong place let's say you do end up taking two steps to the left and you miss god you know what i learned about being a son there's no such thing as missing him he promised me he would never leave so if i mistake your your presence is love if if if i misunderstand if i go to a way in my own immaturity here is wisdom many of us are judging people and holding them incarcerated for things that look like a bad motive what i've learned though is immaturity is going to look like a bad motive some people don't have bad motives they just need to grow up so that motive expresses itself in a juvenile way and the way the devil will do it is use one person's action behavior view perspective to trigger an undealt with thing in you now if you're not committed that's the problem because your your healing is a cause god is not in need of more not-for-profits they're powerful lingerie i mean he it's a beautiful thing to feed the sicken to clothe the naked but but but what makes his radiance and what makes his beauty more seen of men is not soup it's a healed soul how are you healing the miracle is me it may bless you when the lord gives you a job or car if i hear how you got out of whatever you got out of how you lived through whatever happened to you how you made a necessary recovery from something that the enemy sent i feel the power of god now what many of you will not realize i'm looking at about seven people i know who the last assignment of the devil was death he was not trying to hurt your feelings the things that came after you over these last seasons was trying to kill you either by insanity or by self-decision but if you made it out alive ricky i want somebody lift their voice and scream like they beserk i mean just [Applause] no they don't give me thug they no okay i'll take my time i made it out alive that's why the devil don't like me i made it out a lot that's why he's still trying to convince me that i'm sick i made it out alive shut up devil you could kill me then and you're not gonna kill me now i'm gonna live to tell the story and i'm gonna beat you up with my match i'm a witness with my map i'ma show the world my old excuse i'ma show the church my own label i must show them my own stigma but i made it out a lot and if lord be god i'm gonna live here i'm going to live this way lift your hands i'm going to live this way i'm not in a season of healing i'm not looking for counselors and those to hear my hurt because i don't have nothing to do this is not a season this is divine recovery for me i'm taking the time to convince myself that i deserve to be healed i'm taking time to quiet my critics to prove to me that i deserve to be healed and i will no longer go another year beating up on myself i have suffered personal domestic violence because i beat up on what i don't believe about me i'm making a decision to be healed and i'm going to live this way and that and those that are in my life that don't want to see me whole i'll close the door forever [Music] i have to be healed your healing is super expensive and so whatever it takes to get you there go i'm going to pray and i prayed stuff like this before and it's changed a lot in people's lives i want the lord to trouble the water [Music] i want him to sin something you know you would probably call it a revival or a conference i'm asking apostle monique i'm asking for consistent meetings with god i'm i'm asking that you have the most po the most potent revivals are not the ones in the stadiums those are not the most powerful ones the most powerful ones are in your closet when you get arrested on your bathroom floor and you don't know what just happened to you i'm praying for times of refreshing to come from the presence of the lord concerning you so that all you are and all you were designed to do i prophesied to your divine architecture that you will no longer live in any way that is opposite of your desire that you will only manifest and express the divine makeup of god concerning you i declare the enemy's point and purpose over your life cancel null and void it will not come to pass concerning you that whatever his intent toward you will not prosper but you are only living to pursue your highest self in the righteousness of god in christ jesus now that is a phrase that we don't say enough in the new testament church but the righteousness of god in christ jesus it is not my yeah it is not my righteousness it is not my accolade it is not my resume it's not my deeds or my doings it's not even my decision sometimes it's my stance it's my posture i'm not a prince because i asked to but i've been seated with him excuse me it's just my turn and i'm going to live as healed as delivered as restored as whole as happy as collected as decorum as professional as diplomatic as my deliverance demands and i will look in it on purpose on purpose on purpose on purpose on purpose i'm coaching you through this on purpose and i make no apology for my need to be healed and i need make no apology for my desire to be healed whatever that demands in my direction i must do it because at the end of the day i've not obeyed god to come to a place in my life where i'm settling for a sick me why be saved if you're going to live sick now if you have a vision for your physical healing let's go deeper journey into what you look like if your inner man has no fracture do you know what you could do if there were no laceration in your heart [Music] the lord gave me a revelation of brokenheartedness [Music] and the part of what he taught me vonn was very uncomfortable the apostle monique now you can have this one i gave dr ross the last one kenny broken-heartedness is a necessary part of god's leadership development you have to have a heart watch me elder that breaks over over and over and over it's frustrating because you'd be like when is this done but you can't say you've been called to ministry and think you're gonna live in the fairy tale of an unshattered heart he'll always allow your heart to break and and it's it's listen it's not for pain epi teresa it's for capacity there are certain things an unbroken heart can't hear an unbroken heart can't handle there's certain things they can't walk in when you know the absolute low places of the human experience your presence is life you can recognize pain on demand you're going to get so good at an epk and that you're going to recognize people in pain before they do and and your conversation will be their realization of the pain i don't know why i did this or why i said this but your next social circle is going to vomit to you you're going to go into a season where you're not going to have to force and persuade people to tell the truth this next group is coming with knowledge of their sickness knowledge of their sickness rocky senator put your hand on her back real quick i prophesy great grace upon you woman of god i prophesy your stature change the shoulders that you bear under the grace of god will be done with such eloquence and grace and the enemy despises you because he's been trying to drive you crazy all your life and he can't do it the prayers that pre-date your birthday there's like a garrison round about your life and nothing he tries to trigger nothing he tries to scratch you will laugh in the face of jezebel she will be devoured in the streets consumed by the eunuchs and dogs that come from heaven they'll devour her before you you will rule in great grace i prophesy added strength and power and wit and creativity i prophesy this is weird a new spine to you that you will stand under every mandate the lord gives you and what's happening to you right now you don't like it god's about to break your heart for his church he's going to break your heart again for the cry going to break your heart for the body father burn her in jesus name give her a passion a zeal a christ-like that's what i see a jesus like zeal for the bride a jesus-like zeal a table turning zeal a confrontational zeal unusual grace for the broken unusual boldness for the hypocrite and a new testament wisdom and unction for the viper and the snake may she trample upon the lion and the adder and take scorpions with her bare hands to bind the poison of the wicked one and moving in great power unto those that believe and i just impart the healing anointing now the ability to not just heal body parts but heal people he'll places heal processes he'll procedures he'll paradise he'll thinking hill principles healing anointing healing anointing healing anointing hey hey healing anointing i feel something moving in me healing anointing come upon her now in every area of your life healing hey ho you fought for it you prayed for this you believe for this walk in it dash to my crotch walk in it walk in it and be healed i promise i give me a miniature the shadows are going to heal let it be like the days of peter where people get healed just because they follow i wish i had somebody that believes you could be healed just for following the right thing lord they won't help me the shadows heal the shadows deliver the shadows restore let it be so in your life i made it out oh i made it out i made it out i made it out i made it out come on catch me i made it out i said i made it out i didn't know when the water was gonna be trouble but it happened again open your mouth and trump how would you praise if i told you it's about to happen again they will help me i said it's going to happen again okay glory to god i feel like laboring i said it's going to happen again open your mouth say do it again jesus go with me or i'll drag you do it again jesus oh he's about to do it again i see the waters being troubled i see the waters being troubled i see the lord as being trouble it's not just going to be personal bible study it's going to be a paradigm shift every day it's not going to be prayer and intercession it's going to be my daily bread guide me oh now great jehovah i'm pilgering through a buried land i'm weeping your mighty hold me up with your hand come on he's healing me every day hey oh that felt good he's healing me every day i said every day oh yeah you missed that everyday dude he's doing it every day every day he's healing me it's not just a goal it's a journey it's not just a vacation spot it's wisdom it's a step every day lift your hands and say every day open your mouth everyday [Music] come on liberate yourself get free he's doing it every day monday he's healing my mind tuesday dealing with my attitude wednesday working on my words thursday dealing with my fears friday dealing with my anxieties saturday's dealing with my meditation and on sunday he's dealing with my praise sunday he's dealing with my obedience someday he's telling me to get a little lower than i was before i don't go to church to get high i go to church again low get low and he's calling me i said he's calling me let your hand say a little lower oh y'all don't like they don't like that i said a little lower a little lower a little lower a little lower than last time for the lord and the time before that on the lord and last year a little lord and when you first god say i want you lower than when you first believe lower than when you got pill lower than when you got married lower than when you got licensed lower than when you got to attain uh lower than your first pass lord and when you were baptized lord and when you learned how to pray lower lower than your first sermon learn it lower than your tearing sieges i won't you know i said i want you lord he's saying get low come on get low if this is the only way i can get healed i'm willing to stay low if it's the only way to catch on fire i'm willing to stay low as if the only way to be free i'm willing to stay flow if this is the only way to set my grandchildren free from the captivity of the bloodline i'm willing to stay low [Music] hey hey i feel something lower lower come on not my way but yours not my view but yours not my attitude but yours not my own character but i want the fruit of the spirit i got the gifts i want the fruit of the spirit throw me up in grace come on these are your confessions pull me up in grace until i look like you stand like it love like you live to like him give elijah walk like him talk like him move like a shake like you shift like you rattle and roll like him i gotta be like [Music] come on in a season where this culture is trying to inflame you in a season where american culture is trying to puff you up and make you pompous i get somebody with the holy ghost to lift your hands and say i'll stay low i can hear you i'll stay low you can be offended i'm staying low you can be angry i'm gonna get a little lower you being mad i'm looking low you feeling mistreated low is the way low is the way shout hallelujah i feel like praising him i said i feel like praising him when was the last time you shouted because he told you to get a little lower and it don't mean you're proud it don't mean you're arrogant it means this next level of healing this next level of restoration this next level of restitution demands you get a little lower demanded to get a little lower say yes i'll stay low [Music] i'll stay low [Music] no matter how you healed me i'll stay low and when people question your healing blame it on jesus our story concludes with an accusation they blame jesus on whose authority will you do this on the sabbath what would you do if i tell you god's gonna break the rules for your next miracle go ahead receive it right there i i thank you prophetess i said what would you do ricky you ain't got nothing else to do what would you do joshua's gonna break the rules for you i see it glory to the son of god jordan he's gonna break it hi i'm sorry he's gonna break the rules glory to god i am the lord of the sabbath i do what i want i'll break the rules i hear that i'll break the rules for you if it means getting you healed i'll break the rules for you if it means getting you walking again i'll break rules for you if it gets you out of this sick circle this sick network this dying breed of those that don't want to live i'll break the rules i wish somebody would shout with me for a minute you call it favor i serve a rule-breaking shader peridot he broke the rules once he gonna break the rules again hi in the loins of my mother he broke the room when i parted her boughs he broke the rules when i was born in my last name he broke the rules when i said yes to god he broke the rules when i went down in his name he broke the rules when i got filled with the holy ghost with the evidence of speaking with other tongues he broke the rules for me listen he ain't stopped broken the rules he wrote to rules and your healing is gonna be a rule-breaking miracle clap your hands and praise him all right y'all don't want to shout i said praise him he's so serious about your healing he gonna do it on the sabbath open your mouth and praise him i appreciate what moses said but this miracle is way too important for me to let this moment pass back [Music] hallelujah come on from your belly hallelujah crying from here hallelujah pull it from your guts [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] i release i authorize i catechize a season of divine healing for you we summons and beckon the assistance of god concerning your pool party and you will jump and you will be made whole [Music] you will jump and you will walk again you will jump and your miracle is gonna cause some conversation but i've only got one answer [Music] jesus they missed it john john they gonna question you you heal for real act jesus save for real i feel like church ask jesus do you have the holy ghost or is that mumbo jumbo you holler no ask jesus he argues for me he argues for me uphold my case proves my point my answer is jesus let me test it on you who healed you who delivered you whose savior who's working on you who healed your mind who restored your body who delivered you from the yoke of the devil open your mouth come on who renewed you who restored you who redeemed you who invited you who pulled you out i said who pulled you out who took you over who you think taking you in i want to know if there's a jesus people here he's still healing my grandmother was saying there's a man in the city giving sight to the blood he's healing okay i said he's healed that lord jesus he's healing as a stranger in town giving sight to the block he's here i'm trying to let this go richie but i put on the skirt because he's still healing he's still healing the impossible he's still healing the incurable he's still healing what men can't see you're not the worst and you're not the person he's gonna heal you he's going to heal you when mother and father forsake me the lord takes me up he's going to heal me he's not going to leave me how he found me he's not going to leave me how he found me he won't leave me hell he found me he's not going to leave me how he found me he loved me too much to leave me like this he's gonna heal [Music] father trouble the waters and help us not to mismanage our moments when you arrange for something to heal help us to see it and sometimes sometimes sometimes sometimes sometimes our healing don't feel like it's working stay in there i almost got caught up just now i said even when it don't look like it's working jordan is still happening lift your hands and say it's still happening still happening he's healing me why can't i let this go i said he's healing me come on praise him with me for a minute though the outer man perishing riches the inner man is being renewed dave hightower every day he's delivering me i'm not waiting for one altar call i got seven a week and he's healing me restoring me lifting me upgrading me redoing me rebuilding me molding me establishing me [Music] somebody say yeah [Music] every day every day every day every day every day
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 45,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7jzLtGl28ZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 57sec (5877 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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