The Fight For The Future | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | I'm A Threat

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go to John's Gospel John's Gospel the twelfth chapter of John deviating just a bit from our discussion for the month to give you something that I think is significant for 90% of you John's Gospel chapter 12 I found something here that I had not seen but I think is going to help you get to victory this week John chapter 12 verse 9 3:11 when you dare say I'm there if you're not there say wait on me John 12 9 says meanwhile [Laughter] a large crowd of Jews found out that Jesus was there and came not only because of him but also to see Lazarus whom he had raised from the dead so the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well here is my verse for on account of him many of the Jews were going over to Jesus and believing in him I thought this morning is I'm a threat in order for this to make sense I want to talk to you about what happened in John the eleventh chapter and I've got to give you some historic context on why this verse is important Jesus had a habit of going on itinerary tours throughout the lands of Judea and Galilee and Philippi and all of those places and such was his custom that he would preach and go from town to town and demonstrate the gospel of the kingdom this particular trip would be very very very unique in that on this trip he would receive notice as somebody that he loved was sick now there is some parenthetical pressure there because it justifies that Jesus loves sick people his always loved people who were sick and the Bible says he received news that Lazarus had fallen ill and there were so much conversations in John chapter 11 all the way from verses 1 through 24 around this it was a very controversial death because Jesus spoke parabolic parabolically around and about the death by the time he gets to the city he is entering into this and refuses to interrupt his trip but he almost belabor as his arrival to where Lazarus is and this is very important because it shows that if I were Jesus and if you were Jesus once we receive news that somebody we love needs us we don't slow down we speed up but we find a reverse point here that sometimes when God loves you he is late on purpose that he does not change his schedule because of his sentiment for you but for very many of us He loves us and is late because of his love for us he realizes that when he's getting ready to do and perform and speak on your behalf that his lateness allows for greater visibility in a thing and that's very important for you to realize because there are many of us that believe God for stuff and when it does not happen when we want we think it's a punishment or some form of accountability when it really is his love that's making him late that whatever he's going to do in this way needs a broader audience and if he shows up before time there won't be enough people to perceive it and he won't be able to get to glory in the way he wants from the story anyway so he ends up coming into the town and now we find that there are some strong discussions that in our preaching in our expectation of this text we overlook and one of them is the contribution of the Apostle Thomas in John 11 we see the conversations of Jesus and those that come to him but I saw in John 11 where doubting Thomas came in and said I tell you what if we're going to see Lazarus hopefully we die with him when we get there in other words what Thomas said among the twelve was because I fear embarrassment and I do not think that Jesus is going to do what he's been doing up until now I would much rather die in embarrassment then get there and look a fool so we don't see a clean path to this miracle we see a very murky conversation leading up there and we also see as it were the difference in perspective pay attention now between the news and how Jesus saw it the news is that Lazarus had died and Jesus said he was sleep and they kept trying to figure out why he was in denial or avoiding or evading the reality of the situation and here's what I know about God he does not have to call your thing what you call your thing but because he's God you can call a thing sick and he can call it well you can call a thing hard and he can call a thing easy and sometimes when it deals with human nature pay attention the devil loves to discourage people because God doesn't see what we're in the same way we see the way we're in there's been many times in my life where I thought something was an emergency but that the Lord did not respond as if it were a crisis what he did was he looked at what I saw was an emergency and started to allow for time to happen around the event until I changed my perspective of what I was in listen if you're ever going to get the victory in your life you got to wait until you see what he does it's not about you trying to make him see what you see but because it is not reacting it's because he's about to change the reality if there is a thing that you are in and you didn't get the response you wanted it's because in a matter of seconds God's about to change what you were looking at I love his word today and the Bible says and now as he's approaching he takes his time there and a part of what we miss now is the actual level of this emergency the actual nature of this emergency if you casually peruse a story you read it like Lazarus had been dead for four days and that's not what the Bible says the Bible say he had been buried for days so we actually do not know how long Lazarus was dead what we do know is there may have been a space in between the diagnosis preach Negro and then the death preach Negro and then the subsequent burial nobody dies and gets buried the same day so there are some maduk tensions between how long this thing has actually been when you look at it you see it's bad cuz it's three days but what the man looked at it it had probably been seven to eight real days because Mary and Martha were in shock and disbelief about how and why Lazarus could not pay attention to this by the time Jesus gets to the town and he starts telling people that he's going to go and rise him again he is talking opposite to their emotion the first person who comes out is Martha and everybody knows the story everybody's priestess she's a busybody and she's a nervous person and she's erect but what you did not notice was Mary and Martha although two different people they said the same thing isn't it interesting how death can happen loss can happen a grief can happen to two different personality types and once the thing happens they both respond in the same pain it's about time that people realize that we really are more alike than we are different we may have different experiences but there are certain things that hit us all in the same way no matter what our differences are in race and gender and economic status there is something about pain that joins us and what we need in this hour in America is not churches that preach to pleasure and privilege we need places that can gather around the subject of pain cuz we talked about power and we talked about prosperity and we talked about all of that but one of the things we're preaching over is the subject of pain and this is the reason why there is actually a decrease in the anointing because you can only be anointed if you got a sensitivity to agony and if you don't understand the human condition you don't need power and you don't need Authority so what Jesus walks into listen when he comes into the city is not a family but the condition of humanity he walks in on a natural response oh yes he walks in on a very common response and here we go Martha comes up to him and Martha says if you would have been here let's dig into this a bit more because here we see the psychological norm when you deal with an unexplainable grief now this is different from having the time to prepare for laws with you got time to set yourself up psychologically you know when somebody gets a cancer diagnosis or another diagnosis for a terminal illness you got several months to prepare yourself and to brace yourself and to consider all the possibilities but when there is a sudden death glory and a sudden loss and a sudden thing a part of what makes the reaction so strong is because you are unprepared had no time to settle your emotions have no time to decide what you were going to believe and when you are unprepared for a crisis and unprepared for a tragedy and unprepared for a loss the first thing the flesh wants watch me it's for somebody to take responsibility now what I love about this is that Jesus was on the other side of the nation and yet somehow when that a heart got full of grief there was a need to blame somebody for what had happened because the natural reaction to grief is blame when something dies when something is lost when something goes missing when you are the recipient W like who's gonna take responsibility for my pain so Jesus shows up in the city and there's nothing that had nothing to do with him and Martha says if you she didn't address anything else but if you have not been busy helping him and helping her and healing her and healing them and preaching there then your presence would have prevented this crisis but don't you know that God can be in your room and something can still happen to you and it not be a reflection of what he thinks about you even people he loved allows to go through and it's because of his love that he sets up what looks like painful stuff to them so that he can get the glory through you watch this and there is a way the shell that God wants to get glory out of you that he don't want to get glory out of the person next to you if you got it if you are in competition and if you are in comparison about the way God wants to get glory out of you then you're going to hate everything he allows you to go through but a part of what you need to do to get the victory this week is resolved that there is a way God wants to get glory out of me that may not be how he wants to get the glory out of you and rather than judge his method i'ma set myself up for this miracle and I'm not going to be offended at the method I'ma be in position for the miracle have a seat and so Martha says if you would have been here my brother would have died and you know the story you heard in Sunday school young people willing worker you heard it in all Vacation Bible School and all of that but then we go into something that started to mess with me a bit more because here comes the Holy One the mature one the one that likes to anoint things and cry and weep and you don't know the cause this is the one that that that curatu essence of maturity and yet now a mature believer has an immature cry a mature believer says the same thing a fleshie believer does it didn't matter that she had been fasting it didn't matter that she had been praying she said the same thing that Martha said and when we preach this text we put all of the criticism on Martha but you don't look in on mother Mary who had the same exact concern she came to Jesus and said if you would been here this would not have happened I love the way Jesus handles Mary according to how our differ from how he handled Martha he did not allow Martha to pull him into a debate about why he did what he did but I believe there was something about Mary's consecration that allowed Jesus to give a bit more explanation I'm working in here there was something about Mary's value for solitude and pace and worship and prayer that didn't change the outcome but it affected the response I believe that when you are a woman or a man that waits on God and you are okay with waiting on God he'll help you to know that he's there with you he's not going to turn a deaf ear he'll say yeah it'll get bad before I get worse but I'm here it's going to be okay let me validate you and let me affirm you this is why when God says seek my face I got to put this here and when God says separate to consecrate and when God says start to discipline yourself it may not be because he's trying to deliver you from sin he may be trying to prepare you for coming crisis and he wants you to be so strong in your psychological makeup that you so consecrated that what kills normal people hey what overwhelms normal people what makes normal people peal distraught only takes one line for you to settle now I love digging into this a bit more and this is not my message this is the intro Jesus takes on an introductory conversation with Mary Kenny and what Jesus tells Mary is your brother will rise again and and Mary because she battled a religious spirit and thought that her acts got her closer to him she said yeah I know I read it in the book and I read it and I remember the dream and I remember the vision I know that he's gonna rise again in the resurrection can I pack into this like I want to and Jesus said a paradigm right there but the church still has not got here is a paradigm Jesus is Jesus said I cannot believe you're standing before me talk about an event pay attention I cannot believe that I'm in your presence and you got the nerve to act like something that was scheduled up is in control of my power Jesus said no no no you got it twisted sugar you don't understand that the way the prophets preached it and the way Moses preached it and the way the scribes preached it up was that the resurrection was a festival and the resurrection was an event but you are looking at the resurrection and there is a major paradigm shift in the earth well what we're looking for in an event we got to resolve that the event is the manna I'm here to tell you he is the main event that's what he was trying to get Moses to see yeah I know you got this wrong and that wrong and that wrong and it's true but all of that changes when I'm in the room you see when I'm standing before you what's wrong with you does not matter when I'm standing before you what you don't have don't matter and some of us have missed major miracles from God because we were looking for an event when we gotta get it from the man I am he said I am the resurrection it's not coming after the feast of tabernacles it's not coming at the Peace of the Blood Moon it's coming wherever I'm in the room and if I'm in the room the resurrection is in the room and Jesus Mary looked at him and marveled and said I don't understand exactly what you mean I'm a little perplexed at this because my expectation is in an event my expectation is in a moment when I'll see him again and Jesus said this listen to me he said whoever believes in me though he were dead yet shall he also Lea they go about three verses down and then we see something that the Lord dealt with me about yesterday we see the power of blunt trauma we see the power of blunt trauma blunt trauma is I can knock you upside your hair hit you in your chest or you can fall on a rock or a hard thing you can lose consciousness consciousness but that's not the ultimate consequence the consequence is not the loss of consciousness it's the loss of memory when something hits you hard you may black out and recover but the real consequence is what are you gonna remember when you recover I believe what the devil wanted for Mary let's push in here was to bring her into a realm of dementia where she didn't remember the reason why she worshiped him to begin with and she didn't remember the reason why she believed him to begin with her and she had no recollection because of the blood trauma of the announcement of Lazarus his death the devil wanted to make sure that she had no memory watch me apostle BJ because there's something about the memory that allows for faith to work when you go through a hard season and you start forgetting the fact that is to say God that heals you and the same God that delivered and the same God that brought you out the pack house and the same God they brought you out the whole house and the same God that brought you out the dope house pain God took your offer boot steps pain god that's a to college I same God they bought your first house what happens is when something hurts you forget that he's the same but when God wants to do a miracle he lets his sameness hits your sanity and the fact that your circumstance changed doesn't that change me I am the same though I said I am the Sangha here's how I know that Jesus was concerned about the memory of Mary I know what you're standing in but didn't I tell you now let me let me ask you this how many of you grew up in the ghetto in the hood those of you that maybe had more proper parents or you come from the north you grew up and raised in Schaumburg or weave in or one of those areas you know your parents correct you they say Peter Johnny keep in mind [Music] but when you from 64th encounters growth in the middle of the ghetto and you got country parents and grandparents who don't even need a belt to punish you they put their hand like this as a threat and ball up their mouth like this and they say but did not tell you that's more of a statement about what they want they're what you want I believe Jesus had to be a black man lord have mercy because he got eponymous it did not tell you but if you would believe you would see the glory of God what that means is that God's gonna tell you something uh when things are ok for you to pull on when things are not okay I'm here to call you into remembrance when you were in prosperity the Lord whispers some things to you when stuff was going ok the Lord who whispers some things to you uh but the stuff he told you in secret uh it's not so you can use in secret you supposed to use s up on the mountaintop he gives it to you being so you can remember it in crisis say yes didn't I tell you I got to preach didn't I tell you didn't I tell you didn't I tell you didn't I tell you I dare you well I'm trying to move from this I dare you to take the next seven days and remember stuff God told you I feel like preaching in here some of you think that you need a new word from God but I'm here to tell you he ain't done with the old word slap somebody say didn't I tell you didn't I tell you and we are in a season beloved where you can't forget to remember if you feel like God's not saying something now all you got to remember is what he said watch me because what he said is still effective uh-huh there is no time limit to the unfulfilled prophecies huh now if I would have stand up here and say praise God for the things she's brought to pass huh we have all kind of traffic accidents uh but how many you can shout for the stuff that ain't happened yet I've been giving off the praise for the prophecy that ain't come the pass cuz I got something to look forward to now cuz he's still going to do Hey what he said he would do he respect about what's going on around me slappy people say didn't I tell you did not tell you come on touching people say didn't I tell you didn't I tell you I need to move on but I feel like God is saying go home and find your journal didn't I tell ya I need to get to my message but I feel like God is trying to stir up the gift of God by remembering what he said to you and some of you are walking in delay prophecies you're not here because of what God said this year you're sitting here because of what God promised you in 1997 huh and you think that because you're here your word is but there will be a performance of the pinch spoken to you by God and that's coming a season in your life where you and your word are gonna move at the same pace and at the same level ah the devil wants you to forget the stuff God said because if you forget what God said you have no weapon to fight down with huh but those of us that are not afraid and those of us that are bold huh that can go back to when they first believed and believe what God told you they're not and use what God told you being huh huh but what you're facing right now then whatever God's telling you right now is forcefulness coming in the future but the sword of the Spirit is the Word of God and the devil wanted you to drop your weapon David though your hands up as I remember remember you don't believe that on your head I said say I remember but mostly I remember another person next to you it's kind of Anglican I don't know what that means I don't know I remember but it was literally hard as hell to save me I was not an easy project to say I saw church hypocrites huh so the opening of the doors of the church was not enough it took a lot more to save me I grew up around religious people so watching their lives wasn't enough I saw the doctor one on Sunday and then I saw the whole mother on Monday so I was not easily impressed I may have taken a little bit for you but it took a whole lot for me to get saved huh not only did it take a whole lot for me to get saved when it was time for me to live holy huh it took a lot for me to believe it was worth it clap somebody say it took the whole let me pre say it took a whole lot somebody responded with preaching behind it some of you responded with fear but I didn't I had to be filled with the Holy Ghost I had to be filled with power that was not mad it was a hard thing to do so because it was hard I got to fight with the word because he's not calling me from hard to easy he's calling me from heart to heart I did not tell you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God can I preach this like I want to so now we ship seems and Jesus is standing in front of the tomb my message is two seconds and he looks around them and this is one of my favorite verses as a scholarly theologian of the future sit to the coming days one of the things that I love about the Bible is this verse Jesus with hmm and the word wept right here in the Hebrew is the word that means moan so I don't think Jesus was sad I believe Jesus was in a place of intercession because whenever you're dealing with a dead thing you can't praise your way in it and you can't worship your way in it there's got to be a grown in you because when something has gone bad somebody's got to get groaning huh to bring a dead thing alive and the Bible said Jesus stood in front of the tumor and he says Jesus groan he groaned huh he groaned and then he looked up the groan must have achieved in the spirit huh what needed to be ng achieve huh it must have been an intercession because he immediately after the groan there was Thanksgiving uh he said father I thank you while my consider this for the benefit of them that stand here that you hear me now when did the father hear hear my because that was the only prayer that he prayed he must have heard the groan somebody say he heard my grown over young officer he heard my grown up there's some things that you can't pray English in Spanish some things you can't believe in your logic but all the inch there's got to be a broad that brings dead things back to life brings reported things back to health brings destructive things back to stability grab your sister real quick and grab your brother huh in the name of Jesus I command the groan to come alive something is trying to come invisible to visible invisible Rona chain until Christ be formed in you let the return return return let the glory time show me where you lay don't sit up I need to know exactly where it is if you lied about where you laid them I'll send a miracle to the wrong place show me where it is I don't want to make the mistake of walking up to a pan that I ain't heard of no more I need to know exactly where you know where you buried I need to know where you buried that frustration if I didn't hear it it mean you hid it told me where you hid it and if you show me where you hid it up and pull the covers off of it I will deliver I will heal this is the principle of many of you are mad cuz dog didn't heal but you keep hiding but you gotta pull that thing out of hiding and say I've been mad for several years angry for several years discard for several years that if he reveals it up he reveals it to heal I'm not at my message and I got six minutes roll this stole nobody move this thrown away now here's the problem graves were not eight feet under they were thirty feet in the walls and as far as we know there were no angels present I'm sorry there were all human beings they were all disciples and onlookers critics and followers and supporters book club members etc and they were all standing there in mixed crowd pay attention and Jesus was about to perform a miracle but he watches to see who's willing to work with him who's willing to exhaust himself so that somebody else can be alive he looks at mere mana and trust him to move a 2-ton Boulder off of an eight-foot door of a wall that's 30 feet in now this is not happen as quickly as we think when we read this we think oh yeah they're going this was no rocks this is a boulder that shut the mouth of a cave so I believe it took more than one person told me to the son of God to get in front of the rock and move the rock I believe that there was somebody that had to work overtime the night before who heard Jesus say roll the stone away and in their minds I'm too tired I had to flat it chicken all night the customers got on my nerves up and I really didn't get no sleep and here you are huh trying to do a miracle for him and I got to cooperate with this because this is what God does when boss getting ready to do a miracle for you he's got to anoint people of greater strength around you and there were men all around that room that moved the stone away now here's what I love Jesus could have said hey hey y'all you come forth you tell a vegetable but what he called Lazarus by his first name he said come forth everything in that city would have responded he just told us he was the resurrection so there's no such thing as a general miracle god I feel like preaching every miracle in your life has been custom made tailor-made measure just swing elbow somebody say this one's for me don't can try to take it up but I feel God's saying what I've got for you it's only please there were more dead people around there but I had to send this directly to Lazarus huh can I give you a prophetic word the miracle that's on his way to you huh the devil in hell and go make you miserable cuss God's already determined and he's called it to your name he's got something for you that ain't Revere MA and because it's coming from him he will not be with us Lazarus comes out you know the story but I need to break this in before I land on my sermon there was not one miracle here this wasn't a miracle this man has been dead let's estimate let's be generous 7 to 8 days he has probably undergone some level of external involvement which means that there are certain things around him that are aiding him in his decay process Jesus says Lazarus come forth which means that to heal you all you've got to do is respond to your call God is calling many of you and because you will not respond you won't be healed one of the best ways to be heal is to say yes to your calling if you still mad at your calling you will not walk in restoration if you still mad that he calls you there is a level of wholeness you won't have what I love about this lady EP is that after Jesus calls Rissa the Bible said that he came out and the only thing jesus addressed was the clothes pay attention that had to mean that miracle number 1 was that when he called Lazarus the first thing that happened is that he had to deal with Lazarus his heart which means that the Word of God had to make the heart start beating again the second thing it had to do was open up the tightening of the veins and the veins system that locks up heart stops breathing at the heart stops beating up the veins narrow and collapse so it means all Jesus sent was the last massage but the heart said yes sir all Jesus said was Lazarus huh and the face started to fall again huh all Jesus said was a Lazarus and whatever was going on the bowels lock up his clutch stopped working but when that oxygen came because the veins opened up and the basil responding to that heart now we got enough to go to the head pay attention a which after 30 minutes of no oxygen max you have no chance at living a normal life huh when you've had no oxygen to your head huh even by some freak accident if you come out alive you'll be a vegetable for the rest of your life Jesus said Lazarus huh and the brain opened up again huh and the brain started working up and he was not missing any sales uh he did not look like a zombie he looked like a new man all God's got to do is call you and whatever you were after you die you don't have to be again can I preach like i feel this if any man be in Christ he is a new creature behold all things are passed away listen Rogers gets up lashes gets up and then we get to my test I'm Missionary Baptist I have preached that just like you heard it for all of my life no longer blesses me like it used to I get blessed pastor Helen Nadja happenings in the next chapter when all of a sudden Jesus is at Red Lobster and he's got folk around them he orders a level of scampi glory to God and some cheddar Bay biscuits hallelujah and then they got this sale going on kenza well you got all-you-can-eat lobster and then you got them little broccoli macaroni tangs and they keep bringing them out but that's not the message the message was Jesus was sitting next to Lazarus which means that in however many weeks his appetite was normal his relationships were normal his complexion had not changed because they didn't look at him they knew that Jesus was eating with the religious leaders decide if he did not because of who he was today the proof [Applause] yes the devil don't hate you for your spiritual gift you don't hate you for your tongues or prophesies he can't stand be reminded of the proof of Lazarus many people believe in Jesus this is why you are a threat because there are two times in your life but the devil is going to try to murder you up just before your greatest breakthrough and just after your greatest breakthrough I've got to do something to quarantine the proof because if the proof ever gets out I'll ever get this proof is gonna bring many people you are not being attacked because of something you did wrong you're not being attacked because people don't like you you're not being attacked in marginalized and threatened for your life because you're better you're being attacked and targeted cuz you are the proof you are the evidence people don't even have to hear the gospel for real or they've got to look at how normal you are when everything about your life says you should be abnormal here you are born to a family with nobody bought a house and you got several ah you you are born to a family huh when family is not normal and you got herpes and wives and children and you know you're normal you're healed self is an intimidation cuz it's assigned to those who don't believe now you know the devil once you did it's interesting I've never seen that they were mad I wanted to kill Lazarus it was so bad that they postponed their plan for Jesus they will I will get him later we got to get this dead man Jesus has promised to raise himself up we'll get to him but we're looking at the preamble the precursor Jesus did this for him so if it's likely Jesus did it by him then maybe he is gonna get up in three days put your hands on your chest say I'm the proof I'm the proof I'm the proof so you shouldn't be discouraged anymore when you find it the devil wants you did you walk as proof you live as proof and when the proof goes to the streets people come out of prison Lazarus was not even a disciple but the Bible says and on account of Lazarus many people came to God you know when you are resurrected from the dead you have a Ministry of Resurrection we don't even see that Lazarus was doing nothing other than eating and people were being resurrected by watching him eat why by science he shouldn't have an appetite he wasn't on the feeding - he didn't have to go through therapy there was no nurse that got him back he simply was healed it shows us how powerful a healed life is maybe some of our church growth crisis it's not because of graphics and streaming and median strategy it could be because there's not enough healed people there's not enough courage for people to live healed and to contend for their right to be resurrected and to refuse to hide I love the fact that Lazarus had no trauma he's out eating and kicking the bobo's and he's eating with the man that raised him [Music] he's breaking bread would Hussein he's not proving himself he's not trying to find his way among the 12 he chooses to sustain his healing by eating with demanda gave him the miracle I'm gonna stay close to you even if they want to kill me I know if I stay close to you they can't touch me the devil wants what you've been through to put some distance in between you and God when I challenge you to use what you've been through to draw you close use what you've been through and use what you've lived through to make you pull in I think the Lord is calling many of you to lean in in a way you've never done before and if you lean E and you live if you lean in the assassins attempt on you will never work all of my life I've heard this story and somehow in my mind I assumed that at the Lazarus is raised all was good but there was a conspiracy after he was raised let's kill Lazarus because of too many people find out what Jesus did for him then they may believe that he can do it for them the hardest thing you're called by God to be right now in your life is the example lift those [Music] it's much easier to be an apostle of profit evangelist a pastor a teacher a psalm as an intercessor watching my life colchester it's much easier to be all of that it's difficult to be the example the example gets measured first the example gets attacked first the example has a higher standard is that the example has deeper convictions and then the example has to live that way in the midst of people that seem to not care to not be accountable to not be able to answer to the same stuff but if you will allow him to make you the example your legacy will not be the grave you left it will be the lives you saved I've been courageous enough to not live broken but if you get this you understand why you've gone through everything you've gone the truth is you're a threat you're not weak you're a threat you're not disobedient and the devil is threatened by what Jesus has done in you don't try to stop the dealings of God that's bringing you back to life Paul said I'm dying so many can live there things that God is doing in you for the benefit of folk that you don't know I'm gonna give you 10 seconds and here's what I want you to do I want you to reconcile with this season right now God is tired of you saying you don't like it he's tired of you saying you hate it he's tired of yous kicking and screaming get me out of here he wants you to recline at that table and eat come on lift those head I feel surrender in the room bring Vaughn up summon the music I feel surrender in the room I feel surrender come on make peace with it you may not be in strife with your brother orange stripe of your sister but there are many of you are in strife at this season this moment in life what I hate it I can't wait for next year but I dare you to stick your heels in in this moment and allow the Lord to finish what he's doing you didn't come alive just so that you could come alive you came alive because there are many that need to look upon you and be led by what he did in you come on I'll tell you all over this buildings father we are into whatever you're into and even if it's hard and even if it's adverse if it's you we trusted if it's you we surrender to it we know that you love us too much to be thrown over into the hand of our adversary so this thing if it hurt it has to be you and today right here a fresh and a new we say because our times are in your hands up father we know that we are walking we know that we are King targets we know that we are after pizza there is an exceeding rather than be discouraged by the moment up regressing and reach miracle you are our resurrection Lord forgive us the big man and what you do with me forgive us remain angry and upset at what you do it helps of a loving God when I be turned over to a sneeze we love you because you brought us alive only you know buried us only you know what one of the you are the only one we wanna stop we want to be close come on let the men stop playing real quick see it's difficult for people that have not died to understand those of us that have [Music] it's hard for people that have not have been attacked by death to support those they feel like it's chasing you the Lord is blowing he's breathing even now on your support system there is a change you you literally are in need of life support those whose whole assignment to you is to help you live if death is going to be after you then you don't need anybody around you who helps you die you have one assassin and you don't need many you need life givers around there's many of you who feel like it's too late it's been too long he still has say there a healer a life giver literally and he's not trying to bring you alive just to look at you he intends to let me and see what he's done in your life don't be ashamed of it Lazarus man I feel the anointing right there I feel the annoying after the power of God moving a couple just worshipping a little bit redundant I feel a worship coming out of this real magic I feel a worse I feel worse oh come on left whoa come on that sub come out of you come on that passes all of this standing I'm not mad about this season I'll regret nothing I feel that in my spirit come on come on I dare you to take a ball back and release all your regrets to the Lord come on like an offering cut off from everything you regret everybody sent me come on lift it to him come on you our threat I want to hear your words his powerful name he's kept you alive still has a purpose his greatest to watch together but you don't he's watching to do this trust I'm gonna I want to open the doors of the church but I want to sober you about something the enemy would have it that your story changes you he wants what you've faced to change you he wants the pain or the heard or the death or whatever the loss the grief to rewire how God made you and you know because when you go through certain stuff you make personal vows I'll never I'll never and you start trying to manufacture or reverse how God made you I want you to make a decision today what I've been through will not change me listen I'm only changing as by the Spirit of God I'm not gonna let life loss people lovers I'm only changing if he's calling me to do it but I'm not going to react and respond to what I've been through as the reason not change because if you change for people you'll always be changing you've got to respond in obedience to a god that wants to do a thing but what he's got planned next well if those hands one more time [Music] there is a there is a wow there is a freedom from anxiety that God wants to come in your life a freedom from it because of what he's calling you to next and I say to you prophetically there is a newest sign that God's been trying to ready you for all of this is readiness something's coming the johansen surrendered to him he was seducing subdue surrender
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 85,480
Rating: 4.8803344 out of 5
Id: 3cMOKvZmmK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 25sec (3145 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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