(Sep 8, 2018) Prepare to Hear the Trump of God

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[Music] Monday is well actually Sunday night you know how the how the biblical count on the work something night the day's thought at sundown not midnight like our Gregorian calendar not that the same thing Roman or Gregorian calendar it's just not the biblical calendar okay so the build calendar will start yom teruah AKA russia Sharna some you know it is Rosh Hashanah Sunday night at sundown so Monday we'll get together at 10 o'clock and we'll celebrate just like the Bible says try to make it I know I know a lot of you don't want to take off you don't want to take off a personal day for Rosh Hashanah I don't know make believe you're hunting or something just try to make it I don't I don't need you here I don't I just want you to know I'm no guilt trip I think you need to be here I think you need to celebrate and also be really careful some of you out there like really being nasty to people saying telling them that you you need to celebrate the feasts but you yourself aren't even celebrate in the face that's crazy don't do that don't do that and let me say from the top this is gonna be like a prelude to these fall feasts let me let me just say look your Christian brothers and sisters are your Christian brothers and sisters stop making it us in them it's ugly and it's not the Bible you're dead wrong it's not us in them it's us together you follow I can sit down with a Christian we could sit down he is absolutely my brother okay I can order brisket he can order barbecue it does not affect me any it doesn't affect him any and for some of you that pride yourselves on the feast and food man you are really missing the boat you're getting involved in the in the miniscule you are straining a gnat and swallowing a camel you know how many groups I know that meet in houses and they all they are first of all they're not a group they're a Bible study and they study and they study and they study and they study and you wonder where's your outreach we study and we study are you helping any widows pause you know we study we and also they keep away from the church like they're gonna catch something what are you gonna catch you missing the boat and also let me tell you up front - some of you are spiritually spooky and if you're sitting there saying I don't know what he's talking about it might be you you know what I'm talking about right you know I'm talking about like the person like you're like hey I lost my keys and that you go you need the keys to the kingdom know I need the keys to my Chrysler because I need to get home do you know what I'm talking about you know those people and usually those people are the one who's hiding the most they're hiding behind the spirit of religion if I'm saying so be just I'm telling you as far as the feast goes here's here's the questions do Jews have to celebrate them like somebody like me a Jewish person my birth who believes in Yeshua do I have to celebrate them do Gentiles who believe in the Shu a Christian so they have to celebrate them do we all have to celebrate them do none of us have celebrate your answers you don't have biblical proof it's your answers that you came up with nobody the greatest scholars can't find an answer to those questions and while you are celebrating the feasts and putting it on everybody else to celebrate the feasts the feasts of the least there's heavier issues like mercy and kindness and giving some of you wouldn't give a buck to a to a starving brother but praise the Lord I'm doing the face you mess it up roar I'm telling you I'm not telling you you can't have both but man there are weighty issues and light issues and some of your focusing on the light issues Yeshua is not going to be impressed when you sit on the gone I got to hand it to you you nailed the feasts and you're winning in any pork you're golden I know this might be hurting some of you cuz you're like I gave up a lot rabbi to do some of this stuff you're a Gary you got the harder route that's a beautiful thing you didn't give up your life though you shouid did that so if you want to compare notes we shouid go right ahead I gave up a lot to believe in Yeshua I lost my family I lost my friends I lost my livelihood but I don't need you to play a fiddle for me I'm happy you follow I gave up I considered dumb compared to what I got you sure and again you've got to figure this out for yourself but when I'm asking for you today here stand up for a minute if you can just and just just shake for me that's it and just just yell out a big hallelujah ready 1 2 3 good now sit down for a second listen to me again I know I don't I don't know how to to speak politically correct I know but some of you are unteachable you have a theology that's ironclad and yet I can show you where the Bible says you see in part and yet you don't see that you don't believe that you think you've got it so you have a lot of preconceived notions I'm asking you to just you just shook them off just just hear this this comes from 30 years of hours and hours a day contemplating this I'm not saying that I'm right I'm not sure that I have the answers but I am saying this comes on the heels of 30 years of daily contemplation not six weeks of I read a book on the face it also comes from years of celebrating the Feast from a total of Jewish perspective I'm not talking about some of you whose grandmother was Jewish now all of a sudden eaten matzah all the time I was raised hardcore Orthodox Jewish going he's through three days a week walking to services every Saturday with the women on one side and the men on another behind the curtain okay so I didn't learn it from a book so I'm just asking you get me in here and hear it and then go home and study it but everything I'm not even gonna get into it today but everything hinges on acts 15 everything you've got the book of Acts 15 is the middle of Acts that happened in 48 AD or C II which is right at the half time of the book of Acts and that's when they had the Jerusalem Council it was fifteen years after yoshua left 15 years when you read actually think now that was three weeks no 15 years fifteen years and you had Jewish people we don't know if they will believe it or not we don't know if they are Messianic not but they went to the first Gentile congregation Antioch which is Syria Paul was with Barnabas going to visit places he was on his missionary journey he wasn't there but he got wind that these Jewish people were coming to this congregation that was Gentile believers in Messiah now go back with me 2,000 years there's no churches it's a fellowship but medicine fellowship they don't know nothing about the God of Abraham but they have come to grips with their sins through the Holy Spirit and they gave their life to the Lord and there was some Jewish people that came up from Judea you know some of these guys and they were saying to them listen you're not saved because you're not circumcised and Paul got wind of it and he flipped out he's like who are these people this is my Congress is my I'm a shepherd who are these people so what'd he do he grabbed Barnabas see a lot of you just read this thing fundamentally and you have no idea what you're reading and then you quote a verse you're like well acts 15 verse 16 says acts 1516 you're not gonna read the chapter you're not gonna know what's going on you don't know what year it is you're not gonna know what do you know that the congregation is Gentile or Jewish do you know who these people are it's crazy you're trying to interpret something that is impossible for you to interpret the way you're going about it impossible and so Paul gets when he goes back he hears about this is it really okay this is what we got to do because he's a man under Authority he doesn't make his own decision where does he go he goes to Jerusalem why cuz that's the first messianic congregation who's the elder there who's the rabbi James Yeshua's half-brother and he goes with Barnabas he says look James we got to talk some guys you know what these guys always like I don't know they are why in all Paul's letters every single letter if you read Colossians and you go well Colossians 2:16 says dude really it's better if you don't say anything she's just showing extreme arrogance and ignorance giving one verse of scripture make a theology out of it you've got to understand who was he said I am the chief of sinners he never forgot he didn't say past tense why was Paul the chief of sinners Paul was committing murder murder is heinous in God's eyes it's commandment 6 it's big time you don't take somebody's life and it wasn't really a crime of passion and not only was he just killing people he was killing God's chosen people and not only was he killing God's chosen people he was killing God's chosen remnant of the people Messianic Jews like me killing them he was it doesn't get worse almost like a genocide we got to wipe out every Messianic Jew that's what he was doing and then when he met the Lord and he realized he was totally wrong you can't be any more wrong than that he thought for sure like honor me take my life and instead of the Lord taking his life he gives him life he's a you kid you can't do this nobody to take my life out of me no Paul I'm gonna give you life and guess what I hand-picked you to be the apostle to the Gentiles why would God hand choose Paul to be the apostle to the Gentiles because nobody in the history of mankind understood grace better than Paul did you hear me and every letter is about the same thing Paul is being overprotective about the grace of God he's not gonna let nobody come and add to the execution stake of Messiah not nobody and throughout the centuries people try to come along and add to it now that's justification in all his letters with don't let anybody judge you in Colossians judgment Cree no declare you're going to hell because you're not circumcised or you're going to hell because you don't observe the feasts dude listen to me some of you observe the feasts and you do nothing for nobody else it's all selfish it's all for you face it you and your family you and your family you and your family you she was not gonna be impressed with that he was very careful you follow me are you hearing me does it resonate that's what Paul was about don't mess with the grace of God however however when you move on from salvation which you should never forget it but when you move on into sanctification and to try to be like your schewe you've got to understand in the New Testament there are no feasts Christmas and Easter are not in the New Testament they're not New Testament feast day and not biblical feasts I don't want to get into the origin you study I don't want to go there it's too messed up but instead of denying God's I could see okay the feasts aren't for us I'm a Gentile I get I get where you're coming from but then you're gonna take to secular face and add them to the mix why did Paul who wouldn't let nobody mess with the grace of God saying acts 20 which is now we're talking 20 years after she left he said I'd like to go back to Ephesus but I can't it's shovel I gotta get back to Jerusalem you've got to deal with that how do you explain that here you're saying Paul had nothing to do with the feasts and Paul saying in acts 20 I can't go to Ephesus I gotta get back to Jerusalem it's shallow and I gotta celebrate travel look what do you do with that just what do you black it out in the Bible you've got to Colossians 2:16 you black that out that's an apparent discrepancy and you have to reconcile it you can't take what you want from the scriptures to prove your theology and then delete what you don't want that doesn't agree with your theology that's the guy who puts the arrow in the wall paints his talking around and goes look I got a bull's eye you didn't get a bull's-eye you've got your own theology that you have developed and you're reading the scriptures with your lens and you're highlighting those verses that support your personal theology okay this is very important though guys not just for a Messianic community it's important for a believer you're gonna have to dig a little deeper you can't be spoon-fed anymore with some beth more discipleship class no offense to beth moore but you've got to dig into the scriptures it's not about going to some little class and having a little fellowship and then figuring out how you could be a better person you've got to find out the mind and the heart of God to know what you are actually following you got to find out what makes him happy what annoys him what he likes what he expects what you can expect from him you've got to get to know him the feasts of the Lord the feasts of the Lord which is Leviticus chapter what 23 there are 44 verses no big deal not playing the Bible ah Polly but there are 44 verses in this chapter okay this chapter believe it or not how how four years nobody talked about it now look the cats out of the bag 30 40 years ago there wasn't a church that took the feasts nope nowhere nowhere in the world the feasts would just brush them there oh how come everybody's talking about him now what happened this books written by Gentiles massive books written on the subject feasts the Lord peaceful would Google FISA would check what rabbi Google see how many things come up like what's going on what's going on if you're living under a rock is God is getting ready to send his son back and he is reconciling he is bringing back the Jew and the Gentile he's restoring what he established in the first century where he tore down the middle wall and he made Jew and Gentile he made keifa Peter and Cornelius one in Messiah they had unity and in that unity there was great power and God is restoring that in your day no man no man said I think I'll teach on the feast and I'll put it out there No buddy this is a download from heaven and some people because they have such a religious stronghold even though they see it they're like yeah but I'm a Methodist yeah but I'm presbyterian we don't believe in Israel God has a plan for Israel I'm a Baptist and you know what we believe that Calvin get out of yourself man you're a believer you're believer right have an agree with what God says in his word this little chapter teaches us or can teach us if you've never looked at it the most rich historical and spiritual and prophetic lessons regarding God's plan of redemption like none other like none other you hear me I'm here to tell you I stand on that there is no chapter like this in the Bible that can teach us such rich rich lessons the feasts of the Lord for Shadow God's overall plan his overall plan to deliver us from the penalty of sin Pesach that's our justification from the power of sin shovel oh that's for our sanctification and from the very presence of sins to coat for our glorification hallelujah now let me show you the first chart I'm not going to get too into it and I have a feeling this is gonna take a long time ok these are the spring feasts now some people argue that there's 7 that there's 8 feast is 7 feasts ok there's no argument the feast of unleavened bread is part of Passover it is it's not it's not a separate feast ok but if you think it's a separate feast then you have eight feast congratulations I'm not gonna fight you it's no big deal there are six spring three spring feasts and three fall feast that's it in India well we have our congregations there are thousands and thousands and thousands of holy days thousands you can almost celebrate some God almost every day of the week we as believers as far as unconcerned as me as a believer I have six fees plus Shabbat it's not a lot look at some of your calendars look how busy you are look at how you're running taking the kids here taking them here you got to meet this one you're gonna meet that one gotta go here gotta go to this party your little you lost your mind because you don't know how to say no you've lost your mind well my kid has to get into dance and then she has to do according to WHO according to WHO I went out in the street and just play ball my friends I did okay crazed and God says I'd like to meet with you six times you gotta be kidding me six times you have Passover Pesach fear that like the Hebrew listen to me listen I use Hebrew because I have people from Israel watching and I want them to understand we are Judaic Lea based but let me give you let me send a little message to you Jesus and Yeshua the same person stop being an idiot hey you know I'm talking to you know who you are okay like some of you won't say I'm meeting you Wednesday I'll meet you on the fourth day oh stop you're overdoing it your identity is becoming your idolatry we're straightening out a lot of crap Pesach feast of unleavened bread and yo muhabba kareem firstfruits the omaha big arenas first fruits it's the 14th 15th and the 16th of Nisan three days boom three days and those things up boom right there firstfruits firstfruits resurrection ok and then Shavuot which is the Hebrew and you'll hear it in Greek Pentecost because it's seven weeks seven times seven is forty-nine plus a day 49 plus one is 50 Pentti in Greek is fifty days okay but all in the spring all in the spring and they relate to certain things obviously Passover speaks about the death of Messiah we know this that's why Jewish John he wasn't John the Baptist he was John the Jew he just happened to be Mick foreign people he said look the Passover lamb who takes away the sins of the world and there was no New Testament written he he said that right so this is God's blueprint the first Advent the first coming of Messiah how he's going to build his kingdom through Yeshua Passover unleavened bread firstfruits foreshadow Ushu his death burial and resurrection okay death burial and resurrection he dies on Passover he's buried on unleavened bread why is he buried on unleavened bread the levin's a sign of sin there was no more unleavened bread than Yeshua okay nobody will be his unleavened as him not in this lifetime he is our Passover lamb who came to take away the sins of the world although he knew no sin man that's crazy so we could be made that's the good part don't forget that part yes he was made sin but don't forget so we could be made into the righteousness of god that's crazy hallelujah were justified right the God who was Passover the feast of weeks relates to the issuer's ascension the Jewish people the Hebrew people the children Israel got the Torah on Shavuot we got the Torah on Shavuot but it wasn't written on scrolls it was written on a heart it doesn't get better than that we have no dang excuse it's one thing to go I didn't I didn't have a good teacher I it's inside you what's your excuse he says it's not up in heaven where you've got to go and get it's not down in the bottom of sea its enya it don't get any more serious or deeper than Enya so when you're point in the finger the children of Israel saying had they sinned I'd point my finger you would say how do you sin they didn't even have the power of the Holy Spirit you do they have teachers you have it on the inside of your heart what's your Excuse be careful now play nice God I don't like it if you don't extend mercy to people when you need it God might say I'm I'm plumb out so it's when the Torah was put on our hearts and God gave us the Holy Spirit to guide us in truth to guide us in truth not to do somersaults to guide us in truth and empower us to walk out that truth God would not lead us is leave us as orphans remember you said I won't leave you the power is coming to empower you to give you power so you can walk this thing out power real Holy Spirit God ordained power now let's look at the second chart for a minute we have now we're in now now it like we have no feet we have these three spring feasts we're good to go and then we have these three fall feasts they totally relate to a second coming we know there's going to be a trumpet blast we know there's going to be blessed two trumpets in the book of Revelation that's gonna pour out the bowls of Wrath some people say they happen at different times some people don't have that same times I'm not getting into it because nobody knows the time so I'm not gonna waste my time wasting your time I'm just gonna say you be ready for that trumpet to blow and guess what you might leave before he comes so are you ready are you ready what are you bringing to him your portfolio he's not impressed somebody wrote to me this week he said rabbi you know LeBron James he's making 146 thousand dollars a game I said good for LeBron James there's a lot of money it's not gonna get him into heaven you follow I mean if he plays you she will one on one to get into heaven maybe I don't know but that's not gonna happen either I'm not putting down LeBron James I'm just saying some of you were so impressed with people with money what does that mean all they got is money they got more headaches what they do is worry about their money they laying on bed I don't want my money to get stolen I don't want my money get lost I need more money oh my god I lost $12 they're maniacs they were unhappy they're miserable I'm not saying poverty is the answer but man what is it nothing else I guess it's never enough Yeshua's return the trumpet will bless the day of atonement there will be Gentiles and Jews during that time that will see him and they will mourn like one mourns for an only son they have 10 days a time of completion like 10 commandments and they will mourn and God will forgive them and you might say why should he why should he forgive you yeah but they got to slide in they got to get in on the last day you should thank God that you got him now is it bad having him is it bad being a believer Oh rabbi you don't know what it's like I know what it's like I lived 30 years on the other side of the fence and now I'm 30 years on this 30 years first 30 years not with the Lord the last 30 with the Lord I wouldn't go back not before all the money in the world No so the chauffeur will sound repentance will abound God will forgive and then Secotan make his he will start the millennial reign he'll make his presence known physically he'll dwell on earth Yeshua will rule the nations from his glory supporting Jerusalem as the king of kings and the Lord of lords hallelujah when glorified justified now we're going through a sanctification process we're in the wilderness soon we're gonna get into the Promised Land hallelujah all you see in the children Israel's are precursor to what we're gonna somebody super spiritual right he said precursor it's not what you're thinking it's a precursor to what we're experiencing here and now it's part of our history each feast declares a specified time do you know that God is a God of timing I don't know if you know that but you really have to really know that because nothing right can be done at the wrong time even if it's right if it's not the right timing it won't have a good effect when God makes a promise it has to intersect with his timing when when his promise whatever that is to you personally or over all promises in the Bible when it intersects with his timing that intersection is called destiny but if it's not the right time there's no destiny so timing is crucial he has these specified times they're appointments for his children to meet with him I mean if you don't want it it's cool it's okay it's not a Salvation issue it's not gonna get you out of the kingdom it's no big deal just don't rain on the party if you don't want to come don't come but don't talk bad about the party like why are you doing that in the New Testament there are no specific times of worship do you realize that so if you just take the Old Testament you toss it let's say you toss it you as a Christian have no times of worship they're not in there if you look at the derivation of Christmas and you look where it comes from you won't believe it you just won't believe it if you look at what the tree means the balls the garland the Yule Log the mistletoe you won't believe it you won't believe it and why do you see the book of Acts for 30 years and nobody celebrating his birth doesn't that give you a hint these are the original believers they hung with him they were told straight up what to do you follow and Easter the resurrection it's a beautiful thing to celebrate we should celebrate it but why are you calling it after the goddess of fertility she's the wife of bow why would you take that name would you call your son a doll would you name your daughter Jezebel then what the heck are you calling the resurrection of the Lord Easter oh it's just a name is it what's in a name my Bible says the name is better chosen and silver or gold what does your say you got a different verse how we doing so far so if if you're not biologically Jewish not that that is an issue and you know me by now if you know me you know I could care less I could really care less I kill us if you're rich or poor educated uneducated black or white I don't really I'm telling you I don't hear I don't hear you're not gonna impress me with your background I don't I don't care you're gonna impress me with your walk it's not a black walk or a white walk it's not a Jewish walker Gentile walk it's it's a walk of a believer if if you are not biologically Jewish though does this mean you have no appointed times to worship as a Gentile I guess that's what it might mean because you made some stuff up because everybody needs those times so here's the $64,000 questions should Jews who believe in Messiah like me still celebrate the feasts just a question I don't need an answer should Gentiles who believe in Messiah celebrate the feasts house-this of the feasts of the Lord even in force anymore what they nailed to the cross do any new covenant believers have to celebrate them who are they for really these are the questions that people have been contemplating for years let me show you something up front look at little bit ACCA's 23 for a minute this is the beginning it says I don't know I said to Moshe tell the people of Israel because he's the go-between he's the media right now your shoes on mediated we have one greater than Moses but everybody needs a mediator which we got on themselves okay I don't know I said to Moshe tell the people of Israel the designated times of some of your versions depend on what you're reading new American Standard it says the appointed times they're the same word of Audino which you are to proclaim you are to declare a declarative as holy convocations called out separated assemblies you do not have a holy convocation with your wife in your house it is not a called out assembly holy convocations are my designated times and then the last verse of that chapter says this is how he starts in this howie answer i want you to see how important is this how he starts explaining feasts and how he ends the feasts thus moshe announces the people of israel the designated times of the lord now we've been told for years they jewish holidays right in new york there are a ton of Jewish people where I grew up in New York City the schools closed for young people on Rosh Hashanah Irish people Italian people they know I have a Cuban friend he always calls me and wishes me happy Rosh Hashanah the church doesn't know I don't know how the devil pulled that but anyway that's a whole nother story ok it's very very there's a very Jewish orientation in New York City and what do we always say oh we're getting off for the Jewish holidays now that has been the perception of man for hundreds and hundreds of years but my Bible says they're not Jewish holidays in fact when these were given there were no Jewish people my Bible says they belong to Who the Lord and if you belong to that I don't know what Lord you belong to but if you belong to that Lord then in essence they couldn't belong to you just throwing that out there food for thought I am NOT listen to me if you've been here for 15 years you know things change my might relationship with God changes and hopefully for the better my understanding of God grows deeper I learned things just like you're learning things I'm not preaching the same I'm not preaching some of the same things things change you might say but 15 years ago you said I don't even want to know about 15 minutes ago I'm here with God now this is the day of my salvation and this is where I am now but if you go back 35 years where was I then I don't talk about the past you guys dwell on the past I'm not interested I could care less about yesterday I didn't want to know about it today is the day and tomorrow hasn't come yet and I have no control over it so I don't want to talk about it this is what's happening right now okay and I could tell you that for years for years you know some people in the Messianic world tried to persuade Jan tell some of you were trying to persuade your grandmother grandma's never taken down the tree player it ain't happening why are you wasting your time why are you wasting your time is it because you don't believe it yourself or you're not comfortable in your own skin that you've got to go out on a tirade and beat the snot out of your Christian brothers and sisters why don't you spend the same amount of time preaching the gospel to the lost or feeding the hungry that would be a better use of your time I'm not here to persuade you I'm here to get you thinking a teacher wants you to get thinking and get studying and be convinced in your own mind I am NOT trying to commit to you might think oh you just want Gentiles celebrate I could care less if Gentiles celebrate the Feast you think I care if you eat pork or not I'm not your cardiologist it's not an issue for me why would I care about that I care more about your walk how you doing your family how you doing what your spouse hay doing with the Lord spend the time with him every day you reading the word you're getting closer drawing closer how you doing helping the loss how you doing helping those in need how you feeling are you able to praise Him in the midst of the storm I'm interested in that man now you diet you're making a federal case head but what do you want this to be Beth's feast and Beth no pork I don't want to be that I just don't and there's a much bigger explanation in terms of eating in the feasts much bigger than just the feasts and eating some of you have made a federal case out of it look this is a new day you go home and study it study acts 15 tell me what you find I don't want to persuade you I don't want to badger the witness okay I'm just trying to reason through what God says let us reason together that's what we're doing we're trying to reason together with that being said look at Exodus 12 we're never gonna do this today nope nope nope nope nope and we have so much to do we have so much to cover on Monday we have so much to cover on next Saturday man there's so much to cover this just not enough time Exodus 12 37 38 48 49 this is when the the children of Israel the Hebrew children are leaving Egypt did being delivered this is their Exodus right this is x2 this is a dead giveaway but 12 chapter 12 that's what's going on okay the people of Israel traveled from Rameses to ciccone Sukkot was their first stop on their journey they moved a little bit east and south they left Goshen Goshen was in the northeast of Egypt that's where they were and they went a little east and then south okay there were 600,000 men on foot not counting children now we know the exact number was six hundred three thousand five hundred fifty he's just giving an approximate I don't want to split hairs on that okay there's a lot of people with that being the man of accountability there was at least two million people two million people were leaving Egypt a mixed crowd also went up with them as well as livestock and large numbers both flocks and herds if a foreigner staying with you wants to observe Illinois's Pesach then say you can't it says all his males must be circumcised doesn't say you can't she's got to be partyi if you want to be partyi then he's going to be part of you right then he may take part and observe it he will be like a citizen this is huge that's why these are highlighted of the land but no uncircumcised person is to eat it the same teaching is to apply equally to the citizen and to the foreigner living among you so let's just I broke down these words I want you to see him this might be a little much to you might say this is very academic listen this is the only way for you to understand the heart of God is to interpret the Scriptures a rah-rah-sis-boom-bah pep rally is not gonna get you closer to God just might make you a horse let's go to the first word mixed crowd mixed crowd mixed his al Reb crowd is Rob we're looking at the Hebrew because the Old Testaments written in Hebrew it's a mixed company or a large number of foreigners obviously they weren't all Hebrew because if they were all Hebrew they wouldn't be a mixed crowd obviously there were a Jim maybe some people from Mesopotamia I don't know but there were definitely Egyptians how did they get out they put the blood of the lamb on the door right whether you're a Jew or a Gentile you got to apply the blood of Yeshua on the lintel and doorpost of your heart otherwise you don't get in there's no to a freeway full way there's one way to get in and whether you're Jewish or whether you're Gentile it doesn't matter you got to have the blood on the lintel and doorpost of your heart it says there were foreigners among them right it's that's a guerre you'll hear people say that in the Messianic unique he sees a garam she's a garam that's a guerre it's a new coming now some of you think a foreigner is I want to know what love is that was a cheesy ban from the 70s a foreigner is a newcomer it's a newcomer these are gypsies wouldn't they listen the Israelites were in Goshen they were doing their own thing they were doing their own thing the Egyptians had nothing to do with their gods they had nothing do with their gods they had nothing to do with it but now they wanted to join for whatever reason they look they weren't stupid they saw what Moses was doing they saw the power of God you know I'm saying they're like look we can stay with this guy who just lost his son or we can go with this guy that's performing miracles it looks like he's got this God on his side we'll cut our losses we don't know where he's going but it's better than dying right so they split how many split your guess is as good as mine it doesn't matter what matters is there was a mixed crowd who left but they were newcomers they were brand-new they knew nothing about the ways of the Hebrews or the God of the Hebrews they didn't know the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob some might have you know got involved a little bit I don't know I wasn't there but overall they were lacking inherited rights they were a temporary resident okay look at the word citizen a citizen is not a temporary resident Rafa it's a native Israelite so you had these citizens and you had these foreigners but there are no refugees in the kingdom of God now this is a hot subject right now because people are talking immigration and they're talking issues listen I'm not a political person but I know there's a right way to do things you know way and if you do things the right way it's kosher if you do things the wrong way it's unco sure boom end of story and I just took a bunch of guys to see the Eichmann movie you know about Eichmann Adolf Eichmann he was the architect for the final solution and I got to tell you people go crazy I told this to burn it yes they forgive me but they'll go crazy had 400 kids who were displaced 400 - were displaced they're not being murdered they're not being hurt they're displaced but 1.5 million children under 10 died in the Holocaust and nobody gives a crap because it's just a bunch of Jews said huh sad reality sad reality breaks my heart numbers 15 15 16 I just want you to see this in another section of the Torah it says for this community there will be the same law for you as for the foreigner living with you so just let it be known that those foreigners that left they were under the same Torah that the Jews were there wasn't a separate set of laws for them okay you see this right it's irrefutable if you can refute this then ma'am you're out of your mind okay because this is what it says right here in the verses there's no way to refute this you might say wait we didn't learn this I didn't learn about Yeshua in the Hebrew school but I accepted them this community there will be the same law for you as the foreigner living with you this is a permanent regulation permanent is permanent it doesn't say this regulation will last till Messiah comes it says it's permanent when you look up that word in the Hebrew the Greek the English it means everlasting everlasting means lasts forever the Lord's faithfulness is everlasting that means there's no expiration date through all your generations it's gonna keep going keep going the foreigner is to be treated now this is to protect the foreigner this is to make sure that the foreign isn't treated as a second-class citizen there's a purpose by God is so loving and so kind and so caring more than you could ever be more than I could ever be his compassion we can't even understand why how could it please him to crush his son that sounds so sadistic and crazy that's how off the charts his compassion is and he's worried that these Jewish but once they get into Israel might be like oh you're a Gentile you you can clean up for us there are some messianic synagogues they treat their Gentiles like second-class citizens it's sickening absolutely sickening breaks my heart the foreigners to be treated the same way before other noise yourselves he's letting them know up front they're not even near the promised land like listen the same Torah and standard of judgment will apply to both you and the far--and a living among you look again it's saying that the turtle was to be observed by Jew and Gentile the foreigner he was lacking rights he was lacking inherited rights it's not right he's following he put the blood on the door wasn't he get the promises of God but today what we have is we have Christians that are claiming all the promises of Israel but don't want no responsibility oh the Jews have to do that we're just taking the promises no weapon formed against me shall prosper that's all I know don't advertise that you don't want people to guess if you really don't get it and then I just want to show you this is so it's clear it's clear that if we're just looking at the Old Testament there was Jew and Gentile who were under the same Torah right but we can't just look at the Old Testament guys we can't because we're not Old Testament believers we believe in the Old Testament but we're under the New Covenant according to Jeremiah 31 so we don't need to I don't need to circumvent want me to circumcise anybody anyway I'm not a moil but you don't need to be circumcised to be part of the community some people believe that some Gentiles that 30 40 years old they want to get circumcised because they want to feel part of the community that's part of the Jewish community if you want to become a traditional Jew go ahead but a traditional Jew doesn't believe in Yeshua so who are you do you know who you are so here I want to show you in Ephesians I want to show you in the New Testament okay Ephesians 2 will read therefore therefore he's saying now that we're one therefore remember your former state he's speaking to the Gentiles in Ephesus who believe in Yeshua saying you Gentiles who is he speaking to the Gentiles a dead giveaway by burst will call the uncircumcised and that's not nice that is not nice they called Goliath an uncircumcised philistine it was derogatory you don't call a Gentile an uncircumcised person it's not nice okay called the uncircumcised by those who merely because of an operation in their flesh he's saying what makes you so special because you had an operation that's all it was it didn't change you why he got you really angry but it didn't change you operation on their flesh are called the circumsized at that time had no Messiah so you were had known you were estranged from the Commonwealth of Israel you had nothing to do with it in the first century you will foreigners there it is again same words in the New Testament to the covenants embodying God's promises you didn't have the covenants you didn't have the patriarchs you didn't have the promises yet nothing you were in this world without hope and without God hopeless go back 2,000 years where we are but now hallelujah this this is as timely today as it was 2,000 years I know I think the church thinks they have a corner on the market and they and they took over they didn't take over all they did was hijack Jesus and turn them into a Gentile the Word of God doesn't change you can't change it but now you who were once far off it's the same thing for you if you're Gentile you will once for if had been brought near how through the shedding of messiahs blood not anything to do with Judaism say he himself meaning issuer is our Shalom he's our peace we have peace with God we have the peace of God he has made us both one he's talking about both as the Jew and the Gentile and has broken down this middle wall so why are we rebuilding it so then you are no longer foreigners and strangers on the contrary mad you are fellow citizens with God's people and members of gods family let's just look at this word Commonwealth real quick so we can understand it because Puerto Rico is a Commonwealth of the United States I don't if you realize that okay they have all the rights because they are United States citizens do they have their own culture yes I've been there twice and I grew up in a very very Puerto Rican neighborhood but just because they eat on doulas doesn't make them different from us you think you're different because you eat fried green tomatoes you not that doesn't make you different what you eat there's vegans there's this pescetarians there's Episcopalians whatever they eat you eat what you eat that doesn't make you who you are it's not what goes in your mouth that makes you yo it's what comes out of your mouth that makes you who you are how you walk this should not separate us it's just food should not separate us it says that now they're part of the Commonwealth this citizens the Gentiles and our citizens of Israel meaning every promise through the shed blood of Messiah every promise that God made to the children Israel you can claim if you're part of the Commonwealth if you have nothing to do it Israel and you can care less about Israel I'm not so sure God likes you claiming all the promises and not caring about the people that you're supposed to be grafted into that's not nice in other words if I adopt some kids they're going to get the same food my kids got they're gonna get the same privilege as my kids get they're gonna go to the same schools my kids go to they're gonna get the same bed my kid gets and they're gonna get the same love but how dare they try to get me to walk away from my natural-born that's what how did that happen how did the church do that is sweet as church people are the devil came in and started to build up the wall and they fell for it you could tell me what my grandmother has then do it Israel your grandmother might be a beautiful person she might love Jesus roll a heart but granny is wrong on that subject and I'm not belittling granny I'm just saying do you love granny more or do you love the truth more I think some of you love granny more your shoe is the truth ask him read the word you're gonna see what I'm saying is not falsified I'm not trying to persuade you again it does not matter it does not intend it to me if you believe this or not why should it I'm not I'm not here to persuade you I'm not so they have citizenships foreigners look foreigners or what aliens I'm not talking about it yeah phone home et here I'm talking about people that don't have inherited rights look at stranger he's spelling it out one who lives in a place without the rights of citizenship it's a refugee it's an immigrant who has no rights because they're not a citizen you want to get citizenship so you can have rights and it's not fair to come to America and take all her promises and not partake and work a little bit and do the right thing and pay taxes so that we can't have cops and firefighters that are putting their life on the line for 35 40 G's a year well you're sending all the money home to who-knows-where it's not right and if you don't like the immigration system that's the way it is you just can't have a free-for-all how did it work in London how did it work in Germany when they took all the people in Syria and people start to get raped and beaten did that work well do you like just anybody your house no you don't you lock the doors you teach the kids to be aware it's no different there is a right way my family came from Germany and Austrian they came through Ellis Island Bernadette's family came through her mother was a Hecht Haho mother's family was Jewish they were so afraid of what was going on in the 30s and 40s when they came that they had a lie and say they were Catholic because they were afraid they were going to be shipped back to where people being persecuted in Europe but when they came it was freedom America represented freedom and opportunity they were going to be killed in Austria millions of Jews were killed so when they came here they kissed the ground and they couldn't wait to become a citizen because they love this place today all this places as a cash cow for people take and take and take and take and take and give nothing back in return and I don't care if you're coming from Germany I don't care if you're coming from Greece I don't care if you're coming from Ghana Mexico I could care less I'm an equal-opportunity basher look at this stranger it says without the right of citizenship a citizen owes allegiance to its government if they're asking the government to protect them if they're calling 911 I some guy called a law enforcement officer is gonna show up jump out of his car not know if he's gonna be ambushed not know if it's a phony call and he's gonna be just boom boom boom boom not know if he's ever gonna see his wife and kids again for 40 grand a year or 35 their payment making they're willing to put their life online don't you think you should pay your taxes and support that person you do it next time let somebody call you and you show up and knock on the door see how that works romans 11 16 through 18 it says now if the challah the bread offered his first fruits is holy so is the whole loaf meaning if you're part of it you're in your shoe is our first fruits anything attached to him is in Jewish Gentile doesn't matter if you attach to him you're in and if the root is holy so are the branches who is the root Abraham Isaac and Jacob the branches were the twelve tribes but if some of the branches were broken off who was some of the branches Jewish branches weren't they yeah they were broken off and you who's you a Gentile a wild olive chute right we're grafted in see if you don't even know who those people are you'll never understand I mean forget it well grafted in among them so some of the Jewish branches were broken off to make room for the Gentiles what a god how could you not love these people look forget about the spiritual side forget about the fact that we would not even know about the one through God forget about the fact that we won't have the Bible without these people and you know what as much as I hate this let's put aside that the Messiah came from them monotheism the Word of God and Messiah how about the fact that one out of four people in America have diabetes and if it wasn't for the Jews every one of them would be dead I mean how could you not appreciate a people who have saved so many lives for their medical discoveries I say if you're really a Muslim and you want to boycott Israel I say boycott of fully digitalis penicillin insulin novocaine boycott oh you got to be pretty sick but boycott them you have been grafted in and have become equal shares equal total equality nothing second-class about you I know some of you want to be Jewish so bad why what what tell me why and and that you know what I wish I wish there was people who wanted to be Jewish in like 1941 to 45 in Europe that would have been a big help it's almost cool to be Jewish right as Madonna wasn't cool back then and it's not cool today and it won't be cool in the last days it's coming you have become equal shares in the rich root of the olive tree it's olive tree theology now Christmas tree theology it's the olive tree the foundation is Abraham Isaac and Jacob the branches of the twelve tribes of Israel however if you do boast it says don't boast but if you do like you think you're better than the branches this is Paul this is Romans this is New Testament this is towards the end of the story remember that you are not supporting the root the root disappointed you some of my Gentile Christians you are so derogatory towards Jews it makes me sick God's gonna curse you you're not gonna get away with it you might find out why do I get into so many car accidents well I meant you when you curse the Jews you're cursing the God of the Jews he won't be mocked if you don't want to love him that's kosher I'm okay with that just don't curse them do yourself a favor look at this word grafted it means to cut into for the sake of inserting Zion Zion is a twig or a branch it speaks to the in grafting of the Gentiles but listen to agriculture natural agriculture what we do in natural agriculture if we have let's say a plant a wild plant and a natural plant and let's say the wild plant isn't producing any fruit and let's say this ten branches and there's ten branches on the fruit on the plant that is producing fruit we take a good twig a good shoot as the good plant and we insert it in the bad plant there's no increase but the bled the bad plant now has life because you still have only one shoot that's giving fruit and you have one less shoot over here that's giving fruit she have nine and one is still ten God didn't do it the natural way with the Gentiles he didn't graft in a Jew who believes in to their wild olive chute he took the wild olive shoots and shoved him into the good plant and they started bearing fruit and there was increase you follow he went beyond natural agriculture why because God is not natural he's supernatural you've been grafted in look in the United States of America why do I talk so well about America seriously besides the fact that my father was arranged in for World War two was m.i.a and had a Bronze Star for bravery and was a sharpshooter and all that other good stuff besides that besides America is the only country right now in the world that is blessed besides Israel I don't know if you've checked out the news lately it's the only one there were 200,000 new jobs in August alone the stock market is 25,000 some of you making ridiculous amounts of money off your 401k you're welcome it's ridiculous what's going on right now we've always been a nation we were founded by people who love the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and and as secular as it's getting there are still people that are calling out and crying out to the name of the Lord and that's why we're still blessed for the sake of that remnant but in in in the USA we got holidays we've got New Year's but New Year's is not unique to the United States many people celebrate New Year's Martin Luther King Day that is unique Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day is not unique Columbus Day is unique Veterans not unique Thanksgiving not unique and Christmas is a totally secular Halloween the whole world celebrates it I know some of you like we got to get we got to get Jesus back in Christmas he was never in Christmas in the first place you're fighting a losing battle you're like Jesus is the reason for the season the whole world celebrates it secondly because it is a secular holiday I know something in shock some you've invited him to go that guy's out of his mind do your research before you declare I'm out of my mind I'm not out of my mind well I am but that's beside the point this is getting really long all right I want to run through this I'm gonna run through this this is my question now now that the Messiah has come and gone he has come and he's gone maybe the feast should be gone maybe they should I know some you like no way no way but hold on maybe they should but this is the deal for me and I'm not trying to separate but there are different callings in the Bible there's a kings there's priests there's women there's men and they have different responsibilities in the Bible so we're not all identical we can we can have unity without uniformity with that being said though I'm just saying as a Jew who believes in Jesus okay look what it says for Passover just look it says this is a day to remember a perpetual regulation so God is declaring to me in Exodus that I've got to celebrate Passover forever there's no way around it okay let's let's look at firstfruits again if you read and you have these at home and you can find them on the web it's a permanent regulation so I got to celebrate firstfruits let's look at the next feast feast of weeks it's a permanent regulation I gotta celebrate forever right no denying it trumpets atonement they go into that it's a permanent regulation right look it's a code permanent regulation and I'll just throw in the seven feasts in there we're not talking about today but the Sabbath permanent perpetual covenant so for me the the $64,000 question is what about you guys I mean is it probably about twenty five thirty people with Jewish blood here maybe more it doesn't matter to me I don't keep score they just tell me and it's cool and I'm good with it but it doesn't matter but what about you guys like oh these feasts you know should they be abolished look it let's let's go to what Jesus says cuz that's all that's important it doesn't matter what I say I'm not so sure we'll ever really understand Paul he's he's very hard to understand very very difficult the greatest scholars have botched him up gloriously but Yeshua he had one sermon and and at the beginning of that sermon he gives the kingdom manifesto okay we call it the Beatitudes while attitudes to be he says you have a right to be blessed you have a right in this kingdom of mine just like you are a citizen now of the kingdom of heaven right and he's saying you have a right to be well and happy and blessed but you have a responsibility to get that right right blessed are the poor in spirit blessed are the meek blessed are those who thirst hunger you have a right but you also have a responsibility it's not going to be a one-way street with your schooi you're not Santa Claus just like they give you out gifts he's willing to bless you he wants to bless you but it's gonna be not unilateral it's gonna be a bilateral agreement it has to be mutually beneficial that's how he works it okay we can't expect to just get blessings without blessing others we receive blessings when we pour out blessings that's the way it works in God's kingdom okay look at what he says in Matthew 5 after he gives this Kingdom manifesto after he declares the rights and responsibilities within the kingdom this is what he says there's no way to walk around dance around this he says don't think I have come to abolish the Torah or the prophets the tauren the prophets of the Old Testament now how do we dance around that how did the body of Messiah dance around this when it is right there out of his words it's not like in some secret book and how people are reading all the secret books of Enoch and all this is nonsense they're going after secret books why would you go after secret books when you don't even understand his book don't think I have come to abolish the Torah or the prophets I have come he says it a second time I have not come to abolish but to complete now that's the the misunderstanding of that word has messed everything up just just give me a few minutes I know it's getting long I know you have things to do but trust me this is so important for you I think it is maybe I'm wrong forgive me if I am I don't mean to be a hammerhead I don't mean to be difficult I love you I love the Word of God I love God's kingdom I love God's people and I just want you to get it okay and if I'm wrong toss it out if you have a difference of opinion no it's no problem I don't have it all figured out he said yes indeed that's like get ready like verily like listen up like a man the truth has become true I just gave you a serious truth now get ready to hear what else I have to say he's like I tell you then until heaven and earth pass away now has heaven earth passed away he's giving you hyperbole he's making a an exaggerated statement he's saying I'm telling you he's basically saying the Torah will go away when heaven and earth goes away meaning it ain't going nowhere he ain't going no adult treat was wrong in the Old Testament adultery is wrong in the New Testament adultery would belong in the Millennial Kingdom it is what it is I know the church has taken nine Commandments they drop one off but still the Lord is God don't have any other gods not your games not your things nothing could interfere with your love for God he's numero uno you've got to love him with all your heart don't make any images statues a lot of Baptists make fun of the Catholics because they have statutes what about your paintings of Jesus you know what it looks like they paint them at long-haired Jesus didn't have long hair it's an abomination it can't be I'm telling you I don't care if you have long hair I'm just telling you he didn't isn't that an image the painting it's only bad for the Catholics right they're an easy target don't make an image don't take the Lord's name in vain now what does that mean you don't know what it means you think it means take cursing with his name no it means when you make a valve fill it let your yes be yes and nobody knows cuz when you say I'll do something he's your witness that's taking his name in vain seriously seriously now the Sabbath that's changed right obviously so we leave that behind everything alone so just leave that behind we have a new Sabbath do we maybe we do I don't know maybe Wednesday's Thursday no I don't know but then on your mother and father Old Testament New Testament Jew you know Christian right don't commit murder he'll commit adultery don't steal don't lie and don't covet and then the host of others like take care of the poor the woodland they often take care of the grey-headed those things are still enforced me and they're not going nowhere I don't know why you think that Jesus came along and said those things that like the widow and the orphan don't worry about them that's Old Testament now you could just sing her out sit around your skinny jeans your big fat watch and look at YouTube videos and say I love Jesus I tell you that heaven and earth then until heaven and earth pass away not so much as a you'd that's the smallest letter in Hebrew or a stroke that's like the e to the F or the F to the e rather not a stroke to delineate the letters from the Torah not a little not even a little love letter not until everything must happen not until the new kingdom comes not as you glorified so whoever now check this out many people mess this up to whoever disobeys the least of these Commandments and then teaches others to do so will be called what where are they they're in the kingdom you're not saved by obeying the Torah nobody can do it a hundred percent anyway see where they are see some of you think you got this crazy thing that if you worship on Sunday don't do the feasts and he put you going to hell are you out of your mind you don't even understand salvation that's like Christianity 101 that's like kindergarten you're saved by grace through faith not by works that no man should boast don't mess with the grace of God don't mess with it people are in the kingdom but there'll be if they teach certain things they will be leashed and you know most people are okay with that because they just want to live their life and go to heaven afterward and you wonder if that's really the theology are they really going to heaven you really think you could profess and come down the aisle and then lived your life the way you want and God's gonna go like you knew me know you're gonna be that guy in Matthew 7 where he says I prophesied in your name I went to concerts in your name me I went to nurse him whatever you want to say he's gonna go sorry I don't know you rob that's crazy it was his sermon I'm not making this up I'm not trying to scare anybody it scares me a little bit am i there how am i living I asked myself all the time man all the time search me God search me God search me God search man every time I read the Word of God it's like a hammer it's like a double-edged sword it slices me to bits I don't read this to go I got this thing I read this and it slices me to bits man you don't even know you don't even know forget it you don't know sometimes the torture so whoever disobeys the least of these Commandments and teaches others to do so will be called least in the kingdom but whoever obeys them and so teach them will be great in the kingdom now I think the fisa needing at least I think taking care the poleward only often a greater that's what I think but there's still Commandments and and that's why I try to walk them out but I do not pride myself on those things now this is the deal look at this look at the word abolish because those two words are key some of your versions they destroy it's a word in the Greek because the news has to dissolve to destroy to render vain meaning he's saying I did not come to take the commandments and say they're nailed to the cross I did not come for that I came to complete or sometimes you read fulfil now look at this word to make full to fulfil is to fill to the full to cause to abound to complete like something was missing what was missing in these Commandments first of all the thing that was missing is they weren't on our hearts secondly we had no power to walk them out something was missing but check this out this is the definition right of the lexicon in Greek life to cause God's will what's his will made known in his laws to be obeyed as it should be he didn't come to destroy the law he came to give it to you on the inside and empower you so you could walk it out you think he came he died for adultery he died for adulterers he didn't he you think he he came - we can steal now we can lie now don't worry about the orphan or the widow of the stranger don't worry about it do your thing he died for the lawlessness not the law the law is good but if you are born again you don't need to check is this right what do you what are you checking somebody starving on the southern road and you're checking to see if you should help them you got to pray about it what you born again it's on your heart now you can walk away from it but you know you heard you know you heard and if you stop hearing then your heart got really hard it just got hard I want to show you something you know book written by two Gentile guys David Niven and Roy Blizzard and the the book is called understanding the difficult words of Jesus now look at this when a rabbi this is on page 154 when a rabbi in the first century had misinterpreted a passage of Scripture he would say you are destroying the law that's what they'd say man you destroying the law you'll man but when they would correctly interpret it they would say in the first century was to fill lawsuit Jesus being Jewish and in the first century teaching in the first century to a Jewish audience what he was saying is I didn't come to destroy the law uh-uh I came to correctly interpret it you guys think that you could mess like he was saying to us like so you think you haven't committed adultery but you're on websites committing an adultery with your eyes every single day and you think that's kosher because you're not actually doing it listen to me guys it is poison it's worse than crack and once you get into it it's very hard to get delivered from it and it's only a matter of time before you'll take another step it's only a matter of time Satan works in steps he doesn't jump out at you say I'm gonna ruin your life he messes with you he tempts you a little bit tempts you a little bit Temps Allah before you know it you're nailed right he'll have heart attacks right it's not they don't they don't get the artery stuffed up overnight I drop a drop a drop I drop until cardiac arrest Satan keeps dropping and dropping and dropping and then he laughs at us says you idiot you fell for it you fell for it and then we have the torture of dealing with the guilt and the misery and the pain and suffering and I'm here to tell you God could forgive anybody and everybody and I believe there's no sin God can't forgive I am a very forgiving person I believe it I believe it I believe it I believe it I believe it I believe it I believe that there is no condemnation for those in Yeshua all you got to do is repent and be forgiven but I'm telling you there Abba setting sense that keep coming at us and coming at us and they won't leave us alone and Satan knows he knows what buttons to push with us and he's horrible and he's detestable and all he wants to do is ruin your life ruin your witness and look at God and say got him I got him there he said and he's very very miserable one can celebrate the feasts of the Lord and not believe in Yeshua right the whole Jewish community they're gonna celebrate they don't believe in you're sure right so you can't do that the Jewish people one can believe in Yeshua and not celebrate the feasts of the Lord the church right you can do it they do it celebrating God's appointed feasts in no way shape or form takes away from our basic belief in Yeshua why do you think that if we come Monday and we blow the shofar we repent together as a community what's that taking away from you schewe do we not have the National Day of Prayer what's the National Day of Prayer it was invented by a bunch of man a good invention where the body of Messiah would come before God and pray and ask forgiveness now that's been invented what like 50 years ago No three thousand four hundred years ago it's called Yom Kippur you follow what I'm saying how can you tell me that if the body of Messiah worldwide came before the Lord collectively and said father was so sorry why would you think that would be bad how could that not glorify God deliver people bring us more together as one how how could that be bad how can you look at these things and say they're bad it gives us a much deeper perspective of Christianity and makes the precious words of Yeshua himself more meaningful a painting needs a frame you ever see these beautiful paintings but when you put the frame look let me show you a picture I'm almost done I was done a long time ago I was done a long time ago but I hope I hope you know what I hope man I hope you just not sit in here I hope you really freaking want the Lord I really do I hope you go home and you read and you know what you believe you know what you believe and you could you could you know be prepared to give a defense for the hope that's in you God deserves that look when I got burned in a ring I went down to a friend of mine jewelry exchange right all the Jews from the drew exchange not anymore but they used to way back one I went to see this guy Steve cal/osha who I knew he was a diamond dealer in 47th Street diamond exchange and I said I want something very special for this girl it doesn't have to be huge because I'm not about sizing about quality but I want it to be very very specially he said the best we got is vvs1 very very slightly imperfect it's crystal clear so he goes in the back is all these diamonds and this big safe and he comes out he goes I got the one fear and he takes it out and I said how big is it goes by points 100 points is a carat he said 153 points and I knew 153 so I said okay this is the one and it was beautiful but every ring needs a setting nobody goes let me show you my stone right they said let me show you my ring right nobody just carries around this telling me it needs to be set now it's a beautiful diamond but look at the setting originally we put it in a you got that look at the setting the setting is a dead giveaway it's in a Tiffany setting it's a it's a classic setting it raised up the diamond now we changed it but now you say let me show you my ring listen to me nobody nobody says would you like to see my setting it's my ring the the setting frames it raises the diamond it shows off the diamond do you follow what I'm saying it presents it in such a way that it honors it you follow the jewel is Yeshua the feasts of a setting you don't worship the feasts you worship the king of the feasts all the feast points of the king and if you worship God's feasts in the right way you won't get screwed up and if God has dropped this on you if she's dropped this revelation and you're a garum you're Ruth then praise the Lord but don't try to make everybody in your family that way if your family comes to you and says why are you doing this say do you really want to know or do you want to is this just the war are you taking out your Bible saying on God really I've had to do this with people and I'll still do it if somebody comes up to me even today and I feel they're gonna attack attack somebody else man I don't fight with believers I love believers I might hit a fight with you but if you really want to sit down and reason and you're interested I'm here but if your family wants a reason if they really want to understand it but then this is what I would dropping them if you do see that this is God's truth are you gonna embrace it are you gonna stick to your guns are you gonna stick to your traditions are you gonna be willing to get closer to the Lord so just just understand as we approach these feasts this is the kind of you know I just want you to understand we don't have to throw out the baby with the bathwater okay celebrating the feast can be legalistic I've watched but then again so can a lot of things be legalistic can't go in a church be legalistic can't helping the poll be legalistic legalism is not what you do it's the reason why you do it I'm gonna give you I'm gonna end with this I can help you determine whether you're legalistic I can I can't see it sometimes it's obvious but it's not for me to see cuz I don't know the motivations of you hard but I want to give you what I call the fruit test you do this on your own okay examine the fruit that is being produced by observing the feasts of the Lord is the fruit being produced legalistic or is the fruit being produced legitimate the fruit of legalism is arrogance pride selfish ambition arguments and envy the fruit of legalism is arrogance pride selfish ambition arguments in Envy the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace patience kindness goodness etc if you're celebrating them and you feel that you're better than everybody else your fruits legalistic if you're celebrating them and you're really enjoying and it's producing more loveliness in you and kindness and goodness it's legitimate in the last days God is reconciling the Jew and the Gentile as we come back to the roots of our faith okay she is not his not preparer he's preparing a bride for the wedding feast and she will not be a Jewish bride or a Gentile bride she'll be a spotless bride as we celebrate God's full feasts bear in mind that soon Yeshua will come the origin of our faith is not in Athens or Rome or Wittenberg or even making the origin of our faith is in Jerusalem into Jerusalem the king shall return so we say with bated breath come Lord Yeshua come and may the grace of the Lord Yeshua be with all you Saints as we wait our final Exodus let's stand together I know it was ridiculously long if you hear for the first time I understand you'll never be back however however I understand that and I apologize that but please let this not fall on deaf ears if you never do come back listen to it listen to it study the Scriptures you know know who you are know who you want Messiah it's very very important if you don't know who you are you'll never be explained it thanks for being patient Monday 10 o'clock we're gonna celebrate your Torah I understand that you have obligations you have to go to work no condemnation no guilt don't get into that crap if the Lord puts on your heart to come come and celebrate okay at least Sunday night you could celebrate with your family talk about it let them know what it's about so they're not in the dock may the Lord bless you and keep you middle lord make his face to shine upon him be gracious unto you and may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you his peace and the name of the principal peace is Shir Hever reckon annoy the east Marah your Illinois point Oh Violetta visionnaire ha you saw I don't know why poor novela ha the assembly hall I love you guys Salome
Channel: Getzel
Views: 8,179
Rating: 4.80198 out of 5
Keywords: Hershberg, Getzel, Trump, Prepare, 9/08/18, September, 2018
Id: dUm8eDxNuKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 12sec (4812 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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