(Dec 1, 2018) Torah Parsha: Vayeshev - Embrace God's Grace (Part 1)

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[Music] let us begin shall we so that takes care of that now I have to tell you that last week you know we were talking about encouragement for the last two weeks and 20 minutes before the service the Lord asked me and it came out of the blue so I gotta believe it's the Lord I can't believe what would be the enemy's voice to to put some paper out and ask anybody who feels if they're going through something like an inadequacy and insecurity of fear to write it down and you know I was a little I was a little upset because I knew if the Lord asked me that there was probably people going through that and then I didn't see anything happening but some somebody told me after service rabbi nobody's gonna come up here while you're talking they're afraid you'll kill him so but I received 93 93 I read them on Wednesday I wanted to set aside a time where I can read and pray over each one I didn't want to go through him quick so that was the time that I was able to devote to that on Wednesday afternoon and then I did what the Lord asked me to do to burn them I didn't know where to burn them by the way I'm sure you guys have five pits galore right we don't do that we just don't mess with that which is so we don't do that but anyway I did it in the garbage can was that smart that big garbage can the metal garbage can yeah so so we burned them but I got to tell you something I should have been shocked but I was kind of shocked at the level of insecurity and fear that that the body of Messiah has because in the world they're so cocky you know they're so cocky about everything it's amazing how you come to know the Lord you come to be known by the Lord you come to know your loving father and you become just racked with fear I call the friend of mine who's been doing this for 46 years at least 10 different churches on the executive committee of the Southern Baptist and I said to him do you think that we at Beth yushua have more broken people than the average place he said absolutely your people are just willing to admit it I was so thankful for the transparency that we have here with that being said I really wanted to give another message of encouragement I just did remember you you it's on the tape about three weeks ago I said I'd love to do this for three weeks but the the Torah Pasha's coming up and I can't mess with that because that's what God wants right little did I know that God knew exactly what he was doing with the timing and he picked a Torah posture he picked the encouragement message I had that message I wanna tell you when I got it I got it in June when I was in New York and I wanted to give it and God said nope the month of June nope the month of July came nope the month of August came nope September October came five months I'm sitting on this message I'm waiting for the Lord the Lord tells me to dispense give the message out and then this week I'm tell I'm telling you of the fifty Torah parses this is the most encouraging of all fifty okay well rabbi God did something great wow that's really cool I'm excited what the hell is wrong with you see if you don't get excited about God how is anybody that you're sharing with gonna get excited about God do you know when people get excited about fishing they talk about fishing and fishing and fishing it's the greatest thing and you're hoping it gets somebody excited about fishing the new Trinity is business sports and politics Christian's talk more about politics and Donald Trump than they'll ever talk about you sure the Messiah they spend way more time on Fox and CNN than they'll ever spend in their Bible it's the new trolli Trinity business money sports and pop what do you know about politics nothing you know what they're telling you and you know what they're telling you nothing okay I don't title these messages but they got to be titled four four four what why don't they have to be titled Roxanne cuz life sir right so they got to be a title so Roxanne asked me the other day what what is the title usually she makes up a title so if you don't like the titles it's it's on her but for whatever reason she asked me what would be the title because this is going to be in two parts this week and next week and I said embrace grace and I'm here to tell you that many of you have never done that many who have never experienced the true grace of God and I'm I'm not being accusatory and I'm not being difficult I'm saying that you say it but you've not experienced it and until you experience it it changes everything because until you are thoroughly thoroughly convinced that you are forgiven you cannot forgive anybody else now I'm not here just to encourage you cuz here's something if you are walking in sin as a lifestyle there is no way you're gonna get free you will not get free you're in bondage to that you cannot get delivered you can get the greatest deliverance people speak over you do anything they want and if you're walking in as a lifestyle you cannot be truly free with that being said though if you're not walking in that as a lifestyle you should be free I think today the body of Messiah for the most part they polish up the chains that are on the believers Yeshua wants to break the chains so I want to tell you a little bit of a story about Grace when I first moved here I was asked by sadly enough a wife of a young man who passed away he drowned at Savannah incredible guy some of you know who I'm talking about they said would I do his funeral and I called her and I said look he was part of a church for many years I know I only know a year she's like no he would want you to do it so it was at a primitive Baptist Church anybody know what that means I still don't know what that means I don't know what that means I mean it was that primitive meaning that it's old that it's an old an older denomination of Southern Baptists it means first I Got News for you we will first check your Bible check Acts there was a Gentile in the fall till acts 10 many many years after it was old a Jewish movement Messianic Judaism was something from way back anyway okay so it means first I didn't know what it meant I didn't know if somebody was gonna throw it spear at me when I walked in the church I don't know but I went and it was in a country rural area anybody know what I'm talking about okay so I go to this primitive church - in this country area and I'm brand new here and I'm doing everything I can to connect with any pastor I can it doesn't matter I just want to connect with the body of Messiah I think we're gonna do great things together so I thought anyway so after the funeral I go into their little fellowship hall and the pastor calls me of an introduced me to his wife he's Pastor Dave and his wife is Grace and then I'm just you know imbibing and talking and getting along and then I was about to leave and he said you know rabbi my wife has a little haircutting place in town if you ever want you know you go see you so I immediately go SIA like two days later because I want to connect and I just go for a shave and she shaves me it took like three minutes and she said $25 and I was like okay you know what am I supposed to say so I give her the $25 and I leave and I feel I don't know like a little taken you know I run into the pastor and make in two weeks later and he goes hey you rabbi how you doing I understand you stop by Grace place I see ya I said I gotta be honest with you I really felt that it was a little high I just you know I cuz if you know me I'm dreadfully honest because I don't know how you're supposed to be any other way but so I said I just thought it was a little high you know and I said but to be honest to you like the next day it was so smooth and the next day and it's two weeks later and I still won't need a shave he goes of course you've been shaved by grace one shave what are you gonna do you know bar mistress okay so let's let's get on with this because we have to go back a little bit to the beginning okay so let's put up the first slide we're gonna take our time with this because there is a progressive revelation in the Bible you cannot read anything just out of context okay Paul there are five theocratic covenants in your Bible all in the Old Testament five a theocracy a theocracy is a form of government where God is the supreme ruler so we the Bible tells us we have a theocracy not a democracy on a side note most churches are not theocratic they're totally totally democratic and that's why you have so many committees and that's why they can't get anything done because God is not the supreme ruler now some of these folks are wonderful folks that love the Lord and I'm not nitpicking but their way of running things is not totally biblical doesn't mean they're doing things satanic it's just people ruling and if you know what the word Laodicea means it means people ruined and they weren't doing too good well they know they caused God to vomit what that being said there are five clear kind of covenants you can write these down I'm not going to go over the scriptures but the first is the Abrahamic covenant the way you could remember these a good way to remember these is number one okay the reason why it's only one is because it didn't matter if Abraham did or didn't do God was gonna make this happen God was gonna make this happen that's why when they went through the animals how many people went through just God because he was like look it's at the Abrahamic covenant is a covenant of total grace it don't matter what you do or do I'm gonna make this happen I'm bringing the side to save the world okay so that's how I remember one one God okay mosaic - that was made between God and Israel he's like look I'm gonna be your God I'm gonna take care of you the disease that before Egypt won't before I'm gonna do this this this this this this this all I makes you do is obey me and we think obedience is of rough word trust me when I tell you this and check me on it if you don't believe me every one of God's ways is ways to bless us and to protect us and to prosper us make no mistake every single solitary command decree of God is to bless us three Israel when you think of the number three you always think of divine perfection it is divinely perfected that God will never leave or forsake Israel it doesn't matter if the Jews are go to bed it doesn't matter if you like them the fact that amount of history proves that God will never leave or forsake Israel when you read those scriptures he's talking to Israel okay he's not talking to the world he's talking to Israel okay he'll never leave her no Forsaken and he's proved that to be correct all right no no nation has ever survived to exhaust its just historically impossible okay for divinity think of for think of the four directions it's the covenant of kings they'll always be a king on Israel's throne it's not Benjamin Netanyahu it's still Yeshua okay and if you count up the kings in the Judah in the Judea Kingdom and also in the Israel came there was 39 guess who's gonna be number 40 yeah he probably won't respond to that but that's okay don't feel bad about it he'll be in Israel listen guys Jesus okay as they say was born Jewish to two very Jewish family they would they would devoutly Jewish Miriam was devout among all women that means she was totally Torah observant okay they both come from the line of priests not Levitical priests ironic priests these were too crazy out Torah observant juice okay so he's raised Jewish he dies Jewish his burial service was Jewish burial service he resurrects Jewish he ascends Jewish he's still Jewish and guess how he's coming back now I know you weren't taught this in your cemetery I mean seminary but this is what the Bible says the four corners he's gonna be the king over the whole world when it comes so think of that is four okay and five the New Covenant five is the number for grace there's you know it's it's the covenant of grace the New Covenant that will write his ways on your heart and he'll empower you to walk these things out you are not saved just to go to heaven that's ridiculous most people that think they're saved just go to heaven - probably not even safe if you are saved if you're truly a born-again believer then he has written his Torah on your heart so how could something that's been written internally you say to your mouth oh yeah the tour is nailed to the cross it's like what it's supposed to be inside you and then the Holy Spirit is there to do what give you power to walk out what God's answer to do but in the Old Testament didn't give the power to do you now have a power from God his spirit that those poor Jews didn't have so when you're pointing the finger of them they're going to be pointing the finger at you to this say man you had the Holy Spirit what's your Excuse this was the glorious turning point of the human Kingdom the first covenant remember the Tower of Babel and God said I got to do something now some people will say that the most important covenant is the new covenant I totally disagree emphatic Lee the most important covenant is the Abrahamic covenant the new covenant is the most essential but first you've got to make a promise before you keep it so to me this is the most important of all covenants now let's just take a quick look at it just that one piece you've seen this a million times if you're part of the Messianic community you have to know this if you're a Christian you should know this now it's either a three or a seven part blessing depending on your perspective it says now I don't know I said to Avram get yourself out of your country away from your kinsmen and away from your father's house and go to the land that I will show you I will make of you a great nation I will bless you and I will make your name great you are to be a blessing you follow I will bless those who bless you but I will curse anyone who curses you and by you all the families here this will be blessed now some people see it is okay I will make it you a great nation one I will bless you I will make your name great you ought to be a blessing I'll bless those that bless you I will curse those who curse you and buy you all the family shares from you I seven and that's the number it's a spiritual number in the Bible for spiritual completion or perfection okay I see it that it's three point I see an individual blessing I see a national blessing and I see a universal blessing okay the individual blessing is Abraham you're gonna be great was he great is he great yes he's the father of Islam he's the father of Christianity and Judaism there's three main religions in the world his name is great right didn't did the church have a little song father Abraham I mean they sing about him right so that's true this was made many many moons ago but that's true right today four thousand years later it's true right and then they said God said you're gonna bring forth a nation what nation is that of course he has the son of promise Isaac Isaac births Jacob and Jacob births the twelve sons of Israel is that nation great look you can't deny it it's seventy nine hundred square miles I mean you can wall-to-wall carpet the place for like a thousand bucks it's smaller than Jersey and how does it survive I know we think oh the IDF is so brilliant the IDF wasn't around in 1948 they had no planes they had one tank and the gunner was broken their existence is miraculous it's not that Israel is great it's not that is is not great it's the fact that the God of Israel is great how many times did they go to war even way back in David's state three thousand years ago David Luke took a line said you're gonna know today there's a God in Israel listen there's still a God in Israel there's no question about it so now his name is great but get this guy's do you know that Abraham's father Terah was an idol maker and you know they lived in Mesopotamia which was a total idolatrous nation how do you think an idol make it does in an idolatrous nation rich he's filthy rich he's got a 308 GTS Ferrari camel he's loaded they uncovered his house 18 rooms in Iraq his father's loaded and this little ad boy is loaded and God comes along has your density say you're leaving where am I going nothing you know what am I gonna do now for you to know what what do you think his faith was credited him as rightness he just left crazy man God just doesn't have has early coal people are you want to do it you want to do it no doesn't work like that this guy was unbelievable man unbelievable so he takes off okay then is the Abrahamic covenant as the as the revelation progresses through the Bible you saw at the beginning we get to Genesis 17 when Abram was 99 years old 99 years old I don't know he appeared to him say 75 this is 25 years later you know sometimes you'll read a sentence and the next sentence is 20 years later but you read it like it's 20 seconds later it doesn't work like that when Avram was 99 years old I don't know he appeared to Abram and said to him I am El Shaddai God Almighty walk in my presence be pure hearted what does that mean obey me obey me simple obey me that's all it means fancy for obey me I will make my covenant a covenant is an alliance for defense and it's an everlasting alliance for defense I'll make my covenant between me God and you Abraham and I will increase your numbers greatly right 70 goes into Egypt six hundred and three thousand five hundred fifty fighting men come out everything God said is true guys every other promise that if you have to be fulfilled you can trust you can trust look at me what's the difference if your spouse or your kid your dad lives to be 80 or 90 everybody dies but if they are believing you have eternity with them you must hold on to those truths what does Abraham do when the Lord tells him I'm gonna make a covenant between me and you look he falls on his face listen to me and listen to me very very carefully every time in the Bible when God's glory shows up people fall on their face if you're in a meeting and you're talking and your own rule the glory of God is here no it's not cuz you're still talking when the glory of God shows up you worship you don't praise Abraham fell on his face and God continued speaking with him as for me this is my covenant with you Abraham you will be the father of many nations your name will no longer be offered on exalted father that's what they called you Mesopotamia now you're gonna be the father of many what does that mean his line clearly is the Judaic line right he births Isaac according to the scriptures then he births Jacob and Jacob has 12 sons and they're the Jews right there Israel right so what's the many nations Israel's how many nations one so what's the many nations that God prophesied over him you don't you get it you're Abraham's seed God didn't stop with just the Jewish people he said I'm gonna blind them to bring you into the fold what what a glorious plan he didn't have to it was out of the goodness of his heart that he did this your name will be Avraham father many because I've made you the father of many nations and then he says this and this is this is this is the point of this whole message that we're going to continue into next week I will cause you to be very fruitful now you realize he's up there I mean his wife she's old you know what I mean I mean crazy right a miraculous birth I don't know why you're Suhas birth is so hard to embrace when there's a miraculous birth happening right here right I will make nations of you Kings kings I don't think he had any idea what was being prophesied over him I Got News for you two most of the prophets had no idea what they were prophesying it's not for you to know it's for you to do don't ask God why okay even in my house they don't ask me why if I ask them to do something they never say why because they said why many years ago why are you asking God why what's the difference what do you need to know why are you analyzing things so much why don't you just go with it maybe you plant a tree that you never get to sit in its shade so your job is to be faithful the world has so infiltrated the church that almost nobody will do anything unless it's grandiose gotta have a big name gotta have the big ministry anything God asks you to do is big to God and if you do it you did a big thing okay so now he has no idea what's going on but Kings are gonna come from his loins he doesn't even have a kid he pretty much knows Sarah's womb is more of a tomb at this point in her life and he's play thinking okay whatever you know whatever but in order to understand that Kings are gonna come from him we have to go to Genesis 49 okay which was fast folding now how many years a hundred and fifty years it's a long time we offense phoning 150 years to Genesis 49 where Abraham speaks on his deathbed basically words of prophecy and blessing over the 12 is 12 sons now who's the firstborn Ruben you got Reuben Simeon Levi and Judah they come from laya the first wife so he has primacy so let's see what Abraham I'm sorry what Jacob says to Reuben okay because by rights Kings should come from the firstborn right Reuben you are my firstborn my strength see he's got a hand on his head and he's praying over him he says the first fruits of my manhood right firstborn those superior in vigor and power you are unstable his water you know today when people prophesy they always prophesy good things that's how you know they usually not a prophet they would say good things like fortune cookie you know and then they put the hand out I said a good thing over you pay me because you've climbed into your father's bed and defiled that he climbed onto my concubines couch so you can read this for yourself but let me just show you before we go to the next screen Reuben had the place of primacy and power the birthright was absolutely his with its double portion but Reuben forfeited his preeminence by sleeping with his father's concubine that happened in Genesis 35 two verses I just want to show you so you don't think I'm making this up but you need to you need to read this you need to study it you need to know the story of Genesis desperately you need it rabbi I'm just trying to hold my head over water I'm just trying to keep my marriage together I'm just trying to make you know ends meet and guys it's getting into the Word of God and getting close to God and having his presence in your life that's gonna help it might not change the circumstance but I'm telling you it will change the situation look at Genesis 35 it says Israel continued his travels and pitched his tent on the other side of McDow that means the sheep's flock the tower of the flock if you look I can't get into it now but Micah's prophecy about Bethlehem there it was right here this is in Bethlehem it was while Israel was living in that land that reuben went and slept with bill huh his father's concubine and israel heard about it Yaakov had twelve sons so Reuben sleeps with his father's concubine it was very arrogant to say the least and it was a premature claim a premature claim to the right to the first one so he's done so clearly he can't be the tribe of Kings Kings can't come from him right so he's out let's let's move on now we have the next two sons so we go to the prophecy - Simeon and Levi in order it says in Genesis 49 five through seven Shimon and Levi are brothers related by weapons of violence this does not sound good right I'm telling you the prophets always spoke about what we needed to change today you have these motivational speakers that have blowing smoke of your dress and people falling for it this superficially dressing your wounds let me not enter their counsel you know you don't want to hear this from your dad let my honor not be connected with their people yikes so in their anger they killed men and that there when they maim cattle cursed be their anger thank God he didn't say curse be them so it has been fierce their fury if it has been cruel I will divide them in Yaakov that's another name for Israel and scatter them in Israel Simeon and Levi cruelly killed the men of Shechem do you remember remember the story and hamstrung oxen their respective scattering by the way was fulfilled if you go when you look in Joshua 19 1 you'll see where Judah was Judah absorbs Simeon and if you go to Joshua 14 4 you'll see where none believe i'ts had their own land they were dispersed in 48 towns so once again God's Word is true it's true now let me just show you what happened with Reuben and and Simeon and Levi I'm sorry we're reading from Genesis 34 I know this might be a little a little boring you know somebody asked me I was talking to a guy the other day who was doing off floor and first he said to me after about a half an hour to come so she goes go holy I never met a pastor like you and I said I wish that was the first time I heard that but we talked and talked and he said I feel like I've learned more about God in the half an hour than thirty is which has really said but I've heard it too many times okay and he said what are you hobbies you know maybe we can go do something I said I said I'm very boring I didn't I said I'm not trying to be arrogant anyway but I love the Word of God I can't begin to tell you why I don't know God probably birthed it in me it's nothing that I did but I love reading the Word of God I can't get enough I will go home right after this it's not reading I can't get enough I get up super early before anybody's up so it's quiet in the house I just don't understand but you know when you want to hear God's voice so bad as some people claim when you read the Word of God you're hearing God's voice so if you really want to hear God's voice says one time Dina the daughter of Leia right she had four sons and a daughter whom she had borne to Yaakov that's Jacob went out to visit the local girls and Shechem the son of hemara the hivite the local ruler saw her grabbed her raped her and humiliated her now you can understand why her brothers were angry but it was not an eye for an eye it was like a thousand eyes for an eye but actually he was strongly attracted to Dina now boy you want to talk about a sick sick disgusting way of showing it but you have to understand the Hittites in all the Canaanites all of them were deplorable and disgusting God did not you have to know this you can read it in Leviticus 18 19 and 20 God did not Bobbitt rarely to show up with these Jews from Egypt and go okay you guys you're out you guys you're in he doesn't do that he would never do that that would be deplorable he gave the Canaanites in the seven surrounding nations chance after chance and if they're sleeping with animals and sleeping with their daughters and throwing their kids to the fire I'm saying no no and then the grace ran out grace will run out God is patient but there's a time if you go today your grace ran out so hopefully in your good standing but God is patient but don't be fooled with his patience by saying what you're doing is okay that's the mistake Israel made time and time again and that's the mistake I think we make he said in Leviticus 30 to 20 that the land vomited them out by their detestable practices okay so Shechem spoke with his father Himura who's the king right and says get this girl for me you know these spoiled rich kids right nothing's changed get this dad get this dad get this dad get this dad get this girl for me I want her to be my wife then Shechem said to her father so he goes to Jacob and says only accept me and I will give you whatever you tell me as large as a bride price filthy rich money's no object you know billionaires right I'll pay whatever you tell me just let me marry the girl let's continue the sons of Jacob answered Shechem did devising a plan by the way I think this plan was pretty pretty pretty cool if you ask me but they just overdid it they just overdid it I might have done something like this too I yeah so yeah the sons of Jacob answered Shechem in her more his father deceitfully okay Jacob lives deceitfully right he marries deceitfully and now his sons are being deceitful behavior predicts behavior and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and listen to me if there's any one spiritual lesson that is irrefutable you will reap what you sow because he had defiled Dina their sister they said to them listen to this plan we can't do it we can't into marry with you because it would be a disgrace to our sister to someone who hasn't been circumcised now you understand what circumcision is right not a fun operation back in this day with the Flint rock and no anesthesia I've been to places in Africa where thirteen-year-old boys are circumcised that way the pain is unbelievable only on this condition will be consent to what you ask they're saying look come on give me your sister dad get get dead Dina for me I want to marry her I'm in love with her and we'll intermarry and we'll have our kingdoms together and we'll have a grand old time since let's say only this condition will do it they lied to them that you become like us by having every male among you get circumcised every male then we'll give you our daughters to you and we'll take your daughter's for ourselves and we'll live with you and become one people all right let's finish this on the third day after the circumcision when they were in pain two of Jacob's sons there it is shamone Simeon and Levy Levi Dena's brothers took their swords boldly descended on the city and killed every single male yeah yeah they killed her more and Shechem his son with their swords took Deena out of Chekhov's house and left then the sons of Jacob entered over the dead bodies of I mean this gets bit this is bad over the dead body should have been slit and plundered the city anger will anger will mess you up and you'll will mess you up and some of the words that you say in anger can never be taken back they took their flocks cattle and donkeys and everything else whether in the city or in the field everything they owned their children and wives they took captive you see what happened here God doesn't arbitrarily disqualify them God doesn't disqualify any of us we disqualify ourselves their children their wives they took camera and they looted whatever was in the house okay you get that you get the message you know so now you have Reuben Simeon and Levi forfeit their right to the firstborn status of preeminence obviously Kings are not gonna come from their loins so who's on deck Judah now most people read this section I know and they and they focus on Joseph now when I read it the first time years ago that's not the way I saw it my focus was on Judah not Joseph now not to take anything away from Joseph there are hundreds similarities between Joseph and Yeshua there was no other character even characters that and up to that with that being said that it's not my focal point so please don't take things the wrong way but let's look at the prophecy to Judah let's go back to Genesis 49 for a minute if you don't mind I'm just gonna take a nap of this okay so Jacob then lays his hands on Judas head and says Judah your brother's will acknowledge you it's pretty good right not like like the other prophecies your hand will be on the neck of your enemies okay I'm liking it if I'm Judah I'm liking it your fathers sons will bow down before you cool Judah is a lion's cub all right my son you stand over the prey he crouches down and stretches like a lion like a lioness who dare to provoke him this is good right it's good prophecy the scepter will not pass from Judah the scepter that specifically speaks about Kings if anybody knows any biblical idiomatic expression scepter is always Kings the scepter will not pass from you meaning you're going to be the line of Kings nor the rule of staff from between his legs until he comes that's the big question who's he to whom obedience belongs and it is whom the peoples will obey so this prophecy was made man a long time ago you know long time ago and he says Kings are gonna come from you Judah but there's one that's coming then everybody will bow to now how many people you read all different versions some of your versions might say until Shiloh comes right Shiloh now what is Shiloh mean you've got to go to the Genesis lexicon if you didn't go to the Genesis you know who Genesis is you don't know Heinrich read that it mrs. helm Jonas yes uh he was a theologian a German theologian of course and he was the first one to coin the Tetragrammaton meaning Yahweh just for the record he took liberties there's nobody knows the name okay nobody knows the name okay nobody knows so if you have a name it's not right because why no I think I made myself clear I'm sorry what what is it nobody knows the name that's what the Bible says okay I'm gonna stick with this okay but what is what is shiloh actually mean the one to the reign of peace belongs it is synonymous in Hebrew with the word Messiah he is clearly saying although it's not obvious to most people if you don't study but he's clearly saying Messiah is coming from you that's gonna fulfill the Abrahamic covenant remember we said there is a individual blessing on Abraham done there is a national blessing on Israel done but then there's a universal blessing on all the families of the earth and what do we have here we don't have a lot of biological juiciness so what do we have we have the universal blessing we'll witness to it right we can all bear testimony to this universal blessing so you've got Judah now that he's prophesying that Judah is going to be the truck and I'm thinking I know Judas story when I I'm like what I mean what I get why Reuben and Simeon and Levi but Judah he okay so let's rewind the film we don't have much time I know let's rewind the film 40 years I'm gonna rewind the film 40 years from Genesis 49 everybody's still with me sure Genesis 37 to 8 and 11 it says here is the history of Jacob okay when Yosef was 17 a lot of people don't don't keep the dates he was 17 years old when he went to Egypt right he went before Pharaoh when he was how old 30 it says it right in the scripture okay how many years of prosperity did they have seven and what year were they end of the famine yeah - so you take 17 to 30 is how many is thirteen plus seven of prosperity is twenty and two of the famine 22 years he's away from his dad you know you don't have to be a brilliant theologian to just see right there in the script you did let me tell you how what you got to do just he'll read the Bible as well you go there so when Joseph was 17 years old he used to Pastor the flock with his brothers so they were all shepherds even though he was still a boy once when he was with the sons of Bilhah and the sons of Zilpha who is that that would be Dan Naphtali GAD and Asher those were the sons of the two concubines he brought a bad report about them to their father now Israel loved Yosef than most of all his children because he was the son of his old age and he made him a long sleeve robe when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers they began to hate him and reach the point where they couldn't even talk with him in a civil manner anybody know what I'm talking about come on you got that crazy uncle in your house your household you know what I'm talking about or that guy that just man he just gets in you can't even talk Joseph had a dream which he told his brothers and that made him hate that made them hate him all the more let's go the next couple of verses he said to them listen while I tell you about this dream of mine like come here guys I got to tell you that this dream we were tying up bundles of wheat in the field when suddenly my bundle got up by itself and stood upright then your bundles came gathered around mine and prostrating themselves before it his brothers retorted quote yes you will certainly be our King you'll do a great job of bossing us around won't you and they hated him still more for his dreams from what he said his brothers would jealous him but his father kept the matter in mind his father was thinking I love this kid but man he's pretty ballsy you know 17 year old tell his brothers like you're bowing down to me now listen to me I have nothing against Joseph Joseph was an amazing guy but I think sometimes he's held up like he walked on water let me point out a couple of things to you okay one his father put him in a bad position when you have siblings and you love one so much more than the others look I have a favorite kid I just don't tell them he was blatant with it you know what I mean he would tell his sons why can't you be like Joseph why can't you be more like Joseph Joseph says smart he's so sharp he obeys me all the time why can't you be like Joseph nobody likes to be compared guys for some of you new parents you are screwing your kids up royally they don't want to be compared there who they are and then he goes out and puts a beautiful multicolored coat on him to let everybody know in the town look at what my favorite wears that was a that was a bad move and why was he the favorite because Rachel was of love his life he didn't love Bilhah he didn't love Zilpha and he definitely loved Leia he loved Rachel and this was Rachel's baby boy okay so that's one too Joseph was extremely gifted and hearing God's voice through dreams and interpretations but man he should have kept some things to himself you know what I'm saying okay and three Joseph would bring bad reports about it he was a snitch you knows snitches get stitches right I mean where I come from they did I don't know where you come from but in the projects in the Bronx oh yeah oh yeah that's the way it was man so I'm not holding anything against him I'm just saying it was a bad combination if you will all I'm saying is you can understand why his brothers didn't like him but but what they did was deplorable okay okay talking to a guy two days ago he shows up to synagogue to give a a an estimate on something by the way I you know you know Jesus don't fix anything right now because what we we just we just didn't I think it had to do with building the the pharaoh cities you know what I mean for 400 years and then after we we got delivered from Egypt we were like dr. lawyer and err account we were not going to do anything manual I grew up in a project so I didn't learn how to fix anything so how to call plumber the other day and he came by yesterday cuz the sink it was moving not to sink the the thing yeah the faucet so he came in and he said I said I was trying to I was trying to make myself feel manly I have never in in 15 years living there I've never picked up a hammer s-max so what do I do I just get a hammer while he's in the bathroom I'm not kidding you Bernadette's hysterically laughing but there was a piece of molding on the floor that was up and this is what I said like an bad word like a jerk I said I walk over to burn that go I'm gonna use a two and a half inch nail you guys look like so I take out the hammer and I'm banging um I bent a few nails to be honest with you but I banged it I got in i felt prowess i just look at the guy go yeah that's taken care of so I said to the guy said so uh you need one of those things Ryan he goes so burn that goes no I already bought it so I said you know I said I tried to fix it myself but you need a special tool he goes no no you just use your hand he goes underneath and he goes like this and he goes $127 [Applause] we have Chanukah is all over the house because you know hanukkah's tomorrow but believe me if we didn't have him I know he knew I was Jewish I know it all right where were we before you rudely interrupted me okay let's take a look at Judas story a little bit just a little bit are you okay you sure I got nothing to do today I I don't have anything to do so if you have something to do and I'm not listen to me I don't mean I'm not saying this in the least bit sarcastically don't ever feel like you have to stay don't ever feel like you have to get here at 10:10 you don't you don't I promise you you don't you don't you don't you know oh I know what I was gonna say I had nothing to do this stupid story the guy that comes to give an estimate he starts I don't know how this happens but I always talk and then they they give their whole life story and he tells me about his want his ex-wife and he tells me she left him she left him for one of his friends and he says it's all my fault because I was never home and I wasn't there for her and I hunted and fished I said listen to me you made a mistake by not being there for her emotionally putting a roof of a woman's head and providing her with some clothes and food is not being a husband I said however she's gonna have a lot of explaining to do because nobody forced her to do that she made that decision you follow don't qualify your sin Dobie you understand sin is sin you're not gonna go before God and say hey you understand right does he these things have major ramifications okay after this when his brothers had gone to pasture their father's sheep and Shechem is that what we are yes Israel asked Joseph aren't your brothers pastoring the sheep in Shechem come I will send you to them he answered here am i he said to him go now see whether things are going well so he's like an informant for his dad his dad isn't really trusting his other sons right I mean one son already slept with his would his concubine the other two just killed a bunch of people you know what I mean he's not trusting his sons this is a very dysfunctional family a lot like yeah there's people of people people of people people think all the people have been through sewer they're so much better than everybody else no no you're human I Got News for You that's that's a parent who's in denial when I see parents ago my kid never lied to me I'm like oh boy you're so lost you are such a buffoon wow-wow-wow why couldn't you be my parent he answered here am I go now and see whether things are going well with your brothers and with the Sheep and bring back word to me so he sent Joseph away from there the Hebron Valley so it's a two to three day journey by the way it's 37 miles okay north of Jerusalem so he goes now look what happens Genesis 37 18 22 I just want to get to this and I promise we're done with Genesis 38 and then we're gonna leave Genesis 13:17 they spotted him in the distance the brother sees him coming See's Joseph coming and before he had arrived where they were they had already planned to kill him so they were already setting it up they had had a meeting right they got together and they said let's kill Joseph I mean even if you're your father's favorite and and you tail Baird that's not a reason to kill him this is insane right look this dreamer is coming so come let's kill him let's throw him into one of the water cisterns here then we'll say some wild animal devout him they're not even thinking what its gonna do their dad totally selfish we'll see then what becomes of his dreams he's done they'd done with him he's done but when Rueben heard about this yeah he's saving face a little bit okay sleeps has fought the concubine obviously he feels some remorse he said Reuben heard this he saved him from being destroyed by them he said we shouldn't take his life I'm the firstborn okay listen to me I have preeminence still as far as I'm concerned the prophecy has been made over me yet we shouldn't take his life don't shed blood Reuben said to his brothers throw him into the cistern here in the wilds but don't lay hands on him yourself because Reuben intended to rescue him from them later and restore him to his father so Reuben had a very so the first impulse was to kill Joseph but Rubens shown and attempted to protect his brother Joseph let's see what happens 23:27 we're almost home I promise so it was that when Joseph arrived to be with his brothers they stripped off his robe the long-sleeve robe he was wearing and took him and threw him into the cistern sister was empty then they sat down to eat their meal like so callous right like oh you know I'm hungry you too I mean like so dark they looked up and they saw in front of them a caravan of yoosh Marlene coming from gilead North their camels loaded with aromatic gum healing resident opium you think they was smoking the opium on their way down to Egypt Yehuda said to his brothers what advantage that he's thinking look he's not being nice he's thinking if we kill him what what do we get let's like get something out of the deal you know he's 17 he's he's a dreamer he's gifted probably nice-looking kid incredibly healthy lets you imagine this is why I'm thinking when I read this Jude Kings are gonna come from Judah but listen when you get the message next week it's gonna be very frame I promise you incredibly freeing come let's sell them to these Malema instead of putting them to death with our own hands after all imagine hey why not just sell him he is our brother you know what I mean that's no way to take care of your brother throwing him in the cistern or or killing him let's sell him as a slave now that's being a good sibling his brother's listens his brothers listen to Judah they listen to him for whatever reason they listened so judicious succeeds in selling his brother to the Israelite slave traders now one more aspect of Judas you can see you can see where this is going and why I questioned how is this gonna go Kings gonna come from look at Genesis 38 for a minute it says it was this time so now they sell him and Judah takes off maybe he was feeling guilty I don't know there's a lot of feelings that we need but my take is Judas feeling bad Judas feeling bad so it was at this time when Judah went off from his brother and settled near a man named Huayra who was in a duel ah me there Judah by the way this area in Canton Canaan is just 8 or 9 miles away it's not like he traveled the fog distance like the mist a mere eight nine miles there Judas soul one of the daughters of a certain Canaanite whose name was xuan now are you supposed to intermarry absolutely not and he took her and slept with her by the way are you supposed to intermarry no no your place thinking rabbi what are you saying blacks can't marry White's no knucklehead a non-believer can't marry believer why do you think the way you think I forgot she conceived and had a son whom he named her so he marries this Canaanite and he has one son by the way it's air air in the Hebrew she conceived again and had another son she called him Onan son too then she conceived yet again and had a son whom she called Shayla Shayla not Sheila Shayla he was in cos Eve when she gave birth to him so now he's married to this Canaanite woman and he has three sons now look at this is really cool two more slides Judah took a wife for air his firstborn and her name was tomorrow remember tomorrow don't forget but air you who his firstborn was evil from Allah noise perspective so I don't know I killed them I I know you think I don't know he doesn't do that stuff but check with the knives and Sapphira some people say well that was the Old Testament that's the book of Acts sorry Judah said to Onan go and sleep with your brother's wife perform the duty of a husband's brother no harm preserve your brother's line of descent that's the levirate marriage that's the levirate marriage I'll show you in a minute however Oh nan knew that the child would not count as his because if your brother passes away you have to fulfil the rights of a husband to the wife so to carry on his name so own on the second sunset and second would be my kid so whenever he had intercourse with his brother's wife he spilled the semen on the ground yeah I don't want to get too technical but a lot of people think they're not gonna get pregnant that way the best way to not get pregnant is to not have intercourse just I'm no scientist but I think that still there's a few doctors is that correct okay okay he spilled the semen on the ground so as not to give his brother offspring what he did was evil from so I don't know it takes him out so err own on who's left Shayla right now now just go to the next slide 38 less light 11 through 18 okay this is it last slide then Judas said to Tamar his daughter-in-law remember her first son first husband the brother stay a widow in your father's house why do you think he's saying that time until Shayla grows up he ain't given are you kidding me mr. grand sons just got taken out he's no fool I'm not losing this one just go to you go to him go to your father's house you know stay away no cuz it says there right there I don't want him to die too says it right there I'm not making this up so Tamar went out of respect and lived at home with a father in due time suhas daughter the wife of Judah died so his wife dies after Judah had been converted he went up to be with his sheep shearers in Timna very close by he and his friend ira the abdullah my i told you eight nine miles away Tamar was told your father-in-law has gone up to 10 minutes shear sheep so she took off her widows clothes it was a certain garb if your mourning and completely covered her face with a veil which is what the prostitutes did which is on the way to Timna for she saw that Sheila had grown up she's mad okay she's humiliated he promised to give her a his son so that she can carry on the family name and it was it was a humiliation not to do it so now what's she gonna do she's gonna retaliate she gonna fight fire would find she's gonna get her father-in-law back but this is you you think this was like Jerry Springer right for she saw that Shayla had grown up but she still was not being given to him as a wife okay last bit of Scripture go to the next slide when Judas saw her he thought she was a prostitute because she had a face covered this is crazy - right Judah first says hey let's not kill our brother let's sell him what a compassionate guy now he's in mourning from his wife dying and he's like hey what do you blaming me for I didn't know she was my daughter-in-law I just thought she was a hooker guys the BI stopped teaching your kids nothing so many of your kids got pregnant because you taught him nothing stop being afraid to talk Turkey the church is so lame she doesn't talk any turkey and then when the kids get pregnant they want to throw him out of the church this is real life be real it happens they're gonna learn from somebody better they learn the right ways from you he goes over the way she was sitting not realizing that she was his daughter-in-law man the plot thickens come let me sleep with you she answered what will you pay to sleep with me he said I'll send you a kid from the flock of goats she said will you she's tricking him deceit baguettes deceit baguettes deceit against the seat forget somebody's gonna break this curse she said will you also give me something as a guarantee until you send it he answered what should I give you as a guarantee she said your seal with its cord and the staff you're carrying in your hand both represents royalty and kingship so he gave them to her and they went and slept with her and she conceived by him now tomorrow looks to teach Judah a lesson for she is highly insulted Judah thinking his daughter-in-law was a prostitute sleeps with her tamar gives birth to pets and pets is mentioned in Yeshua's genealogy in Matthew could Kings really come from the tribe of juda could Messiah Yeshua really come from these loins hear me now the more of a sinner you used to be the more of a righteous person you'll become too many dang people that I've met in the South think well I never had premarital sex and I don't drink so I'm righteous listen to me God has a bigger issue with you talking about somebody behind their back then I'll ever have with you having a beer in fact it's not even biblical sin I have a beer it is biblical not to get drunk whose beer is a brawler wine is a mocker but it is not biblical not to drink why do you think so many people become Methodists I only only said that for you I said that for you okay that was that was just that was just between me and you but they they they were listening I should have said that just between me and you we're gonna see next week how this guy who did horrific things was able to be named in the line of Messiah and I'm here to say that of Judah could be in the Messianic line clearly you can be in the Messianic line too let's stand together well or encouragement next week and then I'll be sick and tired of doing it so I will discourage you the week after faith you hear where's faith stand up on a chair nobody can see you Filipino for God's sake stand up that's faith and faith is doing a bang-up job with with you God you're doing an amazing work with your thought and she comes here and she does work with it and this is all volunteer all on her spare time she has a child and a husband and a job so she does all this on her spare time yeah because she loves the Lord she loves you guys so she's having a big kickoff at Northside and everybody should have got an email on it but it's right on Northside Avenue not far from here at all right it's 1:30 to 4:00 o'clock today correct silk'n aren't you proud of your wife yes you are I know you are all right oh okay whoo what is the time go I could have done this for 47 more hours easy easy never get tired of the Word of God may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the Lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the principle peace assure ya Hanoi face my wrath Erin open overlock ah yes [Music] they are summer [Music] shabbat shalom and Chag Sameach Chanukah tomorrow night right whoo
Channel: Getzel
Views: 3,005
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: Torah, Parsha, 12/01/18, Vayeshev, Grace, Embrace
Id: V8z1vcjDmvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 30sec (3750 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 02 2018
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