June 5 2021 - Shlach L'kha: Send On Your Behalf

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okay so let's um let's put the the toro parsha up there let's put that first slide numbers 15 15 through 16. um bern will you follow that and put that away for me please dear thank you appreciate it um so this is what angel read so beautifully for this community that means this messianic community it look context is everything right what's happening in in chapter 10 verse 11 they're moving from sinai they've been at sinai the whole time and now they're moving on their way to kanan which is going to be called israel okay by the way for you that think there was ever such a place as palestine you're as duped as duke can be there's no such place some of your bibles that you read it says the map of palestine when was anything called palestine never never so if there's no place named palestine they can't be a palestinian they're arabs they're cousins of israelis so palestine it was called in the first century it was called judea provincia or the province of judah by the romans who took it over 135 see they changed the name the romans changed the name to syria palestine because they wanted to wipe out anything jewish so the judea they didn't even like they knew the philistines were their arch enemies so they called it syria palestine and that's where this group of people who who fabricated politically it's a political fabric we're palestinians no such person sorry sorry and then you as a believer call it palestine that's really sad that's really sad yikes i mean if the believers don't even know it there's no hope for the world anyway why don't we move on okay some people are getting a little frazzled i feel it a little ruffled for this community this is the believing community right these are these are the jews that that left egypt right from the exodus there will be but but why was this same law for you and what's this foreign business because the community don't you realize that there was a mixed multitude it said in exodus 12 what does that mean jews and non-jews what does that mean some of the egyptians are like hey i think this god of israel is the legit god you know i'm gonna i'm gonna smear the blood on my door too and guess what because they smeared the blood and what what is that talking about prophetically talking about you it's going to be for the whole world god loved the whole world even though it started as an exclusive jewish movement and for the first 10 years in the book of acts it was all jewish it was a big surprise to peter when the quote-unquote pagan gentiles were coming in what's going on you've got to see this come see they're filled with the holy spirit there's no way they can be filled with holy they're filled with the holy spirit come see there's no way come see how they are this is prophetic the whole the whole bible the whole old testament is prophetic so they'll be the same law for you as for the foreigner living with you this is a permanent regulation how long is it going to be for to yeshua comes it's not what it says doesn't say to messiah it comes does it permanent regulation means forever through all your generation just in case somebody goes well i'm not so sure about the permanent regulation maybe it's through all your generations that's also forever the foreigners to be treated the same way before i annoy as yourselves the same torah and standard of judgment will apply to both you and the foreigner living with you now let's just get a little bit more context all right we're going to throw in another let's go to the next slide let's just throw in one more verse if a foreigner stays with you okay if a far meaning if somebody along the way want to join your club a lot of us don't like when people join the club right they're not all kind they're they're sinners they're not all kind they are your kind in fact they're better than you because at least they know this and as you forgot if a foreigner stays with you or whoever may be with you israel whoever through all your generations whoever and he or she wants to bring an offering made by fires of fragrant aroma for illinois he is to do the same as you for this community now there will be the same list so we highlighted in in in 145th three verses there's far enough four times now i'm not talking about the foreigner i want to know what love is i want you to not that foreigner okay let's take a look at the word foreigner so you know what we're talking about it's aguer or the plural in hebrew is gerim gerim okay it means a sojourner what's a sojourner a sojourner is a newcomer that comes along and they don't have inherited rights they don't have inherited rights they're no they're in a weakened position now today we know this person as one who migrates from another country right we don't we don't well let me hold off on saying how we feel about them uh even though if you look back in all your lineage you're all a bunch of immigrants just just giving you a little little news flash you're not a native american right there are native americans here okay so they they migrate from another country to another country seeking permanent residence now we know there's a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it if you do it the wrong way you're wrong you can't right or wrong it's wrong wrong is wrong right however this is my question for you because i want to take this a different way you know this right especially you gentiles that come into the fold you love that you love that verse man you nail everybody with it there's one law you hear me you better come under torah you you mean-spirited it's mean i don't like it and it doesn't work here beth yeshua you know we've knocked that right out of you doesn't work but i want to approach it totally differently than the way you approach it okay my take on this is that chapter 15 describes offerings that were to be brought by the children of israel when they settled in the land a way that they can connect with god right there's no remission of sin without blood a way they could keep their relationship with god strong this this section allows for the gentile immigrants to offer sacrifices as long as they follow the same rules as the israelites you follow what i'm saying the same torah meaning there's a lot of blessing in that torah i'm just thinking about something okay although they had to abide by the same law as the nationals do you really think they would treat it as equals think about it for the first time think about it please for the first time because you didn't think about this when you read when you read it you're like hey hey mr christian what are you doing with this sunday stuff what are you doing with this easter stuff what are you doing there's one torah right but my take is more god was saying these poor gentiles need a way in too and i love them i love this so i'm going to bring them in and don't treat them like second-class citizens there are some messianic synagogues i i'm telling you yes they don't mean it but yes there's a little bit of like oh he's not biologically true you don't ever see me lord my jewishness and i'm legit i say i'm just going to tell you flat out i'm a 100 jew i'm not a jewish wannabe i'm not a guy that has one jewish parent and wasn't raised in judaism i was raised in hardcore straight up all the way judaism okay i got a sylvester door hanging in my in my house for perfect attendance at synagogue straight up and do you ever see in all the years you hear me lording my judaism over you like saying like i'm better than you because i'm jewish never was there ever a second-class citizen here never never and there never will be because that's not the way the kingdom works and i work tirelessly not looking for your applause not looking for a little letter i could care less i work tirelessly for the glory of god to make this a place that if yeshua touched down this is where he'd want to come in worship i could just see as they were going through the wilderness where do you think the gentiles were in the mix they were in the front of the line um yeah maybe you think i think they're like brother no they how's this what if one of them one of those egyptians was one of the task masters who beat the snot out of the the jewish people and he decided to repent and put the blood on his door do you think they were like come on bud no you know why because human beings are human beings this is good i like this i like this approach thank you lord thanks for showing us this um fern are there glasses in that little flat case you know what happened my eyesight went when i met bernadette because i stared at her for so long delayed the hospital when they did all those ct scans last time when i went to emory she said have you fallen recently i said the last time i fell was 1985 when i met her see the lady's like oh the men are like why didn't i think of that they get angry right yeah i should have came up with that one that's a good one okay chapter 19 in the book of leviticus deals with laws for everyday life they call them sundry laws the people of israel were to express their reverence to god by their respect for one another let me repeat that some of you love god but you don't love people therefore you don't love god rabbi don't tell me i don't love god don't tell me that i'm not telling you the bible says if you don't love what you do see you don't love what you don't see so don't don't don't go don't what are you going to refute the bible you can refute me but you can't refute the bible especially as a bible believer showing partiality in judgment was forbidden you go home read leviticus 19 slander against the neighbor was prohibited hatred of one's brother was forbidden vengeance or bearing grudges was prohibited in other words god wanted us to love each other guys at one point i was considered i'm saying this just to let you know an eschatological expert i could spin your head with the book of revelation if i do will that help you love your neighbor i tried it it didn't work and this isn't something in leviticus just people think well that's leviticus it's old testament we're not under the law okay how about galatians this is a this is a book that's so misinterpreted people use this book to teach we're not on the law they use galatians to teach that well how about galatians 5 14 huh for the whole of torah you're mentioning torah torah is still good in galatians i guess i i mean i guess it says for the whole of torah is summed up it should have been it's nailed to the cross it doesn't say that in this one sentence the whole of torah the whole of torah 613 commands seriously in one sentence how easy is that guys how easy is all faith why do you keep complicating it oh i know why because you don't want to do that love your neighbor as yourself all right well galatians is a weird book and maybe paul was drunk when he wrote it fine let's go to romans the quintessential theological book right paul was obviously not inebriated when he wrote this for the commandments don't commit adultery don't murder don't steal don't covet and any others he could have went on and on right you know don't disrespect the gray-headed take care of the handicap and go on and on and on don't glean to the corners of your property oh no no take care of the poor the woman in the orphanage and any others which i just gave you are summed up summed up again it's too easy love your neighbors yourself in galatians paul is saying that believers had a moral obligation to adhere to the standards of the law and he says it's the summation of the law now here the apostle singles out certain commands that forbid acts of unlove against each other commands like adultery murder stealing coveting you know why because love doesn't exploit another person's body immorality does love let me repeat that love doesn't exploit another person's body immorality does love doesn't take another person's life murder does love doesn't steal enough another person's property theft does love doesn't entertain wrong desires for another person's personal possessions coveting does this is the way believers are to treat each other according to god's book and then if you don't like paul for some reason some people have a problem with paul what about james 2 8 james you know the author people say well which james was it are you kidding me the other james is so they're they're so obscure they're so obscure that there's no way they could have pulled off running a letter well maybe maybe maybe james the brother of john the sons of thunder right the sons of zebedee could it be him it's either it's one of two people it's either she was half brother half brother right we know this from matthew he had brothers and sisters yes yes right he had real brothers and sisters same mother different fathers so it's either his half brother or james right how do we know we we know very easily because this was written in 45 and james the brother of john was beheaded in 44. hard to write when you have no head so see there's ways to figure this stuff out you don't have to be in the dark you don't have to guess he wrote it why didn't he write his name why do you say this is from yakov the brother of yeshua because he's not like a lot of us he's humble he didn't need anybody to know that he was because you know like he could have said hey look i grew up with him you know we played kick the can together you know went to the same school trust me i know i'm pretty good so if i tell you something you better listen no he wouldn't load that over we do that oh i know so and so oh yeah i know that guy yeah if you truly attain the goal of kingdom torah he calls it kingdom torah some of your versions are called the royal law same thing kingdom royal of the king in conformity with the pastor that says love your neighbors yourself you're doing well what's he saying he's hardcore this letter martin luther hated this letter a lot of people hate this letter you know why it's 108 sentences with 54 commands people don't like commands have its commands tame your tongue love one another don't discriminate nobody likes it grace grace i don't have to do anything saved by grace yeah you're saved by grace but you're sanctified by truth gonna move on but listen to what he's saying he's saying you know what if you love your neighbor you're doing pretty good he's saying you're doing it come on it's all over the bible guys i know it sounds like i'm giving a lesson to a bunch of five-year-olds but five-year-olds get it five-year-olds know how to forgive five-year-olds even know how to forget rob i thought we were going to have fun i'm having a ball i don't know about you james calls it the kingdom torah because it belongs to the king and it is the king of all laws do you hear what i said it belongs to the king and it's the king of all laws and in that law favoritism and discrimination are violations of the law of love i do not show anybody i don't care who you are you know usually we don't have movers and shakers in in a messianic congregation anyway but i don't care who you are i don't care who you are who you know what you're worth i'm not showing you any more love than than the beggar why should i why should i you've been getting that your whole life door's open for you everywhere you go right everybody bows down to you i bow down to only one and i think so should you doesn't mean i'm gonna disrespect you but i'm not going to treat you better i'm not why should i i'm going to treat you both lousy that's the way it is look this brings us to the new testament reading let's take a look it says and this is this is not really easy to understand when you first read it seems like almost mumbo jumbo keep speaking and acting like people who will be judged by a torah which gives freedom for judgment will be without mercy towards one who doesn't show mercy but mercy wins over judgment let's just grab some context let's go to the first four verses in james two each chapter kind of stands on its own in fact there's two messages in chapter two and james it says in the beginning of it says my brothers he's talking to believers practice the face of the lord yeshua that's easy right how did he live just live like he lived do what he did don't say what would jesus do figure out what he did do and do it the glorious messiah i love that he could have just said practice the faith of the lord yeshua without showing uh-uh no he's glorious man he's not just a messiah he's glorious without showing favoritism that's what this is all about suppose a man comes into your synagogue wearing gold rings and fancy clothes and also a pair man comes in dressed in rags if you show more respect to the man wearing the fancy clothes and say to him have this good seat here mr fancy pants well you wouldn't say that i just said that that wasn't in there look it's not there well to the poor man you say let's stand over there or sit down on the floor by my feet then aren't you creating distinctions among yourselves and haven't you made yourself into judges with evil motives what's he saying burn the teaching here is that there's no place in the faith for snobbiness we go to new york every summer fact we'll be going and you won't see me for a little while which some of you might be happy about i don't know but the beach line starts in rockaway it starts and it goes 120 miles all the way out to montauk point and different beaches have different people we go to long beach why it's irish and italian good old americana working people who are not full of themselves one bit even though it's expensive because it's new york they're gracious they're embracing and by by just so you know it's the safest place in the united states you know why but you'd be an idiot to try to pull off a crime there with a couple of thousand cops that lived there yeah and you know what i say thank god for the police thank god and to anybody who wants to know what it's like i know that the sheriff of of macon you know what i'll see if i can get you a uniform and pay you 35 g's and you put your life on the line see how that works out for you sweet pea then you go down the beach line and you get into a place called the hamptons [Laughter] multi-millionaires and you know what i've got to be honest with you some rich people act humble but i think deep down inside the like i think so not all not all but i just feel the elements sometimes catering to human greatness has no place in the presence of the lord of glory did you hear me disregard for others because of birth race sex or poverty is a practical denial of the faith in other words you can talk all you want god could care less he could care less if you disregard somebody because of birth race sexual poverty then you are showing in the practicality in the legitimacy you're denying the face those heavy words rabbi they're james's words and james was an anointed apostle the first elder of the first congregation in jerusalem i'm going with it rabbi this isn't easy who said it was going to be easy but with god don't tell me it's not possible james 2 5 listen my dear brothers he's not yelling at him he's calling him dear brothers hasn't god chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and receive the kingdom which he promised to those who love him rich people are usually poor in the faith you know one of the hardest places to to witness to i did it twice for for four weeks is in australia there's no poverty there's no hood so they have everything they need when somebody has everything they need they don't need nothing i mean i'm sure there's a few people here that are worth a couple million bucks but that's not the basic person here the basic person here is the hard-working stiff paying their bills and that's the way it is that most houses worship unless you know you're that guy that has a landing strip and people fly in to see him fly in to see him i wonder how far they'd fly to see yeshua or i wonder how far they fly to save us all now why are rich people poor in the faith why is james saying that because they trust their riches instead of the lord that's what yeshua teaches on all the time it doesn't mean you can't be wealthy and not be a devout believer there are there are it's not the prob the money itself is not the problem we couldn't build this thing with money we couldn't plant congregations one we can't feed people without it it's i can't feed you today it's gonna be five grand to feed you today it's not it's not gonna happen without it however when your money becomes a god you're in trouble you gotta ask yourself what would happen if i lost it scary thought huh james 2 8 if you truly attain the goal of the kingdom torah again it belongs to the king it's the king of the lords and performed at the past says love you you're doing well of all the teachings in the bible of all the teachings this is the one that's most revolutionary it really is my opinion but i really think it is because think about what it means it means that we should care for others as we care for ourselves can you imagine what god's asking of us that's crazy i've got to care for others like i care for my own we should be willing to share our material possessions with those who are not as privileged as we are i just watched the movie the other night about the drought in malawi during 2005 where they were starving and then the flood came they were starving to death they were starving to death and the and the government the government let me tell you something i've been afraid i don't know how many times you've been there but i've been there a few times you want to talk about corruption from the government will take you to nairobi i will show you the biggest slum in the world and i'll show you one mile away from that slum they could smell it and they're driving around the mercedes-benz they could care less about their own and so could we government is corrupt whether it's africa or america the only difference in africa they're not smart enough to do it professionally rabbi you're going to get yourself in trouble it won't be the first time the truth usually gets you in trouble every time and above all above all we should do all in our power to see that everyone has the opportunity to know our blessed savior all in our power too often james is saying and this is two thousand years ago that our decisions are based on how our actions affect ourselves we are self-centered we are self-absorbed and we are downright selfish and that's why our society is in the condition it's in this is the problem and god's royal law is the remedy james 2 9. but if you show favoritism your actions constitute sin since you are convicted on the notorious transgressors so i don't know if you've ever seen this but there's a he's he's making a distinction between sin and transgression you see it your actions are sin constitution and you are convicted as a transgressor is there a difference between sin and transgression you should shake your head yes because it's right this he's making a distinction yes you might not know the distinction but he's making a distinction first of all he's showing to show partiality is a violation of god's royal law that's a given it's a violation but it is both sin and transgression because sin is any lack to conform to the will of god to meet the standards transgression is breaking a known law so when you show partiality it's sinful because it's wrong according to god's will but it's also transgression but says the law against it you follow did you follow against god's will and against the law 2 10-11 and let me just tell you something this is a brilliant move on god's part we're having a congregational own egg i asked him what date he said june 5th i don't know what the torah portion is going to be jason gives it to me he has to pray about it he has to seek the lord and god gave him this don't you see how perfect this is for a congregational unified meeting it's perfect guys i'm not saying any one of you maybe there's nobody doing this maybe you're all clean you're all perfect you show no partiality and then maybe the knight in shining armor is going to come through those doors right now and throw me on this deed and take me away to never never land of course it's not true we're human beings the point is get rid of that stuff work on it get rid of it rabbits too hard you don't know the way i was raised it's too hard for you but it's not too hard for god with the holy spirit he can do it the holy spirit can deliver you i promise if you're willing god is willing for a person who keeps the whole torah check this now this is very important for for all these hebrew roots nuts for the person who keeps the whole torah yet stumbles at one point he's becomes guilty of breaking the whole thing for the one who said don't commit adultery i don't commit adultery don't murder i don't murder for if you don't commit adultery but do murder you have become a transgression of the whole torah james what you're saying the basic rabbinical jewish understanding is that if one is unwilling to set the authority of any part of the torah then one has nullified the whole thing meaning let's say you are true to your wife and you pay your taxes honestly not inflate your expenses not buy something to say using for your business when you're not you're cheating just know that well everybody does it okay so everybody's cheating right two wrongs how's math one wrong plus one wrong equals what two wrongs right so if you're doing all those things but you show partiality you violated the whole torah god god is man he's so he's brilliant i mean i brilliant i've never seen anything like it look at james 2 12. keep speaking and acting like people will be judged by the torah which gives freedom true freedom what's he talking about we're free you see in the bible i'm free free from what free from the enemy free from his lies free from him taking you down a primrose path only to here at the end of your life i don't know you that's the most horrible thing to hear when you thought you were in you thought you were doing it and matthew 7 pops up and he goes i don't know you i don't know you what does that mean does it mean he doesn't know he's saying you don't know me because the way you conducted yourself you don't know me so therefore we don't know each other sorry i can't marry you true freedom is freedom to obey god and do what pleases him that's freedom that's what makes a person free not visiting your kids on the weekend that's what makes a person free a river finds freedom to flow only between banks if there are no banks it would spread out into a slimy stagnant pool we want the rivers of living water to freely flow in this freedom that we have but we need the banks of the torah so that our river can flow the banks don't hold it back it's not a dam it creates power and boundary and it's protecting it protects the river so again james says avoid partiality james 2 13 we're almost home for judgment will be without mercy towards one who doesn't show mercy but mercy wins over judgment even though the torah gives freedom the torah still sets up standards by which god wants us to live by if we don't show mercy to others then we're not walking in fellowship with god and we're gonna have to suffer the consequences for it we will look at this word mercy it's absolutely stunning elios in the greek because we're reading the new testament what's it in the hebrew and there's a root word for it it's the same thing it means basically compassion here in the greek it's a little bit more elaborate it's kindness or good will towards the miserable and the afflicted joined so it's not just oh look at that poor guy a desire to help look at that poor guy oh that poor guy what what a miserable state so pitiful that's it he knows that now what does miserable mean because we throw that word around it means compassion for the wretchedly poor and the needy which is what we're all about guys i'm going to tell you something some of you think you're poor you really need to go some places when i'm watching this movie about malawi i was there mud huts people starving there's no there's no party there's no one egg there's nothing to do there's no school no doc nothing to do just in this village nothing nothing going on no you know how you have plans you guys have plans a million plans a million plants this summer no plans nothing you drove here you're filthy rich oh my car's 20 years old you're filthy rich so again james 2 13 for judgment will be without mercy towards one who doesn't show mercy but mercy wins over judgment there's no better place that mercy won over judgment than a golgotha when yeshua is nailed to that execution stake man that is the ultimate mercy win over judgment the idea here is that if we show mercy to others then the judgment which might otherwise fall on us will be replaced by mercy let me repeat that the idea here is that if we show mercy to others the judgment which might otherwise fall on us will be replaced by mercy do you see the system god set up it's a spiritual catch 22. he taught in matthew 5 i come here and i want to worship so i bring my gift whether it's my gift of worship whether my gift of worship and a little gift in the basket whatever it is my heart and i'm worshiping and all of a sudden god says your brother has something against you what your brother has something against you i'm sorry i can't i can't receive it leave the gift i can't take it nobody preaches this anymore where'd it go it he had one little sermon it's not a lot one sermon nobody teaches it and he says go to your brother go to your brother i can't take that and then come back and worship now if i go to my brother and he's like i don't want any part of it i want to reconcile then guess what happens to him when he comes to worship you follow it's come on you don't think that's brilliant you got no out you got to forgive you don't have a choice rabbi it's so hard right robert you don't know what was done to me you don't know i was abused let him go it's killing you they're doing fine let them go god knows you can trust god there's a day of reckoning don't wish it on them we'll say dude come before god wait till he says to you no that's not the right attitude i'm sorry for what was done to you i'm sorry if if if those people that did that to you were following torah they wouldn't have done it to you that's why i preached this so that we don't perpetuate this craziness this lunacy this pain and suffering on so many hearts of people it's horrible we're in ministry now over 25 years we've heard every story and then some i'm not boasting i'm just telling you we've heard it all it's awful that's why we want you guys to not to not follow the ways of the world because the ways of the world are poisoned they're hurtful they're hurtful that's all they do is hurt and hurt and cause pain go to a prison and talk to some of them talk to what they've been through the molestation the poison how their parents threw matches on them so they should have never had you it's disgusting it's deplorable it's evil in its highest level but with that being said if you don't let it go or if you don't give it to god you'll relive it over and over and over let it go and watch what god brings you he'll restore you peace by peace only god could take a bunch of broken pot shirts and make a gorgeous vase out of it now with that being said i have one little test for you so based on partiality i want you to take this test one do we show more kindness to those of our own race than those of other races guys i got news for i live in macon now 18 years i i was raised in the hood in the projects don't tell me it's on the white side don't tell me from the black side you're both at fault you're both kind of like your own kind now i'm okay with hanging out you know italians like italians but but the partiality thing thinking you're better that's messed up are we more kindly disposed to the young than the old you know a lot of old people are kicked to the curb when i was young i promise you this is true i was eight years old i'd hang out with the old jewish guys in the neighborhood and they were like little gangsters you know they're like get a kid greg get out of here go play with somebody your own age i said they don't know nothing i would ask them questions like what's your biggest regret they lived a long time that's why they say take care of the great head that they have a wealth of knowledge a wealth of knowledge you can't you can't get that knowledge except through experience tap into them they've already raised kids and grandkids they know way more than your little dopey little pee brain knows because you read a book how to raise what to expect what i'm expecting get out of here expect the worst oh i can't wait to go to the mall and take a picture with the baby with the okay that's the way it's going to be 365. good luck you know what you're doing are we more outgoing to good-looking people than to those considered plain some people gravitate that way i see it all the time i go the other way i'm like i'll slam a door in your face because you're so used to having them open who do you think you are why because you were you you were bl you had nothing to do with it are we more anxious to befriend prominent people than those comparatively unknown do we avoid people with physical infirmities i mean there's a guy that i brought here well my friend charlie brought him here a couple of weeks ago when he tried to bring him here today you know i go to i go to planet fitness this guy this guy had 600 stitches he broke every bone in his body he has one little tooth and holly ham talk and you know he looks not like you know he's been through it he's in a two-year coma i'd be lined right to him this is what i said he's a walker and he's walking i go hey buddy slow down that's how i started the conversation with him he laughed thank god a little too shook and we we talk all the time now people won't talk to him they don't know to say how about hello what do you think cause he's handicapped he he doesn't know how to talk he doesn't have feelings that same heart that you have and the same aspirations those are the people that need it most man do we favor the rich over the poor i've got rich friends i got poor friends they're my friends last but not least do we give the cold shoulder to foreigners you know those who speak our language with a funny accent some of those people are sold for the earth man they got their citizenship the right way and they are proud to live in america sometimes prouder than some americans today as we answer these questions let us remember let us always remember that the way we treat the least lovable believer is the way we're treating yeshua something you should never forget well here's the last verse of the day and it serves as our take home message don't owe anyone anything right the borrower becomes a slave to the lender don't owe anyone anything guys we have sinned we sin and we still sin the wages of sin is death at the end of every week we should receive a check from god and the check should say pay to the order of greg hershberg and it should be stamped to death and he should take my life when yeshua was led to that execution state he had every right to say i didn't do it you know guys go to court and they say i didn't do it always by the way everybody in jail didn't do it i did prison industry for a long time some of them didn't sadly enough but yeshua had every right to say i didn't do it he said i did it look what was done for you the glorious son of god the messiah who took a hit that you should have absolutely took no matter how good you are you're not that good and how we could not see that love and that forgiveness and that mercy and that beautiful beautiful beautiful lamb of god and not want to show him to others is a travesty today the one and only debt that should always be outstanding in our lives is the obligation to love let's stand together perfect thank you lord why don't you grab the hand of somebody next to you is oh may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord make his face to shine upon you be gracious unto you and may the lord lift up his very countenance his smile upon you may you see it today and bless you with his peace in the name of the prince of all peace yeshua amen shabbat shalom guys
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Views: 2,702
Rating: 4.9359999 out of 5
Id: dGc0dwKh-Jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 28sec (2848 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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