Aug 7, 2021 - Torah Parsha Re'eh (See)

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you know the torah porsche is is picked for me and this one is a this this there's nobody sitting here that could not share about this because it's so incredibly straightforward there's a lot to it in a sense but it's it's very simple and very straightforward um not not anything difficult to figure out and that's kind of neat if he asked me um lily can you fold that for me thank you sweetheart um i was i was happy about this torah pasha because i i have something to share with you a little later that dovetails right into it um okay the the torah pasha the reason why if you're wondering if you're here for the first time with a hundred first time you know the children of israel were commanded to read the torah and um the torah isn't isn't old you know it's it's not old it's timeless and and really yeshua in the first century the jewish people call them hatorah the torah and that's consistent with john 1 1 where it says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god and the word took on flesh yeshua is the torah with flesh on it not only not only is he the torah but he walked out the torah perfectly and it wasn't like he walked it out you know because he had to and then we don't have to that wasn't the idea you know he was really modeling the perfect son of god he was showing us what it means to be a son or daughter of god and how we should conduct ourselves and you know that's he's he's really our role model he's he's not just i mean of course he is lord and savior but he these other things too and one of the things is he's a role model and so if you saw this screen that poshes the portions are broken up into 50 portions so that you can read the whole torah in a year you know god didn't tell us that but if he told you i want you to read the bible in a year it would make sense to break it up so you can get that accomplished that's all and and they broke this section up deuteronomy 11 26 to 16 17 so that's the whole portion for this week and every jew and every not every jew forgive me every religiously observant jew there are very few religiously observant jews these days um but the religiously observant they're going to focus on that pasha for this week and the way they get the titles which means to see the first word in the section that's all it's it's nothing more than that they just had to title it so that's what they use the first word in the section and if you go to deuteronomy 11 26 you'll see the first word is see we take a portion of the portion because nobody could comment on that i mean you know if we did then maybe we'd get to see the eastern sky open so we just take a small portion so let's look at the torah parsha that mark just read and the portion that they gave us okay to look at it's from deuteronomy so it falls in that whole portion and it's two verses and it says rather you must give to him and you are not to be grudging when you give to him if you do this aranoi your god will bless you in all your work in everything you undertake for there will always be poor people in the land that is why i'm giving you this order you must open your hand to the to your poor and needy in your land now rather is conjugated it connects to something so reading this like reading all scripture out of context is lunacy it's lunacy there is no way you can understand the word of god if you read out of context it it it is impossible and if you don't understand the word of god then you're not going to understand god and if you take the word of god out of context you're going to take god out of context which is what the believing community has done now they've made god in their image they don't know the word of god they really don't at best if they hear something they go oh that that's in the they don't even know if it's old testament or new testament no less the book no less in context it's insanity i don't want to be difficult but some of you haven't read your bible in months i i don't even understand that i don't let's put it in a little context just a little bit of context okay if someone among you is needy one of your brothers in any of your towns in your land which i'm always giving you so they're entering in they're entering in they're going to be a whole new community they've left egypt they've left the gods of egypt and now they're going into this whole new land israel where god is going to strive with them god's going to do his part and they need to do their part it's going to be a relationship people say you know it's all about relationship not about religion it was all about relationship back then i mean we think it's just about relationship through yeshua but god spoke to moses face to face when's the last time you had a face to face with god it's always been about relationship god has always wanted to relate to his people did he go into the garden with adam in the cool of the day and relate with him he's always been a god that wants to relate he's always been a good father always it's nothing new there is nothing new under the sun so much of the old testament is in the new testament so much of it as a believer as a christian no matter what denomination the torah is still alive and well the difference is they didn't have the power to walk it out it's not that much different you are not to harden your heart or shut your hand from giving to your needy brother no you must open your hand to him and lend him enough to meet his need and enable him to obtain what he wants let's continue guard yourself against allowing your heart to entertain the mean-spirited thought because the seventh year the year of shemitah will go over it is at hand you would be stingy towards your needy brother and not give him anything for then he may cry out to aranoi against you and it will be your sin rather now here's the connection so this is what you shouldn't do rather you must give to him and you are not to be grudging when you give to him if you do this i don't know your god will bless you in all your work and everything you want to take last verse for there will always be poor people in the land that is why i'm giving you this order you must open your hand to your poor and needy brother in your land okay what do we got to do we're going to break it down a little bit let's go to verses seven through nine and again if someone among you is needy one of your brothers now i want you to see at least it jumped out of me that god is speaking to the jewish people and he's saying if one of your brothers not just anybody this is a directive just to the jewish people in the land yes you can look up that word brothers and you'll see that i'm not making this up it's not what we say hey brother today everybody's a brother right thanks brother thanks brother let him ask you for money and you'll see how he's not part of your family real quick thanks brother brother brother brother no no this is this was to the jewish people now i want you to know you you're supposed to take care of god first okay that's where tithing came in i don't want to get into it i've never taught on it i never will between you and god but it hasn't gone anywhere that's first and then you're supposed to take care of your family then you're supposed to take care of your congregational family then you're supposed to take care of the extended family the rest of the believing community and then the world i'm i'm letting everybody know that's listening and there's probably thousands and thousands of people all around the world do not take something that you set aside and declare to be corbin for the synagogue god takes care of the synagogue take care of your family i have never made a plea for money here and never will we don't have to if if if it's god's will it's god's bill if he tells rabbi great to do something here he will provide whether you give to it or not but you take care of your family listen to me take care of your family so here was a directive to the brothers now we read the same thing in first john 3 17. i'm telling you i'm not making this up i'll read it to you real quick i don't have it on the screens i just saw it just a few minutes ago first john 3 17 it says if someone has worldly possessions and sees his brother in need that's just not anybody that's his christian brother yet closes his heart against them how can he be love how can he be a loving god so there's an order of things i'm not saying to not take care of the world you you you know me by now i mean is this you know i just no but there's something that's important here when you see this year of shimita shemitah is just hebrew for release god gave directions that in the seventh year anybody who had a debt was released so what do you think a lot of people did they had a handout close to the seventh year how many people do you know they claim bankruptcy and what do they do they know they're going to claim bankruptcy so they run up their credit cards man are you crazy you think god's going to honor that so even if they did that even if they did that even though all debts were canceled in the seventh year this should not cause a person to refuse to lend money to a poor israelite even as the year released drew near to refuse is the sin that speaks that god's speaking about in verse nine he's saying it's a sin he's not saying it's bad and and he says you must give he's not saying you're a good guy if you do it's a commandment and what happens when we break a commandment it's a sin and that's not just torah and that's just me that's first john sin is lawlessness it's a sin i'm telling you guys i know i know personally and i'm sure you do a hard heart leads to a tight fist you ever see somebody when they're having a coronary i've been around what happens their fists tighten up a hard heart leads to a tight fist every day of the week let's look at the next verse verse 10 rather so he's making a contrast you must give to him you're not to give grudgingly okay in this connection the jewish people have been known deservedly well known for caring for their own they do they do they do they do all the time but not only for their own but the world every time there's a catastrophe who's first on the ground before the red cross before the u.n israel the country is this big it's the size of metro atlanta how are they on the ground first before france before germany before the united states because the torah still lives in their hearts even if they're secular still there the apostle paul said the same thing nothing is new under the sun he said the same thing that moses said you think he made stuff up you think he's like i'm going to go with a new torah the new and improved her. look at second corinthians 9 7. he said each one should give according to what he decided in his heart not grudgingly it's the same words god told moses tell them not to give grudgingly he's saying the same thing why because paul was tore observant he didn't convert it is possible to give and not be happy about it anybody know what i'm talking about we all know it is also possible to give under pressure of emotional appeals or public embarrassment did you ever see me do it here honestly i'm not trying to put a feather mic up i won't do that you know how easy it would be for me to do that now easy would be from the show starving children and and pull upon you i don't want i don't want i don't want that love i don't want that money i don't want it i really don't god doesn't want it i don't like that i don't like when people do that so what's cheerful look at the word hilaros it means joyous and prompt to do anything ready a cheerful heart is ready not just to give money to give time to give treasures to give talents to give a cheerful heart gives and what do we know about this word today the greek word hilaros get the word in our language hilarious hilarious it means boisterously merry it means jolly it means rowdy it means unrestrained joy imagine if the believing community served the lord with unrestrained joy as opposed to our stupid little projects to put a name on ourselves well i'm involved in this cause yeah you're involved in it you're getting the name there's a quote by a wonderful theologian i don't know if you ever heard of him but if you're a christian you should have benjamin joe it brilliant and he gives a quote about this verse second corinthians 9 7. this is what he says quote cheerful giving is born of love and therefore it is a lover loving a lover a believer should be a lover loving god who's a lover and rejoicing in the communion how much has god given you dude he gave you his son i'm not prepared to do that for anybody no i'm sorry that's why he didn't call on me to do it he says giving is the language of loving indeed it has no other speech so loved the world that he gave love finds its very life in giving itself away i tell young people all the time if you are dating somebody even remotely selfish don't even consider marrying them because once you get married it will be worse of course they're putting their best foot forward now that you're dating once they put a ring on it they're going to just be on the couch saying t and i got news for you if you're selfish and you're with a guy who's giving don't mess up their life by marrying them has anybody under the age of 30 heard of calvin coolidge show of hands all two of you beautiful he was the 30th president of the united states of america by the way 1923 1929 brilliant brilliant brilliant man had a beautiful presidency but chose to be simple so calvin decides to go to church and this is true and he comes home and his wife says to him quote what did the minister speak about sin coolidge responded and what did he say he was against it when it comes to giving what more remains to be said other than god is for it i mean anything more i'd be beaten a dead horse what's the big commentary so many of you were so caught up with studying what are you studying so much what are you praying so much about i'll pray about it i'll pray about it good you pray about it i'll get somebody to do it and then you go before god and tell them how hard you prayed about it in hebrew the word is tzedakah you've heard of that when when the sacrificial system was destroyed by god is what i mentioned to the some of the orthodox people i spoke to the rabbis they met well but they scrambled we don't have an orthodox system anymore we don't have a sacrificism what do we do so they made up three things they said sadaka teshuva and tefila the feeler is prayer and teshuva is repentance and seducka is giving my question is always look it's a nice program but how much how much do i have to give in order to to get a pass seductive though is not just giving it comes from the hebrew word sedek and it means justice so from god's perspective one who doesn't give is acting unjustly how much to who i'm not going there nope sorry that's between you and god but man when you're tight-fisted you think you're going to be like this and go i love you god yeah and guess what he can't open up your hand to put anything in it either it's not just the torah that speaks about this look i love proverbs more than any book in the bible bar none nothing has more wisdom than that book nothing it has wisdom personified and the beautiful thing about it is it can relate directly to you the other parts of the bible you interpret it for what it says proverbs if you read it you'll get something out of it that i won't because something's going on in your life or with your character that's different than going on with mine it's an incredible incredible incredible book of wisdom nothing competes with it nothing so take a look at some of these proverbs 14 31 it says the oppressor of the poor insults his maker but he who is kind to the needy honors him meaning honors god look at proverbs 19 17 this is a scary one he who is kind to the poor is lending to the lord and he will repay him for his good deed proverbs 21 13 whoever stops up his ears at the cry of the poor will himself cry do we remember the rich man in luke 16 19-31 in the afterlife did he not cry out for relief was his cry answered silence got nothing proverbs 28 27 he who gives to the pool will lack nothing but he who hides his eyes will get cursed in plenty remember when you're watching tv 20 30 years ago and you saw the kids from the offer on tv yeah changing the channel doesn't work for god the man who closes his eyes to genuine cases of need will have multiplied sorrows that's what god is saying don't you see what he set up he set up a system so we would care about each other i mean i might have jewish brothers but my neighbor what's neighbor in hebrew goes back to leviticus it means friend companion another person just another person and you could read more proverbs proverbs 17 5 have you taken notes 22 9 28 8 29 7 31 8-9 there's a ton of them tons okay last verse in the torah parasha this is interesting yeshua said the poor you'll always have among you didn't he what's he doing repeating torah you can't improve on the foundation of god's word it's not going anywhere there is always some antagonist that goes but what about the part about stoning the kid you think you're working for god at that point of working for satan that's something satan would say satan would try to make the word of god and pollute it and dilute it so when you're speaking that guess who you're working for in all of the history of israel no sun was ever stoned why because god is good just like he didn't let abraham put the knife through isaac he's good but i'm telling you some of these kids today they might not need a stoning but they need a good kick in the butt just you know what i mean just at that just at the look at that coccyx just it right there right there you know where it is you've fallen on it before okay it says here for there will always be poor people in the land is that true yes the poor people aren't going nowhere they're always going to be there this is why because they'll always be poor people how did god know for knowledge he knows everything this is why because they'll always be poor people this is why i'm giving you this order you must open your hand to the poor and the needy in your land okay there will be always poor people among you why two reasons two reasons one partly is a punishment sometimes poverty is a punishment read read the bible yeah sometimes it's laziness thank you stimulus it's more like the anti-stimulus put people to sleep not to work but if you if you look in the bottom now some of you might be struggling financially you say am i being cursed talk to god not me maybe that's your call but sometimes it's it's not a blessing if you if you read deuteronomy 28 where it lists the blessings and the curses and you read leviticus 26 and the blessing of church you'll see it's under the cursings but the other reason is partly to teach us compassion sometimes you could be a poor person that's not cursed just to see if somebody else will help you out and that brings us to our new testament posture james 1 26 27 anyone who thinks he is religiously observant which is you know we think we we well i know a lot of people hate that word religion because you were at a church somewhere and every time somebody sneezed religious spirit remember that some of you i don't know i've only been in the messianic synagogue we don't do that because we feel we're religious because the word is religious to bind to something and i'm religious in the fact that i'm bound to god i don't have a problem with that word paul says in the new testament follow my religion so just be careful about some of the nuttiness that you've been under and how you spew things you know generational curse it's not a generational curse you're cursed because you're an idiot it's not a generational thing anyone who thinks he's religiously observant but does not control his tongue is deceiving himself and his observance counts for nothing the religious observance that god the father considers pure and faultless is this to take care of the orphans and the widows in the distress look this guy lived with yeshua because they had the same mom in a way they were kind of step brothers but not exactly i don't know if anybody really believed you know in the family that she was impregnated by the holy spirit until maybe they saw yeshua resurrected because james sure didn't he's like look mom i don't want to call you out on this but give me a break god got you pregnant think about it think about it they weren't two thousand years on the other side of this like we are see he didn't believe he didn't believe till after the resurrection but he lived with yeshua and when he became a believer who do you think knew him better than james nobody and he put this together this is the torah of the new testament there are 108 sentences in this little letter 54 of those 108 sentences are commands right out of the torah so james what he's doing is he's contrasting which is what the whole bible does right the whole bible is black and white the whole bible it's and it's so black and white he's making a contrast he's comparing useless religion with pure and faultless religion and religion here means the external patterns of behavior connected with our religious belief belief is one thing but we need behavior that goes along with that belief we need character along with creed just not good enough tell me what you believe i'll just watch you and know what you believe so outward forms rather than the inward spirit what we do as opposed to what we believe look at james 1 26 we'll break it down so we got two left anyone who thinks he is religiously observant but does not control his tongue is deceiving himself and observance counts for nothing look a person i was raised in i was observing i was observant i went to synagogue every saturday i think i was close to god i went every saturday my parents wanted me to go so i went what was i supposed to do say no i had to it was part of my upbringing we have a lot of kids that go to church every sunday and then they grow up and they have nothing to do with god and you wonder where did i go wrong i don't know if you necessarily went wrong they made a wrong choice you did what you could do well we didn't give them the best example um your mom and me weren't there's no excuse let me just give you a little a little a little news flash gandhi said i would have believed in jesus if i didn't meet so many christians let him go before god and and say that and watch the shoot open by gandhi i don't know about you but my bible says nobody's with an excuse so whether it's my son or my daughter or your son or your daughter they made a choice stop blaming yourself you can't be held responsible this christian world is so nuts some woman's kid breaks the law goes to jail and they look at how like she's of the devil it's a bad choice i could make bad choices and sometimes i do it's choices that you make and it comes from thinking that you have not just beliefs you're thinking that's why it says renew your mind every day so you can have a person that that observes all kinds of religious ceremonies and they appear pious but james is saying he's deceiving himself because god is not satisfied with religious rituals he's more interested in practicality practical not theology not just doctrine we can't just spew doctrine do you know how many of you spend way too much time studying the book of revelation what are you looking for i don't understand what are you looking for it's going to let me book a revelation it's going to get really really really bad and then the night a shining armor comes and throws you on the steed and you live happily ever after book of revelation what do those poor disciples do without the book of revelation they did terrible in six months they filled jerusalem up with the gospel when's the last time you filled up a city in six months he's just giving one example of futile religion it's not exhaustive he's just saying that an unbridled tongue is futile religion but it's not the only it's not like oh so if i get my tongue if i control my tongue then then i'm good no it's just one thing any behavior inconsistent with the faith is worthless any behavior the story is told of a grocer who apparently was a pious fraud he lived in an apartment above the store if you if you've been to new york you've seen a lot of these things you know in the cities especially like new york there's a store front and then above the store front is the owner's apartment every morning he would call down to his assistant john yes sir have you watered down the milk yes sir have you colored the butter yes sir have you put chicory in the coffee yes sir very well come up for morning devotions god is looking for practical godliness which takes a compassionate interest in others you know when i came home because we were in this small i first of all you know there's all concrete in in this part of long beach i was in the west end the east end is the wealthier end um these are these are maybe eight hundred a thousand foot maybe square foot that we were in something like that would go for seven eight hundred grand easy um so small concrete old nothing to look at when i got to my house thursday night i opened the door i go i fell to my knees i'm living in a palace it's palatial i couldn't believe how big it was i haven't upstairs i'm upstairs with bedrooms not one bathroom not two three bathrooms i couldn't believe it i looked in the backyard i got a backyard with grass and trees and man we are so crazy blessed so and it's it's not enough what if we put on an addition what are you playing hide and go seek what are you doing god wants us to take a compassionate interest in others and to keep our own life clean sometimes i wonder you know look this is so hard for me i i almost wish that god spoke to me and said you're done and i'll tell you why because i'm telling you i promise you the the accolades i get and the letters i get i almost can't read them anymore i'm not that guy i fight every day with things i'm so far from having arrived i fight the enemy is constantly trying to to speak to me and tempt me constantly and i fight i'm not there i'm not there god uses me god uses bombs look at verse 27 the religious observance that god the father considers pure and thoughtless is this and this is right to the heart and you could read this in psalm 146 and so many other psalms to care for orphans orphans look at the way you raised your kids you send them to private schools you put on the finest clothes you took them on vacation these are kids without parents who's going to care for them widows in other societies when a woman loses a husband she doesn't remarry it's not like here in america they don't remarry it's it's just a disrespect to their deceased husband my mom had such a hard time people saying you need to date she would say to me my son how am i going to date he'll be like your father take care of all with it orphans excuse me in widows and they're distressing to keep oneself from being contaminated by the world so james gives an example and praises this guy he praises this man who visits needy orphans and widows and who keeps himself undefiled from the world i don't know i read this you know when i first started reading the bible and i thought this would be great you know it'd be great to take care of widows and orphans and i tried it at beth judah and it just i didn't have any like real forgive me if you're watching maybe some of you weren't like this but i just didn't feel like there was any backing to do it there was no excitement and then i came here and i wanted to do it so bad i was like god this is insane so i'm i'm just going to talk to believers and then you sent me to macon gentile central where i'm gonna give them some some you know explain to them that they're jewish christians that they're not just christians that jesus last name was in christ that he was a jew is a jew and always will be a jew is this what i'm supposed to do just judaize them i don't want to do that you know most of them aren't going to like it anyway i said just i'll do that because that's what you've called me to make it for but can i have that too and he just made it happen he just sent us out to little villages obscure villages that people in the area don't know exist people in israel never heard of never mind they never even heard of it you talk to rabbis i never heard of it part of sauna never heard of it you think anybody heard of these villages in south east india these thousand villages where there's no running water in mud huts do you think people know in north india that they exist no no the new birth is found in acts of grace and works of separation that's what james is saying let me show you some pictures i received while i was away it just came at a perfect time this look these kids not these kids because this is already this is already 2009 we started this but these kids are the kids that were orphans either their parents died of aids they were playing i saw them i went to the slum hold on one second go back to that picture i went to the slum i saw them naked naked playing in sewage water i saw i saw the excrement the smell most people couldn't handle the smell look at what god has done [Applause] stephen our leader is to the left he had a little a little nothing a little bible study in his village he's known not just in kenya he's known in nigeria he's known in ghana look at what god has done with somebody who was willing look at these caps and gowns they have hope look at this kid in the next picture look how happy a diploma if some of our american kids understood that even though they have a free education it costs somebody something yeah of course taxpayers money apply yourself it's not a problem with the school it's a problem with your culture i was raised in the hood of hoods all my friends are dead from either overdosing or bank robbing my father's voice was in my head and it said make something to yourself kid i never had a chance make so apply yourself go to school and i want to honor him well what do we do about the fatherless society make a good choice let's look at a couple others one more i think it's growing i mean and then what do we have this is um i asked him to get some plans i would like to build them a school now time this is not a plea for money know this i don't send in a check we're covered god's already covered it this is not a pleasure don't send a check this is for the future school no no no no we're okay all right let's go um just i mean this listen 2009 he's sitting on his hands now he's like a leader of leaders they call him to come speak he's a big deal not that he needs to be a big deal and he could care less about being a big deal but look at how god raised him up it's crazy and just not to leave the woman out because i don't want to hear from them you know i think next we have pictures from ethiopia look i was there man i watched girls with 40 pound containers on their back going hunchbacked with a rope hunchback walking like this up a mountain and the water wasn't even clean they got clean water now you can't exist without clean water [Applause] that's our second one and i hope that we have at least three more and last india these are pictures i just got while i was away here they are praying for food and let's go to the next one there's the chickens they don't look guys these people don't know from chickens they eat rice not even basmati rice you guys get good rice they get rice stripped of every nutrient they can't even afford basmati rice so they work in the fields and they give them the junk they work in the fields 14 hours a day for a couple of bucks imagine eating bad rice all the time somebody's saying oh mom i had that yet we had italian again invite me over to your house when your kid says that i mean they've fed hundreds of thousands of starving people not not not just people that you know there's nothing starving because of covert and because of poverty and that's what's going on in in india so um one last thing i gotta read um you you know are our connection with our miracle mission um i got this while i was away too dear rabbi greg um we saw a need at several hospitals and agencies for custom fitted wheelchairs you know all about this right for the physically handicapped they cannot you know people say can i send a wheelchair no a regular wheelchair won't work they're frozen so they need a special wheelchair these wheelchairs in the medical profession forgive me if you're in the medical profession but they cost 10 grand okay we manufacture them through the prison system in iowa for 500 bucks how's that for a mock-up that's just as a side note that's criminal and you'll have to answer for it 500 bucks so we got them wheelchairs these are kids that have never left their hospital bed maybe maybe they became that way because they nearly drowned in a pool and you know they were underwater for too long but never left the bed not only did the wheelchairs but the ipads they're able to communicate can you imagine just imagine you're a woman who's visited your son in the hospital for 13 years and now you hear for the first time him say mommy thank you for visiting me all this time i love you [Applause] so we created the wheelchair mission and supplied 1000 wheelchairs one thousand it was our pleasure to share with you the many heartwarming emotional letters we receive from families and agencies our special wheelchairs enable many children to go outside the hospital rooms for the very first time in their lives today the government we got involved in the government today the government is supplying the wheelchairs so our wheelchair mission has been accomplished we first established an ipad and tablet mission to provide children with mental challenges so they could learn how to communicate then came covert which cried all children be confined to their homes and agencies with no access to their school computers we provided approximately 700 ipads the agencies enabling them their children to continue their education we received many stories from parents thanking us for providing their child with an ipad for many it was the very first time they were able to communicate with their child today the children have returned to schools and hospitals mission accomplished this is what he wrote bill wrote it's signed by bill who is the founding president of foster foundation my buddy and he sent this to every orthodox agency they're all orthodox agencies except for the bethlehem rehabilitation which is you know in arab agencies because we want to help children my bible doesn't say that they should just be believing children what do they know they're hurt we'll help them he writes none of these missions could have been accomplished without your general support in the partnership we were blessed to establish with rabbi greg and congregation beth yeshua they provided half of all the costs for everything how did how did we pull this off how do we pull any of this off it's crazy this congregation's so much bigger than us who aren't doing squat except building things to little kids so they could feel like they're on a cruise ship give them more stuff more significantly this was not the normal partnership between a foundation in the synagogue our partnership was between a foundation and rabbi greg hershberger messianic rabbi and his congregation beth yeshua and their thousands of followers thank you again for your commitment dedication you know what this is like when a guy likes this who is a former president uh vice president excuse me of the international conservative synagogue movement worldwide he knows every synagogue there is and he's telling these orthodox people beth yeshua house of jesus god god works in so many different ways you know there's so many layers you think well this is what he's doing anything no it's mutually beneficial he's blessing you and me you have no idea what he's doing he's doing so many different things with so many different people at so many different times leave it alone just do what you're told leave it alone you don't have to know so much why do you have to know so much who died and left you boss who are you you're a nobody i'm a nobody we're not important the glory of god is important you're just not that important what if i lose my rabbi what if i lose my surgeon what if i lose my wife ah people lose rabbis they get a new one people lose surgeons they get a new one they lose wives sometimes they get a new one a little too soon but they got a new one this is this is the way i i would like to and it um it ends on a note of i'm very included in this maybe just maybe we should put our own faith on trial i hate to do this to you i you know we should have just left with the pictures but i just got a few questions for you one do i read my bible with a humble desire to have god rebuke me teach me and change me or do i read my bible so i have ammunition for my next argument that's just an add-on two am i anxious to have my tongue bridled or do i have to prove my point constantly and show that i'm right three do i justify my temper well the reason was what happened was if that didn't or do i want victory over it four how do i react when someone tells an off-color joke your facial expression already told me five does my faith manifest itself in deeds of kindness to those who can't repay me do you know how many times bill has asked me do you want your name do you want your name do you want your name what do i need a name rabbi greg hershberg on a plaque don't you think god knows what i'm doing what i'm not doing is it going to matter everything we do god knows and if you want to talk about grace and mercy let me repeat everything we do god knows i wouldn't push it too much you know god was very patient when he judged israel and they went into exile in 567 but that didn't happen overnight isaiah started speaking to them back in 750 bc it's at a place now where the world is so absolutely wacky doing things that are absolutely unheard of unprecedented and boasting about them but the sad part is it's infiltrating the believing community every which way and they're buying into it and right you're going to be narrow and uptight and weird and people aren't going to like you so like the wise man once said so ah there was a song that was written in 1996 i think it applies today let me just throw the chorus up there for you you familiar with this was a guy in his car espinoza not all that well known just a worship leader who was in this car and he realized man something's got to give things are things you know people think well it it it changed um with kovid and it changed with the obama administration and it changed with the me generation of the 60s and it's guys this has been going on since the garden i don't know if you're aware of that or not it's been spiraling down it's spiraling down faster it's going to ramp up very soon next 12 to 18 months it's going to ramp up and for you that are putting a smirk on your face nobody's ready for it nobody is ready for it you're gonna have to trust god and hold on to god with everything you have and it's gonna feel like all of a sudden it's gonna feel like overnight but it's been building nobody gains 50 pounds overnight it's been building and building and building but you're not going to stop it i was at niagara falls and there's a point where if you get into the river the niagara river you are going over the falls this world is going over the falls you don't have to go over the falls with it daniel was in babylon one of the most detestable empires that ever existed he faced jerusalem three times a day and he wasn't trying to win everybody over didn't he say nebuchadnezzar no offense i can't do this be careful how much time you spend trying to win people over because in the process you might lose yourself i'm a witnessing fool but you don't have to make every canaanite an israelite if you're an israelite just be careful not to become a canaanite let's stand up together you sure you wanted me back okay don't go changing to try to please me billy joey's from new york what can i tell you uh i know a lot of people going through a lot of stuff man you know a lot of people uh this internet thing is crap it causes us to be anti-social anybody can get along texting you know it's like communicating with a billboard just doesn't work it's not really social it's anti-social it's putting so much pressure on these little kids to have friends and likes and subscribes it's it's absolutely insanity they're so depressed it's pathetic i've never seen so many depressed young people in all my life on antidepressants it's crazy right if some of you are on or your kids i'm just saying it's out of control we're letting it get to us you know cover it and should i do and should i not do it the vaccine is the market it's not the market what if i don't take it these many died and that many died and maybe and and 95 in the hospital right now that are dying from covert haven't been vaccinated should i get there look just relax you know you're like seriously man some of your like guardian angels are just like give me another lighten up it's not the first time things went sideways god's got this he's got you even if you think he doesn't that's because you know why you might think that because you put too much onus on yourself you've tried to control this thing for too long let go let god do what only he could do let him be god just let him be god let let him run with it just follow the cloud i know it's not so easy and it's not easy for me guys it's not easy for me it's not like i got but i don't want to go out like that i don't want to go out so afraid of everything i don't want to do that it's stifling and it's not life-giving it's life-taking and you don't have life it has you and it becomes imprisoning it's crazy people are afraid to talk to people because of this a person coughs and you want to choke him out he just has a little something and now there's variance and now people that have gotten gotten the vaccine are getting coveted too and if some knucklehead gave them ira mectin or hydrochloroquine with vitamin d guess what they'd probably be okay but no put them on a freaking respirator and shut down their system and let them drop dead so they could sell another one satan is behind all of it don't you give him the victory follow god and slap him may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you may the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace in the name of the principle of peace yeshua is i love you guys and i really mean it this time
Channel: Getzel
Views: 2,533
Rating: 4.9379845 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 9sec (3249 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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