(May 20, 2018) Shavuot 5778: The Spirit Cometh

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[Music] let me tell you my take on spending less 29 years with the Lord every day and I don't mean and I'm not saying this to bring any attention to myself I'm saying this to preface what I'm about to say she'll understand what I'm about to say is very important spending hours and hours and hours and hours and hours a day in in meditation not so much reading and studying I don't do that as much as you think most of you probably study way more than I do in meditation in trying to know God and trying to understand his heart and and waiting around for him to say anything and if he doesn't say anything as long as I'm in his presence it's still it's still you know good we have to stop looking good and start acting good the body of Messiah has put on a facade for way too long and people you know they don't like to be exposed you know that's why when people do wrong things they don't necessarily do it in their neighborhood it's the reason why I act so crazy sometimes is not so you can think I'm crazy but to get you to be a little transparent and real with God because he sees in those old things and I just figure if I'm transparent you will be transparent because it's in that transparency with the Lord they will gain intimacy yesterday we we went over acts 1 of course you know a prelude to Shavuot and what I try to tell you and I hope it it translated it's very important that you understand for the Jewish people their Redemption wasn't complete till they got the Torah if I go to India and I speak to medical Hindus and I explained to them about God's heart and what he did with our sin issue and our guilt and they accept that and they and at times they do and then I leave I go what do they do then you're not you see you think you you're thinking like yourself like well I was raised in church so I kind of know the I kind of know the lingo and I kind of basically know what the Bible says what do you do with somebody who's totally and completely pagan if you leave them what do they do they could even turn around say what do I do now do I do I continue to do what I was doing and I say just wing it which is pretty much what we do we tell people to kind of wing it so it wasn't complete they were redeemed they put the blood on the doorposts and the lintel and they were at they would delivered from Egypt but delivered to do what they they were no longer a slave to the ways of Egypt but they became a slave to the ways of God and they did not get the Torah till Pentecost to shovel out if you check your Bible Exodus 19 it was fifty days later and they received the Torah basically said okay you delivered now here's the manual okay you're out of that Kingdom Egypt means darkness you're out of that Kingdom it's not for you but you're not just neutralized you're in a whole nother Kingdom and this other kingdom has it it has everything is different about it it's literature is different everything it's entertainment is different it's ways of different diametrically opposed to that of the kingdom and they didn't know they didn't know the ways of the Torah it wasn't inherent and so they had to learn for us it's very similar our Redemption really isn't totally complete salvation there's nothing to add to but too many people get saved and that's it they stopped at salvation with salvation is the very starting point initiates being born again right think if a child is born it's an infant it has to be fed and helped and guided and instructed so it can become a productive adult and so you're born again you're in this whole new Kingdom and there's a whole new set of ways and I'm here to tell you I am NOT holier than now but there is not no way enough holiness in the body of Messiah these days we have been graced to death and it is not by the Lord it's by the enemy he has hoodwinked us to believe it's all right God understands not not exactly not according to the Bible anyway it might be according to somebody else according to you but it's not the Gospel according to you or me and it's not the gospel it's the gospel of the kingdom of heaven you're in a whole new it's not the gospel it's the God you check he preached the gospel of the kingdom and when he said go and tell them about God the Father and about the Messiah and be immersed in his sacrifice and then be connected with the Holy Spirit and then teach them send the end of the Gospels teach them without that teaching there's no discipleship how can you be a disciple if you're not discipled so our redemption wasn't complete just like theirs wasn't in terms of we needed the ways of God but it is so much more powerful it's a better covenant it is better in the sense that we don't have the Torah on tablets that we have to go to Moses the teacher and the mediator and say is this is this kosher is this kosher is this kosher it's not on some tablets of stone it became internalized which is unbelievable and if that wasn't enough because that wasn't complete just because it's on the inside doesn't mean that we can carry it out on our own if we could we wouldn't need the Lord then he said I'm gonna do something even more and it's all it's all over the Old Testament it's in Isaiah and Jeremiah it's in Ezekiel it's in Deuteronomy Deuteronomy 30 says I'm gonna circumcise your heart and then he says not only am I gonna write these things on the inside but then I'm gonna give you a power that's the big difference if you will I don't like to make a big difference between the old and new Testament but the difference between the old and new Testament is in the New Testament he gave a power to carry out what the Old Testament required but didn't give them the power to do that was the frustration for them so when people say all the time I hear it all the time I don't get it I don't understand how they how they built that golden calf they just saw the miracles look at all the golden caps you have in your life and you have the Holy Spirit supposedly and the ways written on the inside of you so I asked this question all the time what's worse sinning against the law or sitting against grace be careful how you point that finger because we really don't have an excuse we have access to the power of God the same power that spoke the universe into being the same power it's not a different Holy Spirit there's only one there might be a different dimension that we all have but we all have access to that power so running around saying we're only human first of all that is a lie from the pit of hell you are not only human and just making excuses that this is human nature human nature is poison human nature is manipulative human nature is jealous human nature you know swings when somebody swings at them that's human nature human nature can't do anything good what what what your composition is the natural man and the supernatural man there is a percentage I don't know what I don't even not sure even mine but there's a percentage just like in the physical you have a body fat composition let's say you're a hundred pounds and let's say you are ten percent body fat that means of your hundred pounds you have ten pounds of fat and you have 90 pounds of muscle clear you cannot convert muscle into fat people go oh well when I was in high school I just was more muscular now my muscle turn to fat it's physiologically impossible you could gain more fat you can increase your fat cells and people will go to a trainer and go well what I want to do is I want to convert my my fat into muscle it's not possible neither he goes okay we'll do it just give me 65 dollars and I'll yell at you and you could do the exercise and I'll be on my phone and it doesn't it's not possible it's scientifically impossible but I'm here to tell you in this spiritual you will not harness your flesh it is impossible and you will not convert flesh there's no conversion for flesh flesh has to be destroyed that's why the Bible says present yourself a living sacrifice this is nothing new to you so know this your flesh can do nothing good your spirit can do nothing bad so far so good we're on the same page alright let's let's start where we ended yesterday am i burning up I mean I'm never had and my burn is it hot in here is it me is it hot was this I don't know I don't know I'm sitting back in the freezer is it so it's not working the thing is it's not working this air conditioning never worked well yesterday I told you I messed up shaving my beard I just wasn't paying attention and I I don't usually do it anyway but so I took half my mustache off yesterday just and for you that weren't here Bernadette says can't you blend it blend it with what a matte sharpie and then she says well can't you do a comb-over a comb-over on your face so yesterday yesterday whenever I saved my beard I just I don't know the day I shave it I just I just feel so sweet so I finished the psalm and I came off and burned that goes wow it's good thing you shaved a beard because you were really sweet and I'd said something that I might not should have said but Gary comes over and says Curtis wants you to know that your microphone is off but look guys I'm it's not a personality driven place it's not what do you like me or not that's not the issue I don't have an issue with it because I know there's people that love me and people that hate me and everything in between and I don't think about it because I don't have time to think about it I'm too busy I'm too busy to think about what you think about me and if you're thinking about me you're not busy enough I could put you to work because there's a lot of things that we need around here and there's a lot of people just come in and eaten and leaving so if I can put you to work there's tons of stuff to do but with that with that being said it's don't don't get caught up be who you are don't put on an act it's unbecoming with god it's unbecoming with people you can't change if you're acting let the lord high light and low light what he wants but don't ever be a hypocrite if nothing else don't ever and if you have children this is what drives children away from God when they see mommy and daddy acting a certain way in church and a certain way at home you know what I mean you know when you're screaming in the house and screaming phone rings hello well tell them I'm not here don't you ever lie to me tell them to tell your kid you're not in the mood to talk if the person on the other end can't handle that they don't like you just be honest this times I set up meetings and we're supposed to have a dinner and I'm just the day's hellacious and I'm not in the mood to be with people so I say I'm very sorry it's nothing personal it's not good for me to write be around people tonight people want you to lie to them the whole world all the relationships are a bunch of lies it's it's phony and why do we always expect perfection from people when we can't do it ourselves why do we always ask for people especially in the believing community to make no mistakes when we're making them all day long why do we look at people through the eyes of the law and then pray God look at me through the eyes of grace and mercy it's got to change it's got to change and if you come here for any length of time you will change you will change this place is not this place is not a salvation station it's a transformation station this place will change you God will change you here you might fight it but he will whether you like it or not and I like it I want to be changed I don't want to stay the same I don't want to stay the same today I would like to leave here a little different I would like to wake up tomorrow a little different my objective is to every day look a little bit more like yushua so let's let's start with acts one six through nine and let's read this quickly it says when they were together Yeshua and his Talmud II and his disciples they asked him Lord are you at this time going to restore self-rule to Israel why they're there they have tremendous opposition they're being persecuted by the Roman Empire they know about the Messiah coming they know about the outpouring of the Spirit in Joel - they know that's what he's gonna set up his rule and reign and they're just asking hey please we've been persecuted for forever please so there was nothing wrong with their question it was right it was biblically correct to ask that but he answered it's not important to know the dates I said yesterday I had a friend he spent his whole life studying eschatology I mean hours and hours a day for years and I used to study with him a little bit because I was I just loved eschatology but he was convinced he knew when Yeshua was going to come back and I was like you've lost your mind Yeshua doesn't know when he's gonna come back only the Father Knows hat did he tell you secretly did you have a meeting it says you don't need to know the times or the dates the father has set under his own authority there's a day you can't hasten the day you can't change it well if I preach more if I didn't there's a day it's in stone hasten in the letter of Peter people totally misinterpret that like they do thousands of scriptures but it has to do with waiting excitingly doesn't mean you have no control over that day don't think for a minute you can control anything God does I Got News for you it's not gonna happen okay he's large and in charge and the answers to no one you need to know the dates of the times the fathers kept on his own authority but you will so that instead let's put that aside for a minute let's focus on what's important you will receive power when the rococo dish comes upon you you will be my witnesses both in Jerusalem Jerusalem Yahoo to the whole region Samaria Cameroon and to all the ends of the world of course that happens okay that happened the Holy Spirit is here for a lot more than just being a witness in this instance they were just starting on their journey he was leaving and they were going to take over and what was imperative is that they go out and witness it's still important for us but the Holy Spirit is there for all kinds of things the guide us teach us reprove us rebuke us use us anoint us there's so many so many uses of the Spirit it's indispensable and it's essential for a believer there are too many believers walking around saved without having the Holy Spirit in it's a burn Akal some of them are really educated some of them are incredibly refined some of them are highly trained some of them intensely studies and guess what they are useless plus they have no power and without the power if they were useful they would get the glory and God shares his glory with no one so you show me a guy who's unrefined uneducated not that education is bad but filled with the Holy Spirit he will burn for God people will come out four miles to see him after saying this he was taken up the Ascension which a portal was opened obviously it was an actual portal open in the heavens when he went up a relay switch went off he went up he plugged into the right hand the father and boom he released the Holy Spirit before then is it and it rained down and guess what it's still raining down today at after they you know they're staring and the angels come to him and says what are you looking don't you know that he's going to return the same way the same place at the Mount of Olives so his second coming will be what the reverse of his first going right if he had a camcorder he played it backwards that's gonna be his coming okay and then obviously they had to name another disciple so they prayed and they named another disciple and this is where we come where it's Shavuot now they spent 40 days with him they stood around Jerusalem for ten more days and on the fiftieth day where do you find them getting ready for synagogue why because it's a holy convocation just like you came on on the fiftieth day Shavuot Pentecost in the Greek 50 penny shovel what weeks seven weeks in a day 7 times 7 49 150 same time just different words same thing so they getting ready for synagogue and they were probably late just like you were yeah I'm sorry about people of people I know you think you're holier than them but people are people and human nature is human nature so let's go to acts 2 1 through 4 just 4 verses we don't have a lot to go over and then we have some scriptures I don't even know why they're there so I'm gonna try to figure it out as we go along this is gonna be news to me hopefully we'll work out the festival of shovel wood arrived and the believers the believers they already had believed in Yeshua they already were immersed in his sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins but the Holy Spirit was on them not in them yet ok they were gathered together in one place they haven't go to Israel and gonna be what they claim the upper room you ever go there there's no way a hundred people could fit in there ok a hundred bulimic midgets couldn't fit in that room suddenly they came a sound from the sky like the roar of a violent wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting then they saw what looked like tongues of fire which separated and came to rest on each of them they were all filled with ruach ha'qodesh the Holy Spirit and began to talk in different languages not unknown languages ok let me let me just I don't want to get into the whole unknown language thing because I'll get aggravated and I'm in a good mood I don't want to get aggravated ok if you want to know about tongues please read first Corinthians 12 13 14 is that clear the reason why it's in there is because the people at Corinth were crazy and he was straightening them out okay there are nine gifts of the Spirit okay the easiest one to counterfeit is tongues because nobody knows what the heck you're talking about and then if you have an interpretation nobody knows if that interpretation is true so it's the last gift but you can't fake wisdom Tonja and you can't fake prophesy kenya it has to come to pass and you can't fake a word of knowledge kenya and you can't fake in Kenya I told you with all these faith healers on TV how can we never see him in a Children's Hospital they get it Billy they were talking in different languages listen to me I've been all over the world I've sat with people that heard somebody speaking i sat with the Chinese they don't understand that in English the guys speak English and he's hearing in Chinese that's a miracle you want to impress me starts speaking devout Hebrew don't tell me you're gonna untie your bowtie and Johan died now if you tell me rabbi all I know is when I when I speak in tongues in my prayer closet it makes me more obedient to God then I would say you need to speak in tongues in your prayer closet but if you speak in tongues here I'm gonna demand an interpretation because I'm gonna I'm gonna line up right with the scripture I'm not gonna add to it and I'm not gonna take away from it and if there's no interpretation I will gladly look at you and say I'm sorry please don't get offended I'm not saying it's not from God but because there's no interpretation I can't accept it there were times where somebody spoke for 10 minutes in a tongue and somebody gave me interpretation God loves you and I go oh sorry nope because I don't want any familial spirits here I want the Holy Spirit here that's impressive when you start speaking a foreign language fluently that's impressive okay let's just break it down real quick action to won the festival shovel it arrived okay there there fifty days seven weeks in a day out from Pesach and the believers old got together in one place what were they doing reading Leviticus 23 you know they had no New Testament were they reading about Shavuot were they reading the scriptures were they singing he named October my my game they were all together they were tight they were bound together at this point they got each other's back there one they unified maybe they're singing how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity I don't know I wasn't there but all of a sudden acts 2 2 suddenly I didn't know we're just out of nowhere out of the blue literally they came a sound from the sky like the row of a violent wind now God God whispers not always he wasn't whispering right here okay people take a scripture out of context ago no no no listen if you figure out who God is I don't want to worship that God now some of you also it's not just a transformation station it's a rebuking station some of you just think a little too highly of your own spiritual prowess that is a sign that you're not maturing in the Lord a telltale sign suddenly they came a sound from the sky like the roar of a violent wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting man an undeniable sound like a roar of a violent wind what I'm saying is there are times when the Lord wants you to do something where he's gonna have to cause it tremolo he's gonna have to shake you and quake you because you know some people it does you know well I'll ask for a sign I'll ask for another sign Alisa how many signs are you asking for you knew from the very first time you heard his voice what he's asking you to do why do you keep asking for a sign he's not the author of confusion either either you're not dialed in and there's some static going on or you're just don't want to do it you know the infamous Christian I'll pray about it aka I'm not doing it but I want you to think I'm holy so I'm gonna pray and come back and say God said no plus there's just some things you don't have to pray about somebody needs a sandwich it does not necessary press it necessitates a sandwich rabbi I brought my relatives here to have a good time taking the six legs okay they're open today six flesh out a load at six legs you want to talk about a whole lot of shakin goin on ax two three they saw like what looked like it wasn't it wasn't fire on their head everybody goes all there was fire on their head how come there's not fire on my head when I get filled the Holy Spirit it wasn't fire on their head they what their oil had been poured down from heaven in them they're like a they're like a menorah and because they had the oil they were on fire you need the oil otherwise you don't get the fire they would burn they were by mean if you look at the beginning of Acts they were burning with boldness the Saint Peter disappears Paul takes over because Paul then takes the gospel to the world but the first you know twelve chapters it's on Peter because he's taking the gospel to the Jews this is the guy who cut off the ear of the high priests servant he Peter was a wild man he's probably really strong he's pulling those nets all day long strong tough crazy you know very spontaneous and then this giant rock of a man gets taken out by a little girl at a fire right he says I don't need any curses I don't even believe them know him that's what he said and then they connect I so the rock has to become a pebble if you're a rock and you're serving the Lord you're gonna become a pebble whether you like it or not if you really want to serve them but then the pebble becomes a boulder burning how did that happen that's a crazy transition I don't even believe him knowing two men of Israel man just what a transition you took in 50 days man he's burning with boldness enthusiasm enthusiasm enthusiastic means anything else to be in God when you're in God you are bold and people want to put out your fire because it makes them look bad don't put out the guys fire get close and grab an ember for God's sakes just like ever see I mean in the physical of I'm fat now but I used to be a trainer okay but let me tell you something when you walk in the room all the fat people go you need to eat a sandwich maybe you need to eat less of a sandwich don't put out a guy on fire don't quench the Holy Spirit man get it well rabbi my kids don't get it my wife doesn't get it that's their problem man that's their problem I'm gonna go before God me and him two chairs two chairs and they'd have power pack preaching not preaching that took him 60 hours to put together they were filled with the spirit they had an authority they had an influence and that's sucia and it changed people when people heard it their attitude was I love this guy or I hate this guy it was like man I need to change or he needs to shut up that's what happens it's not about knowledge knowledge could just take you so far it's not an intellectual assent it's the power of God and then acts 2:4 they were all filled with the rock so here they were man they they're on the earth and and there was wind and fire and dance boogie wonder where filled with the spirit but it was in them they were swollen they were swole with the Holy Spirit they never experienced I Got News for You some people have never experienced it either save but the juice ain't flown next week we're gonna talk about that how do you get the juices flowing and what causes them to stop flowing I think it's a really important subject list at this point we totally understand salvation we get the Gospels now we have to go forward acts he's expecting us to act a certain way and to be empowered so we have to know what can empower me what can disempower me we'll go over that let me read you something from the Encyclopedia Britannica 13th edition regarding church history this is beautiful to me the most notable thing about the life of the early believers was their vivid sense of being a people of God called and set apart you know when you feel like you don't fit in how are you going to you called by the Almighty and set apart how are you trying to fit in why are you blending in when God's asked you to stand out you're not gonna fit in rabbi I never felt like I fit in welcome to the club the Matthew 10 club you shoes that they hated me they're gonna hate you I didn't come to bring peace I think I came to bring a sword I know you're I know madam I know you think Jesus hung out in the coffee shop and played a guitar look I do like music okay but I got a real problem with people charging 50 bucks a ticket to get in did you get hit up for a fee coming here today no no anybody put pressure on you to give we don't need you to God's given like crazy the church in their thought was a divine not a human institution it was founded and controlled by God let me repeat that the body of Messiah was founded by God and he controls it this concept controlled all the life of the early believers they felt controlled when there's an influence from the power of the Holy Spirit it's almost like it's almost like God's got a remote control rabbi get out of here I could do whatever I want can you uh uh maybe you think so how do you think Jonah felt when he was sitting inside a giant fish well I could either die of gastric juices or I can go to Nineveh God will sometimes put you in a position where you've got no choice they regarded themselves as separate from the rest of the world and bound together one totally unified they weren't trying to change each other they were focusing on what was most important they weren't focusing on each other they were focusing on the Lord I sit up front not because I like the important seat I really don't want to know what you do enduring praise and worship I could care less why I'm trying to worship their citizenship was in heaven not on earth and the principles and laws by which they strove to govern themselves well from above let's continue the present world was temporary just passing through it's not home and guess what I'm no statistician but one out of one still dies so you just passing through it's a fact it's an irrefutable fact it's truth and their true life was in the future as Messiah was soon to return now listen if they thought Messiah was soon to return that was 2,000 years ago how much more should you be thinking about it in the everyday life of believers the Holy Spirit was present you want to talk about a game-changer and this gave their lives of peculiarly enthusiastic character remember God calls us to be wearing a peculiar some of some of you missed down on that though you don't understand what why you win not the way you dress of the way you act the way you live character a different character there's was not the everyday experiences of ordinary men but men lifted out of themselves into a highest fear you follow their life was not ordinary they were not bored oh no if you're bored in the faith something is radically wrong sorry if something in the world has you more excited than the Lord I'm here to tell you something's wrong madam you get mad at me all day long I'm telling you something's wrong yes God tell God I'm not as excited about you as this is that is that a problem they will lift it out of themselves they were here but not here they could almost see themselves what was going on look this was prophesied I call it the Gospel according to Ezekiel look at Ezekiel two verses 26 27 and the 36 after about the restoration of Israel which is part of all restoration I will give you a new heart and I will put a new spirit inside you this isn't something new it just happened it was fulfilled but it was spoken about I will take the stony heart out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh I will put my spirit inside you and cause you the Hebrews Allah which means you're going to do it guys I'm doing things that you couldn't pay me enough money to do when I was secular I'm going places that there's no way I go are you kidding me roughing it to me was if the world hood Jets aren't working at full speed now I'm sitting in mud huts and crapping in the street that's not for me loving people that I could care less about not hanging around people that I love to hang around born-again perfect now on the way ya still have issues yeah still fighting some things yes some demons trying to get back at my Tabernacle all the time they knockin access denied by what by the power Greg by the power Holy Spirit I will cause you come on men great change since I've been born it's a gray change since I've been born gray change come on y'all since I've been born it's gray change since I've been born things that I used to do I don't you know more things that I used to do I don't do no more things that I used to do y'all it's gray change since I it's gray change since I it's grey change since I've been born look the more lost you are the more potential you are to be a trophy in God's case of grace just don't walk around like you're holier than you really are it's unbecoming because if you've arrived something is radically wrong because the great apostle to the Gentiles ten years into his faith riding to the people at Phillip I said I have not arrived and in Romans seven he says why don't I do the things I know I should do why am I not doing the things I know I should do Oh wretched man meaning I am fighting guys some of you sitting here and going rabbi Greg has it together I've showed you time and time again the last 15 years how untogether I have it the difference between me and you is I'm willing to admit it you acted its unbecoming its unbecoming it doesn't work there's people that go to church for a first time and everybody looks like they got it together little girls got the bow in the hair husband and wife is sitting there you haven't been intimate in five years you still have forgiveness issues but you put on the act and the lady comes in and she's like man they all have it together so what does she think she thinks either she sucks at life and the faith or God doesn't like her so she leaves and never comes back so ha man you don't go to a JIT you don't go to a gym and the gym owner says well if you get in shape you could join a heart of flesh verse a heart of stone the Bible is full of contrasts the whole Bible is full of contrast there's no third option it's light or dark it's heaven or hell it's sheep or goat it sits up or down it's totally contrasted that's what attracted me to the Bible because of my obsession and my compulsive disorder I needed something that was very clear and the Bible when I read it was either this or that I loved it I don't like choices today in our world you Millennials you need to see like 14 thousand frames to pick a glass I go to a restaurant I tell them to order for me I just don't eat shellfish and pork they're like seriously I'm like I make decisions all day long bring me some salad dressing pick it it's just it's just too much it's just too many but the Bible's beautiful and here's another one here's just another contrast you either have a you either have somebody pushing the screens forward go back well stay in there it's a contrast you've got a heart of flesh versus a heart of stone okay a heart of flesh is known for its sensitivity to sin when it sins it's broken it's heart broken a heart of flesh is soft so it breaks easy it's sensitive to sin it's sensitive to righteousness it's sensitive to injustice the Holy Spirit would come and convict the world of sin and righteousness and justice and judgment what is it saying it's saying sin bad righteousness good judgment averted a hardest stone could care less it couldn't care less a heart of stone it's hard it doesn't care what you think it cares about itself the only kids about how money I'm making how I'm doing how's my family how's my business I stopped going to pastors conference I won't go they asked me first thing there sir how many people you're running running what am i what am I have cattle and I won't answer them because I know why they're asking if I say I got twenty people that I'm lame if I say have 2000 I got it going on what is my 2,000 people of laodicean and what if my twenty will take on hell with a water pistol messianic commune they asked me how many Jews do you have I don't know I don't keep score did God did you shoe it tell the 12 disciples now make sure you you've keep a list of Gentiles and Jews or blacks and whites or educated uneducated there's no list I don't I don't keep a list I'm not interested there's born again and there's not one again right there's Saints and aints that's it a heart of flesh is tender towards God's will it's constantly trying to figure out what makes their father happy look guys make no mistake I share this and it freaks people out but in all mines and the Christian mindset and I'm not against the Christian mindset it's not me and them it's us I have very close Christian Brothers so stop don't tell me that I got a problem with the church I got a problem with bad doctrine and I got a problem with phone enos okay but in the church we think that Jesus died because he loves us that wasn't his main reason he died because he loved his father more when he was struggling hear me now you might hear for the first time when he was struggling and he said take this cup for me it was real human struggle anybody would that shows his humanity he said I don't want to do this take this cup from me but he didn't say in Luke but because I love them I'll go no he didn't he said your will what does that mean he did love us he just loved the father more I love you but I love the father more it's a hard concept because we want to walk around say no I'm his favorite of Peaks crazy about you that's why the father sent him but still he was about obeying the father and if that was his mission statement like father like son like son like us a hardest stone says my will be done my will I want what I want you know you know a heart of flesh says Lord you know I love you help me love you more Lord you know I love you help me love you more lord I believe help me with my unbelief Lord changed me but I don't know why this is in here I should probably just skip over it but since Denise already pushed us forward let's go let's read this this is it's it's a reinstatement and and the children is really going into the Promised Land he's going up with some highlights and lowlights but this is his heart and I don't think it's changed okay if it has I stand corrected so now Israel all that I don't know your God asks from you is to fear I don't know your God follow all his ways love him serve I don't know your God with all your heart and all your being to obey for your own good this is not for his good when you're being obedient he's not saying now I feel like God now I feel like many glory he set these fences up not to keep you from going outside and having a good time but to keep the wolf out so he doesn't destroy you and your sheep God is good and his ways of good you tell your kids to do things why why do you send when you're young don't run after that ball Johnny because there's a 4,000 pound weapon that's gonna run Johnny over you're not trying to be a killjoy see the sky to heaven beyond the sky the earth and everything on it it belongs to me Moses is speaking to him only I don't know he took enough pleasure in your ancestors to love them and choose their descendants after them yourselves above all people as he still does today let's continue therefore circumcise the foreskin this is this concept has been way back this is nothing new this they knew Under the Sun so circumcise the foreskin of your heart a physical circumcision won't work and don't be so stiff necked any longer if I don't know you God is a God of gods and a lot of it some people are never going to get it such a shame just crazy right that's okay I'll keep going the Lord of lords the great mighty and awesome God who has no favorites and accepts no bribes he secures justice for the orphan in the widow he loves the foreigner giving him food and clothing therefore you ought to love the foreigner how many he's still prejudiced he's still prejudiced it's insane and you devoutly Christian it's like an oxymoron well just like a you ought to fear I don't know your God serve Him cling to him swear by his name he is your praise he's the reason why you do it he is your God who has done for you these great and awesome things which you have seen with your own eyes he's basically saying look to enjoy my blessings you get to walk in my ways I'm God not you I am right I am that I am I am you're not let's just break down a couple and we got to baptize some people and I can't wait to get in the pool who's our air conditioning I just fired that guy we're paying too much whoever he is so now Israel all that I don't know you've got asks you is to fear your God follow his ways love him serve him with all your heart to obey for your own good that sums it up guys fear follow love serve obey what am I supposed to do they have it it's just that simple Deuteronomy 14 15 of chapter 10 see the sky the heavens beyond and all that belongs to God only God took enough pleasure in your ancestors he's trying to get he's encouraging Israel he's begging Israel is beseeching Israel to obey God based on his greatness just based on his greatness but if that doesn't work he loves you he chose you he could have chose anybody there's so many different groups of people he chose you he set his love on you he said you're his say gloat you're his most treasured possession isn't that enough love to love him back and then 1719 which is the message for shell vote I don't know you got thanks I get it now I don't know you God is a God of gods Lord of lords the great money an awesome God who has no favorites and accepts no bribes when you think you're his favorite you were going against scripture he has no favorites and you can't bribe him you can't you can't manipulate him like you do people you can't pull some levers and press some buttons and get what you want from God he secures justice for the orphan in the widow he loves the foreigner listen raised in a very Orthodox Jewish home parents that were born in the early 1900s they knew the Torah well my parents okay you could not ever say a racial slur or an off-color joke in my house not even if you were hanging out I bet something you can't say the same huh because they knew the Torah and they will once foreigners in Egypt and God made it crystal clear don't treat anybody like a foreigner that's why when I say certain things and I make fun of ethnicities I can get away with it you know why I'm not prejudiced I'm not prejudiced it doesn't it doesn't faze me I I understand that human beings are all the same they just are first of all there's no such thing as black if you think you're black you're not if you think you're white you're not skin is brown do a scientific study some you'll like Brown some you yellowish brown some you already round some you'll blackish-brown put your brown [Music] so you couldn't get away with that my mom my mom was a social worker in Harlem not Harlem now where the brownstones at $10,000,000 Harlem when a white woman was not found in Harlem okay she did that for a reason she chose that and then she chose to be a teacher in the Spanish section of the Bronx where all her kindergarten first graders did not speak English and you know how many kids she had in her class forty-one try that today giving him food and clothing there for you to love the foreigner since you were foreigners God is a father to the fatherless a husband to the husbandless and a friend to the friendless fast forwarding to the book of James and this is all last two verses James was Yeshua's half-brother he knew him well he was raised by the same mom and dad and many theologians hate this book because it's a hundred and eight sentences and 54 commands people like the great Martin Luther hated this book he wanted to rip it out of the Bible because it wasn't enough grace anyone who thinks he is religiously observant but does not control his tongue is deceiving himself guys before you speak in tongues control your tongue and his observance counts for nothing nothing the religious observance that god the father considers pure and faultless here it is another contrast is this this is what pure and faultless religion is to care for the widows and the orphans and their distress and to keep oneself from being contaminated by the world another biblical contrast we have useless religion verse pure religion fault full religion verse faultless religion religion I know some me a religious spirit religious spirit you don't even know what you're talking about just like traditions Paul said do the traditions I taught you you don't know the meaning of these words you have thrown around like religions banned religion is a way to bind yourself to go a lot of things we do in our churches are religious in nature but if they glorify God and draw you closer to God is that that how am I supposed to perish I kneel starts so I'd be Presta it doesn't matter the position of your body it matters the position of your heart some people feel the need to lean up some people feel the Oh I raised my hands that makes you holy no it doesn't it makes your hands go up in the air look at the word religious just so you know the word means fearing or worshiping God so it's not exactly what we thought we're talking about external patterns of behavior connected with belief meaning creed producing character it's very important that you talk to yourself and say what do I believe because whatever you believe is gonna be the way you walk things out create produces character you can't have doctrine without actions you can observe all kinds of religious rituals and Apia pious and in reality not be pious at all God is not satisfied with rituals let me tell you a bit a story about a grocer who apparently was a pious fraud he lived in an apartment right above his grocery store every morning he would pull down to his assistant John yes sir have you watered down the milk yes sir have you colored the butter yes sir have you put chicory in the coffee yes sir very well come up for morning devotions a theologian once said we should put all faiths on trial with the following questions do I read the Bible with a humble desire to have God rebuke me teach me and change me do I read the Bible because I want to get close to God because I want to know what's in my Tabernacle but he does not appreciate does it cut me to the heart or am i reading my Bible to just do an spiritual exercise or worse am i reading it to gain knowledge so I can have prowess when I talk to other people I can't answer any of these questions for you I need to answer them for myself am i anxious to have my tongue bridled do I justify my temper or do I want victory over it does my faith manifest itself in deeds of kindness to those who can't repay me God is looking for a practical type of godliness I'm sure of it which takes a compassionate interest in others and keeps one's life's clean James is praising the man who takes care orphans and widows Deuteronomy God is praising Israel if they'll take care of widows and orphans there has to be some practical outworking of this new birth that finds itself in acts of grace I mentioned to you about a desire of mine to - to take care of Holocaust survivors I call in Holocaust heroes reason being very selfish me being Jewish I could never watch a movie I can never I couldn't believe me Schindler's List is as a Disney movie ok I'll tell you a quick little story when I was in Israel and I took I take people every year then I take them to the Holocaust Museum of course Yad Vashem I went in once and I threw up all over the place so I decided not to go again so I sat outside in the cafeteria with my friend and there was an old lady there a very old lady she look like she was like a hundred and I kept staring at her she was with a young girl and Herzl said rabbi what's what's what's going on I said I have to talk to him what do you have to say I don't know I know the Holy Spirit wants me to talk to him and he said ok so I go over with him and he's speaking Hebrew to her she was originally from Russia she immigrated and her granddaughter was without visiting her her granddaughter's from San Francisco and she spoke Russian and Hebrew her granddaughter so she says kind of almost angrily what does he want and I said I'm not sure and so what do you mean you know this is Israel's if you if you understand always being under the gun literally you know they have to be so protective when you send your kids out to a school trip and you got armed guards in front of your own guards behind you when you got to get patted down every time you walk into McDonald's you're gonna be a little froggy it's just the territory so she seemed a little angry and then she what is what does he want and then I said you need to tell me something what is it and said okay I'll tell you said I was in a Russian army I was a captain and I set the holocaust victims free and you'll never see a movie of what I saw never it was the most horrific thing ever it left scars in my life for my whole life so I thought if I could help Holocaust survivors I would it would be a little healing for me for the people we tried to get some land recently that's I told you about it we tried to get some land by never in hell we weren't successful we still might do it we still might do the project but you know I want to be fully disclosed on everything we do here I found out from our accountant that there I think there's four people if I'm not mistaken online that's sent in a little bit of money for Holocaust the Holocaust House we can find out who you are just call the office Denis and Roxanne call them this week if you want us to return the money no worries I'll find it from my accountant they'll put out the checks and they'll send it to you if you don't and you want us to apply to something else let us know I don't want to hold on to it or use it for a designated funds that we're not going to designate it for at least not right now but there is something that we're gonna do you um you remember what we did with the teenage crisis center and never mihail there is no place like never in the hell in the world I'm sure of it I got this letter I spoke to haver the other day who runs the whole the whole Children's Village there and she wrote to me in August 2000 Evan Hale opens up the doors to take in children at risk in a crisis center there's not the teenage crisis center it's for little ones horrible horrible the center is in existence for almost 19 years and is many ways an emergency hospital for children who are in danger because of the worst situations you can imagine you can't even imagine I don't want to tell you I don't want you to cry and move and bring money because that I'm just telling you I don't want to talk about it on average 50 children come there a year to the center each year that means they've had 900 children that they've treated and say their lives the Children's emergency crisis said that an FFL is unique because it receives boys and girls from all of Israel from all types of religious backgrounds not just Jewish children Palestinian if you want to call them that Arab Christian whatever they whatever any child and it's the only place of its kind in the whole nation the center is sought after because it has had so much success with placing children Nevi'im hey laughter so after they go through the crisis center they go into the Children's Village the goals are one to remove the child from these dangerous situations and prevent the child from endangering him or himself they go through so much horrific situations that they want to take their life even at four and five and six years old to treat the child professionally there are 30 staff members in the center guys I don't I don't know if you know how much things cost I tried to tell you our project is a six grand and and and projectors like this they can be upwards of 30 grand I know you think manna rings down from heaven and by God's grace it does but I just want you to know things things are expensive they have 30 staff members they do three eight-hour shifts that means 24/7 they have professionals we have on-site psychologists therapists social workers special education teachers because some of the kids are disabled National Service Army girls that come to psychiatrists that visit twice a week each child has their own go-to person whom they can confide in as their own true friend three to find the best possible future for the child when he or she leaves the center imagine the center is 19 years old and think about the amount of children that need it the facility is large and includes classrooms bedrooms kitchen dining area living room treatment rooms a safe room a yard and animal therapy area they even have hugging therapy fillin because they've never been hooked the scent that needs a major renovation and the yard where the children spend most of their free time under supervision needs it so they sent me um plans the same thing they did it's about a quarter of a million dollars and I made an executive decision that we are going to do it okay look I know they have contacts with multimillionaires I just can't understand that people that are worth 1/2 million dollars I keep stockpiling up treasures on earth and they call themselves believers and no matter what you say have a good time tell the ladies I love them ok they go into the prison to work Judy I know you don't want to go right I know you know I love you Judy tell the girls I said hello we have a congregation of Pulaski not prison ministry we have a congregation some of these people you know they want to give money to the Opera because then they can rub elbows with the muckety-mucks and they can have their names on the program and Beth yushua people giving sacrificially sacrificially I mean it's amazing I think some people can give and they don't and then there's some people on fixed income a woman will send in the last 25 dollars and and some and those are people that don't even go here some of you get so much from it we'll talk about that another time but I just tell them I said guys all people give sacrificially on money does not grow on trees the beauty of this thing is it goes all to the children nobody's buying a Lexus Samuel we're gonna we're gonna put together a playground we got some plants put together beautiful playground it goes to the children I don't know of any ministry like this we have been so unbelievably fortunate and blessed to know this so two hundred fifty thousand dollars fifty kids a year you think a kid's life is worth five grand so do i if you ever want to designate funds never-fail know this know two things one every nickel that comes in for never-fail we'll go to nymph of hell and if for whatever reason you have trust issues send it right to them easy right don't even have to pass through our hands send it right to them - I have to correct the wheelchairs with one of the hospitals that we worked decided not to receive them I don't know if that's because of me you know being a messianic it doesn't matter we had 200 wheelchairs so we only gave 184 I want to be very careful with numbers but we have a standing order right now for 600 wheelchairs it's gonna go to a group called Yad Sarah Yad Sarah saves Israel 320 million dollars a year with six thousand volunteer workers you can look them up they do amazing work they even do work for disabled tourists that come that need medical care free free so we have 600 wheelchairs which are being manufactured as we speak and I told bill I said I don't think we're gonna be able to get all that money but whatever we get towards wheelchairs you'll get towards wheelchairs again if you want to give directly to force the foundation go right ahead no problem okay it's not going into a general fund all right it's not going to pay my salary des needs to sell rocks and so it's not going for that or lights or the thing it it goes directly that and the way we solve that is send it direct so this way you don't have to worry because I know nobody trusts anybody these days said but true I think people that are most untrusting are untrusting because they can't trust themselves think about it this is where we're going guys we're gonna we're gonna change our website I'm only interested in three things I'm gonna make it real simple I am only interested in three things okay one disciple in disciple in deciding keeping you on course keeping me on course keep you excited keeping you fervent keeping you going to the goal so we can finish strong disciple on to outreach we're gonna do so much outreach we are gonna be out reaching like crazy okay we're gonna keep helping orphans and widows in Kenya and keep helping orphans and widows in in India and keep helping Nev MFL and keep helping the wheelchair project and anything else God wants to drop in a lap okay God's got to drop them all that because that's what he does here we pray and pray what do you want it's so did you ever understand or realize how simple this is Moses was the guy he was the servant of God nobody was close he saw his face and his style of ministry you ready I don't know nothing I would love to do a leadership thing I could do it in ten minutes and everybody would be pissed off on ten minutes Moses said I don't know nothing I know the one who knows everything something to go to his tent see what he says and then what he says I'll come out and do and if he tells me to tell them what he said then I'll go out and tell them what he said is that not the way Moses conducted his life how is his funeral how would you like to have God officiate your funeral fold your arms I put you in the graph yeah he did all right not knowing nothing huh just when you think you know so much miss they know so much so if we're gonna do disciple we're gonna do outreach and we're gonna do in reach and the Torah portion for the first week in June is going to explain that beautifully but all hands on deck we can't have just a few people doing any more it can't be just that way anymore it's it's gotten too busy I feel bad that I haven't been able to hang out with everybody I feel bad that every time somebody sneezes you think a pastor's gonna show up that is a sick southern mentality not only that but it stunts the growth of the believers because it never lets them get their anointing and their gifting it's not God's Way when Moses tried it his father-in-law from Midian the priest of Midian who had a pretty good relationship with God if you look at the Scriptures he said it's not gonna work for you guys I feel bad I know some of you think I'm not interested yeah when mountains mother died I was praying okay when you were in the hospital I was praying don't tell me I know about every single thing that goes on here but I can't be at 16 places at one time I'm me could you do it so why are you asking me to do something you can't do yourself and why are you getting so offended I'm on my face praying are you praying for me when's the last time you called me and said how's Bernadette how's your aneurysms rabbi anything going on with your kids I'm just telling you this is the reality I cannot be everywhere I can pray I can cry out and go to the wall every day I can know what's going on but all hands on deck visit somebody in a hospital do something for God's sakes you can't keep just saying feed me sucker let the church be the church for God's sakes did Ollie split she did I didn't want to talk about it and Judi split yeah okay come on up yeah is that rose core I thought you changed the name like Prince maybe Rose you know the disciples formally named Rose Palmer I'm gonna have you stand here yeah right here I'm gonna have you stand here and Rosie I'm gonna have you stand here okay physical emotional spiritual okay give me your hands they're gonna be a path to serve a spring for you today physical needs emotional needs spiritual needs you could tell them what they should pray for or you could let them try to figure it out from the Holy Spirit I prefer the latter but whatever you want I'm going to close with the ironic benediction and then I'm going to take what do we got 22 people that have been baptized I think today we're gonna go you guys know where I live right across the street right I'm just gonna go home and put on some baptizing clothes I have a whole baptizing outfit I wear and and also I believe the akkad group's a meeting and a barn somewhere that all those emails went out so so food and fellowship and stuff like that - she'll vote and they'll be here for you I'm just gonna close so you don't have to sit for those who have to go to your car door those have to leave or have other plans or whatever we'll just close and then I will meet you what time is it now how about 12:30 at the pool you can come home with me real quick 12:30 at the at the pool that will give you about 20 minutes to maybe have a little coffee get yourself ready there's bathrooms at the pool I went down and cleaned everything yesterday so it's very clean I'm a Levite you know I do that kind of stuff oh my god you guys older to me look I used to be uh you know I'm clean but I got you guys now you think I had you just for Hanukah pictures you crazy man all right may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you be gracious unto you and may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace and they may the Prince of Peace Yeshua evil wrath on annoy face maratha you're an annoyed point of Alyssa Vanessa yes I don't know ho poor novela ha BR Sam Charlo six days about six days hallelujah you
Channel: Getzel
Views: 5,014
Rating: 4.9032259 out of 5
Keywords: Hershberg, Getzel, Feast, Shavuot
Id: I8mu_2dSEj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 55sec (4375 seconds)
Published: Sun May 20 2018
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