(Feb 2, 2019) The Message of the Cross (Part 1)

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[Music] the because of that hook see that's exclusive to God you see praises okay well we can praise a lot of things we could praise God we could praise our children we can praise co-workers but worship that belongs exclusively to the Lord yeah it says worship the Lord your God will be strength doesn't say praise the Lord your God all your strength I think there's too many people in the body praising God not worshiping God you know when you learn how to worship Him not on the mountain not on the mountain in fact on the mountain you can't even hear God because you're so busy praising you can't even hear yourself think but in the valley suffering that's when you tend to get quiet thank you for that and thank you for thank you for that less Shabbat in December when people came up and and prayed for me I got a video of that it was it was a tearjerker to say the least I've been crying for the last 24 days and I purposely have stayed away from people not because I really wanted to but where I was parked I could not leave and I'll try to explain January 9th 2019 was the day I was having surgery at st. Joe's hospital up in Atlanta which is which is a hospital founded in 1880 by the Sisters of Mercy and I went in 8:30 in the morning and I was in the recovery room I'm a little earlier than what I recovered but I didn't recover till about 2:30 in the afternoon and then what was supposed to be a stent for an aneurism and ended up being 6 stents for three aneurysms and once again I became a science experiment there's all the residents came in and they showed up in my room after and said man it was Mike great glad I can entertain you [Music] when I was moved to the room they told me I couldn't move till the next day that I had a lay there and I don't advertise this but I have a real serious back issues I can't lay down in bed for two minutes supine if I have any extension in my pelvic girdle the pain is ridiculous so at this point I was laying there for hours and hours and hours and the pain was pretty unbearable to be honest with you and I thought man I've got to stay in this position now I don't think anybody's a fan of pain but when they offer you know when they come in they constantly ask you the nurses what's your pain factor what's your pain factor and and I lied every time I told them was a three when it was more like a hundred and three and this is the reason forgive me but we're scripted we have experiences in our life and because I knew it wasn't the pain meds that got me last time but because I asked for it it last time because I was 18 days in ICU because I had c-diff because I was seeing immunologist from the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta because I was seeing in nephrologist because I couldn't breathe a cardiologist because my heart wasn't working right I just had bad memories and I just thought if I took painkillers and ate that I would aspirate again and I I couldn't bear that I'd rather deal with the pain so I didn't want to take any pain meds I mean the hospital stay in Macon and no offense to Megan's Hospital it was more like the Hotel California it's like you can check out anytime you like but you you can never leave and I got to be very friendly with this one head nurse she took a liking to me and I kept on saying every day am I getting better and she said no where am i I'm sorry and every day was the same thing so that was fresh on my mind so the next day you know I didn't really sleep cuz how to lay there I just the pain got the better of me and I heard a voice say clearly the pain could stop if you just stop and and I knew it was the enemy because he's talked to me before and I know his voice and I know my father's voice and I knew what he was saying he was saying to me that if you just stop preaching what you're preaching and teaching what you're teaching and you know it's really you you know how I feel if you can't find a precedent in Scripture no matter what dream or vision you've had and no offense to dream of visions they're real but if you can't find a precedent in the scripture then you can't hold on to that dream of vision and if it's extra biblical then we don't have any scriptural evidence if it's anti-biblical then it's of the devil so I know it's biblical not that I would even dare dare dare consider any connection of me and Yeshua but did not the enemy come to him when he was starving and say I can give you the kingdoms guys the devil is the god of this world I don't know if you realize that he's the Prince of the powers of the air he has certain Authority he was the highest angel the highest angel and has a third of the heavenly hosts myriads and Myriad's and Myriad's of angels working for him and so I'm embarrassed to say it was very tempting the first thing I asked was instantly and you got to realize I was kind of added it but I'm gonna be perfect I said to the voice will I lose my salvation and the voice said no I want you to understand what salvation is that's that's an assurance you might not be in the Holy of Holies and you might not be in the holy place but if you're in the outer courtyard you're in and for those of you who preach that you don't have assurance you don't understand salvation or you've never been saved but that being said the voice said no you won't lose your salvation and I really almost gave in because it was so tempting at my weakest point and at that moment I just thought look I've got to try to get some relief so I turned and when I turned to the right to get some relief a crucifix was staring me right in the face on the wall now I'm sure you guys know the difference between a cross and a crucifix but it is all the difference in the spiritual realm it is a huge difference let me let me show you a picture of a cross this is a cross that was made out of olive trees and a 2000 years old in Israel it's quite nice and for the most part across bears more of a symbol of triumph for Christians I've always had a hard time with the cross because to me it's empty now some people say well this represents the resurrection the empty cross does not represent the resurrection the empty tomb represents the resurrection somehow I believe even Satan insidiously snuck in and took your shoe off the cross now let me show you the difference of a crucifix that's what I saw in the hospital and if I put them side by side you'll see the tremendous contrast see even though across bears the symbol of triumph for Christians a crucifix with Yeshua's body on it reminds us of the pain and the suffering that he paid foul Redemption guys it hit me so hard I am not even in a position and I've been dwelling on this for 24 days even in my sleep I'm dwelling on it and dreaming about it I'm waking up crying as soon as I wake up there is no way I can explain to you how how hard the crucifix hit me but I was totally overwhelmed totally overwhelmed because I thought man I'm laying in here in a bed with nurses attending me asking me what my pain level is and I'm thinking he had nobody to attend to him he had no access to any payments and he had no way to alleviate the excruciating pain that he went through and I was I was done and then I thought why did he go through it I thought man I wept so hard in the hospital that the nurse came in said are you okay then all of a sudden I started weeping for the lost let me ask you once the last time you cried over the lost I'm here to tell you listen to me you could never be a winner of souls until you become a weeper of souls and a church that doesn't weep over the lost is a lost Church I just wept so bitterly knowing their destination even though some are antagonists to the faith and some even snubbed their nose at God still it was weeping for their souls that's what that did to me I spent the entire morning fixated on the crucifixion I couldn't get away from it now I don't want you to get caught up in semantics because too many people do okay I'm not a rude Ian I'm not a sacred name er I'm not a lost tribesman I'm not a flat earther I'm not a Baptist preacher I don't even know if I'm a messianic rabbi I am a minister of the gospel of Yeshua the Messiah now I know the birth and the resurrection of Yeshua a highly celebrated do I think we should celebrate his birth yes do I think we should maybe get more in line with what had happened yes do I am i interested in the commercialism of it all you know me better than that but people seem to have so much fun on Christmas and Easter but not so much on Good Friday huh look with me in Luke 2 4 through 7 for a moment it says so Yosef Joseph because he was a descendant of David went up from the town of Nazareth Nazareth in the Galil the Galilee to the town of David called Bethlehem Bethlehem in Yehuda Judah the region of Judah to be registered with Miriam Mary to whom he was engaged and who was pregnant obviously you know if you read in context Caesar Augustus the Emperor declared to have a census now from his perspective he was going to pound his chest with all the people that were under his thumb under his rule and reign he wanted to count how many people do I have you know it's a it said when the church wants a count huh it's such a worldly way of thinking but he is a worldly person and sadly enough he was the son of the devil how can you say that I don't say that the Bible says it you're either a son of God or son of the devil there's no third choice and he was working for the devil but from his perspective he's the king from God's perspective he was a puppet that God was working to fulfill prophecy to make sure that Yeshua would be born in Bethlehem according to Micah's prophecy so they get there and the time came for her to give birth and she gave birth to her first child the son she wrapped him in a cloth and laid him down in a feeding trough because there was no space for them in the living quarters why is there no space for them at any guesthouse it's overrun with pilgrims because it's Sukkot and so coat is is is one of the three holy days in Leviticus that all Jews had to report to the temple males over a certain age so there was no room it was overrun with pilgrims who was overrun from the census so they had no availability in the ends and the guest houses this is an amazing thing that happened even though we kind of get the timing wrong the event I want to focus on the event I don't want to focus on the minutiae the king of the Jews the savior of the world is born not in the traditional fanfare of kings in the past but in a common feeding trough for the animals do you see the incredible humility in that Yeshua began his life in a manger he ended at the cross and along the way he had nowhere to lay his head and the whole purpose of his birth was to die and death was crouching at his crib from the first day of his life continuing on in Luke 2:8 through 11 it says in the countryside nearby was some Shepherds spending the nights in the fields now guys I don't know if you've been in Israel in December around the 25th I have it's freezing there's no Shepherds that go out at night with their flock because their flock would die now so just so you know it can't be December again don't get caught up in the minutia but what I can't figure routers and you know I called up to my friends once on the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention okay that means he's responsible for about 60,000 churches okay and I told them your guy your guy who wrote the harmony of the Gospels you know his name Billy what's his name what's his name this guy is the guy and on page 169 he said it is impossible via schewe to be born December 25th it was somewhere in the fall and I'm like why is this a problem because we desperately need to get back to God's Word and has decide the traditions of men for it was only the traditions of men that really ticked Yeshua off and you say well I don't I don't think it's a big deal rabbi I don't guys I don't know if it is or not I just know it's better to err on the side of God's Word then your traditions I haven't gotten it figured out especially when you know it's true just goes to show you people love their traditions more than they love the Lord it says an angel of Allah Noi appeared to them and the Shekinah of I'll annoys shone around them they would terrify guys I've told you this time after time angels of macho men they cause you to be terrified dumbfounded you hit the dirt okay don't ever show me a baby in a diaper with wings and tell me that's an angel of the Lord what that is is that's a ripoff at Bed Bath and Beyond they were terrified but the angel said to them don't be afraid because I'm announcing two good news a term when it's used in the New Testament to talk about the Messiah and his birth and death and resurrection period it will bring great joy to all people how overjoyed are you even today about the cross of Yeshua some of you have forgotten the cross and you're fighting over baptism and fighting over when do we see the barley in the first fruits listen to me look at me you're lost you lost your knowledge crazy and all the knowledge in the world was no substitute for being absolutely head over heels in love with you schewe this very day in the town of David they was born for you man look at the look at the theology and miniature the angel of the Lord appears and the Shekinah of Audino is shining all around them blinding and the angel says Yeshua was born the deliverer the Messiah the Lord this is theology in miniature Yeshua's deliverer depicted beautifully by his name Yeshua yahushua means salvation 27 times it's used in the book of isaiah more than all the other prophetic books put together he is deliverer but don't stop there see that's where it starts do you see the order men Yeshua is Savior Savior is used 37 times in the Bible Lord has used six thousand five hundred times everybody stops it Savior but then says he's the Messiah which is a title he's the Anointed One the righteous servant he is fulfilled over 300 Messianic prophecies he's Messiah The Anointed the gifts you receive from God you can't take any credit for the fruits that's up to you and the only way you're going to become fruitful is to hang around Messiah and get rubbed and smeared by his power and his spirit and his anointing and then he says last but not least the word has been made flesh that Tabernacles among us God manifests Lord which if you read every one of Paul's epistles the focus is on his Lord ship that means he owns you that means he is master that means you have no rights you have no inable rights and you are willing to pick up your cross and suffer for his glory if need be to die and walk as he walked in love grace mercy and compassion so the birth is amazing Messiah was born the deliverer the Lord the Lord Yeshua is Lord the resurrection look at mark 16 know what what do I think I think it's the most powerful thing that ever happened how can you say that well one I have the mic but more importantly it's more powerful than the creation story it's more powerful than the Exodus doesn't seem more powerful because others have been resurrected in the Bible both in the old and the New Testament many have been resurrected actually look at what this says it says when Shabbat was over Miriam of Magdala aka Mary Magdalene Miriam the mother of Yaakov Mary the mother of James and slomique bought spices in order to go and anoint you sua Shlomi is Salman she's from Clovis she's the wife of Zebedee and she was the mother of the sons of thunder James and John Miriam the mother of James is known as Miriam or Mary the lesser now what I want you to understand is the four Gospel accounts I can't really get into it now I've taught it before they're different two were written by eyewitnesses Luke was Paul's running mate and Peter's spiritual son was John Mark and his mother was a very influential person in the synagogue the messianic synagogue in Jerusalem the first congregation so three witnesses sometimes somebody might say rabbi I saw earn that and Mike and Miss Annie at the synagogue Saturday somebody else might say rabbi I saw Bernadette and Mike at the synagogue are both true if all four Gospels are exactly the same then it's fudged but all you'll be able to find is apparent discrepancies and I can reconcile every single one of them they brought spices when Shabbat was over why because they're going to be obedient to God's commandments if you're ever in Israel Saturday night Saturday there's nothing going on everything shuts down it's so beautiful and so wonderful but then Saturday night sundown people come out of the woodwork and they're dancing in the streets and going to restaurants they couldn't pick up these spices until Shabbat was over the stores were closed so they wanted to give you a schewe a proper burial they come very early the next day just after sunrise so they're on their way it's still dark they went to the tomb they were asking each other who will roll the stone from the entrance of the tomb for us now by the way there's a big argument over this was it was it circular archaeologists have discovered 900 tombs happiness tooms unit of Iraq 900 only four had circular stones the others all had cork like stones and if you look up these words in the original language it could mean pulled away guys does it matter if it was o'clock like around you will get people that will fight over it all day long who cares the bottom line it was 4000 pounds and a dead man was put inside this is the crux you have to understand the resurrection myths they are the most ridiculous things I've ever heard they raised more questions than answers how can a whole battalion of elite Roman guard elite all fall asleep at the same time if they did how did they know that the body was stolen they were sleeping if they were sleeping wouldn't somebody with a lever trying to push away a four thousand pounds don't kind of wake them up why did they have to be bribed by the Sanhedrin if the story was true how about the swoon theory Yeshua wasn't totally dead they don't even understand what a crucifixion is and he resuscitated and this incredibly anemic person on death's door moved the four thousand pound stone well the women went to the wrong tomb it was early in the morning it was dark they were crime they couldn't see straight first of all it was a garden tomb that was never used so there was only one tomb in the whole garden how could you go to the wrong tomb let's say they did Peter and John weren't crying did they go to the wrong tomb okay maybe they did did the angel of God go to the wrong job and they're an intelligent people that hold on to these moronic theories because they just can't humble themselves and submit to a holy and loving God they said who will roll the stone away who will remove the stone from the entrance but when they got there they they looked up and saw that the stone had already been rolled away guys the stone wasn't rolled away and Yeshua walked out the stone wasn't removed so your shoe can get out he was already gone after Shabbat if Shabbat in the day 30 he was out of that 8:31 could he could he get through it if the stones stayed there Wow God created the heavens and the earth and all the galaxies in six days and you're wondering if your shoe it in a glorified state get through a rock how's your faith doing the stone wasn't rolled away so your shoe can get out the stone was rolled away so the women can get in and see he is not here [Applause] let me just show you two more verses marked 16 5 and 6 it says on entering the tomb they saw a young man dressed in a white robe an angel sitting on the right wise angel they found dumbfounded that's a nice word that David Stern uses they were in awe and they hit the deck they were terrified but he said don't be so surprised you're looking for your schewe from Nats Arendt who was crucified he has risen he's not here look at the place where they laid him guys the Jewish Sanhedrin absolutely wanted him out of the picture the Roman government wanted him out of the picture all they had to do was come up with a body and the story is over how do I know this in acts 5 Gamaliel who wasn't a secret believer we don't know that but he addresses the Sanhedrin about the disciples who were continuing to share the gospel and he says listen guys if it's of God you ain't stopping it but if it's not of God it will stop and then he says to remember Yehuda ha Galil this is Judah from Galilee who is Judea Galilee it's written in Jewish antiquities 18 section 23 by Josephus the most respected Jewish historian ever there was a guy in 6 ad who led a tax revolt they looked at him as Messiah he had hundreds and hundreds of followers how is he doing today they killed him he's still in the tomb Simon Bar Kokhba how is he doing they killed them he's still in the tomb even recently 20 years ago in Brooklyn Menachem Schneerson they said he was the Messiah how's he doing still in the tomb Yeshua the tomb is empty [Applause] now as I said earlier I think churches who show the empty tomb if they want to talk about the resurrected Lord not an empty cross do I have the big problem with it not really not really but do I think it's a problem I let me try to explain okay these are beautiful stories about the birth and the resurrection very detailed very beautiful let me show you what it says in the four different Gospels about Yeshua's crucifixion looking at Matthew 27 31 it says after they mocked him they took the robe of him and put his own garments back on him and led him away to crucify in mark 15 verse 20 it says after they mocked him they took the purple robe off him and put his own garments on him and they let him out to crucify him luke 23 33 it says when they came to the place called the skull there they crucified Him and the criminals one on his right one on his left and in John 19 16 it says then Pilate handed yushua over to them to be crucified the crucifixion is simply and unemotionally stated in the scriptures as you see the Gospel writers do not indulge in dramatics or resort to sensational journalism or dwell on sordid details they simply state the simple fact that they nailed Yeshua to the cross it is so sacred and so holy that the son of man and the son of God was put to death that there must have been silence in heaven the crucifixion needs nothing and no one to dress it up but the way I see it is that Yeshua's birth and resurrection was all on God he had absolutely nothing to do with that the crucifixion was all on him and it was awful crucifixion is still widely believed to be the worst form of execution why because it's the most intense pain for the longest duration from the cross is where we get the term excruciating pain there's many people that say Oh rabbi I have excruciating pain in my ankle excruciating means unbearable you can't you can't handle it it means torturing pain and it means violent pain first you have these intense beatings prior to the scourging the beatings over and over again makes all these blood capillaries rupture and they cause massive massive bruising next the scourging comes and this is done by professional liquors these are people professionals that understand how to bring somebody to what they call halfway death many died before they were crucified they still put him up there but many didn't make it because this flagellum this short whip has these silver balls on it that again rupture the skin but they have pieces of sheet bone so when it grabs you from the side you're tied naked to a tree it just rips the flesh exposes the bone most people go into extreme shock the victims skin is disgustingly mangled and the skeletal muscles are exposed next the person's wrists and ankles are bore through with seven-inch long iron nails 3/8 of an inch in diameter they're not put where you see them on the crucifix they're put through the radius and ulna into the carpal bones because that can hold a person up through the hand you wouldn't stay in that position the crosses lift and the victim immediately goes into what's called hypovolemic shock it's this rapid rapid heartbeat and they're trying to get oxygen most of the time they die from asphyxiation because there's this little platform and they can't get oxygen there they're like suffocating like they're drowning so they pull themselves up in the pain on that pull is so horrific they don't want to pull because the pain is so horrible but they don't want to suffocate it's just the way the brain is working and when they breathe in and they fall down and then the pain is more intense and they pull up till they expects eight now people ask me over the years do I believe in capital punishment my answer to every time people ask me a question is I believe in whatever God believes in Genesis 9:6 life is precious to God does God want to take a life for a life no he wants to teach us that life is precious life is precious and the life of a creatures in the blood now I'm sure that some of us could almost see somebody being crucified maybe like a child molester a pedophile who kidnaps his victims rapes them and kills them we might not be able to watch we can almost go okay okay the Bible says that rapists should be take their life kidnappers murderers does it happen a lot in the Old Testament very read that it ever happened because God expressed his mercy but does God have a right so I'm sure somebody go okay that guy raped and killed 40 children and just destroyed lives and Families but you know what the crazy thing is the crazy thing is that Yeshua actually died for that child molestor something we don't think about what kind of crazy love is that guys would you or would you give you a your baby boy up for a serial rapist so not only should we focus on the horrors of the crucifixion but I think more importantly we should focus on who it was that was being crucified look at what the beautiful section in Isaiah has to say about Messiah and his death it says it was our disease as he bore our pains for which he suffered yet we regarded him as punished how many people go through pain and suffering and you wacky packs spiritual people think they're being punished for sin if your sins will punish the way you think other people's sins were punished you wouldn't be sitting here right now do you have any idea of the mercy do you have any idea how sinful you are you're unintentional sins your sins will you look away at somebody in need your premeditated sins sins that you don't think the sins presumptuous sins sins that you have reconciled away as not being sins sins of omission sins of commission how did the body of Messiah get so flippin arrogant if we get arrogant there's no hope for the lost world the first stop is to recognize and become responsible for your sin you don't go on autopilot with the cross he was wounded because of our crimes crushed because of our sins the disciplining that makes us whole fell on him now as a side note I know a lot of you wrote to me and said by His stripes she'll be healed rabbi first of all this has nothing to do with physical healing once again we're taking scripture out of context it all this has to do with spiritual healing it doesn't mean that every time to get sick when you say it over somebody by a structure healed this has zero to do with physical healing sorry bad theology once again taking text out of context this pretext man our diseases our pains try to make it my diseases my pains my crimes my sins guys I went through some pain to prevent me from bleeding out I would have bled out and died in 90 seconds Yeshua went through a tsunami of pain in order to bleed out so that we wouldn't have two hands of kindness pierced beautiful feet bore through a tender loving heart crushed this this this is the problem or should I say this is the issue look at revelation 2 we're almost done just a few more verses so the angel of the church in Ephesus right here is the message from the one who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks among the seven gold lamp stands on menorahs I know what you have been doing how hard you have worked how you have persevered and how you can't stand wicked people so you tested those who call themselves emissaries apostles but aren't and you found them to be liars you are persevering and you have suffered for my sake without growing weary I think if we stop right there I don't think there's a soul that wouldn't say that sounds like a tremendous Church you know the rest of the story but if you didn't know the rest of the story you would absolutely say that sounds like a tremendous Church correct first of all revelation tube begins with a series of seven letters to seven actual churches that existed in Asia Minor which is modern-day Turkey emphasis was the fourth most important city in its time after Rome after Alexandria and after Antioch the first letter was to this church in Ephesus which is found on the western coast of Asia Minor the first thing to note is this letter is not from John it says it's from the one who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks among them this is from Jesus not John that's something very important to understand the menorahs or the lampstands are the churches themselves why there's supposed to be light bearers in a dark world guess what you're supposed to be a light bear in a dark world and the stars are the messengers of the churches held in God's hand he controls the messages he controls the angelic host he sends the messages to the person who's supposed to be the messenger a lot of people interpreted that this is the preachers and the rabbis of their day they have to hear from the messenger God sends the messenger to the messenger to give the message to the people don't even get me started about how many people are given their own messages don't even get me started self-proclaimed teachers look they had plentiful works they endured trial and adversity they did not tolerate evil men in their myths today there's no church discipline a couple gets divorced and you just say go to the latest service they were sound in doctrine they were active in service and they would tire in their efforts that's a tremendous church it sounds like us I could relate works after works orphanages and helping widows in wheelchairs and you name it preaching the gospel all over the world now I want to tell you something I prayed many times and I said Lord totally I submit to you a call recovered room or the resurrection room either way I'm with you but I said if you give me another chance so what I said I'll do more I'll do more I'll get more wheelchairs out I'll set up more orphanages I'll preach more I'll do more I'll do more give me a chance I'll show you Lord I promise you you know what I found out it's not about what I'm gonna do it's about what he's already done now two more verses look at this look what happens revelation two four and five he says you beautiful but see nobody wants to hear the buts anymore they just want the commendations son you're the best listen your son's an idiot and you need to tell them sometimes you need to stop being so pop psychology today we have pop psychology I asked a friend of mine who's the president of the Southern Baptist Convention you are the last frontier the Methodists the Presbyterians the Pentecostals history you're the last frontier who's supposed to hold on to the Word of God and you're waning what's happened you don't preach about the crucifixion anymore what happened pop psychology five ways to be a better husband three pillars on being a better believer pray more do more service let me tell you some you get the crucifixion all those things will fall into place guaranteed the crucifixion will cause you to lose your self in him you won't have to figure out what to do for God you'll hear his voice and you'll do it I have this against you you have lost the love you once had therefore remember where you were before you fell go back to that place turn from the sin guys he doesn't call it a shame Jesus calls it a sin he doesn't say it's a sad state of affairs he says man it really hurts my heart he's calling it a sin because the Bible says to love God with all your heart soul mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself turn from your sin repent you don't repent from something that's not sinful and do what you used to do before remember remember your honeymoon otherwise I will come to you and remove your lampstand I will snuff out your light if you don't turn from your sin that's not a good thing it's not good there are churches going through the motions sitting there giving you pop psychology and how you could have a better life using God's scriptures and their light has been snuffed out and it don't matter how talented their musicians are it don't matter how charismatic their teacher is it don't matter how beautiful their coffee shop is no light from the Lord their Bridal love from messiah went missing you see it happen in relationships all the time all the time the love that once flowed warm and full and free was gone they no longer had the same passion for Messiah and their work was no longer motivated by love nor their love for one another they became selfish and self-absorbed and Yeshua says repent like the Ephesian Church it's so easy to fall prey to a cold mechanical faith many focus on doctrinal purity I see it today Gentiles are craze for knowledge crazed they hide themselves up in a room and study on the Internet not connecting with anybody no amount of zeal for truth no moral purity can replace a heart full of love for Messiah I believe that we desperately need to revisit the cross we have to do more than acknowledge the cross theologically with our minds we need a fresh revelation of the cross we can be born again again and come back to our first love last but not least revelation 2:7 he says those who have ears let them hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches now obviously he's not talking about us in the Greek most of you have ears yes they might be a little stuffed up but you have ears so he's using the word metaphorically metaphorically it's the faculty to understand once you understand something you've gained knowledge but if you don't apply that knowledge there's no wisdom in fact it's incredible foolishness to have knowledge of something to understand something from God from the Holy Spirit and then not put it into action foolish foolish and how important is wisdom it's the most important spiritual gift we have we're told to pray for wisdom today how little wisdom do you see people operating in on so many different levels to him winning the victory that's the one who comes back to his first love because everything starts from there the Torah is foundational the crucifixion is the foundation he was born to die you can't have a resurrection unless somebody's dead you're not saved by the resurrection and you're not saved by the birth you're saved by the bloody horrific awful crucifixion issue a promise is a blessing to those who heed his words the right to eat from the tree of life in the Garden of Eden so many of our young people today who were raised in Christian homes my parents who cried over them and prayed over them will sell themselves out for a bowl of lentils like that so crazy said with all that was done for you the right to eat from the tree of life man he's talking about the the Garden of Eden is restored he's fast-forwarding us from the first century to Revelation 21 22 no more pain you'll never hear two words like Children's Hospital ever again no more emotional stress and terror no more mental dysfunction because there's no more sin without that you have nothing you have no hope you have nothing to live for I would tell you go into the world and knock yourself out have fun the Ephesian believers could look forward to the future glory of eternity with God if you don't love your schewe why do you care if you spend eternity with them here's the bottom line not only was Yeshua crucified at Golgotha but so will we so will we we don't realize that the church is like no no that's all on him no no I was crucified with Messiah it's no longer me that lives but he that lives in me get yourself crucified just don't put present yourself a living sacrifice dangit present yourself a living sacrifice died a sin self in the world died to the world it has nothing for you it hates you the old us is history along with all our self seeking ambitions we are the Lord's we are the Lord's both by creation and more importantly by redemption his ownership of us dates back to Golgotha so we will bought with a price and a very priceless price I may add that being the case if you truly believe that you will bought with a price then we can no longer think of ourselves as our own if we do then we're taking that which does not belong to us guys God so loved the world that He gave His only only begotten Son that if you really believe that you will not perish but have everlasting life so God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through him this is the message of the Cross let's stand together [Applause] just think about how many so-called believers forget the world for a minute are gonna have to hear from the Lord as he's weeping I don't know you from my perspective I can't make you believe anything it's hard enough for the Holy Spirit to get me to believe certain things it's gonna be worth it focus on what's important focus on what's important go to the cross all back in love with you schewe like it used to be and stop arguing over stupid things that don't matter or getting caught up on idiotic things like a brown patch in your grass you want to see some good grass and I'm not talking about moving to New York so you can get high legally the gardens gonna be a nice place guys with all the crap we've been through you don't want to miss out on it we will park ourselves here for a couple of weeks I think it's holy enough for us to spend a little time on we'll see some other things will understand why Paul was so emphatic about not messing with it and why he was so protective because as the chief of sinners he knew he knew what he was saved from the sad part is the body of believers for God because you know we're holy now right you know we point back to the children of Israel and go how they saw the co how could they guys you're in a much better position they didn't know from Messiah they didn't have access to the New Testament they didn't have the laws written on their hearts like we do and guess what they had no power from the Holy Spirit so how are we doing you got to figure out that God is worthy not about what time sundown is you're missing it you're missing it you get caught up in that minutiae and you'll forget how to love I guarantee it so thank you for having me today it's uh it's always it's always nice to to just share the gospel it's such a simple magnificent story and for some of you who are trying to be popular I noticed that's a big thing today be liked and in your insecurities it's killing you there's not a guy or a girl on earth that will love you like issue now may the Lord bless you and keep you little what make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you his peace and the name of the principle peace I mean given oi fever aha you're an annoyed Pineau Valeska ah yes ah I don't know poor novela huh the SM spots alone guys I love you
Channel: Getzel
Views: 7,467
Rating: 4.9298244 out of 5
Keywords: Hershberg, Getzel, Message, Cross, part 1, 2/2/19, 02/02/2019
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 44sec (3524 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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