(August 25, 2018) Hypocrite or Legitimate (Part 2)

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[Music] last week the Lord you know stopped me at a point it's kind of weird you know when he says stop then I just I'm talking I go okay I'm gonna stop here and you're like wait a minute you know most I think most people have a script and they have to get through that script even if they have to rush it I don't have a script I have some scriptures and I try to get downloaded and if the Lord says stop stop now I can tell you it was a really good thing we stopped because there were two add-ons that were crucial that I would not have given last week because they weren't there so I'm here to tell you once again that God absolutely knows what he's doing and and please don't ever say God is your co-pilot because if God is your co-pilot I'm not getting on your plane God is your pilot you're just a passenger there's a section in in Matthew 23 you know it's it's it's right before Yeshua speaks about the end days the sign of his appearing he gives a lot of eschatology and then 97 verses 24 and 25 and then 26 he's taken away and he's murdered and and then that's the end of the story pretty much after his resurrection ascension but in 23 he talks to the religious leaders these are the pastors and priests and reverends of his day okay and I want to show you this first word it's called some some of your Bibles say that there's eight woes I don't want to split hairs there's a there's a section that I think was added in much later I don't think it's part of the Canon so according to me and my Bible this 7 was no big deal 7 is a number in gamma tria for spiritual perfection and Yeshua issues to the religious leaders these 7 woes to them do you have that up this isn't on was somebody's supposed to turn this on does anybody know how to turn it on you point to him he's pointing to you it's like I had him in the garden it's the blame game it's alright I just I'll just look up there it's no big deal I don't mind I don't mind at all we don't have access to screens in the in the jungle in in Kenya and Tanzania and India so it's no big deal this word whoa I think it's important they call the seven woes and I'd like you to know what what what it means obviously it's a Greek word because we're in the new testament the new test was written in Greek and so the word means a loss but it's an exclamation of grief distress and lamentation for what's to come I want you to know that Yeshua was incredibly compassionate a little different than us all what was like you're gonna get it he wasn't saying that basically what he was saying to them is my heart is breaking for you I'm so so broken because I know what's coming for you it's important that you know the heart of God you know when when God speaks to Ezekiel his prophet he calls him the son of man and that's a term a Hebraic term that means servant that's why Yeshua refers to himself as son of man in the Gospel of Luke because he's speaking to the Greeks and the Greeks were looking for the perfect man and he was showing that in order to be a great man you have to be a servant of men and so he says to Ezekiel son of man servant don't you ever think that I take any joy when somebody dies in their sense like he says if you do you don't even know who I am and I think it's important for us to know that it's very important for you to know your father's heart crucial that you know who your father is so this whoa was an overwhelming sadness and a grief that Yeshua had because he knew where these guys were going now what is he what's the problem with these guys what the raw material is leaders they hypocrites they're actors stage players pretenders I haven't gone to church but one time in my life a short time I got met the Lord in Israel in 89 from 89 to 90 - I don't know why except this is what the Holy Spirit asked of me said study the word so I read it hours and hours and hours every day for three years the end of the three years the Lord moved me from New York to Florida he said moved to Florida didn't ask any questions we moved to Florida sight unseen no job Bernadette and I managed to secure two jobs when we got down there took us about three months she was making finals now I was making finals now I was cleaning toilets she was working for an accountant so we were making a whopping ten dollars now between the two of us we were working a 40-hour week so we're making $400 a week on the books we barely got by but God said to go and I was happy as the law cuz I was right in the center of his palm and I knew that because I heard his voice constantly if you're not hearing God's voice there's a lot of different issues why they could be sin it could be you're not being obedient to where he wants you to be all kinds of situations that I can't get into at this point but you guys have been going to church most of your life right I mean most do you make a knights right that's that's part of the deal you just Wednesday night Sunday morning Sunday night right by the way I noticed that making got the air conditioning fix this morning that's neat huh but you have met your fair share of pretenders you have met plenty of people that supposedly live with the Lord on Sunday but wouldn't live with the devil the rest of the week and it's it's bad for everybody the number one reason why people don't go to church and don't want to deal with you is because hypocrisy now they might they might be exaggerating a bit and they don't understand but that's that is the issue they don't understand they don't know God how can you ask them to look to God when they don't know God how can they look to something that they have no connection with so you're the only issue were they gonna see for this time for this time and then they'll know then they'll have it figured out that nobody's perfect and all that other good stuff but with that being said it's real bad it's real bad for God it's real bad for his kingdom it's real bad for his glory it's real bad for his name it's bad for you and it's bad for everybody you come in car and I'm gonna be honest with you I see right through it I don't know I hate to see it I don't want to see it I try not to look at your life I don't want to get involved but there are times God just shows me and I'm like because then it's it's hard for me to take you at face value you know what I mean so I pray god I don't want to know I don't want to know it's between you and them I don't want to know but being a pretender is unbelievable and it's it's hard isn't it yeah if you're somewhere or a meeting and you have to be somebody you're not don't you just want to beat yourself up after what because you like man it's so hard to do you know acting is actually hard acting is hard got to memorize the lines you got to get into character you know maybe they're overpaid but but it's not as easy as you think but they get paid a lot of money to act you're not getting paid enough to act let me show you the god picked out three woes three is also a great number it's the number four not spiritual perfection but divine perfection it's God's number and you could find tons of threes in the Bible well let me show you the first wolf Matthew 23 13 it says but woe to you hypocritical Torah teaches in perishing Torah teaches with the scribes they taught the law of God they were experts in the Mosaic law they didn't only teach it but they taught us how to walk it out okay it's wolf howl aha had to walk out the laws of God how to conduct yourself the Pharisees most people think that there were twelve Pharisees I don't know why they just go well those 12 disciples those twelve Pharisees there was six thousand Pharisees they were highly regarded highly respected they were favored among the common people they believed in the resurrection they believed you go to a place called Hades or shield which by the way Hades has not helped Hades is the place of the Dead you know the Apostles Creed Jesus wanted to hell Jesus did not go into hell okay I know some of you will brought up with that Hades is not hell Hades is the place of that Hades Greek word Sheol the Hebrew word when you read in in in Psalm 16 in the King James Version it says that he went into hell I wouldn't read the King James Version if I were you hey King James was an antagonist to the faith he killed thousands and thousands and thousands of Christians in England why would I read a Bible that he commissioned not only that but it says Jesus resurrected on Easter why am i why am i provoking God by saying a word that's from a goddess that Deuteronomy says if I invoke that word I bring curses on me and my household only version of some of you like I was taught that the King James Version is the only version okay so you were taught that you did you look into it no I just I'm telling you to look into it okay hell and Hades is two totally different words they're never used in the same sentence and it's a bad translation if you look at Psalm 16 and I can go over hundreds others but we don't have time I'm just I'm telling you I'm just telling you look into it for yourself okay I'm not telling you to drop the KJV look into it all right now rabbi but that's the one I memorized okay so you want to stick to your guns even if it's wrong because you're comfortable with it sounds about right I get it so the perishing the Torah teaches said woe to you these were the spiritual leaders a bit over this time and they did not like him they hated him because he's still right through them he loved them and he cared for their soul and he told them the truth because he was a man of love and love doesn't lie but the religious leaders and the people with religious spirits they hated him you know why was they couldn't handle the truth they were so prideful in their own understanding of their theology although was off that they held on to their guns and said you're disturbing me they hated him so much they figured if I kill him I don't have to listen to him because if I listened to him long enough the conviction is killing me I either have to change or kill the convict er they killed the convict er and it didn't help them one bit the words still going on for you are shutting the key listen what he system you're shutting the kingdom of heaven in people's faces neither entering yourself so you're not in nor allowing those who wish to enter to do so so not only you know them but you're preventing others from getting in whoa what is that about you want to talk about a wolf okay so in theological circles and I know some of you have theological degrees my apologies but the first one was directed against what's called obstructionism now that's not a word that a five-year-old knows but theologians like to speak in five syllables it makes them look smart and then small people gravitate towards them and then they listen to them obstructionism it's a mixture of condemnation they were condemning people and the mixture of regret and sorrow sadly enough the religious leaders were pulling people away from the kingdom of heaven instead of towards it some of you sitting here have been saved by the grace of God but you stand at the gates and you prevent others from coming in until they get it right like you got in by getting it right and then if they don't think exactly the way you do they don't worship on your days and they'll celebrate your feasts you want nothing to do with them who died and left you Messiah scholars now I will grant you the Kalam that has changed nobody wants to deal with it but think if we all got on the same page how unified we would be yes it was changed it was changed by man it was changed by men that warrant of God that weren't born again I don't want to follow them but I don't make a federal case out of it it's not a weighty issue to me but it is an issue before the law I mean if you ever think about it we go back to the beginning God worked for six days then he I'm afraid don't be so don't be so logically you know uptight God worked for six days while he created God - six days and on the seventh he rested and was refreshed and so come to pass from one new moon to another that's Isaiah one new one to another meeting as long as there's life and for once you're all flesh come all flesh doesn't mean all Jewish flesh now you can't you can't refute what I'm saying especially when you know how it changed but this is your system and you're comfortable with it and you will not change it and it's not going to prevent you from getting in the kingdom but know this God did not change the Shabbat and I don't care how smart you are sir you're not going to dance around that I defy you and don't show me a verse in Colossians because I'll spin your head around with that verse it says don't judge anybody we're talking about judgment Corino with that thing said I'm here to tell you that natural man cannot handle the grace of God natural man cannot handle the grace of God they can't handle it none of us in the natural can how do you fathom the grace of God how do you fathom the holy and awesome creator and sustainer of the universe being more than willing to forgive you of your detestable horrific ugly sins there's no way you can fathom it this is the problem though because you can't fathom it you don't want anybody else to fathom it and so because you don't really feel forgiven you say you are but you operated so much guilt you don't feel forgiven so you're like hey if I don't feel forgiven I'm not gonna let you feel forgiven and you know what you hurt me so if I forgive you I free you I don't want to free you I want you to know you hurt me so I'm gonna let you know I'm gonna let everybody else know and I'm not going to be nice to you to let you know I want you to wallow I want you to suffer I want you to feel the pain of what you did to me and the only person that really feels the pain is the one who's operating on forgiveness was the one who you're not forgiving could care less that's probably why they hurt you in the first place they don't really care about you they're not sitting around going oh god I wish I was his friend they're going to like you so you've got this umbilical cord attached to them and you're trying to feed them with this horror and you're eating it yourself everybody in here knows what I'm talking about this isn't rocket science you know you don't need dr. Phil Oh Oprah did you know to let you understand this so so what's the moral of the story understand the grace of God receive it so you could dispense it stop thinking that God loves you especially Bush you don't need pork there's a ton of gangbanging Muslims that would shoot me in the head and think they're appreciated appreciated by Allah and guess what they don't eat pork either rabbi you're crazy we don't knowwe where are you you're like you beat up the Jews and you beat up this and you beat up that you I'm siding with the truth that's all I'm interested in for me personally I'm just gonna share with you it was all about performance not act my dad was a great guy he gave he my dad and mom salted their people in if they had five dollars to their name they would give it to you if he needed it no ifs ands or buts and he would help anybody anytime anywhere 21 years old he goes to fight world war ii world war ii they weren't that well-trained very different than the army today he was a sharpshooter Bronze Star for bravery two Purple Hearts missing in action no joke you try to have be raised by a guy like that and a ranger you think it was easy so I was going to be all that he never got a chance to be he didn't go he didn't get a chance the school so I was gonna go to school and do great great great grades he didn't have a chance to play ball so I was gonna be Jim thought I was gonna be the great athlete I was gonna accomplish so much and he just had such high hopes for me so a 98 wasn't great a 98 was okay on a test what yeah 98 son it was a good grade but you didn't know two percent of the work that might show up on the final if my dad ran your family would be a different ball game yeah I would love my dad was a lot dad they actually when they get mad at their children they count I'm gonna count they count dad they give him a chance and then they count over and over again like one one and a half one in three quarters and that they're really mad at them they give him a time out time out what's that they go to their room with the flatscreen and their video games and then they suffer in their room and they even bring him a snack as they feel bad for him while they have ten minutes of timeout man I wish my dad was alive today he would knock me out just for saying that like I'm sorry son I gotta lay out you born upon yourself yes school sports and work at work I had to give 110% the problem with that is I give 110% but you can't give 110% all the time so when I'm given 110 for like weeks or months then people expect that then if I give 95 I'm a slacker you follow there's nothing wrong with performing excellently there is everything right about doing a job with excellence especially when you're doing it in the name of the Lord and because you're believer guess what everything you do is in the name of the Lord everything you do is a reflection on God there's nothing wrong with that but a works based righteousness is exhausting by the same token faith without works is dead right so you have the absolute grace of God which is always there but if all you do is hold on to that without any production of works that are evidence to this to this faith of ours and do you I don't know if you feel this way but there's a fine line there's a line you can cross over so easy where you operate so much in truth that your destructive some of you I'm telling you you're my friends I love you but I've been at this a long time you're new at this you're destructive you're asking people to operate at a level that you don't operate yourself how hypocritical is that how hypocritical is that that's a hypocrite and then you go sometimes the other side and you talk so much about grace that it's deceptive and people are involved in by setting sin but setting sin is where you rationalize the sin that you're in and you compromise and you think God's okay with it listen I'm here to tell you God's not okay with any sin on any level on any level and you can almost rationalize it you could be involved in a sinful life I'm not talking about sin when it has an interlude when you're fighting something even if sometimes you don't win and you fight but you're fighting it and you've been off the thing for like two weeks Riggs and you fall to it but you're fighting God acknowledges that you're fighting you know we could have victory in the in the Spirit of God we can have victory but you know what it's a constant battle you're not going to win every fight no way if you're telling people that menu are erroneous and you're being destructive by the same token if you've given in to the sin well God understands no he doesn't if you're not fighting he doesn't and you've compromised and you're involved in something called besetting sin and the issue is I'm going to tell you what the issue is you love your sin more than your Savior people will teach let me tell you something I Christians psychologists okay I'm not a big fan of psychologists anyway but Christian psychologist is what they'll tell you the reason why men and women of God sin is because they have a low self-esteem the reason why men and women of God sin according to this psychologist is they love themselves too much when the guy commits adultery what he's saying is I don't love my wife as much as God I I mean I don't love my my wife that much my kids that much and my god that much not even the woman I'm messing with I love me more and I'm gonna make this decision for me rabbi you're crazy you're crazy if this ain't the truth and if there are 400 people here and there are 10,000 people listening and ten thousand four hundred ten thousand three hundred ninety-nine say you're crazy but one person walks away from that sin then it's a success what do you say we look at the next whoa you're like whoa let's look at the next one shall we all right Matthew 23:23 whoa do you hypocritical Torchy's the same audience and perishing you pay your tithes of mint there's gonna be a good one guys there's gonna be a good one yeah another big compromise you pay your tithes of mint dill and cumin but you have neglected the weightier manners of the Torah what does Yeshua talking about Torah for I don't know he's pretty Torah observant if he wasn't we're not saved that's a that's a that's a crazy one right out of the gate right Harry is telling people to do the things according to the Torah and people say has nothing to do with the Torah in Al the Torah justice mercy and trust these are the things when he says these are the things one of these dramatically what's he referring to who are these justice mercy and trust right these are the things you should have attended to without neglecting what is he saying without neglecting what tithing do you know how many idiots I hear I'm sorry that's a that's a bad word morons I hear men of God men of God who say that tithing was in the Old Testament just in Malachi don't they read I mean it's right is that not plain Yeshua Jesus is saying out of his mouth to the religious leaders look though there's weighty issues justice and mercy and trust of faithfulness those are very weighty the lining issue is tithing but it's still an issue I don't teach tithing I am in toward climbing here ever some people do a series on tithing I'm not going to do a series on murder don't do it I'm not going to do a series on tithing you're supposed to and when you're not you're sinning and if you're not part of a good church because you can't trust them first of all what are you doing there at least find a good Minister you could tie to well go take care of some poor people but don't tell me it's not in the New Testament George Barna says that less than three percent of the body of Messiah in America tithe it's pretty said that ninety seven percent in violation we love the Lord rabbi sure you do this week a girl from Trinidad I know you're watching I'm sorry I'm not gonna say your name you know that because whenever I read something I always check with the people Trinidad a young girl she sent in a tithe there's people you know how many people tie that don't even go here she sent in her tithe listen this though this is sick I know some churches do this I think it's sick she sent in her pay stub to show that her tide was legitimate 38 bucks she made three hundred eighty dollars last month and some of you drink up the coffee send your kids in Shabbat school wouldn't give a dime to the ministry I don't care because we are provided for we don't need you or your money rabbie you can't say that this is the American Church you got to be nice to people because you want to keep coming and put in the basket the Lord is my provider I love you but I love you too much to manipulate you and placate you there's too many people playing games from this pulpit it's holy you don't play games from the pulpit so the religious leaders are so meticulous in tithing their IRB's they're pulling that little cumin and bringing it to the priests meticulous you follow we got to tithe our herbs Yeshua didn't give them a hard time for tithing the herbs he gave them a really hard time for being utterly unscrupulous when it came to justice mercy and faithfulness towards others it was a show they were bringing their time because people thinking wow they even tied their herbs they're men of God you follow that's what Pharisee ISM was all about it means to be a separate one we're supposed to be separate ones but it was all a show it was all external religious ritual the fish on the back of the car the nice jacket I'm holy he's saying yes tithe via Dylan you meant in your human but what about justice mercy it's about weighty things verse light of things they're both important things now look at the next verse this is priceless blind guides that's where we get the term the blind leading the blind if you're blind and people are following you you both fall in the ditch that's what he's saying if you don't know the Lord if you don't have intimacy with him how you gonna how you gonna guide anybody else to have intimacy with them you can't take some more you haven't been right I'm no curator but I know if I take you to the Museum of Modern Art in New York City I'd be like this museum might not have at it straining out a net is an at a clean animal no it's an unclean animal is a camel an unclean animal because unclean animal in Israel so by rights should they strain out in that yes here's even if something's a little unclean you should get rid of it he's not chastising them because they're straining than that he's chastising them because they're so meticulous about straining out a little thing but they're swallowing a camel rabbi I would never eat pepperoni on a pizza but I will watch movies with a cheese pizza that I shouldn't be watching that makes you a holy man bless your heart because you're watching the movie too bad movie hey Jesus ain't eat no pork it's crazy trust me there are too many Gentiles walking in the Messianic movement that are crazy that out of their minds I'm trying to help you not become crazy I've been at this for 30 years and I've made a lot of mistakes and I've learned a lot I'm helping you not to go through it I'm trying to prevent you if you want to touch the oven and itay it's hot you want to burn yourself have at it then that used to fall into a cup of sweet wine now in the first century do you know why they drank so much sweet wine the water back in the first century was putrid you didn't even want to smell it it was awful so what they would do they would actually mix not water into wine but wine into water they would actually put wine in their water three to four parts maybe three parts water one part warning just to get rid of the putrid smell wasn't like they would just wine those people think of they just sitting around getting drunk no they did it for you no so three parts water one part warning and then what they would do is because the Nats would smell the sweet wine and they'd go into the cup they go they'd strain with their teeth and that's so he's hitting him he's they know what he's saying he's saying look at you you strain than that is that something you should do yeah wants to drink a cup of Nats it's a good thing but he's saying but you are ingesting how do you miss it how are you missing this how are you straining in that and ingesting a camel camels a big animal I think they can hold like 65 gallons of water big animal that was that was the issue it was ridiculous they were taking such care in things that were of not major importance they weren't important but you know physical trainers of some good I think you should probably exercise everybody knows it's good for you but spiritual training is far superior I'd rather see a fat sold-out spiritual person then you know Jack LaLanne who's going to help you know what I mean now look at Leviticus just so you see this so I'm not making this stuff up Leviticus 11 says all wings swarming creatures that go on all fours are detestable things for you except that of all wings swarming creatures that go on all fours you may eat those that have jointed legs jointed legs above their feet enabling them to jump off the ground specifically of those you may eat the various guys locusts we know you'll come on the immerser aka John the Baptist ate locusts grasshoppers katydids that's a horned grasshopper and crickets so I've been to places where you know yeah one time a dog intestines but I did not know like Roman says I did not know till after the fact and I'm here to tell you it was dang good now it was horrible absolutely horrible but I didn't know Leviticus 11 for it says but you are not to eat those that only chew the cud or only have a split hoof for example the camel the Coney the Coney is a rock badger you find them a lightnin Getty and the hare the rabbit are unclean for you because they chew the cud but they don't have a split hoof so insects were jointed legs and animals who have split hoofs ok but - the cud like a like a cattle they have four different stomachs and they bring it back up that's don't you ever see them they're always chewing they regurgitate chew back and bring it back down so this is what God says we can eat animals that have jointed legs and split hoofs what do you think do you really think it's just about eating let me help you out it's not I know some people are very literal now like all I know is I can only eat an insect what a jointed leg and that's all I'm doing oh we should admit it that's all you know that's good however there's spiritual lessons in all this physical stuff what is God saying about the split hoof and the jointed legs he's telling you you have to separate yourself from the world in its system it's bigger than just food you have to separate the world has a system it has its own dress code it has its own literature it has its own movies it has its own politics it's it it was designed by the devil himself to make us happy without God that's the system that we wouldn't need him who needs him now what about the chewing of the cud he wants us to meditate meaning reading and studying the Word of God in other words a person can eat kosher and still have a very uncool I've stopped I'm here to tell you do both do both so every time you sit and eat it's a reminder we eat all the time right I mean come on some of us were no different than the cattle chewing 24/7 right I'm only Messing it's it's really hard today our food sources really stink we didn't give the land rest like God told us to so the the land is it's just putrid there's no nutrients that are coming up even some of us that have organic Gardens even those that's a struggle GMOs and additives and it's poison we've just poisoned myself it's really said and everything that tastes good is bad for you I mean I remember eating health food back in the 70s those health food stores they smelled like dirty feet and everybody and they look like they were dying but now now we have good stuff out there but look it's very expensive and somewhere on a very tight budget and you know just it's three times as much they don't have that kind of money to throw around some of you say we'll just eat healthy well you're rich buy some groceries for them but you know you can always eat rice and beans it's a complete protein totally complete all the non-essential and essential amino acids and rice and beans that's how people in poor countries have gotten along fur they're still around right my friends in Chiapas South America there they're alive so late anyway what are we talking about nutrition what do you see out of your mind I don't come here to talk about that okay last whoa Matthew 23 27 28 woe to you hypocritical Torah teachers and perishing you will like whitewashed tombs they whitewash the tombs back then because if you touch the tomb at night you are unclean and you can go into the temple for seven days you had to purify yourself so they'd wash him white because obviously there was no light so people would see him so they would avoid him so he's again he's hitting them right where they live they know what he's saying they're not scratched in the head the reason why I love you Shu his words is they're very simple you don't yeah you never walk away and go what was he trying to say if you walk away and you go what was he trying to say something's wrong that's the author of confusion you are like whitewashed tombs which looks fine on the outside but inside a full of dead people's bones and all kinds of rottenness that's moral on the final image the rottenness likewise you appear to people from the outside to be good and honest but inwardly this was it this was fighting words they were done with him he was calling him out he was calling them out full of hypocrisy and lawlessness let's take a look at those words hypocrisy you know to dissimulate aren't the people that write the lexicon beautiful I put my own definition there it means to conceal one's true motives and thoughts to pretend simple they were pretenders and lawlessness this is a biggie guys the condition of without law anomia whenever you see the negative participle it means without in the greek so are no Meah no moses law and no Mia is without the law they were without the law what teacher the law without law yeah yeah sometimes you know teachers aren't the best practitioners right hey watch that the condition of without law either either either either because of ignorance some people ignorant now when a cop stops you and you say I didn't know the speed limit was 65 what does he do oh that's cool I was just making sure you know now you know right all right see you gives you the ticket because ignorance is what and the Bible is clear it says nobody is with excuse so just because you're ignoring it now there's willful ignorance most people operate a willful ignorance they know what the truth is or a rabbi I know Constantine I know if you know so much more on why aren't you doing it how much did well I know but I know but I know will you move your big butt out of the way either because of ignorance willful violation I'm just violating it without law anomia it's comes will we get the word today anemia when you have anemia you could die because you don't have good oxygenated blood you have you know you don't have enough red blood cells running through your body and all organs suffer and you could shut down when you're operating in anomia you're going to shut down actually you're gonna shut down and you will not hear from God I don't care how much you name and claim and cast out the devil instead of casting out the devil you need to cast in the ways of God in your tabernacle it was a real problem they would teach us but not good at practicing that was their syndrome saying they were very careful to maintain an outward show of religiosity morality but their hearts were fulfilled it was the person verse the personality they wanted everybody to see the person but they were just showing that personality we show our personality people we're on job interview we show up first no we don't tell him you know you don't tell the guy in the initial interview listen I just want to let you know I go to the bathroom a lot and sometimes I just sit in the stall I don't have to go but I play on my phone just want to be upfront about that sometimes late in the afternoon I get real tired now you're shut down I look like I'm typing but I'm really not it was good you don't say that he's showing you personality that's your person so a lot of times we show a personality not all person God sees a person and we know our person and you don't have to instantly show you a person every Tom Dick and Harry I just be honest with god otherwise is definitely anything accomplished I want you to know though that all of us sitting here have some dead bones in our tabernacle all of us have had planks in our eye and we'll continue to put places all right none of us have a totally clean tabernacle that doesn't mean that if we're operating with something very unclean as a lifestyle I'm not here to say it's okay it's not okay it's not okay and with Russia Shunta coming I think we should hear the trumpet and do our best to clean up our act it's safer it's nicer it's happier it's much more enjoyable and it will bring such a more intimate relationship with God that the other way is just not worth it it's gonna come back to haunt you it always does everybody I know who created of you sitting there life always tells me 20 years later boy I wish I could do it all over again let's look at this parable then we'll try to wrap things up maybe Matthew 24 the next chapter after his woes he talks about the parable of the wise and the wicked servant he says when that when the mast the left which right now Yeshua's left right he's not here he's at the right hand of the Father the Holy Spirit's him he's not here so he's left the master is gone and and we're left and we can we can choose to be a wise a good servant or a wicked a foolish servant that's the choice with with with the Lord there's always two choices there's no door number three that's let's make a deal only two choices there's no deal either this way or that way I love that about God I love that I really do he makes it simple for a simpleton like myself it's very simple to follow it's either this choice of that choice Greg can I have another no Greg it's not the world I give you this so that you choose life or death choose this day in that easy would it be wonderful if you hold the Internet today right how many choices do you have some like all the choices I'm telling it's driving us crazy we're wasting a ton of time looking at well this one has this gizmo and this one has this but I can get this and then you get it and then two weeks later they come out with something else then you go why didn't I wait just yet what's adequate don't make a federal case over you driving yourself crazy as far as you walk I take that seriously he says if that servant is wicked and says to himself my master is taking this time and he starts beating up his fellow servants and spends his time eating and drinking with drunkards then his master will come on a day the servant does not expect at a time he doesn't know and he will cut him in two he's trying to tell the Pharisees after the wolves get with the program guys like it with the program like I love you I'm what can I do I'm trying to help you man he will cut him in two and put them with the hypocrites now I know I know because I've lived in the South now 15 years I know sometimes when somebody says to you I don't want to go to church there's just a bunch of hypocrites and and sometimes you say well that's cool we can always use another that's a stupid statement because the hypocrites are going to hell so are you telling him come on you can go to hell with all of us that's not it that's not it that's not good what would Jesus did we wouldn't say that if somebody was you know walking around Jerusalem and said hey I don't want to go to the temple cos a bunch of hypocrites Jesus would say it's okay we have room for one more I'm just saying be careful of what you're saying the hit the hypocrite these these people gonna be cutting to put outside with who's outside the hypocrites and how do we know it's bad they're gonna be grinding and wailing that's not good that's not good so you don't want to say that I don't feel I don't think that we have a lot of hypocrites here I don't know all of you but the ones I know you devout you devout you're reading the Bible you're praying you're coming to synagogue and being discipled you're out there ministering you're working hard you're trying to encourage people you're trying to encourage yourself you're trying to take care of your family you're trying to live an honest Integris life and when you fall short you feel bad and you repent I'm not gonna call you a hypocrite don't play yourself won don't play in the enemy's hands the wise servant was found caring for God's people the evil servants they weren't they they could care less when the mess was coming home he's a false disciple so his appointed place is with the hypocrites Paul speaks in first Corinthians you know that was a wacky congregation they were whacked but yet there was some unbelievable teaching that came out of that whack place and he says now this he this this guy was a very very humble man he was brilliant he was hand chosen diaspora to come and be a student of Gamaliel who studied on the Hillel I mean you're talking about millions of Jews and he was handpicked brilliant you couldn't understand them his vocabulary and everything about him brilliant off the charts and he says everything I ever was I consider it done that's a slang word for crap that's first-century crap dung he said I'm not interested he says all I know now is Yeshua who crucified what that simple he chose to make that simple and he would never say imitate me remember how upset he was he says you've got false teachers coming in in Galatia in Corinth after he left false teachers came in Plus you know the minute light shines the devil is going to try to put it out don't you know if something good happens here you don't think the devil is waiting outside there he's not in here but he's out there not in the parking lot right right on the road price Road his own price wrong I don't let him in the parking lot but he's coming for you if you get some light of some revelation you get closer to God he's gonna do everything he can to end that man he's comin why should you be afraid no he that is in you is greater than he that's in the world don't be paranoid but you better be ready for a fight you better be ready for a fight cause if you're not you're gonna lose Paul would never say he goes you're making me feel like an idiot I I'm a humble man and you're making me boast but you got these morons that came in and they bewitched you and it's killing me so now you're forcing me to boast well they Jews me too I'm from the tribe bencher he starts to boast he hates it though he would never say imitate me but look what he says he says imitate me even as I meaning if you don't see me imitating the Messiah don't even follow me he's saying the key is if I'm imitating the Messiah and you're imitating me in essence according to math you're imitating Messiah look at the words real simple word me my taste will we get in English what mimic mimic to follow it means to do exactly what when you mimic somebody right anybody mimicked don't ever mimic me I'll kill you but just you know don't you hate people that mimic kids sometimes do it right you're like come on we're gonna go this door come on we're going to the store I don't think my kids would mimic me that would be the last time they they do but with that being said we are called to be imitators not impersonators it's crucial you know the game Simon Says who knows the game Simon Says who doesn't know the game Simon Says come on Millennials Simon Says was a game I used to play when I was young it would say put your hand on your head and if you did it you were out you'd be out because you'd have to say Simon Says put your hand on your head and then if Simon's I don't know who's Simon is I don't know who he is but he obviously wielded a lot of power and a lot of authority so if Simon said he had to do it look the game is simple we just need to play Yeshua says he doesn't we know what he said right so for those who don't we have to make sure we know what he said whatever he said we should do but truth be told I'm here to tell you rabbi Greg is here to tell you today that even if you know exactly what Yeshua said to do without the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit we are doomed all I could say is I don't believe in luck good luck I don't even have a prayer for you if you're gonna try to operate like yushua without the presence and power and I mean legitimate power of the Holy Spirit I don't know about you but when I operate without the power of the Holy Spirit I'm a mess and it does anybody know what I'm talking about I mean you can operate a little bit you know like on Saturday morning how's your week but come on if we put a hidden camera in your house you know we're gonna see right Galatians 5:16 17 says it like this this is what I'm saying this is timeless right this is written 2,000 years ago by the Apostle Paul and I could say this is what I'm saying this is what I'm saying no really I'm watching I'm gonna say it run your lives by the spirit run your lives by the spirit then you will not do what your old nature wants it has an appetite the old man it just is it you think all the old oh the oldest passed away everything's new you had that work out for you it's present progressive the old hasn't passed away it's alive and kickin and it wants to grow it wants to live it wants to walk around it wants to strut its feathers sometimes even we talk about the old us right and we're trying to bear testimony sometimes we're glorifying the devil old nature wants what is contrary it's a war their archenemies everything the flesh wants the Spirit doesn't want everything the Spirit wants the flesh doesn't want total archenemies the total antithesis of one another and the Spirit wants what is contrary to the old nature you see he's making it very clear saying exactly what I said he just says it nicer these oppose each other total opposition so that you find yourself unable you see what he's saying he's saying the same thing I said at the beginning without the power of the Holy Spirit you won't be able to do it you could put on an act without the peril Holy Spirit you can impersonate without the power of the Holy Spirit you could show your personality with the palette Holy Spirit but you're not gonna move in the ways to go without it period and the story I defy anybody to try it if you've never tried it it's a losing battle in other words what I'd like to say to you is if your plan is to go straight and the Holy Spirit says hang a right what should you do bingo but if we are on a mission and we're going straight the Holy Spirit might tell you hang all right so we don't do it right you'll hear this hang all right hang all right hang all right then the next time you hear hang all right and then after a while you won't hear nothing and you'll be your own God run your life the way you want and still saying I love you Jesus I'll love you Jesus with all my heart we were in the Serengeti I went there to visit a bunch of pastors not the Serengeti Serengeti he's full of animals it's a it's a very expensive place where everybody goes on safari and I was in the jungle with these guys and we were teaching it's crazy if we'd started 12 in the afternoon there'd be like two in the morning and they'd still be sitting there unbelievable and I said as many pastors could fit in a van I'll find a way to get a van somehow cuz it was you know you're talking about the jungle how do we get it have to go this town that's a kisi and then throw a gamble and then anyway long story short I got a van 15 passenger van let me tell you when I was young anybody got a Ringling Brothers do you remember the clowns in the in the Volkswagen Beetle remember how many came out they have nothing on my friends in Kenya nothing you you wouldn't believe how many guys were in this van you wouldn't not believe it I wanted to tell you but we got there we got Serengeti and we're in this we get another van of the Serengeti and we're driving in the Serengeti the wildebeests were crossing from Tanzania to Kenya they do it every so often and they got to go through the kissy River the Masai River and and and the crocodiles get him and and national Geographics there I was bored to tears I was I was sleeping in the van literally I could care less about about that but all of a sudden they saw somebody stuck this nice little pudgy white couple from Europe and they were stuck in there in their car and they didn't they didn't get out to push it you know they're stuck that's red dirt and these guys they have like one nice outfit that's all they have and they wanted to look nice for a by Greg so they put it on you're talking mint green and it's made out of like chiffon almost you know that material I mean that you stain it and it locks in mint green and and and Pink's and you know very vibrant colors and they're all wearing now and all of a sudden they stop the VIN and they start walking towards this other car that stopped and I start going with them and they're like begging me not to go out of Honor and I said huh you don't really know who I am I'm going and then they start like crying you can't go so I realize okay I'm messing with their culture I'll sit I don't want to offend them they come back to the van full of red dirt I don't mean a little I mean covered and they're laughing and they're in the van and they're singing and ask my interpreter what are they singing and they said they're singing a song thanking holy spirit' for bringing them down this road so they could help somebody out who was stuck five 1921 we're almost home I promise I'm sorry it's taken long but we have a first ship out of the month and I can't mess around I got to get this done it is perfectly evident what the old nature does it expressed this up by the way sexual immorality has been around forever and it will always be around favorites the number one sin we think oh we're so much more sexual immoral now yes we are however it's always been around it's nothing new nothing new Under the Sun tricks and morality and purity and decency involvement with the occult some of you some of your verse and say idolatry and with drugs it's not that if you take an aspirin then you're involved drugs were used back in the first century to commune with evil spirits you got to look up the word and do a study before you jump to conclusions feuding fighting becoming jealous and getting angry selfish ambition factionism intrigue and envy and drunkenness orgies and like any am i describing anybody's life before you schewe I warn you now as I've warned you before this isn't the first time those who do such things will have no share in the kingdom of God very very clear it's like doesn't matter what you say doesn't matter how many times go to church doesn't matter you about your salvation experience missions doesn't matter if you're doing these things these are the actions that are flowing out of human nature apart from the work of the Holy Spirit these are the things that sinful man including myself gravitate towards men have a desire to be in touch with the spiritual realm that's why you see the occult they do they want to but if they reject God's revealed way which means going through your schewe they cannot and will not receive the Holy Spirit a life that's characterized by these at four mentioned catalogue of fleshly works is unsafe make no mistake unsaved last but not least Galatians 5:22 23 there's hope it says but the fruit of the Spirit love joy you know you know you'll memorize it in Sunday school and all that good stuff the spirit fights against sin not merely defensively but offensively you don't have to be in the defensive position like I got a fight section line go go the other way be offensive offend the devil by producing positive attributes of godly character mess the devil up love appears first why because it's the greatest quality there is in that it most clearly reflects the character of God love God operating love doesn't matter how Stern how uncompromised we all we have to offer has to be loved I do what I do because I love people I do what I do because I love God and I love people I don't go to these other countries instead of orphanages because I don't love people it comes you know there's there's other reasons but mainly I feel horrible for them I feel terrible if you see if you see people that are that are hurting and your heart doesn't break something's wrong something something happened joy is a close second because we're saying that we're totally content with God and his dealings with us no matter where we are Lord I'm content peace with God three issue is sacrifice as well as peace of God so peace with God through the sacrifice but there's you could have peace of God security and soundness feeling secure patience I'm gonna stop at that one patience basically abandoned our own ideas and our own timetables you know a lot of us were on a timetable and if we don't get what we want when we want it we lose our patience is anybody else struggle with patience does anybody not struggle with patience one or two okay you're definitely on some kind of drug probably are we patients also indoors in afflictions and annoyances and in slowness in avenging wrongs it's it's short it's it's not quick on the trigger I don't know if I should tell you this I'm gonna tell you this last Sunday was a rough day rough day for me I'm very close to my kids very close to my family Shana moved to New York City and she's a little girl and I've always protected her even when she was out she only had a friend or two you know she wasn't decided not to really socialize that much and she's amazing amazing girl I mean we worked real hard but I'm just telling you she's a gift from God she was the kind of kid that saw angels when she was young and prayed over me and I was healed as crazy very special and and she's very pure in a lot of ways people think she's stuck-up but they're just judging her without knowing huh she just chooses to be solo and even when she would go out every now and then if she went to pick something up I knew where she was I didn't let her know but I knew and so I'm a protector I'm just a protector that's that's me that's what I do I've always done it even when I was secular I protected people and so she's she's a New York City man eight million people I grew up there so a crazy place it's a little girl she's 16 15 so I was struggling Sunday it's a really struggling and the Lord also talked to me about some I'm gonna go off the record here I want you to know that I'm not insensitive to you O's I'm not I know I act very tough and very strong it's because I I kind of I'm kind of concerned for what's coming and I want to toughen you up a little bit I want to toughen you up because I'm I don't want you to fall apart when the crap hits the fan so a lot of times I'll give you perspective like you you know if I hear somebody saying oh there's nothing to eat and then I see people dying in the street in India so you know my perspective right but I want to say I have to apologize I really do I have to apologize because I know some of you think that I'm almost too tough you all your woes whatever they are even if it's good to school it's real to you it's a real sadness and I can't put sadness on a scale and go well that's saying this but let me tell you about real sadness so I just want to apologize if I've ever been insensitive it's not that I'm insensitive I'm very sensitive I just don't want you I'm afraid that you're gonna wallow in it I'm afraid that it's gonna depress you I'm afraid that's gonna take you out of the game so so because I'm concerned for that I go the other extreme but I'm here before God and before you just apologizing to let you know that I'm not insensitive especially after Sunday well I just I just needed something so I made Lily sign a contract that I did I told her that you know she knows because she's been trained by me that God is a covenant maker he signs contracts with us that's what a covenant is he says I'm gonna do this for you but you're gonna do this it's not gonna be a one-way street and that's good right when you marry somebody you think the better for worse they're saying for better for worse right why is it a one-way street why is a friendship Wyatt why are you always calling me for a favor and that's the only time you call me it's messed up so he's a covenant maker and a covenant keeper so I said gods are covered in makeup we got to make covenant so I made her sign eye Lily Hirschberg hereby solemnly swear to be my dad's best friend because Shana was like my best friend be my dad's best friend until death do us part and then I put my name her name and then I looked and I came back I left the room for alibi came back and there was a PS and shows PS but God wants us to love other people so I can love other people too and have other best friends but she was concerned I was gonna her ala not let it be with not willing to with anybody else so I was I was practicing being her best friend and we we went to a movie you know there's not 20 movies you can go see but one see that shock movie because I heard there was no sex in it know this and no cursing I figured I'll go see it guys I don't know what the heck happened I used to have a really bad temper really awful but I haven't in years I really haven't I've lost adhere I know max is like they are you kidding me I I'm just saying from where I was you know listen to me you have to forget about finishing the message you have to understand how far you've come - I'm a guy who always tried to get the hunter on the test and always tried to be the great athlete so me I just look at how far I have to go that's that's my orientation and sometimes I almost could preach that from my soul I don't want you to do that it's it's dangerous and it's abusive it's abusive what I want you to do is I want you to see how far you have to go that's okay but you have to look back not to glorify your old nature but look back at how far you've come otherwise you're gonna have no encouragement to keep going you follow if somebody has a desire to lose 200 pounds because they are 400 pounds and and they're at 350 you might see that person go bomb a person is really heavy they're 350 they lost 50 pounds they going in the right direction you follow so I took Lily out to see a movie now how many how many go to movies back in my day when we went to movies nobody talked her in the movie anybody know I'm talking about like not only would they have a guy with a flashlight kicking you out but like they just wouldn't do it it's called by common courtesy where did that common courtesy go it left the building with customer service right and competence competence common courtesy and customer service are history remember when the customer's always right now the customer is always wrong what happened it's so whacked so we're sitting in the next last row we get a little late in the movies pact so the reason why I'm confessing this is I feel like confessing it but also I'm concerned that maybe you were in the movie theater so I'm just gonna confess it I'm sitting in the next letter O I just finished crying the whole day I'm very weak and upset I'm sitting there with Lily I think I just had an argument with you two like ten minutes for you dropped us all because I was so upset we had a big argument so I was I went in and Max knows of I have a big argument with him I need to stay in a padded cell for a little bit I don't need to be out in public so everything was going against me right kid yeah I was a time bomb I'm in the next to last row behind me about so it's the last row there's these three guys and they're talking but I mean they're talking they're not just talking about the movie they're talking did anybody no one talking about and and I'm like pod deaf so it was loud and I know everybody was upset and I'm sitting there going is anybody gonna do anything and I'm sitting there and I have massive a DD so if you're going like this it distracts me big time so I'm trying to watch my daughter I'm trying to you know collect myself after a big argument and they're talking I wait five minutes ten minutes I stand up Eileen and I get in their face and I go loud thank God I didn't cursed I said you're not in your living room you understand what I'm saying [Laughter] and I sit down and you know my heart cuz the adrenaline you know I'm ready to go the Adrenaline's flowing I think I'm gonna have a heart attack and then then I think this is how crazy I lost it I separated myself at that point from God I'm thinking these are three young studs I got a dislocated shoulder back in the day no problem you know I just see one person with six arms but they're gonna come at me because this is the day we live in right you can't say that to somebody then I'm thinking my daughter like what do I do if I'm indoors so I'm thinking I got a text max come to come here get Lilly cuz I'm going outside with these guys there's no way around it they're gonna wait for me anyway so I might as well you know what I mean give it a good college try but you know I I should have just walked over to them excuse me guys it's kind of loud I mean I don't want to get in your face I don't want to be disrespectful but by the same token I can't hear and I don't think anybody else can can you please hold off the conversation till after the movie right oh well uh didn't go that way everybody in the theater in fact when I jumped because it was a shock movie the people behind me screamed and cursed cuz they just didn't know what what was going on all right what's that dear oh yeah they did well there's someone to tell you something on the streets ninety five percent of people are all talk and no action you just golf a bit you running through the five percent though that will cost you now this happens and it didn't work you know what I mean if you have a reputation in a town at work but if you're in a new town you have no reputation it's like what's going on oh they're going like this it's not good look it says it says in Romans that we have to renew our mind our mind is the way we think the whole key to this thing is changing your mindset the battle is all upstairs it's all in the mind and whatever you believe is the way you're gonna conduct yourself whatever I believe if I believe it's bad to eat this way I'm probably not gonna eat this way if I believe it enough you know sometimes somebody has to say enough you know lose something before they put on a seatbelt right I mean it happens it's said that we have to learn from experience but with that being said we think sometimes that character will produce our Creed but Creed produces our character whatever we believe that's why when I get with people I go so what do you believe and they start talking to the Al Jarreau no no what do you believe how you should really conduct yourself that's why I can tell a lot about people because whatever you believe that's why we just have to change our thinking the old thinking is poison the way I used to think before I knew the Lord I didn't really have much of a conscience in fact I'll go the other way I thought this is the things you do as a secular person these are the things you do to Boston but as a man of God you don't do these things man and you want to be delivered you like o deliver me from drinking or deliver me from from pornography to living but deep in your heart you're saying I kind of like it though you're crying out God deliver me but in your heart you're saying I don't really want to let go and God can't force you to let go he can't you have to really need it and change diets how many people have been on diets had that work out for you how many different wardrobes you have in the closet diets don't work lifestyle changes do it's the same principle in the in the spiritual realm so I'd like to just close with a really beautiful exhortation the best way to change your mind guys as far as I'm concerned I could be wrong believe me I don't have all the answers I don't even have many answers is to live in close communion with the Lord this is the best way I know how as we gaze upon the Lord in in loving devotion as we meditate on his word as we dwell in his presence the Holy Spirit does this amazing transformation that's why I cannot stress enough I cannot stress enough the importance of spending intimate alone time with the Lord if this is what you want if truly is saying I want to grow closer to God I want to hear his voice I want to be more like sure and you mean it the only ways to spend intimate time with the Lord if you're not if you're a guy that hasn't opened up his Bible and weeks it's not gonna work you can yell at God you could demand from God you can call things down it's not gonna work it's just not and this little investment of time has has such great rewards for you that I can't stress it enough with that being said there's a great section of Scripture and I think that if we want to see change in others we have to be that change we must be the change that we want to see in others that's the bottom line love can't be an outward show it's gotta be sometimes you'll read it in some of your Bible says love without hypocrisy love shouldn't wear a mask it should be genuine it should be sincere and it should be real let me close what this section in Romans give me that last two slides where you please dearest okay it says don't just pretend to love others really love them really love them hate what is wrong if you're gonna hate anything hate what's wrong hate it so much that you want to do the right thing hold tightly to what is good hold on hold on to the good stuff love each other with genuine affection and take delight in honoring each other never be lazy but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically and Theo's in the Lord rejoice in our hope don't don't ever let the devil take away you hope the Blessed hope of what's coming you know it's called the great and terrible day of the Lord for some it's gonna be terrible for us it's gonna be great rejoice in that confident be patient in trouble and keep on praying stay in constant communication with the Lord when God's people are in need be ready to help them be ready be ready to help them so that when they need to help you can give it to them always be eager to practice hospitality God will bless them I'm sorry bless those who persecute you that's why we send a wheelchairs to Bethlehem don't curse them pray that God will bless them be happy with those who are happy if somebody's happy well why wouldn't you want to be happy for them and weep with those who weep it's it's a beautiful thing if you can be happy with somebody's happy and then turn around and cry with somebody who's mourning let's finish this up live in harmony with each other don't be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people look some you know I just know certain classes of people it's like just don't worry about what what people do worry about who they are don't be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people and don't think you know it all that's got an exclamation point let me say it the way Paul wrote it don't think you know it all never pay back evil with more evil that's ridiculous do things in such a way that everyone can see that you are honorable we have to be the change we want to see in others do all that you can to live in peace with everyone I know some people make it really hard and I know some people need to just be told the way it is they do you can't just sit there and go you need to say hey you're a misery and you make everybody miserable okay I said it there you're not in your living room dear friends never take revenge never take revenge leave that to the righteous anger of God for the scriptures say I will take revenge I will pay them back says the Lord instead if your enemies are hungry feed them if they are thirsty give them something to drink in doing this you will heap burning coals of shame on their heads don't let evil talk to you but conquer evil by doing good let's stand together sorry you were here a little longer than I expected you'd be here next week we'll process the Torah week after that we'll celebrate your Torah then you won't get poor and surcoat and before you know what Hanukkah will be here and there's the end of 2018 crazy huh time is flying yeah make good use of it may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the Lord lift up his very confidence upon you and give you his peace in the name of the principle PC schewe ever Illinois face my wrath hah you're an annoying of Alissa Vanessa yes sir I don't know boy poor novella har the assembly hall Oh God bless you guys
Channel: Getzel
Views: 5,193
Rating: 4.9402986 out of 5
Keywords: Hypocrite, Legitimate, Hershberg, Getzel, Part 2, August 25
Id: 8pUwLL4DnA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 40sec (4660 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 26 2018
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