Jun 12, 2021 - Is It A Sin To Not Be Happy As A Believer (P 1)

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let me begin with a question today okay and the question is this is it a sin to not be happy as a believer and the reason why this came up is because i don't think people know the answer and i to be honest with you didn't really know the answer i used to think that it was a shame to not rejoice in the lord as a believer that's what i thought it was a shame but i would say you could have me record i would say i don't know if it's a sin or a shame i would say that i don't know if you remember some of you've been here a long time well god told me the answer and i want you to see the answer because it's really important okay so i want you to know first and foremost you can leave that up there for a second all ancient religions all every single religion there ever was attempted to win their gods favor or to appease them every single solitary ancient religion tried to win their gods favor israelite worship which is the one true worship of the one true god that's supposed to be our litmus test right that's supposed to be our template was marked by rejoicing in response to grace and blessing you follow that's a big difference right and i want to tell you a quick little story when i went to india the first time it was very overwhelming when when i went to south america and central america i traveled with a guy a friend of mine mark he was born in costa rica so obviously he was fluent in spanish spanish was better than his english but his english was impeccable as well so there's no language barrier plus he was a pastor he was one of three pastors in the assembly of gods and i don't know if you know how big the assemblies of gods are but it's 250 million strong okay he was one of three evangelists one of three in the whole organization that went around to different places to raise money for the assemblies very gifted wonderful love them love and love and love and love okay so where in south america if i said something that was kind of wrong or if i said something that was against their culture he could fix it here i am in india with samuel who barely knows english so how is he going to translate what i'm saying in english in telugu so that people can understand it was very very challenging so when i first got there all i needed some wisdom i needed i needed some wisdom from on high and all i said to them was look i've come about 9 000 miles and um i came because god told me my god told me to come because my god wasn't there god and i said i just have one question for you in all the years in all the years of you walking in this fundamental hindu religion in all the years have you sacrificed into your gods because you know some of them have even thrown their babies in the ganges river throw their babies to sacrifice to their god some of them will give their last morsel of food to a snake god and starve now in one way you say ooh but i'd like to see similar dedication in the christian faith not that you should sacrifice your babies but come on sacrifice something for god's sakes anyway side note sorry sorry no um i said in all this all the millennia of sacrificing your gods what has your god ever done for you and it was like that you could hear a pin drop all of a sudden it hit all of them like our gods have done nothing for us nothing and i said let me tell you about what my god has done for you and man i spoke to a hundred people in the jungle and a hundred people gave the life to the lord and when they give their life to the lord they go back to their village and they they don't just get made fun of if a woman will you know right there the meeting she took oil and wiped off her her religious emblem on her forehead they get beaten severely the husband divorces her it's over it's over so our our faith our worship we're rejoicing in response to what god has already done we're not waiting until he does something so we can rejoice it's a preemptive rejoice strike what more can he give you but what he already has i mean do you understand the value of salvation maybe you do maybe you don't i don't know i can't answer that but if you did then you would rejoice i think in response to grace and blessing now this is going to be a little tough one this message it's going to be a little tough in the sense that i'm giving you i'm giving you what the bible is telling us it is not it is not easy to do and i'm going to go through it i'm going to be like i always am totally transparent with you you know full disclosure nothing hidden i'm not going to jerk anybody around i'm not just going to candy coat it with a few cute scriptures this is hardcore stuff our faith is hardcore but in actuality what you need to know what i need to know is that god commands that we find joy in him he actually commands it look at philippians 3 1. now i don't know how much you know about this letter you know it's only four chapters it's very small but this this congregation had a very special place before you read the verse listen to me for a minute okay we'll get to the verse in a second i'm still saying before you read the verse some of you are still reading the verse sir you're still reading the verse listen okay so you'll understand the verse it's not about a little verse that you put on your refrigerator it's not about a verse that you put on your t-shirt it's not about you highlighting and going this is my favorite verse i applied this to everything in my life you'll never understand the bible you'll never understand god never not to the fullest this was a very this was shaol this was paul's first congregational plant his first congregation and the first congregation in europe god told him to go west instead of east he was going east into asia minor if god didn't tell him to make a left turn then the missionaries would have come from asia to europe and america as opposed to the opposite so this place was special and the philippian congregation was generous they were the only ones that sent him support support so he could eat and drink and minister and time and time again they did this and this is the reason for this letter this letter is a thank you note the theologians won't tell you that because they're they're too bright for their own good this is a thank you letter from paul to this congregation that he loves you know this is really my first congregation that i planted this place has a special place in my heart and i love india i love all those congregations i love australia i love it and i love them but this is special you follow it's like you're first born no matter how many have the firstborn is always special that's why they get the double portion you love all your kids but there's something special about that firstborn because that firstborn is not competing with any other children you know when when i had my second now i've got two to contend with three four but when i had that first one it was just you know just the two of us we can no no um [Music] so this then is philippians this is one of the most cheerful and attractive books in the whole word of god yep one of the most cheerful and attractive books in the whole word of god i love this letter now let's look at the verse it says in conclusion my brothers rejoice in union with the lord it is no trouble for me to repeat what i have written to you before and for you it will be a safeguard now first of all in conclusion of what you see when you grab something out of context in conclusion of what what are you concluding on there had to be something before it right to make a conclusion so you'd be crazy to to to just have this verse rejoice in the lord always what's going on in philippi who are they where was paul when he wrote it why was he writing it you follow i'm not pushing i'm not badgering you but people don't teach people in the faith how to read the bible which is lunacy it's like telling somebody i'm not mechanical uh tune up that car i just give it tune it up just mess around with a little bit that's crazy right just crazy think of how crazy it is so the first two chapters were in now chapter three and by the way who put those chapters in there man did was it bad no it was they they use their brain because how you gonna teach it for teaching purposes it's smart it's wise it's good to have chapters and verses it's good the first two chapters of the letter to the philippians paul sending his greetings he starts off just sending his greetings and he praises them for who they are and he prays for them that's what's going on then he also sends his pleas he's begging them to persevere because they're being persecuted and as well as an exhortation to mimic messiah so he greets them how you doing or letter how you doing i miss you i love you i'm praying for you i'm thankful for you press on and do your best to mimic messiah okay we are called to be imitators not impersonators and then he gives examples he's a humble man that gives examples he gives himself and he gives timothy and he gives a path for goddess those three those are the examples in other words he's saying you can do it you know me timothy and patridit we're not like superhuman we're just like you you can do it we did it you could do it and he says rejoice look at the word it's real simple it means to be glad to be joyful now you know what that means to be glad and to be joyful sometimes some some words in the bible you know people um just deal with them from a very uh spiritual perspective and and they a lot of you listen to me a lot of you talk christianese to people that don't understand what you're saying stop it you've got to come to where they are you can't just talk christianese well we're justified through the blood of stop it you understand it because you've been a believer a long time they don't so shaol he is urging the brethren to rejoice in the lord no matter what the circumstances may be i told it it's going to be tough it's going to be tough it's tough for me the source of all his singing is high in heaven you follow in the letter he says i have a dilemma i have a dilemma i have a real serious problem he's saying he's saying i so badly want to die not because he was depressed i want to so badly be with messiah but if he won't take me yet then man i'm going to glorify his name and tell everybody about him his dilemma is he wants to go we do everything to not go we're the exact opposite our dilemma is oh no what if because we're living on earth he's living in heaven his abode is in the heavenlies nothing can really affect his joy as far as he's concerned unless the circumstance of the situation first robs him of his savior and that my friends is impossible nobody can take your savior away from you it's impossible so because he was so united and so in love and he knew the cross better than we do he knew what he was saved from he was killing believers and not just any believers jewish believers god's chosen he understood the key reason we can rejoice is the fact that the son of god was willing to come to earth as a man and a bond servant a bond servant not stopping at healing and teaching which would have been enough but he went all the way to death even death on a stake as a common criminal i got a new friend here jimmy jimmy wave that's jimmy i told you i told you a couple of weeks ago about him i met him at the gym i walked up to him i walked up to him the other day he was there and i stuck up on him and i said you know what i wish you were rich and he goes why and i said because i'd trip over your walker and fake an accident and sue you a lot of people don't talk to him because they don't think he has a sense of humor because what he hasn't walked he has no sense of humor you have no sense of humor because i don't know what to say how about hello and i was wrong i told you last time he had 600 stitches he had 800 stitches in oklahoma for well over a year broke you name the bone he broke it but ask him ask him after say why was it a blessing for you because if he died he was going straight to hell and god allowed him to live and save his soul [Applause] and the great news is when the lord comes back to restore the kingdom and restore eden he won't need that walker natural happiness guys and you all know this your natural happiness is affected by pain by sorrow by sickness by poverty and tragedy we're all in this together you don't need to put on an act for me it's okay you don't need to i'm super christian i'm super believer i never get upset rabbi stop stop it please i'm begging you it's not that kind of environment it's just not it doesn't work and it's not true but a believer's joy supposedly is to rise high over all the waves of life and proof of this is that shaol is giving this exhortation from prison and it's not the prisons that i minister at there's no air conditioning there's no three square meals no offense i know prison isn't a joy we have a big prison ministry but the prison he was in shackled rats snoring on him no food at times beaten no rights no constitutional rights surely we can take the advice from such a man like this look what he says in philippians 4 4. rejoice in union with the lord always i'll say it again so now he turns to the entire congregation not just a few in philippi and paul repeats his favorite exhortation the secret of his exhortation is found in the words in union with the lord that's the secret do you have superhuman powers nope but he was in union with the lord you follow he is saying that no matter how dark the circumstances may be it is always possible for the believer to rejoice in the lord now okay i'll hold off on that thanks in other words in other words a believer's joy should be i said should be not must be should be mood independent that's a tough one right because we are moody we are moody he's saying that no matter how dark the circumstances may be no matter how dark we can rejoice if it were dependent on surroundings and circumstances then our joy would be like a candle in the wind for instance one day in ministry i get to win a soul to the lord then there's a stretch of days i never see one one one day i'm officiating at a wedding there's great joy at a wedding at jewish wedding we always sing havon aguila and the next day the next day i'm standing at an open grave watching somebody being lowered in as their family is bawling one day i'm receiving great news great news from somebody or someone and the next day the next day sometimes the next hour i'm receiving a horrific report that's my life that's what i do so how how can i or you find joy riding this roller coaster that we call life i think the joy has to be found in the unchanging changelessness of a god who is with us always he is with us when the wedding bell is tolling and when the funeral bell is tolling he's with us in the days of our prosperity and in the days of our adversity he's with us when we wear a crown of victory and when we were a crown of thorns he is with us in the day of life and he's with us in the day of death now i'm not necessarily a chip a person who sees the silver lining to every cloud i'm not it's not my persona and i don't tend to see the glass half full so it's not a natural tendency of mine to put on a happy face can can anybody relate to what i'm saying now i'm well aware um not because of who i am but because of what i do i'm well aware that some of us are going through great trial and hardship well aware and i'm the last person to be insensitive to another person's pain the last i mean i i tell you i might have told you this and i just want you to know kind of who i am i don't want to be misunderstood not that it's important but in this sense i think it is um you're much younger than me you guys are much younger than me but back when i was a kid i'm 62. i'm talking about like 60 years ago um the trains the elevated trains and you know we only have elevated trains in two places in the world in new york and in chicago and i used to take the trains everywhere to visit my grandma she lived on interview avenue everywhere and um back in that day guys would come on the train and play the saxophone blind guys and they'd play the saxophone they'd have a dog with them seeing eye dog in a cup tin cup and um that's what they did and i would always my mother i remember it like it was yesterday three years old i would turn around in the seat with my knees on the seat and turn away from the guy and look out the window like i was looking at something but i was just crying and i didn't want anybody see me crying i wept now people will say oh you shouldn't have pity on that person why not you're hurting their feelings am i it's sad you didn't pray for that does anybody pray for that when when when your wife was pregnant did you pray that the baby would be born without sight come on don't put that on me it said why would you not be sad yeshua was moved constantly that was his character and so then you cry and you cry and you cry but in the bronx crying doesn't work well for you now you can't go to olinville junior high school where i went on 216th street and cry it's like a prison almost it's like the shawshank redemption you got to toughen up and if you're not tough you better learn how to be tough and you could fake it for so long because if you fake toughness and somebody calls you out on it they're going to find out real quick you're not so i want it to be legitimate but when i met the lord it's like he said to me we're going to start over you can go right back to being three again and it's taken me years to shed this tough skin i'm 62. i got saved when i was 30. 32 years ago and i'm still shedding it because there's still greg you know what i'm saying there's still this flesh that kind of you get in my face i might rise up but i've done i've gone you have no idea the change i promise you i promise you you have no idea my kids know they've seen the change when i when they were younger and it's a beautiful thing to see god changing you but you got to want to change so i'm well aware but i can't deny that the bible says that we're commanded to rejoice i can't deny that i can't dance around that i just can't it is clear to me it is clear to me listen i was an orthodox jew don't let the phylacteries and the tassels kid you okay okay there's more there's more molestation in the yeshivas than there are most places just like in the church the catholic church you can't do that to a man he's going to need an outlet that's why paul said if you're like me meaning he had a gift of singleness i've met two people in my life that had the gift of singleness they had no sexual desire whatsoever none it was a gift but if you don't he says you better take in marriage because you're going to fornicate and you're going to send you follow that's what he said right i don't care how much tour you read some woman that i love daily sent me a a a a video of two guys in israel they're building this place in judah and all the gentiles are running there to learn torah they're running and they're sitting down with them christians christians who are supposed to be blood bought spirit infused is sitting going we have so much to learn about torah they have so much to learn about yeshua torah can't save you and there's not a well let me take it back there was one jew who was totally tore observant one there'll never be another one do you hear me that does not mean that you should not pursue it but it can't save you no more than a mirror can clean your face in order to obey this command to rejoice guys we are going to have to get our hands on as much of the supernatural power of god as we could possibly do we are going to need to get as much of the holy spirit as possible to not lose your temper to not being a controlling mom to not being a lunatic about every little thing you're going to need the power of the holy spirit i'm telling you right now and you know what i'm telling you is true there's not one person in here that can refute it not one because truth is truth look at colossians 1 11. you know a little bit about colossians ephesians is about the believers in messiah colossians about the messiah in the believer the messiah is in the believer the messiah is in the believer and through this messiah he's like a cord that can run the holy spirit from almighty god to this tabernacle now there's a lot of ways to attract it there's a lot of ways to repel it i don't have time for that but look at what it says here it says we pray that you will continually strengthen with all the power that comes from his glorious might so that why so that you'll be able to persevere read your bible stop listening to what you've been taught by some kooky denomination man-made and be patient in any situation joyfully what not just patient that would be enough for some of us right just have some patience but to have patience joyfully just look at the word it's real simple to be cheerful upbeat happy now be careful because some of you have a happy personality but you really haven't been tested yet so listen next week i'm going to show you something be careful how you point the finger because god will put you in a test that you will fail you won't want that test next week's message is so much more important than this one this is a foundation next week's is unbelievable something i found in the bible that i never saw and i've been reading this thing for 31 years i never saw it i never saw it the believer's life our life cannot be lived by mere human energy now the human spirit is strong even apart from god right we see athletes i mean i was an athlete i would train four in the morning i would go to a job and come home and train two again and then go and swim at 10 o'clock at night psycho some people like psychos they just have the human spirit but what god's asked us to do no matter how much of a cycle you are you won't be able to pull it off without the power of the holy spirit it's not the same thing it's just not the same thing it requires to be joyful in any situation requires supernatural strength why did paul want the believers to have this power he really did he prayed for it constantly was it so that they can go out and perform spectacular miracles that's why some of you want the power and that's why some of you will never get it do you hear what i said that's why some of you want it and that's why you'll never get it i mean you've been wanting it forever have you got it no was it so they can raise the dead guys in the last hundred years how many churches how many people have raised the dead come on wake up and be honest heal the sick that's a biggie everybody wants to be healed everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die cast out demons that's a big one right in the charismatic circles they just they're cast now demons everywhere right they need to cast out some demons from themselves i don't think those are the reasons not the way i read the bible i read it pretty thorough the power of the holy spirit is needed so that the child of god may persevere and have patience in all situations with joy what is more important than that because we know that we don't know what tomorrow's going to bring we don't know when we're going to get that phone call so and so is it a car accident we don't know so that's what we need the power for that's the most important part of the holy spirit in some circles today a great emphasis is placed on so-called miracles such as speaking in tongues so let me ask something when they call and say your daughter was in a car accident she didn't make it see if your tongues works for you are we still on that even it's a gift and it's the least important gift of all the gifts are we still on that even by now you should be teachers and we're still on that milk some thinks it's healing the sick it's got to be a sensational act right because then if i can if i can lay hands on you and and you get you get healed i'm the healer look at benny hinn's ministry how many years did he do that nonsense and in all the years not one documented medical miracle and that's crazy rabbi can you call somebody out on that yes i am allowed to if it's something false and you're my kids i tell my kids why should i tell you do you want me to not tell you what i tell them we can do that we can have a peripheral relationship there is a greater miracle than all these in the age we live namely a child of god suffering patiently and thanking god in the midst of it all it's the greatest witness i've ever seen now sometimes sometimes we feel like we got to put on a front before people then we go home and we scream and yell and cry right don't do that don't do that you're going to feel like a schizophrenic you're going to feel you're going to get angrier at god you don't have to put on an act for me when something bad happens and you're crying i'm crying with you how could i rejoice when something horrible happens it's okay there's a time to cry it doesn't make you less of a believer don't put that on yourself it's unfair who's putting it on you is god putting it on you maybe the enemy is act like everything is okay hon when so little is okay you don't have to do that some people are very gifted bernadette is very gifted i don't know how i don't know why i don't know if it was because she was on her own at 15. maybe that was it toughened you up but i've watched her i've watched her get melanoma carcinoma melanoma it's like a death sentence for a lot of people and she goes and gets a pedicure the morning of the surgery they cut her back like this and i said where are you going i'm at the wall crying and she calls me where are you going i'm going to get a pedicure burn in two hours you're having i need a pedicure i've seen her come to visit me in the hospital and the duck said i don't know if he's going to make it and it was shana's birthday she was five and she goes okay i'll see you later i go where you going i'm dying it's chained his fifth birthday now you would think she doesn't care about herself and me but that's not the case she has this gift of faith it's a gift it's not because she's a great person just like if you get the gift of tongues you didn't get it if you have somebody go in the room with you and go ram ram ram bom bom run run because that's like somebody going you'll be wise you'll be wise you'll get the gift of wisdom no gifts are bestowed by the gift giver as the gift giver sees fit and nobody can manipulate it it does seem unrealistic to rejoice always doesn't it yeah yeah when they told me how to have emergency surges not like i went hallelujah now again bernadette again she calls me i'm in the hospital supposed to have dinner with this this doctor who i was very good friends with at one time in my life and um he ran the whole er and and she called me she says how's dinner with so-and-so i was like i'm not having dinner with so and so she goes why where are you i said i have a wristband on me i have to have emergency surgery right away i have a 12 centimeter aneurysm she goes what's an what's an aneurysm and then she shows up she shows up at the hospital he's there another two doctors they're saying we've never seen one this big it's like hello guys i'm not an experiment and then burn that in front of the doctors and nurses they said you know your husband has the largest aneurysm on record if he survives it'll be the largest one on record she looks at me in front of him says well you like to do big things she's horrible she's a horrible person she's a horrible person a terrible wife and you know what she's away but you two have to know and a terrible mom it's time you knew the truth i want you to tell your sister shayna and your brother jeremy was that dupe too how in the world is it possible to rejoice all the time now i want you know she cries a lot like when you guys send us something she just goes into tears it's not like she's she i don't man we cry a lot you have no idea but anyway um i just don't think she laughs all the time and i don't either so you might ask me how in the world is this possible rabbi what you're saying is crazy i'm saying that in the world it is not possible scripture doesn't command us to rejoice in the condition of our nation some of you keep talking about how horrible the nation is it was prophesied where do you live can you believe they're taking down the ten yes i can because it says it was going to happen and when you see these things your lord said don't be downcast look up because you're about to be liberated [Applause] if everything is restored he doesn't need to come back it's not that i don't i don't like the direction it's going in but i know the final end to that direction and i like it my soul rejoices we're not to rejoice in the condition of our nation we're not to rejoice in the direction of our culture rabbi do you believe they're ordaining same-sex yes don't you read about sonoma and gomorrah but you're spending so much time grieving over it where is it getting you besides depressed i'm not saying to live under a rock but you keep reading the same stories sending me the same dopey youtube videos we're not to rejoice in that can in the attitude of our spouses sometimes it doesn't say that anywhere in here it doesn't say we're supposed to rejoice in the loss of a job doesn't say we're supposed to rejoice in our failing health oh i'm so psyched i'll need another surgery i'm so psyched hallelujah we ought to rejoice in the lord it is not easy guys it is not easy no sir no ma'am and next week you're going to find out for you that kind of lord it over people i i i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna have to give you a biblical warning about that because it's dangerous it's it's spiritually and biblically very dangerous okay i'll show you why because god doesn't like that we cannot be constantly happy in this world why the curse is in effect it's not possible some of you oh i'm happy all the time and you know why because you're in your own world and you don't care about anybody else so as long as things are good with you you're too blessed to be stressful what about anybody else selfish happiness self-centered happiness that's not what he's talking about here the bible says there's a time to grieve you just don't want to take that time right now it's going to rain on your parade but we have to remember i'm asking you to try to remember and pray for me that i'll remember that we're moving closer and closer to a day when there will no longer be any curse we are not just going to die and be a spiritual being in heaven flying around the heavenlies with a harp the lord is coming back he's going to restore on earth as it is in heaven your kingdom come your will be done he said pray that my kingdom come that might it has not come yet we that no it's here no no the curse is still in effect when he comes that's going to change he's going to officially sit on a throne we're going to have a physical king what you read in eden prior to the fall is what will be restored i can show it to you just one verse left revelation 22 3. it's promising me that there will no longer be any curses this is after the millennium i don't want to get technical with you because you you might miss the point just look there's a time when there will be no more curses the throne of god and of the lamb will be in the city and his servants if you didn't get it the first go around that's who you are will worship him might have a hard time worshiping him for more than an hour you're going to spend an eternity worshiping him no longer will there be any curses what does that mean perfect sinlessness perfect sinlessness nobody here is even remotely perfectly sinless i mean everybody in this building is perfectly sinful the throne of god and the lamb shall be in the city that's perfect peace do you realize now we're walking by faith then we'll walk by sight faith will be a thing of the past and his servants will worship him that's the best perfect communion uninterrupted communion with the lord the lover of our souls the fairest among ten thousand it is good and right to mourn and to grieve over what god grieves over however if we're always grieving and always unhappy then something isn't right or maybe something is radically wrong god has designed the human heart us to experience its greatest ecstasy in worship its deepest satisfaction in serving as some of our people who didn't serve who sat in church for 20 years being served being served being served they haven't been serving their whole life they've been serving their whole believing life it's kind of new to a lot of people you know what i'm talking about all of you because you thought you can come here and just sit and be served but now that some of you are serving tell me how your life has changed has been a little change but hasn't been an unbelievable change happy right you feel purposed you feel fulfilled you feel like there's a reason for you to be here you feel like god is using you and if god is using you he has to anoint you what's better than god's holy hand laying on your head what's better than god taking his mouth and lifting you up like a show farm blowing through you what's better than that guys that's why i told you for years it's better to give than to receive i've told you how to be happy and the greatest love that you'll experience is through the power of the holy spirit there's no love like it when we are living in fellowship with him we can't expect to be happy i uh recently i don't know how many people watch this show you're familiar with the show america's got talent well god had me watch it and i'm watching it and there's a lot of talented people right that america has from all over the world talented great singers and great performers and i'm watching but i'm wondering what's going on why am i watching this watching watching watching all of a sudden the last act this girl comes out to sing and she says i'm going to sing an original song and people don't like original songs they like familiar songs that they're familiar with right and she looked kind of thin she had pretty short hair and i don't i don't even know if she was really a believer i nothing led me to believe that but they said to us so who you here with and she said myself and she's very very sweet very tender and they said well what are you gonna sing what's the original song about she said it's it's called um it's okay it's about my last year life anybody saw this wow a bunch of secular no i'm only kidding so um so i don't know if you caught what i caught but there was a reason why god asked me to watch it and um they were they were taken you know and they said well how are you now you know meaning i'm okay i must be in remission and she said well i have cancer in my spleen my liver and uh spleen liver spine now i'm just gonna tell you unless an absolute crazy miracle she's walking dead and they said well then you're not okay and they got very emotional and she said she said this i'll never forget as long as you live she said you can't wait until life isn't hard anymore before you decide to be happy yeah you can learn from agt huh god can use anything and anyone and as she walked out they asked her you know so what's your chances or she said i have a two percent chance to living but she said that's better than zero percent and you could see a joiner 30 years old all by herself the better we know god the more we can experience his grace and peace those who live in the sanctuary rather than in the suburbs find the secret place of god's grace and peace now back to our question is it a sin not to be happy as a believer yes to never be happy to believe it sinful no question about it because we're breaking a command but i have a second question and a homework assignment as we close and this is the second question if i'm not happy as a believer never are there any repercussions or consequences to not obey the command to rejoice i want you to study this okay in between watching agt and snapchatting your friends and looking at your instagram account to make sure that it's growing so that you're popular and twitter to see how many views and all that in between that mess and in between researching things that probably doesn't even matter for anything um i'd like you to do some homework is that possible not not 40 hours it's not necessary and just see if you can find something on this you'd be surprised i found something that that shocked me it literally shocked me i mean it shocked me and i i hope it shocks you too because i think if it does i think it's going to help us to be happy more i think again let me go on record to say i'm not just a chip a person who sees the silver lining now i'm not the little redheaded girl that sings the sun will come out tomorrow it's not me and i'm not telling you to do anything that i don't i'm i'm aware that it's a struggle but but it's okay if we're all on this thing together this is a family at betheshua this is a very transparent family there were no secrets in my family but my dad and mom there were no secrets if they had an issue the issue was done in front of us bernadette and i are the same way we're too passionate to go let's take this to our bedroom we'll never make it there our bedroom was upstairs i'd be afraid she'd throw me down the stairs when i got to the top of it so i'll take my chance to just fight in front of the kids but i didn't want them to see something fake so when they get married and they're wondering why don't we get along like mom and dad do mom and dad don't get along all the time it's not possible it's not possible for two distinct personalities living under one roof to agree on everything and some things you will never agree on never one of you are going to have to give now if one's giving all the time and the other one's just taking that's a messed up relationship that person will explode there will come a time it could be 30 years in they go i'm done like but i thought you were okay with it what being a prisoner not having a voice just going with whatever you want who died and left you boss i told bernadette a long time ago i had a mom you follow and she had a dad i can't be her dad and she can't be my mom got to respect each other and sometimes when there's a difference you just you just agree to differ but if one person is always right the other person is always wrong something's wrong just sending that out there for some of you young guns or some of you old guns you know nobody can be right all the time i mean well there can be but you're not him the next time your wife or husband acts like they know it all take them to a very deep pond and have them walk on it as they're screaming and taking in pond scum water go out and save them say this won't happen again will it there's your homework you have a whole week to do it 160 about five hours at this point make good use of your time so we get together we can learn something together okay let's stand up bernadette went to new york she'll be there for a while so last night i begged max to cook for me he's an exceptional cook in some ways better than his mom oh have you eaten both their food shut up i don't know what you're talking about we're very honest in our family and it's been a blessing for us because we don't have to walk on eggshells all of you have a best friend right what do you love about that best friend that you can be yourself and say what you want you can be comfortable you love that guy right wouldn't that be nice if that guy was your wife well no but somebody's watching the first time going wait a minute you knew what i meant though right not telling you to marry your best friend i'm not some of you might want to break that grip right about now huh all right let's go while we can get out of here in one piece may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious on to you and may the lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you peace and then the principle peace yeshua is i love you guys shabbat shalom
Channel: Getzel
Views: 4,070
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Id: 54AhUpOKcxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 56sec (3236 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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